Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Dec 28, 2020


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 9 By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

This chapter 8 continues the tale of a journey I took during my 30th year. The morning of the final day of the Convocation was a staid and boring affair. That was a good sign – if the Great Lords of the Realm were bored and eager to return to normal life, it meant that all the essential business of the gathering had been successfully accomplished.

While I enjoyed spending time with my family, I, too, was eager to return home. Because I used the trips both coming and going to visit towns, dispense justice and perform other duties, I will have been away from Asselvya City for a full month by the time I got back. But, as I've said before, lords cannot rule their lands well cooped up in their keeps.

As to my own immediate family, I had sat down with my Lady Mother for some hard haggling. We'd ultimately agreed that when we returned for the Long Night festivities, I'd leave my elder daughter, Kollie, in the Capital so she could be trained to become a potential princess of the Western Kingdom. This would allow time for betrothal negotiations to be concluded. And, more importantly to me, it would give me several more months with my daughter – likely the last time we'd live together as a family.

While we would again travel via separate ships, as we each had different business to attend to, my wife, Alvina, and I agreed that we'd rendezvous on the way back at the Town of Torga. We were both keen to see for ourselves the site selected by the Church for the reestablishment of the Sisters of Charity. We'd also begin laying the groundwork with local grandees for the plan.

The sooner and smoother the reestablishment was done, the better – we were in complete accord. While her brother – now, my steward – was a sweet fuck, I thanked God daily for sending me Alvina as a wife, business partner and loving step-mother to my girls.

Thus, early that afternoon after the Convocation had officially concluded, Duke Silvan and I made our way back to the river port for our return voyage back. It was a later departure time than usual, but the long days of Summer allowed for such things and we took advantage. While we had always planned to journey back together, as Gladden is on the way to Asselvya, I'd also invited Silvan to venture further and see Torga himself. And he'd gladly agreed.

At the port, we were to again use Captain Tre's ship, which had used the past week for shore leave, repairs and reprovisioning. With pleasure, I called over Tre, who was very busy readying the ship for departure, and had my clerk hand him the official papers reassigning him to his old warship at the conclusion of our journey back. His new base of operations would be Asselvya City, so he'd be less under the thumb of the Vice Admiral who'd originally demoted him.

At the look of surprise on his hard, stoic face, I asked: "You doubted me?"

He shook his head. "Nay, Lord. It's just... I had dared not hope."

I patted him on the back. "Well, it's all for the best. Make some good kills for the Realm."

He made a slight smile. "I will. Next time I gut a man I'll think of you, my Lord."

Duke Silvan, standing nearby, looked shocked at that, but I laughed uproariously. "Oh, you're a cheeky bastard!"

Still laughing, I went below decks in search of the pretty cabin lad. I found him near the galley and he gamely came to my cabin. But no sooner than I had my cock in him that I realized that Captain Tre had not lied to me about the boy. It was, indeed, "like fucking porridge." I wondered at how such a young lad could have such a slack ass. I knew true bitches like my steward who were mounted daily and still had holes with a grip like a maid on her wedding night.

But not this lad, and I had no desire to continue. I gave him a coin and tossed him out. I left my cabin, blood still up, thinking I'd have to fuck Tre again. He had little ass-joy, but his ass was tight and I liked fucking killers. Yet, even more fortunately, while still below decks, I came across Tre's lover, Mywen.

Pulling him aside into a nearby storage room, I said: "Mywen! We are well-met! Be a good lad and bend over that crate."

"But what about Tre?"

"Oh, he won't mind – he's well-pleased with me. And, you, haven't you missed my big cock?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Then why are you still standing there?"

After he bent over the crate, I pulled down his pants, revealing his plump ass. I hadn't thought to carry ointment on my person – I really needed to start having my guards carry some always – but I remembered Mywen's ass well. He'd do fine with just spit.

I rubbed my cock with spit and pushed it into the lad. I needn't have worried. Tre – or some other sailor – had cocked the lad down not too long before and so the lad was warmed-up and well-seeded. I gave him a good hard fuck and it wasn't long before I was mixing my seed with my predecessor's and Mywen was spending upon the dirty floor.

I wiped my cock on the lad's shirt and tucked myself back in. I asked: "Who had you before me, lad?" I was smiling – more curious than anything.

Mywen said: "The captain, my Lord."

I slapped him hard. "Never lie to your lord. If the captain has had five minutes to himself the past two hours, I'll renounce my title."

With tears in his eyes, Mywen named some sailor whose name I can't be bothered to recall.

"Hmm, and I take it from your stupid attempt to lie to me that Captain Tre is not privy to this."

"Nay, Lord." He sniffled. "Will you tell him?"

I was quite surprised at the question. "Tell him? Why would I tell him? You think I care whom you fuck? Or care to get involved in a peasant squabble?"

I laughed again and pat the lad's head. "No, lad, your only crime was lying to me, which I will forgive this one time. I won't tell the captain that you're a slut."

I continued: "Besides, I like sluts, in their place. And there are pitiful offerings on this ship. Tonight, after the captain has seeded you, come to my cabin."

"Yes, Lord."

"Now run off – that's a good slut."

Part II

Mywen came to my chambers that night as requested. And he was quite a good ride that fourth time. I suppose that being exposed for the little slut he was freed him of some silly need to pretend he was unworldly. Getting to know him better, I was quite sure that Tre had not seduced the lad at all – if anything, Mywen had likely just made it seem that way. Tre would not have been the first hardened killer who was also cock-stupid.

The next day we arrived in Gladden's main river market town on schedule. It had been previously been arranged that I would stay over one night while Silvan disembarked permanently to make the trip to his own duchal capital. But since we were now continuing onward to Torga, we would both be staying just one night.

Silvan maintained a large townhouse and that's where we were to stay. No large tent city this time. My people were setting up my rooms when Silvan requested admittance. He approached close to me, though I knew him well enough now to know that he was not interested in a fuck. He was a man's man, no doubt, but for whatever reason was not interested in me. It was of no matter to me as I was not one to dwell over asses not taken. There were just too many.

He said in a low voice: "Many days ago I arranged for a gift for you, Friend Kol. However, that was before I learned of the Sisters' reestablishment. Now, I feel that the gift is wholly inadequate to express my feelings."

I gripped his shoulder. "No gifts are necessary, Friend Silvan. We will both benefit greatly from helping the Church. I appreciate any token you have brought me." My cock jumped. "Have you arranged another wrestling competition?"

Silvan shook his head. "Nay. Your scheduled time here was so short, I figured you'd appreciate a more direct gift. I've invited your champion to visit."

Oh! "Which one?"

"Waylan – you seemed... appreciative of his skill. I thought you would not take a second opportunity amiss."

"Bull! No, I definitely would not take it amiss. This is a princely gift – I am most grateful, Silvan."

Silvan gave a short bow. "Then, Kol, I shall leave you and have him sent in. Have a pleasant evening."

He then left and moments later Bull entered, a bit sheepishly.

It was odd seeing him this time. Though he was still immense, he was wearing regular clothes. In my mind's eye, he was always naked or wearing a loincloth.

He sort of stood there, looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and he seemed to remember himself. He bowed, saying: "My Lord Protector."

I then clapped him on the shoulders, smiling: "Young Waylan the Wainwright, I am pleased you are here. Though, honestly, I am puzzled – why have you come? Did my man of business not set-up the shop as you desired?"

Wringing his hands, Bull shook his head. "Nay, my Lord – your man set-up everything proper. He even added some horses I had not requested. Lord, you were most generous."

Now I was slightly confused. "Well then our business is concluded. I'm sure Duke Silvan meant this as an invitation, not a summons. I am glad to see you, lad, but you may leave if you have all you seek."

I turned away in dismissal, pondering what I'd eat and whom I'd fuck that night. Thank God and all his saints, there was no formal dinner that night.

"I beg your pardon, my Lord." Bull, behind me.


"I did wish to see you, Lord. I have troubles and am unsure of the counsel of my friends. So when I received Lord Silvan's invitation, it seemed heaven-sent. You are wise and will know what to do."

I nodded. "That's correct. I will know what to do. What is it?"

Bull blushed and started to speak, but I interrupted him: "Wait. Is this about your lady love?"

He nodded. "Gisela, yes."

I sighed. "If I'm to suffer more talk of Gisela, this will need to be more entertaining. Take off your clothes."

In precious silence, he did so. And, ah, there was my Bull revealed. Clothes were a crime on such a man.

I guided him to my bed and laid him down upon it on his back. "Now, tell me of your troubles." I then proceeded to massage his large chest.

"Well, Lord... she just wed my brother on the day of the Solstice!"

I'd been licking his nipples, and I pulled off. "I thought you said she'd marry you if you had your own shop?"

"That's what she said before the c-c-competition, Lord." He stuttered as I began stroking his large flacid cock.

"And? Spit it out, lad."

"After I left for the competition, she betrothed my brother. So, even returning with my news, she could not break it with honor. And thus they were wed."

"I see. And you've bed her before, yes? Multiple times."

"Aye, Lord."

"So she's had your great body over her and still she chose your brother?"

"Aye. She said she would wait!"

I sucked on his wonderful tits some more. "And what of your shop?"

"Well, Lord. My father urged me to join with him. Said our town is too small for competition. So now I'm a partner, not just a second son."

"Hmm, your father seems like a smart man."

"He is, Lord. . . . Lord!" He cried out as I took his hard cock in my mouth. I then sucked on his big cock for several minutes.

Didn't want him spending yet, so I pulled off and said: "God, I love your huge cock, Bull! I'm shocked at Gisela. Won't she miss it!"

He colored at that. "She said we could still bed."

Gently stroking his cock, I said: "Ah, I see – tell me truly. Do you love your brother? Or hate him? Or are indifferent?"

Bull looked at me quizzically. "I... love my brother, Lord. He has always been a good brother to me – though he competed for the hand of Gisela."

"I see." I then sat up and slapped him hard across the face.

At his wounded expression, I asked: "Why did I strike you?"

"I know not, Lord."

I slapped him hard again. "Listen, stupid lad. If you love your brother, then you'll not make a cuckold of him. Letting a wench come between two brothers is a grievous offense."

He held his hand to his face. "Yes, Lord."

"And so now you are at a loss as to what to do – tied to a business with your love married to your brother and future-business partner. Is that the sum of it?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Then I will fix this for you. I will tell you exactly what to do and you will do it."

"Yes, Lord. Thank you, Lord!"

I started stripping out of my clothes. "But first I will fuck and seed you properly."

I grabbed some ointment and reached behind his large balls to his hole. Rubbing the ointment around the rim, I said: "Now, I've already fucked you thrice – you remember what I taught you so it doesn't hurt?"

He looked at me down the length of his body and nodded.

"Good," I said as I inserted my greased fingers and began stretching him. "Cause I shan't baby you."

I kept lightly stroking him to keep him hard and distracted from the hole-stretching. When I judged him sufficiently open yet still tight, I greased my cock and pushed it into his muscular ass.

"Lord!" he said.

Still stroking his cock, I pushed steadily in `til I was fully seated.

As I began slowly fucking him, I asked: "How does it feel? Good?"

"Nay, Lord – still t'is strange. Me likes it not."

"A pity. If you had any ass-joy, I would take you with me."

That seemed to puzzle him. "You would, Lord?"

"Aye. You know why?"

"Why, Lord?"

Still fucking him slowly, I said: "Because you are a stud, Waylan. Hard ass, big cock, and the most magnificent chest I've seen on a lad. Gisela's a stupid wench for not taking you when she had the opportunity."

"Truly, Lord?"

"Yes, truly. I don't give empty flatteries to peasants, lad." I released his cock and reached forward to grip his beautiful pecs. "Come now, flex these big muscles for me."

He did so and they popped in my hand.

"Yes, beautiful boy, like that. I could spend just looking at you. What about your arms, hmm?"

He smiled and flexed both his biceps. They were like little hard balls and I enjoyed seeing the tufts of dark hair in his pits.

I spread his legs wider and increased the pace of my fucking. His big cock flopped hard between us. "What else can you show me, eh?"

He smiled again and made his pecs pop separately, one after the other.

Railing him hard now, I leaned forward and looked into his eyes. I said: "You're a fucking marvel, Waylan. I should set you up in my keep. And every week I'd oil your body down and show you off. And everyone would envy me that I had you."

He was panting now. "Aye, Lord."

I ran my hands through his hair with one hand and the other I cupped the back of his head. Then I kissed him deep.

And then he shocked me. He grunted in my mouth as I felt his ass-joy blossom and tighten around my cock. I looked down to see his cock spasming and squirting seed onto his belly.

His ass tight on my cock and the sight of him spending untouched threw me over the edge and I released my seed deep into him. After I'd emptied my balls, I kissed him again as I slipped out.

He seemed even more surprised than I was. I nodded at his cock: "You spent from a fucking alone. There may yet be hope for you."

He just lay there, looking stunned. Poor lad. He was not a man's man, I was but teasing.

"Shall I show you something else your lady Gisela has not done?"

He looked slightly suspicious at me, but said: "Aye, Lord."

I lifted his still-hard cock and licked up the pool of spend on his belly, making a grumbling sound in the back of my throat. "Your cream's good, lad. Shame to waste it."

He was looking down at me, his nose flared and breathing hard. He was not unaffected. Whether one prefers lads or wenches, no man can be unaffected by the sight of another lapping up his seed.

"So, Waylan, I just seeded you well and lapped up all your seed – what do you say?"

"Thank you, Lord!"

His cock was still hard and bobbing up and down. I grabbed it and lightly stroked it. "Is your cock sore?"

"T'is strange, Lord – I spent, but my cock doesn't know it. It's not sore at all."

"Ah, this can happen when you spend from the fuck alone. You focused on your ass-joy and your balls are not yet empty. But I have the remedy."

With that, I grabbed his cock and took it into my mouth. As I sucked him, I let one hand roam his magnificent chest. I applied all my skill, tongue and lips and suckage, and he was moaning beneath me. Since I had discovered that he did, indeed, have some ass-joy, as I felt him getting close, I pressed two fingers into his creamed hole and prodded forward.

He bucked beneath me, crying out, and his cock released more splashes of his sweet spend into my mouth. I savored the taste before swallowing it down. I licked his cock clean and rubbed his belly. As his breathing quieted, he said: "Thank you, Lord."

I got up for a cloth and a goblet of wine. Drinking my fill, I brought some to him and he sat up some to drink it. I then took the goblet away and said: "You know how to lie down now."

"Yes, Lord," he said as he flipped onto his belly.

Pushing him a bit, I said: "Why on your belly?"

"To treasure your seed, Lord."

I rubbed his head. "Good lad. And since you did it properly last time, my seed planted well and now your ass-joy has blossomed."

"Am I changed, Lord?" He seemed befuddled.

"Nay. I doubt you'll start seeking lads instead of wenches. But you now have been graced by a great lord four times, your body's just changing to better suit you to service me."


"When you work your body, your muscles grow to enable you to work more, yes?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Just so. And now it is that way with your ass – it has grown so it can work to better service your lord. It's a good thing."

"Ah, that makes sense, Lord."

"Of course, it does."

Rubbing his shoulders, I said: "I will soon mount your beautiful body again, but, first, your problems." Sighing, I said: "You may turn over for now. I want to see your face and be sure you understand."

He did so and looked at me eagerly.

"First, Gisela has married your brother. You competed for her hand and lost. It cannot be undone. Repeat that."

"I... lost her. It cannot be undone."

"Yes. Second, bedding the wench before she was married was fine, but now that she is married, making a cuckold of your brother would be a shameful act. Repeat that."

"Making a cuckold of my brother would be shameful."

"Say it with more conviction. Do I need to strike you again?"

His eyes widened. "Nay, Lord. I won't do it. Won't bed her."

"Good – if you're ever tempted, just think of me striking you. Now, third, the reason why she did not wait for you to return from the competition. Why was she in haste?"

"I know not, Lord."

I sighed again. "Don't be stupid, lad. Why do wenches hasten to the altar?"

He still looked at me blankly.

I stifled my sigh that time, though just barely. I was very eager to sink my cock back into the lad, but this conversation was a punishment from God. "I will ask this another way. Why do wenches who fuck around before marriage hasten to the altar?"

His eyes widened as he grasped the truth. "She is with child?!"

"Aye, stupid boy. She may have meant to wait to see if you won the competition, but she likely missed her moon course and decided she had to act quickly or be shamed. Mark my words, in seven or eight months, that wench will have a large baby."

He looked at me. "My babe?"

I shrugged. "Possibly. Or your brother's. Or some other lad in your town."

He took offense at that. "She's not a whore, Lord!"

I smacked his belly. "She's not a whore, but she is a slut. By your own admission, she was barely out of her wedding day clothes and offering to bed you. That's the act of a slut."

He still looked dubious so I continued: "Fucking sluts is fine. And you did so. But marrying one is asking for trouble. Now your brother's trouble. And you should thank God not yours."

I grabbed his chin and forced him to look me in the eyes. "Now, you will be cordial to your new sister-in-law, but you will not touch her. Gisela is the past. And there is no going back. Who am I?"


"Say my titles."

"... You are the Duke of Asselvya."

"I am the Royal Duke of Asselvya as my father was the King. What else?"

"You are the Lord Protector."

"Aye, I am the Lord Protector of the Realm as my brother is the King. So, tell me, as a Royal Duke and Lord Protector, do you think I do not know how to handle a village slut?"

"No, Lord."

"Precisely. So I have given the counsel you sought and you will follow it."

"Yes, Lord," he said, with more confidence.

"Good. Now, that's only the first part of my counsel, regarding the past. Next, we must look to your future."

He seemed surprised at that, yet pleased. "Thank you, Lord."

I raised a finger and touched his nose. "But first what?"

"You will fuck me again, Lord?"

I tapped his nose lightly. "Just so."

I got up and walked over to a chair. I sat down and re-greased my cock. "Come here, lad."

He did so and stood before me.

"Now, your ass-joy has blossomed twice today and was good, yes?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Good. Now, for a third. Turn around and sit on my cock. Move around `til you find your ass-joy again. Tell me when you find it."

"Yes, Lord."

I held my cock upright as he moved to sit upon it. I maneuvered so my cock head once again kissed his hole. Yet he remained crouched over it.

So I reached across his chest and pulled him down.

"Lord!" he cried as I breached him.

"Calm yourself, boy. You've been ridden once already. Now ride me and find your ass-joy as I told you."

Slowly, cautiously, he began to move his ass up and down my cock. I loved how wet and tight his hole was and I could see my seed coating my cock as he rose up.

He said nothing, just breathed heavily as he moved up and down. Once again, I reached across his chest. I greedily groped his chest , then pulled him back so he was leaning back upon me.

That angle must have done it, because he cried out again. "I've found it, Lord!"

"Good lad. Now, that you've found it – don't lose it. Fuck yourself upon it." And he did so, moaning.

I cupped both his mighty pecs with both hands as I licked and bit his back. "That's it, lad. Now work your big cock. Let me see you spend again."

He jerked his cock with abandon, bouncing up and down on my cock. And my hands roamed his beautiful body. And finally my cock felt his ass-joy blossom before even his throat did. He tightened and quivered around my cock and then cried out as his spend splashed out and onto the floor.

It was a wonderful feeling and a glorious sight, and I was almost there but not quite. When he finished spasming around me, I said: "Get up."

I then stood up behind him and pushed him onto the floor, kneeling in his own spend. I put his head to the floor then mounted his raised ass properly. "I need to plant my seed deep, lad!"

He groaned at the re-intrusion, but I needed but a few strokes more before I once again spent deep within him.

After I pulled out of him, I gathered him up, then led him back to bed – on his belly, of course. He looked dazed again and I, too, was tired. So I said: "Sleep some, lad. We'll talk more after we've rested."

And as I had done the first time we slept together, I tucked my head under his sweaty arm and drifted off to sleep immersed in his wondrous scent.

Part III

I awoke to the sound of his stomach grumbling. Bull was awake but apparently had chosen not to move lest he wake me. Though his stomach did so for him. It was dark out and I realized that we had missed dinner, and my stomach quite agreed with Bull's.

"Hungry, lad?"

"Yes, Lord."

"I will arrange for food." I then climbed over him and sank my cock back into his hole. Even without more greasing, I slid in with ease. And Bull exhaled noisily.

"You fit me like a glove, Waylan."

"Yes, Lord."

I nibbled on his ear as I slowly fucked him. "Who's my favorite lad?"

"I am, Lord."

"That's right – remember well."

I then called for a guard and instructed him to have meat, cheese, bread, wine and a basin of hot water brought at once.

My servants are good and anticipate my needs, so it was not long before the requested items were being brought. I had just finished seeding Bull again after a leisurely fuck and was just resting atop his large body with my cock nestled in his ass. Except for my empty belly, I was quite content.

After the food had been arranged on the table, I got off Bull and walked over to the basin full of steaming water. I said: "Go ahead and eat at the table, lad. I've seeded you ample so some wastage won't bother me. Eat naked but place a cloth on the chair as you will leak."

Bull quickly moved to the table and began ravenously eating and drinking. Big man like him needs lots of food, especially after being well-fucked.

Meanwhile, I cleaned my body. While I was content for Bull to stay as he was – I enjoyed his scent almost as much as I did his big cock, tits and ass – I did not enjoy myself keeping in sweat and filth.

Then, after I'd adequately cleaned and put on a light robe, I sat at the table and began eating myself.

"Now, your future." He perked up at that but kept eating. "First, your inheritance. I will send you with a letter that you will give to your local magistrate. It will state that it is my will that, upon your father's death – may it be many years away yet – you will inherit half the wainwright business. Your father's will likely already says so, but this letter will ensure it."

"Thank you, Lord – I had not thought on that."

"And you also need to be married, and soon. Your seed should be making babies for the Realm. Is there another lass in your town you favor?"

"Gisela's sister is pretty, Lord."

I grimaced. "No, that's a terrible idea. Do you know nothing of women, lad? Marrying one girl after you've tupped her sister? Think of another."

He thought on it. "The brewer's daughter is comely, Lord."

"Good. Does she have a good head on her shoulders? Have virtue?"

"Aye, she greatly helps her father and speaks well."

"Good. Now think on her – does she make your cock hard?"

"Aye – she'd move prettily beneath me, I think."

"Good. When you return to your town, you will offer to repair her father's wagons for free. This will ingratiate you to her father. When you do the work – and this is important – do so without your shirt on, in the brewer's yard."

"Half-stripped, Lord?"

"Aye. Like any merchant, you must show your goods. If while you are working, this lass comes out to bring you an ale and smiles at you, then court her. If she does not, find another lass and try again."

"Should I not just approach her father, Lord?"

"Nay – do you want another wench like Gisela who won't suck your cock? You want a lass who loves your body as much as I do. Then if she likes you, you speak to her father and court her."

"That's wise, Lord."

"Of course, it is. Now, during courting, bed her if she's willing. But if she's not, do not pressure her – you want a virtuous lass. However, don't wed her if she won't at least suck your cock."

"But what if she refuses as Gisela did? Said it was a sin."

"Tell her that you sucked the Lord Protector's cock and if you could do that, she should be able to please her lord and husband. That should convince her."

"I've not sucked your cock, Lord!"

I opened my robe and uncovered my hard cock. "Now you will, lad. On your knees before me."

He got onto his knees. And I said: "Take it into your mouth and mind your teeth. Circle the head with your tongue."

He did so, and he wasn't bad for his first attempt. He might be the most bitch-like non-bitch I'd ever had. Pity he lived so far away.

"Not bad, lad. Now go and bring me the ointment."

Bull hurried to do so though I do not think he was eager to be mounted again.

When I had the ointment, I began stroking my cock with it. "Now, stay on your knees and caress your chest. That's it, play with your nipples."

He was a beautiful sight. "Moan. Give your lord a show."

"Good... good. Now take two fingers and stick it in your hole. See if you can find your ass-joy again. Work your cock with the other."

Kneeling before me, stroking his cock and fingering his hole – that was an image I'd not soon forget.

"Have you found your ass-joy, lad?"

"Nay, Lord."

"No matter – your search has pleased me." Feeling myself close, I then grabbed his head and forced his mouth on my cock as I spent in his mouth. "Swallow well, lad."

When he finished swallowing, I stroked his cheek. "Now, you can tell your new lass that she won't be doing anything you haven't done yourself. Sucking your lord and husband is the proper order of things."

"Yes, Lord."

"You may finish eating."

He seemed a little reluctant to leave his rehardened cock but food won out, and he sat back at the table and finished eating.

"So you understand what you are to do when you return to your town?"

"Aye – I think so, Lord."

"I will also send you with a second letter which states that you enjoy my favor. If you need any assistance, or to impress her father, show them the letter. With your half of the business and my favor, the brewer will be keen to have you for a son."

"Thank you, Lord!"

"One last thing – if you wish to maintain our association, you will come to this town the week before the Summer and Winter Solstices and wait for me. With my favor, there is no limit to how high you can rise in your town."

"I will come, Lord!"

I shook my hand. "I require no answer now. Think on it. Talk it over with your new bride-to-be. And if you desire to do so, come. If not, I will not be angered and you may still use my letter, within reason."

"I will, Lord."

"Count how many times I fuck you tonight. That is what any future visit will be like – so make up your own mind."

After we'd both finished eating, I had the things cleared away and we returned to bed. I had him tell me of life in his town – its leaders, villains, shrews and fools – anything, really, except for talk of Gisela as it was a tedious topic.

And in the middle of the night, I slipped my cock again into his sleeping ass. He didn't throw me bodily across the room this time, so he was coming along nicely. His ass-joy was also coming along nicely, and I jerked his swollen cock while I rode him and he spent into the bed.

Part IV

In the morning, I called for my clerk, Anton, to draft the two letters I'd be sending along with Bull before I met again with Silvan to continue our journey down the river.

Anton entered and I enjoyed seeing his eyes widen at the sight of a naked Bull for the second time in my bed. The lad had been quite taken with him last time. Anton was a terrible fuck, but he was still a man's man through and through, so the sight of Bull's muscular splendor unsurprisingly had a strong effect.

Still lying in bed with Bull, I dictated to Anton what I wanted encompassed in the letters, and he sat down and began to write.

Kissing Bull's bulging shoulders, I said: "Last time we played a game, but, alas, none this time as I must soon depart. I trust that if I see you again, your affairs will be in much better order, yes?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Good. I wish to feel your ass-joy blossom one more time. So lie on your side – this is a good way for those such as you."

With his back to me, I bent his legs slightly so he was in a sort of crouched position on his side. I then slid my regreased cock into its tight home. I was sort of fucking him from the underside due to the position and I immediately knew when my cock found his ass-joy.

He grunted loudly and I fucked him more vigorously. Having found his ass-joy, I let his legs straighten back again. He knew enough then to move his ass and pelvis to keep my cock prodding his ass-joy. His big cock stuck out proud and leaking.

As I groped his tits, I asked: "Am I a good Lord?"

"Aye! The best of lords!"

"Yes, I am, and I'll demonstrate again... Anton!"

Anton jerked to attention from his highly-distracted writing. "Lord?!"

"Suck my lad here."

Anton didn't need to be told twice and he moved quickly to take Bull's fat cock into his mouth. He sucked greedily, moaning.

Bull was moaning, quite undone.

I whispered in his ear as I squeezed his pecs hard. "Cock in your ass. Mouth on your cock. This is what it's to be graced by a lord."

He moaned more at that.

I continued: "My clerk has more writing to do. Shoot your spend into his slutty mouth so he can get back to work."

Like a good lad, Bull then cried out and spent into Anton's happy mouth. And I then spent into Bull's tight, vibrating ass-joy.

As I continued licking Bull's neck and feeling all of his body with my hands, I said: "Hurry and finish those letters, Anton – we don't have all morning."

He jumped up and said: "Yes, Lord. Thank you, Lord!"

When Anton had finished, I bid Bull get redressed while I looked them over. Anton's work was excellent despite his distracted state and I applied my signature and seal.

Once Bull was dressed, I smoothed his peasant clothes and said: "Did you count as I told you?"

He colored at that. "Yes, Lord – four."

I nodded, and handed him the papers. "Mark the number well. Much success to you, Master Wainwright."

He bowed: "Thank you, Lord!"

Next: Chapter 10

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