Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Feb 10, 2014


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Thirty-one - breaking the lease

Back at the apartment, i carried the last things out to the van, while Pecs looked at my laptop and worked on something. He removed the collar and cuffs. Then forced my balls back into a harsh neoprene ball stretcher; one that seemed to pull way more than the others. i saw stars.

"We're moving a size up today, boi" Pecs explained. i grunted out my gratitude as i stepped into the shower and washed Him, then myself. When done, i cleaned the bathroom perfectly, leaving only one small washcloth per Pecs orders. Pecs pointed to my last suit hanging in the closet. i dressed in the suit, no underwear, pressed shirt and tie, socks and dress shoes. The bigger ball stretcher pushed my package a little farther forward. With no ceremony, we walked out of the apartment.

Looking back on this moment, i realize that my head shifted significantly in those 24 hours. i was 'all in' at this point. The old me was being summarily dismantled and discarded. My privacy was history and with it went my material possessions, my fears, and my control. i did not panic. i gave myself over to the inner boi in me. i trusted my trainers, but moreover i trusted my Master. i'm not sure this can be conveyed without experiencing it, but i truly gave myself to living in the very moment.

At the van, Pecs lowered the fly on my suit pants and reached inside and grabbed my balls. He kissed me hard, squeezed my stretched boi-balls, and said "Come back here tonight by 5:30 PM. Mr. Terrazzo will meet you to collect His key and final payment." He grinned. Fuck, He was a hot kisser. I was breathless. "Be a good boi for Him. My balls ached, my stomach flip-flopped, and my dick throbbed."

Sir, yes, Sir," i answered loud and clear.

He handed me my wallet (now containing only my license and one twenty dollar bill, nothing else) and my phone. With no more ceremony, He turned me around and slapped my ass and sent me on my way. i wanted desperately to zip up and tuck my hard-on into a less conspicuous angle, but i knew better. My skin still tingled from last night's punishment. My balls ached constantly now. i walked to the train stop, my suit jacket doing little to cover up the bulge or the lowered zipper.

The train ride was uneventful and my hard-on subsided some. i watched my phone the whole time, hoping to hear from my Master, but nothing came through. In the office, it was about as normal of a day as i'd had lately. If anyone noticed my fly down, they didn't remark on it. At 11:00 AM, a text came to order me to piss and grab a light lunch.

My heart sank a little. As painful and intense as the sessions with Mr. Stevens were, i craved them. My bruised and battered boi-hole spasmed, just thinking about it. The rest of the day was a blur.

At 5:00 PM, i made my way back to my old apartment to meet Mr. Terrazzo as ordered. My boi-dick chubbed in anticipation, but my head still had some doubts. They disappeared when i walked up to the apartment building. Guns was waiting for me.

"you're early, boi," He greeted me, rubbing my head, "that's good." We headed upstairs.

i disrobed in the hallway, carefully folding the suit. Naked now, we entered the old apartment; Guns walking, me crawling behind him. Inside, He led me to the bathroom and cleaned my hole out using multiple flushes, including a last one where He bent me over the tub, inserted the head and first few inches of His cock unlubed, up my ass. He pissed for what seemed like forever. It wasn't my first piss enema, but it was a huge one. My belly strained and i groaned under the pressure.

"Ride it out, boi" Pecs ordered. His twelve inches was thickening and plugging my hole. All i could do was breathe harder, deep breaths - in and out. i felt dizzy. My focus was His magnificent cock and the pressure i could apply to it. After an eternity, He slowly began withdrawing His cock. i worked very hard to squeeze my hole, knowing full well the consequences would be severe, if i lost the enema load before ordered. My body was dripping with sweat and i began to tremble.

"Steady, boi, you can do this," Guns coached me, almost in a caring manner. His hands on my ass helped. i clenched hard and He withdrew. He stepped away and ordered me to empty. i nearly passed out. It was intense. i was shaking all over and felt like puking.

Gus turned on the shower and directed me into it. Cool water rained down on me. He threw the wet washcloth to me.

"Scrub up, boi," He ordered. i gathered my senses and scrubbed my body down. My balls ached in the stretcher, my stomach eased back to normal. i finished and dried off by wicking the cold water off me and using the washcloth to wipe away what water i could.

While i dried, Guns informed me there would be no more towels in my future, such luxuries were for Men. i shivered, but dried quick enough.

He led me to what was my bedroom. In the center of the room was a bench like Mr. Stevens used but slightly cruder. It had a padded top that i laid face down on. My legs were spread painfully wide and strapped in place at my thighs, knees, calves, and ankles. As soon as both thighs were strapped in, i felt my hole being exposed and began imagining Mr. Terrazzo fucking me.

He had a beautiful cock, but i'd only ever serviced Him orally. It was a healthy nine inches that usually choked the fuck out of me. More than once the volume of cum was so much that it was impossible to swallow and came spurting out of my nose, burning the hell out of my sinuses. My boi-dick throbbed.

Guns double checked for proper tightness, the straps held me down but circulation was maintained. He constantly felt my feet for warmth or coolness. Straps secured my stomach, torso and arms similarly. A crude dental gag was locked into place stretching my jaws painfully open and then a hood was placed over my head, muffling sound and preventing sight. Something was placed under my chin that somehow held my head forward and immobilized. Guns tested this by shoving two fingers deep into my throat, wiggling them around until i gagged profusely.

In the darkness, i felt the neoprene stretcher roughly pulled off my balls and a cord wound around them instead. Soon after they were pulled own abruptly, probably with some sort of weight attached to them. i grunted, but little noise was possible with the dental gag. Still His hand slapped my ass hard, warning me to control myself.

As He milked precum out of my throbbing dick and rubbed it across my boi-hole, i began to think about my Master in the darkness of the hood. i thought back to that first meeting in the desert, the way He controlled me from the minute i boarded the plane to the minute i physically met him. He had orchestrated all of it. He tested me out with His friend Jim in the airport and in the cab to the resort... and throughout the weekend from there.

Somewhere in the middle of remembering swallowing my Master first load, i heard muffled voices, Guns deep voice and Mr. Terrazzo's booming voice and others, i think. There was the distinct sound of ice cubes clinking into glasses and then the smell of cigar smoke.

In a way, the darkness and muffled sound was safe and comforting. i had come to trust Guns and Pecs implicitly. They'd been harsh, but They always took the best care of me to make sure i was safe and unharmed. With that realization came the understanding that i was not Johnny in this moment, but a faceless object, a part of a piece of furniture designed for the pleasure of superior Men.

A chill went through me as a hand touched my lower back. It felt like a softer hand, and not Guns or Mr. Terrazzo. Were there more voices than theirs? Definitely. More hands rubbed me, pinching and pulling, then some slapping on my ass. The weight on my balls was moving and swaying, pulling hard on them. Saliva ran from my mouth hole like precum dripped from my dick. i shivered in anticipation, adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Suddenly, hands left me and Guns voice made an announcement.

"Gentlemen, welcome. The boi trussed up here comes to this of its own free will. Boi, isn't that right?" He asked. Before i could attempt to answer, He chuckled and instructed me to point to the place in the world i desired to be. Obediently, i pointed towards the sound of Guns voice and down, trying in the darkness to point to His feet. He patted my head and asked the room if they had any doubts of my consent. No sound came forward.

"Per its Master's instructions, its balls are being stretched to hang as low as possible. My boots are stretching Him nicely now, feel free to add a little more weight, if You'd like. Its boi-dick is also learning control and while a healthy amount of precum will dribble out, it will be prevented from achieving orgasm like this." Suddenly there was a snapping noise and my dick felt like it was on fire. i screamed as loud as i could but only made a gurgling noise. My body shook like crazy and sweat rolled off of me. What the fuck was that?

"My job here is to make this event as comfortable as possible for you. I'll be mixing drinks and fetching cigars, but also controlling the boi's well being and safety and administering a zap or two, if it gets too close to cumming. There are condoms and lube, please be safe. Enjoy." He finished and the room got noisy. Hands were back feeling me up. Rubbing the sweat into me.

i remembered being similarly trussed up in the desert, with Jared taking care of me. i missed him all of the sudden. Then i felt a cock invade my mouth, it was hard as steel and slid right in and didn't stop until it was balls deep.

"Cool!" was the word i heard as i struggled to not throw up. Just as quickly, a fat cock lined up at my ass and tore it open, searing my insides. The Man leaned forward onto my back and grunted in my ear.

"I always knew you'd wind up here, pussyboi," it was Mr. Terrazzo, "Skewered between me and my kid." i involuntarily jerked. "Yeah, pussyboi, that's Tommy's cock you're choking on, He's hung like His daddy. Me and my Associates are taking this opportunity to teach our Boys about using faggots." He laughed and pushed Himself up and fucked me like a mad Man. They wasted no time using my holes as aggressively as possible.

For some reason, i kept trying to do the math. How old was Tommy now? 18? 19? i couldn't focus on it, saliva streamed out of my mouth as my throat was fucked hard. It was impossible to keep my composure, at the same time, my ass felt like it was ripping.

"Fuck that pussy-throat, son. Faggots like to be used like this. I'm sure its dick is hard and dripping." Mr. Terrazzo's deep voice was egging His kid on, almost like a coach telling a player how to use a new piece of equipment.

It seems like there is no sense of control what-so-ever in bondage like this, but a good boi seeks out those places where he can still squeeze to pleasure the Men using him. There are more muscles in a boi's ass than just his sphincter. i worked as hard as i possibly could to please both Men.

Tommy came first, flooding my throat and mouth with a big, salty load of young Man's cum. Mr. Terazzo leaned down and tweaked both of my nipples as He jack-hammered my hole. "These knobs are magic, boy, really revs a cunt up" He explained as Tommy tried to collect himself, rubbing His cock against my face and flicking off the last of His cum.

"Thanks, Pop," He said respectfully to His Dad, as His Dad grunted out His climax. "That was the bomb, Pop." i distinctly heard them high five each other and then felt an incredible emptiness as Mr. Terrazzo pulled out.

"Let me give you a hand, Sir" came Guns voice to my left. The next thing i felt was the dental gag being released and my jaw moving. Instinctively i swallowed the cum in my mouth, before slightly stretching my jaw and profusely thanking the Men who used me.

"Clean Him up, boi," Guns ordered as Mr. Terrazzo's condom covered cock found its way to my lips. i sucked the condom off in my mouth and swallowed its rich contents. As i was licking the shaft and balls clean i felt Tommy's cock slip into my hole.

"Damn, Pop, it's still tight. I thought your horse cock might've ruined this pussy," He said enthusiastically. Mr. Terrazzo laughed.

Next: Chapter 32: Learning to Serve 32

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