Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 22, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 7 By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

This chapter 7 continues the tale of a journey I took during my 30th year. We were midway through the Convocation and things were proceeding smoothly. Well, at least, no blood feuds had broken out and the Convocation had, thus far, assented to all the King's initiatives.

I'd instructed Cousin Kol to cultivate the other High Clerics in our support. In truth, the Crown did not need his assistance at this time. Though I was an open and unrepentant man-fucker, I was also no fool – I'd married (thrice!), sired children, tithed heftily, and defended the Church's ancient prerogatives. In short, the Church considered me an ally and acted accordingly.

That said, a comely lad could hardly go amiss among that rabble of cocksuckers. It was the greatest of ironies, or perversions, that every family, from great to peasant, dumped its soft, surplus and unnatural boys into the Church. So having a member of the Royal Family in their midsts would be a useful source of information and influence for years to come.

Also, Cousin Kol – so recently brought back into the fold – craved purpose and direction even more than he craved cock. He was positively gleeful when I asked him to assist us. Though I cautioned him: "Be highly selective with your liaisons – you are a member of the Royal Family. You dilute your influence by bending for any old codger that leers at you. If your heats are bad, find a discreet servant to service you, not a cleric without power or influence."

And speaking of old codgers, Cousin Kol was surprisingly fast with useful information. One of the senior most High Clerics – Sol – was a man's man through and through. However, the poor old sod was deeply pious. He could neither bring himself to purchase cock nor obtain it from all the younger clerics who would have happily bent for his favor. Cousin Kol had approached him, but been rebuffed.

Sensing that Old Sol was a kindred bitch spirit, he'd brought that information to me. And I was very pleased to learn it. Sol was a third son of a Great House, widely respected and well-connected. While he was not at all an opponent of the Crown, neither was he among our most fervent advocates.

So, the third night I paid a respectful call to the nearby Chuch dormitories. Of course, they were called "dormitories," but it was, in fact, a small palace for senior clerics. I went to Sol's suite of rooms and asked he dismiss his servants so I might consult with him on a matter of great delicacy.

Once they were gone, I began taking off my clothes. He was plainly shocked. I'd considered talking to or seducing him, but men like Sol think too much. He was learned and kind and did not want to "abuse" the poor or less powerful. I respected that. However, he most certainly could not abuse me.

Naked, I cut a very fine figure. I could've been a peasant lad and my cock would never have wanted for asses. So, of course, poor touch-starved Sol was quite undone just looking at me. I walked over to one of his chairs and sat upon it. "Come now, Good Father, let me see how well you suck cock."

And he silently fell to his knees. I let him at it since he was clearly enjoying it and it was a novelty for me to see a gray head bobbing upon my meat. But his mouthwork was not very good and I abhor a bad cocksuck. So, after letting him enjoy himself a little longer, I pulled him up and took him to bed.

I had him keep his cassock on. I've found I rather like fucking clerics in their vestments. Also, I had no particular wish to see his aged, scrawny body. I looked around for some ointment – the old always have plenty lying around for all their aches and pains.

Finding some, I applied much to his wrinkly ass and slathered my cock. I couldn't be bothered to prepare him well – he'd have to enjoy a rough fuck. The ache would make it more memorable for him, I'm sure.

But I raised his legs and breached him with ease – apparently, experience has its advantages. I did wonder if his aged body would have had an easier time being mounted like a dog, but decided against it. No, let him see me and get his fill.

As he gasped beneath me. I cupped the back of his neck. "Will your old bones break with more vigor?" I then kissed him, and he rose to my taunt. His hips moved in time to my thrusts.

I reached down and grabbed his cock, which was surprisingly slick, and jerked it. He grunted into my mouth as his spend splashed between us. As I released my own spend into his spasming ass, I said admiringly: "Quite the load, you old fuck!"

I then pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside him, covered in sweat. God, I hated Summer's heat at times! But I roused myself to reach over and rotate the cleric onto his belly, patting his ass.

I closed my eyes to enjoy my after-spend, but I could feel Sol's eyes upon me. "What?"

Sol sighed. "What do you want, Lord Protector?"

"Just a good fuck – let me rest."

I could still feel him studying me. "What, cleric?!"

"I would know what you want, Lord."

Sighing, I said: "Your friendship, nothing more. No votes or favors are required. I have always respected you and heard that you needed a good fuck – which you obviously did. So I came."

Sol chuckled. "Do you do this with your other friends?"

I laughed back. "Yes, actually – it's one of the benefits of being my friend. Though, now that I think upon it, I just seeded you well and have yet to receive your thanks."

"Thank you, Lord."

Yet I still felt his stare upon me. "I can hear your mind turning, cleric – what is it? You doubt me?"

"In truth, Lord, yes – I'm not a fool."

Noisily exhaling, I sat up and looked him in the eyes. "Tell me, High Cleric, am I a fool?"

"No, Lord – most certainly not."

"And only a fool would not appreciate the wisdom and experience of his elders, yes?"

He nodded.

"Then cease your girlish doubting and accept my extended hand. Be assured I shall never ask you to violate principles that are dear to you."

Then Sol sighed. "I understand, and I did not mean to sound ungrateful, Lord. It was just... not expected. I am not one who is sought for such things."

I grunted. "Well, you could be, but you let silly notions get in the way of a little roll in the bed. Bedding some eager young cleric won't hurt you or the Church."

He shook his head strenuously. "I cannot advance a cleric for such a reason! Or give one false hope!"

I chuckled. "You are a wise and dear man, but you're a fool." I leaned over and kissed the top of his gray head. "But if you're my friend, I'll fuck you every Convocation – so you'll have something to look forward to while you play the fool the rest of the year."

He inched closer to me, then laid his head down. "A fool I may be... but I'd welcome a new friend."

"Good! Then it's settled."

We lied quietly for a while. I relaxed and listened to the sounds of the building and Sol's breathing. Actually, Sol's breathing was peculiar – was more a light huffing. I laughed aloud, because I am intimately familiar with men's men, and little escapes my notice.


"... Yes, Lord?"

"You may indulge yourself, Friend."


I lifted my arms and placed my hands behind my head. "Go ahead. You think you're the first man to crave my scent?"

Sol looked as if he was going to question or deny it again, but he decided to act sensibly for once. He leaned forward and placed his face in my pit, inhaling deeply.

"Yes, smell me deep, cleric. That's a princely scent. You should thank God to be so favored."

He didn't say anything, but apparently scent wasn't enough because he began enthusiastically licking my pit as well.

"Ah, your mouth is nice. You're a terrible cocksuck, but I'll let you lick my pits clean."

He pulled back, his wrinkly face shiny with my sweat. He looked stricken. "I'm a terrible cocksuck, Lord?"

"Aye. And with your foolish morals, you'll not get any practice and so won't get better. So you won't be tasting my cock anytime soon."

"But... Lord? I can do better. I was but surprised."

"Nay, you think I'm a practice cock? But worry not, Friend Sol." With that, I sat up, then rolled over on top of him. I sank my cock back into his creamy ass and said: "Your old ass is a good ride still."


I bit the side of his neck. "And what did I say I'd do for you, my friend?"

"You'll fuck me every Convocation."

"Aye, and I will, too. Every Solstice, your ass will overflow with my seed. Am I not a good friend? A good Lord to you?"

"You are, Lord!"

"But will my big cock break your ass, old man?"

"Nay, Lord!"

I slapped his ass hard as I rode him. "That's the spirit!"

I had no desire to remain in the dormitory overnight, and it would undermine Sol's reputation, so after I seeded him a second time, I gave him stern instructions to sleep on his belly, then dressed and returned to the palace.

Another well-spent couple of hours for the Realm. Befriending Sol wasn't about getting a "yes" on a particular vote or another. Getting a man to genuinely want to please you was two-thirds of the battle. Once there, a man could rationalize to himself almost any act to get the rest of the way to where you wanted them to go. And the poor sod really did need a good cocking.

I never expected that this Convocation would entail me making such positive inroads into the Church!

Part II

On the fifth day of the Convocation, the weather conditions were judged good for a royal hunt with the other great lords. I would, of course, participate, though, in truth, I had little love for hunts. Animals had a keen intelligence of their own, but overcoming them held no thrill for me. It was people that got my blood up – the inimitable thrill of battle with that edge of mortal peril, besting a political opponent, and sinking my cock into a subdued thinking man. Those are what my blood craved.

But there are expectations for lords, and I wasn't going to shirk one so easily satisfied. Instead, I used the ample riding and waiting time for continued discussions and negotiations. Let some other lad spear the boar – if he caught my eye, I might spear him after the dinner!

So I was riding alongside my brother and our escorts when he said to me: "Do you remember the old Music Master's twins?"

I grunted. "The ones we fucked together? Of course. Melodie and Anson."

My brother groaned: "Anson? Oy, the lad's name is more girl than his sister's."

I barked out a laugh. "You are one to talk, father of Hektor and Viktor."

He groaned again and waved a hand at me. "Enough with that – they're perfectly manly names, Kol! There are brave warriors in Xavia with those names!"

I gave him a wounded look. "I've never thought girls cannot kill, my King!"

"Oh, enough, you half-wit! I ask about the twins for a reason."

"You know, Melodie was completely besotted with me."

My brother near spun in his saddle. "I'm the one who fucked her!"

"Well, yes, Brother, because I wouldn't take her. I took her brother though, as you know. You're almost as good-looking as me so I think she was fair pleased in the end."

"If I kill you here, it will look like a hunting accident. No one would suspect."

"And your cock is almost as big as mine. I dare say you were able to reach her cunt-joy with some good thrusting."

"Look at how wet my eyes are, Kol! This is how I will look to our Mother when I bring your corpse back."

Laughing hard now, I said: "Peace, brother! So why are we reminiscing about old fucks? I hate riding horse with a hard cock."

"I want to fuck a man."

I grunted. "Then fuck one. There's no shortage and I already listed your positive qualities."

One of our guards coughed down a laugh at that one so I laughed even harder at getting through their trained stoicism.

My brother swore: "Asshole! With you, I mean."

I shook my head. "You're not fucking me, Vik."

"Not your bony ass, you want-wit."

"My ass is beautiful, Lord King. If I weren't me, I would fuck me."

Yet he persisted: "Not you, with you."

"In that case, I will arrange it. What's brought this on? You've never been interested in lads before?"

He shrugged. "I'm not, in truth. But I'm keen to try something new, and it's something we can do together."

I waved a hand around. "Like hunting, my King?"

"Like hunting!" And we laughed as we both despised the sport.

Part III

That night I asked my brother to come to my wing of the palace. He came alone to my bedchamber, leaving his guards in the outer chambers with mine.

I handed him a goblet of watered wine – my brother drank too much – and asked: "You still wish to do this?"

He nodded firmly.

I moved closer and grabbed his crotch roughly. "With more confidence, Brother! No lad wants to be mounted by a mare! They want a stallion! They need it – it's in their nature."

His cock jumped at that, so he got my point.

I said: "Good, let us begin!" I then called to a guard and bid him bring in Cousin Kol, who I had kept waiting in another chamber.

Kol entered the chamber smiling but jerked to a halt when he saw my brother. "Lord King," he stuttered.

He nodded, replying: "Cousin."

I walked towards Kol. "Cousin, you are greatly favored tonight. Our King is in the mood to fuck." He didn't need to know it was a new experience.

Kol's face reddened. "Me?!"

I smiled. "Is there someone else here?"

Kol swallowed. "I am honored, Lord." Then, looking at my brother: "Lord King."

"Indeed, you should be – how many realms are ruled by such a handsome stud of a King."

Vik laughed at that and I winked at him.

I guided Kol – still a bit dazed – nearer to the bed where I'd arranged various pillows and cushions upon the floor. For my brother's comfort.

I looked to my brother: "Shall he suck you first? His mouth is fair good."

My brother shook his head no.

"Very well then. On your hands and knees, Cousin." Kol did so and I dropped onto the floor beside him. I lifted up his cassock until his bare ass was showing. My dear cousin had come to me without undergarments – the little slut.

I then looked up at my brother. "Nice ass, eh, Brother? Take off your clothes – let me see if you've gone to seed."

My brother smirked at that and began disrobing. When he stood naked before me, I took a good look. He was still large and muscular as before though his belly had softened some – too much Kingly sitting and drinking. His cock was as big as it'd been when we were lads. Though I teased him, in truth, he was not smaller.

"Nice, my King. Now take the ointment and cock the lad. His ass can take it." He slathered the ointment on, then dropped to his knees behind Kol. He then took his cock and pushed it straight into Kol's ass.

"God!" Kol cried.

I was seated on the floor near Kol's head. I grabbed the side of his face and said: "Look at you! Speared like a boar on that big cock!"

As my brother got into his rhythm, Kol continued to cry out. I kissed him so I could feel his breath exhale noisily into mine as he was fucked. Kol tried to nuzzle his face into my crotch but I lightly smacked it away.

I looked up at my brother. His brown muscular chest was already covered with a thin sheen of sweat and his arm muscles strained as he gripped Kol's hips. Given how close we are in appearance, I figured that this is what I must look like when I was cocking a lad. Not a bad sight.

My brother leaned forward and ran his hands down Kol's chest, before reaching his cock. He grabbed it briefly then let it go, resuming his hold on Kol's hips. Balls deep in a lad and I could still tell my brother was not a man's man.

Though his blood was definitely up. He'd not last much longer. "I'll show you something a woman's cunny can't give you, Brother."

I then leaned forward and squeezed Kol's slick cock, before tugging it roughly. Kol cried out for his god again and spilled over my hand and onto the cushions.

My brother's eyes widened and he roared a "Fuck!" as his body spasmed and he spilled deep inside Kol.

Stroking Kol's back as I looked up at my brother: "No cunny's as tight as an assjoy in blossom, Brother. This one here will bear you strong pups."

After he'd regained his breath, my brother pulled his cock out and I wiped it clean with a damp rag. I then slapped Kol's ass and told him to get in the bed – ass up, of course.

As I helped my brother get dressed, I asked him: "So, did you enjoy it?"

He thought about it, then said: "Yes, though I miss tits."

I laughed at that. "Well, you should try a big strong lad. I fucked a wrestler last week – big meaty mounds on his chest. I grabbed, sucked and bit those tits! I thank God for sending me that one."

He laughed loud, then smiled at me. "I do miss having you around, Brother."

"God! Don't you start on that, too! Mother is bad enough."

"Maybe she has a point..."

I slapped his chest. "Out, my King! I still need to fuck."

Laughing, he departed. Man's man or no, cocking a well-made lad always puts a spring in one's step, I think.

Part IV

I then stripped off my own clothes and climbed into bed besides Kol, who looked boneless and half-dozed.

"Will you have me now, Lord?" he asked.

I looked at him incredulously. "And disturb my Lord King's seed? Of course not."

"Shall I suck you then?"

"Nay, I want ass."

"You are blood brother to the King. Your seed could not disturb his, Lord."

I laughed. "Clever cleric!" I flipped over on top of him and placed my cock as his hole. As I pushed my cockhead in, his hole enlarged and the white of my brother's seed coated the head.

I held my cockhead there as Kol's greedy ass tried to suck me in. I pushed down on his back to keep his ass from rising up and engulfing my cock.

After I held this position for a moment, I pulled out and smacked his ass hard several times, laughing. "You are clever, cleric, yet still insolent. You will lie there and be grateful a King's seed is within you."

I tousled his brown hair then rolled back onto my back. I was not angry, of course. One cannot blame a bitch for trying, after all. Stroking Kol's head, my mind turned to whom I could get to bed in a hurry.

That kitchen lad was a good fuck, but I knew not his name. And having my men scouring the multiple palace kitchens and servant halls for one lad would take time I did not care to wait.

I thought and thought, then it hit me. I called for my guards and told them to relieve my guard Winston and send him to me. After a few minutes, he entered the chamber.

Now, Winston was young but not a classically handsome lad – his nose was too strong, his mouth too wide. Yet he was striking and had a compelling presence. Both men and women happily bent for him wherever we went. There was just something intoxicating about a man who could lead a bar in song as easily as stab another in the belly. He also had another attribute that I'd heard much about.

He saluted. "My Lord summoned me?"

I placed my hand on Kol's still-bare ass. I could feel his tension. "You know my cousin, High Cleric Kol, yes?"

He nodded. "Of course, Lord."

"Do you fancy him?"

He looked at me, then Kol's ass, then back to me. "I would not presume to do so, Lord."

"I don't ask questions to be told nonsense, soldier. I ask to hear the truth. I will not be offended if he's not your taste."

"He is comely, Lord, I admit."

"Good – come closer." When Winston was near the bed, I spread Kol's ass so Winston could get a good look at its puffy lips and the dried spend around it. "He rides very well."

I could see that Winston was not unaffected by Kol's attributes. He leveled a look at me and said: "How can I serve, Lord?"

"Bend for me now and I'll send him to you for a night – not tonight though."

He shook his head. "You needn't send him to me, Lord. I'd be pleased to enjoy your favor. I did not know you wanted me."

I waved my hand. "I don't want you. I want a good fuck. Don't agree if you'll be following after me like a lamb afterwards. I don't fancy being murdered because one of my guards has gone soft in the head."

He laughed at that. "I agree, Lord – if you'll promise me the same."

I then laughed. I admired his insolent cheek – this time. "Agreed. And you'll take Kol, too, when I send him?"

"If you wish to send him to me, Lord, yes, I will."

Kol then muttered something angrily into the pillow. So I slapped his ass and he glared at me.

I said to Winston: "Show my cousin your cock."

Winston parted his protective skirt and presented his hard cock. And Kol just stared at it.

I kissed the top of Kol's head, then stroked his hair. "I'm longer, aye, but you've never seen one that thick, I wager. Winston here will stretch you and churn your ass to butter. Aren't I a good Lord to you? Better than you deserve."

Kol just blushed furiously then buried his head back in the pillows.

Turning back to Winston, I said: "Strip and join me then."

He did so and I admired his hard body, covered in scars and bruises. I was pleased that my guards' training regimen was appropriately brutal.

He walked near the bed and I said: "Whew, God! You smell like a soldier!"

I then grabbed his thick cock and put it in my mouth. It stretched my mouth wide but I worked my tongue around it. I then roughly cupped his balls. He groaned and more fluid began to leak out his cock. I felt his muscular legs quiver as I sucked.

I then pulled off. I was gratified to see the disappointment on his face. "Your cock is much too thick for my liking. You can save that monster for the true cocksucks like my cousin here. But I was curious." I looked over and saw that Kol had been avidly watching my display, so I laughed.

Gesturing to the table, I said: "Grab ointment and mount my cock."

Winston grabbed the ointment and rubbed it on my cock, stroking it up and down. He then reached behind himself and worked the ointment into his own ass for a minute before climbing over me.

He then grabbed my cock and slowly sank his ass upon it. His hole was tight and hot. I leaned back, sighing. "You don't do this much, do you, soldier?"

Slowly working his hips over my cock, he said: "Rarely, Lord." He then began to undulate his hips and squeezed my cock exquisitely.

I groaned out and said: "Well done, soldier!"

He smiled: "I strive to do everything well, Lord."

Kol was intensely watching us and I noticed that Winston was staring at Kol's ass more than me. So I said to him: "Go on. Touch it."

Winston wasted no time. He sucked hard on his thumb, then roughly jammed it into Kol's hole. Kol howled at the intrusion and began his noisy praying as Winston worked his large thumb over Kol's slutty ass-joy.

I said: "You do everything well – tell my cousin how well you're going to fuck him."

Riding me hard, Winston said: "Oh, I'm going to mount him like a pampered house-bitch caught outside by a stray."

I laughed hard at that. "Oh, some Lady's poor pet!"

He continued, working his thumb fast and hard. "Aye! And my lads feel me for days after. But they always come back for more!"

Winston's body had flushed and tightened all as he pummeled his own ass-joy upon my cock. So I smacked the top of Kol's head and said: "Quick, lad! Or you'll miss your treat!"

Kol wasn't the brightest lad, but he instinctually got my meaning. He quickly pulled off Winston's hand and sank his mouth around Winston's fat cock.

And not a moment too soon because my cock felt Winston's ass-joy spasm and he erupted into Kol's happy, moaning mouth.

I was very close but not quite there yet, so as soon as Kol finished swallowing Winston's spend, I pushed him off. I then pulled Winston off my cock and face-down onto the bed.

I then rolled over on top of him and sank my cock back into his ass. Blood up since my brother had arrived, I was eager to spend and pounded Winston hard. "My bed's going to stink of soldier but you are a great lay." I then bit his shoulder hard as I blissfully released my seed into him. I felt like I spent for an eternity it was so good.

I then collapsed sweatily and tiredly onto my back. Fast slipping into sleep, I told Winston to sleep between us, on his belly, to treasure my seed.

I then fell asleep – but just moments later I jerked back away and said: "And don't stick your cock in that lad tonight! No matter what tricks he whispers in your ear."

Potential problem averted, I fell back asleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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