Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Dec 4, 2001


I spent another sleepless night. This time with the image of the photos Ms. Ying had shown me filling my thought's.

Surely she had not been serious in her suggestion that I should transform myself into such a Buddha like creature to suit a whim of Lee's.

But of course she had been serious. Ms. Ying was a woman to be taken seriously at all times, and like Lee, an imposing figure to be obeyed. At least that is how I saw her.

The idea was repugnant, but for that very reason the idea became all the more exciting.

What better way to convey to Lee my total subservience, his absolute mastery. I was getting hard just thinking about it.

Should I confront Lee to discuss this. No, I had a better idea. His wish had already been made known to me by his mother. I would simply comply with that wish.

It was still early. I looked out of my window to see Ms. Ying's car still there. I dressed and went over and knocked on the front door.

"Yes, Toad? Is there something I can do for you? Lee is still sleeping. He was out very late last night. Being with that absolutely gorgeous girl friend of his, I'm surprised he comes home at all."

She liked jabbing at me about Lee having taken my girl friend, and what a prize she was. As if I didn't know.

"I was wondering, Ma'am, if you could get the keys to my car from Lee. I have to run into town for a little while."

Here I was, practically asking permission to use my own car.

"Well, I don't know exactly what his plans for today are. He sometimes runs over to Kay's house about noon."

"Oh, I'll be back long before that. I should be gone for only about an hour or so."

"I suppose it will be all right. I'll go up and ask him."

Incredible wasn't it? She would ask Lee if it would be all right if I used my car for a little while.

He might feel generous and say yes, or he might decline and I would say nothing and ride my bicycle into town. That would be strictly up to Lee.

Ms Ying returned and said, "Lee was sleeping so soundly that I didn't want to wake him. The key's were on his night table. I shouldn't do this, but here they are. Be back promptly as you said, or Lee will be very upset. He wouldn't want to disappoint Kay, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to upset Lee."

"No ma'am, I wouldn't. I'll be back as soon as I can. About an hour."

At last, behind the wheel of my car again. Amazingly, it was the first time since the day I got it and drove over to Kay's...the night that I introduced her to Lee and he had taken over control of her and the car.

I rolled the top back and it felt great with the wind in my face and hair, and a weird thought entered my mind, "Boy, it must really be something to have a car like this."

Lee had no doubt thought the same thing, especially since it was mine and he had unrestricted use of it.

As I got closer to town I thought about what I was about to do. Would I really go through with this simply to placate some bizarre desire of Lee's?

No, I thought, and actually turned the car around, determined not to give in this time; not to give Lee another victory. Especially a victory of this magnitude.

As I got closer to home that old feeling emerged once again--the overwhelming compulsion to obey Lee; to be subservient to him.

I turned around again actually thinking that I had wasted time and should hurry. Lee might wake up and want the car, and as Ms. Ying had said, "You wouldn't want to upset Lee." Or, of course, disappoint Kay.

I took a chance on time and drove a little farther to the next town where I didn't know the barber. I went in, sat down and said, "Looks like it's going to be a hot summer...take it all off."

He just shrugged and said, "O.K., if that's what you want."

As he started with the electric shaver, I looked in the mirror and it occurred to me that my hair was probably my best feature. Strawberry blond, thick and wavy. I almost backed out again..almost. Ms.Ying's words reverberated in my ears, "It would please Lee."

When the barber had finished, he had left still the outline of hair. Sort of like when one goes in the military.

Even though I was appalled by my appearance, it occurred to me that this was still not exactly the look Lee or Ms. Ying wanted,

"Do a close shave please"

Again he shrugged his shoulders, "O.K. any way you want it."

The shop I was in did tattoos and piercings also. I felt it would be just too much for my family to accept to add the nose ring at this time.

I decided to ease up to it by placing a small emblem in my eyebrow as I had seen some of the teens at school do. Even Lee had a small ear ring piercing.

That type of thing would be acceptable and not too far out of line. The haircut? Well, there was nothing anyone could do about that now.

I took one quick look in the mirror and wished I had not--I looked outlandish.

I hurried back as fast as I could. It had taken longer than I thought. Once again I thought, "Do not upset Lee...or Ms. Ying"

Again I knocked on the front door. Ms. Ying was still there. "I'm very disappointed in you Toad. You said you would be back in an hour, and just look at the time. Lee got up a little earlier than usual so I had to give him my car to pick up Kay and it has changed all my plans."

"I'm very sorry ma'am, I didn't realize."

"You should indeed be sorry. But no matter, Lee is out back with Kay. You may go out and return the keys to him. By the way, I love your new hair style. It definitely becomes you. I think Lee will be pleased, but isn't there something missing?"

"Yes Ma'am, but they didn't have that item," I lied, "But I will take care of that tomorrow."

Damn, but she exuded that same authoritative demeanor as did Lee. It would have seemed proper to bow and back away from her.

"May I leave the keys with you ma'am?"

"No, Lee might have some use for you. Besides, he will probably want to see the new you, even if it's not completed."

All I could think of to say was, "Yes Ma'am." But how I dreaded Kay seeing the new me.

Lee and Kay were sprawled out together on one of those double hammocks in the shade. As usual, they both wore the skimpiest of bikinis and neither one was more beautiful than the other. A true God and Goddess. I suppressed an urge to grovel. That's the way they always affected me.

Upon seeing me, Kay sprang up and put her fingers over her lips as if to suppress a laugh, as she sometimes did, but not suppressing her laughter at all this time.

"Oh my God, Lee! I thought you were joking. Did you really make him do that?

Lee rose, put one arm around Kay and studied me as if I was a painting or some object he had created and said, "Well I did suggest that he might look good that way."

"Come on, Lee. you know he does anything you tell him to do. You made him do it."

"Well O.K., I guess your right then. I made him do it. What do you think? I hope you like."

They were discussing me as if I wasn't there, as they had sometimes done in the past--as if I were an inanimate object.

She studied me again and said, "What's to like. I think it's grotesque, but there's also something very exciting about it all. I mean that you could make him do something like that. That makes it beautiful somehow. Do you know what I mean? Lee, you are really something."

She then kissed him passionately as I looked on like a nerd...a bald nerd.

When he came up for air, Lee said, "Something's missing, isn't there Toad?"

I, of course, knew what he meant and answered, "I'll take care of that tomorrow, Lee"

Kay said jokingly, "Oh no, don't tell me there's more."

"Maybe a little. You'll see tomorrow, right Toad?"

"Yes Lee, whatever you say."

Kay then said to Lee, "I'm hungry, how about you Lee?"

"I could eat."

Then Kay now seeming to be brimming over with confidence said, "Toad, run inside and fix something for Lee and myself."

"Yes Kay, right away."

As I left she said to Lee, "I can hardly wait for Carter and Dawn to get here and see him. I'll bet Dawn will bust a seam laughing. He is not exactly one of her favorite people.

Carter and Dawn arrived a little later accompanied by the ever present Worm.

Kay had been correct about Dawn's reaction to the new me. She laughed hysterically, as did they all, including Worm.

I was glad when Worm and I drifted off to the side and the others conversed amongst themselves, as was the norm.

Worm looked at me and shook his head saying, "I'll bet that was Lee's idea, right?"

Discussing things like this with Worm posed no problem for me, no embarrassment. "Sure it was. You don't think I would want to do something like this do you?"

It occurred to me that my answer was about as close as I could get to acknowledging verbally that I was Lee's slave. I did whatever he wanted, not what I wanted. This act of obedience was really significant.

Worm thought for a moment and said, "I hope this doesn't give Carter any idea's." Then he added, "Or Dawn."

I dreaded going home, but finally had too. My mother looked shocked and said, "What have you done to yourself?"

"It's a style that's going around for the summer called skinhead," I lied, "But I guess the barber got a little carried away."

"It's dreadful."

"Mrs. Ying liked it...so did Lee."

As soon as I mentioned Mrs.Ying, her attitude changed.

"Oh, she did, and Lee also. Humm, interesting. Well, if that's what you want. And of course it will grow back."

Little did she know that would be entirely up to Lee. She didn't seem to mind the piercing at all and when I told her that I might be getting another, she shrugged it off also. I was relieved to get this part of my humiliating ordeal over with.

The next day, I was able to borrow my car once again...who knows when Lee might be generous again, I thought...and went back to the same place and had the nose ring affixed.

It was about the size of a nickel in circumference. I got the smallest they had. I know if Lee had been there he would have chosen one the size of a silver dollar...or even larger.

I had a strange thought. If it wasn't for my family, I would have also chosen a larger ring, to more please Lee and Mrs.Ying. Despite some numbing liquid, it was a painful experience, but well worth it for the desired result, as I'm sure Lee would agree.

Once again, I dutifully went to return the car keys to Lee. That act alone was a turn on for me. I was acknowledging that the car was Lee's to use as he pleased and any use of it he might grant me was an act of generosity for which I should be humble and grateful. Bizarre, I know, but that was the effect Lee had on me.

Mrs. Ying had a smug amused expression when she answered the door. "Well Toad, I have to say I'm really impressed with the new you look. I'm sure Lee will be also."

As I handed the keys to her, she said, "You may take them to Lee yourself. He's up in his room. I'm sure he's anxious to see you."

"Yes Ma'am." Damn it, why did I always feel like genuflecting to her.

Lee was just coming out of the shower when I entered his room. He was naked, covered with little beads of water, drying himself with a towel. He seemed more impressive every time I saw him. I was in complete awe of him.

I instinctively fell to my hands and knees, nose to the carpet. It was no longer a game or a lark sort of thing--it seemed natural and appropriate.

I couldn't, see but I heard him cross the room, and then finally the snap of fingers. It occurred to me once again that if I did not hear that snap he could keep me as I was for who knows how long.

When I rose to a kneeling position, he was sprawled out on a couch type chair, looking at me inquisitively. I actually found myself hoping he would be pleased at what I had done.

He pointed to a phone on a nearby table, and even though the phone was closer to him, said, "Dial Kay's number." I was in such an obedient mode that I didn't even rise but hobbled over to the phone on my knees--I had not been given permission to rise.

After a couple of rings, Kay's voice answered, "Hello?" As I handed the phone to Lee, I thought of how many times that hello had been for me. There was just something about her voice and that little "hello" that rekindled the remorse and feelings of jealousy in me big time.

They began chatting about nothing in particular as I knelt there. Lee tossed his towel at me exposing himself completely and pointed to his feet. So there I was, on my knees drying his feet, while he chatted pleasantly with the girl I had loved and lost to him.

As he conversed with Kay, I heard the snap of fingers. Lee had gotten an erection and casually pointed to it. The connotation was clear.

What once would have been unimaginable was now an accepted part of our relationship. Lee bent one leg at the knee and I moved forward to take his rigid member that was standing straight upward into my mouth.

This was something I still had not gotten used too, but which was becoming an exciting experience none the less, although I hated to admit it.

Lee remained motionless allowing me to bring about the eventual result, which was of course Lee's pleasure, moving my head down and up slowly, humiliated beyond belief as he continued his casual conversation with my former girl friend.

The thought occurred to me: what would she think if she could see me at this moment? Her former steady boyfriend on his knees with her new boyfriends rod in his mouth. Now that would be interesting. Somehow I thought the new Kay would find it amusing and not be shocked at all. I'll bet Lee was thinking along those same lines.

Lee was telling her about a formal dance coming up that weekend at the country club and that he had to wear a tux. He said, "We'll make it special. Chauffeur driven limo and all." I had no doubt as to who the chauffeur would be.

My name must have come up because he said, "Of course, who else? Besides, he looks like that chauffeur from the comic strip, what's his name...Punjab from the Annie strip." And he laughed. I'm sure she did also.

Lee seemed to be getting closer. His hips twitched slightly. I felt a throbbing vein near the tip and pressed my tongue into it. His hips sprang forward and he gushed into my mouth. One spurt after another until I lost count. He went right on talking. My first thought was, I wonder if Kay noticed the break in his voice when he came. My seconded thought was, I wonder if this is also on tape.

Without a word as he continued, he put the sole of a foot on my face and pushed me away, as if to say, "I have no further use for you now." I had never hated him more, but strangely I had never admired him more.

I stayed in my room most of the time for the next couple of days, wanting the new me to be seen as little as possible. Friday Lee called telling me I would be his chauffeur for the dance the next night. "Go into town and rent a chauffeur's uniform. I'm using Worms town car."

"Yes Lee. What kind?" Boy, was I whipped.

"The kind that buttons around the neck. Oh, and no cap." Of course not, he wanted his own Punjab.

The afternoon of the dance I washed and waxed Worm's town car until it was gleaming. Mrs. Ying called me in later to iron some of the wrinkles out of Lee's tux shirt and press his pants. She of course could have done that, but why should she when her son had his very own personal slave?

When I came down as Lee finished dressing, Mrs. Ying handed me a box and said, "Hurry over to Kay's with this. It's a little gift I picked up for her..."

"Yes Ma'am."

When I rang the bell no one answered, but Kay's voice from upstairs said to come up as she wasn't ready yet.

She was seated at her mirror fixing her face as they say. Not that hers needed any fixing at all. She wore a very brief black cocktail dress that was so short, that, when seated, her magnificent legs were exposed almost to the top.

Her hair was drawn up in what I believe is called Grecian style with a tiara. Her eyelids were blue, her lips crimson. The words magnificent, even stunning, came to mind. It was plain to see why she was unanimously voted prom queen.

Of course the old remorse and jealousy feelings emerged, but also the strange excitement that she was Lee's and I had delivered her into his hands. Crazy, bizarre, I know.

"I'm glad your here. It's getting late. Get my shoes out of the closet. The black open straps with heels." It was not a request, like, 'will you?' It was a command. I liked that.

When I brought them over she continued what she was doing and said, "Well what are you waiting for? Put them on me. I said it's getting late."

"Sure Kay. I'm sorry." I don't know what I was sorry for, but got on my knees and slowly, almost reverently placed the pumps on her feet. She always wore open shoes. She had perfect feet and knew it. I could see the polish through the black hose she wore. I got hard just looking and must have lingered too long.

"You can get up now," she said sarcastically. Then, "What's in the box?"

"Oh, that's something from Mrs. Ying."

"Well open it."

"Sure Kay," and once again, I added, "Sorry."

It was a bra and panty set, jet black, with lacy edges. The bra was only a half, for uplift I thought. Kay didn't need help in that department. The panties were like a thong...very brief.

Kay said, "Hey, I like them. Mrs. Ying has good taste. It's late but I'm going to wear them. Open my dress at the back." Her mini dress covered her breasts and stopped below her shoulders. When I unzipped it, she said, "Open the bra, stupid. Do I have to tell you everything?"

"Sure Kay, I didn't know if I should." I had removed her bra before at the drive in, but now that she was Lee's girl, I didn't think I should.

Sweet hometown girl friend Kay had gone almost overnight to, 'Bitch Kay', and I liked 'Bitch Kay' better, strangely enough. Then she said, "Better take advantage--it's the last time...Toad." The addition of the "Toad" was a kick, but what the hell, that's who I was.

She kicked off her shoes and pulled down the panties she wore. As she was about to remove them she said, "Get over here and help me balance." I hurried over and got on one knee for her to use my shoulder. Then she stepped out of them and pointing to the new pair said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Last chance, you know."

I got on both knees, as she stepped into them. I slowly worked them up her legs, pushing her dress up until all was revealed. I could smell the sweet aroma of whatever fragrance she had applied to her mound of Venus. So close, yet a million miles away. Gone forever; now Lee's.

I hesitated, not wanting to close off the view of what I was witnessing. she was silent for several moments and then said, "Go ahead, enjoy it while you can. As I said, it's the last time. And if we are late, I'll have to tell Lee why. I don't think you want that do you?"

I felt embarrassed and stupidly said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was staring."

"Put on my shoes and lets go," She said disdainfully.

When she was all set to go, I looked up at her while still on my knees. My favorite word, "Wow!!" Magnificent, outstanding, gorgeous...all the superlatives I had ever heard came to mind.

I had a sudden urge to kiss her feet and beg her to forget what happened so recently and we could start over. But of course that was ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as I must look to her now that I was Lee's Buddha toy.

When I got home and put on my uniform, I went over and waited for Lee and Kay to come out. When they did, Mrs. Ying was nearby and said, "My, what a beautiful couple, don't you think Toad?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"And don't you look nice in your uniform. Drive carefully."

"Yes Ma'am"

I opened the door for Kay, and then hurried around to open the other side for Lee. When he got in next to Kay, her dress was all the way up to the top of her thighs. I felt myself getting hard.

As we drove on, I could see Lee was all over Kay. Her legs probably got him hard also. Lee said, "We have plenty of time, drive around the lake... slowly."

"Sure Lee, anything you say."

I had a front row seat, and could see it all in the rear view mirror. I was sure Lee knew that. After some face mushing and panting by both off them, Kay slipped her skimpy dress over her head, and then her panty hose and panties were off. She was now naked in the back seat.

She twisted herself around and sat on Lee's lap facing him with her knees bent. It didn't take much imagination to know where lee's tool was as Kay began moving her beautiful naked butt slowly up and down.

It was starting to get dark, but I could see it all very clearly. Then as I watched, Lee looked into the rear view mirror and we made eye contact as he bit his lower lip and jerked upward, just as he was about to come.

Sure I was jealous--I'm human--but even if I had the opportunity to change places with him, I knew I wouldn't. I was where I belonged, and Lee was where he belonged. Watching him fuck the girl I probably still loved in my own way had been the biggest turn on in my life. I was more in awe of him than ever.

Next: Chapter 17

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