Kims Memories

By Kim titan

Published on Mar 17, 2021


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The following story is taken from my boyhood. those heady days when the hormones kicked in, when dreams could become reality. To those of us who dreamt of bondage, with slavish alliegence to a master. This is how it started for me! First though, you need a man who wants you, and this is my story of how I found him, and him me!. It is told as from my memory of how it came about and hopefully some of you might enjoy it! My name is Kim, I am now middle aged, but at the time of this story I was twelve, coming on thiirteen years old. My new hormones had kicked in and my young cock seemed to spend most of it's time as hard as nails as I tried to hide it in my school shorts! I was sent to board at a boys school in UK while my parents, who had split up, lived in South Africa. I was their only child. Mum had done a runner and was no longer in touch with me, so my Dad was bringing me up, hence me being sent to this boarding school while he worked at his job. It was the same school that he had attended at my age. I would fly home and see him most holidays, but it made me feel rather lonely whan most of the other boys went home at weekends, leaving me roaming on my own in the nearly empty school.

The school catered for eight to thirteen year olds so I was becoming quite senior which was one of the only consolations! Later in our thirteenth year we would move on to the senior school until we achieved eighteen. Every week a group of eight boys would be driven to the local indoor public swimming baths in the school's minibus. We were all issued with the adopted school brief black speedo and I guess looking back we must have been a pretty desirable sight to men who fancied young boys. These speedos seem to have been chosen to show as much of our young bodies as possible without causing offence from the authorities, and we all enjoyed showing off in them! I had soon realised this, and would dive in and let my speedo wash even lower down to rest almost on top of my cock, then climb out and stand at the side watching some men watching me! I soon realised that one man in particular was always coming to the hot showers when I went for mine, so i went more often pretending it was to warm up, and was not surprised when he always followed and stood opposite me in the open plan showers, watching my every move.

He finally spoke to me one day when we were the only two in the showers. "You seem to spend a lot of time showering young man!" and he smiled at me. "I enjoy seeing you boys, it makes me feel young again!" as he said this he quite deliberately adjusted the front of his red baggy swim shorts. I matched this by staring at him, while adjusting my hardening cock which was starting to slightly tent out my little speedo! He watched my every move! "I suppose you get away at weekends from boarding young man, and by the way, what's your name?" "It's Kim Sir, and no, i rarely get out 'cos my Dad works and lives in South Africa. One of the Masters takes me to his place on rare ocassions but not too often in case people might talk, but he gives me a good time Sir!"

"Kim, suppose you ask your Dad if you could spend a few weekends with an old family friend of his who had always wanted his own kids but never achieved it, do you think he might agree? Tell him my name is John Hendon, so he could ring your headmaster to okay it with him. It would be up to you to persuade your Dad, but by the sound of it, that would not be difficult as he must feel slighty guilty of abandoning you for such long periods!" "Would I stay with you for the whole weekend Sir? I don't even have any idea where you live yet?"

"Right, I live in the country about five miles from here in an old house with a big garden and swimming pool. It was built near a large lake where I belong to the local model yacht club, so we race the boats mostly at weekends so you would meet up with some other lads if you wanted to join in." "Oh yes Sir, I will ring my Dad tonight to see what he says, and if he agrees ask him to phone our Head to inform him, then you must tell me when and what I need to bring." At that stage some of my school mates arrived to shower, and Sir only stayed to watch them joshing and fooling about for a short while before turning to me and whispering. "See you next week Kim, here at the same time, and I have the following weekend free if you can get the permission!"

This set the stage so to speak and as I expected Dad readily agreed, relying on my judgement, and with plenty of business problems of his own to worry about he promised he was going to ring the head to okay the arrangement. He was happy to approve of this John Hendon at my recommendation and I felt my cock jerk and stiffen every time I thought about it. I hoped Mr Hendon, Sir to me, had some interesting ideas in mind from the way he had looked at me and deliberately adjusted his obvious growing erection while smiling and finishing with a big wink!

So it all worked out, and at the end of the following week I found myself waiting in the school hallway at 10am for John Hendon to arrive. Promptly on the hour he drew up in a rather snazzy blue open top sports car, and I walked out to meet him, clutching my meagre things for the weekend in a small soft zip up bag. It was still hot summer weather, so he had told me to wear my PE kit so I could run around the lake when model boat racing. Bring a change of everyday clothes in case of need, pyjamas, washing gear. No need for your speedo as I have suitable kit I provide for all boys visiting my pool!

He waved me into the front seat and I buckled up for the journey. I was wearing, as he had askeed, just my white cotton PE gear, with spare shorts and shirt in my bag. I was, I remember, hoping for some sort of approach from him, due to his constant attention and instructions, so rather daringly I thought, I was going out wearing nothing under my thin white cotton shorts, it was after all, one of the schools dress codes during PE! Matron waved us off from the front door as we drove out of the school gates, and Mr Hendon turned to grin at me.

"Well Kim, what a fabulous day. Why don't I just drive gently and you can strip off that shirt to help your tan!" he put one hand on my bare leg and gently squeezed. "It won't look unusual for a boy of your age to be bare topped enjoying a windy drive in the sun!" I unbucled my seat belt before pulling my thin shirt off over my head. It made me feel aroused, as I sat beside him with just my thin shorts with no tighty whities under them! His free hand caressed my arm and shoulder before moving down to my crotch, while he drove slowly down a narrow country lane on the way to his house. "What's this young Kim? Do I feel a rather nice boner growing here!?" he fondled me gently through the thin fabric and I shuffled forward in the seat to lean back and give him room to carry on! I realised my intuition had been spot on, and he was set on seducing me. Aha, I thought, he will have no problem there!

We drove on through some wooded areas and off up a track which on rounding a bend revealed a big house, a rambling old fashioned stone pile, with trees all around it, and a high wire mesh fence. He drove around to a wide sliding gate where he operated a remote. The gate slid back to allow him to drive in before it closed behind us. "My house and gardens are very secure!" he said as he parked up near the imposing front door, jumping out, came round to open my door and help me out. i followed him, still now just wearing my thin white PE Shorts and sandals, and getting more excited by the moment! "Come on Kim, worry about your gear later, I want to show you the pool and then my model workshop. He led me through the house and out onto a patio area behind, with several lounger sun beds and a large beautiful blue pool. A stack of three diving boards and a spring board beside them were at one end. "By the way Kim, I must tell you I had this pool made 2metres deep all over, no shallow end! This is so i can test my little race yachts to prepare them for club events on the lake.

I remember being bowled over by the scale and beauty of it all, with a view across the fields where, about half a mile away, I could see a wide lake on which he told me the model yacht club raced twice a week.

Then it was back inside the house to be led down a narrow corridor to a tall locked white door which he opened to usher me inside. Three work benches were laid out with various tools lying on them. On one, in a holding frame was a wonderful, complete single masted model yacht with a deep black fin keel and bulbous weight below. The sails were set up and beside it was a controller which he proceeded to demonstrate to me, pulling the sails in and out and the rudder too and fro. On the other benches were part built boats, aluminium tubes ready to make masts, white sail cloth, along with bits and pieces obviously under construction. He put his hand on my shoulder, holding me firmly, before he guided me around to a small final bench on one side. "These are some of the items I enjoy making that I want you to see. It is the main reason the door is always kept locked! These items you see, I make to deal with any visiting boys who misbehave or are disobedient! I invite several local boys from the comprehensive school to use the pool regularly, and sometimes one will need or want a disciplining! He picked up a short handled multi tailed whip to show me, swishing it from side to side as he did so. "Have a feel of these thin leather tails Kim. I wonder if you will ever need or deserve a session with this one? They tell me it is quite painful but I designed it not to leave lasting marks on a young body. We don't want any silly enquiries in this household!

He put both hands on my shoulders and turned me round to face him. Looking down at my upturned face he gave me another broad smile, before bending down to kiss me on the forehead followed by a quick brush over my lips. Sliding his hands on down my torso he insertd his fingers in the elasticated waist band of my shorts. "You are a highly desirable young boy Kim. Now I let's have a look at what is pushing out the front of those little shorts of yours. Time to take a look I think!" his hands moved to slide the waistband down! "Sir, I don't think I should just allow you to do that!" I said, and I laughingly started to push his hands away. He chuckled and seemed pleased at this! "Well if you won't let me take your shorts down without a bit of resistance, I will have to tie your hands behind you Boy!" He turned me again to face away from him and gave me a firm order. "Hands behind your back, now Boy, wrists crossed!" I did as he told me, and i can still remember so well the feeling of mounting excitemen as he passed the thin cord around my wrists several times, before cinching it up tight."

I stood helpless now and complient as he lowered my shorts, lifting the waistband over my rock hard, smooth and hairless uncut cock, allowing it to spring free and slap against my tummy. "Very nice Kim, very nice, but you do realise that as you resisted me you will have to be disciplined later! I have a special room in the old cellars that I will take you down to later, so you can start imagining what it will be like, especially if, as I hope, you agree to come here more often!! But then again, maybe with this hot weather I will punish you in the open, tied under the exercise frame at the end of the pool! It depends really, because as it is the weekend, a couple of my regular boys will be coming up to swim after lunch, and would enjoy meeting you and maybe witnessing your first disciplining session! I have to tell you though, that I have never shown them the cellar punishment room, and I don't intend to just yet."

All the time he was speaking to me and i stood naked with hands tied, he was running his hands over my whole body, gently caressing my rigud cock. "You don't have a hair on you yet, and not a blemish on your soft tammed skin. Just beautiful" he muttered. As he did this I reacted by pushing myself against his hand and looking up at him! "You like this attention don't you boy. Does beeing tied and seeing the whip turn you on?" "Yes sir, oh yes. I have always imagined things like this happening. And now it is!"

He now went over to a drawer in one of the benches and took out a small wrapped packet. "I want you to wear this thong costume Kim while we are about the house and garden. In the highly unlikely event of an unknown visitor it will just about pass muster, and for me I like my boys wearing thongs rather than naked. We keep full nakedness for punishment sessions and of course for night time sessions!" He held out the a tiny costume for me to see. It was bright yellow material, gathered around the front edges to form a small pouch, dull on the inside and shiny on the outside. The narrow waist band was velcro fastened for easy adjustment and I would realise later, to make for easy removal whilst a boy was helplessly tied! The pouch had no inner lining, the crotch strap was minimal with only the narrowest of bum covering, just enough to call it a thong and not a g-string! He now untied my hands and watched smiling as i started to put it on. My erection just about fitted in the pouch as I pulled the velcro tight on my hips.

"just one thing Sir," I remember asking. "Where do I sleep tonight!" "Kim dear boy, let me show you. Come with me!" He led me away, up a flight of stairs to an open door of a fair sized room. You will sleep in my room. In fact on my bed with me. You will be naked, your wrists tied together to the head rail of this double bed. Ankles tied together to the foot rail. You will not be stretched uncomfortably tight, so I can lie spooned alongside you to fondle and enjoy your young body all night! "Sir, are you going to, well, try and rape me Sir?" "No Kim, no, i am not. You are far too young for me to do that, and all I want at this stage is to enjoy your fabulous developing boys body. to me you are simply perfect! That will not stop me punishing you with that whip I showed you, but i will never spoil the beauty of your tender young body!

But to the present now Kim. You must be hungry so let's grab some lunch before young Pete and Jon arrive from the village. And don't worry my boy, they will change into identical costumes as yours as soon as they arrive. That is my rules for this house, apart from which color they choose.

I must say I can recall even now how Sir then took me to the kitchen. It was after all by now approaching one o'clock, and a lot had taken place in the short morning. I was now naked but for the tiny sexy yellow thong. I had had my hands tied behind me to be stripped naked, I had been fondled and kissed and shown a whip which I suspected was going to be used on me! But, I was gagging for it anyway, I was so excited that my fantasy dreams, all my acting out in self bondage with mild self inflicted punishments, was likely to come true! I was also a very hungry nearly thirteen year old boy!

"I reckon by now I know what boys like to eat," Sir said. "We have beefburgers and chips for starters, and a slab of dark chocolate and ice cream for after, plus a very pleasant sweet cider to wash it down!" having said that he turned up the gas stove, sorted out a frying pan and popped in, straight out of the fridge, four super looking burgers. The chips he put in the oven, so that soon after we were sitting down to a gorgeous meal with ketchup added and wonderful cider to drink. When that was finished He produced a large slab of dark chocolate and a tub if ice cream from the fridge I perched on a stool at a central bar with him alongside. He was still wearing light grey slacks and blue t-shirt and every few moments his hand would come over to run over my body, feeling my shoulders, my arms, and down my ribcage and flat tummy, finally descending to feel my ever ready cock as it throbbed and twitched inside the flimsy thong!

When lunch was done he guided me out to the patio and we lay on a sunbed apiece, sopping up the wonderful summer sun. "The boys will be here soon Kim, so we will wait here for them." Sure enough, ten minutes later we heared high excited voices and tha sound of bike wheels on the gravel drive and two boys burst enthusiastically around the corner of the house. I remember the moment well. Both Pete and Jon were wearing long grey trousers and button up school shirts. I reckoned they were probably fourteen or even fifteen.

Sir called them over and introduced them to me, as I lay slightly embarassed by the very obvious tent in my little thong which I tried to cover with my hands and they both laughed. "Hey Master, had'n't you better tie young Kim's hands, he looks embarassed by something, well anyway it's up to you!. We will go and get ready for a swim! Sir looked at me with a smirk. "You heard what they suggested Kim, get up, stand beside me with your back to me and arms behind you, wrists crossed!" I took no second bidding and obeyed him as i again enjoyed the feel of thin rope around my wrists which he had obviously got ready and waiting. "Now you will have to lie on your side and await the boys return Kim! You may also have noticed that they called me "Master" and from now on, while in my house, you will do the same." I grinned at him. "Yes Master!" I replied.

True to my new Masters word, when the two boys returned they wore similar thongs to mine, one in red, one blue, both of them were gorgeously tanned and still both showing the delightful bloom of boyhood! That made them look younger I thought, so i remember asking them their age. It turns out I was right and Pete was just fifteen, Jon fourteen. They had been coming here for a year, and they told me later that I was the youngest boy the Master had ever brought here!

"Are you going to initiate him just like us Master?" queried Pete who seemed to be the spokesman. "Well Pete, he has already earned one discipline session by fighting to prevent me from stripping him this morning, so yes, he must be dealt with. I think in fact that right now would be a good time, under the excercise frame with you boys helping and watching the fun. Maybe for the first time I will trust you to actually wield the whip! What do you think of that?" "Oh Wow Master, can we, please. Oh yes please, pleeese. pleeease. Let's get him strung up now Master, just like we were our first time." I could see that both boys were now sporting hugely tented thongs, and then, to add to my excitement, Master stood up, peeled off his shirt and dropped his slacks to stand just wearing the red baggy trunks he wore to the swimming baths when he came to watch us boys.

"I am going to the workshop to get the wrist and ankle ropes, and the training whip for his first session. You two, help Kim up and walk him across to the frame. I won't be long!" The two boys helped me to stand with my bound wrists, before we made our way over to the frame where they said to wait underneath while they untied my wrists. No sooner was I free than Master came back carrying several lenghts of soft plaited white nylon rope, and the lash he had shown me this morning.

"Right boys, you know the drill so secure him for punishment!" Each boy took a length of the rope and doubled it before passing the loop around my wrist and passing the two fall lends through the loop. Next the ends were led up through an eyebolt in each corner of the frame. Pulled tight and knotted off. It was a very effective tie and I stood Y shaped while they all grinned and watched me. "Well done Boys, now his ankles!" Soon I was tied in the form of an X, not two tightly because I heard Master tell them to allow some slack for them to enjoy watching my helpless struggles!

"I think it is time to see how this new slave boy takes to the whip. Pete, strip off his thong, he must be naked for this! I will give him his first five as a warm up. Both of you will add five more! If either of you actually damages his skin you will be dealt with severely afterwards. This punishment is to sting and hurt him while he is tied helpless and naked! It is not to disfiggure him in any way! I think we all three know that this boy also really wants his punishment!"

End of part one of Kim's story. If you enjoyed it or have any comments please let me know and if there is sufficient response I will continue with part two. Kim had always yearned to be dominated and serve a master and this is how he started on that path, a path he enjoys to this day!! Oh to be young again! Cheers, Kim Titan

Next: Chapter 2

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