Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Jun 10, 2022


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 16

By Colin DV

Note: If you like Kol, check out my other fantasy erotica series on Amazon Vella. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir.

Emails very welcome – it's great engaging with readers: ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In my prior chapters, I told of Svetoslav – Svi, to me – the muscled, brash, emotional, not very bright, not-at-all-inclined-towards-men, yet exquisitely fuckable lad who'd captured my attentions. I'd engineered a way with his lord father to extend my stay so that I might more fully enjoy him. Svi's natural gifts, combined with his jealous, insecure nature, might make him an ideal favorite – with the right training, of course.

We rode, mostly at a canter, without any sort of destination – my guards and I, along with a local guide to keep us on good, safe roads.

The solitude was a treat as it would've been far more politic to include local worthies on the ride. Yet I'd hold court here and had made myself accessible at High Table, so I didn't let myself feel too guilty for the self-indulgence.

I chuckled again at Svi's critique of my claim of "solitude" because I'd have my guards with me. That comment alone revealed the sort of upbringing and lifestyle minor nobles on the periphery enjoyed.

I ate, slept, worked, shit and fucked within the view or hearing of others, and I had done so from birth. The same would be true for any major lord. For us, "solitude" was a state of mind more than anything else – basically, not being around people we were obliged to speak to.

As we approached midday, we kept lookout for a suitable place to stop for a long rest and meal. And we found it in a large farmhouse. The house and lands looked prosperous enough that food and drink for twelve hungry men would not pose a hardship.

My men announced me and I waited on my horse for the members of the household to gather from their various chores to greet me and pay homage. Fortunately, they were already gathered together for their own midday meal, so I did not have to wait long.

It was a small household – the farmer, his wife, four boys and two girls. This farmer, Holt, was a wiry man who looked about 50 so was probably not even 40, given the way peasants aged. The children ranged in age from 20 to 10.

While Holt was of middling height, his wife was a giant, both taller and wider than her man. After I dismounted and stood before them, her size was all the more remarkable. While she was not larger than me, she was still of uncommon size for a wench.

I then took in their children, all six of whom had, blessedly, taken after their mother. The two sons man-grown were both strong and large. Of the other two boys, one looked to be about 13 and had the gangly limbs that promised he'd be similarly large in the end.

As for the girls, neither would ever be called pretty, yet with their strong bodies, I imagined both would be sought after. Large, strong girls can work the land while popping out strong kids.

I entered the home with two of my guards. The main room was spacious, clearly designed for a larger family, and I was pleased to find it clean and fresh-smelling.

I sat at the head of the table with Holt to my right. Holt's wife and the girls then bustled about filling the table with food. And the food? It was simple yet uncommonly good – the cheese in particular. After I learned that all the food was of the wife's craft, I asked her name – a detail I ordinarily would not have concerned myself with.

But I was quite pleased with this goodwife, Gerda – even more so when I learned she worked the fields, too. A good cook and homemaker, fertile and strong – such women were the solid foundation of a great kingdom.

As I ate, I inquired into their lives and learned that there were two other daughters who'd already been married off. Eight living children - oh, Gerda, my jewel!

But I was surprised to learn that the four boys were all of their sons.

"All?" I asked. "None are in service or fallen?"

Holt looked at me nervously, and said: "None in service or fallen, my lord."

My mind boggled. A family with four strong boys within a couple hour's ride of their lord's keep and none were in service! What was Lord Gil doing?

Still trying to puzzle out this family's unusual situation, I pressed: "Church then. A son is committed to the Church then?"

They were silent but their stricken expressions were answer enough. Well... I certainly was not one to ignore mismanagement when thrown into my face. I pointed at the 13-year old boy at the end of the table. "Approach."

When he stood before me, I asked his name.

"Clint, Lord."

The boy held my gaze, though not in an insubordinate way, which was a good sign. A timid lad could remain here and work the land as far as I was concerned.

I bid him come closer, then quickly ran my hands up his arms, legs and chest. He had not yet come into his manhood muscles but I felt no deformity and had no doubt that he would grow into his brothers' and mother's size. Moreover, thirteen was not so old that he still couldn't be trained up properly.

I waved the boy away and regarded Holt and Gerda. Holt looked even more nervous while Gerda just appeared resigned.

"In two days' time, Clint will report to the castle. He will return to Asselvya City and be put into the army."

Silence greeted me, so I tapped once on the table – a short loud rap that signaled I'd start tapping heads with blunt objects next. That startled Holt out of his stupor and he said: "Yes, my lord – in two days' time."

After such a pleasant start, it was regrettable that I had to end things on a sour note. Yet I had not been made a ruler to make easy decisions. The Kingdom must be defended, and this family had escaped its responsibilities long enough.

Nonetheless – probably out of my initial approval of Gerda – I felt compelled to say: "I will have someone keep an eye out for the lad. If he works at his training hard, he might join one of the Guards."

Holt and Gerda bowed their heads at this. I did not think it eased their unhappiness, but hopefully in time the prospect of their son's advancement might take some of the sting out of it. As it was, it was the best I could do.

I glanced at the boy, Clint, and at least he did not look distressed. Perhaps he had some wanderlust or a sense of adventure – the right kind of man could thrive in the Kingdom's service.

I then bid the family well and departed.

Part II

The ride back to the castle was not nearly as enjoyable as the ride out. The encounter with the Holt family had left me feeling out of sorts. I certainly didn't enjoy being the villain though I knew without question that it had been necessary. Farms like Holt's thrived because the Kingdom was well-run and secure – a mighty nation.

My very existence was due to that prosperity, that might. For centuries, the Western Kingdom – my mother's people – had looked on us as one step removed from barbarians. It was only due to the efforts of my grandfather and great-grandfather that Ignatia had prospered enough that a Western King would condescend to wed a daughter – my mother – to an Ignatian.

And soon a Western scion would take my elder daughter, Kollie, as a bride. We had, indeed, risen far as a nation. And we'd rise yet higher still if I had anything to do with the matter.

So I knew I'd done the right thing. And yet it rankled. So I did my best to focus on my approaching time with Svi. With proper guidance, I didn't think the boy would disappoint.

And the start was very promising, as I'd no sooner returned to my chambers that I was informed by my guard captain that Svi had requested an audience – a request I gladly granted. The anxious lad must've had a lookout for me.

He entered my inner chamber, bowed... then just stood there.

I gave him a welcoming smile but remained standing where I was, regarding him silently. It had been a day since I'd last fucked him. But I'd primed him since that time and had every intention of breaking him to saddle this very afternoon. He'd entered my chamber a great fuck, but he'd leave it a favorite.

But he had to make the first move.

Which he did, after some moments, when he realized that I was not going to. And I'd been very curious what he'd do to snatch back my interest from the nameless, faceless lads he saw as competition.

He approached me, then, tentatively, placed his hand on my crotch. At my encouraging expression, he opened my pants then dropped to his knees.

Once my cock was out, I was sure from the look that crossed his face that he doubted his course of action. This wasn't like our first encounter – me seated, fresh from my bath, cock before him in the soft light of night.

Nay, this was man-cock, hard and sweaty after hours riding, jutting in his face, in the bright light of afternoon.

But he took me in his mouth, in the same awful, peculiar way he had tried on our first night. And I let him proceed as he was able. There was no pleasure in it other than the sight – Svi looked very good with my cock in his mouth – but, on the bright side, neither was there pain. I didn't have to chide him about his teeth!

We were almost at the point where I'd take over, so I said: "Take off your clothes."

He stood up quickly, probably happy to be off my cock and hoping I'd just bend and fuck him. When he stood naked before me again, I took a moment to appreciate his beautiful body in the full light of day, then gestured that he should go back to his knees.

He might have been one of the worst cock-suckers I'd ever had – a distinction all the more glaring given how gifted his bastard brother was in that skill. But, naked and kneeling, Svi certainly presented quite the image. A tasty-looking cake, with no flavor.

I let him continue long enough for the boy to begin to feel ache in jaw and knees. Yet he did not complain and so I judged his enthusiasm sufficient for me to take over.

As I noted before, I had goals for this afternoon and meant to achieve them. Svi had already achieved one by coming here and, for the first time, initiating a fuck. But the next goal would be a pivotal one.

I pushed him off my cock and pulled him to his feet. "Get in the bed."

He quickly did so and it was very amusing to watch. He'd been bent over and fucked three times already. So bending and hanging on to something for dear life was a position he'd adjusted to.

But in a bed? He got in the bed and, after some hesitation, laid himself flat on his back. But then he quickly rolled over onto his stomach. And then he reconsidered again, rolling back onto his back.

I had seen this sort of thing many times before – it was a rather common reaction. Men so often never get the experience of fucking in a proper bed. So I just watched him in bemusement until he ceased rolling in my bed like a log. And he lay there, cock soft, large furry chest rising and falling as he took in each breath. He had more the look of a virgin than a lad already bred thrice.

I grabbed ointment and climbed into the bed beside him, stil clothed. I then rolled him onto his side, with his back to me. For all the boy's rolling, he hadn't once stopped in the position I'd actually planned for him.

I scooped the ointment and reached down to work it into his hole. This he was used to and he relaxed against me – back on familiar ground, I suppose. His cock also filled and stuck out like an arrow. Such that I again marveled at the contrast with his bastard brother.

One only hard with a cock in his mouth, the other only hard with something in his hole. Combined, they truly would've been a masterpiece. But I suppose God had to save something for me to look forward to in Heaven.

Svi scarcely needed prepping – I could have mounted him with ease. Yet I greased him well, first to settle his nerves, then to raise his blood. When his cock was fair seeping fluid, I greased my own cock for my next goal.

I pressed closer to him and moved my left arm under him until I held his shoulders tight against my chest. I then grabbed his right hand and put it at the base of my cock.

"Put it in," I said softly against his ear.

His ease immediately vanished and his body stiffened once more against me. But this step was crucial. Until this point, I'd always taken him. Now, he'd take himself.

He pushed his ass against me, but not in a manner that would achieve penetration. Yet I neither moved nor spoke. The boy had his instructions and he'd either have to rise to the occasion or make way for someone better. As I'd just learned the prior night, I had options in this keep.

When he realized he was on his own, he at last held my cock firmly and angled his ass so at last my cock was kissing his hole. However, his pushback was unsuccessful. He was closed tight as a nunnery.

A nudge from me, the slightest thrust of my hips, would have had his hole opening like an inn desperate for travelers – relieved to just be claimed again. So, of course, I did not do that.

Yet I decided to help the boy. So long as he was willing, I'd help him through nerves and inexperience. So, without moving my hips, I began kissing his shoulders while my left hand lazily ran across his chest. I lightly circled his tits just enough to feel them react, then move my hand on.

With my right hand – since I dared not touch his quick-spend cock – I ran my fingers roughly through the blond curls at its base. Many lads are surprised to discover how pleasurable a hard rub through their thatch can be.

So this I did, quietly – light, teasing caresses to his chest and hard rubs to his thatch. His cock certainly seemed excited by this. And the hard rubbing also had the effect of pushing him back against me.

My patience was rewarded when my cockhead breached him. He was so surprised or excited to have done it that he briefly seized up around me. But, fortunately, that did not last.

His body, if not his mind, recognized the wondrous sensation from a stretched hole and he pushed back against me with a sigh. We stayed like that for a moment. Then, since this was a training fuck, I gripped his hip and moved it forward then back so he'd be reminded of his job.

He began doing so and after a couple of to-and-fros, I was able to release his hip. I then kept as still as possible. My cock in his hole felt really good, but, in this manner, I could have kept my cockstand forever. I had to see what he'd do with it.

A surprised grunt was my sign that he'd hit his ass-joy in a very particular way. The grunt that followed was the sign that he'd discovered he could repeat it.

He'd found the key, as I'd hoped he would. From that point on, Svi stopping just pushing back. He started fucking back.

And it was a beautiful thing as it took his entire body to do it. As he sought just the right smack of cock against ass-joy, as he unthinkingly experimented with different angles and different speeds, the muscles of his back glistened and flexed.

We were properly fucking now. I still kept as still as I could but I stopped with the teasing touches and light kisses and grabbed his chest hungrily. I'd already learned that his cock was almost as connected to his tits as his hole, so I did my best to really have him writhing upon me.

As my hands roamed his damp chest, I realized something else about my boy. The lad really sweat when aroused – far more than when he was nervous. His plastered shirt after I'd fucked him in the woods hadn't been due to the weather.

This was a cock-stiffening observation. The lad's cock already leaked like a sieve and knowing that his entire body exuded liquid like a squeezed sponge was so very, very compelling – so much so that I regretted keeping my clothes on. I would rather have liked to feel his slick back against my chest.

Well, time enough for that, I supposed.

I was so intent on my thoughts and the pleasure of his chest in my hands and hole on my cock that I was slow to notice that he'd begun jerking his cock. He jerked his cock rapidly as he pumped his ass against me.

I'd thought him an unfixable quick-spend, but I suppose a man knows his own cock best. Because in his own hand, Svi was able to jerk himself at length.

Well, not at length, it turned out, because with one savage thrust of his ass upon me, he swore loudly and seized up around me. Surprised, I had just enough presence of mind to pull him back against me so that he erupted mostly on his belly.

We stayed like that a moment as I tested whether his ass was getting stronger post-spend. Yet it wasn't, so I withdrew my cock. Then, murmuring words of satisfaction and encouragement, I kissed my way down his sweaty side.

Once down far enough, I turned him more toward me and licked his belly clean of sweat and seed. His cockhead still had a pearl of seed and I licked that, too, squeezing him firmly to get every drop. Pleased, I fell back onto my back and directed him to a basin.

After he'd wiped me clean, I bid him pour us both goblets of wine while I removed my dirty clothes. I sat up to drink some and the lad drained his goblet entire. I then bid him to have another fill. As much as the boy sweat, I'd need to keep him well-watered.

When he'd drained the second cup, I guided him back into the bed and back onto his side. I then placed the pot of ointment into his hand and said: "You did well, Svi. I'm quite pleased. Now, you will finish your lord."

He then dutifully scooped the ointment and slicked my cock – another first for him. He then grabbed my cock and aimed it true.

The break for wine had been as much about giving his bowels time to settle as much as refreshment. And I breached him with ease. He then pushed back against me, though more as a task than out of any ass-hunger.

Since he had already proved himself by working a crisis upon himself whilst on my cock, I decided to become more active. I began fucking him from the side, less thrusting into him than moving his hips against me like I was fisting my own cock with his hole.

With these movements, my aroused, sweaty boy had not returned – too soon after spending, I suppose – yet I soon saw that it was no hardship for the lad's cock rose anew. As I felt my crisis near, I decided to chance grabbing his cock. Most men's cocks have more staying power after a spend.

However, he was not such a one. I squeezed his cock and he promptly grunted, spending a second time. But I was prepared and had timed my test well. I held him tight against me and thrust rapidly until I was spending into the vise of his hole.

The moment he unclenched I pulled out. Of course, I would've preferred to linger and let my balls drain full. But key to mastering a lad is knowing when to yield, to adapt one's style of ride.

Svi had shot onto the bed, with impressive force for a second spend, yet enough had run over my fist that I was able to have a good lick. I'm far from a great seed-eater, but I'd tasted his sweat, neck, tits and cockhead and was yet to find a part of him that wasn't delicious. Though it wasn't a goal for today, I was looking forward to the taste of his kiss.

I then tapped his hip and he sprung out of bed for a fresh cloth. The lad was no great mind but he was eminently trainable. I smiled at the thought, and after he'd finished cleaning me, I pulled him back into bed with me.

I pulled him against me and enjoyed the heat from his body. He was utterly relaxed and I could tell that he'd likely nod off. Spending twice will do that to a man.

While it had not been one of my goals for the day, I was both surprised and pleased to find the lad so at ease in my arms. There were certainly no shortage of lads who became skittish or regretful after their asses had munched their fill of cock.

Fortunately, he was not such a one. In truth, I was beginning to suspect that the lad was touch-hungry or touch-starved even. For all that he was the apple of his father's eye, I hadn't once seen the old man even clap his son on the shoulder. Of course, it was possible I was overreading things – Svi wouldn't be the first lad to become a mushy pudding after a good spend.

But I set these thoughts aside. Then, holding him against me and breathing in his heady scent, I nodded off myself.

Part III

I awoke to the lad's soft snores. I looked about lazily and judged from the light that I had not slept long. Just a short nap, really. Though I wasn't worried, as I knew my guards would have waked me in time to prepare for dinner.

I then took time to admire the beautiful lad, still in my arms. He'd fallen rather harder into sleep than I had – whether that was due to his usual habits or his just having been ridden well, I did not know.

I then thought on my goals for the day and Svi had already cleared three of them. He'd initiated a fuck, sucked me with all his ability, and fucked himself upon my cock (twice!). Hell, he had even achieved a bonus goal by falling asleep in my arms.

That left only two goals remaining for the afternoon. And since said afternoon would soon be over, I released him and sat up. The fact that he was sleeping so contentedly would serve this next goal well.

I shook him firmly until he jerked away. I then gave him a moment to remember where he was before saying: "Hands and knees, lad."

He was a bit sluggish but he flipped over and pushed himself up onto his hands and knees with enough speed that I didn't need to prod him – which was good. I then moved behind him.

I greased my cock and prodded his hole experimentally. Having woken him suddenly, I wanted to know if he'd begun a virgin again and needed prep.

But, nay, with just a little pressure, his hole yielded and I slid into him. Indeed, he was just right – slack enough for easy entry, yet tight enough that I felt the squeeze of his rim over my entire length as I impaled him entire.

And a little snooze had been good for him. His shoulders flexed and back shuddered as he felt the pleasure anew. I would've fucked him, regardless, of course, but I much rather have him aroused when under me.

As I began fucking him, I congratulated myself on my superb training ability. The lad's ass-skill had more than doubled since I'd deflowered him. And forcing him to fuck himself had forever changed him.

Before, he had just been a hole. A mighty good one, to be sure, but still just a hole – a passive receptacle for cock and seed. But now, he was a proper bitch. He moved with me. Hell, he even moved in spite of me as he sought the sensations that made his cock strain, his tits harden and his body tingle all over.

I held his hips, fucked him with enthusiasm, and enjoyed his heighened ass-skill as he met – nay, exceeded – this second-to-last goal. For this fuck had been for a purpose – well, a purpose in addition to my desire to breed his tight ass again.

I forced no man into my bed and exacted no punishments on those who desired it not. So it was important that any man choosing to be in my bed understood, in no uncertain terms, that they were there for my pleasure. A rendezvous with me might not just be a one-off. It might be extended, depending on my will.

And so I had to – quite literally – drive this point home into the boy. But Svi rose to the occasion.

I was in full knowledge of his quick-spend cock so did not touch it until after my own crisis. I wanted the lad to feel the spasm of my cock and the gush of my seed without the distraction of his own crisis. Then, I jerked his cock and he spent hard onto the bed, his ass clenching helpfully to milk my cock of the last of its seed.

I withdrew my cock and fell down onto the bed, pulling him back against me. He pushed away, which at first alarmed me. But when I realized he was moving to get a fresh cloth, I shushed him and pulled him back against me. That could wait – for now, I just wanted to enjoy his flushed sweaty body against me.

To my happiness and relief, he relaxed back into me and even sighed at the feel of my hands moving slowly over his body. Maybe he was touch-starved and a mushy pudding!

I kissed his shoulder. He'd done brilliantly, surpassing all my goals for him. And only one remained. I called for my guard captain, who quickly appeared and saluted.

Svi had jerked at that and gone rigid against me. A pity, yet this need be done. Over my shoulder, I instructed the captain to arrange for a bath to be brought as well as my valet. I then kissed Svi's shoulder and asked: "Will you bathe here with me? Or return to your chambers?"

Even embarrassed, Svi knew I was not a man to be ignored, so he mumbled that he'd return to his room. "Excellent," I said, then dismissed the captain.

I was content to not openly take the boy as my lover in his lord father's own keep. Yet I would not even pretend to creep around my own servants. Any lad wanting to be my favorite would need to get comfortable with that fact.

Indeed, my original plan had been to call my guard captain – one I knew the boy greatly respected – while the boy was still mounted, but Svi had fucked so beautifully, I'd changed my mind and decided on a gentler way to train the boy.

I kissed his shoulder and said softly: "They are mine, boy, and will hold their tongues. And you never will have anything to fear from anything of mine. Tell me you understand."

"I understand, Lord." Then, after a beat. "Am... I also yours, Lord?"

I chuckled. "Do you wish to be?"

Svi lifted my hand and kissed it. "I do, Lord." He then pressed my hand back against his chest like a fifteen year old girl who'd just discovered that her tits hold power over stupid boys.

I, of course, obliged him and fondled his chest. But he then surprised me by grinding his ass against me. His cock was soft, yet mine rose at this provocation.

Svi might have been over a decade my junior, yet I had no doubts I could outfuck him with ease. As my Royal Father had been fond of saying, great lords have great appetites.

Yet curious to see how far he'd take things, I reached down and gripped the base of my cock so it pointed straight at him, no longer just wedged between his firm ass cheeks.

My lad proved no tease because he replaced my hand at the base of my cock – a maneuver for which he was quick becoming expert – and mounted himself. I again breached him easily enough, though, in truth, we could have used more ointment.

Yet the lad was freshly bred and there are some moments a man doesn't dare disturb and this was one of them. I growled as I pushed in full. For all my schemes, the unplanned was the most delicious sauce of all – and I certainly had not planned this. Calming his nerves and kissing away his blushes, yes. Another fuck so soon, definitely not.

Despite a stuffed ass, his cock had not filled by half, which at least gave me the opportunity to fondle it freely. I bit his shoulder and groped his soft cock as I rutted into him, growling that he was mine.

Bracing himself against my thrusts, he said raggedly: "Yours, Lord... and will you... take me where you go?"

Aha. I bit his shoulder again to stop myself from laughing. I'd been so focused on my own list of goals I'd almost forgotten that the slut had come with goals of his own. Well, he had done superbly, so it was time to give him what I'd always been willing to give him.

I increased the pace of my thrusts and let a note of strong ardor enter my voice. "Yes, lad, mine, wherever you wish." I then panted it again like a true cock-drunk lad.

He didn't say anything but I could positively feel through his skin the triumph that swept through him. And, since I really might have started laughing, I rolled forward until I was on top of him. I then pressed his face into the mattress hard as I bred him for the third time.

And so it turned out that my guard captain did see the lad mounted proper as he entered at that exact moment to inform me that my valet was in the outer chamber. Good timing, my guard captain.

Or, rather, excellent hearing.

Next: Chapter 17

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