Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Dec 5, 2002


The next morning I looked down from my bedroom window.

The Mustang was in Lee's driveway so I naturally assumed Lee was at home. I know it's crazy, but like the worshipful follower I had become, I headed over to see how I might be of use to Lee or Ms.Ying. It just seemed the natural thing to do, as if my life held no other purpose than to serve them.

I was very surprised when Ms. Ying said, "Lee is not at home Toad. A client friend of Mr. Ying who is a contractor offered Lee an excellent salaried job and he went with him at least for the day to see what it's all about.

He did tell me before he left that he wants the car washed and that you are to do the tires with that shinny liquid. It's in the trunk, but you probably know that. Oh yes, your mother is doing quite well at the office. An excellent worker. I've decided to keep her full time. Now I can stay at home and lounge around the pool all day if I feel like it. Such a pleasure."

Yeah, I thought, I guess it is. That's what mom no doubt had in mind when she retired. Now she seems to have traded one job for another as well as being Ms. Yings personal maid and house servant. What is it about these people, or about us to allow it.

The idea of Lee taking a job just didn't seem to fit somehow. He never lifted a finger to do anything at all, and why should he when he had me at his beck and call, eager to obey without question, practically his personal slave.

As Ms. Ying went to the back yard she turned and said, "Oh yes Toad, you may as well wash my car while your at it." "Yes Ma'am"

I actually felt it was not my place, but I mustered up the courage to say, "Err, ma'am, did Lee leave the keys to the car."

Saying my car just didn't seem right somehow.

"It's a nice day and I thought I might take a drive down to the beach."

"No Toad, I'm afraid he did not, but since you have so much free time, I'm sure there's plenty we can find for you to do around here. Come by the pool when your finished with the cars and I'll tell you what needs doing."

"Yes ma'am"

After sweating in the sun for about an hour or so, I headed out back to the pool area. Ms.Ying was reclining in a chaise lounge in the shade. As I have mentioned, she was an extremely attractive woman for her age, actually very sexy looking in a mini swimsuit and black sun glasses.

"Finished already Toad? Good, first go up to Lee's room and straighten up, make the bed and clean the bath area. Then Mr. Ying has been wanting the entire fence varnished. You'll find the varnish and brushes in the garage. Don't forget..both sides."

"Yes Ma'am."

Lee's room was a real mess. Litter everywhere. If he stepped out of shorts he left them where they dropped. Shirts, pants, shoes, everywhere, A completely disheveled bed Well why not, he did have a slave.

On his night table was a recent photo of Kay. Once again the jealousy and despondency of losing her to him came over me. Damn, but she was such a knockout. I guess that would always be there, even though as I have thought before, if I could go back to the night I introduced her to him, I would do the same again.

Such was the attraction or feelings of inferiority I felt in relation to him, or whatever it was that made it such a turn on being submissive to him, and yes, turning Kay over to him had been the biggest turn on of all.

There was a recent polaroid on the table of Lee at the beach, probably taken by Kay. Lee was posed arrogantly with hands on hips feet spread, unsmiling, wearing black sunglasses. His magnificent physique glistened as if it had just been oiled, probably by Kay. Once again the image of a marble statue of one of those Greek gods came to mind, and also the word, "Wow"

When I had finished in Lee's room, Ms Ying had me start on the fence. It took most of the rest of the day and I was exhausted by the time I left. It was almost six p.m. and still no sign of Lee.

I had something to eat and just about collapsed on to the bed still in my clothes. It was starting to get dark when the phone woke me..it was Lee. "Toad, get over here, I want to talk to you about something."

I should have resented it I know, but I had to admired his confidence and arrogance in the way he ordered me around. "Sure Lee, right away."

Ms Ying let me in and I hurried up to Lee's room. I didn't forget our arrangement of protocol and got to my hands and knees, forehead to carpet as soon as I entered. It may have started more or less as a game, but to me it was now very real..very appropriate, and a major turn on. No doubt for both of us. I liked the way he accepted it as his right.

I didn't hear any signal so I remained that way as he spoke. "I suppose my mother told you I started a job today."

With my nose still on the carpet I replied, "Yes Lee, she did."

"I have some things to do tomorrow so I want you to fill in at it for me."

"Sure Lee, anything you say. I'll be glad to do it for you." He must be enjoying his power. Still no signal.

"Good boy, that's what I like to hear."

I felt like I had received a pat on the head. But he hadn't really asked me, it was a statement. Finally he snapped his fingers. I rose, but only to a kneeling position trying to make it seem casual as he lounged back in a chair to continue. It seemed so appropriate kneeling at his feet as he spoke.

"It's a construction job with a friend of my father. Hard work but top union pay with no tax. They'll pick you up in front of my house with the company truck at 5: 30 a.m. sharp..be there!!"

"Sure Lee, 5:30, I'll be there... whatever you say." Damn it, why did I always feel it necessary to suck up to him that way. To practically kiss his ass. He didn't need any help in the confidence department, but I guess it just came naturally.

"It's about an hour drive. Work begins at 7:00 They'll show you what to do."

"O.k. Lee, sounds interesting. Anything else you want before I go."

He looked down at his crotch area. "Well now that you mention it, there is one more thing that just came up you can take care of."

"Come on Lee, I didn't mean that."

"No, I think you did. But anyway, it's not what you want. As long as I have those videos Carter gave me to show all over town and mail to your relatives and put on the internet if I want to, it's what I want."

"O.k., o.k, just promise me you wont show them to anyone else."

"I'll think about it. Now crawl over here boy, and from now on no arguments."

When Lee had been pleasured and satisfied, I remained on hands and knees, head bowed, contemplating what I had become.

Suddenly I was brought back to reality with a forceful kick to my posterior and Lee saying, "Out, I'm tired and you have an early day tomorrow."

I skulked home totally humiliated with Lee's cum still running down the sides of my mouth, but once again with a tent in my short's.

The next morning I was awakened by a shrill horn blast. I jumped out of bed realizing I had forgotten to set the alarm. I threw on shorts, t-shirt and sneakers and ran out. No time to eat as the horn blasted again. I was told to get in the back of the pick up. The driver said, "Next time be down here, we don't wait."

I wanted to tell him I was only filling in for the day, but he wasn't interested and we sped off. Even though it was summer it was chilly in the early morning and I hadn't brought a jacket. I wrapped my arms around myself as I bounced up and down on the metal floor accentuating my still burning butt from yesterday. I could not imagine Lee ever considering doing anything like this.

When we got to the job site I went up to who I was told was the foreman. "Hi, I'm Rob, I'm filling in for Lee."

"Rob?..Lee said he was sending a guy named Toad."

"Oh yeah, that's me. Lee calls me that sometimes, just kidding around."

He couldn't even allow me that much dignity I thought.

"O.k. Toad, I'll show you what to do. It's tough work but you look like you can handle it."

I was put to work as a mason tender. I would fill a wheelbarrow with brick's, concrete block's or sometimes mortar and then push it up a wood plank ramp to where the bricklayers were working.

Not only was the full wheelbarrow a strain but going up the steep plank exerted every ounce of strength I had. On the third trip the barrow tilted over spilling mortar all over. The foreman screamed out, "Toad you ass whole, that's not what you get paid for. One more like that and your out of here."

Out of hear was exactly where I wanted to be but I thought what would Lee say if I got fired while working for him so I replied with, "Sorry sir, it won't happen again."

The work was sheer torture. Thinking it must be close to lunch time I asked the time. When told it was only 9:30 I couldn't believe it. It seemed like a week but was only two and a half hours and two and a half more just till lunch. Then five and a half more till quitting time. Ten and a half hours a day of nightmares.

I started thinking about what Lee might be doing now. Did he really have something special to do. Yeah right, sure he did. Like lounging by the pool in the shade with Kay. I was filled with anger as I realized I was right, but as I thought of him and Kay that way while I sweated and strained in the sun in his place, strangely that tent started growing in my shorts again. I hoped no one noticed.

While I hated what he had made of me and the things he made me do, it was always a sexual turn on. I realized eventually that was why he had that power and why it had started in the first place, and why his hold would probably be just as strong even without the tapes.

The day finally ended. The most arduous and miserable day of my life. I ached all over, especially my back and thighs, but also my hands were raw red and blistered.

I was bent over slightly as I headed for the pick up. The foreman came over and said, "You did pretty good today Toad, you'll get used to it."

I had a strong feeling of foreboding as I replied, "Oh I was just filling in for Lee for today sir."

He looked a bit confused saying, "Really, that's not what Lee said. Besides, he didn't last an hour yesterday. I'm a friend of his father so I let him finish out the day doing some paper work in the trailer. He said he had someone to take his place permanently. You better straighten it out with him."

"Yes sir, I will." I knew of course there was nothing to straighten out. If Lee told him I was his permanent replacement then that's what I was. Maybe I could talk him out of it I thought hopefully.

When I got home I had a t.v.dinner. Mom wasn't home, she had been working a lot of overtime at Ms.Yings business. I hardly ever got to see her any more. When not at her new job, she would be next cleaning or cooking for Ms. Ying and Lee.

I took a shower and collapsed onto my bed. It seemed that I had shut my eye's when the phone roused me out of my sleep. It was Lee,

"Get over here Toad, I want to talk to you about today. Also Kurt's here and I want you to fix some burgers."

"Sure Lee, I'll be right over." They call it pussy whipped, but with me it should be cock whipped I guess.

He added, That phone must have rung fifty times..where were you?"

"Sorry Lee, it was a tough day. I guess I must have been out cold."

Here I was having worked like a mule for him and I was apologizing for making him wait on the phone.

"Humm,I think Kurt has brought me something that will take care of that problem."

Now what could that mean I thought. Knowing Kurt as I did, it couldn't be good.

Kurt turned to me and said, "Lee tells me there are times when he calls your house he gets a busy signal or like just now when it rings fifty times before you answer."

"Yeah, sometimes I guess."

"Well I have a cure for that. We live in an age of electronics. Come inside, I want to show you something."

"Sure Kurt, what is it?"

He didn't bother answering and headed into the house, followed by Lee and a grinning Carter, and of course me.

When inside Kurt said, "Drop your shorts."

"Huh, why? what's this all about?"

"Never mind, just do it."

I don't know why, but I looked at Lee. He nodded and said, "Do it."

I dropped the shorts and stood there feeling foolish. "O.K. now what?"

Kurt handed me a leather strap that resembled a watch band. Wrap this around the base of your sack and over the top. Snap it in place, I want to try something.

Again I looked at Lee. Again he nodded affirmatively.

Kurt took a little gadget out of his pocket that resembled a TV. remote control. "Now lets see if this is working."

He touched a spot on the remote and an electric shock went through my scrotum. I jumped and reached down to get the device off. Carter with a big grin on his face said, "Hey that is neat." Lee said, "Leave it Toad, I want to try it."

Kurt said, "Come on Toad, that didn't hurt. That was just level one..it has four."

I could tell Lee was really interested as he said, "No kidding, then if he doesn't show up right away I just increase the voltage. How far will this thing reach?"

Kurt seemed quite proud as he replied, "This is the latest thing, even I'm not sure, but it's long range I'm told. My boy's One and Two have one attached at all times. You can experiment with it Lee until you get used to it. It comes with a tiny padlock so it becomes as permanent as you want it to be."

They were discussing turning me into a remote controlled object and I just stood there listening and actually intrigued.

Lee said, "Kurt this sounds like a lot of fun. How much do I owe you?"

"Not a cent. It's a gift..enjoy."

Lee said, "let's go outside, Toad you get dressed and stay here."

Kurt handed me a tiny gold padlock. "Pull the strap tighter and snap this in place."

When I did I realized there was no way to get the thing off. Kurt handed Lee a gold chain with a miniature key attached, which Lee put around his neck.

They went out and I was alone for several minutes when I felt that jolt again. I got up and hurried out back. I didn't want to give lee an excuse to turn up the volume. Not that he would ever need an excuse.

Carter had a smirk on his face saying, "Well, well, look who's here. Now I wonder how he knew he was needed." They all chuckled.

Lee rarely showed humor and immediately became his stone faced self, at least where I was concerned. "Get busy with those burgers Toad. Didn't I tell you on the phone that's what I wanted you for."

"Yeah, right Lee, you did. Sorry, I must have forgotten." Why did I always feel I should apologize and verbally kiss his ass.

Then as if to kiss up further I said, "And there was something else, right Lee."

"Yeah, it's about the job."

"Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. That's really tough back breaking work."

"I know, I tried it for just a little while. Definitely not for me. But for you, now that's a different story. The boss called and told me you did real well."

"Yeah he told me that. He also said, that you said I wasn't filling in. That it was permanent."

"Yeah that's right. When I thought about it I decided that there's too much money at stake to give up. Some guy's would kill for a job that pay's that much. So why should I give it up when I have you to work it for me. Make sense?"

"Yeah I guess so. Whatever you say." Why argue I thought. It wouldn't do any good. Lee had made up his mind.

After I had served them food and drinks, Lee said, "You can go now. You have an early day."

"O.K. Lee, thanks." Oh no, had I really thanked him for allowing me to get to bed so I could get up early and work for him. Boy, he really owned my ass. Not that it was news to anyone.

I was probably asleep before my head hit the pillow. Suddenly I felt that shock to my sack. Only this time much more intense. It was a little after midnight as I leapt out of bed and in only a pair of briefs rushed over to Lee's yard, doubled over holding my crotch.

Lee said, "Kurt this thing really works. Ok. Toad just checking. And by the way, that was only level two."

As I hobbled back to my room, I hoped I would never know what level three and four was like. But I knew I would.

As I lay there I thought about how out of control my obsessive relationship with Lee had gotten. This latest indignity had reduced me to no more than a remotely controlled object, a thing to be used mostly for Lee's amusement. The idea of having such a toy must give him an even greater sense of power. With just the touch of a button I would be quickly at his disposal. And I do mean quickly!

Suddenly I was awakened by the shrill beep of the clock alarm. I hurried into the shower, had something to eat and was outside waiting for the pick up truck. I had been told to be on time, as they didn't wait. So why then didn't I just not be there. I could that way avoid a miserable day of hard work. But of course I would not. Lee had told me to be there.

The day began as before, with me pushing a wheelbarrow up the plank ramp. My back and arms still ached from the previous day's efforts. As the sun started rising I could tell it would be an extra hot day without a cloud in the sky. Sweat began pouring out of me. I wore only shorts and work shoes. The sweat ran down my legs and into my socks and shoes.

After I had delivered a load of mortar to the mortar pans near the bricklayers, I stopped to wipe the sweat from my brow. I immediately heard the foreman's voice, "Hey Toad, you can rest at lunch time. Those pans will be empty in no time. Get your ass moving. I don't pay you good money to stand around."

"O.k. sir..sorry." I wondered at that moment what Lee might be doing. Probably still sleeping. It was only about nine. It was crazy I know, but I got hard thinking about that.

The day seemed as if it would never end, but it finally mercifully did. I was almost falling asleep even as I bounced around in the metal bed of the pick up. It was after six when I got home. I took a shower and had something to eat. Still no mom. She was probably working over time at Ms. Yings business. She said they were extra busy there lately. I don't know why, but it occurred to me at that moment that it seemed natural. Me working for Lee and mom working for his mother..but why?

I fell into the bed exhausted. It seemed I had just shut my eyes when I received a jolt. I rolled over but was too much asleep to get right up. Then another, but much more severe. I knew I had just felt level three. This time I jumped and ran over to Lee's yard. He was seated at a table with Kay. I wondered if she knew about Lee's calling device. It was on the table.

"Hi Toad, I want you to do something for me."

"Sure Lee, what is it?"

"My rooms a mess. You know how fussy my mother is. Go up and clean it up. Kay and I want to take in a late movie at the drive in."

As if he had to make an excuse, I thought. "Yeah sure Lee, I'll take care of it."

Kay had that amused smile on her face. Then Lee added, "Don't forget the bathroom and the toilet." Just a little extra indignity, I thought.

As I was on my knees picking up Lee's litter, he came into the room. Not forgetting my place I lowered my forehead to the carpet. He said, "Forgot my car key's" I noted the word "my"

Then I felt my face turn beet red as I heard Kay's voice, "My my, what have we here."

I made a move to get up, but was stopped with Lee's foot on the back of my neck. He just said, "Uh uh. Not until I say so." I stayed as I was.

Kay said, "So what's this all about?'

"Just a little arrangement Toad and I have for the summer. It was sort of like a bet."

"Really, I like it. I mean he looks good down there." Then she giggled and said, "Did he win or lose the bet."

She then said, "You know something. It's strange, but the first time I saw you that's what I felt I should be doing."

Lee said, "Humm, interesting. So why didn't you?"

"Oh not really. Certainly not in front of all those people. it was just a thought that came to me that night...But if that's what you want." She added sheepishly.

Wow, what magnetism. The gorgeous Kay offering to kow tow to him.

Finally Lee snapped his fingers. I rose to a kneeling position. Kay wrapped both arms around one of Lee's, drawing him close and said, "Oooh, I like that. So forceful, so superior."

I had not only debased and humiliated myself beyond belief, but had also succeeded in elevating Lee to new heights in Kay's eye's.

As they were leaving Lee said, Oh yeah Toad, when you finish here, clean up the patio."

"O,k. Lee" Kay mimicked me saying, "Anything you say Lee." and giggled as they left arm in arm.

I was always in awe of them together.. just great bodies. As I looked down at them getting into my Mustang I felt that tent starting again.

The week dragged by ever so slowly. Every bone in my body ached. My hands were raw but work gloves I had been given helped a bit. I thought Friday would never come, but of course it did. It was getting close to lunch time and the boss started handing out pay envelopes.

I heard the sound of tires on gavel and looked up to see the Mustang winding it's way up to and under a large shade tree near the job site. Lee was of course behind the wheel looking sharp as usual in black sun glasses with Kay at his side. They got up and sat on the back of the front seats to observe. They both wore mini bikini's. Kay also wore matching black sunglasses.

There came quickly a lowed chorus of whistles, catcalls and comment's from the workers "Wow, just look at that broad. What a shape.. what boobs. What I wouldn't give to trade places with that guy. What a great set of wheels, and my favorite color, red." That sort of thing. Then from a guy I thought might have been gay, "The guy's not bad either" The others laughed, but I had a hunch he wasn't the only one who thought that.

I wondered what the workers would think if they knew that the great wheels were mine and the gorgeous broad as they had called her had recently also been mine, and that except for a bizarre obsession that could be, should be, me over there.

I was about to push a load of bricks up the ramp, but as I looked over at Lee and Kay I lost balance and it tipped over half way up. "Damn it Toad, I told you about that. You can make another trip at lunch time."

I looked over again at Lee and Kay. They were both laughing as I got chewed out. The boss went over to greet Lee, and handed him an envelope. My pay envelope. Well I guess it wasn't really mine. I tried to rationalize that I was only filling in for lee, so it was really his. I wondered how much of it he would give to me..if any.

They hung around a while and watched in the shade as I sweated and strained in the boiling sun, even through part of my half hour break. When they finally left, the boss came over to me and said, "We have Lee listed as working here, so his name is on the pay envelope. He said I should give it to him from now on. He said you were o.k. with that."

"Yeah sure, whatever Lee say's. We'll work it out later." He shrugged and said, "O.k. that's the way it will be. Lucky guy told me he's off to the Yacht Club for lunch with that beauty, and then a cruise on some rich friends yacht. What a way to spend the day. Bet you wish you were him."

"Yeah, who wouldn't" I replied. But while anyone would I guess, somehow I couldn't picture me up there under that tree with Kay at my side watching Lee sweating in the sun. Oh it would certainly be justice, but somehow it wasn't me.

I found it more natural to be where I was, sweating, straining and laboring for Lee. Then having the rewards for that labor turned over to Lee, so he and Kay could enjoy the rewards to do with as they pleased..for their pleasure.

It's crazy I know, but that's the way my convoluted thought's were at that time where Lee was concerned, even though as I have said, I disliked him immensely. While I hated what I was doing It too was a strange turn on as was the entire relationship.

It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't even know how much was in the envelope. The company paid in cash and I heard it was twenty dollars an hour for union laborers. Since I was getting union wages with no tax taken out, or I should say Lee was, and I worked ten hours a day, that was two hundred times five days for a thousand dollars a week. Then I had heard that anything over eight hours was at double time. That's another ten hours at forty dollars an hour. Wow I thought.. that's fourteen hundred a week. Quite a haul for Lee. He and Kay could enjoy the very best that money could buy for as long as this lasted.

For the rest of what seemed to be an endless day, which they all did, I thought about what Lee and Kay might be doing at that moment. An expensive leisurely lunch at the yacht club, Lee could certainly afford it thanks to my back breaking labor, and now maybe enjoying a cold drink on probably Kurt's yacht with a cool breeze in their faces.

Then stop later at some expensive shops at the shore. They could do anything they wanted and all at my expense, my labor. At times I felt anger thinking about it, but in the end it always seemed the natural course of events.

The day finally ended what had been the worst week in my life. Every bone and muscle in my body seemed to ache and my hands were raw. I felt like I could sleep for a week. But why did seeing Lee pick up my pay envelope and the idea of he and Kay having a great time with it seem to make it all worthwhile..even a sexual turn on. When I got home I just about collapsed on my bed, too tired to even think about eating. It wasn't very long before I felt that sharp jolt in my groin, much more forceful than the previous ones. Lee was testing out his new toy.

I jumped off the bed and rushed down the stairs. I could hear jovial laughter and voices from Lees backyard. Lee had some friends over for a little party..Carter, Dawn, and of course Worm. Also present was Kurt and one of his boys who was standing off in a corner at attention. Herb was also there, his eyes never leaving Kay. Then there was Lana seated provocatively on a chaise conversing with Kay, Lana's slave girl on her knees at their side. It occurred to me that this was turning into a real s/m bunch. Lee said, "Well, well, look who's here. Just in time to prepare some of his famous cheeseburgers."

Then Kay said, placing her fingers over her lips as if to stifle a laugh, as she often did, said, "How opportune, I wonder how he knew he was needed." Reminding me that she knew all about Lee's calling device. I guess they all did.

I was put to work at the bar-bi-q as the others cavorted and made merry. I looked up to see Ms. Ying enter the yard with mom following laden down with packages. Ms Ying carried nothing and said, "Oh how nice, the young people are having a party." Then to mom, "Put those things away, and then go out to the car and bring in the rest." "Yes Lo, right away." Mom had evidently been given permission to address Ms. Ying by her first name. Ma'am or Madam did seem out of place.

Mom made two more trips through the back and into the house with heavy packages as Ms. Ying conversed with lee's guests, then she too went in.

A little later Lee sent me into the kitchen for something. Mom was leaving the kitchen with a tray that held a wine glass and a bottle. She hadn't seen me and I watched as she went into the living room. Ms. Ying was seated comfortably on a couch, her legs tucked up under her, watching TV. Mom approached, put the tray on the floor and then to my shock, but I suppose not complete surprise, assumed the kow tow position at Ms. Yings feet. She seemed not to even notice and continued to watch the screen, then finally she snapped her fingers. Mom rose to her knees and continued holding the tray as if she was a table. I tried to make no noise as I left the kitchen. When I returned for something about an hour later, mom was still in the same position, on her knees holding the tray.

It was then that I decided that things had gone much too far, totally out of control. But what could I do as long as Lee held the tape that Carter had made. I would have to get that first before any thought of rebellion.

I guess seeing mom that way on her knees made me see things differently..I don't know. Maybe if I got out from under Lee' s rule mom might also return to normal. I would confront Lee.

The next day I went over. Lee was seated by the pool, legs crossed, wearing his bikini, sandals and black sun glasses. Kay was in the pool doing some laps. Damn but he was impressive. What a great body. Greek God like, or oriental God like would be more appropriate. I almost forgot what I had come over for, or perhaps had a momentary change of mind.

One of his sandals was dangling from his toe. He turned his foot down slightly. it fell to the ground. He slouched back and waited. I remembered just such an incident a while back. Then I had slavishly picked it up and replaced it as Kay Looked on. I looked over to the pool. Kay had her elbows on the side of the pool watching us. "Hi Toad" "Hello Kay" And then once again I got on my knees and slavishly replaced his sandal. This time I was sure there was no look of surprise on Kay's face as there was the first time.

Just one last act of submission, one last exciting humiliation I thought, as I remembered what I had come over for. Kay went back to swimming and I said, "Lee there's something I want to talk to you about. I want this slave thing to stop and I want my car back." There, I had said it. Then I said, "Yeah, yeah, I know. You have the tape, but I'm here to offer to buy it from you.

"I have about eleven hundred dollars saved. I'll put that up against the tape."

He furrowed his brow and said disdainfully. "Eleven hundred? I get more than that every week just from working you."

The way he said "working you" made it sound as if he owned me. Well why not, he pretty much did, especially for as long as he held that tape.

Then he said, "Humm, I have an idea. You have something else you can put up if you want that tape bad enough."

I had sort of a moment of panic. I knew what he was referring too. What else could he mean.

"Like what" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"Like the Mustang"

"I cant do that. What would my mother say if I lost."

Again with that disdainful attitude he said, "Your mother? whats she got to do with it. She'd crawl around on all fours and bark if my mother told too.

He was of course correct. Mom was even more cowed than I was..if that's possible.

I gave it a lot of thought. I was in that mood where I wanted out. I could quit that horrendous job. That was a big plus, very big. I could take control of my life again. Things would never be the same, but I could sort of rebuild. And what the hell, he practically owned the car now. Still it was a big decision. Then finally, "O.K., let's do it. One hand of poker."

Lee had that smirk on his face saying, "Go get the cards, and don't forget to bring the title for the car."

We sat at a table in the den. Lee put the tape in the middle of the table, I put the title next to it. "How do I know that's the only copy?"

"Carters duplicator has been broken for over a year. He never had any reason to get it fixed.. until now. So If you want the tape you better get it now."

I shuffled the cards. Lee cut them. I dealt five to each of us. I looked and had two pair. Jacks and tens..pretty good. Lee discarded three and I gave him three. I already had him beat. He would have to improve. I took one and when I looked I had drawn another ten for a full house. Almost unbeatable.

"Well what have you got," I asked.

Lee very dejectedly replied, "A pair of six's. What have you got."

I looked at his smug, arrogant face. He probably knew he was beaten, since I had taken only one card. I had beaten Lee at something, and what a win it was.

But all at once the strong desire I had to get out from under his rule diminished. Oh I still hated him, but that strange submissiveness I felt towards him returned, that obsessive desire to humble myself to him, to grovel, to obey. I felt myself get hard under the table thinking about what I might do. The ultimate surrender. I tried to fight the feeling but it was overpowering and inexplicably, almost as if I had no will of my own, I shuffled my cards into the deck and said, "You win, I was trying for a straight. I have nothing."

Lee's expression of dejection was replaced immediately with one of elation. And why not, he had just acquired a brand new auto and retained a personal slave to keep working for him in one short sitting. He scooped up the tape and the title. Then he said, "There's probably another set of key's. Get them!!

His attitude was more demanding than ever. "I was telling the truth about Carter and his duplicator, but I think now I'm going to have a bunch of copies made this week, just in case. So don't screw up.

"I wont, just promise me you wont pass them around. I'll do what ever you say."

"I don't make promises. I think I said once before, we'll see. It's up to you."

"Thanks Lee, whatever you say." Then not forgetting protocol and trying to suck up all the more I assumed the kow tow position. "Should I get the other keys now."

"That's what I said isn't it. Now means now."

"Yeah right, sorry Lee."

I would be on my very best behavior from now on. Humble and very obedient. Lee held the one thing in our relationship I feared most.. exposure to all my school mates, my relatives, the internet. He could arrange a private showing for my parents and grandparents, although I believe mom would accept it as normal at this point in time. And all I had in the way of assurance that he would not, was a "We'll see."

As I hurried off to get the second set of key's, It hit home as to what I had just done. It was as if I had been momentarily possessed or something and now I was thinking normal. "Oh no, had I really done that. Had I allowed Lee to win all with a lousy pair of six's while I held a powerful full house. Suddenly overpowering remorse, but also a strange sexual excitement at having gone over the edge so to speak..this time, way over, with no return. I guess that's what made it so damn exciting. It was the excitement of the moment. Doing something so totally bizarre, so unbelievable. It must have been just as exciting for Lee. Like playing Russian roulette and winning. He'll never know that he really lost. Who would believe that..well maybe Lee would. For me it was the excitement of risking all and then winning when I probably really wanted to lose. Who knows..well too late now.

I hurried back with the second set of key's. I didn't want to feel that jolt if I was tardy. I actually felt grateful to Lee for not administering it. When I entered the den I assumed the position. It was now in no way a game..It was very real.

Lee as usual took several moments to enjoy the spectacle of me groveling like a toad before snapping his fingers. I placed the keys on the table next to the title. Relinquishing the second set seemed to make the transfer of my beloved Mustang final.

Lee went and sat and looked over the title. "Toad, over here." He put the title on a low table with a pen. "You have to sign at the bottom where it say's transferee."

The table was a low one and I could have bent over to sign, but it seemed more fitting if I should kneel, be on my knees to him as I signed over my most cherished possession. Yes I liked that, a special touch.

As I picked up the pen I looked at Lee. He had a pursed lips smirk on his face, so arrogant, so superior. I signed...it was legally his now.

Next: Chapter 23

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