King of Sorrow

By Jayson Spears

Published on Jul 28, 2001


WARNING: I have only gotten ONE feedback message... It was positive, But I need more support, or atleast proof are accually reading this story. E-mail me! if you want the story to continue. Also email me with what couples you want too see, And even suggestions for Avatars.

This is the final disclaimer: I claim nothing about the members of Nsync, BSB, O-Town, 2Gether, B4-4, or Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, or any other celebrities mentioned herein. The charecters who are not celebrities are fictional, and made by me, as is the world they live in. Their names are from many sources. This story will contain gay themes, sex, and charecters. If this offends you, please become less constipated. You SHOULD be over 18 to read this, because it will have sex, violence, course language, and lots of other things. But make your own descisions. If I told you to leave you wouldn't listen anyways. :smile:

I am going to give a little write up on all the gods and goddesses below. This is kinda long, but it will also mention certain people, and give updates on them. The world has fast forwarded a little. Nothing that major has happened. At the bottom, after the write up on the gods, I will include a smaller summary of all the main points, for those of you who don't wish to know anything about the world in which your reading a story about. Skipping this might cause you to lose some info. Its your choice.

This chapter houses my first ever sex scene, and it is non consentual. Its graphic and nasty. I will have mushy lovey ones, but I figure its better to learn on the nasty cheap ones. The chapter I detail with ~ ~ is the one with the rape, skip it if you do not wish to see it.


The 15 gods and goddesses, Sun - Moon - Space - Time - Arcane - Rune - Mystic - Scholar - Mind - Body - Realm - Void - Lust - Sorrow - Murder, have an array of powers, and offer their followers the same. Herein I shall explain some of their gifts, and give examples of a typical follower of theirs. There might be many choices for certain people, and there will always be exceptions and misfits. If their avatar is known I shall name him or her. Mentionable charecters, under this god shall be mentioned. Pay attention you might see some names of people I've mentioned in previous chapters.

Rygar - The sun god, Brother of Myria. Rygar can summon fire, He can also has command over light and heat. Rygar can use energy to heal, though he and his followers are not good at it. Typical followers of Rygar are Pyromaniacs, Pyrons, Fire Dragons, and some druids occasionally. Some Elementalists have been known to dedicate their time to the Fire element, and worship Rygar. Myconids (Plant Men) normally follow Rygar, but some are known to follow his sister. Brian Literell, of the town of Terrasynthia, is known to be well favored by Rygar, but the reasons are not known to the public. Many believe him to be his Avatar, but there is no proof.

Myria - The moon goddess, Sister of Rygar. Myria's followers can command water, and some of them can even reflect objects, missles, and spells back at their caster. Followers of the Moon are usually quite capable of hiding, or making themselves invisable. The effinity for water allows them some healing spells. Followers of Myria love to be by the ocean. Typical Moon worshippers are Mermaids, Mermen, Aquanids (Fish men). Alot of boat captains and sea faring men worship her, As well as towns who are near the sea. Some of her darker followers include theives, vampires, and werebeasts. Miya Aguilera - Of the town of Yumen, is known as her Avatar, though she has been missing for quite some time now.

Helena - Space Goddess and Ruler of the planets. Followers of the space goddess Helena, are rare. Helena does not often support her worshippers unless they are loyal. Her powers are amazing and her fury is almost unmatched. Followers of Helena can control gravity, fly, and suffocate beings, and those are the weaker of their abilities. They can magnatize objects. Very loyal followers can cause Meteor Showers, Solar Flares, and are rumored to be able to implode creatures and items unto them selves. Followers of Helena are typically Dragons, Familars, Planetars, and beings not from this world.

Reiner - God of Time and Clocks. Reiner and his followers do not have as much of a variety of abilities as the other gods. His power however is very strong. No one but Reiner is gifted with the ability to stop time, though some of his devout followers can slow it down, or speed it up. They are very hard to kill for this reason. Many of them can bend the laws of physics and perform actions not do-able by anyone else. They are cunning and intelligent. Many of them are gifted with the ability of Far Seeing, and can read the future. Typical followers of Reiner are Seers, Oracles, Psychics, and many scientists. Lance Bass, Grand Seer of the Royal Family of Carymn is known to be a devout servant of Reiner, and he too is believed to be an Avatar, though no one is sure.

Parda - God of all things Mystic. The Mystic element deals with the natural powers of the earth. He and his followers control the elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. Mystic is one of the most variated elements. Parda is also a great healer and has a bond with animals. He is also one of the two elements capable of ressurection. The most common follower of Parda is druids. Many woodland beings are followers, Such as Maren, a Nymph from the forests near Yumen. Elementalists, Shamen, and Elves are common followers. Parda's avatar was recently identified as Erin Saracen, a young girl from the city of Musheilspen.

Tristamao - Goddess of all things Arcane. Trista is constantly in war with Parda. Parda hates the unnatural element she commands. Unline Mystics, Arcanists powers deal with the exact oposite. The element of the arcane allows for things to be summoned, and for people, and items to be teleported. Arcanists deal with Tarot cards and in some cases, what people call Witch craft or wiccan.Demon Summoning is one of the powers followers of Tristamao may have. They are good at ejecting lasers and very strong followers can even Mutate objects, and sometimes people. Common followers of hers are Wizards, Summoners, Witches, Warlocks, Transmuters and in some rare cases, Necromancers or Cabalists. Her avatar is known to be in the Carymn area, but who he or she is, at this time, is unknown. Gaul, a dark priest from Jyelen, is a very well known follower of hers, both for his strength, and cruelty.

Lin-Lin - Goddess of the Body. Followers of the body display hightend strength, speed, and reflexes. Many are experianced Warriors, Samurai, of masters of Kung Fu. All followers of Lin-Lin are warriors or healers. Lin-Lin is the most capable healer of all the gods, and can ressurect the fallen. The only mortals capable of ressurection are her followers. Lin-Lin's avatar is the prince of Carmyn, Joshua Chasez. A well known Nomad by the name of Yuni is also known to be very in touch with Lin-Lin. Her healing skills are some of the best in Legendra.

Friest - God of the Mind. Followers of the mind are generally scientists, librarians, teachers, and in some cases mechanics or craftsmen. Many of his followers display psychic, and telekinetic powers, as well as extremely high intelligence. They all tend to be frail and subject to weakness and disease. Talented Mind followers are rumored to be able to control peoples minds, read their thoughts, make them do things, and even erase memories, and create false ones. This however is unproven. Nickolas Carter is suspected to be Friest's avatar, but recently he has been unreachable.

Cinna - Goddess of Runes. Cinna and her followers are generally passive. They tend to not directly enter the battle, but instead stay behind to magically improve their comrades armor, or weapons. They can draw runes, symbols, that activate at certain times, with impressive results. Rune-Magic is difficult to learn, but can be learnt by almost anyone. Some symbols are so intricate they can take days to draw. These symbols however are extremely potent. Runes are very deadly and commonly used in traps. They can cause massive explosions, burn, or chill their victims, and can even cause blindness, paralysis, and fear. Experianced Rune-Mages can animate golems, and other objects or statues to be guardians for them. There is a Tower in the east that is known to be strictly for Rune-Mages, though no one who has not been accepted has made it out alive. The leader of this School is rumored to be Cinna's avatar, but his or her name is unknown.

Tsuagal - The Scholar God. Followers of Tsuagal, like those of Cinna, do not often directly enter battle. They express highend senses, and intelligence and are generally pacifists. Many healers follow Tsuagal, as well as Librarians, Teachers, Friars. Many priests start off worshipping Tsuagal, but convert to another god or goddess later. Scholar mages use books, and tomes or pages of knowledge to perform spells, that normally heal - or enchance the targets abilities. Like Rune-mages, anyone may follow Tsuagal, he will turn away no one, the same goes for his followers.

Amara - Goddess of the Realm. People gifted with the abilities of the Realm, unlike most other elements, are chosen by Amara herself, and are rare. She turns away all but the most powerful beings. The realm gives its followers power over Sun, Time, Mystic, Scholar, and Body. Typical creatures chosen by Amara are Dragons, Angels, Seraphim and Cherubim, Rarely Elves, and sometimes even humans.

Zozma - God of the Void. Zozma is the youngest of the gods. He is like a child and does what amuses him, and not what he should. His actions are random and spur of the moment. Like Amara, his only followers are those he chooses. He only accepts beings of power. His followers have power of the Moon, Space, Arcane, Rune, and the Mind. Typical followers of him are also Dragons, some Ancient Vampires, Demons, Liches. Powerful, but Beautiful humans are commonly chosen by Zozma, he however uses them as objects to instill emotion, and not as beings to represent him on Legendra.

Dekanti - Goddess of Murder. Dekanti was once the Undermother, servant directly under Qea, she however betrayed her and tried to take over Qea's rule. She failed, and was cast out. She adopted the title of Goddess of Murder, but is still known as the Undermother. The extent of her powers is unknown, but they are massive, Unlike Qea she does not split her power into many ports, instead she greedily keeps it to herself. Her only followers are Milishea and Omar, and a mortal who's name is unknown.

Milishea - Goddess of Lust. Milishea was once the Goddess of Purity and "The Eternal Child", but she was tempted by Dekanti, and fell from grace. She know harbors the title of Goddess of Lust. She is cunning, and manipulative. She deals in lies and misconseptions. It is said that people who cheat on their partners will be scarred with Milisheas mark, for all to see, and for all to know of their fall from grace. Milishea has few direct followers. Lord Borus, of Yumen, is one of the only known followers of Milishea. He is a pig and well hated by many.

Omar - God of Sorrow. Omar was once the god of Technology. When Qea split her essense and chose her Avatars, who became the 15 gods, Omar was selected, and left his mortal family behind. He however continued to live with them, and was the only god who constantly stayed in the mortal plane. One day while he was doing work in Qea's temple, his family was murdered. He grew furious with Reiner, God of Time, and Qea, for not telling him it would happen. Dekanti stepped in, and reminded him that she would of told him. Omar grew bitter and hateful, and become the God of Sorrow. Common followers of Omar are Widows, Victims of Rape, Molestation, or People who have had a someone close to them die, almost everyone at some point is tempted by Omar, those who do not break free from him eventually destroy themselves with their greif.

Qea - The Overmother. Qea originally started with 15 Gods / Goddesses. Three were cast out, These formed "The Triad" and attempt to steal her position as the Overmother. Qea can call upon the power of all her Wards, but recently the Triad made a Pocket Plane of their own, inside of Qea's realm, in which she cannot touch, or call upon their power from. This does not worry her though, for if they leave it, she gains their power again. Unlike the other gods, Qea cannot die. If her power is stolen, she returns to her home plane, and will have to earn the right to start her own plane again. If one of her Wards (The other gods) die, they can choose to release themselves to death, and meet with the people from their mortal life, or they may return to Legendra and live out a mortal life, and die when they were originally supposed to.

The story continues

Since JC's escape from the castle, his father has increased security. His mother has fallen ill. Carmyn Castle is getting more and more scruiteny for their ignorance of their people, and the lack of protection and support they give them. A seer was hired, as Royal advisor to the King. His name is Lancsten Bass. JC has grown a strong relationship with him, who he refers to as Lance. The king, Jack Chasez, brought in many brides for JC, all of which were declined. Many people have begun flocking to Carymn, 4 Avatars are known to be in the area, atleast. Hunters go there looking for a chance at power.

Christina fought off all of the guards, She is a powerful rune mage, when Miya was gone she activated the runes in the building and exploded everything around her, her farmhouse was left in rubble. She was unhurt and made her way to Maren, a Nymph in the forest near her house, they have begun assaulting Lord Borus', a follower of Milishea, Goddess of Lust, keep with the help of other woodland beings, and some followers of Myria, the Moon Goddess.

Miya is unhurt inside Golum Keep, Lord Borus' home. He hasn't revealed his intentions, but they are not of a sexual purpose, since Borus favors young boys. Miya believes he is under command from Milishea. The dreams have come more frequent for Miya and she see's horrible images in her mind. Her powers are growing and since she is not exersising them, they have begun to discharge randomly, causing massive destruction in the keep. Many guards have fallen by her hands, without her even attacking. Marius, a moon follower, loyal to Borus, keeps her locked in the dungeon. While Miya is strong, he is resistant to her power.

Erin and Justin have travelled a long long distance, over which they talked alot about what happened back in Musheilspen. Erin Saracen, revealed herself as the Avatar to Parda, all things Mystic, and told Justin of her sister, Mileen, Avatar of the Realm. She made Justin promise not to tell anyone about Mileen. During their travels alot of raiders and hunters have attacked them and Justin has begun to develop Mystic abilities. He is very in tune with the Elements, but he is still not that powerful. They arrived in Carmyn, and Erin is trying to get a job in the castle as a Imperil Guard. Since the Princes bar adventure, King Jack XIV has been stepping up security.

The bear that ate the Avatar of the Void has taken human form in the forest outside Carmyn, and goes by the name Joseph Fatone. He has started a coallition of Shadow Druids, who have been killing off travellers of the forest. The villagers of Carmyn are petrified, especially since the king has recalled most of the guards to the castle, to guard his son. Joseph plans to use the village's weakened state as a gateway to an attack.

Brian Literell, of Terrasynthia, is thought to be the Avatar of the Sun, he knows however he isn't, but Rygar Linus has entrusted him in the care of his Mortal son, who is the Avatar of the Sun. No one knows of this and Brian's extreme powers were granted to divert attention from Chad. Terrasynthia has been under attack from Vampires for the last month. They wish to feast upon the Sun Avatar, they think it will make them immune to the sun.

In the Granite Citadel, The most prestigious school for training for Rune Magists, the leader, Livius Angel, passed away, and his son, Ashley Angel, has been forced to take his place as headmaster. At his young age he holds more power than his father ever did, and has been identified by Elle as the Rune Avatar. Elle is the advisor and Guildmistress to the school, she is a very accomplished Rune-Magi. She is encouraging Ashley to give way to the more destructive power of Runes and to start taking over more areas. She is also awfully flirtatious.

Yuni, a servant of Lin-Lin, and one of Legendra's foremost healers, travels nomadically through the realm. She stopped in Jyelen, rumored home of Gaul, Dark Priest of the Arcane, to find the entire council there, of 20 members, dead, all of natural causes, all within a week, and Gaul, being declared sole ruler. Yuni finds this odd and tries to search the City Hall where the council was staying. Chris Kirkpatrick, a Servant of Omar, God of Sorrow, stops her inside.

Nickolas Carter, A powerful telekenetic and psychic, and rumored Avatar to Friest, God of the Mind has been missing for some time now. A small group of peole from Jkad, his hometown, have begun searching for him. Though no trace of him can be found, and there is no sign of a struggle in his house.

Alexander James Maclean, or as he calls himself, AJ, and servant of Zozma, God of the Void, had been searching for someone to call his lover. The person had to be strong, and beautiful. While searching he decided to stop in a small port town called Jkad, he was mesmerized by a boy he found there, Nick, and decided he had to have him. AJ's unusual looks scared Nick away, but AJ would not give up, when Nick refused to come willingly, AJ teleported them to his home back in the Forest of Carmyn. AJ is second in command to the Shadow Druids, a organisation, run by Joseph Fatone.

Kevin Richardson, along with his long time friends Setseuna and Jennifer Lopez, also arrived in Carmyn. Kevin, a loyal follower of Reiner, the time god, is Looking for Lance Bass, who he knows is the Avatar of time. Setseuna is the Avatar of Space, and Jennifer is a devout servant to Helena, the space goddess. Kevin wishes to assassinate Lance, so he may become the Avatar. Jennifer is also looking for an Avatar to kill, the three of them plan to form an alliance when they become gods.

In the Carmyn slums

"Justin, Be very careful here dear, the men and women here will not hesitate to kill us." said Erin. Justin just nodded and stayed close to her. Every since leaving Musheilspen Erin had been his security blanket, whenever he left her side he felt scared. Musheilspen had about 60 people in it, His immediate area had atleast that. They continued walking through the slums towards the Central district.

There was a slight flash and a sheering noise and then Justin saw the blade; right infront of his throat. Erin turned around, "Put the shank away, or your REALLY going to regret it." Erin commanded. The man laughed at her. "Bitch, Give me your gold, and jewelry, you too boy." the man said. Erin smiled and her eyes started to glow with a red light.

"Watch in horror as your flesh sears away!!" shouted Erin. She raised her hands up and the ground around the man cracked. Steam burst out and the man backed away in fear. The ground exploded and a Phoenix flew out. It looked directly at the man and screeched, then spit a ball of fire at the man. He burst into flames and begin squeeling. The flames died down and only a charred skeleton remained.

Justin sighed. Out of releif, and shame. He needed Erin to protect him. He felt so weak, he couldn't do anything close to what Erin could. Sure he could shoot a fireball or a lightning ball, But Erin could summon elementals and spirits. He was jealous.

"Hold there strangers! Magic is not permitted in Carmyn, you will come with us!" commanded a guard. As soon as he waded towards Erin and Justin, 5 more appeared to help him.

In Carmyn Castle

Josh was severely bored. His father had locked him up even tighter than before, the only person he was allowed to see besides Family, was Lance. He sat in the courtroom with his father, and Lance. They were talking about recent visions of Lances. Not much had happened today, nothing intresting. A few people with unpaid taxes, a couple theives.

Just them 6 guards burst in, three were holding a young woman, her dark green hair down to her back in a braid, and her plain green dress torn around the bottom, and three others holding a stunning... No a beautiful young man, thought Josh.

"See... I told you i'd get us in the castle." whispered Erin. Justin rolled his eyes at her. They were lead up near the throne. Justin could see three men. A older, greying man, he seemed cold... He scared Justin. A younger man with amazing green eyes and unnaturally blonde hair. He could tell this man was powerful. There was also a brown haired man with peircing blue eyes. Justin blushed at the sight of him.

"And who are these people? Peasents? Tax evaders? They do not look strong enough to be theives." said the King. Lance remained silent, staring at Erin. JC was paying close attention, waiting to hear if the two would speak.

"Your highness... Not much is known but their names. The boy is Justin Timberlake, and the girl is Erin Saracen. In the slums... she... she..." the guard tried to finish but couldn't.

"Out with it man! She what?" the king commanded. One of the other guards spoke up, "A drunkard pulled a knife on her friend and she... killed him..." he said. The king just snorted. "So, she stabbed a drunkard, lock her in the dungeon, and her friend for causing it all." he said.

"Your highness... It isn't that simple... She didn't just kill him; she summoned a phoenix and burned him till nothing but bones were left." said a guard.

The king gasped at the comment, Josh looked at Lance and Lance just held his head down. The king got up from his throne. "Get two Imperial Guards." he commanded. The six guards left and 2 people entered. A man about 30, dressed in a white robe with red trim and runes, and another man, about 60 in a Yellow robe with red trim. The one in white stood behind Erin, and the one in Yellow behind Justin.

"So, Woman, why are you here?" the king asked. Erin gave him an ice cold glare and said, "My name is Erin, Use it." the guard behind her poked her back with his staff and an electrical charge went threw her body. Her hair blew around her face and lightning came from her finger tips. She turned around to the imperil guard, and touched his face. Lightning corsucated threw him, and then he was ejected across the throne room. When he hit the wall he turned to dust.

"Hmm, It seems you have an opening for an Imperil Guard. I wish to fill that spot." Said Erin. The king just looked at her in horror. "Let me formally introduce myself. Erin Saracen, Avatar of Parda, the Mystic." She said.

The king went over to Lance and talked with him. He nodded and then walked over to Erin. "Fine, You may join the forces, you will report to Brutus in the Barracks. He will formally ordane you." then he turned to Justin, "As for you, for causing so much trouble in the slums, you will be spending time in the dungeon." Justin screamed. "No! I didn't do anything!" and tried to run from the Imperil Guard grabbing him. The guard hit him across the head with his staff and knocked him unconsious. Erin's face lit up with fury, But before she could do anything Joshua ran over and punched the guard in the chest. The sounds of Ribs cracking were heard, and the guard flew into the courtroom doors, leaving cracks in the marble.

"He is going to stay with me" JC said. Then he picked up Justin and walked off. Erin smiled. The king stood there speechless. Lance got up and went after Joshua. Erin walked off towards the barracks, leaving the king alone.

In the Forest near Yumen, at Borus' Keep

The Battle raged on outside the Keep. The outer wall had long since been breached from the onslaughter of the Woodland beings. Druids, Treants, Forms of Werebeasts, Nymphs and even a few Rock Golems, along with a group of Myconids had been attacking the keep mercilessly for the past 3 days. The Inner keep was protected by a powerful reflection shield, created by Marius, Lord Borus's head Magi.

The war calls of the Nymphs were driving the Keep's archers insane, and some had already begun to kill their fellow soldiers. The Myconids had been releasing poison spores for some time now, and the two Rock golems were mercilessly destroying walls and groups of foot soldiers. Three Werebats had come to Christina's aid, they owed Maren, Miya's godmother, a favor. They were circling the Keep taking out anything shot by Ballista's or Catapults with their Sonic Screams. Many druids, including one Shadow Druid, had also come. The shadow druid, named Mellisan, was working with Christina to remove the Reflection Shield.

"Any luck?" Asked Maren. Christina shook her head. She was fighting back tears, she had no idea what Borus was doing to Miya, or if she was alive. Everyone knew Borus was insane, and a lustful pig. He was a known follower of Milishea, and was obsessed with becoming a god.

"I got it!" shouted Mellisan. Christina ran over to where she was, with Maren behind her. Mellisan waved her hands and the shield lit up, and then shattered into a thousand peices. Maren let out a loud war call and the woodland beings rushed at the castle. The Iron gates were smashed to peices from the Rock Golems. The Myconids had killed off most of the guards with their spores. Many bears and wolves had rushed in to the castle, the druids remained outside, with the werebats, picking off stray soldiers and ballistas.

Christina, Maren, and Mellisan made their way into the Banquet hall of the Keep. Borus sat on a wooden throne, with Marius by his side, and Miya tied up and unconsious.

"If you hurt her... You... I..." Said Christina before rage took over. Maren got ready to attack, and Mellisan, who normally did not interfere in things like that, felt an unusual emotion, pity. She felt sorry for the girl tied up.

Maren suddenly let out a shrill screech. It shook the very walls. Marius fell unconsious from the noise. Borus rushed at Christina, with a War Hammer and in Platemail. Mellisan outstreched her hands, and his armor and weapon melted away. It pooled on the ground and formed into a fist in the air, it grabbed Borus by the throat and started choking him. He grasped for air.

Christina walked over to Borus and began drawing a Pain rune. She completed it and Borus writhed in agony. "There is not a hell hot enough for you to burn in!" Christina said, and spit on him. He laughed, "Foolish woman, you have not won... Milishea will not let her servent die... I will... return!" he laughed, and then vanished. The iron hand turned back into a puddle on the ground. Marius got up.

"Well it seems it is time for me to make an escape. Until later, Ladies." he said, waving his staff, he vanished in a spark of energy.

Christina ran over to Miya and ripped off the ropes. "Momma? Momma is that you? Oh Momma!!!" Miya said, hugging Christina. "Dear, it is time for us to leave Yumen... I have to take you someone safer." said Christina.

In the Central District of Carmyn

"I do not see what is so difficult. We attack the castle, kill the Avatars, and then return to the Taren desert until the ascension to god-hood." said Jennifer. Kevin nodded. Setseuna sighed. "It is not that simple, An Avatar is not an easy thing to kill, Especially one who controls time, by now he obviously knows we are coming, though my power displaces his, he will not know what we look like. Furthermore, I heard rumor of more Avatars arriving there, and the Imperil Guard is not something to take lightly." said Setseuna.

"Well then what do we do then? I too am a follower of time, I can handle the seer, and Jennifer your skilled in the space arts. Setseuna your the avatar of space, I mean you can cause a meteor shower, How can we lose?" said Kevin. "Kevin! You have to much confidence. For me to make the sky rain fire is not an easy process. I would be stopped before I could make it happen, further more, YOU are the one that must kill the seer, not me. I cannot accept his power, it would jump to the vessel of his choice." snapped Setseuna.

"Lets just get some sleep guys. We can scout out the castle tomorrow." Said Jennifer. The others agreed.

In the forests outside Carmyn City

"Tonights meeting shall start now." shouted a young man, his black hair darker than coal. A young blonde boy sat beside him. Tears stained his face and he seemed to be in pain. The man sat down. Beside him was a giant throne, on it stood Joseph Fatone, Avatar of the void, and at one time, a bear in the forest. Joseph lead the shadow druids. They felt the only way to save nature was through violence, and would do anything to remove humans from their area. They have set their sights on Carmyn.

"The King of Carmyn has recalled almost all the guards from the city. It is defenseless. I do not think we could even be attacked by the imperials unless we got near the castle." said Alexander. Joseph laughed. The other members in the council laughed with him.

"Then it is decided, tomorrow night we raid Carmyn!" Shouted Joeseph. "Haradus, Nyalee, preapre the troops, tomorrow, We go to war!" shouted Joey. Then he got up, grabbed a young boy, no older than 16, with dark black hair and blue eyes, and left.

Alex stood up, "The meeting is over." he said, then he grabbed Nick hand and dragged him off.

~In Alexanders Room~

"Finally... We can have some privacy" Alex said, looking at Nick with lust in his eyes. Nick almost started crying again. "Please... No... I don't want to do... that." Nick said. Alex just laughed, "Your gay, Im gay, What does it matter? Besides you don't really get a say in this" he said. Nick burst into tears. "I can't... I don't want to lose my virginity... can we just.." Nick pleaded. "No. We can't. Its time we got closer." Alex said, moving closer to Nick. He ran his hands over Nick's body. Alex pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. He started to passionatly kiss Nick, but Nick didn't return the kiss. He pushed Nick down onto the bed and ripped off his shirt. Nick continued crying. He tugged on Nicks pants and took them off, then he took his own off. He fondled Nick's dick and Nick tried to push him off. "AJ... Dont... Im begging you." Nick pleaded once more. Alex put his hand over Nicks mouth.

Aj aimed his cock at Nicks hole and started to move in, Nick arched his back and let out a muffled scream. He bit down on Ajs hand as he entered him but Aj kept going. Aj started to moan loudly. He had been dreaming of this since the first time he saw Nick in Jkad. He let out a few more grunts and then he came, deep inside Nick, Nick started to flail his arms around and let out another series of muffled screams. Aj pulled out of Nick and took his hand off Nicks mouth. Cum dripped from Nicks ass. Nick got up and ran to the bathroom. He threw up in the chamber pot. He slept on the bathroom floor, after crying himself to sleep.

Well thats it for this chapter. Sorry for typos and errors. This is the biggest work ive done. I am fairly new to writing. Email me at - Ive only got one letter, I need more!!! Email me with suggestions on couples, and events, ect! Flame me, but tell me why it sucks, not that it just sucks.

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