
By Timothy Lane

Published on Mar 10, 2023


Laramie Chapter 3

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As a reminder, the previous chapter took place in Laramie's senior year of high school, 2007.


**May 2010
**Laramie Jenkins (21)
Freddy Spaulding (22)


In the past eight months, I had learned to decipher Freddy's scent when he was lying naked with me. It intoxicated me, at least when we were aroused by each other. I inhaled his neck as his body draped over me, his weight crushing me in a pleasurable way. Hot air left through my nostrils and dispersed on the skin of his neck. I gripped his hair between my fingers. I loved that we had developed this position, him being a blanket over me. Freddy and I had grown familiar with our likes and dislikes. We focused on all the good things we both enjoyed.

I was enthralled when he pushed his cock into my crotch. His dick was bigger than mine, and the firm girth pressed into my bush always sent me to the moon. One of my hands gripped his ass and helped push his dick into me harder. When he would grind it into my abdomen, we both moaned in approval. It was one of our "things."

Freddy and I didn't fuck. He didn't like it. I hadn't dated much in college, and I had never been fucked. The random blowjobs happened here and there. They were nice I supposed. My freshman year I spent most of the time longing for Charlie, my high school crush. We would talk on the phone every now and then. But the distance diminished our friendship. Even during the summers, we didn't get together. I missed him.

My sophomore year forced me to go on a few dates. Kansas State University was large enough for there to at least be somewhat of a gay presence. Those dates were fine, but I think I was still longing for Charlie, or at least the connection I felt with him. The dates I went on seemed more about Are we getting naked? more than getting to know the person. I didn't fall for anybody.

Then I met Freddy last fall. We were both attracted to each other. The glances across the classroom became noticeable after a few weeks. Then we sat near each other. Finally, he asked me out. It's funny that neither of us were 100 percent sure of each other's sexuality for a few weeks. It seemed so obvious now.

Now he was grinding his cock into my body.

"You know I love it when you do that, don't you?"

"Of course, I do," Freddy said. "That's why I love doing it."

We didn't have an expansive repertoire of sexual moves, but we liked what we did. Freddy dry humped me at least every week or two. Even though we didn't fuck, I could still finger his hole gently as he rubbed his cock up and down my belly.

He grunted as he thrust his beefy erection into my stomach. I loved listening to him. Freddy came more quickly than I did. Usually a few minutes of him thrusting his hard-on into my skin brought him off.

He got louder. "Oh, Larry. Larry. Larry! Aaaahhh... I'm close."

It wasn't necessary for him to inform me. I knew him well enough. His left nipple was close to my face as he had moved up my chest. He fucked my torso, and I pushed an ass cheek with one hand and fingered his pucker with another.

Freddy's groan became a whine.

"Larry bear, I'm gonna come." Then he growled. "AAAAUHHH! I'M COMING!"

I moved my mouth to suckle his nipple and breathe in the scent within his chest hair. I felt wet warmth stripe my chest. One shot hit my neck. He continued to growl at high volume. If anyone was in an adjacent room, they would have figured out our activities. It wouldn't be the first time. Someone once told us they were jealous of our sex life.


I didn't care if the room next door heard. It felt so good to have sex with Larry. I had grown to love him. I knew he loved me. Coming on him was one of my favorite pleasures.

I moved down to kiss him. We slurped on each other's face.

"Stick you cock in your cum and then come up here," he said.

I didn't come a lot. My cum was thick, usually three stripes. It still had a touch of warmth as I slid my slab of a phallus through it. Larry loved to swallow my cock when it was coated with cum. It was just kinky enough to be particularly fun. I growled again as he tongue wrapped around my dick once I had maneuvered it into his mouth. He hummed as he swallowed it, letting me know he loved worshipping my body.

I wanted to stay hard for him, but following my climax, I could feel the rigidity of my erection wane some. Still he swallowed my flesh while he pounded his own. Laramie's hair was short following his haircut, but it still felt soft. I ran my fingers through it as he continued to tantalize me orally. The vibration of his body let me know he was rigorous in his self-stimulation.

Laramie's lasting power was impressive. I would have come minutes ago, but he continued to work my cock over in his mouth while his own beautiful erection was being beaten to orgasm. As he hummed into my skin, I knew he was finally nearing the finish line.

He moaned into my cock as his ass lifted off the bed. The first shot, assuming it was the longest, hit the curve of my back. All the rest coated his torso. He moaned and moaned. Even after he had well finished, he still wouldn't let me remove my cock. He continued to suckle it and moan.

I loved him.

And yet, we only had two weeks together left. We had avoided talking about it. But we needed to.

He let me release my prisoner.

I moved back on the bed. I nuzzled my nose into his balls. Larry had wonderful balls. Mine were tight, his were loose and masculine. He seemed like all man to me. It's funny to think of ourselves as men. Since turning 18 four years ago, I still didn't feel like an adult. But I was graduating college in two weeks. I was entering the real world. I was a man. I was an adult. The term "college kid" couldn't apply anymore. But breathing in the sweat of his crotch confirmed I was a man and so was he. I kissed the tip of his cock and then ran my tongue through a spray of his cum. Then I moved up to slide my cock through it from side to side.

"You know that is just going to make me want to suck you some more."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" I chuckled.

His hands gripped my ass and moved my cock back into his mouth. I actually thought I was getting hard again.

"Okay. Enough," I smiled as I removed my penis from his face. I liked how my dick looked, no matter what. Post-sex, it had a real enflamed polish to it that I found nice.

I had a cum rag at the side of the bed. My roommate knew what it was, I was sure. I wiped us off. We were snug in the single bed, which I adored. I tossed the rag to the floor and let the air began to dry the remaining tackiness of our skin. Our bodies were still warm; lying next to him — bare skin to bare skin — helped sustain the heat.

"We haven't talked about ..." I started.


"You know what. I'm graduating in two weeks."

"I know." Laramie's voice sounded defeated.


"I guess there is nothing really to talk about. You have a job lead in Boston. It'd be crazy not to take it."

"I hope you know leaving you hurts," I offered.

"I know. Me too." Larry exhaled. "But ... we knew going into this last fall ... you're a senior, I'm a junior. If anything developed, we knew it could only be temporary."

"It developed, all right," I said. I turned my head to look at him. "I love you. I love you, Lar'."

He lifted his head to kiss me. It was a soft, gentle kiss.

"I love you too. I have for months. We've told each other that since Christmas, but ... we knew this day was coming. I guess we just didn't figure we would last this long."

I sighed. "I know. This is the longest relationship I've had. Most lasted only a few months. I hate that I'm a year ahead of you. If you were graduating, I would be pressuring you to come with me."

"I know."

"Of course, you need to finish your degree. I'm not going to ask you to uproot with just one year to go."


I rolled over to hold Freddy. We had done everything in our power to avoid talking about all this for weeks. Now it was staring us in the face. As much as I would have loved to throw my college years away and move with him, it would have been a dumb move.

Damn it. I loved him. I had loved Charlie in high school, but this felt deeper. We were into each other in so many ways: intellectually, physically, sexually. Hell, I even shared this single bed a few times even with his roommate in the room, not that we did anything those nights. We just wanted to hold each other.

My hand moved down to hold his penis. It was quite the sausage no matter its state.

"When you're gone, please don't worry about me. Don't even think about me."

"Don't think about you!!?" he said in astonishment. "Larry, I love you. Of course I am going to think about you."

"Yeah. I get that. I know I just longed for Charlie for more than a year. We knew the distance couldn't sustain anything. When I found out he had moved on to someone new, it hurt even though I knew it was inevitable. I just ... I just don't want you to do that. You're starting a career. Having a boyfriend back in Kansas won't make sense. I know you have to move on."

"I love you," he said.

"I know. I love you too, Freddy."

"Larry bear."

"Freddy bear."

"We're nauseating, you know."

I laughed.

His hand fondled my balls. We kissed for a couple of minutes.

"So now what?" I asked.

"We still have two weeks. We don't have to say goodbye today."

"Right. Right."

"If we time things right, we can have sex every day for two weeks."

I laughed again, this time louder.

"We'll see," I said. "Heaven knows I will miss you. I will miss your body. I will miss your huge dick. I will miss breathing you."

We held each other tight. I inhaled the scent of the man I loved.

May 2010, Two Weeks Later


I had never met Laramie's parents. He was too afraid to take me home during school, even as a "friend." He had come to stay with me at my folks' home twice. They seemed to like him. I watched his demeanor at my old house. I could tell he enjoyed being himself. My parents had known I was gay since I was 19. I felt sad that he was still hiding it, but everyone's family was different. He knew his family. I just felt blessed to have accepting parents.

Mom hugged Larry when she saw him with me. Tickets were limited to the graduation ceremony, so he wasn't able to attend, but he stayed around for dinner.

"Are you completely packed?" I asked.

"Pretty much," he said. "You?"

I wasn't. I was going to hang an extra day just to take my time. My parents understood. Most of my fellow graduates couldn't wait to leave. I wasn't as eager. I knew this was the end. The end of college, the end of most of these friendships, the end of Larry and me. After I packed tomorrow, the plan was just to walk the campus one last time.

"Nah. I've dedicated tomorrow morning to do it. Just relax. No reason to rush. I don't leave for Boston until June 10. I'll have at least a week with Mom and Dad before leaving." They smiled at me. "I think just being on campus another day will be kind of nice. Probably a bit melancholy too."

My roommate had left a few hours ago. Larry would share my bed one last time tonight. I didn't need to think about that at dinner time. I tried to focus on the meal at hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding, what do you think of Freddy moving to Boston?" Laramie asked my parents.

"Well ..." she started. "I'm not delighted with the distance, but ... I know my boy. It will be exciting. It will challenge him. I'm sure it will be much more exciting for him than Kansas."

"I promise to visit every two months. Once my career is established, I'll look forward to you coming up now and then."

I noticed Larry ducking his head. His family would not have the money for him to fly up to see me. This probably really was the end. I hoped we could at least talk now and then. My hand moved over to rest on his knee. It was like each minute was a brick being added to a wall that would separate us forever. I could almost envision the harsh texture of its red surface. I tried so hard not to think about it. I loved Larry; saying goodbye would be agony.

The server brought our dinners. Everyone oohed and aahed over the presentation of each one. Larry had ordered roast beef. He was very much a meat-and-potatoes guy. I had the blackened salmon. Both my parents had ordered chicken dishes, him the picatta, her the marsala. They intended to share.

"This looks wonderful," Larry said. "I love how the mashed potatoes are stiff. I always hate it when they are so creamy that they can't even hold gravy."

My parents chuckled. All four of us enjoyed our selection.

Laramie had never tried a blackened dish. He reached over with his fork to take a bite.

"Wow. That's delicious. I love the spiciness of it. I need to eat more things like that. With seafood, usually I can take it or leave it, but ... yum, that's really good."

"Larry, do you think you will go visit Fred in Boston?" my father asked.


I knew the answer. I wouldn't have the money. My parents wouldn't send me. I could save some, but ... Freddy was starting a new life. We both knew we were done.

"I'm not sure. That would be great, but I don't know if I can swing it," I politely answered. "I'll miss him. A lot. Hopefully we'll be able to stay in touch."

That would mean email. The iPhones were expensive, but I was hoping to get an earlier model during the summer. Maybe we could call from time to time.

His parents looked temporarily awkward for posing the question. I felt they knew the two of us were in love and that the goodbye would be brutal. I did. The next 24 hours would be hell.

The rest of the dinner conversation was fairly light. They asked me questions about the farm, and I asked about life in Topeka.

After dinner, the sun began to make its way toward the horizon. I knew I needed to load the car, and Freddy had committed to helping me. I hugged both his parents goodbye. I knew I would never see them again.

Thirty minutes later, the last boxes were making their way into my trunk. I didn't have an abundance of items in the college apartment. My roommates had stored more than I had. It was strange how the apartment looked so vacated so quickly. Both of them had left yesterday. I had an overnight bag to take to Freddy's apartment. He laid my clothes in the back seat so neatly. Some bags of items slipped behind the seats. The final box was placed in the trunk, and I shut it with a resounding thunk. As it was the end of the semester, the apartment office was open late as students were checking out frequently. I turned in my key, and that was that. Freddy waited for me in the room. I took a final glance. It was empty except for the furniture that remained. I would miss it. I hadn't even thought about the fall semester or whom I might be rooming with. I had focused all my attention on Freddy this spring; anything beyond that had never occurred to me.

The three-minute drive to his apartment seemed like a city away this time. It was the last time for me to drive to his apartment. After closing my car door, I glanced through the windows. I would hope no one would break in overnight. Then again, who on Earth would want my clothes? I felt confident it was safe.

Freddy popped open a beer. He offered me one, and I accepted.

He sat on the couch first. When I approached, he moved sideways so I could recline between his legs. He held one hand out with his beer but put the other around my chest once I sunk into his body.

For a couple of minutes, neither of us said a word. We just ... existed.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Nothing. Everything. You." He kissed me on the back of my head.

"Go on."

"I'm not sure how to go on."

He reached over and set his beer precariously close to the edge of the coffee table. A moment later I could hear him weeping. I turned to see tears running down his face.

"Freddy bear, what is it?"

"What is it!?? You know what it is! I love you Laramie Jenkins! I – I – I can't say goodbye. I have no idea how to do that," he said through sniffling.

"We knew this was coming. We didn't talk about it much, but we knew it was coming."

"I know. I know," he said, pushing me up to go grab a tissue.

As he honked a fair amount of snot into his tissue, I was surprised I was not in tears. I hurt, that was for sure. Our farewell had been "off in the distance" for so long. Now it was here.

We sat side by side on the couch. Both of us were silent. He grabbed my hand.

"I don't know what to say," I uttered.

"Same here."

"No matter how many times we say, `I love you,' we are both leaving. It's the goodbye we had been putting out of our minds for so long."

Freddy leaned over and put his head on my shoulder.

"At least we can talk on the phone," he said.

"For a while. But you are starting a new life. You'll move on."

"Move on. Sure. Starting a career is one thing. Leaving the person you love is another."

"You could move to Eureka."

We both doubled over laughing at the same time.

"Like you are going to stay put after you graduate next year."

That was an interesting comment. What would I do? I had no great love for Eureka. It was fine. Small, but ... not thrillsville, for sure. I pondered it a moment. I hadn't painted my future's canvas yet. I had no idea. I hadn't even come out to Mom and Dad. How long could I live at home?

"Hey, Freddy." He turned to look at me. "I do want you to move on. I spent my whole freshman year and part of my sophomore year missing my first love in high school. I mean, you and I, we're ... it's a deeper love I have for you. But I don't want you pining away for me. We were great. Really great. But I know you will meet someone new. Please know I expect that."

He sighed. "Maybe."

"Don't run away from love if you find it. I'm in another part of the world ... well, the country."

"No matter what, part of me will always love you, Lar'. I mean it. When I'm 60, a part of my heart will hold you in it. You're the first man I've truly loved. I won't ever forget you."

"I hope not. Our sex has been quite memorable in my opinion."

He laughed, which made me laugh.

"Speaking of which..." he started, getting up and reaching for my hand.

Within minutes the two of us were lying naked on top of his sheets, hard as axes. Although our erections pressed into each other, we fixated on kissing. Kissing passionately. Kissing lovingly. Kissing as if there was no tomorrow. Because there wasn't. Not for us.

His tongue lapped at mine. Our kissing was sloppy. His wet mouth moved to my neck, causing the hair to stand up on my arm. He moved to a nipple and massaged it with his lips. He moved to the chest hair down the center of my torso. He breathed into my bush and then engulfed my titanium rod. I felt my cock move deep into his mouth. I moaned at the wet descent.

Freddy serviced me orally for a few minutes. Had it been reversed, he would have been close to coming. I wasn't close, but it felt magnificent.

"It's our last night together. Do you want to fuck me?" he softly asked, slightly sheepish.

"Nah. I know you don't care for it. We can do our favorite things." I thought about it a moment though. It would have been interesting to see what it felt like for my dick to be inside him. But he had always said he didn't like fucking. I was okay with that. Picturing me doing it, though, somehow made my sword even harder — which I thought would be impossible.

Freddy suddenly started sucking my balls. I groaned in approval.

"I love hearing you during sex," he said, or mumbled with testicles in his mouth, actually.

"You make me so fucking hot," I said back. "Can I come in your mouth."

"It would be my first choice."

He swallowed my erection again. I felt his tongue wrap around it, rubbing my hard skin. It glided over the surface as if his tastebuds were the finest of sandpapers.

"GAAAAHHH! I love that!" I screamed.

I knew no one was left in the rooms around us. We had the world to ourselves. He slurped my dick like a dog lapping water. My body writhed in pleasure. I moaned. My fingers ran through his hair. I moaned. My fingernails scratched his back. I moaned. Seconds became minutes. Minutes became sexual eternity. Glorious sexual moments of eternal, moaning pleasure.

"Yes! More! More! Keep doing that," I called out at the stimulation he was doing with mastered skill. "I'm close, baby. Keep sucking my cock just like that. Fuck! That's so good. Fuck! FUCK! That's it. I'm going to come."

One would have thought I had been impaled by a machete. My groan of ecstasy sounded painful. Cum flooded into his mouth in waves. He momentarily coughed as the first stream went down his throat, but he stayed on me, swallowing me, consuming me.

"Fredeeeeeeeeeee," I squealed softly as my orgasm reached its completion. I pulled his head up to mine and kissed him fiercely. "I love you so much."

Our mouths melded together. Hints of my cum were still within his orifice. As we kissed, he kept rubbing his groin into my body.

"I want to feel you come on me," I requested. "Come on my back?"


"Absolutely," I replied.

I turned Larry over. I kissed the back of his neck as my crotch rubbed along his ass. I loved it when my thick meat found his crack and just moved up and down within it. No penetration, just sliding in it. It was my X-wing fighter flying through the trench of the Death Star.

I let my hands work their way underneath Laramie's body. I gripped his pecs. I felt his hair. I rubbed his nipples with my thumbs. He hummed in approval at every touch.

My dick slid up from the top of his crack. I reached to the drawer to grab my lube. I rolled off to coat my cock. The slippery sausage glided up and down the small of his back. I loved humping parts of Larry's body. We didn't do actual penetration. I didn't need it. Friction on his marvelous body worked me into sexual euphoria. I loved his body. I loved rubbing my body on his body. I loved rubbing my hard body on his hard body. I loved my hard cock rubbing on his body. Rubbing. Rubbing. Rubbing until I came.

And I did.

"Yeaaahhhhhh!!" I growled. "FUCK, I'm coming on you, baby." My stripes of warm, thick cum painted their farewell strokes on the man I loved.

I loved.

How could I possibly leave him? I loved Larry with all my heart. We both knew our futures would have different paths. We just didn't know how excruciating it would be to say goodbye.

I slid off my elbows so that my body would crush his. My dick slid up and down in my cum and hints of remaining lube. I was sticking us together. Sealing us so we wouldn't have to separate.

I buried my face into his neck. "I wish you could come with me," I whispered.

"I know. Me too."

"But ... that's not right for me to want you to not finish your degree. Neither of us would be happy with that."

I put my lips next to his ear. "Please know that I'd do anything to make us work. I love you. I don't want to leave you."

It almost felt as if my dick was spasming more cum, but I knew it was just me sliding into a different stripe.

"Maybe I can come see you," Larry said.

"Maybe," I whispered back. We both knew finances would be prohibitive. Not to mention what his folks would think. He'd have questions to answer.

We didn't move. We didn't say anything for a minute. We were one merged stack of flesh. If I had thought on it anymore, I would have burst into tears. I just let the warmth of his skin comfort me. That's all I thought about. His skin. Next to mine, touching mine, pressing into mine, stuck to mine. Laramie's skin.

I eventually wiped us clean. I rolled him to hold him in my arms after the light went out. I convinced myself that if I held him as we slept, we could stay that way forever. If we didn't wake up, I would have been ecstatic.

Neither of us tossed and turned. We drifted off to thoughts of togetherness and slept for eight hours. Laramie stayed in my arms the whole night.

The tears wouldn't stop.

Larry's trunk closed with a thunk. He had placed his final items in his car. This was it.

We said nothing. We held each other's hands staring into one another's eyes. Tears ran from his eyes, but the flow from mine was considerably more. I pulled him into my arms. We squeezed each other tight. I began to audibly sob. I refused to say the word "goodbye." I gripped him tighter as if he were a tree trunk I needed to climb.

"I love you," I tried to say within my sobs. It was unintelligible.

"Me too," he said back, mixed with tears. "I guess I should go."

"I hate this."

"Me too."

"I'll never stop loving you."

He nodded to me and then kissed me intensely.

"We'll keep in touch," he said.

"Yeah," I breathed.

He got in his car and rolled down the window.

We kissed again.

"I love you," we both said at the same time. He wiped his eyes and started his car.

As his car drove away, the tires ran back and forth over my heart.

It was actually getting warm. The afternoon sun was beating on me. I had just turned in my keys. Before driving home, I decided to walk the campus one last time.

The stroll was melancholy. I had great times here but leaving was sad. I had addresses and emails for most of my friends. I wondered how often we would actually communicate.

Larry was different. I couldn't just cut him loose. I knew we would talk regularly. If he got a cell phone, it would be easy.

As nice as that would be, I was denying that we wouldn't see each other again. But deep in my heart, I knew it might be true.

I wasn't the only one strolling the campus. It was far from the constant motion of a busy semester, but there would be a few people here and there. A couple of guys jogged by.

The old limestone architecture was my favorite. The new buildings were nice, but the limestone gave those particular structures character. Larry would always point out any of the wooden furnishings, trim and rooms within each building. He was good at that kind of stuff.

Kansas State University has more buildings built before 1910 than any other campus in the state. I found a coolness in that.

I walked past the 2008 tornado damage. It wasn't nearly as noticeable as it was last year. Things were slowly falling back into place. I guess everything gets repaired in time. I wondered if my heart would be the same without Larry in it.

* * * *

For more details, check out the blog: Look for a post called "Freddy."


Next: Chapter 4

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