Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Jun 17, 2022


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 17 By Colin DV

Note: If you like Kol, check out my other fantasy erotica series on Amazon Vella. It's called "The Blue Cock" and about a lad named Vik (no relation to Kol's brother, lol), whose body is discovered to produce a most powerful blue elixir.

Emails very welcome – it's great engaging with readers: ColinDV80@yahoo.com

--- Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In my prior chapters, I told of Svetoslav – Svi, to me – the muscled, brash, emotional, not very bright, not-at-all-inclined-towards-men, yet exquisitely fuckable lad who'd captured my attentions. I'd engineered a way with his lord father to extend my stay so that I might more fully enjoy him. Yet life can surprise you and Svi's abundant gifts turned a backwater dalliance into something more. Might Svi become my first... favorite?

------ "What will I do in the City?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Svi, naked and unfucked in my bed. I was in a tub being washed and massaged by my valet. It was late afternoon and I'd just finished a second day of court – a second long day of court.

I'd returned to my chambers to find Svi, wearing nothing but a heavy gold chain – my most recent gift to him. He'd come leaps and bounds over the nearly three days since I'd had him first fuck himself upon my cock. He'd progressed from an embarrassed lad to one with the balls to greet me in my own rooms.

Indeed, only one other man – my steward Sal – ever did such things. And even Sal did not do it often, only when he was upset about something. While an excellent steward, he was also high-strung and oversensitive after a lifetime of harsh treatment by his father. So a particularly stinging rejection or a fight with his sister, my wife, might send him flying into my rooms unbidden.

Each time, a good hard fuck and a declaration that I was pleased with him in my service was enough to restore his equilibrium. Ah, if only others' problems could be solved so easily!

But Svi was different. He didn't come to my rooms in search of a fuck, though he did come to fuck. An important distinction I needed to bear in mind when dealing with him. That he'd grown comfortable enough to be naked around my men was the biggest surprise as my guards had – wisely – made the judgment call to grant him admittance but not leave him unsupervised in my private space.

He'd even ordered a bath prepared, which I gladly availed myself of. And I wasn't surprised when he asked his question, as we'd had variations of the same conversation ever since I'd promised that I'd take him to the Capital.

Or, at least, that was what I thought I'd been promising at the time. But the lad's ambitions had been broader than that and I'd soon discovered that he'd meant that I'd take him to my capital. As my favorite.

Upon learning this, I had not withdrawn the promise or clarified it, but – unusually for me – I was of two minds about the matter. I am a decisive man. While I will change my decisions as circumstances warrant, I usually have no difficulty with making the necessary decisions.

But a favorite in my capital? While there were no small number of lads I fucked regularly, none could rightly be called a favorite. Indeed, aside from a couple of dalliances in my youth, I'd never had one.

Yet the idea was not... unappealing. Svi was beautiful and so would be an ornament of my court. Indeed, over the past two days that I'd held court here, I'd often had him sit to my left on the dais, the consort's traditional position, while his father, as the local lord, sat to my right.

And Svi had sat there proudly – which was a good thing as his sitting to my left, wearing a heavy gold chain sporting my royal emblems let the cat well and truly out of the bag. He couldn't have been marked more as mine if I'd collared him and had him sit at my feet. Even his lord father had finally realized what was going on.

This resulted in a marked cooling in my relationship with Lord Gil. Not that I cared, if Svi didn't. I'd broken no rule of hospitality and accorded his son my favor and every respect. Moreover, our pending mining deal would greatly enrich his coffers. So, no, I did not care if I was no longer in Lord Gil's nightly prayers.

Lord Gil had likely been among the last to realize. I'd been getting "you're fucking my husband" looks from Svi's wife since I'd gifted him a second ring. It was a look I was very familiar with as I've been getting it in various forms since I was sixteen. But she was also not a concern – a meek girl chosen for her prettiness and hips who'd been made even meeker still by the cold neglect which this family treated its womenfolk. Certainly, Svi's interest in her seemed to not extend beyond the bedroom.

That Svi had already gotten a baby out of her and out of his lord father's wife, too, also weighed in his favor. Svi was large, muscular and virile. That he bent for me not only flattered my ego but also reflected well on my own virility. As God had set men to rule, it was important that the people felt themselves to be ruled by proper men.

And, since my days of killing men with my sword were past and I find excessive hunting to be a chore, my cock was the easiest method of demonstrating my superiority. Having Svi around would serve as a useful reminder to the great and mighty of the realm of my virile appetites. Lords were well used-to guarding their daughters and jealously watching their wives. They were far less at ease watching their sons and guarding their own asses.

As to asses, that brought me to the crux of the matter. Svi had no common ass. And I had fucked enough men to recognize it and to know I wouldn't tire of it for quite some time, if ever. Hell, we had not yet even reached the limit of Svi's ass-skill.

Indeed, Svi sported that gold necklace – one which I'd been rather fond of, in fact – after climbing on top of me, unbidden, two nights prior and working his ass upon my cock in a way that left me gasping. It'd been the first time he'd fucked my cock with the express aim of making me spend. And the lewd sight of his muscular ass moving up and down my cock, his back and legs sweating and straining with the effort, was not one I'd soon forget.

As I am but a man, that was a performance that had deserved a special reward and putting my necklace on him, after my head stopped spinning, had seemed the right course.

And even Svi's flaws no longer seemed so bad. His quick-spend cock I'd first thought a disappointment, yet now I appreciated the exquisite control it gave me. If I wanted to spend into his clutching and spasming hole, I had but to grab his cock as my crisis hit. If I wanted him to first feel my cock erupting within him – something that always made him give a cute little yelp – I had but to jerk his cock as my own cock drained.

And his intolerance for cock after spending? Well, I'd recognized that that was just a reflection of his ass's great sensitivity. Was Svi a lad I could pound without limit, like Sal? Nay. But I had but to touch Svi's hole and his entire body reacted. It was a fine trade-off.

So, given all these factors, why was I not clearly decided? Well, upon reflection, I realized my reservations came down to two reasons. First, I worried for the lad. The same qualities that had made him fall so easily into my bed, and which made him so well-suited for a local dalliance or, say, a trip to the Capital – his jealous, insecure, status-conscious, covetous nature – would place him at risk in the deeper, more dangerous waters of a true court.

As my favorite, people would try to use and influence him to influence me. Now, that was not altogether a bad thing. Using a favorite or mistress as an intermediary could be a very useful thing for all sorts of delicate negotiations. And observing the people who'd try to ingratiate themselves to him could provide important information. But, frankly, I doubted that the lad was clever enough to play those games without blundering about.

And Svi was just clever enough to get into serious trouble. He wasn't vain yet he had now discovered that he was desirable to more than just bored, neglected wives. He now knew the pot of gold on which he sat. Surrounded by other wealthy, powerful men, he might be tempted to overplay his hand. And that would be the end of us.

For I would not be cuckolded. My second wife was exiled in a far backwater, and thought by all to be dead, because she had bedded one of my guards. If Svi broke faith with me, I would have to punish him, and the prospect of that was not a pleasant thought.

Secondly, Svi had met and surpassed all my desires as a lover. But if he were to be my favorite, he would require a lot more training. In short, the boy would require a lot more work. And I wasn't sure how I felt about that prospect either. ------

All these thoughts and doubts went through my mind as I regarded him. My cock hardened at the sight of him, naked and at ease in my bed. Well, at least it knew what it wanted. And since I hadn't retracted my promise, and the lad had shown no signs of wanting something else – quite the contrary – I shook my head. Time for me to rid myself of this boyish dithering and do the necessary preparations.

"Why are you shaking your head, Lord?"

I laughed at myself. "Not shaking my head at you, boy. And you can do whatever you wish."

"Can I be your guard captain then?!" he asked excitedly.

I chuckled. "No. You're to please my body, not guard it. Though you can train with them if you wish." I then filed that thought away as a good one. Training with my guard would keep him productive and occupied, and his body in fit condition.

After my valet had dried me off and wrapped me in a robe, I dismissed him on an errand. I then sat at the table to refresh myself and read some correspondence. If Svi was curious why I wasn't fucking him into the mattress, he gave no sign. He just lay there and talked about idle things.

Before long, the pretty bastard with an amazing mouth – I'd since learned his name was Keeta – arrived. It was time to continue Svi's training.

I've generally found that there are far more great cocksuckers than amazing bitches. Why I do not know. Yet even among that talented lot, Keeta had rare skill. Or rather he had a passion for cock and lewdness of personality that, combined with his mouth-skill, set him apart from the rabble.

In any event, as Svi could not stay the night with me for appearances sake, Keeta had been very useful these past few days. I prefer to start my days light and balls-empty and Keeta served that role very well.

I opened my robe revealing my cockstand and waved Keeta over. The lad immediately kneeled before me and took my cock into his mouth.

Svi, who had watched Keeta's entrance with indifference, sat upright and exclaimed: "What is he doing?!"

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. Smiling, I said: "What do you think he's doing, boy?"

"But I'm here!"

Eyes still closed, I made a shushing sound. "Right now, I want him to do it. Calm yourself, lad – I won't neglect you."

I didn't have to see Svi to know that my answer sat very ill with him. But I'd called Keeta here for a purpose. If Svi was to return home with me, as my favorite, then he'd have to get used to other men in my bed. Having him watch me get a cock-suck from Keeta seemed the easiest way of going about it. Svi was a lad who required the direct approach.

I wasn't surprised that Svi wasn't prepared to let the matter drop. "Who is he even? I know not his face."

I looked at Svi then to see if he was truly asking. He had an angry expression on his face but I saw no lie.

I'd already learned from Keeta that Lord Gil had not acknowledged his bastard. He'd just sent his pregnant mistress away and provided a small retainer. That was not unusual, though the treatment of bastards ranged a great deal. Some lords treated their bastards as members of the family, while others behaved like Lord Gil.

Upon his mother's death, and thus the loss of his retainer, Keeta had come to the castle seeking work. Despite his lack of serving skills – or, more like, given his particular other skills – he'd obtained a plum wine server position. Since that time, Lord Gil had not acknowledged him in any way, though he could hardly have failed to notice the resemblance in his new server. Though Keeta had told me all this in a rather dismissive manner, I knew he was resentful. Quickly spotting bitterness and resentment were a matter of life and death for a ruler.

Personally, if I had a bastard, especially an estranged one, I certainly wouldn't put him in charge of my wine. Lord Gil was either very confident or completely oblivious of what a resentful servant could do, I thought.

In my view, bastards should be properly cared for, then put into the Church or a decent trade. Never the military though – boys without legal claims should be kept away from swords and power. Of course, my views on bastards were purely philosophical, as the bitches I bred didn't bear me pups.

I knew my brother the King felt similarly and acknowledged his bastards – with our unusual brown coloring, he would be hard pressed to not! He was rather fond of placing his boys with blacksmiths – good, manly work that was always in demand and posed no threat to his legitimate sons. As for the girls, he kept them near and in time would marry them off to respectable tradesmen. Unusually, he sent neither boys nor girls into the Church. Not due to any antipathy against the Church. I think he just disliked the idea of our family's seed not spreading.

As to Svi and Keeta, I looked carefully at Svi and decided that he really didn't know that Keeta was his bastard half-brother. On the other hand, Keeta certainly knew the truth, but that's usually the case with outsiders, isn't it?

I ignored Svi's question, since Svi didn't care about the answer anyway. Svi knew that Keeta was not a person of importance and that was enough for him.

Meanwhile, Keeta's hands were running up and down my thighs, and I tapped his arm. He took my meaning and climbed into my lap to kiss me. His talented mouth extended to kissing, I'd discovered, and the feel of his rough garments against my bare cock and chest added a layer of excitement to our passionate kissing.

"You can't..."

Annoyed, I snapped my finger sharply in Svi's direction. I then broke off my kiss and gestured for Keeta to get back on my cock.

The snap of my fingers had shut Svi up yet I still leveled a hard look at him. "You may stay or you may go, but you will mind your tongue."

I then closed my eyes and tried to re-focus on the pleasure swirling around my cock. I fully expected to hear Svi storming out. And that would've been fine with me. There are bound to be moments of tension and upset during any lad's training. And a fuck after making up from a fight was one of life's gifts.

Yet I heard nothing. And after I continued to hear nothing, my curiosity got the better of me and I glanced at Svi's direction.

He was watching me and rubbing a hand in a circular motion over his heavy chest. Since he caught my look at him, I felt that I had to continue looking at him lest it appear like I had been peeking at him. This only emboldened Svi who grasped one thick nipple and tugged it.

Svi's cock was, at best, half-hard. This wasn't about his own arousal. It was about mine. For as much as I had learned about Svi and what made him tick these past few days, the boy had also evidently been learning about me.

Then, when Svi grasped his other nipple and tugged them both, I almost spent into Keeta's moaning mouth right there. But I didn't.

Instead, I tapped Keeta to move him away and I stood up. I walked over to the bed. Battles are not always lopsided victories. Often times, even a defeated enemy scores some good blows. I planned to win this particular battle, but had to acknowledge a good maneuver on Svi's part.

I pushed Svi flat on his back, then bent and spread his legs. Svi gave me a near-insolent look as I greased my cock. I then braced myself above him with one arm and slowly eased myself into him.

I was fair annoyed, though whether more with him or with my own weakness, I could not say. Still I was careful. Only a fool wrecks his own mount because of a foul mood.

Once I was fully seated and his hard cock rested against my belly, I bent down and ravenously feasted on the tits he had just taunted me with. But I would have the last laugh.

For I was obsessed with Svi's chest not just for their looks, though that was certainly important. They were hard and round and firm with muscle, yet had just enough softness to bounce when I fucked him. And his thick tits, poking out of his dark blond fur, were positively made for sucking and fondling. Damn near obscene on a lad.

Yet plenty of men had nice chests. Hell, I had a very nice chest. But Svi's chest was as sensitive and reactive as his hole, and that made for a very potent combination.

Thus, it was only when Svi lay gasping beneath me, cock leaking and sweat pooling at the base of his neck, that I grapped the back of his neck and looked him in the eyes. His prior insolent look was gone and he had the wide-eyed gaze of a lad well-speared.

I continued looking into his eyes. Then slowly and deliberately, almost in sync with my slow thrusts, I said. "You do not use the word `can't' with your lord."

He shook his head no, but that wasn't enough. I needed to be sure that Svi acknowledged his defeat so we could move on.

"Say you won't," I said.

But Svi hadn't conceded the battle. He reached up and grabbed the back of my neck and mashed our mouths together.

We hadn't kissed before. While it had been a goal of mine, it was one I'd been content to be patient for and to let it come in its own time.

And the kiss was... good. I don't know why I thought he wouldn't be good at it as he certainly tupped enough maids. Perhaps because he was such a terrible cock-suck. In any event, I was surprised, delightfully so, but overcame it and kissed him back with gusto.

Indeed, our tongues had a sort of battle, with me plundering his mouth only to have my own plundered in return. And I was so focused on the feel and taste of his mouth that I was caught unawares by my own crisis.

I then hurriedly gave his cock a swift jerk. He gasped into my mouth as his spend splashed between us and his ass squeezed my spasming cock.

God, I had just been marveling at the fact that I'd not yet reached the upper limit fucking Svi, and then the lad emphatically hammers that point into my head. Fuck.

Since a tactical retreat was in order, I pulled out and rolled onto my back. "Get out," I said. "Both of you," I added when I realized that I hadn't dismissed Keeta and he'd just sat there watching us. I wondered if it pleased him to see one of his noble, legitimate, wealthy brothers also taking it up the ass. Perhaps I'd ask him.

Svi got out of bed and gave me a bow. "My lord," he said, all proper. Yet I caught the look on his face as he turned. I'd seen similar when he'd bested his friends arm-wrestling. No lad leaking my seed should ever look so smug. ----

That night, at dinner, I informed Lord Gil that I had seen enough and would leave the day after tomorrow. I'd have papers drawn up tonight memorializing our negotiations for our seals on the morrow.

Lord Gil smiled – the first genuine one I'd seen out of him since he'd realized I was bedding his golden child – and bowed his head. "I am most pleased, Your Grace, that we were able to come to an arrangement. The Red Sisters will be well taken care of, I promise you."

I listened with half an ear as my attention was focused on Svi. I had not told him of my plans and I took a sort of petty pleasure in the look of surprise on his handsome face.

In truth, I was ready to return home. I had tarried here long enough. My afternoon... disagreement... with Svi hadn't altered that feeling. And I was still more than willing to take the boy with me, if he wished it.

Of course, at no point had I retracted my promise to take him, so if he felt some doubt or unease on that score, that was solely on him. And I was fine with letting him sweat a bit on that topic.

Yet the lad's confidence had strengthened over these days of my steady attention and favored treatment. While before he might have sulked his way through dinner, now he touched my arm and leaned into me. "After dinner, Lord?"

At my nod, he lost his unease and dinner continued pleasantly enough.

If his lord father caught our exchange, he pretended not to. -------

Part II The boy had said "after dinner" and truly meant it for not half an hour had passed before he entered my inner chamber. I had been dictating the mining papers to my clerk and not been expecting him for another hour or two.

Over these past days he'd always come to me late, hair and body still damp from his bath. But now here he stood still wearing his clothes from dinner. Not that I minded – I'd take my lad filthy, too.

I dismissed my clerk and, seeing the sheepish expression on the boy's face, I noisily exhaled and shook my head. Earlier annoyance gone, I beckoned him closer. "Come, lad. Don't mope about. You know I shan't leave you behind."

He approached and looked me square in the face. "Truly?"

I raised an eyebrow at that. "You doubt me?"

He shook his head. "Nay, Lord."

"Good," I said as I placed my hand on his crotch. I then opened the front of his pants, pausing long enough for him to widen his stance. I then reached between his widened legs and rubbed his hole with a finger.

I'd originally started touching him this way to tend his sore hole and then to accustom him to the feel of things on and in his hole. But it had become sort of a... thing between us. Now, I touched him like this as the urge struck me and whenever I could get away with it. I'd never treated another lad so.

Not penetration, just a circular rub, firm enough to get his breath to hitch and his cock swell. All my dithering really had been nonsense since, in truth, I'd already laid claim to him.

And now our little greeting was all the sweeter. Svi might have kissed me to best me in our argument. But he'd opened the door and I'd see the door ripped off its hinges. Now, as he rode my finger, I lightly squeezed one of his nipples with my free hand and kissed him.

To the lad's credit, he kissed me fully. I suppose Svi already well understood there was no backtracking with me. Everything given, I would keep.

I was the one to stop our kiss. Stepping away from him, I turned to the basin to wash and perfume my hands. My back to him, I asked: "Are you here for the night? Or did you just come for some assurance?"

"I would... make amends, Lord."

I waved a hand. "No need. Just don't do it again."

"Still... I would do so. Will you permit it?"

I turned to him then, intrigued. Svi – for a lad not naturally inclined towards men – had developed a certain... astuteness with respect to my desires. While I had no desire to be inscrutable to my lovers – after all, how were they to please me if they couldn't figure out what I wanted? – it was more than a little humbling to have my desires so well understood by a boy who had never been fucked until just a few days ago.

I spread my hands and smiled. "Then, by all means, make amends." I was looking forward to what the boy would come up with.

Svi smiled and approached me. Then, with a firmness that reminded me that his muscles were not just for show, he guided me to the bed and proceeded to disrobe me. His technique had more the manner of an untrained valet than a seducer, yet I somehow kept quite keen. And when he then bid me lie flat upon the bed, my blood really surged. I had not forgotten the night he had ridden me like a proper wanton.

But he just stroked my hard cock for a moment before saying: "A moment, Lord." He then hastened from the room and returned with Keeta! They approached the bed, then, as if agreed prior, stripped out of their clothes.

Looking at the two half-brothers side-by-side, I was again struck by their contrast. Svi was taller, larger, hairier and blond, while Keeta was black of hair and had the slender build of Svi's elder brother Torsten. Truly, if it wasn't for their identical green eyes, I would never have guessed that Keeta was Lord Gil's by-blow. I wondered if Svi had finally grasped the connection when he came up with this scheme.

Well, I grasped Svi's plan – clearly he was going to make amends by showing that he could watch another suck me without becoming agitated. And it was a good plan – and nothing bad enough to trouble my conscience, at any rate.

However, the first sign that I'd again underestimated Svi was when both lads climbed into bed, each on one side of me. Without ceremony, Keeta grabbed my cockstand and licked the head with a soft moan.

But the completeness of my error was revealed when Keeta drew back then gave a clear "your turn" look at Svi. Svi then leaned forward and gave my cock a good, strong lick.

"Good, Lord," Keeta whispered. "Now, swirl your tongue around it – like this." He then demonstrated, in an exaggerated and lewd fashion. Svi then copied him, and this time he looked up at me afterwards. I gave him a look of approval.

I'd certainly had two lads suck my cock before. Hell, I've had three lads suck my cock (more trouble than it was worth, to be honest). But I'd never had one lad train another on my cock. It suddenly occurred to me that I could have been delegating a lot more these past years.

"Now squeeze it, Lord."

More pre-spend oozed out my cock and Keeta chuckled at Svi's hesitance. "It is but salt water, Lord."

Not one to be laughed at, even lightly, by a servant, Svi licked my head clean.

"And swirl," Keeta instructed.

They went back and forth like this – an almost maddening mix of intensity and neglect. And when Keeta seemed satisfied, he said: "Now take him in your mouth, Lord – as much as you can. Our Lord has a giant cock." He gave me a flirtatious smile at that last part.

I smiled back at him. What man doesn't like to hear his cock praised? And at least for me, it was true.

Svi took me into his mouth in his peculiar way and it was all I could do not to laugh at the confused expression on Keeta's face. He then looked at me and I gave him a significant look.

Keeta tapped Svi on the shoulder and pulled him back. I thought he would then demonstrate, but instead he stuck his thumb in Svi's mouth and said: "Suck, Lord."

This obviously surprised Svi but he did as he was bid and sucked Keeta's thumb. Keeta then pulled his thumb out of his mouth and said: "Now, do that to his cock, Lord."

Svi leaned forward and I fair arched my back off the bed at the intensity – or, rather, from the surprise at actually being sucked.

"See, Lord – you are a master," Keeta murmurred. He then pressed down on the back of Svi's head making him take more of me in, pressing down until Svi coughed and choked.

Letting Svi back up, Keeta said: "Breathe through your nose, Lord." He then pressed Svi back down. Svi resisted going so far down again, but it was no matter to me as he kept his mouth tight as he moved up and down – a significant, delicious improvement. And I had no doubts that he'd go deeper with time.

"Faster, Lord," Keeta prodded, and Svi picked up the pace. From some burst of intuition, Svi grabbed my cock with one hand and started jerking me in sync with the drag of his mouth and tongue on my cock.

It was all suddenly so right and my body seized as my cock erupted into Svi's startled mouth.

Blessed Keeta then placed his hand on the back of Svi's head again and said: "Swallow, Lord." And Svi did so – if in a sloppy, wasteful way.

Well, not wasted, as Keeta gently sucked my cock clean after Svi pulled back.

Svi looked up at me and I grinned at him. For once, his beautiful mouth looked improved – the slight reddening and swelling that only a proper cock-sucking can give.

I spread my arms and gestured for both my lads to lie by my sides. With my cock no longer distracting me, the warmth of their bodies was a welcome thing. I closed my eyes, utterly relaxed, and lazily ran my hands up and down their sides.

After a moment, I asked: "So, how did you like my seed?"

Svi said quickly: "'Twas good, Lord."

I laughed and shook him. "Liar." But it was no matter. I squeezed Svi's side and kissed the side of his head. Soon my seed would be as mother's milk to him. There was no backsliding with me.

I probably would have continued in this half-doze a little longer, yet, unlike Svi, Keeta's hands were not idle. Keeta's own lazy stroking of my stomach and chest had drifted downwards until he was actively – and quite competently, too – stroking me back to full hardness.

Once I'd been fondled enough, I disentangled myself from the two and moved to the bottom of the bed. I then kneeled on the bed and greased my cock.

"Hands and knees," I said. Amusingly, both lads moved to comply, but I gave a soft slap to Keeta's leg that he should stay still.

I then moved behind Svi and slowly pushed the tip of my cock into him. I stopped at just the head and moved it slightly back and forth so he could feel the stretch. Then I slid into him in one smooth thrust.

I grabbed the sides of his torso and gave him two tugs back. Svi got the message and proceeded to push back against me, fucking himself on my cock.

Keeta just watched us. In truth, in this matter, he could have learned from Svi – the gasps, the swears as Svi smashed his own ass-joy. But I doubted Keeta would have agreed. I imagine he thought his little performances while being fucked were quite good.

But then I realized I was being... uncharitable. Certainly, it wasn't the lad's fault he had no ass-joy. At least, he still tried to give a good ride. And he had known just how to train Svi into a decent cock-suck. I gave him a grin and thought that I would really have to reward him for his service.

Keeta grinned back at me, then, in one smooth motion, slid under Svi.

"Keeta, god damn it!" I shouted, for I didn't need to be able to see to know what he was doing. Svi bucked as if poked with a sharp stick. Then, predictably, he seized up around me, swearing loudly, as he spent.

This... was unexpected yet I was almost as trained to Svi's ways as he was to mine. For I moved forward and clung to his sweaty back, pumping furiously until I erupted inside him. I pulled out of Svi yet stayed on top of him, nibbling the back of his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Keeta rose like a serpent and, as he had on our first encounter, opened his mouth to display his seed-coated tongue. He then swallowed.

"Fucking degenerate," I said as I tapped Svi's side – a signal for him to get a wet cloth. I then pushed Keeta flat on his back and took his slender cock into my mouth. I held him down with one hand while I sucked him sure and hard.

I broke off a few moments later to see Svi staring at me, wet cloth in hand. From the look on his face, it occurred to me that he didn't know that I sucked cock. Oh, my lad had no idea what it meant to be my lover. I'd suck his balls empty and, when the time was right, I'd eat his hole. My tongue on his responsive hole – oh, that day would be a treat. The lad truly had no idea what he was in for.

I tilted my head at him, reminding him to clean me off, and returned to Keeta. I worked Keeta hard and fast with my hand and mouth and he spilt down my throat with a cry.

Then, for the second time, I fell back onto the bed and drew both lads to me, though we were all quite a bit sweatier this time around. I kissed the tops of both of their heads and told Svi that he'd stay the night.

If the lad was to return home with me as my favorite, he should probably know what it was like to spend a night with me. And, after all, it wasn't as if there was anyone left who didn't know I was fucking him. The time for polite pretenses was past.

I then fell into a very satisfied sleep. -----

Part III I awoke to a room dark except for the light of the moon. One of my servants must have extinguished the candles as we slept.

Both lads slept by my side. I carefully climbed over Svi and headed to the privy for a piss. I returned to find Svi half-awake and he brushed past me as he went to take his own piss.

When he returned, he fell heavily face-first back into the bed. But I'd already readied myself. I spread his legs and moved between them. I pressed down on his back and said: "Lift your ass."

After a sleep-addled moment he did so, and I slid my slick cock in. I pressed down hard, keeping his face and chest flat against the bed. We were like two dogs in an alley.

Even in the dark, I knew Keeta was paying close attention. So, after I spent, flooding Svi's bowels for the third time that day, I looped my hands around Svi's shoulders and roughly pulled him back against me.

The effect was to force Svi upright, still speared on my cock, with his large leaking cock sticking out. Keeta wasted no time swallowing Svi down. I helped with a few shallow thrusts of my sore cock and within moments Svi seized up and moaned out his crisis.

I had thought the strength of Svi's prior crisis had been mostly the result of surprise. Yet this time, too, had been quite strong. Now I couldn't tell if it was from the feel of a mouth on his cock or that feeling in combination with a smack against his ass-joy.

Fortunately, an entire future was before us and I would have ample time to experiment. For if it was the latter, I'd certainly have no problem arranging for a convenient lad for Svi to empty into when I fucked him.

Hell, with Svi's natural preferences, I might even arrange for a pretty girl to do it. Yes, the future held all sorts of interesting possibilities...

The three of us then went back to sleep.

In the morning, one of the first things I did was bend Svi over the bed and inspect his ass. And I was pleased to find it in good condition. My poking and prodding produced only the usual reactions from the boy. He'd been bred thrice since the prior afternoon and was not even a little sore.

So, the boy had no ass-tolerance after spending, but he was also quite resilient. If I'd had a choice between the two, I would have chosen the latter, no question. So it was a happy discovery. Indeed, every sign pointed to it being time for a proper favorite. It was as if God had dropped Svi from Heaven onto my cock.

I then replaced my slick fingers with my cock. When I'd stuffed him again, I said: "Still wish to come with me, boy? Last chance, for next I see your lord father you'll be mine."

He'd spent a night with me, was filled with my seed, and being fucked yet again – let him decide now if he wanted this to be more than just a dalliance.

"I... I... wish it, Lord!"

I leaned into him. "Then you are mine until I release you."

With that, I cocked my head at Keeta – our silent witness – and he dropped to his knees below Svi. Fucking degenerate, I thought. But that was the thing about hanging with bad company... more often than not, you sank to their level.

I squeezed Svi's chest and spent into his clutching ass yet again. And when I felt him clamp down harder as he spent into his bastard brother's mouth, I couldn't feel too bad about it. ------

Later that morning, I sat with Lord Gil and his steward to finalize our agreement. As the weaker party, Lord Gil would retain the official agreement bearing both our seals, while I would take with me a copy.

I didn't tarry or dissemble. "My lord, before you affix your seal, know that I have selected my factor for this agreement."

They looked at me expectantly. Well, Lord Gil looked at me expectantly. His steward almost smirked.

In the agreement I had specified that Lord Gil and his successors must furnish a factor of my choosing, to be located in my capital, and to serve as a sort of three-way broker between the Red Sisters, Lord Gil, and myself.

"I've selected Lord Svetoslav," I said.

Lord Gil scowled at me, then smoothed his features – one does not scowl at princes – and said: "Surely, Your Grace, there are others who can... serve you?"

I smiled at him, all teeth. "Surely, my lord, you can spare a third son – a man grown, married, with child – who has been of such aid to me in negotiating this agreement?"

He visibly suppressed another scowl and looked set to mouth some other excuse, but I cut him off. Either he would yield or he would refuse and if it were to be the latter, I would know so I could decide on the appropriate next steps.

I looked him firmly in the eye. "It is my will. And the lad's as well. Either agree to my terms or our agreement is at an end."

I held his gaze and wondered what his decision would be. Hell, if he decided to protect his son's honor over gold – however misguided, backwards and belated the impulse – I might even respect him for it.

He nodded his assent. So gold it was.

After we'd sealed the agreement, Lord Gil said: "Your Grace, if I might also have a word with you regarding a separate matter..."

An hour later, he had pumped me for another three, smaller favors, entirely unrelated to our mining agreement. Lord Gil had lost the battle for his favorite son, yet he had seized on his new advantage – this new, very personal relationship between our two Houses – to extract yet more from me.

Nobles could be worse than fishmongers in their way. Yet I was in a good humor. That was the game and, having won my prize, I could now afford to be generous with the family of my new favorite. Indeed, I had no doubt that if Svi pleased me long and well, his family would ride his ass as much as I to take full advantage. ---------

The next morning we made to leave the estate – with Svi now a part of my entourage. Svi's wife and child would move to the capital by and by once the babe was strong enough to survive the rigors of the road. However, the timing was up to Svi as I cared not.

For a time, I had considered taking Keeta with us, too. I knew without even broaching the subject that he would happily agree. Indeed, the slut would likely thrive in my capital. Yet I ultimately decided against it.

It often surprised people that I stood in high favor with the Church – despite my open and notorious flouting of their proscriptions against man-fucking. Part of that was a reflection of my close relationship with my brother the King – being in high royal favor usually meant being high in everyone else's, too.

But part was due to my own efforts. I paid respectful attention to the needs of the High Clerics, tithed heavily, and protected their historic prerogatives against encroachment by the noble and merchant classes. In short, I was an ally of the Church where it counted. They, in turn, turned a blind eye to all the exuberant man-fucking that occurred in my lands.

It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. And my being entrusted with the custodianship of the Red Sisters, an immensely profitable position, was just another sign of my high standing with the men in black.

If I took Keeta with me, I'd be tempted – quite tempted – to continue with both the boys. And people would notice. And people would talk. My being party to yet another cardinal sin would have consequences. And it didn't take much reflection for me to know that a little fun with Keeta was simply not worth the costs.

And so I spent my last night at the castle entirely with him. Since I was taking Svi with me, I didn't feel the urgent need to squeeze another night of fucks out of him. Moreover, it would be good to rest his ass before we began our long ride home. I was in an indulgent mood so let Keeta suck me dry two times before I got around to fucking him. As I fucked him, I gave him tips on how to gasp and moan more convincingly. After all, if one is to do something, one should do it exceedingly well, as my Lady Mother often says.

The boy was a quick study. When I fucked him a second time in the morning, it almost sounded like he was really enjoying it. I then paid him handsomely – well enough that he could safely seek employment elsewhere if he wished. Remembering how well he had trained Svi in such a short span of time, I recommended that he use the money to start a brothel.

I think I startled him with the suggestion, but I could see that the idea had been planted. If he was smart, he'd follow my advice. As I've noted before, I am very good at putting people to their best uses. After all, I had certainly done so for his half-brother Svi.

As we finally left the estate, Svi at my side, I wondered at my good fortune and life's surprises. My only regret was that I had not seen Torsten during my week-long stay. But it was a small regret. I had tied myself to this House quite emphatically – almost contractually, in fact.

So, there was time. Torsten, Svi, Keeta, the heir... I doubt I was done with Lord Gil's pretty sons.

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