Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Jun 2, 2022


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 13 By Colin DV

Note: If you like Kol, check out my other fantasy erotica series on Amazon Vella. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir.

Emails welcome: ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In the prior two chapters, I introduced you to Minas, the brilliant, if crippled, engineer visiting Asselvya from my friend Duke Silvan's lands. Minas was brilliant but not fully living up to his obligations as a lord in my brother's kingdom – o'ercoddled by everyone since he'd lost a bit of leg as a child. So I'd taken the lad under my wing and under my cock to make a proper man of him.

And he had proved to be a brilliant fuck – a real natural. Here was a lad whom I could happily spend time with both in and out of bed. But, alas, the lordling was wilful and we quarreled – so much so that I decided our relations should stay that of a lord and his liege. Well, Minas had apparently taken me at my word as I soon learned that he'd sought the services of one of my soldiers. I wasted no time summoning this fellow for an interview...

Well over an hour later, my chief steward Sal finally returned with the damned quartermaster. I'd already eaten and bathed and was about to delve into a stack of papers my clerk Anton had just placed in front of me.

But this was more important. I dismissed Sal and Anton and took a good look at this Bryson, standing before me. He was a dark-haired man who looked to be in his thirties, so about my age. His looks were plain but his body well-made. Clearly, he hadn't allowed his clerkish job to dull his soldierly training.

"Why did you take so long to answer my summons?"

He pounded his chest in salute. "Apologies, Lord. Due to the hour, I was with my family at our home in town."

"Ah, you received dispensation to marry?"

"Yes, Lord, when I ascended to the quartermaster's position."

"And when your duties require you to remain late?"

"I stay in the barracks with the rest of the Horse Guard, Lord."

"I see. So, where do you fuck my Lady's brother?"

His head jerked in surprise at that, but he recovered quickly. "In his room, usually. Or in the storeroom." He paused, considering. "Or in the barracks." He shrugged.

One did not usually tolerate shrugs from subordinates, but if any situation called for a shrug, listing the places Sal was willing to show his hole was one of them, so I let the impertinence pass.

"You've not serviced me – why?" I am not so vain that I think all men will want me – though most do as I am magnificent – but I was curious why this horseman had not ridden my cock by now.

He colored, unsoldierly. "Well, Lord... a cock suck or wank, that's one thing. But you fuck lads and I don't like to bend."

"Ah." That was no great surprise – men come in all types.

However, he mistook my meaning and I saw him stiffen, steeling himself.

I waved a hand. "Calm yourself, horseman. I'm not in the habit of abusing my soldiers. I take only what is freely given."

"Oh." He paused, then added: "If you wish, Lord... I could..."

I opened my robe, revealing my large, half-hard cock, which hardened in response to the exposure. "Oh, you'll give me a wank? Or suck my cock even?"

Bryson responded crisply and without hesitation. "Yes, Lord!"

Laughing, I smacked the table. "My lads submit to me entirely. You think I need a horse clerk in my bed saying `here, Lord, not there, Lord?'" I asked in a mocking falsetto.

His body went rigid as he almost shouted: "No, Lord!"

"Good, I'm glad one of my quartermasters is not an idiot." I left my robe open but changed the topic: "Tell me of Lord Minas."

"Your guest? What of him, Lord?"

Hopefully, the question was an indication of discretion on his part, not thick-headedness. I didn't desire a tedious interview. "Have you fucked him yet?"

"Yes, Lord. Yesterday evening."


He looked confused. "Why, Lord? He asked me, too – got my name from Sal, I think. His offer was generous, so I agreed."

"'Generous?' So he paid you?"

"No, Lord. He offered me his favor."

"His favor... in coin?"

"Yes, Lord."

I inwardly sighed at the mental hoops men jumped through to avoid thinking themselves whores. A fond memory of Bull flashed through my mind. But if it helped stupid and greedy men drop their pants for me, I certainly wasn't going to argue the point.

"And did you satisfy him?" I asked.

"I believe so, Lord..."

"But?" I prodded.

His eyes searched the ceiling as he organized his thoughts. "Well, Lord... in the heat of things, he asked me to... fuck him harder."

"And did you?"

He stiffened to attention. "Nay, Lord! I was very careful with him given his infirmity."

I nodded. "Good. Lord Minas is sickly and frail, yet can be reckless as young men can be. Should he favor you again, you are to treat him very carefully."

Bryson almost saluted. "Yes, Lord!"

I leveled a stern look at him. "For if I learn that my guest has been harmed, I will be most displeased."

He then saluted. "Nay, Lord! I will be as gentle as a lamb!"

Dismissing the image of gentle fucking lambs from my mind, I waved a hand in dismissal.

The horseman hesitated a moment, glancing down at my hard cockstand. Even though he was neither a bender nor a cocksucker, really, I wager that some small part of him felt disappointed that a visit to my infamous bedchamber had ended so... anticlimatically.

Nonetheless, he was a proper soldier and only hesitated a moment, not reaching the point of insubordinance. He saluted then left me to my solitude.

That night my thoughts were troubled.

Minas was neither sickly nor frail. Indeed, he was a true bitch. Parts of his legs might be missing, but you could rough-fuck the lad like a back alley whore and he'd spend only the harder. I certainly had already fucked him so.

And I'd known my words for lies even as I spoke them. I'd said them to interfere with his fucks, to make them... unsatisfying.

I'd sabotaged another man's bed – which was not my practice at all – and, in the dark of night, I was forced to confront that I'd acted pettily. Out of... jealousy.

This realization sat very ill with me and, as a sort of penance, I summoned no lad to my bed that night – a very rare night when my cock went untended.

I was disappointed with myself. I'd not behaved as befitting a great lord. Yet it is not in my nature to wallow, so by morning I'd already decided on a plan of action.

After an early breakfast, I summoned a small entourage of retainers and rode north with my personal guards.

We traveled light and moved at speed, stopping only to rest ourselves and the horses. I needed some distance to clear my head and regain my senses. I would not continue acting the fool because a noble brat had wheeled his way deep into my thoughts.

I must've given off a brooding air, because no one asked me to explain the purpose of this impromptu progress or even spoke much to me at all. Good evidence that I don't surround myself with fools.

By evening, we stopped at a large market town for the night. Our arrival was a surprise, of course. Though I traveled with a coterie of messengers on fast horses who continuously kept communications open both ahead and behind me, the town's grandees had received, at most, an hour's notice before I rode up.

Nonetheless, they took my visit in stride and tried to gain an advantage from it. I was an active ruler and everyone within a two-day ride knew that an unaccounced progress was always a possibility. The wealthiest merchant threw together a decent feast in my honor. As reward, I listened attentively to his various business proposals for much of the meal – some were even worth exploring.

I have an impeccable memory and recalled from a prior progress that this merchant's valet had been a rather talented cocksucker. Fortunately, the valet was still on staff and was sent to me for the night.

One night of penance had been ample.

Part II

We continued north for two more days and nights. By the third night, I was well outside my frequent progress areas and the local lord and his lady had been quite overwhelmed.

The more we traveled, the better I felt. Prolonged travel on a road, even an excellently maintained one, was hard on the body, and the further we progressed, the slower our pace became. As we moved further and further from my capital, I had to spend more and more time attending to local matters, meting out justice, and arbitrating disputes. Also, unannounced progresses gave a ruler an almost endless number of things to inspect – crop yields, troop outposts, fortifications, quantity and quality of wares on the road, and so on. Indeed, on the fourth day, we barely traveled at all.

Fortunately, work was excellent medicine and I felt Minas's hold on me loosen considerably. Sampling the local delights as we traveled also helped, of course. One sweaty farmer more than two decades my senior held my gaze a moment too long and I had him in the dirt of his own field while his wife raced about to provision us.

So, overall, I was gratified that my course of action had worked so well. And late in the afternoon of the fifth day, we arrived at our destination. For I had not fled my own keep. I'd always had a destination in mind. Since I hadn't known if mere travel would help as much as it had, I'd settled on a location that I was sure would rid me of my ridiculous fixation.

As we entered the castle courtyard, Lord Gil and his court were lined up to greet me. Though they'd just had short advance notice from my outrunner, they were as orderly and stately as if their overlord dropped by to visit all the time.

This pleased me. I liked well-run fiefs.

The assembly all bowed as I dismounted, then Lord Gil approached me, closely followed by a burly blond lad, just barely a man, and two pretty young women, each of whom was carrying a babe.

Lord Gil was thin to the point of gauntness and walked carefully with a cane. But even gaunt and stooped, I could see traces of the rugged man he must've been before he'd been beset by Illness or injury. I could also tell from a simple look into his clear green eyes that his mind was sharp and unimpaired.

"My Lord, you honor us with your presence," he said, bowing again.

I was puzzled by this greeting party and waved a hand at the young man behind him. "Surely, this isn't your first son, Morgen?" I'd met Morgen once and I was sure he would've been older by now.

Lord Gil shook his head. "Nay, Lord – this is my third son and the Captain of my Guard, Svetoslav. Alas, Morgen is away on business. I am saddened that he will miss your visit, Lord."

"Sve-to-slav..." I said slowly, in dismay.

Lord Gil took that as encouragement for he waved one of the pretty young women forward. "My wife, Rania, and my fourth son, Miromax."

"Miromax," I echoed. Two sons, both with names three syllables long. I repressed a shudder as impolitic and, not for the first time, cursed the pernicious influence of our rival Xavia and their damned girlish names.

Unfortunate name aside, this Svetoslav was certainly no girl. He sported the handsome face and strong body that his father must've had in his prime.

I smiled then as I'm always happy to have goodlooking lads about – far better than any tapestry or painting – but finally voiced the name of the one I had traveled near a week to see. "And your second son, Torsten?"

Lord Gil's eyebrows rose in surprise, as if I had inquired about his cat. "Torsten, Lord? He's away assisting his brother."

I was surprised at his surprise. After all, he'd been the one to send Torsten to my court in the hope of seducing an export license out of me for their land's surplus of metal (Chapter One).

Now, I don't rule my lands with my cock. While I ultimately did grant the request for an export license, it was because the proposal was more than sound and my ministers negotiated very favorable terms for my purse.

That said, I'd been more than happy to expedite my consideration of Lord Gil's proposal for the pleasure of fucking his pretty, bookish son. Now, virgins are not my favorite dish, but taking Torsten's tight cherry had been a singular cock-joy. Plus, he was clever and I keenly felt the need for the presence of other clever lads at the moment.

So my quest to see Torsten again had been in vain.

Well, such was life. I shook off my disappointment and let them take me inside.

Part III

At dinner, I was seated between Lord Gil and Svetoslav. Having a third son to my left would be considered by many to be a slight to the Lady of the house, but she didn't seem put out at the distance from my august presence. I also learned that the other girl was Svetoslav's wife and the babe his first child. Fortunately, the babe was named in honor of his grandfather Gil and thus had a proper name.

While I was at first well-pleased to sit next to the handsome lad, I quickly regretted it and wished I had been seated next to a clever or funny wife instead.

Svet had a winsome, youthful enthusiasm about him. He was clearly delighted to have the opportunity to sit next to me. But he was dull, and managed to make talk of his exploits hunting and climbing and training the Guard boring. An enthusiastic dullard.

Of course, I'd been raised a prince of a mighty kingdom, so looking interested in dull company came second nature to me. And pleasing a raw boy was quite literally child's play. I feigned interest in his exploits, laughed at his jokes, and deployed a few, carefully chosen, compliments. The key to productive flattery is to not overdo it. After I tossed in a few stories of my youthful military exploits, the lad was duly awed and eating out of the palm of my hand.

As for the others, well, one can learn a lot about a family from a single meal. It was immediately clear that Svet was his father's favorite. Lord Gil was cool and dismissive with practically everyone, including his young wife, and yet I sensed that Svet could do no wrong in his father's eyes.

And the lad was likely doing a lot of wrong beneath his father's adoring gaze. I'm a keen observer and after just an hour I would have wagered hard silver that Svet was father to both the babes I'd been introduced to.

As for his other two sons, Lord Gil spoke warmly and proudly of his eldest, though I sensed that the heir was still not the favorite. Parents can be curious in that way. And Torsten wasn't mentioned at all. The one time I floated his name, I again received that mildly surprised look.

I'd of course known that the lad had not been high in his father's esteem, but the complete disdain still surprised me. I supposed that even Torsten's success with the export license assignment had not changed his father's feelings for long. I also wondered if Lord Gil had even learned that the boy had won my favor.

Svet seemed to share his father's disdain for Torsten and it was readily apparent to me that he was intensely jealous of the heir. While he never said a word against his eldest brother, his body language and facial expressions when Morgen was being discussed all but screamed it.

That was a very useful tidbit of information. Even if he hadn't been cuckolding his own father, I'd have known that Svet was a not a man's man. Nonetheless, his jealousy would be the key to getting into his pants.

After all, since Torsten wasn't here, I had no aversion to trying out his stupid brother instead. It piqued my interest more than any other option, at any rate.

So I inquired repeatedly about the heir and asked why he was so infrequently to court. I feigned even more interest as Lord Gil extolled the virtues and accomplishments of his eldest. I floated various possible appointments and posts for a young noble of talent.

And I also continued to lavish attention on Svet as well, of course. Indeed, at one point, I told him that his name closely resembled the Western word for gold, "svi," which also suited his coloring. I even took to calling him that – it certainly was a better name than his own at any rate. And the lad – Svi – fair beamed at this sign of favor.

But I also made it clear that, by mere virtue of his position, the heir held my greater interest. Svi would soon find that his ass would be a useful currency to supplant his brother in my esteem.

My thoughts of ass-fucking must've been catching because Lord Gil leaned towards me and said: "My Lord, your rooms have been prepared. Can I provide any assistance to ensure that your visit is... most comfortable?"

He waved at the comely lad who'd been serving the wine as if his meaning hadn't been obvious.

I clasped Lord Gil friendily on the shoulder and said: "I've traveled light, but my staff will serve my needs amply. I thank you."

Fortunately, Lord Gil seemed pleased to not have to think on the matter further, which was a blessing. I hardly wanted to be fending off his gifts of hospitality while I seduced his golden child.

As I left the feast room, I took a moment to have a quiet word with said golden child. "I have some business to discuss with you, Svi. Come to my rooms at the eleventh bell if you'd care to discuss."

His eyes widened enough that I confirmed that he was aware of my preferences. After giving him a firm squeeze on the shoulder, I chuckled and left.

I also had one of my guards obtain the name of that wine server. A wise man always has a backup plan.

Promptly at the eleventh bell, my guards admitted Svi into my inner room. I had already bathed and changed into my sleeping robe. Svi was properly attired but his blond hair was dark with damp, so either he'd bathed or dunked his head in a basin.

I was standing and gestured at the table to indicate that he should pour me a goblet of wine. He did so, with pleasing speed.

I drank deeply but didn't offer him any. No liquid courage. I preferred the men beneath me to be unaddled. Well, addled by my cock was permissible.

He fidgeted as I chuckled at my own stupid joke, so I got to the point. I wanted a fuck, not a torture session.

Setting the goblet down, I said: "I'm inclined to expand my dealings with your family. Indeed, I have come with some specific ideas that will increase both our wealths."

His eyebrows rose at this. I suppose he was surprised. "Truly, Lord?"

"Indeed. And I can credit you with some of the ideas if you please me well during my visit." I shrugged. "Who knows? Perhaps you can personally earn a share of the profits in some capacity?"

He fidgeted again, which was a bit off-putting for a lad of his size. "Please you how, Lord?"

I looked at him like he was stupid. I mean, he was stupid, but he wasn't that stupid. "In my bed, of course."

"But... why me, Lord?"

I laughed. "You think I want a pretty bathboy? Nay! I want a good, strong man! A soldier! Like you!"

He preened at this praise, though "soldier" was probably my greatest stretch of the truth yet. For this raw, green boy to be Captain of his father's Guard? Well, this clearly must be one of the safest and untroubled corners of my lands. Bandits here probably used cheese knives and slingshots.

"But what of my father, Lord?"

"What of him? I won't tell him, if you don't. And, I dare say, he'll be pleased to learn how you've increased his wealth!"

I had him, though he was visibly still working through it.

I approached him and laid a friendly hand on his shoulder. "Svi-lad, you may leave without any rancor on my part. But if you wish to earn some favor with me, this is your opportunity. It probably won't be fun for you, but I think the rewards would be ample."

He looked me in the eyes then, resolve hardening, and said: "Yes, Lord."

I smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "Excellent! Have you sucked a cock before?"

"Uh... Yes, Lord."

I opened my robe revealing my big, hard cock. "Then have at it."

He dropped to his knees and looked at my magnificent cock in a way that reconfirmed in my mind that he was not at all like his brother Torsten, who'd taken to my cock like candy.

He leaned forward and slowly took a good portion of my cock into his mouth.

After a moment, I looked down. While the sight of his pretty mouth stretched around my cock was a happy sight, I was genuinely confused. "What are you doing?"

The slight thrust of my hips as I spoke caused him to gag and he pulled off. He coughed and asked: "Lord?"

"What were you doing?" I repeated. He'd somehow managed to hold my cock in his mouth with me barely feeling the touch of his tongue.

He still looked confused, so I pressed: "Didn't you say you've sucked cock before? You best not have been lying to me."

He looked aghast at the accusation. "Nay, Lord! I have! Once!... I lost a dare..."

I sighed and shook my head. My cock needed better attention than the games lads played as youths. I dare say the lad's wife – or his father's, ha – sucked him better than that!

Well, it made things simpler. "Stand up and take off your clothes."

He did so quickly, then stood before me.

"By God, you're a proper man," I said, and, for the first time since I'd met him, my compliment was completely true. I'd, of course, thought him handsome from the very beginning but beholding him now I thought putting garments on such a body was near a crime.

He had beautiful, strong legs. And his cock, even soft, was sizable. If he'd already been broken in, I would have feasted myself on that nice piece of meat. But doing so would have detracted from my authority and this skittish colt still needed a firm, superior hand to settle him. Perhaps another time.

And his chest. His chest was magnificent. He was nowhere near as large as my Bull, but his chest was broad, well-shaped, and covered with thick, dark blond hair. The furriness of his chest was all the more striking for the scantness of the hair on his belly.

But his crowning glory was his tits. He had two thick nipples that were visible even through all his chest hair. I wanted his cock, but my mouth actually watered at the sight of those nips.

Rapidly, I considered how I should handle the lad, then settled on a course.

"Bend over the bed," I said. While I could have happily started mouthing his body, the lad would just be focused on "the worst" that was to come. So best to get him past it, so I could enjoy him for a bit and make the most of my Torsten-less visit.

He moved over to the bed and bent over, gripping its side. No hesitation, which I credited as due to my firm, matter-of-fact tone. Lads were definitely like horses in that respect. Wenches less so.

I knew that his ass would be great just from the look of his legs, and bent over it did not disappoint. Round, muscled and firm.

I moved behind him and admired the muscles of his back, which subtly flexed as he braced himself on the bed.

I then spread his ass cheeks and chuckled. Svi may have been the complete opposite of his brother Torsten yet they were truly twins here. I idly wondered if the heir, Morgen, had the same rosy pink hole, lightly dusted with blond hairs, as his two brothers. Perhaps one day I'd find out.

Lord Gil may have been shit at naming lads, but his seed made some beautiful ones.

I retrieved a pot of ointment and scooped some onto my fingers. I reached between his cheeks and rubbed some on his hole.

He exhaled at the touch, probably the first time he'd ever been touched there. I doubt the "dares" he'd exchange with his buddies had progressed that far.

With my thumb I rubbed the ointment onto his hole, applying a firm pressure but not penetrating. As I did so, I was gratified to see his cock thicken.

Of course, I didn't make too much of it. For a lad his age, a stiff breeze can get a rise out of his cock. If he'd been a proper bender, I would have spent more time preparing his hole to make it enjoyable. But as he wasn't, it would be wasted effort so I intended to spend only enough time to not wound the boy.

So I pushed my thumb into him to get more ointment in and ready him for my cock. And as expected, he jerked at the intrusion and made a grunt.

Ordinarily with such a lad, I would've then greased my cock and had at it, but something halted me. I suppose when one has fucked as many asses as I have, one develops a sort of intuition.

I withdrew my thumb and replaced it with my index finger. Curious, I pushed deep and curled forward.

Svi jerked again. "Lord!"

He sounded completely confused. But I wasn't.

I prodded his assjoy – for, indeed, I'd just discovered that he had one – and he jerked again.

His cock was full hard and directly connected to his ass-joy. I had but to prod his ass-joy and his cockhead seeped. Long strands of pre-spend dangled from his cockhead as I worked his ass.

And work it I did. Patience came easily to me at times like these. This was a most fortuitous discovery that definitely called for a change of plans.

I paid close attention as I worked him. Svi not only had a remarkably responsive ass-joy for one not inclined to men. His hole was similarly responsive. It hadn't been just a "stiff breeze" that had made his cock rise at my initial touch. His cock was just as connected to his hole.

So I didn't just poke his ass-joy with my finger. I rotated my finger in a wide circle, stretching his rim. Then with two fingers I stretched him yet further.

As I worked him, he made a variety of grunts and sounds that I could best describe as confused pleasure. Occasionally, he'd blurt out a "lord!" when a particularly intense sensation surprised him.

Despite my patient tending, he alternated between relaxation and rigidity – the muscles of his back and legs were a wonder to behold.

But, finally, I'd learned enough. I quietly greased my cock and waited for him to slacken. When he next did so, I mounted him.

As I'd expected, he cried out and tightened in surprise, though not in pain I was fairly sure. But even his tension was too little, too late as my cock had already made good progress by the time he seized up around me.

"Shhhh," I said, calmingly, halting my thrust to give him time to adjust.

He was only half-cocked, so I leaned forward. I placed my right hand on his broad shoulder and with my left I gave his thick nipple a hard pinch.

He hissed and jerked in surprise at the pain, but I'd only needed the moment. His distraction briefly loosened the vise his ass had on my cock. I gripped his shoulder tight and thrust the rest of the way in.

Now, properly seated, I draped myself over him, my pelvis affixed to his ass. I nipped his ear and said softly. "Now, was that so bad, hmmm? Gave your cherry to your lord."

I didn't pull out, just moved our pelvises together so he could get used to the feel of a filled backside. As I did so, I let my hand roam his chest.

I didn't pinch him again, but his nips felt every bit as wonderful between my fingers as I'd imagined. Thick and hard, and I swear he shuddered as I rolled them between my fingers. God, if his nips were as responsive as his hole, I might just have to tie him up and take him home with me.

The night was going far, far better than I'd expected. I really had thought I'd just get a decently satisfying fuck from the dense lad, but this was proving so much more promising.

"Now tell me true, lad. Am I paining you?"

His head turned to the side and he paused, considering. "No... Lord," he finally said, and I could hear the surprise in his voice. "Nay," he repeated, as if I had expressed some doubt.

"Good lad." He damned well better not be in pain. I'd taken as much time readying him as I had my beloved first wife Rodina on our wedding night.

He relaxed against me as his mind finally caught up to what his cock had been shouting at him since the first moment I'd touched his hole.

Encouraged, I made my first misstep of the night. I'd pulled mostly out to give him my first real thrust since I'd smashed his cherry. And I reached down to at last grip his big, leaking cock.

That proved to be a mistake.

He bellowed as his cock erupted in my hand. I'd not meant to have him spend!

He seized up around my cock again, though this time from his crisis. After I'd squeezed his cock empty, I tried thrusting into his tightness and he made a noise, and not one of pleasure, and stiffened up even further.

And thus I learned another thing about Svi – alas, he was not a true bitch. Like many a lad, he'd spent and the feel of a cock up his ass had become intolerable.

Well, there was no way I wasn't claiming my prize this night, but I decided to take pity on him. I made a series of quick shallow thrusts, my cock barely up his ass. My blood was well-up, the angle was good, and his rebelling hole gripped my cockhead like a fist, so I quickly erupted within him.

He yelped like a startled puppy at that – ah, a lad's first breeding.

Ordinarily, I would've shoved my seed deep within him, but, as I said, I took pity on him. And, even with our abruptly shortened fuck, I was exceedingly well pleased with him.

I pulled out of him and near-staggered over to the table where I sat in the chair. He was still bent over the bed. So I poured myself some more wine, then said: "Bring a wet cloth from the basin."

For the first time that night, he reacted sluggishly, so I snapped a finger. That made him spring into action and he hurried to me with the cloth.

He kneeled before me and proceeded to wipe my cock clean. The rag was cold and uncomfortable. Yet even so my cock stirred at the sight of him kneeling naked before me and the feel of his hand upon me.

I was briefly tempted to give him a lesson in cock-sucking, but I let the idea pass unacted upon. I then noticed that he kept glancing at the pool of spend upon the floor by the bed.

He'd shot a mighty load and I imagined that the sight must've unsettled him. He'd creamed himself like a wanton milkmaid. His puddle of seed was clearly there, an accusatory witness.

Shoving his hand away, I said: "Boy, you fucked well! Like a proper man, not a whiny bitch." I could tell my words struck true. He was encouraged, his manliness intact.

Of course, he was going to be my bitch. He had too many choice bits for me to just stop here. My appetite had been whetted I was hungry for more, as only finding a treasure in an unexpected place can do.

I pulled off the small gold and emerald ring I was wearing on my pinky finger and handed it to him. His eyes widened as he took it.

The ring was a mere trifle to me, but I'm sure it would be one of the most valuable pieces he owned in his own right. Third sons – even favorites – must largely fend for themselves.

He kissed my hand. "Thank you, Lord! You won't regret this favor!"

I waved my hand in dismissal and he hurriedly got dressed and left, somehow managing to bow at least four times in the process.

As I had during my interview of the horseman Bryson, I again wondered at society. Give a lad a few coins in a back alley and every man, woman and brat would point, jeer and call him a whore. But give a man a ring or a smithy or a few moments of your consideration and he'd thank you, ass leaking, for your "favor."

I shook my head and laughed.

This excursion had been a brilliant idea.

Next: Chapter 14

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