Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on May 14, 2001


Worm and i loaded everything onto the boat and took our places at the oars. It occurred to me how natural this relationship had become. There was them and there was us, me and Worm. They didn't even speak to us unless it was absolutely necessary. We were there to serve, to be used abused and humiliated at their discretion. However it also occurred to me that this was better than no contact or relationship with them at all.

My rump was still burning from the stroke that Lee had administered with all his force. As i attempted to sit on the hard wood bench i quickly rose as if having sat on a hot stove. I then tried to shift from one cheek to the other in a vain attempt to relieve the very painful discomfort. I looked over to see Kay who had noticed my dilemma once again, placing her fingers over her lips as if to stifle a laugh. She had obviously found Lee's abuse of my butt amusing.

Just as before, they laughed and snuggled as Worm and i rowed and sweated. I tried not to show the discomfort that sitting caused, but did try to shift as often as possible. It seemed each time i did Kay would notice and have a pursed lips grin on her face.

We all parted company at the dock. Carter and Dawn got in the back seat of the town car with worm at the wheel. Lee hopped behind the wheel of my car with Kay at his side and i got in the back just as before.

Lee dropped me off first and then took off with Kay, taking her home. I had something to eat and then hung out near the window waiting for Lee's return..whenever that might be. It was hours later when he finally got back. I hurried over on the pretext of asking for the keys, which it was up to him whether or not he wanted to do. I think by now he pretty much knew he owned me and could keep the car for as long as it pleased him.

When i entered his room and assumed my servile position..Lee said, "Ya know..seeing you that way reminds me of something: a toad. From now on your name is Toad." My first thought was, oh no, not that and said, "Come on Lee, don't do that. You know how those names stick." I knew my plea was falling on deaf ears. If his friend Carter had a worm, he would have a toad. He didn't even answer and said, "O.K, toad you can get up now." And just like that, my new name had become Toad. I hated the idea but i couldn't really blame him. That was a real power trip for any guy. I mean to levy a demeaning name on a lackey signified just about total ownership and raised that guy in stature to the highest level in the teen community..right where Lee wanted to be. It also reduced the one getting the name to the very lowest level..right where Lee wanted me to be.

Things had gotten completely out of hand. It was more and more apparent that Lee had taken complete control of my life. I had relinquished my will to an arrogant and cruel master. I had no say at all. Whatever Lee wanted, Lee got. A snap of his fingers and i would be on my knees and he knew it, and took full advantage.

That night he would test just how much control he really had. He sent me down to the kitchen to get him a cold drink. When i returned i heard the shower going and i waited. When he appeared he was drying himself with a towel and he was naked. He had an erection, he looked down and said with bravado as if half in jest,

"On your knees slave."

I gulped and hesitated, but it was something i had actually thought about and wondered what i might do if the opportunity ever presented itself. Our eyes met..he had a knowing smirk on his face and then almost as if i had no control over my actions i found myself on my knees. He pressed his rod against my lips and i opened. I gagged and pulled back but he held the back of my head and slid forward. It was like some weird dream where i was giving a blow job and couldn't wake up, or didn't want too. The next thing i knew Lee's hips were moving back and forward like a piston. Then he slowed, wanting his pleasure and my humiliation to last. He no longer found it necessary to hold my head in place either. He was doing his best to make it last but finally he could hold off no longer and once again the piston. I don't remember how many times he spurted until my mouth was so filled with his cum that i couldn't swallow it all, the rest running down the sides of my mouth and it was over. He then arrogantly wiped his rod in my hair. This was definitely not a new experience for him.

I was red faced with shame and humiliation and said,

"Lee, please don't ever tell anyone about this. I never did anything like this before"

His reply,......"We'll see."

"Come on, don't say that. I'm begging you. I'll do anything you say, i'll be your slave for life. Anything."

This time....."I'll think about it."

"Thanks Lee. I mean it..anything."

Now he really had me by the balls.

What a dilemma..this had gotten even beyond serious. For someone like Lee to have this kind of hold over me was frightening. What was really scarey was that before this i could have walked away, now i had no choice at all.

Sure i could deny it, It would be my word against his. But who would they believe..Lee or his lackey.The way i did whatever he said and practically kissed his ass they probably all thought i was blowing him anyway. No, they would believe him, no doubt about it. I just had to do whatever it took to keep him silenced about that. That was something that could never be lived down, especially in a small town like mine.

Then i thought, what the hell, i'm practically his slave now. This will be really exciting. I mean for him to have unlimited power. Instead of fear it was becoming a turn on. That's the way i felt when it came to Lee. I hated him but there was no doubt in him i had met my master.

I had come for the car keys but didn't have the nerve to ask for them now. I was feeling uncomfortable after what had just happened and didn't know what to say or do. Finally i said, "Will you need me for anything this weekend." Boy was i being humble. "Yeah, i was going to tell you. We are going to the beach. Carter and i want to have another race. The last time was fun..right?" "Right, yeah sure, anything you say Lee. Your the boss." Fun for him and Carter, not so much for me and Worm. Definitely not fun, but i had thought about it many times and it had been exciting. Then a troubling thought, so i asked, "Will the girls be going?" "Sure they will. Why, you have a problem with that." "No, no problem, i just wondered. Like i said, anything you say, anything you want, your the boss." He had a smirk on his face and said, "That's right, and don't forget it..Toad."

When i got to my room i couldn't sleep thinking about what had happened, what i had done. It had been an incredible experience, the most exciting experience of my life. Despite the position it had put me in i wasn't sorry. I was ashamed, but not sorry. If i could go back to that very moment I knew I would do it again. In fact i was wondering if or more likely when, Lee might have use for my services again as i now hoped he would.

As i thought about the forthcoming race, i remembered what i had found in the attic chest. I went down to the kitchen and got some brass polish and leather cleaner..then the spurs and riding crop. I spent the rest of the night cleaning and polishing the rusty spurs until they shined and did the same with the old crop till it looked like new. I now had a present for Lee. I hoped he would be pleased. Somehow i knew he would be. It would be up to him how my present would be used.

The next morning when i heard splashing from Lee's pool i went right over. He was alone and climbing out of the water. Because of his great looks and perfect body i had always felt humble and inferior to him and today was no different in that regard. But after last night there was a new feeling in me. I felt vulnerable, totally at his mercy, and i knew with Lee there was no mercy.

After last night it was difficult to appear casual and i didn't know where to begin or even how to make eye contact. When i finally did he had a knowing smirk on his face.

I had an idea how to bring up the spurs and crop, but i hesitated thinking that i must be crazy to be even considering such a thing. Then i looked at Lee, so arrogant, so superior and i thought of last night and the compulsion to debase myself, to submit totally to him was overwhelming. I actually felt i should be on my knees to him right then. That was the effect he had on me.

Lee's mother was interested in antiques, so i said, "I found some old stuff in the attic. Maybe from world war one or earlier. Your mother would probably know if they are antiques." He was disinterested until i told him what they were. He then perked up right away and said, "Sounds interesting, go get them." When i returned he was seated at a low patio table..there was no other chair, so i knelt and placed the items on the table. He was definitely interested.

While he was inspecting them i heard the fence door open and turned to see Kay. I felt my face redden with embarrassment. Here i was on my knees at lee's feet as he sat back comfortably in his bikini with his legs crossed. "Well, whats going on here." she said mischievously. I had not gotten over the feeling of despondency i felt each time i saw her. The jealousy i felt knowing she was now Lee's and the pride i had known when she had been mine. But there was also that strange excitement of having turned over such a prize to Lee. Just weird mixed emotions that i didn't understand.

She seemed more sexy and beautiful every time i saw her and today more so than ever. The bikini's seemed to be getting smaller and more revealing. The dark glasses she wore gave her an exotic look and today she wore a wide brimmed hat..just stunning.

She picked up the riding crop and ran her fingers up and down it's length saying, "My this looks interesting and what are those?" pointing to the spurs. "Just some artifacts or maybe antiques that Toad brought over to show me." "Toad?" she said with amusement. I cringed. "Oh just a nickname i gave him." "Oh you did, did you." She was obviously amused and no doubt even more impressed with Lee than ever as she sat on his lap and placed her arms around his neck, looking at him almost adoringly and totally oblivious to me. They seemed to be discussing me as if i were an inanimate object.

I made no attempt to rise. It was an incredible experience kneeling there as they unashamedly began necking as i looked on. I must say i was very surprised, even shocked at how quickly Kay had dismissed the relationship we had for over a year and flaunted herself with Lee as i looked on. It was as if we had never even known one another.

After a while Lee said, "Let's dive in, it's getting hot." She looked down at the prominent bulge in his bikini and said, "It certainly is." and laughed. She had never been that risque. Lee was bringing out a Kay i hadn't known. I hadn't even kissed her on our first date.

Then she said, "O.K. let's go" She straightened her leg and pointed her foot towards me saying, "You don't mind, do you..Toad." Unquestionably referring to the service performed for Dawn by Worm and also she was acknowledging acceptance of my new identity as Toad, and Lee's right to have planted that demeaning name on me. I did mind the new name, but there was nothing i could do about that. Lee wanted it and that was that. As to her request, I didn't mind at all. This would be an opportunity to touch her again, even if only for a few moments. Bizarre wasn't it. Just a couple of day's ago she had been mine and now i felt grateful for the chance to just touch her, filled with jealousy and knowing i had brought the whole affair to be.

Lee's control over me was such that i actually looked at him for acceptance. It's hard to understand i know, but i felt so subservient to him that i felt i should not even touch what was now his. He nodded his assent...Kay noticed.

This was turning out to be an incredibly exciting day. Kay was treating me just as Dawn had treated Worm. I had thought about just such a possibility and wondered what that might be like. It had become one of my fantasies.. a very exciting one, and i actually hoped that Dawns bitchiness would rub off on Kay. Once again i thought of the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for..you may get it."

And then i had asked Lee's permission simply to touch her. Lee must have loved that. I had been her steady beau for over a year.. he had known her for a matter of days. My subservience and his total mastery of me seemed to be growing by the hour, and all with my very willing assistance.

None of it of course could equal last nights events. That had to be the ultimate in submission and degradation, but also pure excitement. I wondered how Lee must have felt after such a conquest. Not that i would have wanted to trade places with him. No that thought never entered my mind. My place in this relationship was firmly established in my thinking..and that was on my knees to Lee. I didn't know why that was so..it just was.

Last nights event was constantly in my thoughts and it even occurred to me that if i had the choice of having Kay back or blowing Lee again, i would choose the latter. I tried to push that thought out of my mind. It just didn't seem natural. But then none of all this was natural.

I knelt at Kay's feet and began to untie the string leather wrap around cords as she looked down at me with an amused grin. Her nail polish today was an emerald green. I have already mentioned that her feet like the rest of her were perfection. The two toes next to the largest were longer and then graduated downward to the smallest. I had occasionally at every opportunity kissed her feet. It had been a real turn on for me. I was wondering if she was thinking about that now..probably yes. I was thinking that would never happen again and that the next feet i kissed would more likely be Lee's.

I was taking my time savering the moment when Lee said, "Hey whats going on over there." Kay laughed and said, "I thing he's having too much fun." I felt my face flush and quickly completed my task.

I hung around while they frolicked in the pool. Lee's mother came out, she also wore a very brief bikini. An extremely attractive woman. She watched them for a while and said, "My, Lee's new girlfriend is gorgeous. Don't you think so Robert." "Yes ma'am." And then she added, "Didn't you bring her to the Pool party the other Nite." She of course knew i had and said, "Humm, interesting. I'm sure Lee must have thanked you for that." "Yes ma'am." She was gloating and enjoying it. "Aren't you going in the water" "No ma'am, i didn't wear my suit." "Oh, then why don't you go in and fix lunch for the three of us. You know where everything is." I assumed the "three of us" meant them and not me. I fixed sandwiches and drinks and served them under a large umbrella feeling and being treated like a house boy. They talked among themselves and ignored me.

Finally i said, "I have to go now" and added "O.K?"

Lee's mother looked to Lee for a response. Lee said, Yeah O.K., but don't forget where going to the beach tomorrow. How could i forget. I had also not forgotten to leave the spurs and crop on the chaise lounge.

Next: Chapter 10

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