Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 5, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 2 By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

For this second Chapter of the series, Parts I and II are more story development. Part III is the sex if you want to jump straight to the fucking. Part IV is more story and, yes, some more fucking!

If you like the series, let me know! ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In the first chapter of my tale, I told you of a recent time when I fucked a young virgin lordling, Torsten, throughout the night as recompense for expediting a review of his Lord Father's business proposal. I was happy to discover that, though not a great cocksucker, Torsten was a fine ride and I planted my seed deep into that once-untouched field. I've no doubt spoiled the lad for lesser men.

But onward – this chapter is the tale of my three wives. Worry not, I've not developed a taste for maids and this tale contains plenty of fine male ass. But we can't forget the ladies.

I deeply loved my first wife, Rodina. She was the daughter of a minor lord thrust into palace service through some machination of her parents. It's not an uncommon practice. Minor lords and wealthy merchants often scheme to place their young children in the proximity of the children of their betters. The hope, of course, is that the children will fall in love and seek to be married. If successful, a minor lord or merchant might find his child catapulted into a higher rank, lifting the entire family.

Well, this happened with me and Rodina. Though I never sexually desired Rodina, or, indeed, any woman, over the years of our youth I came to believe that Rodina was all I could desire in a wife – she was beautiful, generous, intelligent and passionate about things she believed in. Moreover, to this day, no person except my brother has made me laugh the way Rodina used to. My brother prince understood this and never attempted to tup her.

So, early in my brother's reign, after he had fully recovered from a near-deadly illness, I obtained his blessing to marry Rodina and we wed, both at the age of 17. By that time, it had been known for years that I was a notorious ass-fucker. Indeed, only my princely status and the consent of my Royal Father kept me from being formally disciplined by the Church for my lack of discretion.

In short, Rodina married me knowing full well who and what I was. She also well understood that, just as I cared not for the restrictions in holy scripture, I cared not for holy vows of marriage either. I would honor, protect and cherish her, of course, but great lords have great appetites and I had no intention of being tied down, least of all to a woman.

So I lustily stuck my cock in men's mouths and asses throughout the Realm, while Rodina looked the other way and ran my duchal court. And once a week, I would come to her chamber and attempt to produce an heir. It was not unpleasant – that is probably impossible with someone one loves – but it was far, far from my desires.

Still, I wanted her to be happy. Indeed, before our wedding night, I had consulted my brother, friends, healers and whores for information about women's bodies and their pleasure. But, really, it all just confirmed what I already instinctually knew as a lad. The art of pleasure is no different than training a horse or running a meeting of lords – one must be patient, prepared, keenly observant and masterful.

The mastery was the easy part. Rodina was my friend, lover and wife, but her primary duty was to give me heirs. All know that women's pleasure is the best fertilizer for seed. A well-rid wench bears strong, healthy children. And so I told her that it was my will that she receive pleasure in bed.

I then stripped her naked and methodically examined her. What touches caused no response, what pinches made her flush, what licks made her quiver, what did her eyes focus on, and so on. And then, after her face and breasts had flushed deeply and she had quivered from the inside, I would stick my thick cock into her pussy, deeply wet with fertilizer for my seed.

In our second year of marriage, Rodina gave birth to our daughter, Kolwynna the Elder (Kollie). It wasn't an easy birth, but she recovered and we continued to try for an heir. Alas, Rodina died giving birth to our second daughter, Kolwynna the Younger (Wynnie), just two years later. It was a sad time, but having two healthy girls was a source of joy.

Part II

And yet I still had no heir, and so, after a half-year of formal mourning, I began searching for another wife. I sent out word throughout the Realm for my requirements. She should be young, healthy, intelligent and beautiful enough to be an ornament of my court. I spent several months evaluating candidates sent from far and wide.

I settled on a young noblewoman named Gilsinia. She had raven hair, fine features, and a ribald wit that could make a hall full of warriors collapse in laughter. Alas, I chose ill and quickly realized my mistake.

My courtiers, soldiers and bannermen are loyal, so word reached my ears that Gilsinia was having an affair with one of my household troops! Gilsinia was in the early months of pregnancy with our first child and this deeply shocked me. After some additional discreet inquiry, I discovered the name of the soldier – a handsome lad and good fighter named Vlad – and confronted him in private with only my most trusted guards with me.

Faced with my furious accusation, Vlad fell to his knees and begged my forgiveness. He pleaded that he had been told that he had my blessing to service Gilsinia since I preferred men. He also said that he had always been discreet and never boasted of his liaisons with my lady.

I was surprised to find that I believed him. And he had spoken the truth about his discretion. So I decided to spare his life. But he was ordered to notify me the next time he visited Gilsinia.Grateful for this reprieve, he eagerly agreed and decried the fact that he had been deceived into betraying his lord.

And one night, not one week later, I received word of a scheduled liaison. I bided my time, and then at a pre-arranged time, I burst into her chambers with guards and several High Clerics. And she was caught red-handed, or, I should say, with Vlad's long cock in her pussy.

I had them both arrested. Gilsinia was placed in secured quarters and Vlad was thrown into the dungeon. Afterwards, I visited Gilsinia privately to give her an opportunity to say any last words.

She was not contrite. She raged at me, said that I was a hypocrite and that she did far less than I did. I told her that, be that as it may, no great lord was a cuckold and her crime was unforgivable.

When she saw that I was unmoved about idiotic notions of fairness between husband and wife, she then asked me how I could condemn our child with her. But, to me, it was rather simple – how was I to know that it was my child? Did she think me some shopkeeper to raise a neighbor's by-blow as my own?!

Since she had no other defense – how could she? – I left her to her prayers. The next day, in open court, after several witnesses had testified, I condemned Gilsinia for a whore and Vlad for an oathbreaker. I ordered that they be whipped naked through the streets of the city and then cast out of my lands without shelter or aid.

In private, I ordered my guards to not whip them too harshly and to disperse among the crowds to prevent any harmful projectiles from being thrown. Shit was fine though. Once outside the City, I had them treated by healers. Vlad was escorted to lands on the other side of the Kingdom to enter the service of a fellow Duke. Hopefully, he'll be less of a fool about the next place he sticks his cock.

A month later, I had the Church decree that Gilsinia had died of exposure and I was therefore free to remarry. Important, as there is no divorce in our Kingdom. Gilsinia, of course, is not dead. She lives in a nice cottage on the edge of my lands, and is married to a local official. She knows that both she and her bastard are never to show their faces in the presence of any noble on pain of death.

Part III

How I came to take my third, now current, wife actually begins with the night bell. As I've described in the first chapter, I work late and also regularly wake in the middle of the night needing to do some activity. The servants staffing the night bell know that the man sent to light candles, stoke fires, bring wine and food, and empty chamber pots should also be capable of servicing my cock.

Thus, the night bell quickly became one of the richest (sanctioned) sources of tips for my castle servants. Any man or woman staffing the night bell could be richly tipped for letting someone know that I was calling and it was a competitive position. So when I rang that night bell, almost any sort of man might come – a visiting merchant or noble, a staff member, a soldier, a cleric. But as long as my cock was well-serviced, I'd come to embrace the surprise.

Well, one night I had been working late. I was tired but not yet ready for bed. There was more correspondence I wanted to read before that. But, to clear my head, I pulled the servant rope for some cocksucking to clear my mind.

Before long, a wealthy merchant lad – not one of my usual chamberlains – entered my chamber. I recognized him from court – not because of his face, which was rather homely – but because of his great height. I'd not speaken to him, but I wagered he was at least half a head taller than me and I am a tall man. He also had the most shocking red hair, which is uncommon among Ignatians and probably a sign of some exotic mixing in his merchant family tree. Under his fine clothes, he seemed more slender than muscular – all those long limbs. But his ass looked promisingly large.

I was seated at my worktable in my post-bath robe. After inspecting him, I said: "You'll do." I then opened up my robe and presented my hard cock. With a "my Lord," he fell to his knees and took my cock into his mouth.

He had a fair talented mouth – I was clearly not this boy's first. He took me down his throat without gagging. And I learned that night an advantage of great height – even on his knees, he was able to get his mouth down my cock without pulling it forward, which is what most cocksuckers have to do when I'm seated. I found it was a lot more enjoyable without the downward tugging, ha.

I was close. I planned to spend in the lad's mouth, hear what he'd come to say, then finish my work. But the lad stopped – actually stopped – and pulled off my cock, sitting back. And not because he was tired or gagging or jaw-aching or any of the other complaints soft boys make about sucking my large cock. No, he looked like he could have gone on all night.

"My Lord, if I might ask..."

I tamed my irritation at the impertinence and my initial inclination to send him crying from my chambers – he really was a talented cocksucker, after all.

I made a curt gesture with my hand and growled: "Ask your question, boy. It had better be a good one for the neglect of your Lord's cock."

He frowned. "I beg forgiveness, my Lord. May I ask if you will fuck me?"

I looked down at him, softening despite myself. "Don't worry yourself, boy. Your mouth fair pleased me." I put an edge on the past tense to let him know that he was not yet in my favor. "Swallow my seed, make your request and run back to your minders."

He frowned again, even more deeply this time. "But, my Lord, my request is for you to fuck me..."

I cut him off roughly: "I have business to do. I've no time tonight to toy with simpering youths."

Without a word, the lad spun around, yanked down his silk trousers and placed his face against the rug on the cold stone floor. "I beg you fuck me, my Lord! I swear, you shall not regret it."

Despite his long, lanky looks, the boy's ass was plump and wide. The color was stark white except for the hints of red I could see in the scant hair around his thighs.

I stood up and began anointing my cock with ointment. "Fine, boy. I will grant your impertinent request. But I'll hear no sniveling." With that I kneeled down behind him and pushed my cock into his ass. There was only the slightest resistance before I slid completely in.

The boy sighed and said: "Thank you, my Lord. You are good, my Lord."

I was still irritated at the aborted cocksucking and I arched over him, railing him hard. My open robe draped over us like a cape on a horse.

The boy made this unending moaning sound as I pounded his plump ass hard. "Is this what you came to my chamber for, boy?!"

"Yes, my Lord! My Lord is generous! Thank you, Lord!" he cried.

Curious, I reached around to feel his cock. It was a right good size – no surprise for such a tall lad, I suppose – yet it was only slightly hard. It dangled from his pelvis as if from an unenthusiastic bender.

But this boy was enthusiastic and there was no faking. I could tell. And this was further confirmed when the boy cried out and his ass spasmed tightly around my cock. I almost spent then – there's nothing like seeding a man as his body clenches in the full ass-joy – but I managed to hold off.

I think it was that I was too intrigued by the boy. His cock which I had been touching lightly – more for my pleasure than his – never got hard. Instead, only a little seed dribbled out of it. I wondered how far the boy would go.

Buried fully in his still quivering ass, I held still to rein in my cock, and I barked: "Well, boy? I felt your ass-joy light. Should I be merciful and stop?"

The boy lifted his face from the rug. His red hair which had been tied back had come loose in the fucking. Looking forward, he pushed his ass back and I felt him tighten around my cock. "Nay, my Lord! Be merciful and fuck me true."

I moved over him, letting his long, strong body support my weight and I pumped my cock hard in his ass. As he moaned and keened, I said: "I see. You're a bitch in heat!"

"Yes, Lord."

"Say it!"

"I'm a bitch in heat, Lord!"

I smacked his ass hard. That would leave a mark on his lily-white ass, I was sure. I growled: "And you think your Lord's cock is for the servicing of your heat, boy?!" I reached forward and ripped open the fine linen shirt he'd been wearing and grabbed his chest roughly.

He cried out. "Nay, my Lord!"

"Am I a stud to be put out for your pleasure?!"

"Nay, my Lord! My Lord is good! Generous!"

As I pumped him hard the few last times, shifting us and pushing his face further down the rug, I said: "Yes, your Lord is! Be grateful pup!" And with that, I let go and released my seed into his greedy ass.

And as my cock spasmed in his hole, he cried out: "Yes, my Lord! Thank you, Lord!" And, incredibly, I felt him tighten around me as he experienced a second ass-joy.

After I pulled out and wiped myself off, I returned to my seat. The boy remained on the rug with his ass still in the air. Good. Either the boy had come well-informed or he instinctually knew how to treasure a great lord's seed.

I had some wine and started looking at some papers, but my heart was not into it. "Speak your piece, boy, and go."

Not leaving his position, the boy turned his face to me. Half of it was red from being rubbed against the rug. "May I stay the night with you, Lord?"

Oh, how large a request was the boy working up to? Irritated again, I asked: "Was it your idea to come to my chamber?"

"No, my Lord. It was my father's."

"And your father is..."

"High Merchant Wilhelm, my Lord."

Wilhelm was one of the richest, most successful merchants in my duchy – indeed, the Kingdom. I had met the man frequently and considered him a loyal supporter. For a moment, I wondered if the boy was lying to me, but, nay, Wilhelm's family did have members with red hair.

I barked: "Are you toying with me, boy?! One of my High Merchants doesn't need to send boys in the night to transact my business. And I've met Wilhelm's sons – not you."

The lad replied: "Yes, my Lord. Those were probably my elder brothers. I am but a fifth son."

"And why does my High Merchant send a fifth son to my bedchamber, boy?"

The boy turned his face away. Was he crying? "My father said that, since he had no use for me in the City, perhaps I could have some use here for my Lord's pleasure."

Ah. I later learned that his father had caught him being fucked by a groomsman one day and severely beat the boy. After he was caught being fucked again – this time by a sailor – the father had decided to find an appropriate use for the boy. And, knowing my appetites, had sent the boy here. One did not become or stay a High Merchant by wasting resources, after all.

"What's your name, boy?"

He turned back to face me, his face red and still damp with tears. "Sal, my Lord."

"Sal?" I grunted. "Well, you take cock like a panting bitch, but your father gave you a good, manly name at least."

I considered for a moment, then said: "You may stay the night if you tell me what other objective your father has here."

The boy smiled. He had a rather nice smile with good teeth – it improved his homely looks. "Of course, my Lord. Formally, I am here escorting my only sister, Alvina, to court. My father is not so bold as to believe you will take a merchant's daughter to wife, but he hopes you will show favor such that she might make a good match."

He then muttered something, which I didn't catch. "What, boy?"

"He despairs she will find anyone to her liking yet he won't force her."

"Well, fathers should be good to their girls, within reason. Take off your clothes and get into bed. You may stay the night and I will show your sister some attention."

Sal smiled even more widely. "Thank you, my Lord!" He then stripped off his ruined finery and bounded into bed.

After a little more work, I had the lights extingushed and climbed into bed, tired yet still well-sated. And I fell asleep.

I often wake in the night – hence, the importance of the night bell – but I rarely wake to another's hands upon me. That night I jerked awake when I felt Sal's mouth upon my hairy chest. Fortunately, for the boy, I'm a light sleeper and not often sleep-addled. Otherwise, I might have stabbed him first and inquired later.

"What the fuck are you doing, boy?!"

"I beg your forgiveness, Lord!" With surprising speed, the boy climbed on top of me. Then with one hand he grabbed my sleep-hard cock and sank his ass down upon it. "Oh, my Lord!"

As I began to buck beneath him, I said: "Didn't I tell you, boy, I wasn't a stud for your pleasure?!"

"You did, my Lord." Sal placed both of his hands on my muscular chest, his long arms pressing down. With that support, he worked his ass up and down my cock pillar, moaning throughout. His large soft cock bounced between us. He then cried out and I felt his ass again spasm around my cock as his ass-joy took him.

He relaxed down onto my cock, sighing in bliss. His eyes were closed and he was the picture of ecstacy in the moonlight. He'd stopped moving but otherwise showed no intention of rising off my cockstand. So, bracing myself, I flipped him onto his back, keeping my cock securely in his gripping ass.

Then, putting his long legs atop my shoulders, I near bent him in half as I pummeled his hole with my thick night-cock. As I came, releasing my seed into him, he shouted as his ass-joy took him once again.

After refreshing ourselves and ensuring that he was properly lying on his stomach, we both went back to sleep.

Part IV

Two days later, I favored Sal and Alvina with a seat at High Table. While Sal was clever and a pleasant enough lad in a setting that didn't involve my cock, Alvina was the real surprise. She was beautiful – her hair a rich auburn, her features fine. She was intelligent and knew more about world affairs and markets than many of my ministers. And she made me laugh.

It had been over a year since the banishment of Gilsinia and I found I was in no rush to remarry. My girls were the delight of my life and I did not desire to see them supplanted. Even more importantly, my brother the King and his Xavian wife had quickly produced two strong sons, Hektor and Viktor. So our dynasty was looking more secure.

By and by, I had pleaded with my brother to not give his sons such womanish, foreign names. But, alas, my brother is no fool – and knows when keeping the good opinion of his wife is more important than his brother's. I fear soon that I won't be able to stick my cock into anyone, man or woman, whose name doesn't sound like a Xavian maid.

With two new nephews – indeed, two new heirs ahead of me in line for the throne – I found that not having sons had some advantage in helping my brother run the Kingdom. While I had on multiple occasions proved my absolute loyalty to my brother, having sons and heirs can change a man's heart. Without sons, I could wield absolute power in my brother's name without whispers that I was secretly creating a power base for my own heirs.

And, though not quite as important, I was not eager to resume servicing a wife to produce more children. Every night servicing a wife was a night I wasn't sticking my cock in some soldier, noble brat, cleric or strapping farmer.

So, by the time of Sal and Alvina's visit, I had all but decided in my heart that I would not remarry. I would help raise my nephews to be wise, strong rulers and my daughters to be great Ladies fit to join any royal or noble house in the world.

The night after that dinner I summoned Sal to my chamber. After I had thoroughly seeded his backside, we laid in bed together. Sal was lying on his stomach with his ass slightly elevated, as was proper. He was practically purring with contentment. I had deliberately called another man to my chamber the previous night. I wanted to see the effect of denial on the boy, and I hadn't been disappointed.

Reaching over, I grabbed him and rolled him onto his side with his back to me. I then took my rehardened cock and placed the head at his creamy hole. I pressed in until his tight hole gripped the knob. He sighed and moved to push his ass back. "My Lord."

I smacked him roughly on the back and said: "Don't move. Keep still."

He stopped and I pulled back til just my knob was in. "My Lord?"

"Tell me more of your sister."

"Alvina, Lord?" He was clearly flustered.

"No, the Queen Mother, boy! Tell me why she's unmarried. She's old – almost 20 – to be still seeking a husband."

"Because she doesn't want a husband, Lord!" As he spoke, he slid further back on my cock.

I smacked his back again. "Fuck yourself on my cock without my say-so again and you won't soon be back in my bed, boy!" I growled.

Whimpering, he pulled back `til my knob was once again pulling against his rim.

"And why is she against marriage? Is she afraid to be ruled by a man not her father?"

Moaning. "No, my Lord. She is strong and not afraid. Indeed, she helps our father more than my brothers."

"So why no marriage then if she's not afraid?"

"My Lord... I can't rightly say." The boy was lying.

I rolled onto him shoving my cock roughly deep into his ass, and he keened with happiness. "Your Lord gives you his cock and you lie to him?!"

Fucking him hard, I pulled his head back by the hair and growled: "Lying to me is a grave offense."

He moaned and said: "No, my Lord! I would never lie to you!"

Pounding him more, I roared: "Liar! My bitches wear my collars, and you lie to me!"

"No, my lord!"

"What are you hiding? Tell me now or I'll have you thrown out of the castle this very night! You can walk naked back to your father's house!"

He was weeping now. "She is unnatural, Lord! That is all, I swear it!"

"Unnatural, huh?" I believed him when he said that was all. With a few more vicious thrusts, I came – my eyes almost seeing light with the intensity – and poured my seed into the boy. Even weeping, I felt his ass tighten and his body shudder all over as his ass-joy struck him.

I pulled out of him and collapsed back onto my back, breathing hard. He was still weeping, so I smacked his upturned ass. "Quit your weeping, boy. I can't abide the wailing of women. I am not angry with you."

He turned his wet face to me. "You are not, Lord?"

"No, I am not. And trying to protect one's sister is no dishonorable thing."

He smiled softly at that.

"But I am not some groom that's bent you over in the stables. I am your Lord. Never lie or withhold information from me again. I have had men whipped naked through the streets for less. Understand me, boy?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Now tell me how is Alvina unnatural? Educated boy like you doesn't believe in nonsense like witches, do you?"

"No, of course not, my Lord. Well... she prefers the touch of women to men."

"What of it? Most women prefer the company of other women."

Sal rolled onto his side, facing me, and clearly thinking. "No, it's not that, my Lord. She prefers to be loved by women, not men."

"Is that so? And ass back up, boy – is this a night for lies and wasting my seed?"

He quickly rolled back onto his stomach. "No, my Lord!"

"And how do you know that she prefers women?"

He whimpered a bit. "She told me herself, Lord, after our father first beat me. I believe she thought it would be a comfort to me."

I stroked Sal's back and as he settled into a semi-sleep beside me, I pondered the implications of his sister's unnatural nature. Women loving women was a waste, of course, as it diverted them from their primary role of bearing children. But I was not blind to the opportunities an intelligent woman not tied to the rigors or dangers of the birthing chamber might have for me. And, after all, I desired no more children. With that, I slipped off to sleep.

The next day I had Alvina brought to my private office for an interview. Once the girl's nerves were assuaged that I had no intention of ravishing or otherwise dishonoring her, we had a good and frank conversation. I asked her directly whether it was true that she desired only the touch of women. And after some hesitancy (as it was an abomination), she told me that it was true, that she never wished to lie with a man. Indeed, she had a long-time special companion, Kristina, whom she loved.

After that, I queried her further about her family's shipping business and concluded that the boy had not exaggerated about her level of involvement. In all, I was well-pleased with her. I informed her that I was considering her for a wife, but that if I were to marry her, I would expect no conjugal unions or children from her, except in the event the Kingdom should become in dire need of more heirs, God forbid. I asked her if she'd be please to marry within such a framework – I wanted no reluctant bride. She considered for a moment, then said she thought it was workable.

I told her I would think on the matter further, then dismissed her. A day later, I arranged for her to be in the gardens with a few other ladies, my two daughters (then ages 6 and 4) and their nannies. Afterwards, I received reports that she had been kind and attentive, if not doting, to them. It was a positive sign.

The next night, I summoned Sal back to my bed. It had been three nights since our last fuck. I'd, of course, not been abstinent during that time, but the boy was a frantic ride. As we laid in bed, with my seed cooling in his upturned ass, I rang the night bell and had Alvina summoned to my chamber. Sal startled at that but I told him to maintain his respectful position, and he did.

Minutes later, Alvina was escorted in. Her lovely hair was down and she wore a richly brocaded robe over her nightgown. She startled briefly at the sight of my nakedness and that of her brother but other than that she maintained her composure. Good, she would do.

She swept me a low, flawless curtsy. "My Lord. . . . Brother."

I gestured at her to take a seat near the bed and to pour herself a goblet of wine. I then asked her: "Are you a lady of a delicate disposition?"

She sipped her wine and laughed beautifully. "No, my Lord. I'm no noblewoman. I manage sailors."

"Excellent." I rolled over onto Sal and slipped my again-aching cock into his creamy hole. He audibly sighed – despite himself, I think.

I then proceeded to slowly, languidly move inside him, like a lover. I let him keep his face down in the pillows as various sounds spilled out of him.

Turning to Alvina, watching and sipping her wine, I said: "Upon a satisfactory arrangement with your father, I will wed you. Here are my conditions. I care not if you sleep with other women, with appropriate discretion. Do you know what happened to my prior wife?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Good. Let no other man touch you. I doubt your desires not, but if you ever need a cock, you will come to me. No other. Is that clear?"

"Crystal, my Lord."

"And my children. I expect them to be warmly and honorably treated as extensions of myself."

"I will love them as my own, Lord."

"You will be the hostess of my court, but the nobles will be slow to accept you, if they ever will. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, my Lord."

Looking at her while Sal's ass performed a delightlful squeeze on my cock, I said: "Though with your beauty and mind, and married to me, I've no doubt you'll have them in the palm of your hand."

"You flatter me, Lord."

"Finally, I will expect you to continue transacting business on my behalf. Is that agreeable to you?"

She exhibited more surprise at that than at anything prior! "I would find that most pleasing. My Lord is most generous."

I grunted at that. "Not so generous. Make me money and you'll make me a well-pleased Lord."

I was quite pleased by our conversation and I sped up my fucking. Gripping his shoulders hard, I said: "As for this one..." and I grunted as I unleashed another hot batch of seed into his grateful, vibrating ass, "I will make him my steward. I could use one who is smart, loyal and can take a good fucking."

Sal keened: "Thank you, Lord!"

I then dismissed Alvina.

After some hard bargaining, I wed Alvina and took as dowry a 25% interest in her family's shipping business, to be managed on my behalf by Alvina. One wedding and my already considerable wealth had increased greatly and I'd added maritime interests to my finances for the first time. I also agreed that on our tenth anniversary I would elevate her father or eldest living male relation to a minor baroncy.

The wedding was the first official event with Sal as my chief steward. His father – and, I suppose, also now my father, ha – was the proudest, most puffed-up peacock there (and that's a tall bar among the nobility) and he smiled with equal favor upon his daughter and his fifth son.

These past several years, Alvina has exceeded my every hope for the union. My daughters are happy, my wealth continually increasing, and Alvina herself is an invaluable member of my court.

As to Sal, he's been an excellent steward as well. I still fuck him frequently, but Sal has the greatest ass-joy I've ever seen and attending his heats would be a full-time job for any man. And while I found myself once more at the wedding altar, I had no desire to marry my cock to one ass. So I gave him leave to seek out his pleasures elsewhere.

He well understands that he wears my collar.

Next: Chapter 3

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