Kiels Story

By ten.tta@yadiloh_lrac

Published on Jul 3, 2006


This story concerns teenage gay males who may be involved in sexual situations. If it is illegal for you to read such stories, or if you do not like to read such stories, please leave now.

This story is copyright 2006 by the author who retains all rights.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This is my first submission to Nifty. Any comments or questions are welcome at:

Kiel's Story

by Carl Holiday

Chapter 3 -- I'm Not That Kind of Boy

Kiel didn't speak to me until we turned south on Oak Park Boulevard, less than a mile from home. It's not like I didn't try, but he was lost in some thought or other and after what Tim did to me I was in kind of a mood myself. We were waiting for the light at One Hundred Twenty-first, standing almost as if we weren't together.

"Do you what a chocolate soda?" Kiel asked. Gussie's Café was across the street. It was a breakfast and lunch place that made the best chocolate sodas north of the Ship Canal. It looked like they were still open.

"I don't have any money," I said.

"Hold the trumpets! What does this look like?"

"A pill bottle."

"Yes, but what kind of pill bottle?"

"I don't know."

"This is a magical pill bottle. Say the right incantation like, say, `Abracadabra Walla Walla Washington Hocus Pocus Winnemucca Nevada!"

While I was waiting for him to do something the light changed, but Kiel didn't move. "Come on, or we'll have to wait for the next one."

"Say the magic words," Kiel said, staying where he was.

I went back to the curb and pushed the button a second time.

"Come on, say the magic words."

"Why should I?"

"Do you want a chocolate soda, or not?"

"I told you I don't have any money."

"Say the magic words."

"Abracadabra Pocus Nevada Washington Walla Hocus Winnemucca Walla."

"God, Geoff, why can't you just play along?"

"I'm not in the mood to be playing along. Do you have any money?"

"Yeah, come on," he said, starting across the street.

I sat in a booth waiting for Kiel to bring over the sodas. I had to admit I was trying to be as civil as possible, but after what happened at Tim's house civility seemed damn near impossible. It was bad enough he threatened me, but to admit it was simply a ruse to get his dick in me, that was something I didn't need to know. Then to tell me Stevie had been screwing him while I was sucking Stevie was another thing I didn't need to find out.

I suppose the worst thing was coming to the realization I'd gone suicidal over the death of some sort of best friend turned sexual pervert. That thought hadn't come fully into my mind sitting in the booth watching Kiel watch Neil make the chocolate sodas. It was out on the edge of awareness. That place where original thoughts exist and only bits of them come across as little temptresses, hinting of their usefulness. It's like a tune or melody, a simple riff, that you've never played or heard, but seems very familiar when you listen to it in your head. Or, maybe it was the brief glimpses of Neil behind the counter.

Neil had been working at Gussie's for as long as I could remember, but he had the kind of face, and body, that never aged. He was always twenty-two. Fair, blond, Scandinavian, with sparkling blue eyes, shiny white smile, not your ordinary waitress in a greasy spoon, but he wasn't in any sense girlish. No, Neil was a guy, I knew that much. Dad said Neil had been kicked out of the Marines for being a homosexual and was related to Gussie some how. Yeah, there really was a Gussie. He was the cook. There were a couple of waitresses, too, but they came and went at odd hours. Neil was always there. I think I had a crush on Neil since four or five; of course, I didn't know what that meant until nearly ten years later.

Kiel walked over carrying the sodas. He looked different somehow. Less sure of himself, maybe. His eyes were in constant, nervous motion looking everywhere quickly as if some sort of menace was about, like playing hide and seek on a moonless night in a yard full of shrubs and trees where anyone might be lurking to scare the piss out of you. He definitely was avoiding me, not that I was all that interested in talking to him.

"Neil's nice," Kiel said, sitting down across from me then turning so he could stretch out on the seat and not have to look at me. "Did you know he's my cousin? Well, actually second cousin, I think. He's out somewhere on my father's side of the family. I think he's Danish, but with a last name like Schneider you'd never guess."

"My dad said ..."



"Don't you dare say what you're thinking."

"What am I thinking?"

"That Neil's a lot like you."

"What about me?"

"Tim said you let him fuck you."

Jocks! They think with their muscles. Not a compassionate bone in any of their bodies; and, now, Kiel will be expecting me to do the same for him. God I hated high school.

"I didn't."

"He said you did."

"He forced me."

"Like he ..."

"Yeah, just like he made me do it. He threatened me, okay? And, I believed him."

Yeah, I believed him. Walk all over me, I'm a door mat.

"He said you'd let me do that to you."

"Well, I won't."

"You don't like Tim, do you?"

"Should I like someone who did something like that? Go ask Neil if he'd like someone to do that to him. You said, we're alike. I bet he'd let you do it to him. You could probably threaten to expose him. Of course, he doesn't have a whole high school to hate him, but you might be able to force Neil like Tim forced me."

He wasn't looking at me; and, I might have been too loud because I saw Neil walking toward our table. I couldn't look at him. He looked so good, and now he was going to do what? He slipped in beside me.

"We're closing in about ten minutes, but you guys can finish your sodas," Neil said.

I was sitting as close to the window as I could. I wanted space between us. I definitely didn't want some homosexual touching me.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Neil asked, turning to look at me. I glanced away, avoiding his eyes.

"No," I whispered.

"Kiel was asking me if I'd talk to you."

I stared at Kiel, but his head was turned away. He was blushing. Maybe he didn't think Neil was going to be so forthright in his approach.

"Why would he do that?" I asked. My voice was so low I could barely hear it myself.

"Because maybe he thinks you might have a problem that I might be able to help you with."

"Excuse me," I said. Neil moved out of the booth and I got up and left as quickly as I could without running. I couldn't talk to him. I was not a homosexual. That's what Neil was. I was not like him and I had to get out of there.

A couple days later I was out throwing the basketball at the backboard. I wasn't even trying to get it in the net. I figured I'd let Chance have a go at making me into the next great basketball star. I tried not noticing Kiel coming out his back door. I heard the gate on his fence open, but I didn't want him thinking I was expecting him to come over. I was still too mad at him.

"You mom called me," Kiel said, sitting down on the grass beside the driveway. "She said we need to make up before going to California. I'm sorry for telling Neil you're queer. But, I thought after what Tim said, you were."

"Do you want to fuck me, too?"

"No! Why would I want to do that?"

"Because I'm queer. Is that what Tim said? I like taking it up the ass so much, I'd even let you fuck me."

"Stop it!"

I threw the ball at the backboard and it circled the hoop before dropping in.

"Great shot!"

"Yeah, wasn't even trying."

"You're a natural. You should try out for basketball this year."

"Cut the crap, okay? I'm not any good at basketball. That was just a lucky shot. Do you know what it's like having other kids think you're different?"

I sat down close to Kiel, but not near him. I didn't want us to have to talk loudly. I lay back onto the grass and stared up into a cloudless sky. A jet flying west was leaving a contrail. It was a 707 or something big like that. I wanted to be up there.

"Everybody thinks I'm adopted," Kiel said, lying down so our heads were closer, but not so close I might want to move away. "They think because my dad's paralyzed he can't have kids."

"That's not the same."

"No, it's not. I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"I am sorry about telling Neil and asking him to talk to you."

I didn't know what I wanted from Kiel. In the beginning, I thought we might become friends. I hoped he was like me, maybe just a little bit. Just enough to want to make out sometime, but now I didn't know if I wanted him on our trip to California. And, yet, I kind of did.

"Have you ever kissed another boy?"


"You have?" I asked. Sitting up I turned to him. "I mean did you kiss a guy like you were making out?"

"I know what you mean."

"What do you mean you know what I mean?"

"I had a boyfriend. Okay?"

"You mean ..."

"Look, Geoff, I've done it with a guy. Okay? I've already had a chat with Neil. You should, too. It might do you some good."

"I'm not a homosexual, like Neil."

"Why can't you admit it?"

"Because, I'm not. I maybe queer, but I'm not a homosexual. You can't make me believe they're the same thing."

Kiel sat up and looked at me shaking his head.

"My boyfriend's name was Eric. He's dead. He hung himself because he couldn't accept what he was. I loved him, but that wasn't enough to save him."

"I'm not a homosexual. I'm not."

"Okay, you don't have to be."

I did though. I knew I'd be one, eventually. I'd read the books. I liked guys. I didn't like girls, not even a little bit. Monica was my friend. She had nothing to worrying about me trying to get it on with her.

But, Kiel admitting he was, well, that was a horse of a different color entirely. I wondered if we could become friends or if we could just go to the sex part and avoid getting involved with each other. That would certainly simplify things.

"I was hoping we could get to know each other," I said, lying back down to stare at the sky. Clouds were starting to drift in from the west. Big, billowy clouds that an imagination could turn into things like castles, submarines, guys with big dicks. "But, I suppose I'm have to admit ..."

"You don't have to admit anything," Kiel said leaning down and placing his lips against mine.

There wasn't an orchestra playing, we weren't running toward each other across a flower filled meadow, fireworks didn't go off. He followed me up to my bedroom and sat on my bed as I locked my door. Kiel pulled off his t-shirt revealing his skinny torso. There weren't a lot of muscles anywhere.

I sat down beside him and placed the palm of my hand against his cheek. Our lips met once more. His tongue begged an opening. I met him across the narrow divide. He was pulling off my t-shirt. I caressed his chest feeling the small nipples under my hand. His hand was behind my neck. Placing forefinger and thumb around a nipple, I squeezed and turned my hand. Kiel moaned deep in his throat.

His hand was unzipping my cut-offs, unbuttoning them, slipping under the waistband of my briefs. He brushed his fingers against my growing erection. He pulled away from our embrace.

I looked at him as he knelt down on the floor between my legs. I raised my buttocks slightly as he pulled my cut-offs and briefs down to my ankles. He leaned in enveloping the head of my cock in his warm mouth. His hand began rubbing, caressing, kneading my balls. I lay back on the bed.

I wanted the moment to last, but I was too quick, even for myself. Kiel kept me in his mouth until the spasms subsided, my offering given freely. There was nothing more for me to do.

He stood up, removed his clothes, and lay down on top of me. We kissed and I tasted myself on his tongue. His enormous erection was pressed between us, moving back and forth across my tender skin. I wanted him more than I was willing to admit.

He was everything Stevie wasn't as he began to thrust against my abdomen. He raised himself off my chest, leaning down to keep his lips against mine. I spread my thighs trying to envelope his body, but my cut-offs and briefs were still around my ankles keeping me from opening myself to his thrusts. I felt him tense. His lips were clamped against mine. His hot come spewed onto my chest, puddling in my abs.

We lay quietly listening to our breathing. I never imagined having a need to be fucked, but I wanted Kiel so much at that moment. I wanted him inside me. I wanted us to become as we were intended.

He rose off me, then rubbed his semen into my chest and abdomen, his fingertips brushing against my nipples.

"See, I told you, you don't have to admit anything," Kiel said before lowering his mouth down over my new erection.

Next: Chapter 4

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