Labour Camp

By Mat W

Published on Mar 3, 2018


I hope that you're still enjoying this story - any thoughts for how you would like it to progress would be much appreciated. There are another 4 parts written, but after that I am open to suggestion!

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Labour Camp - part 5

The days began to have a routine for Chris. Morning roll call always involved punishments for those prisoners who had trangressed, and evening roll call tended to have fewer but more severe punishments. About three weeks into his sentence, Chris was working in the kitchen. Although this was not as hard work as some, it was punishing in its own way. The prisoners just got slop, nutritious but tasteless and unappetising gruel which they guzzled from troughs like pigs morning and evening. But the guards ate well, and the kitchen work detail had to work hard to cook proper food for the guards as well as boiling down the slops for the prisoners. Chris was working alongside a very cute young lad making biscuits. The lad was fairly new, probably about 21, very lean, with not a lot of body hair and closely cropped dark hair on his head. He had a decent sized cock and low hanging balls. His legs were really well shaped, and Chris guessed that he probably did a lot of cycling. As they were mixing and rolling the dough, Chris noticed the lad picking up off cuts and, instead of squishing them all back together to re-roll, he was popping the occasional gobbet into his mouth. The kitchen crew were not gagged like many of the prisoners because the heat of the kitchen could make it difficult for the prisoners to breathe with their usual ring gags in place.

Chris nudged the lad and shook his head and frowned, trying to tell him not to eat the dough, but he didn't dare say anything out loud, he had learnt that, gagged or not, prisoners were only expected to speak in reply to an order or question from a guard.

All of a sudden, a guard appeared from nowhere, grabbed the young lad from behind, swung him around and ordered him to open his mouth. The lad knew he had been caught in the act, and obeyed, showing the part chewed remains of the dough. The guard bent the lad over the work surface, pulled out his paddle, and gave the lad 10 strokes. He then clipped a short leash to the lad's collar and dragged him away.

That evening at roll call, the young new lad was the only miscreant kneeling facing the rest of the prisoners. The governor, when he mounted the dias, looked disgustedly at the young lad, who was filthy and had tears running down his cheeks. When all the rest of the prisoners had assembled, the governor spoke,

"Evening scum. We have before us tonight one of our number who thought that it would be acceptable not only to eat unapproved rations but, which is worse, to steal those rations from the guards. This is a very serious crime and will be punished accordingly."

Two guards came around the corner of the hut, one carrying the board and chair that Chris knew only too well meant that the lad was going to be despunked and have his soles beaten, and the second the frame which Chris had only seen twice and which meant that the lad was going to be fucked as well.

Chris watched in horror as the the lad was pulled up from his kneeling position and thrown down onto the board. The lad's backside was criss-crossed with the unmistakable signs of a severe caning. From his nipples hung the harsh clamps and heavy chain of the punished prisoner and as he landed on the board, Chris winced, thinking about how those awful clamps must be biting into his sensitive flesh. The guards kicked his legs apart and reached under his body and pulled his dick back so that it lay between his legs against the board.

"This thief has been sentenced to one of our harshest punishments," the governor called out, "I hope this will ensure that we have no more thieving here. Now, get on with it, boy, we don't have all night!"

The lad had obviously also seen what happened on the board as he began to hump it, trying hard to keep his head and feet up as he did so. If either extremity dropped, one of the guards would lash his buttocks with a thin cane until he was back in the correct position. The lad was crying audibly as he bucked and writhed against the board, both wanting to orgasm, and wanting to stave it off as long as possible, as he knew what would happen next. It took a long time for the lad's breathing to take on that ragged, panting sound which meant that he was close to the edge, but only moments thereafter his body bucked and arched and Chris could almost smell the semen as the lad ejaculated into the board.

"Get that cleaned up, you filthy piece of shit!" Shouted the guard who had beaten the lad for poor posture. The lad scrambled to his knees and began licking the cum off the dirty board. When he missed a drop which had dropped from the tip of his dick as he licked, he got another three strokes of the cane before being told to finish his work.

He was then ordered to lie face down, and he was lashed to the chair as Chris had been once before. The governor himself then stepped forward and took the proffered cane from the guard. Chris could see that this was not one of the thinner, whippier canes that were generally used. This one looked to be more than a centimetre in diameter and was much stiffer as the governor swished it through the air.

He moved beside the lad, and raised the cane. It came down with a heavy sounding `thwack' onto the arch of the lad's left foot and the lad screeched in pain.

"Count the stroke, you thieving sod, or I will double the punishment!"

The lad mumbled "one, Sir, thank You, Sir, please may i have another, Sir?" As best he could through the gag.

The governor raised the cane again and again, bringing it down hard each time onto the lad's unprotected and tender soles. Only when the lad had received 25 strokes to each foot and when he was a sobbing mess did the governor hand the cane back to the guard.

But the lad had no time to recover. Another guard untied him from the chair, pulled it off him, pulled him up and threw him over the frame where his ankles and wrists were swiftly pulled tightly apart, leaving his buttocks stretched taut and apart, his anus clearly visible to those prisoners near the front of the crowd.

"Stealing is not accepted here, scum. It is one of the most seriously punished of crimes. We have 30 guards here including myself. This piece of scum will be moved to the hole tonight, and will remain there for as many days as takes for each of us to lodge a load of our semen up his cunt. At 4 per evening, I make that just over a week in the hole. Remember this, the rest of you, when you consider taking things which do not belong to you."

So saying, the guards swung the frame round so that the lad was side on to the assembled prisoners. The governor strode behind him, stuck his fingers in a pot hanging from the frame which seemed to hold grease of some kind and roughly shoved first one, then two and then three fingers up the thief's exposed hole, eliciting another screech from the lad as he did so. Unzipping his flies with his ungreasy hand, the governor pulled out his penis, coated it in grease and shoved it hard and bare into the lad's cunt. The governor took his time fucking the lad, but didn't make it gentle. He fucked the lad hard, slowly pulling almost all the way out and then ramming his thick cock all the way back in to the hilt, the noise of his hips meeting the lad's sore buttocks clearly visible across the parade ground. Eventually, he lodged himself firmly in the lad's hole, humping harder and faster until his breathing became ragged and he clearly shot a huge load of cum into the lad's guts. He fucked the lad slowly for a while longer as his passion subsided, before withdrawing. He walked to the lad's face, softening cock bouncing and dripping cum and slime and, unclipping the lad's gag, shoved his filthy member down the lad's throat, telling the lad to make sure he was properly clean. The lad choked and gagged as he sucked and licked the mixture of semen and his own ass slime of the older man's cock. Finally, the governor let loose a stream of piss down the lad's throat, washing away the filth. Pulling out, the governor wiped his cock on a fluffy towel handed to him by a guard, as the guard who had whipped the lad for poor posture followed the governor's lead in taking out his cock, greasing it up, and impaling the lad on his unprotected member. Two more guards took their turn, until the lad was spent, hanging limply over the frame, his anus gaping and a mixture of cum, slime and piss down his face. The lad was untied, the short leash was clipped on and he was dragged away to the hole.

Ewan was in pain. His buttocks hurt from the caning he had received, his anus hurt from having been fucked by four different men one after the other, his cock hurt from humping a rough board and the soles of his feet hurt from suffering though the bastinado. And now he was hot and uncomfortable in the Hole. A small corrugated steel shack, one of a number dotted around the camp, the Hole was really unpleasant. Ewan's sore hole was being stretched by a large plug which had a spike on one end which was driven into the ground before he had been impaled on it without any more lube than remained from the repeated fucking he had suffered on the parade ground. Chains ran from the rings on the sides of his collar and from the cuffs around his ankles to the walls of the hut, meaning that he could barely move at all. He had realised very quickly, though, that they were not strong enough to take his weight, he couldn't lean into them or they were in danger of snapping. His gag had been replaced by a short tube at the front of which was a shallow bowl. This meant that he had no choice but to swallow whatever went into the bowl, piss, spit, water, cum. Earlier that day, one of the guards had found it amusing to line his work unit up in front of the Hole and have them all jerk off into the bowl. The accumulating cum sat in the bowl until there was enough for it to ooze into his mouth, so that it was getting cold and very slimy and unpleasant by the time he swallowed it. The short tube meant that he tasted everything that came down it - he couldn't swallow from the back of his throat, he almost had to roll everything around with his tongue to get it down. He had got past retching, but that didn't make it taste any better. He wasn't sure what was worst, either the morning when some of the guards would stumble out of bed and come and let loose their first, strong, dark piss off the day into his throat, or the times when a guard would get bored and take out the gag and have him tongue and lap at his crack and anus. The guards never bothered making sure they were very clean down there, and the heat of the day made them sweaty as well. It wasn't just rimming their dirty sweaty holes that he hated, it was the lingering taste left when they replaced the gag. He almost looked forward to his next drink of piss, at least it cleaned the taste of arse out of his mouth. He stank of sweat and piss, when his bladder was full he had no choice but to let loose and piss down his own legs and into the muddy floor of the hole. He'd only been here 48 hours. He had 5 more days and 22 more guards to take up his cunt before he would be allowed to get back his `normal' punishment. All for a few mouthfuls of biscuit dough. Ewan cried quietly in the dark, waiting for the door to open and the next bellyful of piss to come down the tube.

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