Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Jun 5, 2022


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 14 By Colin DV

Note: If you like Kol, check out my other fantasy erotica series on Amazon Vella. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir.

Emails welcome – it's great engaging with readers: ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In the prior chapter, I told of how I'd traveled far north to clear my head of an unusual bout of jealousy. I'd gone in search of Torsten, the clever, slender, bespectacled young noble whom I had debauched (Chapter 1), but, alas, he'd been away. However, fortune had smiled upon me in the form of his brother, Svetoslav.

Svetoslav – Svi, to me – was his brother's opposite in every way except the gold of his hair – muscled, brash, emotional, not very bright, and not at all inclined towards men. Yet I am no ordinary man and my favor is a greatly desired thing. And when I took his cherry, I'd learned that, despite his unfortunate inclinations, Svi had the most extraordinary ass for fucking. Indeed, his entire body was a dream.

In short, Svi was a discovery that demanded an extended visit.

At breakfast the next morning, I had a ravenous appetite. Fortunately, Lord Gil was of a long noble lineage and kept to the old ways – an informal breakfast table where all the usual rules of propriety did not apply. A person could sit where one willed, and come and go as one willed.

Many of the newly rich and those newly raised to the nobility wrongly believed that excess was what counted – particularly where I was concerned. But it was wearying. No man wants to wake to a state banquet.

Thus, I found myself seated between Lord Gil and his wife, but not because it was the most proper arrangement, rather simply because they were early risers as I was and it suited me to talk more to my host.

I'd already learned the prior night that Lord Gil, if cold, was an intelligent, interesting man. His wife, Rania, on the other hand – now that I had the opportunity to sit next to her and exchange more than a few courtesies – was... not. She was not of noble blood nor even of a wealthy family. And she was a vain, simple creature. Indeed, her only virtue was her beauty.

Now, I have a good tolerance for commoners. Once I'd had my two daughters and committed to no more children, I even married one! And my wife was witty, brilliant, loyal, and essentially my minister of finance.

But I would never have diluted my lineage by having heirs with such a girl, and I was quite surprised that a lord of Gil's lineage would do such a thing. If a man wanted a pretty girl in his bed, that's what mistresses were for!

And yet... he had sired two beautiful, fuckable boys, so I couldn't fault him his poor spouse-choosing that harshly. His loss, my gain.

And speaking of fuckable boys, the lad himself made an appearance after we'd almost finished breaking our fast. He entered the room and stopped, looking at me tentatively.

"Svi!" I said loudly, smiling. I gestured expansively at the table as if I were the host and he my guest.

He smiled and bounded towards the table. Then, to my surprise, he shooed away Rania – his father's wife! – and took her place at my side.

I clasped him on the shoulder in greeting and gave him a friendly shake. My eye then caught the flash of emerald on his hand. He was wearing the ring I'd given him!

I was for the second time in as many minutes surprised by him. For a lad so concerned about his father's finding out, sporting new jewelry seemed hardly the discreet way to go about it.

Of course, even if his father noticed that his son had received a ring from me, it probably wouldn't be taken ill. Many lords gave such trinkets to favorites, both men and women, without any fucking going on. Some even considered such chaste acts a mark of nobility.

I certainly wasn't such a lord. If a lad sports my favors, you can be sure he's ridden my cock. But probably the full extent of my reputation hadn't made it this far north.

But Svi seemed to be in high spirits. He ate lustily, laughed loudly and talked expansively with his be-ringed hand as if he wanted everyone to see his new jewel.

I was pleased that he hadn't turned out to be one of those lads that bemoaned a little ass fuck like some be-ravaged maiden. And he seemed to be sitting without any discomfort. Yes, I thought, he had the makings of a good bitch.

So I said to Lord Gil: "Has Young Morgen been presented at court yet?"

Lord Gil blinked at me, considering for a moment. For a provincial mountain lord such as he, there were only two possible ways I could have meant that question – to befriend him or to humiliate and belittle him.

He then smiled at me, apparently deciding that I was not making sport with him at his own table, and said: "Not as of yet, Lord. His duties here have been most extensive."

I smiled back, then slapped the table. "We should remedy that! I like to have young, capable nobles with me when I travel – makes me feel young!" I gave him a wink, poking fun at myself.

Lord Gil dipped his head. "If you wish it, Lord, I am certain we can find time for Morgen to take a break from his duties here."

My offer was quite sincere and I'd probably make good on it. My brother the King would no doubt have a good laugh when I explained why I was traveling with a provincial.

I turned to Svi who gave me a strained smile but was clearly irritated.

It was interesting. I'd come far north to rid myself of a silly bout of jealousy and the stupid things it had been starting to make me do. Seeing Svi, stupid with jealousy, was a clear reminder to me why this excursion had been a good – even necessary – idea.

I clasped Svi on the shoulders again and said to Lord Gil: "And Young Sve-to-slav here has offered to show me your famous mines today! You are most fortunate in your sons, my lord."

This news clearly surprised Lord Gil, and he glanced at his son. And whatever he saw there must have convinced him that his dullard son had shown some initiative regarding the family business, because he said: "An excellent idea, Svetoslav. I had thought to have my steward show the Lord Protector our mines since I can no longer make the trip."

Lord Gil paused, then waved his hand, summoning said steward. "Lord, perhaps Klass should accompany you. He can answer any questions Svetoslav can't." Which I took to mean that the boy probably knew next-to-nothing about the workings of the mine.

I looked at Klass. I had noted him the prior evening, as I note all killers near my person, male or female. I was my Lady Mother's son after all.

Klass was of an age as Lord Gil but had been afflicted with none of his lord's infirmity. He moved with strength and purpose and his eyes were clear and assessing. With his bald shaven head and sharp pointed features, he gave the impression of a bird of prey.

Having a steward accompany us – particularly, this steward – had not been part of my plan at all. However, I was nothing if not adaptable.

But Svi hissed to his father. "He doesn't need to come! I know the way as does the Guard!"

Lord Gil laughed softly and said: "Calm yourself, boy – it's only to assist His Grace!" But his tone was indulgent. Svi was clearly still pissed. And Klass just gazed at us impassively, completely unbothered at Svi's outburst.

Thus, I was able to quickly gather the dynamic here. As in most estates, Klass, as the steward, probably managed the finances and it was to him that Svi and the other children had to turn to for funds. Hell, if Lord Gil truly kept to the old ways, Klass probably was responsible for disciplining the noble children as well once they'd graduated from the nursery.

I stifled a chuckle. Thus, to my young buck, his father had essentially just assigned him to a day with his nanny!

But Svi's reference to "the Guard" would not work at all and needed to be nipped in the bud, so I said: "I will keep a small company – my guard, Svetoslav and your steward." I spoke flatly to make it clear that the matter was not up for debate, by anyone.

I then stood and declared that we should set-off at once so as to make the most of the day.

As I left the room, I gestured to Klass that he should come to me for a word. I hadn't quite decided what to do with him. While I could, of course, make him stay behind, that would cause needless suspicion and possibly offend Lord Gil. So I decided to take the man's measure before making a decision.

In the main hall, once I was sure we would not be overheard, I smiled and asked him: "Tell me for I am curious. Is the lad really tupping his father's wife?"

Klass's neck went rigid – the only sign of his surprise – and he turned his head to me in a way that again reminded me of a hawk.

"My lord," he said. "You... place me in a difficult situation."

I kept my smile but hardened my gaze. He was a killer but I let him see – truly see – the prince I was. I'd see men bereft, broken or dead before permitting a challenge to my authority.

"Yes," he finally said quietly.

I broadened my smile and let my gaze soften. "And the heir?"

"Nay, Lord," he said firmly.

"And Torsten?" I continued.

His lips started to twist into a sneer before he caught himself and smoothed his features. "No, Lord."

I sighed inwardly at the backwardness of this family. Torsten was clever, willing to work, and attractive – all things that should have been considered assets of any family. Yet because he was not manly or rugged like his father or this steward, the entire family despised him and underutilized him.

As a ruler, I knew that every man, woman and child had a productive use to a kingdom. Even criminals could be put to hard labor. Give me an hour with any person and I could find their best use. That's how I ran my lands. I gave clever lads books and strong lads plows and swords.

Even here, I'd quickly discovered Svi's best use. While with proper guidance and training, I had no doubt he could be a decent soldier, he'd clearly been made to be a favorite.

I didn't voice these thoughts, however, and waved my hand in dismissal.

But I had learned what I needed to know. Lord Gil was clearly in the dark about his son's nature and his own steward was either unwilling or unable to tell him the truth.

Yes, this Klass would serve as an acceptable chaperone. And I did actually want to learn more about the mine.

On the road up to the main mine, we formed a small party of 13 – Svi, myself, Klass and ten of my guards. Well, ten guards was a small party for me. It certainly wouldn't be written as my epitaph: "Here lies Kol, Duke of Asselvya and Lord Protector of the Realm, murdered on the road by a couple of poachers."

Svi at first was clearly not pleased at my not allowing his companions to attend. So there he was – not allowed to show off to his friends, chaperoned by his nanny, and on the way to a mine I was positive he held no interest in. The poor boy.

But his mood was quickly lifted by my guards. My guards are chosen for their skill with weapons, keen vision, quick wits, absolute loyalty, and killer instincts. In short, they're all real men's men and a pup like Svi was suitably both intrigued and intimidated.

But they quickly made him feel like one of the company – regaling him with stories of their lives and travels, singing dirty songs and teasing him like a new recruit.

They were humoring the lad, of course – at my instruction.

They'd not been instructed to befriend Klass, yet he easily fell into the group. I probably shouldn't have been surprised – a killer in a group of killers. My guards treated him like a respected elder. As we talked, I learned that Klass had fought at Lord Gil's side as youths and when Lord Gil had succeeded his father, he'd taken Klass as his trusted steward.

And clearly I wasn't the only one learning about Klass on the ride. The looks of surprise on Svi's face as he learned things about his father and his steward-tormentor were almost comical.

I also noticed as we rode that Svi rode awkwardly – well before any man should start experiencing saddle soreness. It was perfect.

As we traveled through a woody part of the road, which I was told was the midpoint of our little excursion, I called for a halt.

I dismounted and walked into the tree cover. "Svi, with me." I heard him hurry to follow me.

I did not go far, just deep enough to have a little tree cover between me and the group – a semblance of privacy. I could still hear my guards clearly and, more importantly, they could still hear me. I am not a fool.

I looked around and my eyes alighted upon a large fallen tree, covered in moss and young plants. That would serve nicely.

I turned to Svi. "Lower your pants and bend over the tree."

"Here?!" he blurted loudly.

Now that was quite impertinent, but since his immediate reaction was alarm at the location, and not the fucking, I decided to let it pass.

"Calm yourself, boy," I said, intentionally echoing his father from earlier. "I'm not fucking you." I took out a pot of ointment and waved it in front of his face. He sniffed at its sharp medicinal scent.

"You are experiencing some discomfort, yes?" I asked.

He gave a short nod, as if he were embarrassed.

Then I nodded. "I thought as much. Though it's good you haven't whined about it. This will help. Now do as I say."

As Svi pushed down his pants and braced himself over the log, I considered the ointment in my hand. I had brought it all the way from my capital. I had had my healer make an identical ointment and given it as a parting gift to Torsten.

I'd brought it thinking it would give us both a good laugh! But Torsten was away and here I was about to use it on his brother. As I noted before, I am nothing if not adaptable.

I approached Svi and scooped some of the ointment with my left thumb. I could feel the ointment tingling on my skin slightly. Using the quick, economical movements I'd seen healers use countless times, I pressed my thumb to his hole.

Svi shuddered at the contact. Rubbing the ointment onto his hole with a circular motion, I said in a casual tone. "You know, lad, this ointment is great for after fucks, but also after long rides. If you ever served in the Horse Guard, you'd find every man with such a pot."

This perked his interest. "Truly, Lord?"

"Yes, truly." Though the soldiers likely weren't rubbing it on their holes. Or perhaps they were.

"It soothes, yes?"

"Yes, but t'is strange, Lord. First, it burned, now it cools."

As he spoke, I took more ointment but this time pushed it into his hole.

Svi exhaled at that but his hole didn't resist me. So I took yet more ointment, pushed it even deeper and poked his ass-joy.

And I marveled. As it had last night, his big cock had gone rigid the moment I touched his hole. But in the clear light of day, I could really see how connected it was to his ass. I had but to prod his ass-joy and his cock drooled. Each time.

After poking him for a bit with two fingers, I said: "Squeeze my finger so it works into the muscle."

He hesitated a moment, then I felt an increased tightness around my fingers.

Of course, the instruction to squeeze had nothing to do with muscles or the ointment. Svi had an ass that was made to be fucked. His cock knew it. His entire body knew it. Yet in his head, he was still just a lad who went around terrorizing the maids. Every family had one. He'd probably end up siring half the bastards in the area.

So I needed to forge the link between his head and his ass. "Harder," I said.

He tightened further, which was good. The sooner he realized that his hole was something under his control – an intentional pleasure, rather than an accidental one – the better he'd be.

And we had made enough progress for now.

Matter-of-factly, I scooped some ointment with my right hand and seized his cock. As I did so, I spread my two fingers in his hole, stretching the rim.

It took but two quick jerks of my hand before he swore and spent, great cock spasming in my hand. The lad really had no stamina.

I cleaned my hands in a patch of moist soil and returned to the group.

Part II

We quickly traveled the rest of the way to the mine and as we neared it I felt my excitement grow. I'd actually never been in a mine before and I was intensely curious to see one in action.

Upon arriving, the mine was not what I'd expected. I had envisioned a man-made tunnel in a hillside, and, indeed, I could see multiple such entrances in the rockface.

But "encampment" would have been a better word as there was a small village at the base of the complex. For a successful mine required not only men deep in the earth wresting metal from rock, but many more people outside the mine – processing the ore, packing it, repairing tools, and feeding everyone.

Here, Klass was in his element. He was very familiar with the mine and, as we took a short respite, he summoned the mine overseer – a hard-looking man named Lorn.

After the usual bowing and scraping, Lorn escorted me around the base facility, pointing out the various functions. Svi and Klass followed close behind, and it turned out that neither Svi's ignorance (for ignorant he was of the mine's workings) nor Klass's expertise mattered very much.

For Lorn – when given my leave to talk freely about the mine – was a fount of information!

And at last we came to one of the main mine tunnels itself. I decided to go inside, deep enough to actually see something of the workings. My guards expressed their displeasure and, indeed, I could not blame them.

Yet I had come all this way. I would just have to trust to God.

Lorn then took me, one of my guards and Svi inside. I'd told Svi, sincerely, that he could remain outside with the others. After all, I was cultivating the lad to warm my bed, not fight in my army, so I honestly cared not if he was brave or not.

But the lad followed and I gave him an approving nod. I also didn't fail to notice that the lad was probably more motivated by showing up Klass than impressing me. Klass might have been a killer but he'd looked ill at the prospect of entering.

The air was foul and we covered our mouths and noses with handkerchiefs. But, fortunately, the main shaft was almost entirely horizontal. I had not relished the idea of descending into the bowls of the earth.

Before long, we came to an area of activity – a widened space where men hacked at the walls with picks while boys and girls filled baskets with rock to carry to the camp.

Lorn explained that most of the mining occurred much deeper into the mine. This area, so near the entrance, had largely been played out and so served more as a training and punishment area.

Because the miners' earnings were based on the quality of ore produced, the most coveted locations were deep in the mine nearest to the richest veins of metal. Thus, only new miners, low in seniority, and miners being punished labored in this area.

Punishment area or whatever, this chamber was good enough for me and I decided that this was as far as we would go. I then spent some time observing the miners at work. Yet focused though I tried, I could not see what the miners did. In the dim lamplight, one piece of rock looked like another to me.

Once I'd had my fill, we left the mine and I breathed gratefully and deep once we were free of the awful place.

It'd been planned that we'd have our midday meal at the mine and Klass had seen to that during our tour. I'd told him that I wanted us to eat with the miners and camp workers.

Thus, there I sat amongst my men and a number of the workers, partaking in their simple meal of hard bread and goat meat. I permitted a couple of the least malodorous men to sit near me and I peppered them with questions about their lives and work.

Their lives were hard, but so were the lives of all commoners – miner, farmer, soldier or fisherman. The best one could hope for was that the particular hardness of one's labor suited one's abilities and strengths.

I, of course, had gold coins distributed, as befitted a visit by a lord of my stature.

After eating enough of the simple, yet nourishing, meal, I again took Svi aside to prepare him for the ride back. I was quicker and more efficient this time around, given all the activity of the camp.

I applied his ointment and when I said "squeeze" his ass promptly tightened around my fingers. And as I had before, for the finish, I stretched his hole and tugged his drooly cock.

He quietly spent immediately, splattering his seed against the wall of the shed I'd braced him against. As he pulled his pants back up, I wondered if he spent as quickly when in a cunt. But I held my tongue as, in truth, I cared not.

Part II

As we rode back from the mine, I appreciated our good fortune. It was an excellent day for riding. That said, I was looking forward to a hot soak upon our return before having to attend another formal dinner.

When we reached the midpoint area where we'd stopped on the way to the mine, I again called for a break.

I headed into the wood and gestured for Svi to follow me.

Upon reaching the fallen log, Svi didn't even need to be told. He pulled his pants down and braced himself on the log.

I took the pot of regular ointment I also traveled with and slathered it on and inside his hole. The lad had so quickly gotten used to my ministrations that I don't think he noticed the change.

I then opened my pants, slicked my cock and slowly pushed inside of him.

"Lord!" he cried out in surprise. But he was coming along nicely, for even with his surprise he didn't lock me out. I sank into him like a sword into its sheath.

His head then turned to the direction of the men out of view as if afraid they'd heard his shout. And they most certainly had. Even if I didn't employ soldiers with excellent hearing and vision, we were within easy earshot of the others.

As I stood still so he could fully adjust to the feel of my large cock within him, I patted his back. "Don't have a care, lad. My guards are discreet."

But I knew that would not assuage his concerns – especially as Klass was with them.

I pulled back and thrust hard within him. He made a quiet yet very satisfying sound.

Then I really began fucking him. Though I'd taken his cherry the prior night, in actuality, this was our first fuck – the first time the boy felt his ass-joy hit with a hard cock, over and over and over again.

He struggled to stay silent and it was quite enjoyable to watch. Every stifled gasp and grunt was sweeter than the loudest moan of pleasure. But why he struggled so was beyond me. He had to realize that they could hear us fuck – the squelch of my cock in his ass, the smack of my skin against his.

And what the boy didn't know was that we were being watched as well. My guards are trained to always have at least two men's eyes on me at all times. They're careful and discreet about it, of course, but keeping me safe is their purpose.

No, the boy didn't need to know that.

Yet I still needed to move the lad along in his thinking so he'd overcome his silly concerns. I thrust hard then leaned down towards his ear.

"You're a lord. I'm a great lord! Do you think a lord should care what a steward thinks of him?!"

Of course, such problems could not be fixed with a few words, one time. But I needed to plant the seed. And I've found that a lad's ground is most fertile when he's being well-fucked.

Now, ass-slapping is generally not my practice. When I fuck, my hands much rather grab a shoulder, grip a neck, fondle some tits, or stroke a cock. But to punctuate my words, I let loose on his ass with several hard, loud slaps – which gave him some more cries to stifle.

Then, as I felt my crisis approach, I thrust faster and said "squeeze."

And Svi clamped down. The boy really was quite trainable.

I spent, erupting into him splendidly.

During our fuck – knowing his quick-spend tendencies – I had avoided touching his cock. But as I spent, I gripped his cock hard and tugged.

There was no stifling what came next. With a long, loud "uhhhhhh," Svi spent and his ass clamped down even harder upon me.

I moved within him as I squeezed his cock dry.

Even seeing only the back of his sweaty blond head, I knew the lad was wrecked – in a good way. He'd just spent the way he'd been made to spend – while his ass-joy was being battered and his hole freshly seeded. He'd never spent like that before, I had no doubt.

We'd just ascended to an entirely new level.

The moment passed and he shuddered, which reminded me that I needed to pull out. His cock may have been directly connected to his ass, but he still seemed to have no ass-tolerance after a spend. I doubted he ever would, but I was not bothered.

It was a flaw I could live with given his many other qualities.

I fastened my pants and called out: "Mount up!"

Pulling him upright, I then pulled his pants up over his messy ass and fastened them as I would for a child. I gave him a firm but friendly shove towards the others.

Emerging from the trees and seeing everyone mounted, Svi went rigid and walked stiffly towards his horse.

I looked him over. While his lips were regrettably not swollen from kisses or cocksucking, his face was flushed red from embarrassment and his recent crisis. His white shirt was soaked through with sweat. And though I had not intended it, the angle that I'd jerked his cock in my passion had splattered his seed down onto the leg of his pants, and the white splotchs were clearly visible against the dark material.

In short, whores had emerged from alleys looking less debauched than the boy did at that moment.

As the lad mounted up, I gave a significant look to my guard captain and he nodded.

It was simply unacceptable for the boy to be embarrassed and unhappy at a time like this. Not only had he just been graced by me, he'd just had the best spend of his life so far – the benchmark against which he would compare all others going forward.

As we started moving, my captain called out jauntily. "Lad! Did I ever tell you the time I..." He then proceeded to tell of the time he ended up in a latrine to escape the husband of a taverness he'd been fucking.

I remembered the time well and laughed. "It took a week of baths before I permitted him near my presence!"

The men laughed and so did Svi. The captain then brought up an even worse story about another member of my guard. The story was scarcely believable. And the lad was hooked as he couldn't tell if my captain was telling the truth or pulling his leg. The fact that the other guard members were similarly enthralled and dubious added to the effect.

I knew the story to be absolutely true, of course. And the guard in question was back in my capital, which was a good thing, because he would not have been pleased to hear this story being told.

I choose my captains for their smarts, more than their skill or brawn, and the captain proved the wisdom of my decisions. In telling that story – one that would likely cause him some grief once word got back to the guard in question – he'd used a valuable sort of currency.

But it was currency well spent as it completely helped the lad get over himself. By the end of it, the lad felt himself again a member of the group and he laughed and spoke again with his normal stupid brashness.

I'd have to reward my captain for his pains. But not gold. Part of being a great ruler is knowing how to reward and honor people in non-monetary ways that pleased them deeply.

My captain had ended up in a latrine that time because he had a decided preference for married women. He'd pick a homely matron over a beautiful virgin or the most wanton whore, no question.

I decided I'd have him guard my person the next time I feasted with a suitable couple. He'd get far more enjoyment from his fuck if he could first observe the man he was cuckolding.

Svi rode near me, of course, to my left. I then called for Klass to ride up to my other side. I asked him a number of inane questions, deliberately so, then told him to take the rear. But minutes later, I summoned him forth again and asked a couple more inane questions. I then sent him back to the rear.

I looked at Svi. The lad was dumb, but, being a third son with a jealous disposition, he was keenly sensitive to matters of status. I shared a look with him that said "we are lords and servants serve."

Of course, I could have told him that a steward who wouldn't tell his lord that he was being cuckolded would hardly tell his lord that his favorite son was being fucked up the ass.

Fortunately, I didn't need to go to such lengths as the boy absorbed my meaning. It was important that he understand that his father's steward answered to me, as all men except my brother the King did. Even after I left, the steward would be a fool to cross me. And this steward was no fool.

Part III

Upon arriving at the castle, we were again greeted by Lord Gil and his court.

Lord Gil bowed as I dismounted. "I trust your visit was a success, my lord?"

I'd no sooner said "it was" before Svi said: "Father! It was! And I accompanied the Lord Protector into the mine!"

From the boy's emphasis it sounded as if we had burrowed deep, deep into the earth. My amusement grew as he continued to prattle on about the things "we" had seen. In truth, I was more than a little surprised at the number of things the boy had observed.

He was strong, romantically fond of the soldier's life as so many boys are, and pretty observant. This only strengthened my impression that the boy could have made a decent soldier if he hadn't been so exquisitely suited to be a fuck-lad.

The boy's prattle was terribly impertinent, of course, but I let it pass. It then occurred to me that I was letting a growing number of impertinences pass. But I shrugged inwardly, unbothered. I would hardly be the first lord to indulge his favorites so.

The prattle also had a benefit. Lord Gil was completely taken with his son's account. He was clearly beyond pleased at his son's newfound interest in the family business – which left me a perfect opening.

"I will retire until dinner, not to be disturbed," I said and set off into the castle. I had an excellent memory and needed no escort besides my guards to find my chambers.

Walking down the main hall, I was surprised to find Svi hard on my heels. I'd not thought he'd leave his father so abruptly. I nodded at him but continued walking with purpose. I desired a bath, a massage, and a nap, in that order.

"Lord?..." Svi spoke in the tone of a man who was working himself up to ask for something. It was a tone I was very familiar with as people are always working themselves up to ask me for things.

I ignored him until we'd reached the outer of my two chambers. "What do you want?" I then said, though not unkindly. If the boy were a proper man's man, I might think that he were after me for another fuck. But he wasn't such a man and I wasn't so deluded as to think he had run after me for my cock. So the sooner I could grant his request, the sooner I could rest.

"Lord... earlier... you mentioned taking my brother to His Majesty's court. And so I've wondered if I might come, too?"

I turned to him then and gave him a sympathetic look. "No."

I walked into my bedchamber and heard behind me, in a tone of disappointment: "Nay, Lord?!"

Another impertinence, sigh. I turned to him yet again, but this time placed a friendly hand on his shoulder. "Lad – Svi – I like you well. But who am I?"

"The Lord Protector," he said at once.

"And who are you?"

He just looked at me sulkily, so I answered for him. "You are Lord Sve-to-slav, the third son of a minor noble. That I extended an invitation to your brother was already a great favor to your Lord Father and a sign of my affection for your House."

His fair skin flushed, but this time more from anger and disappointment than from humiliation – which was good. I never desired my lovers' humiliation but it was important that they never forgot their place. This would be a good teaching moment.

I continued, relentlessly. "Think you an ornament befitting my court when I stand before our Glorious King?"

He was silent so I said: "Answer me."

"No, Lord. I am not."

I gave him a friendly smile. "No, you are not." I then grabbed him by the arms and shoved him towards the bed. He grabbed the edge as I pulled down his pants.

Though I almost desperately wanted him in my bed this night, I had already decided on the ride back that I wouldn't invite him. But a fuck right now would still suit my plans quite well – better than well, in fact.

I greased my cock and pushed against his entrance. After only a moment's resistance, I slid in with ease. I hadn't even needed to prep him. And that the boy had bent without complaint after being refused was a good sign.

Svi understood that he was mine now for as much as I cared to have him.

Of course, it definitely didn't hurt that his body was made for cock. He groaned and swore as I fucked him – not loud but definitely not stifled as it had been in the woods. I suppose that, in my bedchamber, it felt like it was just the two of us. Though my guards were just as close to me now as they had been in the woods and heard everything that was going on.

But I welcomed his change in attitude, even if nonsensical. It saved me from having to slap his ass. Instead I took him tight into my arms as I fucked him – close so I could feel the heat off his back and take in his scent. He smelled like a lad who'd ridden both horse and cock for much of the day.

God, even his musk made my cock hard. He really was a gift.

And my hands pawed at his chest, squeezing and teasing his tits through the fabric. Oh, if his shirt had had buttons I surely would've ripped it open. Alas.

And at one moment, I stopped my thrusts and stood still. Keeping our rhythm, the lad pushed back against me. Indeed, on his second pushback, he even arched his back to better angle my cock inside him, to make sure I hit his spot just so.

Of course, it didn't last. On the third pushback, his mind caught up with his ass and he stopped in confusion. I then resumed fucking him to clear his mind. Yes, the lad was coming along quite nicely.

Just the prior day, in this very spot, the lad had been taken in a state of confused pleasure, and now here he bent moaning like a wanton. I truly have a gift for bringing out the best in people.

Then I said: "Squeeze." And he tightly cradled my cock as I erupted within him. Rectifying the shallow breeding I'd given him the prior night, I thrust hard to plant my seed deep in his bowels.

And then I grabbed his quick-spend cock so he could make another puddle on my floor. The cry he made as he spent still had a sound of surprise about it. And that was good. Let him continue to forget and be reminded how I alone could make him feel.

I pulled out of him and called out: "Have water for a bath brought up!"

Svi looked over his shoulder in surprise, but, of course, my words were not for him, but my guards outside. To Svi, however, I pointed at the water basin.

While he sprung into action, I proceeded to strip off my dirty clothes.

Once I was fully naked, the lad knelt before me and cleaned my cock with the cold wet cloth.

"Lord," he said, wiping me. "Did I please you?"

I looked down at him and let an overly-soft look cross my face. I ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, lad. You are a treasure."

The lad said nothing but I caught the look of calculation that crossed his face.

I then tapped him on the head lightly and dismissed him.

Once he was gone, I thought of his question and the look on his face. To say that I could read the boy like a book would be a gross understatement. He was his father's favorite. He'd probably spent his entire life wheedling out of his father all of the things he'd otherwise have been denied as a third son. Indeed, I wouldn't have been surprised if his warddrobe and personal effects exceeded both his brothers'.

And now he felt he had the beginnings of a hold on me. What might he wheedle out of me, eh?

Of course, I'd been willing to invite him to court before he even asked it. Indeed, if he hadn't asked, I would have resolved to engineer it.

My brother the King had an almost exclusive preference for wenches – he'd always had since we were boys. He fucked the maids while I fucked the stableboys. In a way, I think it one reason our relationship has been so strong and lacking in jealousy. It helps when competitive, horny boys don't have their eyes on the same prize.

But Svi? I strongly suspected the lad had just the right mix of qualities that would appeal to my brother. Gold from me would mean nothing to my brother, but I might have found in this backwater the perfect gift.

I thought again on the boy's look of calculation and laughed.

Oh, I was looking forward to the boy's plan to seduce me.

Next: Chapter 15

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