Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 20, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 6

By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

I figure if you're still with me, you like the storytelling, but if ya just want to jump straight to the fucks – that's in Parts III and V.

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

This chapter continues the tale of a journey I took during my 30th year. Arriving at last at the Capital, I disembarked with a spring in my step having just fucked Mywen the ropemaker for the second time (chapter 5). On the quay, my entourage and Duke Silvan's gathered as stevedores unloaded our cargo. We then procured horses from the Crown stables kept at the port for this purpose and began our ride to the palace.

The Capital was immense and composed of three rings. The outer ring, which housed most of the inhabitants, was called the Gray Ring due to the color of the massive stones forming the walls. The second ring was called the Red Ring due to its ancient fortifications having been built of red brick. The Red Ring was naturally more popular with minor lords and prosperous burghers and landowners.

The inner ring, which contained the palace, important government and church buildings and the city homes of the wealthy and high born, was called the Blue Ring. My great-grandfather, also named Kol, had built a layer of costly blue marble, native to our region, over the ancient defenses. The marble would have been destroyed in any siege and so its sheer extravagance made a statement. No enemy would reach this ring. A strong believer in the best defense being a good offense – my great-grandfather. The palace was similarly clad in blue marble, which made for an impressive sight as one ascended the rings of the Capital.

Upon reaching the palace, we were directed to small bathing chambers so that we could change clothes and freshen ourselves prior to being admitted to court. Duke Silvan, not being the likely heir, had only been brought to court a few times as a boy and never as an adult, so as we rode I tutored him in court protocol. A duke – being the highest lord not a Prince of the Blood – was entitled to court admittance by right. However, one must first be recognized by the King before speaking with him.

Silvan took this all in stride. If he was nervous, he hid it well. Honestly, I was still trying to figure out my new friend.

Once dressed, we were informed that the King was holding court in the Privy Audience Chamber, which unlike the Formal Audience Chamber, was restricted to high nobles and officials – a smaller affair, no more than 100 people. Before entering the chamber, I advised Silvan to stand with the other nobles until I was reunited with my family. I'd then introduce him to the King.

At one end of the chamber was a large dais on which the King and Queen sat on their thrones. To the King's left were two small desks at which my nephews Hektor and Viktor, ages 11 and 10, sat, their tutors standing behind them. Our family believed that princes and princesses needed to be exposed to court starting at a young age.

As I walked down the center of the room towards the dais, nobles and officials gave me respectful bows and nods. Upon reaching the lowest step of the dais, I kneeled and said in a loud, clear voice: "My King." I was pleased to see that he looked strong and in good health.

Smiling, he said: "You are welcome here, Kol, Royal Duke of Asselvya, Lord Protector of the Realm and our most beloved brother."

Ascending the few steps towards the thrones, I bowed to my sister-in-law, Natalia, kissing her extended hand. "My Queen." She gave me a slight smile – relations between us have never been more than cordial. Though I had myself arranged the match during my brother's serious illness (chapter 1), I still harbored some residual dislike of her Xavian origins. And I expect she sensed this, not being blind or a fool.

The next part was a tricky matter of protocol. As both Lord Protector and an adult Prince of the Blood, technically, I outranked my brother's sons. However, I did something I had not done before. I knelt before their two desks and said loudly: "My Princes Hektor and Viktor."

Viktor was a sweet lad, always smiling, but Hektor, the heir, had always been a serious child. I was pleased to see that, while he remained serious, he looked me direct in the eyes and nodded. He then replied in a strong, yet still boyish, voice: "Beloved Uncle."

I glanced at my brother and saw that he was smiling. Natalia was even giving me a warm smile. I had essentially just announced to the court that I considered Hektor and Viktor to be next in line for the throne. Unlike our Uncle Kol, whom we had had to execute, this Kol – me – would remain loyal to the throne.

With the formal introductions done, I was now free to walk around and speak with anyone. Before I could do so, my brother stepped from his throne and grabbed me in a great bear hug. While all public acts sent a message to the court, I knew my brother well enough to know the hug was mostly just from genuine affection. "Where are Alvina and my nieces? We long to see them. The boys miss their cousins."

"They arrive by separate ship on the morrow."

He leaned in closer and said, more softly: "I am glad you are here, because I will kill her! I mean it this time!"

I burst out laughing, drawing more attention to us. There was no question in my mind which "her" he was referring to. "And where is our Lady Mother?"

He sat back on his throne. "In her chambers – where else? No doubt thinking of more ways to vex us!"

"What has she done now?"

"She sacked Hektor's chief tutor! Without even consulting us! I am a King not in control of his own household!"

"I will speak to her. Do you want the tutor back?"

He grunted. "No, the damage is done – the High Clerics have been riding my ass all week about it, because, of course, the tutor was a cleric... No, don't speak to her about it." He squinted his eyes at me. "If you truly loved us, you would take her to Asselvya."

I laughed again. "I do love you well, but my army is not so large, my King."

He grunted again. "Well, let her death be on your conscience then, not mine."

I just raised an eyebrow to let him know who I thought would win such a conflict.

Hoping to divert him – I didn't want him to start on a list of grievances – I gestured to Silvan. As he approached, I said, again loudly: "My King, I traveled via Gladden in the company of its new Duke, Silvan. Silvan then knelt and made his greetings to the royal family.

"My Duke, we were most grieved to learn of the deaths of your noble Father and Brother. We have asked the High Clerics to pray for their souls."

"Thank you, Lord King."

Leaving Silvan to talk with the King and Queen without my supervision, I descended back into the room to begin the important work of speaking to my peers. Convocations go more smoothly when the great lords have an opportunity to air their requests, concerns and grievances in advance. I was a useful intermediary for petitions to the Crown. And, in many instances, I had the power to resolve the matter myself.

Walking around, talking, I noticed a High Cleric staring at me. He was a handsome young man in his twenties, perhaps just a little younger than me, wearing a black silk cassock with a blue sash around his waste indicating his high office. A man so young could only be a High Cleric based on noble birth, not merit, so I looked back to guess which family he came from.

I have a good memory and so it took me only a moment to recognize him as my cousin Kol, only son of our uncle Svel! I had not seen Cousin Kol in over a decade, since the execution of our Uncle Kol and his entire family. I was genuinely shocked to see my uncle's only son as a cleric and thus unable to marry – I blame this in addition to the passage of time to the delay in my recognizing him.

I'm not one to avoid awkward encounters, so I strode towards him and said: "Cousin Kol, you are well met here."

He gave me a slight bow and replied: "Lord Protector, we are well-met, indeed."

"I trust Uncle Svel is in good health."

"He is, Lord, though he is not well enough to travel for the Convocation. He stays at our estate and watches my son and daughter. A doting grandfather."

At my look of surprise, Kol gave me a small, awkward smile: "My wife died giving birth to our daughter. After her death, I took Holy Orders. My son, Svelik, is now the heir."

"Ah. Terrible business, childbirth. I grieve with you."

"Yes. I thank you. If you would excuse me, Lord Protector." With that, he bowed again and walked off.

I was surprised again. The interaction was brief enough and the departure abrupt enough that together they could certainly be taken as an insult. And his repeated use of my full title bespoke a real coldness. The court would talk about this! Talk about possible ruptures within the Royal Family! How could that little silk-clad shit have behaved in such a manner? Uncle Svel never would have, even if he was in a rage.

Trying to keep myself from visibly fuming – and thus adding to the rumors even now starting – I calmly resumed making the rounds of the room. But I would have to fix this, and fast.

Part II

After a few hours of business and comraderie in the court, I made my way to the Queen Mother's wing of the palace. I was directed to her private veranda where she and six noble Ladies were painting in cool shaded luxury.

My Lady Mother, not yet age 50, was still a strikingly beautiful woman. Her dark brown skin had few lines. Her hair still lustrous black. And her figure retained a pleasingly full feminine shape. If marriage would not result in a demotion in status, I'm sure she would have had no shortage of suiters for her hand even now.

Since she was in her private chambers, among friends, she wore the robes of her native lands in the Western Kingdom. (She was too politic to wear them at court.). Three layers of silk – an inner robe of white, a middle robe of royal blue, and an outer robe of rich black.

Westerners appreciated subtlety and keen observation skills and so all clothing was deeply symbolic to them. I had never taken to the custom (too much work getting dressed), but, as I approached the women, I looked carefully at her outfit. The white was a neutral, likely conveying no meaning other than the fact that she was not using her innermost robe to convey a meaning. The royal blue pretty clearly symbolized the Crown and the Royal Family.

Which left the outer black robe. Black was neither a color of mourning nor a clerical color in the Western Kingdom. But my name, Kol, means "black" or "dark" in the old tongue. Thus, royalty plus me indicated that she was welcoming me home.

Nodding pleasantly to the assorted Ladies, who kept to their seats, I knelt and said: "My Lady Mother."

She extended her hand towards me. "Second Son, we are glad you are returned to us."

She then gestured for me to take a seat to her right. Taking my seat, I said softly: "You honor me."

She gave me a small smile, then extended her right hand towards me. This close I could see that the white inner robe contained a delicate embroidery – my crest in a pattern. My mother was not the most emotive of people, so, for her, this was an expression of deep affection.

I kissed her hand and said: "I have not been away that long, Mother."

She laughed. "Even a week can be too long for mothers and sons. You should find someone capable to administer Asselvya for you and remain here in the Capital."

"Lands are not well-ruled by absentee lords, Mother."

"And the King would benefit from having his brother and Lord Protector close at hand."

"The King also benefits from having his Lord Protector out in the Realm."

This was an old argument, and we faithfully danced our steps each time we saw each other. Neither of us would yield, and so on and on it went.

"Where are my granddaughters?" Oh, she was cutting our dance short!

"They'll arrive with Alvina tomorrow, Mother."


She then ordered refreshments and I spent the next hour chatting with her, flirting with her ladies, and generally catching up on life in the Capital. As with the great lords at court, much important business could be transacted amidst the high ladies of the Realm. And I knew well which lands were ruled in fact by their Ladies.

I genuinely enjoyed my mother's company, and so was having a wonderful time. But my mind kept turning back to the encounter with Cousin Kol. In truth, I was somewhat unsettled, so I decided to ask her about it.

"Have you met with Cousin Kol? He's now a High Cleric!"

"No, but I've seen him about, of course. He is a very angry young man – I suspect he has never gotten over the executions."

"That was my impression as well. At court, he was barely civil. I fear there will be gossip?"

"Will he need to die?" It was a testament to my mother's power and influence that she felt comfortable openly speaking of the death of a High Cleric in front of several ladies and servants. I pitied the fool who ever broke her confidence.

I thought for a bit. "No, I do not think so. But I will need to handle him soon."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "You erred allowing it to get to this point, Lord Protector."

I dipped my head slightly. "You are right, Lady Mother. But I will fix this, I swear."

She gave me a hard look. "See that you do. Or I will."

Part III

That night I was in my private bedchambers, wearing a light cotton robe after my bath to keep cool in the summer heat. I'd summoned Cousin Kol to immediately come to my chambers to talk. And it was not long before my guards were announcing his presence.

He was still wearing his clerical cassock, though his brown hair was damp so I could tell I had pulled him from his own evening bath. Approaching me, he bowed. "Lord Protector."

"We are alone, Cousin. You can quit with the excessive formality and say my name."

He just stood there and gazed steadily at me.

I stood up and walked over to him. Giving him my warmest smile – the one that usually left both men and women panting for my favor – I said: "Come now, Cousin. We were once close as boys. I admit my fault for not keeping in better touch these 15 years."

He looked at me incredulously. "Kept in better touch? You think this is because we have not exchanged correspondence?!"

He was treading close to dangerous ground, so I said, lightly: "Careful, Cousin."

"You murdered our family!"

I slapped him. Hard. Then I slapped him again. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him close to me, almost as if we were embracing. Softly I said into his ear: "I murdered no family. I executed traitors. Is that not so?"

He said nothing, so I yanked the back of his hair. "Is that not so?"

"Yes, Lord."

"And Holy Scripture teaches that to rebel against the King is to rebel against God – is that not so?"

"Yes, Lord."

"So that sentence was sanctioned by God."

"Yes, Lord."

I pulled him even closer. I could feel his heart rapidly beating. "Do you harbor sympathies for those traitors?"

"No... no, Lord."

I grabbed his chin with my other hand and made him look me in the eyes. "Good. Because if you did, I would stab you in the heart myself. Do you doubt me?"

"No, Lord."

"There can be no softness for traitors or their sympathizers."

"No, Lord."

Loosening my grip somewhat, I said: "It's alright to be angry about what happened. Your error is misplacing that anger. Where should it be placed?"

"... On Uncle Kol?"

"Exactly. It was their greed and lack of loyalty which brought about their own destruction. If you must be angry, be angry about that."

He blinked rapidly. "I will. I will pray on it, Lord." He paused, then continued: "This anger is like a poison. I would be rid of it, if I could."

I stroked his damp hair. "Of course, you would. It is a good thing you took Holy Orders."

He looked confused at that. "Lord?"

"Well, you are soft and weak, allowing yourself to come to such a state. How could such a one as you be a lord – let alone, a duke –being as you are. Not one minute ago, you were on the verge of treason."

His head reared back harder than when I slapped him. I was sorry to do it, but this was a deadly business and I could not afford to coddle him. My brother would have killed him where he stood for using the word "murder."

His eyes watered. "Treason, Lord?"

"Near treason, Kol – I think you avoided that folly."

His eyes watered. "Thank you, Lord. I am a loyal subject to His Majesty, I swear it. I let my anger get the better of me – that is all."

I nodded. "I know. And, as I said before, I admit my error in not having seen to your welfare after the rebellion. Even as a boy, you were soft – you needed a firm hand and I did not provide it."


I pushed him down to his knees and opened my robe revealing my hard cock.

He just stared at it. "Lord... Kol?"

I looked down at him. "Well? You eagerly sucked me as a lad. I assume you haven't forgotten your way around a man's cock."

He then leaned in and licked slowly up my cock's length before licking the head and lapping at the fluid starting to come out. As he licked me more rapidly, I laughed as I remembered how like this he was when we were lads. No man ever loved licking a cock more than this one – it would take him forever to actually wrap his lips around the damn thing. Well, I guess some things never change.

He was continuing with his delicious, yet frustrating, licking, and I'd had enough. So I grabbed his head and stuffed my cock into his mouth. He choked and sputtered a little but quickly took in my great length with an impressive ease – guess some things about the Church also never changed. As he looked up at me, with his mouth full of cock, I marveled at how blue his eyes were. They were the royal blue of our House, of our Royal Father, and yet neither my brother nor I possessed them. Instead, our eyes were the deep brown of our Mother's people.

I idly wondered what he saw when he looked up into my dark stare.

As Kol bobbed up and down on my cock, sucking hard and moaning, I said: "This is what you've needed, Kol. You forgot yourself and your place."

I then pulled him off my cock and said down to him: "You're soft. Say it."

"I'm soft, Lord."

"You strayed from the path but wish to return to it."

"I strayed, Lord! I strayed!"

"So get back on it."

As he returned to my cock with even more gusto, I reflected how clerical types needed everything to be a sermon. I then noticed that he'd reach into his cassock to play with his own cock.

"Hands off your cock, Kol. You are not yet in favor." He then quickly dropped his hand, and kept his focus where it should've been – on my cock. His cassock tented out in a rather undignified manner and I laughed.

His mouth was good and I had no desire to drag things out, so I grabbed his head and gave several good thrusts into his hot wet mouth before releasing my spend down his throat. After he had licked my cock clean – again with the licking – I sat down on my bed and bid him sit beside me.

"Tell me, Kol, of how you spent these past years." His cock was obviously still hard and his blood was up, but I did not care.

He then quietly told me of his years finishing his studies and helping his father run their lands. Then of his marriage and children. And, finally, of his calling to Holy Orders once he'd had a son and another heir was secured.

"Your Lord Father did not object to this? A single grandson is a slim reed to rest a duchy on."

Kol shook his head. "No, he supported my decision." He then shrugged. "Besides, if I was ever needed to inherit, it's not unheard of for a cleric to be released by special dispensation from the Council of Clerics."

"True," I said – though I inwardly shuddered at the King's ransom the Church would extract in exchange for such a dispensation.

I then thought of Kol's father, my Uncle Svel – he was highly intelligent and I never had entirely trusted him. I mused: "I suppose if I were your Lord Father, I, too, would agree, despite the inheritance risks. Since you are not fit to be a great lord."

He shuddered again at that, but he needed to hear it. "Is that not so?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Say it."

"I am not fit to be a great lord."


"Because... I am soft, Lord."

"Why else?"

He looked confusedly at me again, so I supplied his answer. "Because you allowed your loyalties to become a matter of doubt. Say it."

"Because I allowed my loyalties to become a matter of doubt."

"Because you doubted your King."

"Because I doubted my King."

"Because you doubted your Lord Protector."

"Because I doubted my Lord Protector."

I then grabbed his chin gently and smiled. "Good. You are coming along well. And just because you are not fit to be a great lord does not mean you cannot serve your King and the Realm in other ways."

He gave me a soft smile, so I continued. "Yes, you can serve well in the Church – please God and your King and you will go far – in power and influence, as befitting a King's grandson."

I patted his back. "Now will you pray with me, Kol?"

"Of course, Lord!"

He dropped to the floor and pulled out the flat pillows kept near all beds as kneelers for prayer. I fell onto my knees beside him.

He then began to earnestly intone a prayer. I let him go on for a bit before I started laughing. He looked over at me confusedly. I must really be a riddle to him.

Still laughing, I said: "Fool cousin, I don't want to pray with you – don't be a twit." I then shoved him on his hands and knees and moved behind him. I hiked up his cassock and took a moment to admire his plump ass in his white priestly underwrappings.

As I started to pull his undergarment down, he said: "My Lord?"

"Shhh," I said before I leaned in and kissed his hole. Kol yelped and jerked as I licked his hole roughly with my tongue. I could tell that he'd never experienced it before – such was the low caliber of his prior lovers, I suppose.

I lavished his hole with tongue and spit, sometimes prodding it with my tongue. Then with one hand I caressed his balls and lightly touched his hard cock. He wasn't to spend yet.

Kol was muttering and moaning, undone by his first ass-kiss. I enjoy ass-kissing – one of the privileges of being with clean lords over dirty peasants.

But as pleasurable as kissing that most secret part of a man is, the real purpose is to whet the appetite of the ass-joy. A man come undone by the ass-kiss will be utterly broken by his ass-joy.

After I judged him pliable and wet, I reached for ointment, slathered my cock, and pushed the head into his well-prepared hole. My cock has encountered many a greedy hole, and his ass in that moment would have ranked highly.

I sank into him like an old boot. And Kol was calling for God, though not in a sanctioned prayer. His covetous ass didn't need slow movement so I rocked into him hard.

As I pumped into him hard and he cried out, I said, almost conversationally: "Kol, this is yet another reason to be angry at Uncle Kol's treachery."

As he moaned, I said: "If he had not unraveled our family, you know I would have been the first to fuck you." I reached forward and pulled his head back to me so I was rabbit-fucking him in a kneeling position.

"Does that make you mad that I was not the first to split open this ass?"

He panted: "Yes, Lord."

"So who fucked you first?"


I smacked his ass and pumped him harder. "I said who fucked you? Who was fucking you when I should have been fucking you?"

"A minstrel, Lord. Tavin."

I laughed. "You let your ass be taken by a minstrel with a girly name?"

Kol actually barked out a laugh at that. "I suppose so, Lord."

I shoved into his ass roughly to take his breath away. "Well, that nonsense ends now. You're soft and you bend for your betters, not passing girl-cock. We clear?"

"Yes, Lord. Thank you, Lord."

I then pushed his head down onto the floor and fucked him faster. As I began pumping my seed into his ass, I tugged on his cock and his own joy exploded upon him, further squeezing my cock.

He whimpered as I pulled my cock out so I pat his head to steady him.

Wiping myself off, I climbed naked into bed. "Come, lie next to me."

He slowly got up and began to unbutton his cassock, so I said: "Keep it on."

As he climbed into bed, I told him: "On your stomach, cousin." While he did so, his cassock had once again covered him. So I reached down and roughly pulled it up `til it was bunched at the waist around his blue sash.

He made quite the sight. His back covered in black silk and his plump white ass bare, my seed leaking out.

I was content to enjoy the quiet, but he started talking. "My Lord... I must leave. I am due to lead night prayers tonight..."


"But... my Lord... Kol! I cannot just not appear! People will talk."

I sighed. "Fine." Then called for one of my guards.

Kol moved to cover himself but I slapped his ass hard to make him still.

When my guard entered, I bid him approach the bed. I then instructed him to tell the other clerics that Kol was indisposed with bowel issues and could not lead tonight's service. The guard saluted then left to carry out my instructions.

As soon as the guard was gone, Kol hissed: "You mean to humiliate me! Is this a punishment?!"

I laughed. "If I ever decide to punish you, Cousin, you won't need to ask."

I slapped his ass again. "Your being here, your ass full of my seed, is a mark of royal favor. All the Realm knows I would never fuck a traitor, even one as comely as you. Word of this will spread and the court will know that you are loyal to the Crown."

I laughed again. "And I didn't even have to lie to the good clerics. Your bowels are overworked tonight."

He continued to glare at me, but it had lost all heat. "You could have done all that without showing my ass to a guard," he muttered.

"True... but you are still learning your place."


"You're a High Cleric. You now serve only God and, through me, your King."

I leaned over and kissed him, long and sweet. I then reached down and felt his cock starting to reharden. "Be grateful I was content just showing off your delectable ass. Next time I might let the guard fuck you."

He looked askance at me, but his cock verily leaped in my hand. "Oh, you're a randy lad, Cousin. I can always scent one such as you."

I leaned back on the pillows and held my cock up. It was still hard, though I felt no desire to spend again. "Mount up and I'll favor you again, though you scarce deserve it."

I prod him and he climbed over me, then sank his creamy ass on my hard, sore cock. His cassock flowed back, covering my thighs.

"Work yourself, lad. Let me see you dance on my cock."

Fully in control, Kol worked his pelvis over me and jerked his cock. His face was flushed and sweaty. His free hand roamed my muscular chest and belly – I could tell my body delighted him. While I wouldn't seed him now, I did enjoy the view. As he became further worked up, I pulled him closer so we were almost chest-to-chest, and we kissed madly as he bounced on my cock.

Finally, he cried out into my mouth and I felt his spend splash me on the chest. After his breathing had died down, I pulled him off my cock and bid him lie back down next to me – on his stomach, of course.

He started to say something, but I kissed his forehead and told him to be quiet. I then slipped off to sleep.

Part IV

The next day was due to be a very busy day as it was the first formal day of the Convocation as well as the arrival day for my wife and daughters. And I was in good spirits. After fucking and thoroughly seeding Kol again in the early morning, I had sent him off to prepare for his own duties. As a High Cleric, he would be attending the Convocation as well.

That morning, amidst my many meetings with various ministers, I arranged to meet with the Lord Vice Admiral. After other naval business, I told him of my encounter with Captain Tre. I let it be known that I thought it a shame that such a talented fighter should be lost to the Realm, languishing as a mere courier.

I also shared salacious details of how bad he was in the sack. The Vice Admiral was not a man's man, but he enjoyed hearing how the man who had "insulted" him had been railed himself by my big cock. I imitated Tre's grunts as he endured my fucking. We laughed heartily over it as we shared some wine. I kept to myself that I had also twice seeded his bastard.

After more laughter and warm conversation, the Vice Admiral volunteered the idea that it might be time to restore the damned captain to a warship. I told him that I thought that was a splendid idea and that I would arrange the details, letting the captain know he was still on probation.

So the Vice Admiral left pleased and I had secured Captain Tre's restoration, as I'd promised I would. I, of course, could have just ordered his restoration, but a great lord must know when to use brute force and when to use other tools available to him – whether it's a bribe, a threat, a flirt or a fuck. In this case, some wine and laughter over Tre's plundered ass secured the objective while also cultivating a powerful lord's goodwill. So, in all, it was an hour well spent.

Then, after a working luncheon with the King and his Privy Council, I was in the Privy Audience Chamber to welcome my family as they were formally welcomed back to court. My two daughters – Kolwynna the Elder and Kolwynna the Younger – both were models of grace and poise. The elder, Kollie, was already 13 and would soon need to be married. My wife, Alvina – a rich merchant's daughter and the manager of much of my successful personal financial affairs – also acquitted herself very well.

I sent the girls off to visit with their grandmother for the afternoon while the rest of the family dealt with the first session of the Convocation. Very little of substance occurred the first day, which was given over to prayers, introductions, and opening remarks. All pretty tedious actually, but I did enjoy seeing Cousin Kol seated amongs the dark-clad assemblage of High Clerics. I hoped he was wearing thick undergarments so as not to stain his cassock.

That night, at the first formal banquet in the Great Hall, the now-enlarged Royal Family was seated at the High Table. Now, for my own court's High Table, I preferred a table which was filled on both sides. Conversation is far more fluid and enjoyable when one has conversation partners across as well as besides oneself.

My Royal Brother, however, kept to the old ways. So we were all seated in a long line facing out to the lower tables full of raucous nobles. My wife and I were seated in the places of honor on the King's left and right. My Lady Mother was on my other side and the Queen was beside my wife. Then, my daughters and the two princes were seated further down next to each other so they could get reacquainted.

Kol was also invited to High Table but had chosen to eat with the other High Clerics. Occasionally, I caught him looking up at us, at me, though his looks were not hostile, fortunately.

This did not escape my brother, who was also keenly observant. "I say, Cousin Kol looks in better spirits today. I was just saying to the Queen that if I caught him giving us another insolent look, I'd have him sent to the farthest church in our Realm."

I sipped my wine as that was no idle threat. "Yes, I saw to it, Brother. You needn't concern yourself."

He smiled broadly. "Did you fuck him?"

"Yes, three times last night. It was necessary."

He laughed loudly at that. "God, I wish I had a magic cock that I could use on difficult lords!"

"But have you tried, my King?"

My Lady Mother made a loud and rare unladylike snort at that, and I mentally filed away my comedic triumph. She smacked the back of my head playfully as she recovered herself.

She said: "You boys got your brains from me, but your cocksure natures are all your Royal Father." She paused, leveling a look at Kol across the hall. "Just be sure that the fool doesn't fall in love with your magic cock. The only thing more tiresome than a traitor is a spurned lover. At least, traitors can be killed."

She sighed deeply, shaking her head, and I debated whether to ask her what combination of corpses and spurned lovers had provoked such a reaction. But I decided against it.

"Never fear, Mother. The matter's well in hand. And if he proves overly-besotted, I'll move him to Asselvya. I need a new chaplain anyway."

At that, my wife and the Queen broke into giggles. So I continued. "I mean it! He's family and I've always liked him."

My brother couldn't resist adding: "Like the way he slobbered over your knob, as I recall, Brother."

I shrugged. "It matters not. He's soft and a bit stupid, but he'll serve the Realm well, I promise you."

My brother clasped me on the back of the neck. "You've never failed us before, Brother. I have no doubts."

Conversation then turned to my daughter Kollie and her marriage prospects. And I sadly agreed that it was time to begin planning. While I had no desire for my daughter to leave me – quite the contrary – a daughter of noble birth has three duties – to marry well, bear and raise strong children, and help her Lord run his lands well. And Kollie's first duty was upon her.

My brother casually said: "Well, you have two daughters and I two sons..."

I grimaced at that. "It is too close."

"Yet not unlawful, Brother. Half the court already expects it."

I shook my head, more firmly this time. "Nay, a Royal House needs fresh blood to sustain and strengthen the line lest it become one full of weaklings and imbeciles."

My brother sighed in agreement and dropped the matter. I was relieved that his heart was not set on the idea.

Our Lady Mother, who had kept silent during that exchange, then spoke: "The grandson of my brother, King Tivikamun, is not too much older than Kollie. I think it would be a fine match – and the boy is second-in-line for the throne. In time, Kollie may one day be Queen of the Western Kingdom."

I was intrigued by the idea and, though it would mean her being much farther away, the prospect of my little girl one day becoming Queen definitely appealed to me. As my Lady Mother knew it would. Coupled with the obvious advantages of further strengthening our alliance and trade with the Western Kingdom, the idea merited definite exploration.

At my nod, my brother said: "We'll have our ambassador make an offer."

Though knowing our Mother, I fully expected that she had already laid the groundwork and would not have even broached the idea had she not been confident of a positive reception in the Western Court. She was, of course, too politic to say so, and my brother was too politic to say likewise.

My brother then added: "The Crown will stand the bride-price.

I was genuinely surprised. "You are most generous, Brother, but that is not necessary."

He waved me silent with a wave. "We will brook no argument. It would strengthen the Realm and we would have the world know the affection and regard we bear our niece."

I bowed my head in gratitude.

After a moment, our mother added: "She will have to remain here in the Capital, of course."

I turned to her: "Remain?! Why?!"

She looked at me disapprovingly. "More brain and less magic cock, Son. If Kolwynna is to be married to a royal heir, she must be thoroughly steeped in Western customs and language. She will train here intensively, under my tutelage."

"Kollie speaks beautiful Western, Mother! As we all do!"

She shrugged. "Be that as it may, she needs to learn how to think like one, too. And she can't do that with you." She snorted. "You don't even know how to dress."

I was about to make an angry retort, in Western no less, but I suddenly deflated. I sighed and said: "You make good points, Mother. I will consider it."

Point scored, she dipped her head.

Not content to be completely beaten though, I casually extended my right hand such that a jade bracelet slipped from my sleeve and was visible on my wrist.

It wasn't a flashy piece of jewelry. The green was quite dull and the workmanship plain. But my mother's eyes latched onto it as if I had flashed a string of pearls. It was an ancient heirloom of her family, which she had given me when I became a man. Jade represented family, fidelity and memory to Westerners. The stone's warm touch was the accumulated love of all who had worn it through the generations.

She reached out and lightly touched the bracelet. Stroking it like an old friend, she said: "Well, perhaps you are not a complete lost cause."

And I smiled.

Part V

The next morning was busy with the Convocation, but after we adjourned for the day mid-afternoon, I summoned Cousin Kol to attend me for prayers in the Royal Chapel. I'd planned to keep him with me through the night, but a handsome serving lad kept making eyes at me through dinner. So, of course, I needed to see how he rode.

And he rode very well, indeed. Didn't even want coin or reduced duties – just a good fuck. So I pummeled his ass-joy three times `til his little cock released no spend and he lay sated and boneless. He'd have a good tale to share with his lads, I wager. I do enjoy a good kitchen slut.

Well, that afternoon, I went to the Royal Chapel and left a guard at the door to let no one save the King in. The smell of incense was strong in the air and I took a moment to admire the painting of an angel that looked like Torsten – a virginal young lordling I had fucked through a night in exchange for a favor (chapter 1).

Kol was standing at the altar in his cassock and outer vestments. He gave me a warm smile as he saw me approach. He then bowed respectfully.

I smiled back. "You needn't bow in private, Cousin."

"It pleases me to show respect, my Lord. I have prayed much on our talks since last we met."


"Yes, Lord, and I am grateful for your direction and guidance. I think God sent you to spare me from making a grave error."

"I am very pleased to hear it."

Kol gestured at the altar and table bearing Holy Scripture. "My Lord wished to pray?"

I looked at him quizically. Then he looked back at me with even more confusion. "My Lord?"

I then laughed as it hit me. "You think I came here to pray with you? God, you really are daft!"

"My Lord?"

I grabbed him by the arm and took him over to the front pew. "Stupid lad, I am God's own Lord Protector. I don't need any cleric's assistance to pray. I came to fuck you."

"Here?!" His voice had jumped an octave.

"Yes, here – bend over the pew and drop your undergarments."

"I can't, Lord! The altar!"

"Don't worry your stupid little head – even I wouldn't do it on an altar. But right here, yes. Do it."

He continued to stare at me – perhaps he thought I was jesting or would soon spirit him to my chambers. So I said steadily: "Never make me wait, Cousin."

With that, he turned around and grabbed the pew for support. Then reached into his cassock and pulled down his undergarments.

I hiked up his cassock, revealing that white ass again, then took out my cock, which I had heavily greased before coming down here. Gripping his shoulder with one hand, I aimed my cock with the other and pushed into his ass.

His hole was as greedy as ever and took my large cock in without difficulty. Some men are really just made to ride cock. God's gifts, truly. And Kol was such a one.

Of course, it was somewhat reckless to fuck him in a chapel – there would be serious consequences were we to be caught that even my brother could not protect me from – but I'd always wanted to fuck in a chapel. All the lovely saints and angels in ecstacy on the walls – how could it not remind me of lads bouncing on my cock?

But I wasn't a fool – I'd left a trusted guard at the door. So the risk was minimal and well-worth it. The opportunity to fuck a lad – and a cleric no less – in a great chapel didn't come along every day.

Of course, poor Kol didn't know about the guard outside. I enjoyed his anxiety and worry as I rode him. I plundered his ass-joy and gleefully watched him struggle to be silent – as he'd been a noisy, praying bitch the first few times I took him.

I then grabbed his hard cock and tugged it til he made a small cry and spent all over the pew. I then spent within him at my favorite moment – in the full blossom of the ass-joy.

I pulled out of him, eliciting that whimper from him again. God, he had a greedy ass! I then pulled his undergarments up and over his be-seeded ass. And smoothed down his cassock.

I turned him towards me and kissed him. "Whom do you serve?"

"God and you, Lord."

"And aren't you fortunate able to do both at once!"

He blushed at that. "Yes, Lord."

As I walked out, I said: "You'd better find a rag to clean that pew. All this damned incense is actually good for something at least."

Next: Chapter 7

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