Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 16, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 5

By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

This chapter is a shorter one – more a transition to the longer next two chapters. But don't worry – there's still fucking!

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

In my first two chapters I told you of two young men. First, there was Torsten, the virginal young lordling. Then second there was my bitch in heat, Sal, now my chief steward and brother-in-law. In my third chapter, I relayed my bouncy ride with a fat, clever merchant.

Well, this fifth chapter relates the rest of my journey to the Capital after fucking Bull the wrestler in chapter four. As negotiated in advance, after being freshly provisioned in Gladden, Duke Silvan and I continued the rest of the trip together in a joint flotilla of boats.

Since Silvan had declined my offer to fuck the prior night, I did not invite him to join me on my ship. Instead, he stayed on his own vessel. And that was fine with me – I'd made a new, powerful friend in Silvan and was very much in high spirits from fucking Bull throughout the night.

Fucking men who were not at all inclined towards other men – even when willing as Bull was – always involved a fair amount of work. And it was work I generally preferred to avoid. Why deal with the struggle when there are countless men happy to dance on one's cock? But Bull – just for his sheer size – made the work worthwhile. Riding his big ass, mauling his large muscular tits, and repeatedly shooting my seed where likely no other man ever would again all made for a potent experience and memories I would not soon forget.

Indeed, my already-high drive for ass was ratcheted up even higher the day after Bull and the ship's ropemaker was the lucky beneficiary of my ardor. Men at sea have strong needs and the sailors of my barge were no different. While rape – especially against a man – was harshly punished throughout the Realm, a comely lad, junior in position, could earn extra coin or better duties through the offer of his mouth, hand and ass.

My ship's cabin lad was pretty and I'd intended to sink my cock into him. However, my ship's captain, Tre, pulled me aside. Captain Tre had the skin coloring, eyes and facial structure that bespoke of very mixed ancestry – not uncommon among the sailer class. He was somewhat older than me, with his black hair showing the first signs of gray. But his body was leaner and harder than most men my junior. And he sported scars on his face and bared arms that had not been earned by captaining pleasure barges.

Tre had a hard face – indeed, he looked like a stone cold killer, not one given to idle chitchat, so I was intrigued by his request to talk. After I agreed to speak to him privately, he, knowing my tastes and sensing my plan apparently, urged me to reconsider. "The cabin lad's pretty but a lousy lay – like fucking porridge," he said. Instead, he bragged about the ass-delights of his lover, Mywen, the ropemaker, and offered me a dip in his cream.

Now, I wasn't an idiot and so realized that the cabin lad might be a perfectly good lay. The captain might have been lying in order to court my favor with his lover's ass. But if he was willing to brag about the ass, I was willing to try the ass. And if it was sub-par, I'd certainly let my displeasure be known.

So, some hours later, I found myself in the ship's corridor with a guard outside the captain's quarters, waiting for his signal. I, of course, had agreed to wait as part of the fun.

The ship's wooden walls were thin and porous, and Mywen was not a quiet bitch, so I heard the captain fucking his lad and let the sounds further harden my cock. Before too long, the captain grunted out his pleasure and I soon heard him ask the lad if he'd be willing to fuck me. The lad seemed hesitant. Almost insultingly so – had he not seen me? But after some kissing sounds and the captain's reminding him of how helpful it could be to the both of them, the lad agreed.

Taking that as my cue, I opened the door and entered. The captain was standing by the bed wiping himself down and the lad was still lazing pantsless on the narrow bed. He gasped in surprise when he saw me.

"So it's agreed?" I asked as I approached the bed. The captain said yes and the lad nodded.

"Good." I then unlaced my breaches and climbed on top of the lad. His looks were unremarkable, but he had a nice plump ass and his hole was white with the captain's spend – a goodly load, it appeared.

I took out my hard cock and pushed it into the lad's ass. The hole was still firm, with a nice grip, yet I slipped in easily. And started fucking the lad in earnest.

The fuck was wet and squishy – frankly, a mess that would ruin my shirt and trousers – but was a good ride. While I often fucked men still filled with my own cream, I didn't often share mounts, so fucking a lad with another man's cream was an uncommon bout of fun.

The lad was rather silent – in contrast to his earlier noisiness – and was looking embarrassedly at his captain. I suppose he was still a bit reluctant or just loyal – a sentiment I approved of in my own bitches. But the captain was still there, watching, and I couldn't have such a poor showing.

I've yet to meet a man's man I couldn't master, and this ropemaker bitch would hardly be any different. I pushed down on his back, bent forward his right leg, then swiveled my hips to better pummel his ass-joy. And he started making sounds as his own pleasure was brought.

More from master's intuition than anything else, I knew to reach and firmly grip his neck, pulling back. It'd make for an uncomfortable position for him, and somewhat difficult to breath, but I wasn't wrong. The lad began this loud wheezing keening as his ass pushed back and moved with my cock.

As I felt my pleasure build, I squeezed harder with my left hand then hard tugged the lad's hard cock with my right. The lad screamed and his milky ass clamped down on my cock as I seeded him well.

Now, my cock grows sensitive after spending, but it only softens if I lose the will. And my blood was still up so I kept my hard sore cock in the lad's ass while I relaxed and ran my hands under his shirt. Mywen squirmed a bit – perhaps uncomfortable – so I squeezed his neck gently and pinched his nipple to steady him. With my sensitive cock still sheathed in him, I could tell his every sensation just by the quivering inside his ass.

"So, Captain, your lad here was a good lay. And you have my attention. What do you want?"

"I want a warship, my Lord."


He stared at me with that deadly gaze and I pumped Mywen's ass some to get the boy to gasp. "You think I give out warships and entrust the safety of the Realm based on a piece of ass? You greatly overstep."

Tre dipped his head slightly, then resumed staring. "I beg forgiveness if I offended, my Lord. I mean, I want my warship back. It was taken from me by the Vice-Admiral."


Tre nodded at the Mywen. "The lad's the Vice-Admiral's bastard. He took it as an insult when I bedded the lad."

"Ah. And did you intend to insult him?"

"Aye, at first. But I came to like the lad... He makes me laugh."

I had extreme difficulty imagining this grim man laughing. The little fuck-lad must've had hidden talents besides his tight ass.

"Tell me – how many men have you killed in the service of your King?"

Tre shrugged. "Ships sink, Lord. So hundreds."

"And how many not in His service?"

Tre paused. "I'd rather not say, my Lord."

I held his gaze for a moment longer. "Fair enough. The Realm is not protected by milkfed boys and so I do not approve of good soldiers being unnecessarily reassigned. Upon reaching the Capital, I will inquire into the matter. If I find your story true, I will reinstate you."

He bowed. "Thank you, Lord."

I continued. "If, however, I find that you have lied to me, I will have you beaten, tied in a sack, then drowned. And this one here will watch. Am I clear?"

He bowed again. "Yes, my Lord. You will find it all true, I swear."

"Good. Now take off your clothes and come here." I pulled my milky cock out of Mywen's ass and bid the lad to get out of the bed. The lad stumbled out – legs still wobbly apparently – and walked confusedly around before crouching to the side. He probably was leaving a trail of seed about the small cabin.

Tre's lean, hard body had even more scars than I had seen above deck. Some looked like they had very nearly sent him to the next world. I appreciated the sight, before directing him to get into bed and lie on his side.

After he did so, I asked him: "Have you been fucked before, Captain?"

He grunted. "Not in a very long time."

I placed my cockhead at his hole and applied pressure. He hissed as I breached him. I kept pushing in until I was fully seated. The man knew pain and hardship so could deal with a rough cocking, I figured.

"Though, I wager, you've never been fucked with your own spend before, have you?"

He grunted again. "No, Lord."

Fucking him on his side wasn't giving me the stimulation I craved, so I rolled him facedown so I could properly rail him. He was too tight and my big cock had to do a fair amount of battery to soften him up. But he took it without complaint.

Since I'd just spent, my cock was good for a decently long fucking and I gave him one he'd not soon forget. Mywen, off to the side, still look confused, so I directed he sit on the chair. The lad followed my directions literally, not stopping to put his trousers back on, and sat his naked ass on the rough wood. That would stain the wood for sure. But my seed was mixed with Tre's so I couldn't be bothered by the waste.

I then released my seed deep into Tre's ass. My captain was a man's man, to be sure, but he had no ass-joy. No doubt too dominant a man. After I pulled my cock out, I bid the lad to bring me a wash basin. Tre moved to get up as well, but I slapped his ass.

"What do you have to say, Captain?"

"... Thank you, Lord."

"Good. Now lie on your stomach to not waste my seed."

Now, I enjoy fucking killers when the opportunity arises. I'd not be an easy man to kill (some have tried), but there's a unique thrill to plowing one's cock into the ass of a man who was in the business of killing.

However, Captain Tre did not spur this interest in me particularly. Maybe it was because my balls had just been emptied into young Mywen. But I had to fuck the captain since I'd fucked his lad. I couldn't have him going off thinking we had shared something.

Sharing requires two parties to be near in status. A lord can take from his lessers, or give to them, but he cannot share with them. And such was the case with Captain Tre. I took his lad's ass, then I took his ass. While Tre might not have imagined that would occur, ultimately the reinforcement of his status would be to his benefit.

Commoners need order and structure. That is why they have lords.

Once I straightened up my terribly stained clothes, I had Mywen fetch some food and drink. I then sat down and asked Tre to tell me some of his battle stories. After all, since my seed needed to settle within him, it wasn't like he had anything better to do. While he wasn't a great fuck by any means, I definitely left feeling confident that he would be well-placed back in the field.

The next morning I was in high spirits. The Capital was in sight and I was eager to see my family and get down to the business of the Convocation. Also, while the captain was directing things on the deck for the final leg of the journey, I'd taken Mywen again – in my room this time. He was an even better fuck the second time – probably because he didn't have to feel embarrassed about his lover watching. And his ass-joy was definitely connected to his throat. Light squeezing had his ass blossoming like a flower. And twice his pleasure came upon him.

As I disembarked the boat, I felt pleased at the journey. It'd been fairly pleasurable and I'd gotten some necessary military business done on top of it. Though the thought did pass my mind whether I should have tried that cabin lad, too...

Next: Chapter 6

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