Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jul 5, 2016


Ken and I - Part 09

As Ken lay panting next to me on the grass I once again became aware of the urgent pressure that had built up in my pants. With trembling hands I fumbled with the button and zipper of my jeans, pushing them and my briefs down to my thighs so that my rock hard cock sprang free. As it did, long ropes of precum splattered off the head onto my thighs and shirt. At this point I didn't care whether Ken touched me or not, all I knew is that I needed to blow my load and empty my balls.

I barely registered Ken watching me as I reached for my dick; my hand gripped firmly and slid quickly up and down my slimy precum slickened shaft. I managed four or five strokes before I felt the contractions deep in my groin, signaling my impending ejaculation. Ropes of thick white cum began firing out of my throbbing dick, hitting me in the face and splattering down across my shirt. Breathing hard, I continued furiously pumping my hand up my slick shaft and head even after I had finished spewing my load; within 30 seconds I felt a second powerful set of contractions and a smaller load flowed freely out the head, down over my hand and into my small patch of thick pubes.

"Holy shit!" Ken exclaimed.

I gave a small exhausted smile and laughed, "I've needed to do that since this afternoon."

We continued to lay there in the grass, next to each other, our breathing finally returning to normal. Looking down at myself I realized I was a mess; I pulled up the bottom of my shirt to mop up the cum that had landed on my chin and cheeks. Slowly we both stood up, pulling up our pants, Ken and I looking at each other and grinning like a couple of young fools. Part of me wanted to pull Ken close to kiss him, but for some reason I felt like the moment for a tender embrace had passed.

Walking along the rails we made our way back to our where we had stashed our bikes. "That was really wild," Ken commented.

"Fucking wild," I grinned back at him.

"Y'know Martin, we should probably be more careful next time."

"What?" I asked.

"Well it's just that anyone could've come by and seen us and we'd never have noticed. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to get caught doing that."

I realized Ken was right; although the boxcar and bushes provided some cover, we both knew that we weren't the only ones that came out there. It wasn't unusual to see signs of small fires, empty beer cans and even condoms laying around. Clearly there were others that used this spot as a place to party and have sex. I couldn't even imagine what might happen to the two of us if we were discovered half naked, kissing or sucking each other's cock.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess we don't think too clearly when we É", I left my thought unfinished, both of our wicked grins filling in the rest.

Grabbing our bikes we headed for home, parting company at our respective houses. Although it wasn't particularly late I was exhausted and was thankful my parents were watching TV so that neither of them would notice my less than clean clothes.

The next few days passed in fairly routine fashion. I felt like maybe Ken and I would find a regular rhythm that would let us move forward, having sex when we could find the right time and place, and not doing anything the rest of the time that would give us away. I was feeling good.

I was looking forward to the weekend as I figured Ken and I would find plenty of time to fool around, either him sleeping over at my place or me at his. I asked Ken about it on Thursday, thinking that maybe he could spend the night on Friday.

"Sorry, I can't, we've got a football tournament this weekend. I leave tomorrow afternoon after school and won't be back until Sunday."

I felt crushed. I knew it wasn't like Ken was just blowing me off, but still I couldn't help feel disappointed. For some reason I didn't want Ken to know; we hadn't really talked about our feelings since Ken had told me he liked me, and I didn't want him to know how much I really liked him. It was silly, but for some reason I didn't want him to know I might like him more than he liked me.

"Oh, okay," I managed, hoping I sounded sufficiently indifferent.

"It's gonna be awesome. There's a pool at the hotel we're staying at so we'll be able to go swimming Friday and Saturday night. Well, mostly Saturday, coach already said that we need to be in our rooms early on Friday so that we're rested for our games on Saturday. But then we can party!" Ken laughed.

If Ken had noticed any hint of disappointment in my voice or expression he didn't let on. In hindsight, I was glad he didn't. I wasn't really ready to deal with my feelings, and maybe Ken wasn't either.

Friday after school I walked home alone, feeling a bit sorry for myself. It's not like I didn't have any other friends I could hang with, and the reality was that Ken and I had only been messing around for a short time, but he had become a central focus for me and I felt like I didn't know what I was going to do. I spent Friday night watching TV and of course jerking off in my room at bedtime. Feeling sorry for myself didn't interfere with my nightly urges.

Saturday morning I slept in until almost noon; my mother finally woke me, telling me that she and dad were going out shopping. I rolled out of bed, slowly waking up and realizing I badly needed to pee. With my parents out I was free to walk down the hallway to the bathroom without having to worry about them seeing my tented pajamas. Although I might normally have had a little jack off session with my morning wood, the urge to pee outweighed any other urge and after a minute of trying to will my erection to soften I was able to let loose a steady stream.

I showered, and although a soapy stroking session wasn't an unusual event, for some reason I didn't. After getting dressed I had some breakfast and figured I'd head out on my bike to see what was up. I had no particular destination in mind, but that wasn't unusual either. Sometimes I'd run into a friend and we'd end up riding and hanging out.

After a few rounds of the neighborhood, I found myself riding down the lane behind Ken's house. Of course I knew Ken wasn't home, and I hadn't specifically meant to ride by his house. Absent-mindedly I slowed down as I began to ride by.

"Hey Martin." I heard as I passed the open gate. Jamie was in his backyard, his bike upside down.

I stopped. "Hey, what's up?"

"Trying to get the chain back on. But I'm not having any luck, usually Ken helps me."

"Your folks not home?" I asked, getting off my bike and heading into his yard.

"Nah, mom's gone shopping and dad went as a chaperone for the football team."

"Well maybe I can help", I offered. "Let's have a look."

As I worked on his bike, I once again realized how much Jamie was just a slightly smaller version of Ken. He was definitely cute.

"There you go", I announced a minute later, having successfully fixed the chain.

Jamie smiled, "Thanks!"

"No problem É butthead!" I teased, and pushed him back slightly, causing him to stumble.

Without warning Jamie launched himself at me, catching me off-guard and knocking me off my feet into the grass. Jamie sat on my stomach, attempting to put me into a similar position as Ken had him the other night. I was mildly surprised at his strength, and although I knew he wouldn't be able to hold me, he was clearly starting to develop. For the moment I let him feel superior and victorious, enjoying the opportunity to check him out up close. His blue eyes were as crystal clear as Ken's, his other features slightly more delicate than Ken's, with a small pert nose, pink lips and lightly tanned, porcelain smooth skin. I imagined I saw the first faint sign of darkening above his upper lip, and although there were no hairs outside of some boyish fuzz, it was another indication to me that he was starting to transition from being a little boy.

I realized Jamie had been goading me as I inspected his face. "Ha ha, you're soooo weak Martin, I bet even little girls could beat you up!"

All right, it was time to put him in his place. With a slight effort, I freed a hand and grabbed the side of his chest, pushing him to the side until he was off-balance. I rolled over on top of him, pinning him as he tried to squirm his way out from under me. I held firm and had a flash of Ken straddling me by the boxcar run through my mind. I knew if I held that thought for any time at all I'd be dealing with a full blown erection, already feeling a stirring in my shorts. My shorts were fairly loose and would leave little to the imagination if I boned completely.

I had managed to pin Jamie in the fashion that he'd attempted a few minutes ago, essentially mimicking what Ken had done the other night. It was a brilliant move, at least on a younger kid, as it really pinned him down. As Jamie squirmed and bucked I found myself being pushed forward and back slightly., and I knew that at times I was pressing right down against his penis. I also knew it was wrong, but I partially relaxed and let myself be moved back and forth much more so than he really would've been able to.

I became aware that although Jamie was continuing to buck up against me, his arms and legs were no longer thrashing around so much. Some part of me knew what was happening, and that part knew that I should've put a stop to it, but there was another part of me, the perpetually horny hormonal teen boy, that was taking over my brain. I tried not to let on that I knew what was happening, but there was no way Jamie could miss the now full tenting of my shorts. In fact, his eyes were locked on my crotch, never once glancing up at me. Both of us were sweating from the effort, and I was further aroused by how it made his skin glisten and glow. I had stopped moving back and forth; I was sitting back letting Jamie thrust and rub himself against me.

Looking down I saw Jamie close his eyes as his thrusts slowed, with short tenses pauses between them. I knew well from experience he was in the throes of a young orgasm. His eyes flew open and he was suddenly looking directly into my eyes. The look of orgasmic bliss instantly drained from his face.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" he shouted, pushing up. Stunned, I rolled to the side and let him up. I thought I could see tears forming in his eyes as he sprang up and ran into the house. I laid there, debating whether to go after him or leave him alone. I wasn't really sure what I'd say to him if I went after him. After a few minutes I got up and walked across the street to my house. I felt somewhat cowardly, knowing that he probably felt bad about what had happened. I also felt guilty, like I had taken advantage of him. I needed to sort this out in my head before saying anything to him.

What I did know for sure is that I needed to talk him before Ken came home. I also remembered that I had left my bike in their yard, so one way or another I needed to go back.

Next: Chapter 10: Ken and I 10

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