Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Aug 4, 2021


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 11

By Colin DV

Note: Hope you're enjoying the series – if you are, drop me a note! ColinDV80@yahoo.com. While I'm by no means done with Lord Kol, I've also launched another fantasy erotica series on Amazon's new Vella platform. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir. Three guesses as to how guys are going to have to take this elixir! ;) And if you like that series, too, let me know!

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In my first two chapters I told you of two young men. First, there was Torsten, the virginal young lordling. Then second there was my bitch in heat, Sal, now my chief steward and brother-in-law. In my third chapter, I relayed my bouncy ride with a fat, clever merchant. In chapter four, I fucked a mountainous wrestler in love with a maid – ah, poor Bull.

For this chapter, I harken back to that fourth chapter and my visit to Gladden, the lands of my new friend, Duke Silvan. During that visit – before I thrice fucked the wrestler Bull – I had taken a visit of an ingenious new water mill. I'd made a mental note to invite the brilliant young engineer who had designed the mill (not present during my visit) to come to my lands for a visit. I'm not in the habit of forgetting things, so I sent an invitation to the engineer even before I had returned to Asselvya.

I subsequently learned that the engineer was a minor lord in central Gladden named Minas. And once I received a response indicating that young Lord Minas was receptive to a visit, I left the details of scheduling to my ministers.

Several months later, the day of Minas's arrival had come. And I was excited – what fabulous and creative things might Minas come up with to improve operations in Asselvya? What knowledge might he bestow upon me at High Table? I dearly hoped for a stimulating visit.

I was so excited I even condescended to greet him in the main courtyard of my castle. As the three carriages of his entourage pulled into the courtyard, I stood on the main steps, flanked by sundry ministers, clerics, servants and guards.

Out of the main carriage stepped an elegantly dressed middle-aged woman. Seeing me, she executed a flawless curtsy. "My Lord Protector, I am Agnia, mother to Lord Minas. Please forgive the wait while our attendants bring him out."

I was initially confused by this odd greeting, out of all protocol, until I saw their attendants set-up a wheeled chair outside the main carriage. Once it had been judged secure, two of the attendants reached into the carriage and placed Minas into it.

So, the boy was a cripple. I had seen men in wheeled chairs before, of course – though in my experience, they were primarily used by fat lords and merchants suffering from painful gout. Indeed, there was one immense Duke who only traveled the Capital in either a sedan or a wheeled chair. I was not one to overly-concern myself with the pains of peasants, but I always pitied his serving lads.

But this Minas was not fat – if anything, he was painfully thin. But he had a pleasing face, with a neat black goatee and glossy raven black curls. He might even have been winsome with more weight on his bones. He had a boyish look despite the goatee - though I knew he was but five years younger than me.

After he was situated in his chair, his mother draped an ornate blanket, embroidered with what I presumed was the family crest, over his lap. The largest of the attendants then pushed Minas towards us with his mother on one side and his retainers behind him.

Saying "My Lord Protector," Agnia again curtsied and Minas dipped his head down.

I opened my arms wide: "Lord Minas and Lady Agnia, you are both welcome to Asselvya. I am gratified that you were willing to take such an arduous journey for this visit." As we began moving towards the main entrance, I turned around, curious, and looked Minas in the eyes. His eyes were a mossy green.

"Tell me – does your leg dysfunction prevent you from bending at the waist?" I was not overly familiar with people so afflicted.

Both Minas and Agnia's face colored. Agnia began to stutter something, but Minas said, in a surprisingly deep voice for one so thin: "My legs are not afflicted, Lord – only short. I was trampled as a youth and the healers had to remove the lower parts of my legs."

I looked at his legs, covered by the blanket. His clothiers had done an admirable job filling out the pants and attaching shoes such that I could not tell where his leg ended and the stuffing began.

"Ah! A tragic accident, though it was fortunate you had such competent healers with you. So many are idiots. And so I understand correctly that your waist has no dysfunction?"

He shook his head. "No, no dysfunction, Lord."

I gave him a hard stare then.

He seemed confused at first, but then colored. Bracing his arms on the side of his chair, he bowed low in his chair.

I then smiled at him. "Better." I wondered at his interactions with Duke Silvan. Did this lordling roll around dipping his head at his betters? Overly-coddled, no doubt.

And I turned back to continue entering the castle.

The main keep had an unfortunate number of stairs, given my guest, so our progress was slow as we had to repeatedly stop as his attendants carefully lifted him up the stairs in his chair.

I am not an impatient man, so this did not bother me. If anything, I was anxious to begin discussing plans. I tried to engage him in conversation, but his answers were short. He was clearly flustered and embarrassed at being carried up the stairs.

Which was pure nonsense, of course. Why do servants exist if not to serve? One might as well blush at a wench serving one wine at dinner. So I ended up speaking more with his mother, who was clearly very clever herself if a bit excessive in her doting on her son. I saw here clearly was the root of the problem.

Later that evening, at the welcoming feast, Minas and his mother were seated at my right in the place of honor. I shared with the room my visit to the wonderful mill in Gladden and rather praised the lad more than was my usual wont. He was clearly in need of a little puffery.

Fortunately, seated behind a stable, he was far more animated and chattered rapidly of his ideas like an excited squirrel. I was intrigued by what I could follow and somehow the conversation turned to sewers. Minas said that he had theories about improvements that could better direct sewage and prevent noxious gas buildups.

"Alas, there comes a point where theory needs to be tested and things must be examined first hand."

I chuckled. "Then why have you not examined them? Are there no sewers in Gladden?"

Minas laughed nervously. "Sewers are generally at the lowest levels of a keep, my Lord, and difficult for those fully able."

Agnia chimed in: "There are ladders even, Lord!"

I shrugged. "You are light and thin, Minas. Two strong men, alternating, can carry you without much strain. You can tour my sewers tomorrow. I will lend you two such men."

Agnia and Minas both gaped at me. Minas said: "But my Lord..."

"Well, did you not just say that you wished to examine some first-hand? Or was that empty prattle?"

"No, I very much do, Lord..."

"Then tomorrow you will tour them."

Agnia then said: "But, Lord, some passages might be too narrow or steep for a man to be carried."

Looking at her sternly, I said slowly, as if to a child: "Then he will not tour those passages, will he? He'll tour where it is possible." God, how could such clever people be such idiots?

I then made it clear by my expression that I considered the matter settled.

After they got over their shock, the dinner continued very pleasantly. Minas seemed to further warm to me – though I was clearly rapidly dropping in esteem in his mother's eyes. Apparently, I had all but thrown her darling boy into a latrine tonight.

And by warm to me, I meant more than chatter excitedly. The lordling gave me sidelong glances, laughed overloudly at my jests and colored whenever I gave him a direct gaze. A clear cocksucker – I can always tell. And I wondered how many lovers he'd had under his mother's vigilant gaze.

The next day I told a servant to inform me when Minas had completed his tour. I was very curious as to his impressions, but had no desire to accompany him to such a foul place. Some things are perfectly happy to leave to the experts.

Upon receiving word late in the afternoon, I went to his suite of chambers. My servant had, apparently, wasted no time in delivering me the news as Minas was still filthy from his excursion. But I could tell just from his expression that the tour had been a success. His thin face radiated with excitement. He seemed the type who'd be at his workdesk for the rest of the day writing out his ideas.

Too bad. Smiling at him, I said: "I trust your tour was a triumph? Good! You will join me for dinner in my chambers tonight. Just you, mind."

He blushed at that and gave his thanks.

"Be sure to bathe thoroughly, however. Your odor is offensive." Though I winked to take the sting out of the words.

That evening, after he'd been wheeled to my personal dining table, I peppered him with questions about the sewers. Perhaps not the most polite dinnertime conversation, but, fortunately, he did not have a weak stomach and ate heartily enough.

He had numerous ideas about changing the angle of conduits and even "reclaiming" some sewage for agricultural purposes. To my mind, the reclamation work could have a double benefit, both increasing agricultural output and serving as a useful punishment.

Switching topics abruptly, I asked him: "Tell me, Minas – do you suck cock?"

He blushed bright red behind his goatee at that – which was actually understandable this time, since I'd meant to shock him.

"Nay, Lord."

I was very surprised – I'm never wrong about such things. "Nay? Why, are you pious?"

Minas cleared his throat. "Nay, not o'er-pious... Rather, I have not done it."

"Oh, you have no experience? I see. Well, have you had your cock sucked?"

"Nay, Lord."

"What about fucking?"

He shook his head no, letting me know he'd not done it in any role.

"You've bedded a wench at least?!"

"Nay, Lord."

"You are, what, five and twenty and not even bedded a wench? How will you marry and produce heirs?"

He blushed again at that. "I have two younger brothers, both with infant sons. My Lady Mother says that our line is secure."

I think I honestly must've gaped at him. "So you are a lord who will not marry? And none have touched your cock but yourself?"

He said slowly: "There is a servant, Lord, who sometimes jerks my cock for coin."

"Coin for a cockwank?! Of a lord!" I shook my head at him. "I was going to invite you to suck my cock tonight – you have a clever, pretty mouth. But the disorder of your House greatly displeases me."

He sat back as if struck. I was honestly sorry to have hurt the lad, but a lord of the Realm would not be served by more of this ridiculous coddling.

For a moment, from his look, if he could have fled the room by himself and with dignity he would have done so. Yet he surprised me – he looked me in the face: "I'd be most pleased to suck you, Lord. It would be my honor."

I grunted. "Indeed, it would. Yet you're not ready – a broken thing, really. I will think on it and let you know if I think you capable of earning favor."

With that, I called for a servant to return him to his chambers.

Part II

The next day, I was distracted by thoughts of Minas and his absurd, ridiculous position. I both wanted him to extend his stay and lend my duchy the benefits of his clever, agile mind and wanted him to go since I couldn't abide interacting at length with such a pitiful, broken thing. So then the answer resolved itself in my mind – if I was to have him stay, I'd need to mend him and make him a proper lord of the Realm.

Resolved, I sent a missive informing Minas he was to attend me that night after dinner. I then consulted with my best friend Glen as to his favorite whores and arranged for one of them to be sent to my chambers as well.

That night, after Minas had been brought to me, I asked: "I like you, Minas, and I would see you a proper young lord, worthy of serving our King. If you would be guided by me, I would see it done."

Minas, who'd been looking at me warily from the moment he'd been brought in, said: "I would be guided by you, Lord."

"Right choice, lad." I then called for two servants and directed them to remove Minas's clothes and place him in my bed.

Naked, Minas wasn't much too look at it. He was very thin all over – though at least his narrow chest was covered with the same rich black hair atop his head. His soft cock was unremarkable resting in his large thatch of black curls. He had hair on his legs, to the knees. The stumps were unfortunate but not terribly unsightly as they had long since healed.

I then dismissed the servants and called for the whore to be brought in. She was very pretty – long blond hair with big blue eyes, and a large chest. I gestured for her to take off her clothes. When she did so, I saw further why Glen favored her – she had a very pleasing figure for a woman.

Minas stared at her naked body, then looked back at me. His cock was still soft, so I told her to take it into her mouth and suckle him. She did so, but his cock was not responsive. Minas looked at me helplessly, clearly too embarrassed to harden.

Well, I was not yet certain if he was a total man's man, or just a cocksucker. But I apparently had to take a more active role. I told the whore to stand back and wait while I stripped off my clothes.

As I removed my clothes, Minas's eyes raked over my body in a far more heated way. I was gratified that he appeared to appreciate my grand form. And his eyes were certainly drawn to my big hard cock.

Once naked, I climbed into bed beside him. "Know that I show you special favor since I do not much like training cocksucks. With that, I grabbed his head and moved it to my crotch. "Take the head into your mouth and mind your teeth."

With a pleasing speed, Minas braced himself on the bed and took my cock into his mouth. He then moved his mouth down before jerking back coughing and sputtering.

I laughed. "I said just the head, lordling. Walk before you run."

He gave me a dim look at my jest, and I laughed again. "Well, get on with it."

He then put my cock back in his mouth, careful just to suckle the head.

"Aye, that's nice. Now work your tongue around it in a circle. Put your geometry to good use, eh?"

Once he started making satisfying sound to himself and his mouth started moving down of its own accord, I judged him ready to progress. "Now, grip the base of my cock with one hand and slowly move your mouth down it, breathing through your nose."

He did so and got more of my cock down his throat before he once again jerked back coughing and sputtering. After he regained his breath, I told him: "Again." And after a few more attempts, he'd gotten most of it down his throat.

He was making good choking sounds. Not actually choking but clearly struggling – which was proper when sucking a big cock like mine. And overall, he'd been very good at keeping his teeth back. He really was a natural cocksucker. Shame about all the years lost – he could've come here and made me weep had he but had more practice.

As he started to struggle again, I smacked his back and said: "Breathe!" But I knew a better trick for improving breathing technique. I pulled him off my cock – he even made a whimper – then shoved his face into the thatch of curly hair at the base of my cock. "Smell your Lord. Is it not a most pleasing scent?"

He inhaled deeply, then again, and nodded.

"Say it."

"Yes, Lord. Your scent is most pleasing."

"So when you suck my cock take in the scent, too. Back on it." He took me back into his mouth, and, lo, his breathing and sucking were much improved.

During this time, Minas's cock had risen like a new tower, pointing up proud and straight.

I then pointed at the whore and directed that she sit atop it. When she sank upon it, with a girlish cry, Minas himself cried out and he looked askance at the whore astride him.

I smacked him lightly in the back of the head. "Keep sucking my cock! If you seed the wench well, I'll give you my seed."

I'd intended to feed him my seed after he'd properly plowed the wench. But Minas returned to my cock with a new gusto and sucked me hard and well. So I found my crisis rapidly coming upon me. I told him to pull off but he sucked even harder and grabbed my balls for the first time.

Surprised, I erupted into his mouth and he swallowed my seed moaning. Still with my cock in his mouth, he trembled hard all over and came into the whore's pussy.

After he'd stopped shaking and regained his breathing, I gently pulled him off my cock and laid him on his back. I then gestured for the whore to get off him. She could gather her clothes and leave.

I then gathered him into my arms. "See! Was that so hard? You seeded the wench."

"Yes, Lord."

I had to make sure the man understood my point. I knocked him gently on top of his curly head. "A lord may choose not to bed wenches and have his own heirs, but it must be a choice. You did not choose – it was chosen for you. You've been o'er-coddled."

"Yes, Lord." I liked how his deep voice rumbled against my chest.

"Err, do you have to piss? I've had a wide-rimmed chamberpot placed beside the bed. If you can't aim true off the bed, tell me and I'll assist."

"... Thank you, Lord. I can do so."

After he'd done so – a bit messily, but that's what servants are for – he rolled back into my arms. Rubbing his back, I could feel his ribs. "You really are a weak thing, Minas, but, for some reason, I like you beyond reason."

He looked up at me. "You do, Lord?"

"Aye." I smiled down at him. "And soon I will fuck you!"

His eyes widened comically at that, and I laughed.

I kissed his forehead. "Truly, I do not know if you will be able to get any children off a woman – preferably, a wife." I then grabbed for some ointment. I then reached down and worked one greased finger into his asshole.

He gasped and I swallowed his mouth with my own. I kissed him long and hard, inserting my tongue playfully into his mouth while my finger plunged deep within his tight hole. His pelvis bucked as I fingered him.

"Oh, but you'll bear me pups. I can tell - you'll sing riding my cock."

He groaned deeply as I worked another finger into him. "Can you walk, Minas?"

His eyes were unfocused. "Lord?" he asked in confusion.

"Can you walk?"

"Nay, Lord!"

Kissing him again. "But you can ride, yes?"

"Yes, Lord."

I placed his hand on my rehardened cock. "And you're going to ride my big cock, aren't you?"

He panted as I kept finger-fucking him. "Yes, Lord."

"My big cock is going to split you open, isn't it?"

"Yes, Lord!"

"And after I plant my seed deep in you, will it leak out into your wheeled chair?"

I had three fingers in him now, and he was panting like a bitch.

I kissed him roughly. "Yes, I think it will leak. I usually don't like my seed wasted, but for you I'll make an exception. Your Lady Mother will push you around my keep while you sit in my spend." I prodded his ass-joy and he yelped. "Would you like that?"

"Yes, Lord!"

After kissing him some more, fingering him more roughly to prepare him for a good cocking, I said: "And I dislike the feel of your goatee – tomorrow you will shave it."

"Yes, Lord."

I then handed him the pot of ointment. "Now, grease my cock to prepare it for your backside."

He took a goodly portion of the ointment and slathered it on my cock, working his thin, hard hands up and down it. As he pumped my cock, my pre-seed flowed more copiously out. Unbidden by me, he drew his face close to it then lapped the fluid from the slit. Then, not content with lapping, he took the entire head into his mouth, deeply moaning. Yes, a natural cocksuck!

"You want to taste my seed again, lad?"

He moaned a yes.

I smacked his backside. "Another time! This seed is for your ass."

Then, judging him ready, I propped myself against the bed's headboard. I grabbed him by the chest and helped him get astride me. His chopped legs were braced against the sides of my chest and he used his arms, and mine, for balance, as he hovered over my cockstand.

"Well, Minas, your ass is now well-prepped, so take my cock within your ass as the whore did you with her pussy."

Slowly, carefully, Minas tried lowering himself on my cock. My head pressed against his hole. I bucked a bit to help it in but his hole refused me. After I pushed again, he cried out: "It is too big, Lord! It won't go in!"

Sighing, I said: "I should have expected this. You're still a weak little lord, not yet strong. I'll need to take you before you can take."

I then flipped him onto his back, spreading his short legs. I then roughly pinched his nipple and as he cried out at the pain, I aimed my greased cock true and pushed it deep into his asshole.

He cried out again: "Nay, Lord – it won't go in!"

I grabbed his face roughly. "Are you an idiot, lad? Look down your skinny body!"

He looked down between our two bodies and gaped.

"Yes, boy, I'm buried fully in your ass."

I then began to move my cock and he cried out again, and not one of pain.

I pushed down on his skinny hairy chest as I began to really fuck him. He continued to moan and make cries of surprise with his deep voice. "You have as true an ass-joy as ever I've seen, boy. From now on, you'll beg for my cock within you."


The deepness of his voice continually surprised me. From where did it come within such a scrawny body? But the sound pleased me.

After a very deep thrust, I said: "I'll favor you further. When my cock's in you, you may call me `Kol.'"


Fucking him hard now, I said: "Yes, Kol – say it!"

He gripped my back hard and moaning said my name over and over again. His own cock hard between us.

As he gasped my name, I leaned down and kissed him as I poured my seed into him. After I filled him brimming, I roughly pulled out my cock – causing him to cry out in pain or dismay. His cock was still very hard though.

I flipped back onto my back, and, once against bracing myself against the headboard, I pulled him up over me as I had before.

"Now you've been ridden and seeded. Fuck yourself on my cock, boy!"

My cock was spent but still hard. And with a groan he sank his ass upon it, my copious seed easing the way and making a pleasing sound.

Helping him to stay upright, I said: "I said fuck yourself on my cock, boy – and wank your own."

Minas then began to move his pelvis, making a series of different sounds as he took control and different angles of my cock made his ass-joy sing. Once he got his rhythm, he reached down and jerked his cock, moaning.

He bounced up and down on my cock, full of ass-joy, saying my name like a prayer. And with a sharp hiss, his ass seized on my cock like a fist and he sprayed a goodly load of seed unto my chest.

After his eyes had refocused and he was once again able to look me in the face. He gingerly lifted himself off my still-hard cock and fell upon me, chest to chest. His sticky seed between us.

I kissed the top of his head. "Now, what do you say little lord? I have favored you beyond measure."

He kissed my chest and said: "Thank you, Lord. I am grateful."

Though Minas had a skinny, weakling body, watching him ride me and take his pleasure had not left me unmoved and my cock ached more for release.

"As I said, you have a great ass-joy. Now I'll see if you're a true bitch."

I then moved him off me and placed him on his stomach, his pert narrow ass sticking up. Moving behind him, I shoved my cock within him. I laid upon him, pressing him into the bed with my full weight as my cock rooted roughly within him like a snake.

After getting over his surprise, he began moaning in pleasure. I reminded him to say my name and I fucked him fiercely, biting his shoulders and the side of his neck. Many men with keen ass-joys cannot abide a cock after they pour their seed and will whine endlessly about pain or discomfort. But a true bitch can take a joyous mount almost any time. I confirmed then that Minas was such a one.

Very gratified – finding a true bitch was always a joy – I bit his shoulders more as I flooded him again with my seed.

Pulling out, satisfied, I fell back onto my back. As Minas started to turn back over, I told him to sleep on his stomach.

"But I cannot sleep on my stomach, Lord."

"Why? Do your stumped legs pain you in that position?" I was curious.

"Nay, Lord – it is just uncomfortable. Not my habit."

I could feel sleep already coming for me, but I laughed heartily at that. Smacking his ass hard, I said: "Quit your whining and treasure my seed."

"Yes, Lord," he said sulkily. I almost sighed – this was the problem with fucking spoiled nobles. Commoners were less work.

I pulled his head against me. "I've seeded you good and well. Now cease your prattle and go to sleep."

"Yes, Lord," he said again, though slightly mocking. But he remained on his stomach.

Sighing, I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to the most ungodly snoring. Minas was still on his stomach but his head was turned towards me and emitting the loudest snores this side of an ox. Was the brat sleeping so obnoxiously just to vex me?

Clearly, his deep voice and strong snores both came from the same unfathomable well within him. I couldn't credit it.

I rang the night bell. When one of my night chamberlains arrived – a goodlooking lad whose ass and mouth had warmed my cock many a night – I told him to return with another strong lad, but not for fucking (lest he take too long finding a suitable companion).

When they returned, I shook Minas awake. "You disturb your lord's sleep and must go." I then directed the two lads to gather Minas – sputtering in confusion and annoyance – up and take him back to his chambers, wheeled chair included.

I called after him that I'd see him on the morrow. I then returned to a contented sleep.

Two days later I walked with a small entourage to Minas's chambers. I had invited him and Agnia to join my family at a local festival being celebrated in the City. In fact, I'd already sent my wife Alvina and two daughters ahead to escort Agnia while I finished business with Minas.

I left my people in the corridor and entered Minas's suite of chambers. In his bedchamber, I found him seated in his wheeled chair, wearing finery. Two attendants were brushing his hair and otherwise fussing over him.

Seeing that he was ready to depart, I dismissed the attendants to join the others in the corridor. I was pleased to see that he'd shaved the goatee. He had a rather wide, pleasingly-shaped mouth without all the hair covering it. And this pleasingly-shaped mouth was turned in a frown.

"So! Will you serve your Lord before we depart?"

His frown deepened. "You said you would see me `on the morrow.' That was yesterday."

I laughed, deeply amused. "Oh – did my little lord miss me?!"

He leveled a dark look at me – perhaps there was something of a lord within him, after all. "Well, are you not sorry? I waited. My mind was overturned and I could not work."

I was confused now. "Sorry? For what reason?"

"For not coming when you said. You should apologize."

So I slapped him. Not hard enough to harm though hard enough to sting.

I then leaned down and kissed the top of his glossy black head. "Have I been o'er-indulgent with you?"

"No... Lord."

"No? I think I have – how else dare you speak to me so?"

"Nay, Lord."

I grabbed him firmly by the back of his neck so that he looked up at me. "My bitches come when I call. Not the other way `round."

"Yes, Lord." Still disgruntled.

"And what are you, Lord Minas?"

"... Your bitch, Lord."

"Very good. Say it again."

"Your bitch, Lord."

"Good, never forget it. While I am not sorry." I leveled him a hard look. "I do now see that I was... absent-minded."

I reached down and, grabbing firmly, lifted him out of his wheeled chair. He gasped as I had never done so before. But I am strong, and the boy light and missing parts of his legs, so it was no great challenge.

I then walked him over to his bed and placed him on it. I rolled him onto his stomach and then pulled down his fine breaches. After a little looking, I found a pot of ointment. It smelled medicinal, but was slick and would serve.

Releasing my hard cock from the confines of my breaches, I greased my cock. "You are newly bitched and thus need regular mounting. That is why you are cross, boy."

Aiming my cock, I then shoved it into his ass. He was tight and grunted loadly as I entered him, but my cock still went in with ease. The boy was a true bitch, through and through. I reached around and grabbed his hard cock as I fucked him roughly, his scent and the strong medicinal smell filling my nostrils.

His deep groans and gasps drove me on and I fair pounded him into the bed. I felt his cock spasm in my hand as his seed spilled through my fist and onto the bed, as well as his fine shirt. I then released my seed into his tightened, quivering bowels.

He sighed, then whimpered as I pulled my cock from him. I wiped myself off and tucked myself back into my breaches. I then yanked up his breaches and lifted him off the bed. After depositing him back in his wheeled chair, I took a moment to straighten his clothes and hair. He could wear the stained shirt as it was not especially obvious. The whole while, Minas looked at me and about with a sort of dazed expression on his face.

"Now what do you say?"

"Thank you, Lord."

"Good. With my seed in you, your mood will improve. And you'll sit in my seed to remind you your place."

"Yes, Lord."

I caressed the side of his face. "Tell me – when you're pushed around today will your Lady Mother know you're leaking my seed? Will she smell that you've been well-bred?"

He blushed furiously at that, and I laughed as I pushed him out of the room to join the courtiers waiting in the corridor. If they'd heard what had gone in the chamber, they were acquainted enough with my ways to make no comment.

Next: Chapter 12

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