Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Sep 6, 2001


I spent the rest of the day running for and waiting on Carter's guests. Each time I went near Dawn she had a pursed lips smirk on her face reminding me of her victory and my humiliation.

While groveling and kissing her feet had indeed been humiliating, it had also been a tremendous turn on. So much so that it entered my mind to bring her a coke again just to see how she might react. While I disliked her, her antics were becoming more and more exciting, her persona more and more dominant--dominant enough to make me reconsider the coke idea.

Lee, Carter and the girls found a table and sat together. Lee wasted no time in snapping his fingers in my direction. He no doubt wanted to make it perfectly clear once again that while I was working for Carter, I was still his to command. At the snap I hurried over. I guess I wanted to show the same.

Damn it, I thought, what is it about this arrogant SOB that makes me obey like a trained seal or monkey.

Seeing the four of them together, so proud, arrogant and definitely superior, and then looking at Worm and myself, I had this feeling again that they were where they belonged and we were exactly where we belonged.

As it started getting dark, the guests began leaving one by one. As Herb and his friend headed out of the yard he turned, snapped his fingers, and beckoned to me saying, "Oh Toad, over here."

I didn't know exactly why but I wanted to show my subservience to him, so I trotted over. Just being summoned that way by someone like Herbert was demeaning enough. But to trot over really added to it. I was sure he noted the significance.

He started with, "Toad"--as I said he really liked using that name,

"I was very serious about having a pool party and using you as my waiter. I can pay Lee whatever he wants for your services if that's a problem."

This guy was really getting into it. He was having a great time referring to me as chattel. Which, of course, he was correct in assuming.

"Also I was serious about Kay. I mean that if she ever splits with Lee, do introduce me to her."

"And one other thing...Toad. If you and Lee should ever have a falling out for any reason...well, you know where I live, right?

This was incredible--the former town nerd was discussing taking a role much as Lee enjoyed. He was actually proposing that I become his gofer and lackey. The bizarre thing was that I wasn't laughing, I was listening...intently. Being a lackey for someone like Lee was one thing, but for someone like a Herbert..."Wow"

"Actually, I don't know where you live, Herb, but I can always find that out I guess."

He nodded, obviously pleased by my obsequious attitude.

As they turned to leave, Jason finally spoke, "Be seeing you...Toad."

When all the guests had left except for Lee and Kay, Worm and I started the clean up, but kept on fetching for the four of them.

At one point Dawn handed me her glass and said, "Remember...if you don't, maybe next time you'll be kissing my ass."

Kay had just taken a sip of her drink and spit it out in laughter saying, "Oh Dawn, you are too much!"

Lee and Carter joined in the laughter.

Dawn really knew how to humiliate. There I stood, like a nerd, awaiting their orders as they sat back comfortably looking me up and down while laughing hysterically.

Under certain circumstances laughter can be as humiliating as a slap in the face--even a slap administered publicly, which I had been on the receiving end of, first from Lee, and now Carter.

In both instances my former steady girlfriend, Kay, had been present. That definitely added to the humiliation.

I wondered again what she must have thought that day as I stood crimson faced, arms at my sides, when her new lover, the handsome, arrogant, superior, Lee had seen fit to punish me in her presence for an infraction.

I remembered the expression of admiration or outright awe of him she had displayed. His dominance of me that way must have raised those feelings in her a thousand fold for him.

Each time I thought of that day, while humiliating, it was always a turn on.

I know it's weird, but I felt a sense of accomplishment at having been instrumental in raising Kay's admiration for Lee to new heights even though I was filled with jealousy of him... You figure it out.

Sure he had something to hold over me, but even without that, I doubt if anything would be different. He had nothing to hold over me when this all began and as I've said, if I could go back in time I would probably do the same things again--no, not probably, definitely!

The laughter subsided and off I went to fetch like the good servant I was being paid to be...well anyway as Carter was being paid for me to be.

It was about ten PM when Lee and Kay decided to leave. Lee signaled for worm as if he owned him--well I guess he really did until tomorrow.

I did have to admire once again Lee's superior attitude, and also Carter's. They accepted their dominant status as if it was their absolute right. This was no game to them.

Worm followed respectfully behind the dominant duo, Lee and Kay. When they got near the town car, Worm hurried forward to open the rear door for them, which they fully expected him to do. A nice touch I thought--something I felt I would be doing myself at some point.

As Worm was about to get in the driver's seat, Carter called out, "Worm, Ask Lee if you can come back and help Toad paint the guest house." I liked the way Carter had said, "Ask Lee," but thought, "Oh no, not that, tonight.

I knew there was some painting, and then the lawn, but I was exhausted and thought it would be done tomorrow. I should have known better.

Lee would be reclaiming me tomorrow and Carter naturally wanted to get as many hours of work out of me as he could. At fifteen dollars an hour who could blame him.

Carter and Dawn led me off to the guest house, which was a good sized cottage. They stayed a few steps ahead, and as I trudged alone behind them, they chatted pleasantly, completely ignoring me.

All the furniture had been moved to the center of the rooms, probably by Worm, before Carter had me at his disposal.

There was paint, rollers, rags and a step ladder. Everything Worm and I would need to keep us busy for the rest of the night.

Carter, with a smug expression on his face announced, "You should have no trouble. Everything is white. Stay with it until you finish--I don't care how long it takes. When you're done you sleep here until tomorrow...and do it right."

Dawn added with a snigger, "Yeah, or Carter might not get paid."

They left hand in hand heading for the main house, Dawn's buns bouncing in her bikini. I surmised that Dawn would be spending the night in Carter's room.

I called home and told my mother I would be spending one more night at my friend's house, and then began painting, thinking about Carter getting paid for snuggling up with Dawn while I worked through the night.

A little later, Worm got there. This was my chance to ask him the things that I had wondered about.

I started with, "Some deal Carter has, huh? He's up in his room with Dawn while we work like his slaves for the rest of the night."

I mentioned Dawn because I knew she had gone out with Worm before she met Carter, and I really wanted to know how he felt about that. Worm didn't reply.

So I tried again, "Can I ask you something?"

"LIke what."

"Why do you let Carter walk all over you?"

I was trying to be gentle about it by saying "walk" instead of "shit" all over you.

He wasn't that gentle and said, "Do I ask you why you let Lee shit on you and turn you into a his ass-wiping slave, which the whole town is talking about."

That smarted more than a little. Even though I had known what he said about the town talking was so, hearing it from someone seemed to make it official.

I replied with, "No, you don't, but if you want to, go ahead. I don't mind talking about it with you. In fact I've been wanting to."

"With 'me' meaning a fellow ass-wiping slave, I suppose?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

He nodded and said, "OK, why? You had it all: popular jock, leader of the pack, going steady with the prom queen, and next thing I know you're crawling along behind Lee, and the prom queen, with your tongue up his ass, lower than whale shit...lower even than me."

He didn't hold back his punches, did he, I thought? Well, why should he, I instigated the conversation. But the part about, "lower even than him," really hit home. But as I thought abOut it, he was right.

I thought for a moment about the question, "why" and answered saying, "I'm not sure, it started with small things. Lee is a natural leader and it became exciting following instead of leading and the next thing I knew it was out of hand and I was doing whatever he said and that was really exciting. I don't know why exactly... Lee just seems to have that kind of magnetism for me. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same I guess, except that I was never a leader. I'm a natural follower instead. Carter came along and right away he wanted Dawn. I figured he thought the best way was to make me look like a wimp, which is what I was, especially compared to him. I could tell right away that Dawn was interested in him and that I had no chance. OK, I would lose her, but if I sucked up to Carter I would still be around. Carter liked the idea of his own personal flunkey, especially Dawn's old boy friend, and here I am, still sucking up...and more, just like you.

There was one more thing I really wanted to know, so I asked, "How do you feel about seeing Dawn and Carter together all the time, knowing that you once had her for yourself?"

He thought for a moment and said, "I was plenty jealous at first--I still am at times--but I'm used to it now. Besides if I wasn't hanging with them I would never see her at all. At least now I get to do things for her."

"Such as,"...this was getting interesting.

"She lets me paint her toe nails...I like that. She makes me do her housework when her family is not home, and the ironing. That I don't like, especially the ironing, but I do whatever she tells me or maybe I'm out altogether."

"Anything else," I asked?

"Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, Dawn can be a real bitch at times."

I think he was being facetious about the, "in case you haven't noticed," part.

"In fact, she was a bit of a bitch from day one, but I liked that about her for some reason. Well anyway, when her parents aren't home, she likes for me to help her get dressed if she has a big date with Carter, like a dance or prom or something. Painting her toe nails as I said; hooking up her bra in back; putting on her high heels; that sort of thing. I know that's her bitchiness showing, trying to rub it in, but what she doesn't know is that I like that, a lot. I don't know why, but getting her all dolled up for a date with Carter and then being their chauffeur in my old man's town car is my biggest turn on. I'm not sure if the turn on is because of her now or because of the way Carter has turned me into his slave. I like that now too. Maybe it's a little of both."

This was really interesting--actually fascinating. Here I was now on equal terms, or maybe even a lower level than the town nerd and wimp, discussing our status in life and why we allowed it to be so.

I delved further, asking, "So what you're saying is that if Dawn was out of the picture things would still be the same between you and Carter...right?"

"Yeah, I guess he has that same magnetism or whatever it is that you mentioned Lee has. You've been here a couple of days...you probably noticed."

"Yeah I did. He's a lot like Lee."

Then he added, "I think if Lee wasn't around you'd still be right here with me doing the same thing..wouldn't you?"

I hesitated for a moment as if in thought, but knowing immediately he was right said. "Yeah, think I probably would. I don't know why, but yeah I would."

It was an interesting thought. Carter with two slaves at his beck and call. Or Lee with Worm and myself as his slaves. I liked that idea even better. Maybe an addition or two down the line.

There was something about being part of Lee's stable of slaves, or Carter's for that matter, that was, while probably just fantasy, very exciting for some reason.

Worm and I worked through the night discussing this and that about our demeaning status, but I never mentioned what had occurred in Carter's room. Although the temptation was great to do so, I just didn't know how to bring it up.

It was starting to get light outside. We hadn't spoken for a while when I finally just blurted out, "Do you blow Carter?"

Worm just kept painting and answered, "Yeah I do. Anytime he wants. How about you, with Lee I mean?"

Strangely I did not feel uncomfortable discussing this with Worm. We were equals--it was a camaraderie sort of thing. "Yes, just recently, but like you said, it will be anytime he wants from now on."

That was it. No more mention. It was light when we finished painting and put the furniture back in order. I would have given anything to lie down and sleep for a while. I headed for a couch in the living room only to hear Worm's voice,

"Uh, uh, Carter said if it was light when we finished we should start the lawn work. He said I'm in charge and you do what I say."

His tone seemed to change when he said, "You do what I say." I suppose everyone likes to have a little authority, even a worm.

Now I was subordinate to even Worm. Who would have ever imagined such a scenario. But Carter had said so, and that was that. It didn't even occur to me to question it.

As I had replied to so many others, "Sure Worm, anything you say." He had a self satisfied smirk on his face at my reply.

He started with, "OK, we do the quiet stuff first so we don't wake up anyone with the mower."

Being sarcastic, I said, "Yeah, Carter and Dawn were probably awake most of the night."

He didn't seem ruffled and just said, "Yeah they probably were."

It really didn't bother him that his ex was sleeping with this superior SOB, it was probably a turn on for him...I know it would be for me.

"First, go in the garage and bring out the new plants that are there on the wheelbarrow."

There must have been over fifty, and by the time I got them all out, my back was already aching.

"Now dig up all these in front and replace them with the new ones. Mrs. V wants to change the look of the place. I'll show you which ones to leave."

He pointed out a couple and headed for the house. Probably to eat. I hoped he would bring something for me.

It was almost noon by the time I had dug up the old and planted the new shrubs...still no Worm. The sun was hot and I was sweating profusely when I heard Carter, Dawn, and Worm approaching.

I was on my hands and knees patting the dirt down around the last plant when I felt a forceful kick in my butt that actually knocked me forward.

Then Worm said, "I showed you which one's not to dig up, asshole."

I had forgotten and dug all of them out. Worm was no doubt trying to impress his master and former girl friend.

"Mrs. V is not going to be happy. She liked those. You better hope they can be replanted without damage. Now get busy."

I looked up to see the innocuous Worm standing with hands on hips glaring down at me. At his side were Carter and Dawn looking magnificent as usual in their bikini's. Carter's hair was damp and tousled. He and Dawn had obviously been enjoying the swimming pool while I labored in the heat for Carter's benefit.

I inexplicably said, "Sorry Worm, I forgot." The well known wimp and lackey Worm had just resoundingly kicked my butt, and I was apologizing to him.

Dawn had an amused smirk on her face and said to Carter, "This jerk can't get anything straight, can he."

Obviously referring to the coke incident. Then she added, "Make him kiss Worm's feet like he did mine--or better yet, make him kiss his ass."

I thought she might be joking, but I was starting to know Dawn better and looking at her serious expression, I felt she was very serious.

Carter responded with, "Now that's a neat idea."

Just then Mrs Von Der Linn's voice from the house, "Lunch time everyone." I had been saved. Would I have complied with Dawn's demand? Probably.

The way Dawn was looking at me, I felt that possibility was still very much open.

It occurred to me how far things had progressed. It was incredible, but I realized that just one word from Dawn, or just the snap of her fingers and I could be on my knees kissing Worm's butt.

Carter said, "let's go." But to me he said, "You finish what you have to do. I'll tell my mother you're not hungry. You can eat later, after you finish mowing the lawn."

I was really starving, but I knew it was useless to argue with Carter. Besides, obeying Carter was becoming second nature.

It wasn't just what he had on me either, it seemed the natural thing to do, just as it did with Lee.

They headed off to a leisurely lunch while I continued toiling in the sun. That also seemed natural.

A while later Worm came back to inspect what I had done. I found myself hoping it met with his approval. Since the kick in the rear that I still felt the effects of, and the fact that Carter had put him in charge of me, I had a renewed respect for Worm and actually felt inferior or beneath him in the pecking order of things.

I could tell by his attitude that he definitely felt the same way.

"OK, lets go. Follow me," He said curtly.

He was obviously enjoying his rise in status, even if it would only be short-lived. I was certain that it had been a very long time, if ever, that he had felt superior to someone, especially to a former jock type that had looked down at him in the past.

So there I was, following in Worm's wake, awaiting his orders. Once again I thought of how far things were progressing.

We went to an outdoor shed where lawn equipment and other items were stored. Among the items hanging on the wall was a lot of stable equipment. Harness, bridle, blinders, and a long buggy whip. I asked Worm what that stuff was for.

"Mr V's hobby. He has a couple of trotting horses he stables at some rich guy's place. It's what you would call an estate with a training track and he goes there once in a while to drive his horses. He sometimes races with his friend for money, or just for fun."

Worm reminded me that the riding mower was out for repairs, so I started up the push power mower.

Just then Carter and Dawn showed up. No doubt to enjoy watching me work. Dawn went right over to the buggy whip hanging on the wall and began swishing it through the air.

She looked at me and said, "Now I'll bet this will really come in handy."

Carter took it in one hand and ran the other hand down it's length saying, "You got to use this once if I remember...right, Dawn?

She looked at Worm with a coy expression and said, "Just once, but I remember it was fun."

Just seeing Carter standing there fondling that wicked looking thing sent a shiver through me. Strangely it was a shiver of excitement.

I started up the mower and began cutting grass. It was an enormous place and would take hours.

Carter and Dawn watched for a while and then headed back to the house. I figured they had not been serious about the whip innuendos.

About an hour later they returned. Carter asked, "Is that all you've done so far?" He went into the shed and brought out the buggy whip. He had a big grin on his face as if it was a joke and then I heard a swishing sound from behind. It seemed as if my butt was on fire.

"Move your ass little horsey. Lee and Kay will be here soon and I want this finished."

My first feeling was one of outrage, but for whatever reason I simply speeded up. I was Carter's to do with as he pleased. Seeing no protest on my part and no doubt feeling he had carte blanche, just as he did on the row boat that day, he struck again, even more forcefully.

I grimaced and let out a grunt, which brought a smile of pleasure to Dawn's lovely face.

She said as I speeded up, "I think he got the message. Let me try it too. Maybe he'll get things right this time." And she laughed.

She followed behind me applying the whip, expertly it seemed, in vicious strokes to rump, back and thighs, no doubt having the time of her life as I offered no resistance.

Carter relieved her, wanting to again join in the fun. The pain was excruciating and at times I thought about pleading with them to stop. But each time I was about to they let up for a while only to start again later.

If they wanted me to finish quickly their treatment had the desired effect as I just about ran through the last parts to be done. I wondered how I would explain any visible marks to my parents.

Finally my ordeal was over. I heard Dawn say, "Look, Lee and Kay just drove up to the house. Worm did you get it all? I wouldn't want them to miss this."

I looked over to see that Worm had been following me with a camcorder for the entire show. Lee and Kay would have a film to amuse them this evening.

Lee and Kay headed down from the house. No matter how far things had progressed, it was still embarrassing and humiliating for me to have Kay see me this way.

On loan as it were to Carter, sweat running out of every pore, and now crisscrossed with obvious welts, what must she think of me?

But then I thought, this is really not something new. I had practically kissed his feet and his ass as she looked on with obvious approval and delight. They had all ridden me and Worm at the beach. So what's new really?

From the night I had brought her to Lee, I had danced to his tune, jumped at the snap of his fingers and allowed him to reduce me in her eyes to less than nothing, and I found myself admiring him all the more for his ingenuity.

So why still the embarrassment in her presence? Did I subconsciously feel that there was the slightest chance for a way back? That was out of the question. I had burned all bridges...so accept it.

Lee and Kay greeted Carter and Dawn, completely ignoring Worm and me as I started to put the mower away.

I heard Kay ask with suppressed laughter, "What happened to him?" Obviously referring to the no doubt prominent marks.

Carter replied, "Oh, Dawn and I were just horsing around. He's OK, Right Toad?"

What could I say? "Yeah, right, it's nothing."

Kay said, "It doesn't look like nothing to me." Then to me, "Wait a minute, let me see." It wasn't said in concern I thought...it was said more in a gleeful manner.

I just sort of kept going. Kay sternly said, "I said wait!" She was definitely one of them now, and wanted it to show. She took off her sun glasses and approached.

This was really embarrassing. Standing there as the gorgeous Kay, in her usual micro mini bikini and sexy sandals, inspected and touched the weals on my back and rump.

Then again, gleefully I thought, "Dawn did you really do this?"

Dawn, feigning accentuated modesty, replied, "Well, not all. Carter helped." This was becoming a big joke to them.

Kay looked me up, down and around, then gave a final touch to a particularly large and painful stripe on my butt. She then looked at Dawn and shaking her head from side to side, exclaimed with a big grin, "Whoa!"

Carter said, "Come on, let's go up to the pool." Then to me, "Put the stuff away. Then you can go in and take a shower and eat. Then come out by the pool."

I was so beaten down, hungry, and exhausted, that I actually felt grateful and replied, "Thanks, Carter."

He had a smirk on his face at my reply. I could tell he knew he had totally broken me in the short time I had been here.

He turned to Worm and said, "Go up and clean up my room before my mother get's there. The sheets need changing."

He wanted Worm to see the rumpled bed and no doubt cum stained sheets where he had spent the night with Worm's former girl friend. Once again I had to admire Carter's ingenuity. A neat idea.

Worm humbly replied, "OK, Carter, right away." Boy was he trained.

He had a lot of experience, but I was catching up fast.

Next: Chapter 15

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