Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Aug 10, 2021


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 12

By Colin DV

Note: If you like Kol, check out my other fantasy erotica series on Amazon's new Vella platform. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir.

Emails welcome: ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In the prior chapter, I introduced you to Minas, the brilliant, if crippled, engineer visiting Asselvya from my friend Duke Silvan's lands. Minas was brilliant but not fully living up to his obligations as a lord in my brother's kingdom – o'ercoddled by everyone since he'd lost a bit of leg as a child. So I'd taken the lad under my wing and under my cock to make a proper man of him.

I'd cocked him down properly right before the day's festival and took a wicked pleasure knowing that as he was taken around in his wheeled chair, he was sitting in my copious seed. A waste, to be sure, but some things were worth the cost.

To his credit, after his initial blushes, he comported himself well. He thoroughly charmed my wife, Alvina, and two daughters. Most importantly, he immediately talked to Alvina as an intellectual equal – I hadn't even warned him – and they were soon thick as thieves as they talked about markets, finance, and, curiously, the best way to pickle vegetables.

Minas wasn't well-traveled but his book learning seemed unparalleled for one so young. He'd even learned some Western, from a book, and had my daughter Kolwynna the Elder (Kollie) practicing with him. I was equally amused by his earnest attempts – Western is a very subtle language – as I was saddened by the reminder that soon Kollie would be returning to the Capital to ready for her marriage to her second cousin, a prince of the Western Kingdom.

Local festivals were usually more work than amusement. I showed myself to my people, spread gold liberally around, judged the odd prize pig, and accepted petitions. But this time I definitely enjoyed myself.

While I'd fuck Minas down three times already by this point and was well-pleased with him after the festival, his training still definitely needed to continue. So I procured another whore and summoned Minas to attend me the next night.

I was working at a table when he was wheeled in. I had one of my burlier chamberlains put him in my bed and strip his clothes off. I then called for the whore and saw Minas's head jerk at hearing that. She – a different one than before – was then duly brought in.

Still writing my correspondence, I told her to get naked and into bed. When she'd done so and was lying on her back naked, I said to Minas: "Now, seed the wench properly, Lord Minas."

She then cooed. "Yes, come to me, my lord."

I waved my hand at her. "No need for you to speak." I knew now that the lad was wholly cock-crazed – a woman's voice would not help matters.

Then, as if he'd read my thoughts, Minas glared at me and said: "I am not an idiot, Lord. I don't require a stream of whores to do my duty."

I looked at him skeptically. "I doubt it – you're still weak. Now, crawl over on those stubby legs and mount the wench."

He just continued looking at me, not moving.

"It is your Lord's pleasure that you do so." Damnation, I was repeating myself now. And in front of a whore, no less. Were they here, my Royal Departed Father and Lady Mother would argue over who should slap me first.

"Nay, Lord."

I pointed at the whore. "You. Leave us." I then called to my guard to have my steward summoned.

Minas started to say something but I gestured him to silence. Miraculously, the obstinate little bastard did so.

After several minutes – where was the redheaded fuck?! – my steward Sal's tall form entered the room and bowed low to me, then to Minas.

I then told Sal to bend over the bed, facing Minas. Sal hurried to do so with pleasing speed. Walking up behind him, I pulled down his breaches, opened my own and slathered my cock with ointment before shoving it in his ass.

Sal cried out happily. Minas is a true bitch, but Sal is the truest bitch I've ever met in all my years of fucking men. His ass-joy is a marvel and he's always like a bitch in heat. I rode Sal hard while I glared at Minas. And when Sal's ass-joy burst full upon him, I let go and released my seed into his happy hole.

I pulled out of Sal and told him to get in the bed. Sal did so, falling onto his stomach as was proper with his plump ass visibly overrunning with my seed. I then called for chamberlains to return Minas to his chambers.

Minas seemed torn between fury and tears, but it was of no matter to me. The little lord had better learn fast it was no small thing to court my displeasure.

Part II

The next morning I summoned Minas to join me for luncheon in one of the castle gardens. It was a lovely location, if one that involved many steps to get to – ah, well, that was his attendants' concern, not mine.

After he was brought to table and our repast begun, he said: "I am surprised my Lord summoned me. I had thought you angry with me."

I laughed. "I am not angry with you, Minas – though you are not currently high in my favor. I arranged this lunch so we might..." I couldn't find the right words. "... might refix our relations."

"Refix it how?"

"By refocusing on the reason I asked you to visit – your brilliant ideas. I am still quite keen for you to share them and it will be a rapid route back into my esteem, I assure you."

"My ideas? But what about...?"

I laughed again. "Even if I required a man to bend for me – and I do not – you are my guest, a lord, and a bannerman of my friend Duke Silvan. I would never force you as a condition of our good relationship. Though a good fuck never hurts!"

"... And what if I should wish to continue... to bend?"

"You can find someone to fuck you easily enough, Minas. I have already shown you the way."

"Nay, to bend for you, my Lord."

"You refused me last night."

"Nay, Lord, I refused to bed the whore, not you."

I made a sharp gesture with my hand. "There is no difference! Any man who takes my cock fucks when, how and whom I say."

"But what of my wishes?"

"You are a lord and, therefore, are accustommed to getting your way – at least if your Lady Mother doesn't naysay you. But I am a great lord – any man under me does what I say. You may share your desires, and I will consider them. But that is all."


"Yes, consider. If you're mine, I can wheel your narrow ass to half the men of my guard and your place is only to say: `thank you, Lord.'"

Nothing more needing to be said on the subject, we spoke of other things and I considered the matter closed.

Later that night, I was lying in bed with my steward Sal beside me. Though he'd already wiped it, his face was still blotchy from all the seed I'd sprayed over his face. Which was rather unusual for me – I generally preferred to plant my seed deep in a lad, not upon him. But looking down at Sal's wide mouth stretched around my cock, the sudden urge had struck me – so I'd denied the boy his swallow.

Sal was lightly stroking my chest, biding his time. I knew he wouldn't let me sleep `til I'd bred him well. He laughed suddenly, as if recalling something, and said: "That Lord Minas asked me to fuck him today. Me!"

I chuckled at the thought. I could think of several women more likely to mount a man than Sal. "So what did you do?"

"Well, I didn't want to offend one of your guests, of course, so I told him I wouldn't be very good at it and recommended another."

"Really... who?"

"Bryson, Lord."

"Should I know that name?"

Sal hummed. "I suppose not, Lord. He's the quartermaster for the Horse Guard."

"I see... and you recommended this quartermaster to fuck Lord Minas?"

"Yes, Lord. He's can be a fair considerate lover. I thought he might be gentle with the lord."

I grunted. "'Considerate,' eh? How do you mean?"

Sal giggled. "Well, when we first fucked, he was ever so slow and careful with me. Didn't want to hurt my ass or anything."

I laughed hard at that. "Your ass is more like to break a man's cock than the other way `round."

Sal grinned at the truth of that.

The next morning, I woke irritated. I'd not slept well, waking repeatedly, each time with Minas uppermost in my thoughts. My head was filled with images of his scrawny body being fucked senseless by some faceless man and of them lying in bed laughing and talking. In the wee hours of the night, I couldn't escape the realization that I was actually experiencing jealousy.

And jealousy was an emotion I very rarely felt. What cause did I to ever feel jealousy? In wealth, power, lineage and prestige, I was unrivaled. And, thanks to God, I'd never felt that most poisonous of emotions when it came to my brother, the King. He was chosen to rule by God and I never aspired to be more than his strong right arm.

So, I was irritated. But, fortunately for me, I awoke next to the perfect person for such a state. As I looked at Sal's sleeping face in the early morning light, I remembered how his High Merchant father – now, my father-in-law – had sent him to my bed because he could think of no more productive use for his dim, bender fifth son. That decision had proved remarkably profitable for the High Merchant since it'd resulted not only in a useless son being well embedded in my household but, even more importantly, my marriage to his brilliant daughter, Alvina.

Aside from his brilliant red hair, Sal was rather homely, and that was putting it kindly. In truth, he bore an unfortunate resemblance to a toad. But his ass was a marvel made for fucking. I often wondered how the Church could teach that God disapproved of buggery when God had clearly made lads ideally suited for little else but taking a cock? Plump ass cheeks for bouncing. A hole that could greedily take all cocks yet remain its grip. And an ass-joy that sparked like a blacksmith hitting an anvil. I often wondered how many men were walking around with God-perfected asses, going their entire lives oblivious and unfucked contrary to their divine purpose?

Putting these deep theological questions to the side, I slathered my cock with ointment and rolled Sal onto his back. The rolling only half-roused him, the lazy boy. Then lifting his long legs onto my shoulder, I thrust hard to give him a proper wake-up and gave thanks to God. I braced myself for a long, hard fuck as I didn't want to spend quick. And as Sal, almost folded in half, moaned and cried beneath me, I gave him my hardest, crudest thrusts – the ones I could not do to just anyone, not if I wanted them to return to my bed.

Sal, on the other hand, would not only return to my bed willingly after this fuck, but with an eagnerness as he got the sort of cocking he could only get elsewhere by visiting the barracks and the docks. At least with me, he got the happy ass without the sore face.

And, speaking of happy asses, his ass tightened around me as his first ass-joy wracked him. Rather than spend into his spasming hole then, I held onto my crisis and kept fucking hard. I ran my hand through the pool of spend that had flowed out of his soft cock onto his belly, and I licked my palm tasting his salty goodness as I continued to rail him.

Several minutes later, when his ass-joy lit yet again, I finally let go, releasing all my spend and frustrations into him. As he held my back tight, I leaned in and kissed his beautiful face – because, aye, all lads are beautiful when their holes are milking my cock.

After I'd fully drained and pulled out, Sal rolled onto his stomach. I knew he would have happily sank back into a blissful sleep, the lazy boy, so I smacked his ass hard. "Food. Hot bath. Now." As he hurried out of the bed and to get dressed, I added: "And find that Bryson and send him here."

Sal looked confusedly at me. "Now, Lord?" He really looked much too disoriented. I almost felt bad for him, but he was my steward, after all.

"Yes, now. Rouse him out of bed if you need to. I care not."

I had a horseman to interview.

Next: Chapter 13

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