Leg Wheel

By martin boyar

Published on Aug 22, 2004


It all started as kind of a joke, really. Dave and I had been hanging out in my room, where he came across a copy of "The Dancing Wu-Li Masters" someone had given me.

He was intrigued by the cover illustration, which was a silhouette of a simple wheel of legs, forming a circle with the feet on the perimeter, all the legs starting from the center point, all slightly bent at the knees, all the legs headed in the same direction as they went up and around and down again, a complete circle of dancing legs, to symbolize freedom and joy on a high spiritual plane.

"Cool," he said, tracing his finger along the outline of the illustration, as if drawing the wheel of legs himself.

"It's only symbolic art," I said. "Although," I added as a joke, "tap it three times and say 'leg wheel' and you turn into a wheel of legs yourself. It's little-known."

"How hot would that be," he smiled, but there was a momentary flicker of longing in his eyes as he looked at the illustration. I could empathize - Dave was a natural beauty, a long-legged athlete, and one of those guys whose feet are so nice-looking that he's always unconsciously shucking his shoes or sandals, preferring to go barefoot.

"Tap, tap, tap," he said, tapping the illustration three times.

"No, you're supposed to tap it three times while saying 'leg wheel,'" I corrected him.

"Okay. Leg wheel," he said, while tapping it again three times. He looked at me and smiled. "I'd better take my clothes off in case I become a leg wheel," he said, standing up to pull off his shorts and tank top.

"Fine with me," I said. There was nothing wrong with Dave naked, and he was so comfortable that way, I never minded when he took off his clothes. His body was made to look at, and was one of those bodies that seem to want to wriggle out of its clothes whenever the chance arrives.

"Um, I think it's happening," he said, struggling to pull his shorts down. I could see the cause of the awkwardness - he was already standing on four legs, and where he'd pulled the shorts down there were a couple extra feet stuck in the waist because he'd grown another couple legs in just that short space of time.

I didn't have time for it to register with me what was actually happening, although the room was suddenly crowding with all Dave's new pairs of legs, seemingly pointing in all directions as he figured out how to use some of his feet to push the poor shorts to the floor, where they were trampled by other new pairs of feet as new pairs of his legs sprouted out of control.

"Hey, can you help me with this?" he said. I realized he was having just as hard a time now with the tank top. No wonder. His arms were now four big legs, too huge and awkward to get the tank top up and over his shoulders, which were more like hips now. He was bent forward, the four new feet on the floor, trying to pull his tank top off his forelegs by snagging it with feet - any feet - from his hind legs, but he couldn't see with the tank top halfway off and covering his face. So all the big long legs were kind of flailing as they blindly tried to reach their feet for the stranded tank top, their feet thudding against the floor or their long thighs slapping each other.

Now there were six big forelegs in the large armholes of the tank top. "Here," I said, grabbing the waist of the tank top and pulling. Dave braced his new forefeet against my chest - there were now eight of them - and I pulled, with difficulty sliding the shirt tightly over the masses of leg muscle and past the ungainly plethora of multiple feet pushing against my chest - I actually liked that feeling -, and managed to pull it off him.

Just in time, too. Dave had sprouted several more pairs of long, athletic legs from his flanks. He appeared to be doing some kind of reverse flip with all of his hind legs, because they were arching over backwards to reach forward upside down, many of the feet hitting the ceiling because of the length of his legs. I noticed his head had disappeared as his shoulders sprouted more and more pairs of forelegs. It wasn't more than few seconds that his extra hind legs arching over from behind him met the new forelegs and flank legs, and then there he was, a complete wheel of legs.

It hadn't dawned on me how huge he would be as a wheel of legs, because he really was huge this way. I was standing at the front, allowing several pairs of his feet to rest on my shoulders, and holding a few more pairs of on either side of me in my hands. He had several pairs of bare feet on the floor. I looked up. A few pairs of his big, beautiful bare feet "stood" on the ceiling upside down, and the rest formed a tumbling jumble of legs all the way down the back of the wheel to where the bottommost feet touched the floor. Between the feet on my shoulders and the feet touching the ceiling were several more pairs of feet piled on each other, a little confusedly. Sure enough, all the feet faced the same direction. The feet on the floor were facing me, the feet I was holding were pointed up, all their soles headed in the same direction to the ceiling, where they were naturally upside down and pointing to the back of the wheel, and from there, pointing down as they were piled on each other, all the way down to the floor where they were pointed in my direction again.

I realized I was pretty boned at this point, because all the feet and legs were perfect copies of Dave's original long-muscled beauties, the large, shapely feet all beautiful in their gently sculpted masculinity. They radiated warmth, and had Dave's nice skin fragrance. I found that my hands were smoothing themselves along Dave's muscular calves and thighs, going from one pair to the next. I realized I was kind of comforting him in case he was shocked or anything by his transformation.

I thought he might like to roll over to the bed and rest on top of it, as much of him as would fit, with so many legs going in all directions, so I backed up a little, pulling on a few of his feet to signal him to come forward. First I could tell he was trying to walk forward, because all the legs on the floor made clumsy attempts to move their feet forward, but they were all out of step as he tried to figure how to get his legs to move without their thighs slapping those of the legs in front. It was cool to see so many of his feet on the floor, and all around the wheel of legs up the back and touching the ceiling and coming down again to where they touched me. I was loving this festival of Dave's beautiful big feet.

So I pulled again gently, this time pulling on his feet that were higher up, so they'd roll down and let him roll forward, and that seemed to work. All the knees did their job and cushioned his movement as he slowly rolled in my direction, a giant beautiful ferris wheel of gorgeous feet and athlete's legs, moving in silence except for the kiss of legs sliding on each other and the slight groan of the wooden floor as dozens of big bare feet weighed upon it as Dave's wheel of legs rolled in my direction. There were some slight scuffing sounds from the ceiling as the feet at the top of the leg wheel felt their way along the ceiling backwards, as they moved heel-first from the top of the leg wheel down to where I could reach them and steady them as they rolled down past me to finally touch the floor.

But Dave, being an accomplished athlete, soon had this rolling action pretty much figured out, or at least his legs did. Anyway, we were at the bed now, behind me, so I pulled the foot nearest to the bed, pulling it to touch the top of the bed to show him what it was. He immediately got it, and the other feet near the bed felt for it. Slowly, with curiosity since it was all by feel, all the feet and legs and knees worked together to walk and roll the wheel of legs onto the bed, which slowly sank under the tremendous weight of all the legs as they gathered themselves onto the bed.

I would guide individual legs or pairs of legs or armfuls of feet along, helping Dave get onto his side, so all his leg pairs could comfortably rest. It was like a big round blanket of muscular legs draped itself over the bed, scores of feet overshooting the bed on all sides even though it was a huge bed.

Dave raised about half a wheel's worth of his legs up for me to crawl in between them, a couple of his feet hooking around me and pulling me toward him, more of them helping me lie down comfortably as I snuggled in among the dozens of pairs of legs. It was wonderful among all the long, warm, heavy leg muscles and large, gentle feet as many of them laid their beautiful long soles against me, touching me all over.

And among the miles of warm leg muscle, my wandering hands made a pleasant discovery that shouldn't have surprised me. All of the penises between each pair of legs were majorly aroused, hard as a rock, crowded as they were among all the pairs of legs. The pair of legs my face was resting between raised up as if to present its hugely aroused penis to me. Yes, I thought to myself, as I went for the first of several aroused penises, it was Dave, all right!

Next: Chapter 2

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