King of Sorrow

By Jayson Spears

Published on Jul 20, 2001


I'm back! And so is KOS. Send me feedback! And tell me what YOU want too see, and most of all, WHO! I am including Nsync for sure, but the others will come from feedback, and anyone I decide is hot. Yeah so um. This is a AU story, Alternate Universe, as in not this one. In my story pigs can fly, if you cannot deserne that this CANNOT happen on earth, then maybe you should go back to cartoons? Kay. Fake! Fake! All of it, lies! I claim nothing, and I don't know anyone mentioned. There - disclaimer is done.

I just sent the first chapter to Nifty like... 3 mins ago and haven't bothered to see feedback. Email me with questions, praise, or if you just need someone to bitch at. okay? Good. END

In Carmyn castle

"But father, you can't keep me locked up here forever, I have to go outside sometime. I need to make friends, and live a normal life." said Joshua. "Nonsense, there is nothing for a prince outside with the rabble, and your mother and I are all the friends you need. Joshua, must I keep reminding you, that you cannot live a normal life, you are special. My son you are destined for great things, I mean you are the Avatar of..." the king tried to speak but was cut off.

"I KNOW! I am the Avatar of some dead god. You don't care about me, you just want to keep me alive until I become a god, so you can get what you want, But you won't! When the time comes I will choose to give away my power. I don't want it!" Joshua screamed, and then ran out of the courtroom.

Joshua ran in to his room and started to sob. He hated feeling so alone. He was a freak, and his parents treated him like a prisoner. Joshua though to himself, and then decided. Tonight he would breach the castle walls, and go to town. No one would know, none of the commoners had ever seen him. Hell, barely anyone but his parents had seen him.

In Yumen, a small farm town

"Miya, My daughter, why do you seem so sad?" said Christina. Miya put on a fake smile and said nothing was wrong. Christina scolded her, "What have I told you about lying? Now tell me, Why have you been so upset? Are you still having nightmares?" asked Christina again.

"Mommy... the other children... they are scared of me, no one wants to go near me, they say im evil..." Miya said, then burst into tears. Christina went to comfort her. "Mommy... Am I evil? Am I all bad? They say I will bring the Triad down on us all... whats the Triad?" Miya said in between sobs. "My daughter, you are not evil, the people here owe you their lives, and they are grateful for it. The children are just scared that is all. Do not worry yourself with the Triad, I will not let them hurt you." said Christina. "Promise?" asked Miya. Christina nodded.

"Aguilera, Open this door! In the name of Borus, Lord of this area." a man shouted from behind their wooden door. "Open this door or we shall break it down. We have come for the child." the man repeated.

Miya looked at her mother in fear. "Miya... you must hide my daughter, I will do what I can. Escape into the woods, find Maren, she will watch over you if I become unable... Know that I love you!" said Christina.

Miya waved her hands over her face and it vanished, then she repeated over the lower half of her self, and she vanished completely. The door burst open as she did and 10 men weilding swords rushed it. The biggest of them, backhanded Christina and she hit the floor.

"Where is the girl, we know she was here. Spare you life." said the man. "Spare my life? In exchange for hers?" said Christina. The man looked at her. Christina got up, and spat in his face. "Firva! Filth!!" she shouted. The man swung his sword at her and she moved, and then round house kicked the man, he flew back through her wooden door. The 9 other guards rushed and started beating her.

"Stop it! STOP!!!!!" shouted Miya, making herself visable. "Leave my mommy alone or... or..." she studdered. The man got up and walked back in, "Or what little girl? You'll go invisable again and run? Ha ha, leave your mother to die?" he laughed.

"No..." said Miya. "I'll call the black lights back... on you and YOUR family!" she said, her eyes starting to glow with almost a black fog. Thunder could be heard in the distance and it started to rain. The guards all backed away. They had heard the stories of Miya calling thunder and lightning but didn't believe a child could possess such power.

"I..uh.. Marius!! Marius get in here now!!" the guard leader called. An old man, in his 60's walked in with a cane in hand, a dark red robe with a black eye design on the stomache. His grey beard trimmed to his face. The tip of his staff glew with a yellow light, he slashed the air and a glowing ball flew towards Miya. Pale light flowed over her, and she fell to the ground unconsious. The guard leader picked her up and walked towards Marius and motioned for him to follow.

"Oh... and do whatever you want with Aguilera" he said to the other guards before leaving. Marius raised his hands to the air and smoke swirled around them, in a bang and a wave of sparks, they were gone.

The 9 guards approached Christina. She got ready to attack...

Back in Carmyn

Joshua waited for nightfall. He had been planning intricate ways to escape. Well thought out plans, and strategy after strategy. He decided on one. He would jump out his window into the court yard and run as fast as he could. Okay. So it wasn't the best plan, but he knew, being the Body Avatar he could outrun all the guards.

He was just about to make his escape, when his door opened. His mother stepped in. "Hello mother." he said coldly. "Joshua, just because you are mad with your father, does not mean you have to be rude to me. I taught you more manners than that." she said. Josh hung his head. He was just anxious to get free. "I talked with your father, and he understands what you meant. Your a young man now, you have needs. Tomorrow we will hold a search through the village to find you a maiden, to be your wife. Don't worry we will take care of the wedding. Everything will be perfect."

Joshua could not believe what he was hearing. "Uh...Y..thanks mom..." he said. She smiled, and then left. Josh felt a new desire to leave this place, his prison. "Could they be any more clueless about my life?" he thought.

Josh looked at the window, and then he made a run for it, when he jumped his forehead lit up with Lin-lins symbol. He landed in the middle of the court yard, and with one more jump made it clear over the gate. He did it so quickly not one of the guards even noticed. Town was about 4 minutes away. He could see the lights of the town homes, and the bars. Lanterns lit up the street and courtasans could be seen all over, trying to seduce men, and women.

Josh smiled to himself. He had done it.

In Musheilspen, a town to the north

"Erin, I swear, if Deurgar grabs my butt once more I... I'll... I dont know, but it won't be pretty." said a young boy, his blonde hair shaven away. A young girl stood beside him, She had long beautiful green hair, that went down to her back. Tied into a braid. She smiled at the boy beside her "You'll what Justin? Throw a fit and stomp away? Face it, Deurgar is a respected warrior, and this town owes him a great deal." she said. Justin just sighed and went on bartending.

"Arr! What does a man 'ave to do for some service aroun' 'ere?" shouted Deurgar, a fat bearded man, dirt covered his armor... His whole body. Infact Justin swore Deurgar was completely made of dirt. He laughed at the last comment."Ey! Boy! Get over 'ere with more ale!!!" he shouted again.

Justin put 4 ales on a tray and walked over to Deurgar's party's table, when he arrived, as usual, Deurgar grabbed his butt. This time Justin split the ale all over Deurgar.

"You little w'ore! Ye gone and wrecked me armor, so you's be better buying me a new tunic!" he said, smiling. Justin knew where this was going. "I don't have the money to buy you one." he said. Deurgars smile got wider, thats what he was waiting for. "Well, then, your going to 'ave to earn it, and I know just 'ow." he said.

Justins eyes filled with fear. "Me 'an my party been on the road for weeks, we need some releif. Ye can be our boy for a month. Or your 'ead can pay for me new tunic!" Deurgar said, his breath reeking of ale. Justin backed away.

The men at the table laughed and whispered. "We won' hurt ye boy. Not much." Deurgar said, walking towards Justin. Erin watched what was going on from across the bar. She slowly walked over and stepped infront of Justin.

"Out of me way whore. This boy be me property now." said Deurgar. Erin laughed, a loud, hysterical laugh. It was frightening. The wind itself seemed to carry her voice. "This boy is MY property, but you can kill me, he's yours." said Erin. Justin grabbed her shoulder, "Erin! What are you doing? You said it yourself Deurgar is our best warrior. He will kill you." Justin pleaded. Erin laughed "Deurgar is a foolish pig. Besides, your my best friend, my only friend. I would gladly die for you. Come then Deurgar, outside."

They all made their way outside. A group of people gathered to watch. "Where's ye armor lass? You ain't be serious about fighting in your dress?" Deurgar asked. Erin smiled, "Do you think being in a dress makes me less dangerous, or more dangerous?" she said, he voice echoing in the wind. Deurgar looked around. A little glint of fear could be seen in his eyes.

"Well the Deurgar, you get first hit... but I warn you, it will proboly be your last." said Erin. Deurgar rushed forth screaming, swinging a war axe. He swung at Erin and she floated away. He made contact with her arm, cutting it just a little.

"You cut me! You bastard!!" Erin yelled, the wind started to howl around her. "Oh spirit of the wind, touch down and dance your ballet of storms!" Erin called out.

The wind started to howl more violently, it was almost screeching. It kept up and soon generated a high pitched noise. Justin covered his ears. Debree was flying all over and people were struggling to not be swept up into the air. A imagine of a woman dressed in leaves appeared and she danced circles around Deurgar. A whirlwind formed around him and carried him up. He rose a 100 feet into the air and the wind calmed. The only thing heard after that was Deurgars screams, and the noise of him hitting the ground. A cracking noise that ended in a a wet gurgle from Deurgar. Then silence.

Erin walked over to Justin and streched out her hand. "Come, we must leave this place." she said. Justin nodded and they took off down the road. Leaving behind a series of astonished faces, and unanswered questions.

Back in Carmyn

Josh walked in to the bar. It was like nothing he had ever seen. People laughing, having fun, lots of drunks, courtesans, a few fights going on. Barmaids in skantly clothing. He looked around amazed. So amazed he blocked the door, someone pushed him out of the way and he came back to reality.

He walked over to the bar. "A mug of ale" he ordered. The bartender, smiled and passed a mug. Josh gave him 2 silver coins. He took a sip and spit it out. "Ugh, How can people drink this? It takes like piss!" he said. The bartendered just laughed and said "And how would a boy like you know what piss tastes like?" he chuckled to himself again and went back to washing mugs.

Josh listened to all the people talk to eachother. One conversation peaked his intrest.

"Did you hear the news?" one man asked. "Yes! They found another Avatar, in Carmyn no less." a woman responded. "They don't know if it was an Avatar." the man said. "Come dear, they said the bodies were impaled with glowing golden swords. Show me a human who can do that." the woman said. The man agreed and then they continued talking.

Josh thought to himself. "Wow... Another like me, I have to find him... her... it..." he continued to think. A young man sat down beside him. His hair white like snow, with the prettiest green eyes Josh had ever seen. "You look deep in thought." the man said. Josh shook his head, snapping back to reality again. "Wha?" he asked. The man beside him just smiled.

"You seem like you have alot on your mind. Want to talk about it?" he asked. Josh looked around, no one was paying attention. "I... I don't think I should..." Josh studdered. The man beside him smiled. "Whats your name?" he asked. Josh hesitated. "My name is... Er... JC." he said.

"JC? What an interesting name... Your not from around here are you? I've never seen you before." the man asked. JC nodded. "My names Lansten, but you can call me Lance."

Josh looked over and saw two Palace guards entering the bar. He got up but Lance grabbed his arm, "Hey where are you going stud? I was having fun." he said. JC blushed, "I... Have to go... Im sorry." and he tried to walk off, but Lance didn't let go, "When can I see you again?" Lance asked. "You can't... I'm really sorry." Josh said, then he ran and jumped out the bar window.

"Figures... I meet a nice guy and he jumps out a window." Lance sighed. He looked over at the guards. "Hmmm." he thought.

Well thats it for this chapter. What do you think? I'll hope for some feedback by tomorrow. You guys need to tell me what you want to see! And who you want together. I was pairing ideas. Straight,Bi,Gay, just tell me. I also want to include Jerry and Chad from 2Gether, and Ohad from B4-4. Ashley from O-town, maybe Dan and Jacob. Tell me what you think!!!! Cmon! !!

Next: Chapter 3

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