Kevin Runs Naked

Published on Jul 19, 2006



Life for Kevin was pretty much like everyone elses. He worked 9 to 5, lunched with his coworkers and after work went home.

But unlike others when Kevin went home he changed.

Stripping naked, he lay on his bed and went to sleep for his 8 hours of sleep.

At 1 am he awoke and ate and sat at the computer. He made his appointments then and waited.

The sounds of traffic died away after 2 and he began stretching. Leg lifts, situps, tendon stretching and he was ready.

The night usually had a slight chill but that night it was warm. The day had been humid so the nights were warm. Kevin didn't care. His habits never changed be it summer or winter.

He left the house and hid the front door key as always. He bent over and tied his left shoe knot and then trotted away from the house, down the road and through the woods along the highway.

He never ran on the highway though he could since there was no traffic. But sometimes a sheriff car would speed by and he avoided them. Although one time he didn't and spent the next few hours having the best sex in a long time. And they took him home afterwards.

He always ran at night, since nobody would see the way he liked to run, naked.

But this night he ran on the path which kept him hidden by trees. He felt his body increase its pulse, the blood rushing as his heart pounded harder, the cool air swept over him like an airplane wing, caressing his naked body.

His penis swung and would harden then soften as he ran and felt his body acknowleding the erotic habit he had.

As he ran he'd stretch his neck and arms now and then. He wanted, needed to feel his muscles, all of them come alive.

The path turned into shrubbery then path again. Kevin turned at the same place every night taking his feet off the path and moving his hairless body through the trees. Branches would brush over him and that made his penis hard.

He knew he'd have some body scratches but they would heal. They healed before. THe land sloapped downwards and the air that filled his lungs smelled of salt water. It ingivoragted him more.

He never knew how far he ran, but he knew it was miles wheter the land met the water. And he dove in as he always did, kicking his shoe covered feet. The water chilled his heated body and he felt the sensation shake his bones.

The swim wasn't hurried. He alternated his swim strokes differently every night. Kevin had been a winning swimming in school and he swam for fun. The back stroke, the dog paddle, breast stroke and underwater. Each night was different, he changed his strokes to fit his mood.

The swim would both tire him and massage him. Kevin never looked at the land he left or was ahead of him, He just swam.

About the time his buttocks began to ache and his legs felt tired, the land below him met his feet and he walked the last few feet to the land full of trees.

It was like the forrest he had run through everynight but it was different. Kevin didn't run now, not even trot. He walked while his body recovered. As he walked and thought about his destination, Kevin got warmer. His cock seemed to be a permanent erection.

And the red glow told him he had arrived.

The man was nice, old and imaginative. That was proven night after night Kevin went there.

He took the shoes off and put them beside the other pairs that had dried. When he left, Kevin would wear one of those for the trip home.

Entering the house, he knelt and waited. Sometimes he would wait quite awhile other times Kevin heard the man moving almost immediately. Other times there would be more then one.

Sometimes he'd feel the coolness of the metal chains and colllar that he would wear. Other times a blinding leather hood would encompass his face. Yet other times his neck would be wrapped in leather and he'd spend the next few hours cleaning, washing and doing whatever else he was told.

It changed every night. He waited. Soon the man appeared and put the collar on him and then yanked on the leash that was attached.

Kevin crawled on his hands and knees, he knew the rules and soon entered the cage the man kept for such uses.

The lock snapped loudly telling Kevin he would stay there for as long as the Man wished.

This had happened before. The man gave him a phone in the morning and he called work to say he was sick.

But this was Friday night and there was no work. Kevin knew and hoped he would be kept for the weekend. It appeared he would.

The man unzipped his fly and Kevin knew what was coming. His body needed it. The stream of warm water flowed over him.

"Got some friends coming over for beer" he man said quietly.

Kevin knew there would be more streams and through the cage some of the Mans' friends would require relief. He was ready. It was his job.

He awoke Sunday in the middle of the night.

"Got to let you go early, going to my sisters" the man said.

Kevin emerged from the cage and knelt to taste the man once again before leaving. The dry shoes felt good and the water awaited for his swim then his run home, on the path by the side of the highway.

He would sleep Sunday until it was time in the middle of the night for his run. He always ran in the night time cause nobody would see him run the way he liked to run, naked.

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