
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Kismet Chapter 7

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Seven

We rode around the lake for a while and saw Amber and Sean's group on another island, which we avoided. It was getting time to take the boat back anyway, so we turned around and started back to the marina. It was still a little early for dinner; we decided to ride over to the silo and try to catch the sunset; this whole trip I kept wishing we had brought our bikes.

As soon as we parked, the boys made a run for the stairs and barely slowed down going up them. It brought back memories of the first time I climbed this tower. I was probably about CJ's age. Me and my friend Danny stayed up most of the night walking and talking. We ended up at the silo probably close to midnight. At the top was where I had my first real gay experience. Danny challenged me to get naked with him on top of the silo, which wasn't hard to do since we only had on swimsuits. Danny was slightly ahead of me in puberty; he already had a medium bush and his pecan-sized nuts were hanging down farther than mine. I had just started to get hair, but only on the sides of my wiener and maybe one or two above it. Danny was fascinated because I was not cut like him. He asked if he could look at mine and, of course, I said sure. He took it in his hand gingerly and pulled back on my foreskin, which naturally caused my brain to send a load of blood into my little dick; it slapped against my stomach when he let go of it. In the moonlight I could see he was rock hard too. Our erections looked about the same size; maybe three and a half or four inches. I asked to look at his closer. He leaned his naked ass back against the rail and I got down on my knees. I could just see where the scar from his circumcision was in the pale light. He pushed his hips out and made his cock brush my lips and some of his clear fluid smeared across them. I didn't think he would be paying attention when I licked my lips, but he was. He asked me to put it in my mouth. I said `that's gross' but he said `c'mon, pleeaassee, I'll do you too'. I stuck out my tongue and licked more of the juice off of it, then put the whole head in my mouth just for a second, then pulled off and stood up. He got down and explored my intact penis, pulling the foreskin back and forth slowly covering and uncovering the head. Finally, he pulled the skin back and put it in his mouth, only, he kept it in there for way more than a minute. He started stroking me and sucking on the head at the same time and I started shaking almost like I was freezing cold. He obviously had done this stuff before, unlike me. I was shaking and flexing my butt cheeks together tightly until suddenly I was seeing stars and shooting a small amount of clear semen into his mouth. He must have swallowed it, I never saw him spit. He stood up and said `now you do me'. I got back down and sucked him into my mouth, trying to copy what he'd done to make me feel so good. I bobbed back and forth on him like I was jacking him off with my mouth. I only had to work at it a few seconds before he went into spasms and gave up his equally small load; which I didn't hesitate to swallow. My horizons were definitely broadened that night. Now that the deed was done, we became very self-conscious. It was very late; we pulled our trunks back on and went back to our respective sites to go to bed. Neither of us talked about it; we just went on like nothing ever happened, at least until later.

"Are you coming or not?" Jax said. I felt like an idiot, zoning out again.

"Right behind you" I said.

We climbed to the top and I looked out over the lake and pictured Danny with his thin, naked body leaned back against the rail, then made myself snap out of it. The sun was sinking behind the trees on the far shore of the lake, its last rays twinkling across the water. Jax came up next to me and slipped his arm around me.

"I don't know what you're thinking about but your swimsuit looks a little tight" he whispered into my right ear.

"I'll tell you the story sometime" I said, "let's just say I have fond memories of this place, for right now."

Mason, never one to miss anything, came over and said "I think your turtle wants to come out and play, dad."

Jax looked at me and said "Dad?"

Mason answered for me. "If you get to be Chris's dad, then I'm claiming Eddie for mine!"

Jax laughed. "You might want to run that one by Cheryl" he said. I just smiled and shrugged.

"What?" Mason asked.

"Nothing buddy" I said.

Off in the distance we could see fishermen's boats going out into the lake for night fishing. The buzzing of mercury lights was coming up from below. Just at the edge of the horizon we could make out the half-full moon starting to rise. I wished I could stay here forever, but none of us had eaten as CJ reminded us more than once. We decided to go out and get something to eat in town. We stopped at the first place we came to which was Burger King. After our grease fix, we went back to the lake and made a fire and I pulled out my surprise. I had picked up the fixings to make Smores. We sat around just chatting and stuffing our faces until pretty late. Mason was the first to succumb to sleep. I shook him and made him get up and go get in the bed. I needed the bathroom before I went in. I grabbed my toiletries bag so I could brush my teeth while I was up there. CJ said he needed to go too, so he walked with me; Jax went on in to bed.

"Thanks for the stuff with Mason" CJ said to me on the way to the bathhouse.

"It was mostly him, I just went along with it" I said.

"If you had told him you didn't want to pretend to be his dad, he would have been really hurt. He's sensitive" CJ said.

"You're a good brother" I told him, roughing his hair.

"You're a're just good. And I still love you" he said. "Still no homo, though." He laughed and started running toward the bathhouse. We stood side by side and relieved ourselves and he said he'd wait for me so we could walk back together. I brushed my teeth and put my stuff away and we took off. We went in the tent and he lay on top of his sleeping bag and I snuggled in next to Jax who kissed me and said `Good night.'

I woke up covered in sweat. The sun was up pretty high so I knew I overslept, especially for me. I looked around and the boys were not in the tent. I heard splashing outside in the lake. Jax was still next to me and sweaty as hell too. We had both slept in our trunks and his were pitching the tent from hell right now. I slid my hand under the waistband and grabbed a hold of the big salami and started to give him a handy.

"I'll give you about twenty minutes to stop that" he said through squinted eyelids. I pulled the trunks down under his balls and started jacking him faster. He wasn't going to let me have all the fun. He pulled me around into a sixty-nine position and started jacking me. After a few strokes we got synchronized. I knew there was about to be a mess so I reached up by the edge of the tent and grabbed a dirty tee-shirt. Five minutes later Jax sucked in a breath and I held the shirt around the end of his dick and caught the cum. I had to work fast though as I was right behind him. We didn't have time to recover before the zipper on the tent was opening. We pulled up our trunks quickly and I turned around and pulled the sheet over our waists.

"Are you guys up yet? What's that smell?" Mason asked when he stuck his head inside.

"I don't know, what's it smell like" I said, acting dumb.

"Kind of like those crusty socks Chris leaves laying in the floor" he said.

"Hmm. Maybe it's sweaty feet then" I offered.

"Nah, I know how feet smell" he said.

"Well, I hate to break up this stimulating conversation, but I absolutely must go piss!" Jax said.

"Yeah, me too!" I said and smelled my pit, "and I want to get a shower." We got up and I grabbed my bathroom bag and a beach towel and we quickly made our way to the bathhouse, leaving Mason to wonder what he smelled.

Nobody else was in the bathroom so we shared a shower stall so we could both use the soap and shampoo. We washed each other and we both were about to start boning up again when we heard the door open and close.

"It's us, guys" CJ said, "Can we use the soap and stuff when y'all get through?"

"Sure, we're done" I said, turning off the water and stepping out (with my semi) to dry off. I pulled my trunks back on and handed the towel to Jax so he could dry off. He got dressed and we turned the shower over to the boys. They closed the door and I hung the towel over the door for them as we left. On the way back to the site, Jax gave his best high-pitched vocal impression of Mason "What's that smell?" I couldn't help but laugh.

While the boys were showering, Jax and I started breaking down camp and loading the truck. The two boys came back shortly, and Mason had my towel wrapped around his waist and was carrying his shorts in his hand. He said he dropped the shorts on the floor and got them wet so he didn't want to put wet shorts on. I told them to go in the tent and get dressed because we're about to take the tent down. Once they were done, we got everything out of the tent and into the truck, then flattened the tent and folded it up to go back in its case. We got on the road about 11 o'clock to head home. I suggested we stop in Hoover and get something to eat so we wouldn't have to cook when we got home. We had a long discussion about what to eat and finally settled on Chow Town; it's a Chinese buffet type place. We backed into my driveway around 2pm and unloaded the truck while we still had two extra helpers. Cheryl saw us unloading and came over.

"Hey guys! Did y'all have a good time?" she asked.

"Yeah, mom. My new dad is teaching me how to swim" Mason said.

Cheryl said "Do what?"

"I'll explain later" I said with a wink.

"My new dad almost kicked a guy's ass for me" CJ said.

"Language, Christopher" Cheryl said, "and why would he need to beat anybody up for you?"

"I'll explain that later too" Jax said, mocking my wink, "We're calling an adults only meeting when we get done unpacking."

"Sounds good" Cheryl said. The boys were unloading the last few things from the bed of the truck, so I told them to get their packs and go home for a while. The adults needed to talk.

"I'm an adult" CJ said.

"Not hardly" Cheryl answered, pointing toward her house. The boys trudged off toward their house slowly.

"Come on in sis" Jax said. We went in the garage and I shut the door. Loco cat jumped me, coming from the top of a cabinet by the door as I walked in and rode my shoulders into the living room.

"So, what's with all the dad talk?" Cheryl asked. Me and Jax both tried to answer at the same time.

"You go first" I said.

"Okay. Jacob and I kind of had a bonding moment, I guess you could call it, at the lake. He was staring at this girl way too much and her boyfriend took offense. He was about to have his ass handed to him so I intervened" he said.

"Mike, you got the same training I did. You don't use it unless it is for defensive purposes" Cheryl said. I sat wondering what kind of training she was talking about.

"I didn't, you can ask Eddie" he said.

"He didn't have to do anything, his presentation scared the guy off" I said. She looked at Jax and he nodded.

"And you...what's up with Mason calling you his new dad?" she asked.

"Nothing, really. He said since CJ got to have a new dad, he was claiming me for his new dad" I said.

"Ahh, okay. I get it" she said. Jax said "oh, and speaking of Mason..."

"What else about Mason" she asked.

"We had to have a `come to Jesus meeting' with both the boys about staring at people" Jax said, "Only, thankfully, Mason didn't get caught by anyone but us. He was staring at the boyfriend's crotch. That could have led to just as bad consequences as CJ's situation, or worse."

"The, you think might be gay?" Cheryl asked, rubbing her temples with her fingers.

"Not necessarily. He may just be curious about stuff, but there is a possibility. I knew what I wanted already at that age" Jax told her. "Anyway, we told the two of them that whatever body parts they're looking at, they need to be discreet. We explained it to them very clearly and let them know what is and is not acceptable." She nodded and said "Thanks for that."

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Well, now that you mention it..." I started.

"CJ is getting his room back" Jax finished.

"Damn it Jax! You can't leave now! You'll scar him. It'll be like losing his dad all over again!" he said.

"It's not like that" he said, heading her off, "I'll be right down the block."

"Ohhh, you two? You're moving in?" she said happily, "You're actually going to settle down?"

"We're going to give it a go. I've never met anybody I clicked with like I do with Eddie" he said.

"Same here" I added "and just think, you'll have built-in babysitters."

"I'm kind of worried they'll love you guys more than me" she said, "they're already calling you their dads."

"No way Cheryl, Mason is your baby and CJ has officially chosen you. On a completely different subject, how did it go with Jeremy?" I asked.

Her face turned bright red as she said "Intense."

"Oh really?" Jax asked "Porno quality?"

"No...I mean I don't know if it was him, but it was thick (she made a circle with her hands almost as big as a Red Bull can) or just that I haven't done anything in so long" she said.

"Mmm..." came out of Jax, "What about the non-physical aspects?" Jax asked.

"Not sure yet; time will tell" she said. "So, when will you be making your move?" she asked Jax.

"I'll run it by the guys tonight at dinner" he told her.

"Speaking of, we'll either have to go get something or go to the grocery store" Cheryl said "I was rather busy all weekend."

"How about pizza again?" Jax said.

"Fine with me if we do delivery, I really don't feel like going out" she answered.

"Meet us over there at 6:30" Jax said to me as they were walking out the door.

"See y'all then" I said.

Since I still had a couple of hours until dinner, I put my clothes and all the towel and stuff from the camping trip in the washer. I pulled my yellow tee-shirt out of the garbage sack we'd used a hamper and felt the crusted cum on it. I gave it a quick sniff before throwing it in the washer. Right below the shirt I came to a pair of underwear that I was sure belonged to CJ. The front was covered with white donut-glaze. I guess he'd found time somewhere to rub one out. As I rubbed my thumb across the stains my mind went back again.

I was 13, gay and horny. I had a habit of jacking off and using my underwear as a wiping cloth. I usually would stuff them deep into the laundry basket but I almost got caught that day so I just threw them in on top and rushed out of the bathroom and went down the street to my friend's house. Apparently, my mom went in right afterward to get the dirty clothes to wash and, as fate would have it, she got a handful of sticky warm boy goo. When I came back home from my friend's house, my dad told me to come into the bedroom that Justin and I shared. He told me to close the door. I instantly got knots in my stomach and I racked my brain trying to figure out why I was about to get a whipping. He told me to sit down beside him. Worse than a whipping; it was the talk. He carefully covered the anatomy lesson, birds and bees, why that stuff comes out and finished up his speech with handing me a small hand towel. Use it till its crusty, he told me and then hand wash it in the sink. Don't let your mother find anymore surprises in the laundry basket. I was so red and hot I could have set the sun on fire. I quietly told him yes sir and he left, I assume satisfied. You can rest assured that I never threw a cum-laden article in the dirty clothes again.

Now that I had the clothes going, I went in and sat in my recliner and turned on some show on Hulu about the Skinwalker Ranch and took a short nap.

Lambodara 6/13/21

Feedback, comments, reminiscences, nostalgia, etc.

TBH, I think Cheryl's guy probably really did ring her bell; being that thick. Just my opinion.

Next: Chapter 8

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