
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 9, 2023


Kismet Chapter 4

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Four

Jax and I didn't see each other Tuesday; schedules got in the way. He came by Wednesday after work and we made plans to go camping this weekend. We were finishing up emptying the few remaining boxes I left to unpack when we came across my camping gear. We got to talking about camping trips we'd been on and quickly decided we needed to go somewhere and unwind. I didn't really feel like driving all day to get somewhere so I suggested Lock 17, or Burchfield Branch as they called it these days. We called and made a reservation for Friday and Saturday nights and started separating out the gear we'd need. My little backpacking tent was optimistically called a two-man tent but we would definitely be close. It was hot weather so we wouldn't have to worry much about carrying a lot of bedding; I found the old double sleeping bag me and Justin used to take and put it on the pile. We added a small ice chest, a Coleman lantern and stove and finally a box fan. We planned to hit the grocery store on the way down there.

Friday was my short day, I got off and raced home to start packing the Outback with all the gear we'd set aside. I packed a backpack last night with the few clothes I thought I might want. Chris came over and watched me pack, saying he wished he was going. I told him maybe next trip we'd take him and Mason and give his mom some time off.

"Y'all are going to do stuff, aren't you?" he asked with a smirk.

"Sure. We're going to camp, smartass" I said back and ruffed his hair.

"If you do take us, I want to go to Wind Creek" he said, "Uncle Mike took me there before him and dad had that fight."

"Okay, it's a deal. One favor: feed Momo while we're gone. The food is in the cabinet by the sink. By the way, with football and practice when will you have time to go camping?" I asked.

"Our games are on Thursdays and we practice mostly during the week so the weekends shouldn't be too hard" he said. I handed him my spare key.

"What are y'all plotting?" Jax said as he walked up carrying his pack.

"CJ wants us to take him camping with us sometime. I told him we might take him and Mason and give Cheryl some time off" I said.

"CJ?" he asked.

"Well, he calls himself Chris, you insist on Jacob, so my compromise is CJ" I explained.

Chris said "I kind of like it, actually."

"We should focus on this trip right now" Jax said. He found an empty spot and shoved his pack in. I looked at the him and Chris standing side by side; the resemblance was just uncanny. I decided I was going to bring it up at some point this weekend. Cheryl was calling Chris to come on to go to practice so he said his goodbyes and ran off. We locked everything up and took off. We stopped by the horrible Walmart and got some stuff to eat and a couple of 12-packs of beer, one of which went into the cooler with a big bag of ice.

"You actually trust a 13-year-old with a key to your house?" Jax said, apparently amused.

"We've bonded while I was waiting for you to get here" I said, "He's a good kid."

"Well, I already knew that, I guess I'm just surprised you're such a trusting soul" he said, "what if he decides to go through all your stuff?"

"He already knows I'm gay, what else is there to find?" I replied nonchalantly, but inside I was wracking my brain to remember if I had all the important stuff put up.

"If you knew `CJ' better you'd know its kind of unusual for him to warm up to somebody this quick. He's a friendly kid but he's usually standoffish at first" Jax said, "I must have been right about there being something special about you."

I pulled up to the gate and paid our camping fees and we went down to our space. At least he gave us a shaded space; I guess because I told him we'd be in a tent. I set my tent up in about 5 minutes, there's not a lot of work to be done on it, basically two poles. We pulled out the EZ-Up I borrowed from Justin and two camp chairs and set the ice chest between them. It was getting late in the afternoon, so we stopped the preparation so we could go swim for a little while in their little beach area before it got dark.

There was a woman with several smaller kids on the beach so we swam out to the boundary markers and floated for a while. As the sun started setting the woman was packing the kids into her mini-van so we went back to the nearly deserted beach. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching and pulled Jax in for a quick kiss. His head snapped back as he looked around, but seeing as the last other beach occupant just left, he came back in and kissed me again. We stayed there until the sun set; watching the last rays reflected on the rippling water. Neither of us had thought to bring a flashlight so we hurried back to our campsite before all the residual daylight was gone.

I lit the Coleman lantern and fired up the stove so we could cook our small pack of hamburger meat before it had a chance to go bad. Jax popped an ice-cold beer for each of us. We sat by the light of the lantern and ate our burgers and chips and drank a couple of beers. The place was full of the noises of people enjoying their weekend. We were on the third beer when a barge came down the river. We watched as it approached the lock and entered. I was feeling a little buzzed and questions started rolling around in my head again. I looked at Jax and squinted, the similarities were just too many to be coincidental.

"Jax, do you realize how much you and CJ look alike?" I said softly.

Jax was feeling his buzz too, he said "Yeah, so I've been told."

"So, how do you figure an uncle and nephew come to look so much alike?" I asked.

He uncapped beer number four and took a big drink and sat pensive for a long time. I had about given up on any answers when he scooted closer and said "This stays between you and me. It does not go any farther. Get me?"

"Absolutely. Your secrets are safe with me" I said.

"Promise" he said.

"I pinky swear promise, man. I don't have any reason to cross you" I said emphatically.

Another big gulp of the beer, then "Jake is not my nephew. Jake is my son."

I had to take a minute to process the idea, even thought it had been running around my head for days now. I wasn't really sure what to say.

"Does he know?" I finally asked.

"I don't think so, but the older he gets, the harder it gets to hide it. Every time I look at him, I feel like I'm looking at a middle-school annual from the past" he said. We sat in silence for a while again, just sipping the beer and listening to the waves hit the river banks.

"I guess my obvious question would be how can he be your son when you're gay?" I asked.

"Peer pressure" he said. "When I was 15, my so-called friends decided I was going to lose my virginity. At the time I wasn't sure if I was gay or what. They found a girl who actually had a crush on me, so it was no problem getting her to pop my cherry. I was kind of high when it happened and I remember her playing with me until I got hard and sitting on it. It was all so novel to me that even though I found it kind of gross I still came in her. She wanted me to eat her pussy to finish her off since she didn't orgasm during our brief time together. I tried, but due to the combination of beer and pot I'd had, I ended up running to the bathroom and puking my guts up. She took offense and left; I was actually kind of relieved. My "friends" all high-fived me and celebrated. About six weeks later, she came looking for me, pregnant, of course. She wanted me to get my folks to help her pay for an abortion. I talked her into keeping it. Cheryl and Gary had been married about a year and hadn't had any luck getting pregnant so we talked them into adopting the baby. Christopher was Gary's middle name, mine is Jacob. He took care of Jake, never mistreated him, but when Mason came along and was his `natural' child I could tell a difference in Gary's behavior. I started spending a lot of time with Jake, and Gary started resenting it. The incident in the bathroom was his excuse to get me out of my child's life. I didn't see him again until after Gary died in the mine. One of the reasons I came back here was to be with him and figure out a way to let him know the truth."

I reached over and took his hand in mine. I didn't really have words for all this, I wasn't experienced in helping anybody with this kind of situation. We finished our beers and I got up and pulled him up and blew out the lantern and crawled into the tent. The double sleeping bag took up the entire floor of the tent. I put the box fan at the door on low to keep a little air stirring all night, it was about 11pm but it was still in the upper 70s outside. The adjacent campsites were pretty close to ours so I knew we'd have to keep our noise level down.

I whispered in his ear: "bottom or top?" He looked at me with wide questioning eyes, I nodded. He said "bottom." I scooted down and started pulling his shorts off; I'd already stripped when I got in the tent. I pushed his legs up and started licking his river water smelling backside. He let out a little moan when I pushed my tongue into him. I backed off and said "Shhh!" reminding him to be quiet. He gave me the ok sign and stuffed his shorts in his mouth. I continued eating his ass until my neck was getting stiff, then started with fingers. I reached behind me and grabbed my naughty boy case and pulled out the lube and squirted a little and sent two fingers into him, stretching and twisting. He had the sleeping bag firmly gripped in his fists. I moved on to three fingers and could hear him breathing hard through the cloth in his mouth. When I pulled the fingers out his hole stayed open a few seconds before winking so I reached back into the bag and got a condom and rolled it on. I stretched him a little more with fingers from both hands, then I laid my dick at his entrance and made him to the work of impaling himself onto me. As he was pushing back toward me trying to get my length into him, I pulled on both his arms and pulled him into a sitting position, then turned us over so I was on my back. When he came down, I was fully inside him; I could feel his muscled ass resting on my lap and the heat of his cock laying across my stomach.

I lightly slapped his ass and he clenched and it was my turn to get shushed after I let out a little noise of my own. As he started riding me, I grabbed some lube and made a tunnel for his cock to ride in; every time he cycled on my dick, his got a stroke too. We had a pretty good rhythm going when we heard voices of somebody going to the bathhouse. We stopped long enough for the voices to fade then I slapped his ass and we started again. I tightened my grip on his dick and sped up stroking him because I felt like I was getting close myself. When his first shot painted a line up to my upper chest his hole's grip on my dick almost doubled and I started filling the condom up until juice was squishing out around the bottom into my pubes. Jax had made a serious mess of my torso; he pulled off me and rolled to the side. I picked up a beach towel and wiped off, only after tasting the cum. I dabbed at the head of his dick and cleaned the cum out of my pubes and just in time. The people were coming back from the bathhouse. I shook from silently laughing and thinking about what they missed while in the bathroom. Everybody seemed to have settled down so we finally went to sleep.

Saturday we just swam and were lazy in general. After lunch, while most everybody had gone to swim, Jax pulled me into the tent. He wanted me to give him some `afternoon delight' as he put it. This time I took him face down and pounded the shit out of him since nobody was around to hear us. When he turned over, I could tell the sleeping bag was going to have to go the dry cleaners when we got back; he'd deposited another huge load on it.

Sitting by the campfire we made Saturday night, drinking beer again, I asked him how Cheryl would feel about him telling CJ the truth.

"I really don't know. Of course, I'd discuss it with her before I did something like that" he said.

"If it comes down to it, and she doesn't want him to know, what would you do?" I asked.

"If it comes to that, I'd probably leave again. If I'm not around the subject won't come up" he said sadly.

"Just keep in mind, you have a right to be happy too. Other people need to understand that" I said taking his hand in mine. We sat quietly, holding hands and staring into the campfire. It was way up in the night when we finally turned in.

Sunday morning, I got a surprise, by the time I was blinking into consciousness a third of a slender dick had made its way into my poop chute. It was early, barely any sun out yet as he gently rocked back and forth inside me trying to keep quiet. He took a well-lubed hand and fondled me while he sodomized me, both of us laying on our sides. I was in a blissful state of being halfway asleep and being in a state of near orgasm at the same time. He licked the back of my neck and chewed on my earlobe and his free hand was running through the sweaty tangle of fur on my chest. I turned my head back toward him and he kissed me and I started chewing on his bottom lip very lightly. I must have hit an erogenous zone of his because he slammed himself into me hard and filled the condom up inside me. I was perched right on the edge of an orgasm when he turned me on my back and engulfed my cock with his mouth. About two tongue swirls was all it took before I fed him his breakfast. He was a gentleman and shared it with me. We pulled on our trunks and rode over to the beach area and washed away the sweat and smell of sex.

Around lunchtime, we started packing up, deciding we'd stop on the way home and grab something to eat. As it turned out, Cheryl called and told us she was cooking and it would be ready in about 20 minutes if we were anywhere nearby. I figured that was about how far we were away so Jax told her sure, we'd be there.

Cheryl's homemade chicken and dumplings were much better than the fast food we would have gotten. After dinner she even had hot apple pie with ice cream. After lunch Jax and the kids came over and we unloaded the car. I got my spare key back from CJ and checked on Momo who was hiding under a chair. He was pissed at me for leaving him alone two nights. Everybody left about 8pm and I was by myself. I stayed up and watched TV for a while but I was so bored I decided to go to bed around 9:30. It wasn't hard to get to sleep, I was exhausted.

I woke from a dead sleep when the phone notification dinged. I forgot to put the phone on Do Not Disturb. I rolled over to see what it was. It was short text from Jax.

Jax: I brought up the subject with Cheryl

Me: And?

Jax: She said she's almost told him before; he's been asking questions.

Me: so, he already suspects it

Jax: Cheryl told me I should be asking you, since you're the psychiatrist-in-training

Me: If he's already asking questions, it would probably go okay. I just wonder about Mason.

Jax: What do you mean?

Me: He's had a brother all his life and now suddenly he won't. I wonder how he'll take it.

Jax: I hadn't thought about him.

Me: You think Cheryl would let you pick CJ up from practice tomorrow?

Jax: She'd probably be happy to have a break

Me: Why don't you pick him up and go somewhere and talk before you bring him home.

Jax: Ok, I'll probably have diarrhea all night now from nerves

Me: Just don't worry about it until there's something to worry about

Jax: Easy for you to say. GN

Me: GN

Lambodara 6/7/21

Any comments may be addressed to

Sometimes past decisions pop back up and have to be dealt with in the present to make a better future.

Next: Chapter 5

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