Kyle and Brandon

By moc.loa@2xecIajeD

Published on May 13, 1999



It was Friday morning. I could not wait! Today I was going up to Vermont for a reunion for my summer camp. I was on staff that summer, and I had made some great friends. I could not wait to talk to them again!

OK, I should tell you about myself first. My name's Brandon. I'm an average kid, I'm 15, blond hair, blue eyes, about 120 lb. I'm not the most popular kid in my school, but I'm happy with who I am, and that's all I care about.

Anyway, back to the story. I could not wait to see all my friends, especially one. Kyle. The entire summer, I had a major crush on him, but I was still too new with my feelings to tell him. Also, I was afraid if he didn't accept me for who I am. but hey, what can I do? I'll get to know him better. Hey, stranger things have happened...maybe he was Bi.

I got up to the camp around 5 PM. The weekend officially started at 5:30, so I was a little early. I was the first one there, but I did not mind. I got the choice bunk, right next to the fire. About five minutes later, a few other kids came. But no Kyle. I became filled with thoughts. What if he was not coming? What if something happened to him? I was at the verge of screaming until the door opened and five more people came in. I immediately recognized one of them. It was Kyle. I was so happy to see him, I almost cried! He was just as I remembered him, the cropped blond hair, the perfect body, his deep blue eyes, and his smile. Oh, his smile made my heart melt. I knew I had to have him. He immediately picked me out of the crowd and came over to talk to me.

"Hey Brandon, whatcha staring at," not realizing I was staring straight at him!

"Hey Kyle! Long time no see!", I replied, waking up from my daze. He asked me how my winter's been, I said it was OK, he said the same. We must have talked for at least a good half hour. Man, time flies when you're with the person you love! I hope it wasn't too obvious I had a raging hardon from talking to him, and hearing his sweet voice.

To my extreme pleasure, he chose the bunk next to mine. Also, about that time, our leader from the camp came in. He said that this was all he was expecting. That was good, everyone else that Kyle and I palled around with weren't here. That left just the two of us. That made me happy.

The weekend was a lot of fun. We did some awesome things. We ran races, had scavenger hunts, we even took a canoe out on the pond. All the time I was with Kyle. Maybe the reason I had so much fun was because of him.

Of course it seemed he didn't mind hanging around with me that much either.

Finally, it became Sunday afternoon, time for the end of the meeting.

We decided that we would exchange email addresses so we can keep in contact about anything until the summer. Oh, we both got jobs at the camp, so I would be seeing a lot more of him as the summer approached. That made my summer worthwhile.

I bid farewell to Kyle, not showing him my sadness that he was leaving me, but he did not look very happy either. I just blew it off, I was a fun weekend. Man I was going to miss him.

I got home that night. I went online and wrote him an email. I told him how I had a great weekend and I hope he did too, and all the usual BS.

That Wednesday I finally heard from him. He started off that he had a great weekend, but then, he got into some talk about how everything was not going great with him. He told me that he wanted to talk to me on the phone. He left his phone number. I immediately got nervous. Maybe he knew how I felt about him? Maybe he might not be coming to camp? A million thoughts rushed though my head as I copied the phone number and proceeded to call him.

When someone picked up on the other end, I must have sounded like a wreck.

"Hello...," I asked, "this is Brandon um..... Is Kyle there?" I did not realize that it waws Kyle.

"It is Kyle, you idiot," he said with a laugh. I immediately became happy again, just feeling his voice.

"Is something wrong? I mean, why did you ask me to call me? You had me freaked out!" i said.

"No, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to hear from you. I had a question though."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Would you wanna sleep over this weekend?"

"Yea Ky, that sounds like a cool idea."

"My mom already said it is OK, so if your mom says yes, we'll make further plans.

"OK, I'll call you right back"

I ran downstairs to find my mom. I asked her if I could stay at Kyle's house this weekend. She said it was a good idea, but wanted to know how I would get there.

"I could take the train north. He lives right by the train station about 80 miles north of here."

"Okay Brandon, you win. Tell Kyle that I say yes."

"Thank you mom!"

I ran back to my room and picked up the phone and dialed Kyle's number.


"Kyle! It's me, Brandon"

"Oh, hey bud. What did your mom say?"

"All set. Would you mind picking me up from the train station?"

"I was gonna suggest that."

"Okay, cool. So it will be this Friday night. Hold on, I have a train schedule. Let me check out the time. You live by the Rutland train station right?"

"Yea, it's 2 blocks away."

"Great. The train leaves here at 6:25 p.m. and arrives there about 7:46."

"Isn't there an earlier one?"

"Um...yea. Leaves here at 4:12, arrives there at 5:33."

"That sounds good."

"So what should I bring?"

"I dunno...a bathing suit in case we go to the indoor pool, towel, washing stuff. Do you plan to stay over Friday and Saturday night?"

"You know, I never thought of that. I guess both nights."

"Great. Cuz my parents are going away Saturday afternoon and won't be back until Sunday night, and I could use some company."

"Hey, no prob bud."

"So, I'll see you tomorrow around 5:30?"

"Yea, cya then."

"Bye Brandon"

"Bye Kyle." I heard the phone click. "I love you Kyle." This is going to be great! An entire weekend of just me and Kyle! I can't wait! I started to pack my bags. I also packed some games and mags--the usual ones: Gamepro, Nintendo Power, etc., carefully checking to make sure none of my XY magazines got into the bag.

That night I just sat around and did what little homework I had, and went to bed. The next day school seemed to fly by. Everyone was wondering why I was in such a good mood. I told them that I was going to see one of my best friends from the summer. They all were like um OK whatever.

Three o'clock Came. I ran home, took a shower, finished packing my bags, and my mom drove me to the train station.

"Okay, so I'll call you to tell you what time on Sunday to pick me up?"

"OK Brandon. Be good! Love you!"

"Bye mom, love you too!"

I hopped on the train. It wasn't crowded. So I sat down in an empty row and pulled out a magazine. I started reading it and then all of a sudden someone sat down eight next to me! I mean, how rude! There were plenty of rows on the train that were unoccupied!

"Excuse me, could you please--KYLE??!! What are you doing here???"

It was Kyle!! Of all people!


"How the hell did you--"

"Well, my school ended early today, around 12 noon. They have teacher's meetings once a month and they let us out early. So I hopped on the train and rode it to the station past your town, and hopped on the reverse train back to your town. I took notice to make sure it was the same train you were gonna be on."

"Damn, you're smart. I would've never been able to do that. I would have screwed it up."

"Naw, you would've done it just as well."

We talked the whole rest of the ride back to his station about mindless stuff. We finally got back to the station. Kyle said that we were going to walk, cuz his house was only 2 blocks away. I didn't mind.

We got back to his house. Both his parents were working, and his sister was at a sleepover, so we were basically home alone. We went up to his room and started unpacking.

"So where am I going to sleep?"

"Well, usually when my friends sleep over, they sleep in my bed with me. If you're OK with that, you can, otherwise, I have a pullout cot that I'll put in the room."

"I wouldn't want to cause you that trouble. I'll stay in the bed with you, as long as you don't mind.

"Nope, not at all!"

This was turning out to be better than I expected!! Sleeping in the same BED as him? Wow this was great. Nothing could be better. We continued to unpack my stuff.

"Brandon, what's this?", he said, calling me over.

I walked over and when I saw what it was, my heart stopped. It was one of my XY magazines!!! How the hell did that get in there?

"Oh, it's nothing" i said very nervously.

"Nothing? What is it? Is it a gaming mag? I've never seen it before."

"Kyle please give it back it's really nothing!!!"

But it was too late. He opened it and saw the title page. It read:

XY MAGAZINE: THE MAGAZINE FOR GAY AND BI TEENS. I was so embarrassed. I ran out of the room, out the door, and into the backyard. I was crying hysterically. I could not believe this! This was the end of the world for me. I heard Kyle screaming behind me.

"Brandon!!! Come back!!!"

But I wouldn't. I was so upset. I thought I checked!! How did that get in there? I was so upset.

Kyle came outside and sat by me.

"Kyle, I-"

"No need to say anything. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to not like me or be scared of me or hate me. The least thing i wanted to do was-

Kyle came over to me and I felt something lightly on my cheek. Did Kyle just kiss me? I immediately looked at him. HE was smiling and he was teary-eyes.

"Oh my god. Kyle--you--you are gay too?"

"Yea," he said, with the biggest smile I have ever seen from him.

This was unbelievable!!!! Kyle, the boy who I have loved for a year now with all my heart, has loved me the same way? I felt like I was on top of the world. I immediately hugged Kyle and we both just stood there hugging and exchanging tears of joy, for we finally each have found someone to love.

"Come on Bran, let's go inside! I don't want my neighbors to think I'm nuts!"

"Good idea!"

We ran inside and up to Kyle's room. Once we were in the room, we looked at each other and then we kissed. This wasn't just any ordinary kiss though. This was the kiss of true love. We exchanged the most passionate kiss for at least a good five minutes. We were both on an emotional overload.

Kyle pulled me over to the bed. I pulled him down on it. We both gazed into each other's eyes and we knew exactly what we wanted. I reached over to his shirt and took it off, exposing his bare chest. He was so sexy! He then did the same to me. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I then went over and removed his shoes and socks, while he did the same. I then took extra care in unzipping his shorts and taking them of in a very seductive manner. I could tell he had a raging hardon, and so did I. He then copied me and did the same to me. By that time, we were both laying on the bed in our boxers. I looked at him, and he looked at me. He nodded to go further. I took my hand and slowly slid it around his boxers. I slowly slid them down, and exposed his cock. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! It was about 5-1/2 inches long and about the same thickness as mine. At the base was about a nice patch of dirty blond pubic hair. Then he slowly took my boxers off, and for a while, we just laid there, checking out each other's packages. Then I took my hand to him and rubbed his cock. He started moaning.

"OoOOOOOOooooooHHHHHH BRANDON!!" We were in ecstasy together. Then I went over and took his entire cock head in my mouth. It was the most amazing thing ever. I still could not believe that this was all happening. I slowly took more and more of it in, until it was all in. I bobbed up and down, slowly at first, then increasing in speed until it was almost automatic. Kyle was screaming in ecstasy.


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooHHHHHHHhhhhhhh!!" Then I felt his cock start to swell.

"BRANDON! I'M GONNA CCCCCCCUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" At that point, he came. He was screaming in ecstasy as he squirted shot after shot of his boy juice into my mouth. It was so delicious, I swallowed every drop.

"That was amazing, Brandon!"

"Tell me about it!"

"I Love you so much Kyle!"

"I Love you too!"

Then Kyle went over to my cock and started sucking on it. It was the most amazing feeling. Nothing I have ever felt was so amazing. Kyle seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing. I started moaning in ecstasy.

"KKKKKkkkkYYYYYYYyYYyLLLLLLLLllllllEEEEEEE!!!!!! OH KKYYYLLLLEEE!!! SUCK ME KYLE!!! SUCK ME HARDER AND HARDER!!!!!! ooooooooHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh baby!!!!!!!!!! i love YOU KYLE!!!!! OOOOoooooOOOOhhhhhhhhhh I'M GONNA CCCUUUM!!!!!!!!!!!!" At that point, I felt a rocket of cum shoot out of my body and into Kyle's mouth. And another. It felt like I'd never stop, but by the end, I must have shot out 6 good loads to him.

"That was so amazing!" I said to Kyle, while trying to catch my breath.

"I know! I love you so much!"

"I love you too."

At that point, we heard a car pull into the driveway.

"SHIT,' Kyle said, "my Mom's home!"

"No big deal. We can continue later." I smiled at him, he smiled back. We quickly threw our clothes on and started playing videogames.

The door to Kyle's room opened and Kyle's mother walked in.

"Hello Kyle. Oh hello Brandon! How was the train ride?"

"Oh, it was great!"

"Well, I hope you boys have fun this weekend. Kyle has told me so much about you."

"Thank you ma'am, I'm flattered."

"Oh that's OK. Kyle, will you be able to stay under control if your father and I go out to dinner and a movie tonight, being as Tara isn't home?"

"Oh, we'll be good. I promise." Kyle flashed a smile at me. I flashed it back. Kyle's mom didn't notice."

"OK boys, we should be leaving in a few minutes. Your father should be arriving shortly."

"Okay mom."

"Bye boys," she said, as she walked out of the bedroom door. She closed the door behind her.

"This weekend may turn out better than we thought!"

"I am so glad you invited me here."

"I'm so glad you're a fag."

"Oh, go fuck yourself"

"No, that's your job."

"Oh yea, I forgot."

"Bye Boys," Kyle's mother said. "Be back by 11!"

"Bye Mom!"

"Now where were we?" Kyle asked.

"I'm gonna fuck you, remember?"

"Oh yea," he says playfully.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Do you really have to ask?"

We immediately got undressed again and we were both rock-hard again. We got onto the bed.

"Wait!" I shouted. Let me get something."

"OK, but hurry back Brandon."

"I will."

I ran into the bathroom and got a jar of petroleum jelly. I brought it back.

"What's that for?"

"You'll find out soon enough Kyle"


"Turn over now"

"What?" he asked.

"Just do it. you'll like it, I promise."

"Are you going to fuck me now, big boy?"

"You got that right!"

"Kyle smiled back at me as I opened the jar and slopped some on my fingers. I took some and I greased up his asshole. I stuck my finger up his hole and swirled around. he started giggling.

"That feels good," Kyle said.

"You think that feels good? Wait until I fuck you!"

"Well, hurry up! I can't wait that much longer!"

"OK, I'm almost ready." I put some more petroleum jelly on my cock and I smiled at him. He smiled back. I knew he was ready. I slowly put my cock to his hole, and slowly pushed in. He sighed. I slowly pushed a little more, and kept pushing it in. He flinched, so i stopped for a second.

"You alright?"

"Yea. Keep going"

"OK". Very shortly after that, all 5-1/2 inches of my cock was inside him. This was so incredible. I was inside Kyle, MY Kyle's ass! I started to withdraw slowly, and Kyle started moaning. I then picked up the speed. I pushed in and out faster, and faster, and faster. I could tell Kyle was enjoying it, he was screaming. "BRANDON!!!!!! OOOoOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH hhhhhhhhh BBRRRRRAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDDDOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK ME HARDER! YES YES YEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"KYLE!!!!!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!!!!!!!!"


"OOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" I exploded in Kyle. I rocketed a good six shots into him. I collapsed on top of him, both of our hearts racing.

"That was AMAZING Brandon!!!"

"I love you Kyle!"

"I Love you too Brandon"

We then calmed down a little and lyed on the bed and talked.

"Brandon, there's something i gotta tell you. I've been a bad boy."

"Really? Why. What did you do?"

"I put the XY mag in your bag. It was really mine."


"Well, up at the thing last weekend, I got the idea about doing all of this. I planned the whole thing out. I just had to take a chance by dropping the magazine that you were. I mean, you did drop a lot of clues that you were gay...i just hoped that I was right in doing that."

"I can't believe you. You're so mean!" i said playfully.

"Well if iI didn't, this night would have never happened. So it was worth it right?"

"Oh yea!!! I just can't believe that you pulled the entire thing off--and so flawlessly!"

"Well you helped with that. You could have denied that it was your magazine to begin with. But I took a risk and won."

"Thank god you did"

"I love you so much Brandon"

"I love you too Kyle!" be continued...

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