Kiels Story

By ten.tta@yadiloh_lrac

Published on Jul 20, 2006


This story concerns teenage gay males who may be involved in sexual situations. If it is illegal for you to read such stories, or if you do not like to read such stories, please leave now.

This story is copyright 2006 by the author who retains all rights.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This is my first submission to Nifty. Any comments or questions are welcome at:

A warm thank you goes out to all who've written. I appreciate knowing someone is actually reading this stuff.

Kiel's Story

by Carl Holiday

Chapter 7 -- The Three Musketeers

"Well, I made up with Tim. We're friends now. Well, more than friends. We had a wonderful time Sunday afternoon. We made love to each other. I guess he had the bad side of my best friend Stevie. When I think about what happened to Tim it really disgusts me that I tried to kill myself because Stevie died. I loved him, but he was the biggest, baddest bastard in North Park. I loved him. And, I came really close to dying for him. God, what a fool I was. I should have seen, but I was in love. "Suck my dick, Geoff, come on suck it, put it in your mouth, come on, watch the teeth, lips and tongue, oh, god, that's it Geoff, yeah just like that, man I love the feel of a good blow job, put your hands on my balls, gently now, don't get rough with them, oh, yeah, oh, man, yeah, Geoff, down y our throat man, oh, yeah, fucking your mouth, Geoff, fucking your mouth, oh, man, jeez, oh, god, oh, god. Wow! That was some suckin' man. You can do that everyday.

"And, I practically did it everyday, Doctor Randall, I nearly did it everyday. Everyday, that is, when he wasn't fucking Tim. Yeah, he was fucking Tim at the same time he was having me suck him. What a bastard. And, he wasn't doing anything for Tim. It was just, `bend over Tim so I can shove my dick up your butt,' nothing for Tim, didn't hardly touch him except maybe move his hands over Tim's body, but he didn't touch Tim's dick, not once, never, not at all. And, I almost died because I thought I loved him. God, what a fool I was.

"Oh, yeah, and I did it with Kiel, too. I really like Kiel. He's so cool, so everything I'm not. Don't say anything, but Kiel has got the biggest dick I've ever seen. That sucker's got to be eighteen inches. Well, maybe, not that long, but it has to be over a foot. I mean, jeez, it's huge! It's my goal to have him fuck me with it. I want that thing shoved up so far it tickles my navel. I want to hear him as he's fucking m y ass because, I'll tell you what, I'm going to be doing my share of oohing and aahing as that thing pounding into my ass like a pile driver. Only, Kiel doesn't want to fuck me. He was really against it until Saturday morning, but I guess he gave into my seductive nature and he put it in just a little. Man, that felt great. Just the head. And, we hadn't lubed up anything. I was so ready for him, we didn't need it. I opened up and wow, it was beautiful. I came, and didn't have to do anything. I just came when he did. It was so beautiful.

"And, both of them know I'm doing both of them, and they're okay with it. Isn't that incredible. They don't care. Tim was saying he and Kiel could do me at the same time. Now, that would be incredible. No one has to know Kiel is fucking me or I'm fucking Tim. Oh, yeah, he lets me fuck him, and that's cool with me because I don't want to be like Stevie and force Tim to do anything. When we did it Sunday, he started it. I didn't have to do anything except jerk him off a little. Man, it was beautiful. You know it's great having two boyfriends. I thought I was do ing great having Stevie as a boyfriend, and he didn't really love me at all, but now I've got two boys to make love to. I can see it now: I'm behind Tim and my hands are all over him, my dick is in his ass and I'm going real slow because Kiel is behind me with his huge dick stuffed in me and we're all coming and coming and coming. Wouldn't that be something to experience, Doctor Randall?"

The next two weeks were spent about like any other two weeks in the life of a high school sophomore at North Park High in the autumn. Football, football, football. No more movies because Monica and Mark were too busy getting him ready for football games. He'd made it onto the varsity team this year, and not because he was the meanest, baddest tight end the school had. There wasn't a junior to play the position and the only senior close to being able to fill the slot was simply pathetic whenever someone tossed a ball at him. "No reliability," Mark said to us at our lunch table. Coach Jorgenson put it down as simple as that. A cut had to be made and Mark got it because he could catch a football.

Kiel, Tim and I not surprisingly didn't have any classes together. I was on the honors college track. Kiel and Tim were on the regular college track. I was being prepped for Harvard, Yale, or Stanford. They were looking at a local state college, or possibly one of the local private colleges. I could see myself going to Western Washington State if I could have Kiel's dick up my ass.

Our one time together was lunch. Our table was called the Fairy Table, not because the three of us sat there, but because there was a bronze fairy in the atrium on the other side of the window. It took a lot of guts to sit at the Fairy Table, but Kiel and Tim thought it was okay because they said, "Both of us have had sex with a fairy." Monica joined us because that was where I was sitting. I was her boy friend and she wanted to sit with me. Mark sat there because he was Monica's boyfriend. The sixth was Jennifer Marks. Jennifer was Tim's girl friend. Jennifer was skinny, deathly skinny. She wasn't much to look at, either. She was fun, though. She had a girlfriend at Crestline High, which probabl y qualified her to sit at our table.

The first Friday in October was the traditional day when North Park lost to Ballard. We were rivals from the beginning of time. By the autumn of 1964 our record against them was 10-44-2. They were always one bad team, while North Park traditionally rolled over and played dead early in the second quarter. Things didn't look too good in 1964 at the end of the first quarter with the score 0-14, but by the half it was 17-14 and their badass linebacker, Kelly Norman, was out with torn ligaments in his right knee, courtesy of Mark, by the way. It was a bad block and earned North Park a fifteen yard penalty, but that sucker was out for the season, for the rest of his life, actually. Turned out he'd messed up his knee during the summer and hadn't told anyone. Football players can be so stupid sometimes.

We kicked to them at the start of the second half and their star running back Nels Larson fumbled on their twenty-five and Mark recovered. He was well on his way to becoming North Park's next football hero, too bad he was only a tight end. We made the touchdown and then they marched right through us like we weren't even on the field and made their third, and last, touchdown of the night.

On the last play of the night, Scotty Carlson threw a short pass to Mark, who the entire Ballard team seemed to have forgotten, and Mark ran five easy yards into the end zone. 31-21 was the final score and the North Park stands went crazy. To say pandemonium broke out is close, but it was a little more insane. North Park hadn't won in twenty years. This was a night for celebration.

Only, we were sophomores and the three of us had an eleven o'clock curfew. I was in the mood for a little sex, but Kiel and Tim wanted pizza. Tim was driving so pizza it was. We ordered an anchovy and pineapple. Trust me, it's good, especially after a great football game, and you have to order root beer or it doesn't taste good at all. Tim got Kiel and I home by 10:45 and I kissed him after Kiel got out.

"Too bad you can't stay, we could celebrate," I said, lingering at his window.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to be late getting home," Tim said, but his eyes wanted me to get back in the car. "If I'm late, we'll all be walking to school next week."

"Okay, but will we get together sometime this weekend?"

"Depends on what Kiel wants to do."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

I watched him back out of the driveway and wondered if we'd ever get back together. Kiel was waiting for me at the gate to his backyard. We kissed a lot more passionately than I'd done with Tim. I felt Kiel's hand unzip my pants and go in for its treasure. I was hard in an instant and he was down on his knees. I couldn't believe he was sucking me practically in full view of our houses. We were hidden somewhat from his house by a lilac bush and his father's pickup and a rhododendron shielded us from my house, but there wasn't anything between us and the street except for a lot of dark. I was off in about as long as it would've taken Tim.

"God, Kiel," I whispered when he stood up. He took my hand and put it on his erection. He had it out and it felt hot to my touch.

"Turn around," Kiel whispered. As I did, he undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants. Pants and briefs were pulled down before I knew what was happening. I felt the head of Kiel's dick pressing against me for only a moment. He must have had some lube because when I relaxed my muscle, it slipped in. Not all the way, just enough for him to get a few short thrusts before holding me to him, his fingers feeling for my nipples, which he pinched so hard I nearly cried out. Then he was coming and his thrusts sped up. Oh, god, it hurt like nothing I'd felt since being ra ped in the psych ward. Oh, god, I never imagined this could feel so good.

"Thanks, I needed that," Kiel whispered after pulling out. "I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight."

"Yeah, thanks, for the blow job," I said, putting myself back together. I turned and he was gone. I stood there in the dark with a sore ass and a strange feeling I'd been used. I didn't like that feeling at all, but I couldn't shake it. I knew there were not going to be any sweet dreams for me.

"Geoff?" Monica said as I answered the telephone. It was 6:30 Saturday morning.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked.

"Yes, but Mark called. He's hurt. You need to help him."

"And, I can do that by, how?"

"Call Tim and come pick me up." She hung up before I could respond.

So, I called Tim's house and the housekeeper told me he was down at his sister's apartment. She gave me the number. Tim was at my house in half an hour. When I went outside I saw Kiel get in the backseat. I didn't call Kiel, but he was there. I wanted to talk, so I climbed in beside him.

"Nobody going to sit with me?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, Monica, as soon as you pick her up," I said.

"So, Geoff, how'd you like being fucked by Kiel?" Tim asked.


"How'd you like . . ."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you, but how did you know?"

"I called him last night before going to sleep," Kiel said. "Tim wanted to know."

"But, I, you, Tim?"

"You said you'd be okay doing a threesome, but that Kiel had to fuck you. So I've been bugging him to do you. And, he called to tell me he did. How was it?"

"Well, it was a little unexpected, besides being outside."

"You guys did it outside?"

"Yeah, hey, do you know where Monica lives?"

"Yeah, this is a shortcut."

"Why does everyone know about these things but me?" I asked no one in particular.

"Because you don't need to know everything," Kiel said. "Are you okay?"

"You left kind of sudden."

"I had to get in before curfew. Being in my yard doesn't count."

"You didn't give me a goodnight kiss."

"I kissed you before sucking your dick."

"You sucked him, too?" Tim asked, turning into Monica's driveway. She was waiting.

"You guys certainly took your time," she said getting into the front seat. "I'm not surprised it's the three of you. I'm beginning to think you're the Three Musketeers. Other than at school, are you guys ever apart?"

"Depends who's doing it with Geoff," Kiel said.

"Or not," Tim said.

"I don't what to hear which of you is doing what to any of you," Monica said. "Mark's up on Capitol Hill. He said he's in a phone booth at the corner of East Pike and Boylston."

"There's a gay bar on that corner," Kiel said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"My old boyfriend's uncle owns it."

"Your old boyfriend's uncle is gay?" Tim asked.

"Nah, he just owns the bar, plus a couple others up there."

"What happened to Mark?" I asked, wondering what he was doing outside a gay bar.

"He said he got beat up last night and was dumped there by whoever did it," Monica said. "Can you hurry up?"

"Can't go faster than the speed limit," Tim said.

"Don't you know any shortcuts?"

"Not going up there."

"Take Oak Park then down Aurora to Denny then across town to Boylston," Kiel said.

"You've been there, haven't you?" I asked.

"Well, of course I have. I said I knew who owns the place."

"What are you doing in a gay bar?" I asked. "You're not old enough."

"Eric and I helped repaint it one Sunday a couple years ago. I met some really neat guys, too."

"Were they gay?" Tim asked, looking at us in the mirror. The car swerved a little and he overcorrected a little. Then a truck behind us honked its horn and Tim straightened up.

"Nice trick, did you learn that in driving school?" Monica asked.

"No, my dad taught me."

"Yeah, some of them were gay, I guess," Kiel said. "I mean, how do you know?"

"Didn't they come on to you?" Tim asked, glancing back. The car swerved a little. The truck behind us honked.

"Why would they do that? We were just kids."

"But, I figured." The car swerved a little more. The truck honked a long time.

"Tim, calm down," I said. "We're going to get Mark, remember? That's what we're doing right now."

"But, Geoff?"

"Either pull to the side or keep driving. We can talk about this later."

"Talk about what?" Monica asked.

"Something happened to Tim when he was younger. We'll talk about it after we take care of Mark. Okay, Tim?"

"Yeah, okay, sure."

Kiel looked at me. Obviously, Tim hadn't shared his experience with the tennis instructor with Kiel. I thought it was a little weird, too. Tim having trouble with it made sense considering how much Stevie contributed to the problem.

For the rest of the trip no one said anything. When we reached the corner blue and red lights were flashing. There were three police cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck. Tim parked in bar's parking lot and we looked for the phone booth. I think we were all hoping the ambulance wasn't there for Mark, but we all saw him lying on the stretcher while a policeman spoke to him.

"Mark!" Monica called out as she ran to him. A policeman held her back.

The three of us stayed in the background. I certainly didn't want to get too close to any police after what I'd been through twice. There were probably a couple of them who knew me and I wasn't in the mood to reminisce. Then I saw the blood in the phone booth.

"A friend of yours, honey?" A voice said behind me. When I turned around I couldn't believe who I saw. He was a little over six feet with tight blue jeans and a loose flowery shirt open halfway down his hairless chest. Bright red lipstick, eye liner and shadow, and trimmed eyebrows were a dead giveaway.

"Dawling, is that you?" I asked.

"In the flesh, honey. You keeping that tight young ass of yours out of trouble?"

"Yeah, most of the time," I said, accepting the light kisses on my cheeks. Darling, pronounced Dawling, smelled of the same cheap perfume my mother used.

"Are you going to introduce me to your cute friends?"

"Guys, this is Dawling. She helped me a lot when I was in the psych ward. Dawling, this is Tim and Kiel."

"I know Kiel, don't I, honey."

"You were at the painting party, weren't you? You brought those muffins."

"You're a guy," Tim said, his naïveté showing.

"We don't say the g word, the b word, or the m word. Okay, honey?"

"But, you're . . ."

"Uh, uh, Geoff, honey, is this boy your friend, or what?"

"Tim's hasn't been around like me and, I guess, Kiel. So, how did you get out?"

"Promised to take my medicine, and I am, too. Are you doing okay, honey? I heard you were in County for a stabbing."

"Yeah, I'm better. I'm seeing a new shrink. He's helping a lot."

"Then you were on that bridge for something else."

"Yeah, I was being stupid, again. But, Kiel and Tim are helping me."

"What about that other one over there on the stretcher?"

"He's my girl friend's boyfriend."


"Monica is my friend, she's a girl, a real girl. Mark is her boyfriend, as in one word boyfriend. Who called the troops? He called Monica for us to come and get him."

"He was bleeding. Tommy, he's that real cute thing over there with all the muscles, was walking his poodle and saw the kid sitting in the phone booth bleeding from you know where."

"Where?" Tim asked.

"From where you're not supposed to bleed, ever, unless someone has done something very bad to you, Tim, honey."

"Oh, yeah, okay, but jeez, what was Mark doing to have that done to him?"

"I'll go find out," I said, walking over to where Monica was talking to a policeman who looked vaguely familiar. The ambulance was just pulling away. There wasn't a lot of blood, but what was there was noticeable. "Hey, Monica, any news about Mark?"

"Well if it isn't the kid from the bridge," the policeman said. "Was he your friend?"

"No, officer, Geoff is my friend," Monica said. "Mark is my boyfriend."

"Uh, huh."

I didn't like the sound of that. The policeman's attitude made me nervous. He must have been assuming something about Mark simply because of the location. Or, maybe, I was just being paranoid. That's the problem with mental illness, sometimes you're simply depressed then you do something really stupid and everyone thinks you're a fucking schizo.

"How's Mark?" I asked, not caring who answered.

"From what the victim said, it sounds like you might have some mean ass football players at your high school," the policeman said. "Of course, it's a little early in the investigation to say exactly what happened."

"Mark said he was at Coach Jorgenson's," Monica said. "He said they beat up then pushed a broom handle up inside him. They were saying he was a homo because he sat at the Fairy Table for lunch."

"Of course, nothing has been confirmed," the policeman said.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Monica. I'd had about enough of the policeman's assumptions. If I stayed there any longer, someone was going to get into trouble and I didn't need that.

Next: Chapter 8

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