Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 24, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 8 By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

This chapter 8 continues the tale of a journey I took during my 30th year. It was the morning of the sixth and near-final day of the Convocation – the annual Summer gathering of the great lords of the Realm – and I was seated on the dais alongside my brother, the King, and his two sons, Princes Hektor and Viktor.

By tradition, women could not attend the Convocation. However, many great ladies, including the Queen and my wife, Alvina, sat in the Great Hall behind sheer panels of fine silk.

The next speaker was High Cleric Sol – a pious, wise and widely-respected old cleric whom I had fucked a day prior (chapter 7). He wore his finest vestments and, while he was still very old, he looked vigorous and a decade younger. Internally, I took full credit for that. The pious fool had lived untouched for God only knows how long.

But there's nothing like a good fucking to reinvigorate the body. If there were more hours in the day, I should have made a very great healer, I think.

Taking the center of the Hall, Sol bowed to the assemblage and spoke in a clear, strong voice – an experienced preacher. "Glorious King! Stalwart Lord Protector! Great Lords of the Realm! I greet you happily, but, alas, my tidings are not glad! Long have I sought aid in this Hall for the Sisters of Charity. Their halls need repair and bandits menace their only road to the eastern port of Higash. And those bandits prey ever closer to the farmlands of the Sisters. Not one month ago, a Sister disappeared – abducted, we believe, by these bandits who fear neither God nor man!"

The Hall erupted in an uproar at this news – so much so that Earl Ark, whose lands the Sisters dwelled in, felt compelled to stand and answer the charge. "More like ran off! The Sisters' life is not for all wenches dumped there as girls!"

Sol did not dignify that with a response. He just stood with quiet dignity, which enraged Ark even further. "And as to these bandits! My soldiers patrol my lands but I cannot expend the funds to devote a permanent presence to just one area! The Sisters are wealthy! The Church is wealthy! Let them fund adequate guards for their own wares!"

There were rumbles of agreement from a significant share of the lords. The Church's uneven contributions to defense costs was a periennal sore subject.

The King and I remained silent. Part of maintaining influence among a large group of self-important men is speaking rarely so that when one did speak, all listened. Personally, as I've said before, I preferred to do all my talking in private conversations outside the Great Hall. Far more effective.

Sol raised a hand to call for silence. "The Church does not wish to relitigate arguments in an endless circle. The Sisters use their funds for their ministry. They are not great lords of the Realm. So I have a new proposal." Everyone was intrigued now.

He continued. "We have identified a new site available, with rich farmland, clean water, and a safe river route to trade, well-protected. It is in the town of Torga. We request an endowment from this August Assemblage to reestablish the Sisters."

I sat up at this, greatly surprised. I glanced at my wife, Alvina, through the silk sheers and her eyes had also widened. She gave me a quick nod, which confirmed my initial impression – as Alvina, a rich merchant's daughter, had one of the finest minds for business in the Realm, man or woman.

I rose, with deliberate slowness to not seem too hasty, and said: "I will fund half a new estate in Torga for the Sisters. I call upon my lord, Duke Silvan, to fund the other half. Will you come to the Church's aid, my Duke?"

Young Duke Silvan, seated among the other lords, was a new friend I had made who had hosted a delicious wrestling competition in my honor (chapter 4). His facial expression was generally reserved, but I could tell that I had surprised him – though he covered it well. I gave him a significant look and, fortunately, he decided to trust me. He rose smoothly and said: "I will fund half this reestablishment."

Sol bowed deeply. "I give thanks to God for the generosity of the Dukes of Asselvya and Gladden." The Council of Clerics also rose and bowed their agreement.

See – the Sisters of Charity were also called the "Red Sisters," because they dyed a red cloth whose depth of color, vibrancy and longevity were unparalleled in the world. And they jealously guarded their tradecraft. Their cloth was an extremely valuable tradegood. Bandits preyed on their trade route for a reason.

The Town of Torga was in Asselvya, near the border of Gladden. The reestablishment of the Sisters in Torga meant all their rich trade, including associated businesses, would now go down the Loyolan River and through Asselvya City. The wealth that would go to Asselvya, and through export taxes to me personally, would be immense. I would have happily paid their estate costs five times over for such a long-term investment.

Though I would have happily paid that amount doesn't mean I would spend money unnecessarily – which is why I had brought in Duke Silvan. Gladden would also prosper enormously from all the cloth trade going between Torga and the Capital. So it was more than fair for their Duke to pay half the estate costs. Silvan was an intelligent lad – I had no doubts he would see the benefits once I explained it to him.

Earl Ark, for his part, looked stunned at how rapidly things had turned against him. Ark was no fool – he saw what had just occurred. However, he was a foolish gambler. He had held out from giving the Church what they wanted, no doubt expecting they'd bend and pay for greater upkeep to the military. That they'd move the Sisters, and speedily enough that he would not have time to counter-offer or bully his competition, had never occurred to him. Indeed, it had not even occurred to me.

Furious, he started to shout something, when my brother raised his hand, and the Hall fell silent. "We are pleased that this matter has been amicably resolved. It seems fitting that the Good Sisters' care should be entrusted to their Lord Protector, who will not fail them." The High Clerics then bowed again.

The matter decisively settled, Ark glared at me, then at Silvan, then back at me. I had made an enemy this day. And while I did not fear Ark – laughable for a Royal Duke to tremble at the glares of a mere Earl – neither did I relish the feeling of having made an enemy with so little forethought. It was very unlike me. However, I'd have been a fool to fumble such a rich opportunity when Sol had essentially dropped it in my lap.

While I'd fucked Sol mostly to cultivate his friendship and, in small part, out of pity from seeing a great man reduced to such a state, my expectations had been modest. I'd hoped to gain an influential ally in the Church that would be useful in the future. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that I'd benefit so immeasurably – in wealth and the favor of the Church – within a single day. My mind boggled.

Part II

That afternoon, I waited in my wife's chambers. I'd had her request a private audience with High Cleric Sol. She, of course, was not there, so when Sol placidly strolled in. I picked him up and said: "I will kiss you, old man!" And I did so.

After I set him back down, he straightened his vestments and said, primly: "I thank you, Lord. Though I did not do that for you."

I grunted, unconvinced.

"The Sisters' need was great. And Lord Ark was being – God forgive me – an ass. So we'd already been looking for other options. You are a great sinner, Lord" – he leveled a mock glare at me – "but all know that you are loyal, honest and trustworthy. We had not the slightest doubt that the Sisters would be safe in your care. You are also someone Ark cannot retaliate against easily. It was an entirely reasonable proposal."

I smiled. "Yes, eminently fair and reasonable."

Sol sniffed. "And if my Lord Protector should benefit from the reestablishment, that's the grace of God, no act of mine."

I smiled again. "Oh, indeed, High Cleric."

After we finished smiling at each other, I asked: "So how's your bony ass? I've a mind to bounce you like a youth who's just discovered his ass-joy."

Sol sniffed again. "I am in good health, Lord."

"Then take off your undergarments."

Sol moved to do so, with good speed. And I stripped off all my clothes, so he could feast his eyes.

Sol then fell to his knees before me. "Might I suck you, Lord?"

Laughing, I grabbed his head and pushed it into my crotch so he could smell me deeply. My cock rested alongside his wrinkled face leaving streaks of fluid. "Tell me, cleric – are you a good cocksuck or a poor one?"

"... A poor one, Lord."

"Any you think because you've brought me great fortune today you should feast on my cock?"

He was silent at that. Aha.

I continued: "Nay." I tilted his head up so that he could look at me. "When you can swear on Holy Scripture that you have practiced, only then will I let you try again. Not before. Now, on the bed."

He got into bed and presented his bare ass up, but I flipped him over. I oiled my cock, then spread his legs. I arched over him, easing into his hole.

Once I was fully seated, I began vigorously fucking him. I then leaned back on my thighs, pulling him with me `til he was upright. Fortunately, he proved fair flexible, and I grabbed his head and pulled it into my pit where he huffed heavily.

"See, I said I was going to bounce you like a slutty youth! Are you 60 or 16? I can't tell!"

His ass-joy pounded and his nose full of my scent, Sol was in his God's heaven. But I fucked him like the Devil. And when I pulled his slick cock, he groaned and spent between us. And I shot my seed into him.

Easing him back onto the bed, I said: "You've stained your vestments, High Cleric! You'll have to have a care on your walk home."

We lied companionably side-by-side relaxing. Then Sol said: "If I might, Lord, I have a request."


"Well, you visit the King in winter for the Long Night holiday... Perhaps, if my Lord is kind, you will visit?"

"Why? Will you have practiced before then?"

"Nay, I do not think so, Lord. But in half a year, you would be my solace."

I laughed loud enough to be heard back in Asselvya. "Your solace?! God, I don't think any man, woman or child has ever called me that!"

I then kissed the top of his head. "Yes, I will visit you. At Summer Solstice and Long Night, I will ride you and seed you well until your aged body fails."

"Thank you, Lord."

"And when you lie dying, I will put my cockhead in your mouth and spend down your throat. So you might go to heaven with my taste in your mouth. Aren't I a generous Lord? A saint even!"

"You are, Lord," he replied drolly.

"Oh, I have a theological question! Would God then smell my spend on your breath?"

He smacked my chest hard, and said: "Blasphemy, Lord!" He managed to say it without laughing.

"Oh, striking your Lord is a serious offense, cleric!"

I then climbed on top of him and seeded him a good second time. After all, that seed would have to sustain him for another six months!

Part III

That evening, I was standing in a corridor speaking with a minister prior to the final feast of the Convocation, when I felt a sharp pinch on my backside. I turned, surprised, to find my wife, Alvina.

"If you'll excuse us, Minister?" she said as she pulled me away.

"What's this about? ... You look very lovely tonight."

She rolled her eyes. "In my bed? Really? God, you can be such a swine!"

I gave her my best wounded look. "Where else would we, love? Why did you think we needed your chambers?"

"You've never cared for discretion before!"

"Well, he is a pious man. I would not see his reputation besmirched."

Her eyes widened at that. "Sol?" she hissed, shocked.

I spoke slowly to her, as if she was a child. "Yes, you summoned him. Remember?"

She smacked my arm. "Of course, I remember! But how was I to know it was the High Cleric himself? Knowing you, it could've been anyone – a guard, a clerk, a junior cleric, a pet goat."

"You wound me, love – besides, I'm the goat. And, anyway, I thought you were excited about the Sisters' reestablishment?"

"I am! My hand is sore from all the letters I've been writing to the burghers! What does that have to do with anything?"

Again, like she was a child, I said. "Why, of all the possible towns in the Realm, was Tonga proposed?"

Her eyes widened again and her gaze traveled down my body to my crotch. "For that?! How is it possible? Are all men such swine?"

I laughed. "If you ever asked me to fuck you, you'd understand very well how it's possible. Even with your taste for wenches, it'd be the best fuck you've ever had."

She laughed. "Sometimes I think I hate you."

I kissed her hand. "Nonsense – you adore me, wench. And, I think, your gown for the Long Night should be made entirely of the Sisters' red cloth."

She brightened at that. "But wouldn't it be considered vulgar?"

I waved my hand. "I decide what is and isn't vulgar, my love." She snorted at that.

Thinking on it more, I said: "In fact, I think I'll have you walk repeatedly in front of Earl Ark wearing the cloth..."

After all, if a man was going to presume be my enemy, I'd best break him. And I hadn't made a lesson of a lord in a while.

Part IV

Before the feast, I pulled Cousin Kol aside and told him to go to a guest chamber I had procured for my guard Winston's use that night. He made some half-hearted protest, but I wasn't convinced by the little bitch and he was bounding off soon enough.

The guest chamber was necessary because Winston, of course, did not have chambers of his own. While I'd seriously considered sending Kol to the guard barracks to be fucked there, I reluctantly dismissed the idea. Having Kol's greedy ass passed around a barrack – while amusing – would damage the dignity of the Royal Family and thus my own dignity – and that was intolerable.

After all, while one might share a rare and costly wine with a favored servant, one couldn't let the servants ransack the entire cellar.

So, during dinner I found myself wondering who I'd fuck that night. Cousin Kol was being stretched all night by Winston's fat cock. As for Winston, even if he wasn't busy mounting Kol, I didn't want to get in the habit of dipping in that well. Regular breaches of decorum with one's personal guards was an ill-advised thing.

As for Sol, I was happy enough to occasionally fuck him and keep him happy, but his ancient ass was far from what my cock craved.

And that kitchen lad was nowhere to be seen in the Great Hall. Had I hallucinated him?

Of course, there was my clerk, Anton, but he was such a bad lay, the mere thought of that was depressing.

As I mulled my desires, I decided that I was in the mood for a debauchment, which would be hard to find in this palace full of strivers and whores. So, as soon as I could make a respectful departure, I took three guards and went to the Red Ring of the City, the middle ring of the three, home to minor lords and prosperous merchants and tradesmen.

I walked in the warm summer night until I found a respectable-looking inn doing a brisk business. I entered and all eyes looked to me. My fine clothes, my guards, my coloring, my resemblance to the King – all in the room knew, or soon would know, who I was. Since I could not travel incognito in my Realm, there was no sense in even trying.

I idly wondered if I could pass as a native in the Western Kingdom – though probably not. Here too dark, there too fair. Destined to stick out no matter where I went, I suppose. It's a good thing I'm so good-looking then.

The inn was large but there were no unoccupied tables. So I strolled up to a table in the corner that had just one drinker. I tossed him a coin and told him to get, which he hurriedly did. I then sat and ordered an ale from a passing bar wench. My guards stood at a respectful, watchful distance.

I surveyed the room to see if there were any likely prospects. I would not stay long. If there were none, I would find another inn or return to the palace.

But it seems I was in luck. At one table, there were three lads – from their looks, friends, not brothers – seated together. None was ugly so I asked a bar wench to invite them to my table for drinks.

After she passed the word, the lads came over. They were clearly nervous, but lads don't lightly decline free drinks. I gestured that they should sit and waved for more ale.

All three lads were large, stocky and strong, so I addressed them: "Master Journeymen, I am pleased you agreed to join me.

One of them was lean and strong with reddish-brown hair and ruddy skin and was clearly the leader of the trio. I labeled him "Bold" in my mind. Bold said: "Do you know us, Lord?"

I waved a hand at them: "Are you not journeymen?"

The second, another with red hair, but there the resemblance ended as he was thicker and his skin like milk. I called him "Milk." Milk said: "We are, Lord – journeyman potters."

Ah, that explained their builds. Pottery-making was hard work, requiring much hauling of clay and stone. Even the shaping of large vessels required good strength of arms and stamina.

"Then we are well-met, Master Journeymen." I then asked the name of the third, though, in truth, I cared about none of their names. The third had curly black hair and olive skin – some Xavian blood in his history likely – so I thought of him as "Xav." He was the prettiest of the three, yet also the quietest, it seemed.

"Might we ask why you're here, Lord?" Bold, again.

I shrugged. "It's a fine summer night and I seek company away from the other lords.

Bold nodded, then sipped his ale. "What sort of company, Lord?"

I laughed. "For my bed, of course! You don't suppose I came here for the conversation, did you?"

That shocked them all, to varying degrees. But I've never been one for beating around the bush. If they were going to run screaming and praying back to their workshop, I'd rather know it before wasting my time.

Bold chuckled. "My Lord is forthright." I shrugged at that.

Xav then said the first words not his name. "Might we have some wine, Lord?"

I called to the bar wench and had her bring bottles of her best wine – though God only knows what counted for good wine in this place. I internally shook my head. I had forgotten how lads could be with drink.

When the wine came, the lads eagerly drank it. So I said: "Easy, lads – wine is more potent than ale. I want a willing lad, not an addled twit."

Milk asked: "What would you have us willing to do, Lord?"

I shrugged again. "I put my cock in your mouths and asses."

Milked blushed brightly at that. He really had the most amazing coloring – quite the combo with his rare red hair. He could have been a handsomer, thicker – though not taller – version of my steward, Sal (chapter 2). I warmed to him for that alone since Sal was the rarest true bitch I'd ever fucked.

Bold said: "A lord like you bought out the rest of our friend's contract at the stonemason's."

I raised an eyebrow. "Indeed, and did your friend have a fine ass?"

They all snickered at that. At my curious look, Xav supplied: "He certainly thought so, Lord!"

I laughed at that, glad these lads weren't too sheltered. I wanted a lad, not a nun. "And how much is left on your contracts?" It turned out that Bold and Milk each had one year remaining and Xav had two.

Bold asked: "So will you buy mine out, Lord?"

I looked at him: "Oh, is that your offer, Master Journeyman?" And he nodded.

I pretended to mull it over. "Hmmm, that's a considerable sum" – it was a pittance, in truth – "I am a very handsome man. Why should I pay so much for a little company?"

Bold was quick on the response: "What good is handsome if you're not a wench... Lord?"

I shook a finger at him. "You are right. And I know you do not favor men – though you're quick to offer your ass. But your two friends do."

Milk exclaimed loudly: "I do not, Lord!"

I waved a hand at them. "Spare me your nonsense, lad. I can scent your kind like a stallion at pasture." Milk blushed again at that. Xav kept silent.

I leveled a look at Bold. "I actually find it very interesting that, with two men's men here, you're the only one who's had a cock up his ass. Am I wrong?"

Bold didn't deny it. I could always pick a striver. He'd offer his ass or his sister's cunny if it took him one rung higher up the ladder. You had to admire the dedication – though striver ass was not what my cock was craving tonight.

I slapped the table. "Well, let's not drag this out all night, Masters. Is anyone not interested? I assure you anyone who comes with me will spill their seed quite well."

Bold had already offered but they all three looked at each other intensively, holding some silent eye-debate. After a moment, they all nodded.

"Good – now here's my offer." I nodded my head at Milk. "I want him, not you others. You will come with me, but if he pleases me well, I'll buy out the rest of all three of your contracts."

They all looked stunned – poor Milk most of all. "Me, Lord?" was all he was able to say. So I replied: "Yes, you."

Bold was suspicious. "So even if I don't touch you at all, you'll buy out my contract if you fuck him?"

I said slowly: "If he pleases me well, I'll buy you all out even if I don't touch you. But if he's not good, I'll try one of you others. No matter what, I'll buy out your contracts."

I looked them all in the eyes. "So, do we have a deal?"

After they each had said yes, I called the bar wench over and asked if she had any spare rooms. Since she had, I ordered her largest and a hot bath be brought up.

While we waited for the room to be prepared, we continued to drink and I chatted up the lads to put them at ease. I asked them about their work, their specialties, their Master, their brothers in the guild. Ask any man about his labor, family or master and he'll comfortably expound at length. And all three lads did so, proudly sharing their accomplishments and airing their grievances with gusto.

Though I had mocked the notion of me coming there for conversation, much interesting information could be obtained from tradesmen and I knew precious little about potterymaking beyond the basics. As a lord, one never knew when craft knowledge might be useful in adjudicating a dispute or setting a tax.

When the room was ready, I led the lads up and set my guards to the watch. I was pleased with the room – it was large and clean. No fire as the weather was still very warm. There were two large beds, which normally would be used by anywhere from four to eight men, depending on how parsimonious they were. At one end of the room was a large tub with steaming hot water – which would also be shared by that many men unless they paid for more fresh water.

I told Bold and Xav that they could make themselves comfortable or go to sleep in the farther bed. Milk, I ordered to strip. He hesitated at first, but after a look from me, he jumped to comply. The lads were journeymen in a guild – taking orders from their masters, senior guildsmen, and demanding customers would be second nature to them by now.

Once Milk was naked, I looked him over. While not nearly as defined as my wrestler, he had a pleasing solidity. With strong pectorals, arms and thighs and a firm thick middle. I could tell that he'd go to fat within a ten-year, but, at this moment, he was a picture of thick, strong male beauty.

I'd named him well, because his skin was as pale all over, with scant red hair in places. And unblemished except for the bruises and scars one should find on any active man's body. I walked around him and his back was broad and strong, and his ass as well – wide and well-padded. Yes, Milk would do very well.

His cock was good-sized, and half-hard, hanging from his thatch of red curls. His large pink balls hung heavily behind it.

I walked up to him. "Oh, you are a handsome lad."

He blushed some. I grabbed his cock and lightly caressed it. "Oh, have none of the lads and maids told you that you're handsome?"

He blushed again, but his cock rose in my hand. Ah, youth.

"When a lord asks you a question, you answer. Truthfully."

"Oh... no, not really, Lord. Though one of my master's daughters favors me."

Still caressing his cock with one hand and rubbing his back with the other, I said: "But you don't care for wenches, do you, Milk?"

He startled a bit at that – both from the question and the fact that I'd called him by my nickname. "I do not know, Lord."

"Nonsense," I said. I turned his head and kissed him. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him even deeper. A kiss of possession. A lord's kiss.

I pulled back and his mouth tried to follow me. His cock was full hard now. I could've made him spend in that moment from another kiss alone, but I held back.

Bold and Xav were definitely not trying to sleep, just watching from the other bed. So I whispered in Milk's ear. "Tell your lord – is there a lad you dream of? One whose hand you'd have touch your cock as I do?"

His breathing hitched, but he nodded.

I have keen intuition about people – it's what helps make me such a great leader of men. And I whispered again: "And is that lad here? Is he a ruddy lad?"

Milk shivered all over, but he nodded again. Ah, my poor Milk fancied Bold. He would've done better to set his sights on the pretty Xav. Though cows do not yearn for other cows, so I was not surprised that he had not.

"Would you like me to kiss you again?"

"Yes, Lord." And I did so, though without touching his cock, as I did not want him spending right away.

After I kissed him dizzy again, I said: "You are favored tonight, handsome lad. I will make you spend so hard I will haunt your waking thoughts." I looked him in the eyes. "Do you doubt me?"

He shook his head hard. "Nay, Lord."

"Then trust me and I won't lead you wrong. But first – get in the bath. You stink."

He sighed as he sank in the hot water. I dare say, having anything but lukewarm already-used water was a great treat for him.

"Soap yourself up well, lad – miss no spots," I said as I stripped off my own clothes.

I then kneeled on the floor behind him and placed my hands in the water. I placed both hands on his chest and kneaded them like bread. His nipples were already thick and pointy, so I lightly pinched them. And he moaned loudly.

I tweaked his nipples again and he jolted. "Do you touch your nipples when you play with yourself, lad?"

He turned his head and looked confused at the question. "Nay, Lord."

I lightly pinched his nipples and he jolted again. I believed him when he said nay – though it was clear that his nipples were directly connected to his cock and, I'd wager my duchy, to his ass-joy, too. It never failed to astound me how out of touch lads and wenches could be with their own bodies. I blamed the Church.

I continued massaging his chest and tweaking his nipples as I kissed his neck. And speaking of connections to cock, I saw his hand moving in the water. "You don't touch your cock, boy, unless I give my leave."

His hand fair jerked back. "Yes, Lord."

"Good lad. Now, have you soaped everywhere? Missing no spots?"

"Yes, Lord."

I plunged my arm in the water between his legs and stroked his hole. He bucked a little. "Here, too?"

"Uh, yes, Lord."

I lathered a hand then plunged it back in the water. I pushed my middle finger into his hole, and he bucked even more at that. "Here, too?"


I worked my finger in and out a bit more. Then relathered my hand and put the finger back in. "When you prepare for a cocking, Milk, you clean as far as your fingers can reach."

I relathered my hand and reinserted my finger. A second finger joined that one easily. With my free hand I caressed his chest and nipples. And I nibbled at his neck – oh, I would definitely leave marks there. He was so fair.

Milk's breath was heavy but his body was fair relaxed. The hot water, my voice, his nips caressed all worked to ease him into pleasure. When I had three soapy fingers in his hole, I asked him: "Do you know why I teach you this, Milk?"

"No, Lord."

"Because, after tonight, you will want men to fuck you. And I won't be there to help you, will I?"

"Uh, no, Lord."

Still caressing his chest and hole, I said: "You're nicely hung, Milk. Perhaps you'll be able to fuck, too. Though I doubt it. You're a cow in need of a bull."

He whimpered at that.

"Now, up!" He stood up and I took a towel and dried him off and helped him get carefully out of the tub.

After he was dry, I told him to lie on his back on the free bed. He did so, though he seemed a bit shy about doing so with Bold and Xav watching. Lads were funny – they must have seen each other naked every day for years now. But now he was all shy maid.

I sat at the foot of the bed, with my back to the bed Xav and Bold were in, and handed him the pot of ointment I'd brought for this purpose. "Now prepare yourself the way I taught you."

He looked at me confusedly. "Lord?"

I turned to Bold and Xav: "Is he the dumbest journeyman in your workshop?" Bold laughed while Xav, indignant on his friend's behalf, shook his head no.

Turning back to Milk, I said slowly. "Put the ointment in your hole until you can fit three fingers well. If it feels difficult, pinch your tit."

He still looked embarrassed and flummoxed – poor cow. Summoning the reserves of patience I usually maintained for the stupider lords in the Convocation, I got up, then laid beside him. I said gently. "Scoop some ointment and rub it on your hole. Don't put your finger in."

He did so. And I said: "Just rub it around your hole, warm it up. You were born to take cock, lad. This excites your hole – tells it that a cock's coming."

Watching his breathing even out as he got used to the motion, probably liking the sensation, I said: "Now take more ointment and gently put one finger in your hole."

He did so, and I said: "It feels strange, doesn't it, lad?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Do you know why it feels strange?"

"Nay, Lord."

"Because it's your finger. Your hole wants a cock, not a finger, and so the sensation is strange. But when you put two fingers in, I'll show you something special – a lord's promise to you."

After he'd worked in his second finger and his cock's hardness was restored, I pulled his fingers out. Then I took two oiled fingers of my own and plunged them into his tight ass. He exclaimed at that.

I then curled my fingers inward and prod his ass-joy. He cried out, "God!" at that, and, as he bucked, his cock made a little squirt of pre-seed. I then pulled my fingers almost out before pushing them back in to prod him again.

This time, as I prodded the knob of his ass-joy. I took his cock into my mouth and sucked hard. As I expected, he screamed out as his cock released a splash of thick cream down my throat. I licked his sensitive cock clean, then rubbed his belly as his breathing calmed down.

I'd originally planned on his spending with my cock inside him. But mastering either man or beast requires adaptability. Milk would've been a good ride no matter what, but, with a little trust, he'd be a truly excellent ride. He was born for it.

Still rubbing his belly, I said: "Now, tell me truthfully – have you spent like that before?"

He shook his head strongly: "Nay, Lord!"

"Was it the best spend you can remember?"

"... Yes, Lord."

"And have I lied to you at any point this night?"

He looked almost comically offended on my behalf. "Nay, Lord!"

"Then you'll believe me when I tell you you'll spend ten times better when I fuck you, yes?"

"... Yes, Lord, I do."

I kissed him again then, and gently massaged his chest. Another benefit of his spending was that he was now entirely pleasure-soaked and fixated on me. His self-consciousness about his friends watching was gone.

I kissed him, then nibbled on his neck, then introduced him to the pleasure of having his tits sucked. And it wasn't long before his cock was good and hard again. Ah, youth.

"Now take the ointment and apply it to your ass the way I taught you."

As he did so, I directed him as to how to find his ass-joy. And his face lit with wonder as he touched his own center of joy. His other hand drifted to his cock, and I slapped it away. Then, unbidden by me, his free hand moved up to his chest and tweaked his tit.

Watching him work his ass with one hand and pinch his nipples with the other, all but moaning in pleasure, I knew I had just awoken a monster. But for me, the lad probably would've spent his life boringly sticking his big cock in a wench while dreaming of lads. Really, I deserved a spot in heaven just for all the sleeping bitches I'd woken to their natures.

Milk was still fingering his hole and had a dreamy look in his eyes. So I asked him: "Should I suck your cock again, lad?"

He looked at me. "Yes, Lord, please!"

I leaned forward and slapped his face. Not too hard. "Stupid lad. What did I teach you about your hole? Does it want your stupid potter fingers in it?"

"No, Lord!"

"What does it want?"

"Cock, Lord!"

"That's right," I said as I greased my cock. "Now ask me to fuck you."

"Fuck me, Lord."

I pulled his hand out his ass and spread his legs. I placed the head of my cock at his hole and rubbed it around the rim. "Again."

"Fuck me, Lord!"

"Good lad," I said as I pushed my cock in his tight greasy heat.

"God!" he cried out as he felt himself being properly stretched and mounted for the first time.

This lad was well-prepped so I moved my hips for a good fucking. He cried out God's name again, and I smacked him lightly. "You call for your Lord, not God."

He was panting, a deep flush across his chest. "Yes, Lord!"

I thrust balls-deep and he gasped out "Lord!" several more times. Angling my hips to batter his ass-joy the lad was moaning and lost to all but my cock. His own big cock leaking copiously and smacking between us.

I was close so smacked him again: "Ask for my seed, boy!"

"Seed me, Lord!"


"Seed me, Lord!"

With one more hard thrust, I spent richly into him. Looking into his face, I savored the moment he registered the sensation of a man's cock spasming within him. I then twisted his tit hard and jerked his cock and a large creamy load shot onto his chest.

My cock still in him, I leaned forward and kissed him. "How was it? Did I not speak true?"

With a dazed look, he said: "You did, Lord. You did."

Slipping out of him, I traced my finger around his swollen hole, now full of my seed. "Of course, now you been properly seeded, lad, and you won't be content without it. You are forever changed."

I then laid back down and said: "Lie on your belly so as not to better treasure my seed."

He did so and I smacked his head lightly. "And where's your gratitude, dumb cow?"

"Oh! Thank you, Lord!"

"That's fine," I said, "though when a man's cock'd you well, you need to learn to please him better. Use your words. Be descriptive."

"Uh, thank you, Lord, for your cock!"

"Better," I said, as I stroked his back, giving him permission to relax.

I looked over and saw Bold and Xav still staring. Poor lads, was probably the first time they'd watched a man take it up the ass. Sighing, I pointed at Bold: "Since I'm running a school for dumb cows, I might as well school dumb fuckers, too. Strip and come here."

He blinked at me, then looked at Milk's laid-out body. So I clarified: "Oh, I thought you were the experienced one? Worry not, I won't touch your ruddy ass – Milk here has pleased me well, so our deal holds."

With that, Bold stripped off his clothes. He also had a strong physique though his build was leaner and covered with reddish-brown hair. He was also nicely hung – another proud son of the Realm! Wasn't a bad-looking lad either. I'd have fucked him if I was in the mood for strivers and lads who like wenches.

He walked naked over to my side of the bed. "Grab a rag and clean my cock, lad."

I kissed the top of Milk's head. "Really, I should have this one do it as he has much learning to do, but let's let him rest, shall we?" I winked at Bold.

After Bold had wiped me clean with a cool rag, I bid him hop in the bed between me and Milk. Milk was still appropriately face-down, but facing us. The bed was now quite full as the three of us were each sizable men.

Stroking Bold's back, I asked him: "Did you watch what I did? Learn?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Hmmm, I doubt it. When's the last time you bedded a wench?"

He didn't need to think long. "Last Long Night, Lord."

"I suppose that's no wonder. You're a strong lad, but still under contract, with no money. Wenches are likely not raising their skirts for you."

"I don't know, Lord."

"Of course, you do. You're a smart lad. So tell me what you learned?"

"There's a place in the ass that gives pleasure."

"No, lad. While, true, many men have ass-joys, wenches don't. But the lesson here is all bitches are the same, whether lad or wench. Find their place of pleasure, first, then cocking them is easy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord."

"So when you find a wench you like, don't just hump upon her like a stupid animal. Master her pleasure like a stallion – her tits, her cunny, her neck, her ass – and she'll be a mare in heat for you always. Or a cow, like the case of this one." I patted Milk's head affectionately.

Bold nodded. "I understand, Lord. Thank you for your counsel."

His cock was hard now, so I grabbed it, then cupped his balls. "Milk here is not a wench, but you could help each other out." I squeezed his balls some. "Your balls would be empty working around this one. You could bend him behind the workshop. Squirt your seed `til you find a wench to wed. Aye?"

Bold was looking at Milk's back now, and his cock was hard as stone.

I stroked Milk's face, then stuck my thumb in his mouth. "This one rides well but he'll be a good cocksuck, too, with practice, I wager. How about it, lad? Your master give you a rest break and Milk here will swallow your seed. And thank you after."

Bold looked at me. "But how, Lord?!"

I kissed the top of Milk's red head. "Well, Milk here has pleased me well and so I'm feeling generous. Grease your cock and fuck him."

Milk started at that, but I shhh'd him. I then whispered in his ear. "Here comes that dream cock, lad."

Bold was perched over Milk and he sighed as he sank his cock into Milk's well-seeded ass. Milk groaned as well and I swallowed it with another kiss.

I then looked up at Bold's large body, sweating atop Milk. "You're a bull, lad. Fuck him well." And Bold started pumping into Milk with more vigor and enthusiasm.

I encouraged: "And what about my poor cow's pleasure? Were you not learning, dumb lad?"

Bold laid his chest against Milk's back, pumping into his ass. Then with his free hands, he roughly gripped Milk's chest, pinching his nipples. Milk fair bellowed – a happy cow.

Milk's cock was tight beneath him as Bold smashed him against the bed. Nonetheless, I pushed my hand beneath him, and once again jerked Milk's cock `til he spent for the third time.

Bold got to experience the tightness of the ass-joy and spilled his seed within Milk to join my own. As he fell off Milk and back between us, he sighed: "Thank you, Lord."

I kissed the top of his head. "You're welcome. Now get your smelly ass back into the other bed and sleep."

I then pulled Milk's ahead against my chest and closed my eyes ready to fall into a contented sleep.

Part V

"Lord?" It was the voice of the third one, Xav.

Keeping my eyes closed, I said: "What?"

"... Do you not want me as well?"

I opened my eyes at that and looked at him. He was perched on the bed, still clothed, by Bold.

I sighed. "Nay, lad. Your contract will be discharged with the others. You may leave if you wish."

"I wish for what he got, Lord." God, I thought he was the shy one!

"What – you want to dip your cock in Milk here, too?" I smacked Milk's ass for emphasis.

Xav blushed at that. "Nay, Lord."

"No, I thought not. You're as much a bitch as this one here. Have your friend there mount you as he did Milk here – he's been taking lessons." I laughed at my joke.

"But, Lord, would you not want to be the first?"

Sighing, I said: "Come here, lad."

When he stood by my side, I sniffed him. "Your scent is strong though not unappealing – not like those two. Very well, take off your clothes and get in bed between us. And be quick about it."

Xav hastened to comply and was soon bounding naked into bed.

Looking down at him, I ran my hand down his solid chest. His olive skin was covered in soft black hair. Indeed, he was hairier than I was expecting, given how girlishly pretty his face was.

"OK, lad – did you pay attention tonight?"

"Yes, Lord – I marked everything."

I handed him the ointment. "Then show me why I should fuck you."

Like a good student, Xav took the ointment and slowly rubbed his hole with it. He didn't penetrate himself and he seemed to be concentrating. I'd wager he was recounting my earlier instructions step by step.

I watched him copy Milk for a number of minutes. He even tweaked his nips, though I could tell that his tits were not tied to his ass-joy as they were for Milk. Pity, since they were fine tits, leanly mounded and covered with fur.

By the time he had two fingers inside his hole, I said: "You're boring, lad. I've already taught two dumb lads tonight. I'm not inclined towards a third. If I want to fuck a dumb lad, I'll cock Milk here again."

He moaned and kept working his hole. "Please, Lord. Please."

"Aye, that's better. You have a pretty moan. But are you going to just lie there quiet like a corpse? This is a lord's cock, boy! Show me you'll dance on it!"

He gave into his moans, making them louder. With his free hand, he reached for my hard cock and stroked it. "Your cock's so big, Lord. I want to feel it. I saw his face when you spent inside him. I want that."

I grunted. "Your wants. What about my cock?"

He moaned. "It'll like my ass, Lord. I know it! Please!"

Well, I'm not made of stone, so I greased my cock again and moved between his legs. "OK, lad, you've begged prettily enough. But ride well or I'll seed the other one and send you back to your workshop, clear?"

"Yes, Lord!"

With that, I pressed my cock into his hole. It didn't slide in as easily as with Milk, but it gave soon enough. Xav cried out at the hurt, but I rode past that. And he was soon taken by a rather new sensation.

"Oh, Lord! That's it! That's it!"

I laughed and bit his neck. "Yes, I know, pretty lad – that's your ass-joy." I kissed him as I leisurely fucked him. He moaned and kissed back eagerly.

As I fucked him, I discovered another source of his pleasure. His hands roamed my back, then roamed my chest. I could tell that feeling my muscles, my hard body, as I rode him was as stimulating to him as Milk's tits had been to him.

I covered his hand over my chest and bid him squeeze my pec. "Yes, lad, feel me up. This is a prince inside you. You want to be fucked by a real man, aye."

Given my permission, his hands roamed and grabbed and even pinched more aggressively. It was very satisfying. Milk was a great ride, but like most true bitches his pleasure was too centered on his ass-joy. Appreciating my beauty was further down his list.

But this Xav lad made me feel like I was the only man who could have him, the only man who mattered. Quite the accomplishment for a virgin bitch, I had to admit. This was the night's actual first surprise.

I was fucking Xav, looking deep into his eyes, when I heard Milk cry out next to me. I looked over to see Bold had slid his cock back into the lad.

Bold shrugged at me. "Apologies, Lord, but my balls are not yet empty." When Milk groaned again, Bold slapped his ass hard and said: "Isn't that so, cow?"

I chuckled since apparently my nickname would stick.

Leaving the lads to their pleasure, I refocused on Xav and used all the tricks of my hips to leave the lad undone and gasping. I then said: "Going to seed you, lad."

Xav grabbed my back fiercely – there would be marks – and said: "Yes, Lord! I want to feel it!:

I spent fiercely deep inside his bowels, forever marking him as mine.

Xav still impaled on my cock, I leaned forward and tugged on Milk's red hair. "Be useful and suck the lad's cock!"

Milk angled himself over and took Xav's cock in his mouth. I could tell it was a sloppy suck as Milk was too undone by Bold's pummeling of his ass.

But it didn't matter. Milk was just a convenient vessel. I pounded Xav's ass-joy with my sore cock and I soon felt his ass-joy blossom as he spent inside Milk's mouth.

Now, having spent, I realized this bed was much too crowded. I smacked Bold on the back of the head and said: "Fuck the cow in the other bed."

Once it was just me and Xav in the bed – Xav ass-up, of course – I closed my eyes, ready for some well-deserved sleep.

"Will I see my Lord again?" God, I'd really need to start gagging these lads after I spent so I could get some sleep.

I sighed. "Perhaps. And if you're quiet and actually let me sleep, I'll fuck you again before I leave in the morning."

He stayed quiet after that, though I knew his brain gears were still turning.

Nonetheless, I went to sleep. At last.

The next morning my guards woke me at the scheduled early hour. They knew I'd want time enough to return to the palace, bathe, eat and get ready for the final morning session of the Convocation – and also have a morning fuck.

The lads were all exhausted and sleeping. I'm sure that if their contracts weren't being bought out, they'd be in a world of trouble for staying out so late. I'd still have to make sure my man of business smoothed things over with the guild so there'd be no hard feelings. The lads still had to work as potters, after all.

Wasn't much of a debate who I was going to farewell-fuck that morning. Besides, I had near given my word to the lad. So I greased my cock again and pushed it into his ass. As I did so, I tugged his shoulders back so he was on his knees in the soft bed.

He was surprised, but recovered quickly. I nibbled his ear as I pumped his ass. "Morning, pretty lad. You still want my seed before I go? Or should I give it to the cow, hmm?"

He panted: "Yes, Lord." And so I gave him a proper hard fucking that he'd well remember. After I seeded him well, I got dressed and walked over to Bold and Milk, who were both wide awake at that point.

I gave Milk a long kiss. Standing back up, I stuck my fingers into Milk's puffy hole. Looking at Bold, I said: "And will you look after my poor cow until he finds a bull of his own?"

Bold smiled and said: "Yes, Lord."

I then gave him a long kiss, too. As I left, I told the lads that I'd send someone to their workshop in the afternoon.

Then, purse and balls much lighter, I returned to the palace.

Next: Chapter 9

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