Lerman and Bieber

By Finn Smith

Published on Oct 3, 2012


This story involves the singer Justin Bieber, who probably needs no explanantion, and the American actor Logan Lerman. There's no sex in this chapter, but there will be in the next one. Any comments are appreciated, but please bear in mind this is my first submission!

DISCLAIMER: Neither the text nor the author of this story seeks to imply the sexualities of those involved. All events are purely fictitious. Any copyrights or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

This story contains homosexuality, so if you are offended by such material or legally prohibited from viewing it, do not read this. If you are under the legal age to view such material in your locale, do not read this.

Logan Lerman finished adjusting his hair, and took a final look at himself in the mirror. His white shirt closely followed the contours of his slim torso, and his slightly-too-tight jeans hugged his butt.

These jeans used to fit a few months ago, he thought to himself, mildly annoyed that the designer pair were already getting too small.

Never mind, he thought, it still makes me look good.

He pulled on his jacket and gave his hair a final flick to the side, then headed out the door and into the hallway. He reached the floor's elevator just before the doors closed, and was whisked down to the ground floor.

In the elevator he twisted around, trying to see just how tight his jeans were. Just as he managed to turn his body fully, he heard a faint ripping noise, and noticed that a tiny opening had appeared on the crotch. Swearing under his breath, he checked how much time he had. He was already running five minutes late - no time to go back and change. The rip was barely noticeable anyway, he told himself - no one would see it.

He sighed, and walked out of the elevator as it opened its doors. He walked out of the hotel and down the steps to the waiting car, being careful to take small steps because of the fresh rip. He climbed in and shut the door, settling himself down as the car pulled away.

He looked out as the streets flashed past the window, lost in thought.

Logan's thoughts had boiled down to just a handful of things recently; being famous, his appearance and his sexuality.

He loved appearing in films, and was careful to remember how lucky he was to be working in the industry that millions wished they could be a part of. This made him conscious of his appearance; his good looks were part of what made him successful. He spent time keeping fit and well groomed, but he knew that he didn't want to become too absorbed in his exterior. He also knew he was attractive, almost perfect to some people, and it was only recently that he had noticed just who the people who adored him were. Girls obviously liked him; but some boys did too.

Logan didn't know anyone that was gay, but he didn't have any problems with who people were attracted to either. He had come across online forums where people talked about him, and what sort of sexual stuff they would love to do with him. He didn't really know whether he was repelled by or appreciative of that sort of attention: it had made him weirdly curious though. But he was pretty sure he wasn't gay. At least, he'd never done anything with a guy before, so how could he be?

He was shaken out of his daydreaming when the car came to a halt. Logan clambered out gingerly, still very aware of the rip. He walked the short distance to the studios he had been dropped off at, entered into the brightly lit building, and casually strolled over to the front desk, trying to look relaxed even as he imagined the rip coming wide open. He asked the receptionist where he was meant to be going for his interview, and after listening hard to what seemed like a ridiculously long route to get to the interview room, he headed off in the direction he was pointed.

After the third right turn and the fifth corridor, Logan began to feel a little lost. He'd kept repeating the instructions in his head, but they'd all seemed to blur together after a minute or so. He looked at his surroundings, noting the ornamental tree and little chip in the wall, in case he needed to retrace his steps. He knew it wasn't far now anyway, just a couple more corridors.

After a couple of failed attempts he came back to the tree. He was now twenty five minutes late; while he wasn't too worried about that, he was more worried about finding the room and not wandering for the next few hours. He racked his brain, wondering if he had made a mistake a corridor or two before, when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Hey, could you help me find somewhere...." Logan said, turning round, then realised he was speaking to a kid slightly younger than himself. Logan recognised the face, a little voice at the back of his mind telling him this was someone very famous, but the name eluded him. He was certainly cute enough to be famous. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone who worked here..." he said.

"No problem...are you lost?" the stranger asked.

"Yeah, I'm due for an interview like half an hour ago," Logan said, "and everywhere in this building looks the same." He laughed weakly.

"Well snap," the other boy said, "I've got an interview too, probably in the same place. You can come with me if you want."

"Sure, thank you."

Logan followed the boy as he confidently led the way through the building, each time taking the one route that Logan hadn't yet tried.

"So you're Logan Lerman, right?" the boy asked as they navigated the maze of corridors.

"Yeah...and you're...oh my god, you're Justin Bieber aren't you?!" Logan gushed, happy that he'd managed to place the face.

"Yeah, I am. Did you mean to sound like such a fan girl?" Justin said, with a quirky smile.

"Oh god, no, sorry, it's just that I didn't recognise you at first..." Logan trailed off, blushing at how stupid he'd sounded.

"Hey, no worries. I guess that just means you didn't dislike me as soon as you saw me, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. I don't hate you like every other guy anyway."

"Nice to hear that!" Justin laughed. "You seem to be about the only one."

"I can't say I've bought any of your music, but I can't see anything wrong with having a miniature army of teenage girls following you around either."

"Well, yeah, half the population seems to love me and the other half wanna see me hang...kinda weird." "All the screaming at you must get boring after a little while though right?"

"Haha, yeah, it does. You probably get that too though, right?" Justin chuckled.

"Sure, sometimes."

"Not that there's anything wrong with that. It just means you gotta wear earplugs occasionally."

"I've never had it that bad..."

"Well, I have to be careful with my ears. My doctor said your hearing affects how you sing or something. Finally...this must be it."

They had arrived at a sort of waiting room, with two sofas facing each other across a low glass table. A small sign on the wall near the entrance said "INTERVIEWS". No one else was in the room - a couple of closed doors stood at the far side, with muffled voices spilling out.

"So we just have to wait here then." Logan said. He sat down on a sofa, glad that he'd arrived eventually. A quiet tearing noise from his jeans was masked by the sound coming from the other side of the room.

"I can't believe they don't have anyone here to meet us...you'd think they'd have someone here just to make sure we arrive," said Justin. "I mean it's not like we're famous or anything."

"At least we know we're in the right place."

"I guess."

Justin sat down on the sofa that faced Logan, then sprang up.

"Aww man, it's wet!"

"Really? Unlucky. Come sit over here then." Logan patted the sofa next to him.

"Guess I'll have to now..." Justin sighed. "Nice rip there!" he snickered as he sat down.

"What?" Logan looked down and saw that the rip had grown to at least an inch in length. "Great. That's gonna be a nice talking point," he said sarcastically.

"Cute boxers too."

"Yours don't look much better," Logan remarked, spying a pair of Simpsons boxers peeking their way out from Justin's low-riding pants.

Justin's face reddened as he realised and pulled them up.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed. I used to let my mom dress me too." he laughed, watching Justin's face go even redder.

"Looks like she still does." Justin countered, as Logan's laughter subsided.

"Ooooooh," Logan smiled. "How come you were looking at my crotch anyway?" he teased.

"I just love dick so much y'know," Justin said, making Logan laugh again.

"That's what the internet rumours say anyway," Logan said, grinning.

"But for me they're only rumours. The ones about you are probably true"


"I give as good as I get."

"So you're a giver? I thought you said you weren't gay??"

"Awww man, you're such a dick!" Justin said with mock exasperation.

"So you like me then, 'cus you like dicks right?"

"Definitely. Like right now, all I'm thinking about is how I can get you to let me suck yours." Justin looked Logan straight in the eye.

Logan felt his cheeks burning, starting to think he might have lost the upper hand in this verbal battle. "I bet."

"So whaddya say then stud?" Justin asked playfully, thinking that Logan might stop teasing him now. Logan hesitated for a fraction of a second, then replied "Sure."

"Great," Justin said. He leaned in towards Logan, and whispered softly, "I've always liked older guys....". Logan's face was flushed now, and then he realised that he was getting a hard on. Blushing harder, he furiously told his dick to go down. He was taking to a GUY, just TALKING, how could he get hard over that?! He shuffled his legs and tried to change the subject.

"How long is it gonna be before we're interviewed....?" he asked casually. Justin, however, had noticed Logan's erection - made all the more prominent by his tight fitting jeans. He moved closer to the older boy. "It can't be long now." Justin said. "Hey, how do you get your hair like that Logan?"

"What? Um, I straighten the fringe a tiny bit and...sorta just blowdry it into the way I like it" Logan said. His dick had risen even more as Justin moved closer. The younger boy watched him squirm as he tried to hide his swollen dick. He leaned in closer and started to play with Logan's hair. "So what do you do to the sides? It must be difficult keeping it in place."

"Yeah, um, I use some hairspray or gel sometimes...it makes it...stiffer..." Logan faltered, as Justin caressed his hair. "It smells nice, Logan. It's really thick too..." Justin stroked the hair on the back of Logan's head, his hot breath floating across the boy's neck, making his skin tingle. He drew half away, and looked at Logan. His face was flushed red and his cock stood at attention. Their eyes met, and Logan's breath caught in his throat as Justin placed his hand on Logan's leg. He tried to say something but his mouth had dried up. He was acutely aware of how painfully hard his dick had become, screaming out for attention.

A change in the sounds coming from the two doors at the other end of the room made Logan jump. He tore his eyes away from Justin's to watch one of the doors half open. Justin's hand pulled away, and he scooted over to a less intimate position on the sofa. A man in a jacket and chinos finished talking to someone inside the recording room and stepped out. He strolled past the two boys, barely glancing at them as he walked past. There was a brief second of almost silence, and then a sound tech guy walked through the door too. "Justin, we're ready for you now. If you'd like to come through..." he said, then stepped back inside. Justin stood up and walked over to the door. He turned and gave Logan a seductive little wave before turning back and closing it behind him.

Logan tried to steady his racing heart and undid a couple of buttons on his shirt to try and cool down slightly. What had just happened? One minute he was talking to Justin Bieber, and the next he was about to be pounced on by him! He shook his head and wondered how to make his erection go down. Sure, he'd joked about with Justin a tiny bit, but it had gone way further than he could have expected. He was undeniably turned on though. He sat back down again and tried to think of something else, but his mind kept coming back to Justin. Now that he thought about it, he realised that the teen idol really was hot - and to think what could have happened if they'd gone on just a little bit longer...

"Logan Lerman?"

Logan snapped out of his thoughts looked up and saw another sound tech, a young woman this time, smiling at him.

"Hi," she said "we're all set for you."

"Uh, sure." He stood up awkwardly, and made the few short steps to the room.

He was shown where to sit, and the tech explained the format the interview would take. Logan could see the interviewer having makeup applied. He sat back and tried to concentrate on what he was going to say. Instead he ended up thinking about what Justin was doing. What was he being asked? Did he look better on camera? Was he still thinking about what had just happened? When the interview finally began, he floated through it, his mind only half focussed on what he was being asked. After what seemed like just a couple of minutes, the interview was over.

"Great job, thanks again," the interviewer told him. Logan mumbled something in reply, but he didn't think he'd been very lively.

He left the room and walked back into the reception area. Justin was sat on the same sofa, playing with his phone. He looked up to see Logan watching him. "Hey. How'd it go for you?" Justin asked, beaming.

"It was fine. I was a bit preoccupied thinking about something else though."

"And what would that be?" Justin asked with a sly smile.

"You know - whatever that was earlier."

"And how was that?"

"...I don't really know," he confessed, staring at his feet.

"Well, I know one part of you enjoyed it." Justin smiled again at Logan. "Do you maybe...wanna get lunch with me? There's a Subway just down the street."

"Sure...you're paying though."

Still smiling broadly, Justin got up and the two walked in step with each other out of the building, and into the street outside. Logan seemed quiet, Justin thought. "You can't see the rip when you're standing up you know," he told him, as they walked past the parked cars. Logan gave him a wry smile. "Have you ever done that before?" Logan asked him.

"An interview? Sure, I-"

"Not that...the other thing."

"Oh. Actually no. But I couldn't really resist you...you're... hot, Logan." Justin looked at him briefly, a hint of nervousness on his face.

"Thanks, I guess. I've never done that either, but..."

A slight pause, then "I'm free all day." Justin said, with another sly smile.

"Luckily for you, so am I," Logan said. A cheeky smile appeared on his face as he uttered the words. Don't get too into it Logan, he thought to himself. Are you even sure what this is?

He pushed the thought out of his head and followed Justin into the restaurant.

After they'd ordered and paid for their food, they sat down opposite each other on a corner table. The place was half empty, but the customers managed to make it sound as if it was full to bursting.

"What do you wanna do after this?" Justin said, as he swallowed a huge bite.

"See a movie or something."

"Okay. Anything in particular?"

"Uh, well - it's kind of... embarrassing... but I like rom-coms...don't laugh!" Logan said as Justin tried to contain a snigger.

"And they call me gay...well I guess we can go and see some slushy crap. No one would think to look for two teenage boys in there I guess," he said. "Is there a specific one you wanted to see?"

"Not really...I'll let you pick," Logan said, smiling.

"Something with a sex scene then, right?" Justin joked.

"Sure, whatever you'd like." Logan said. He demolished the last few bites, then slurped down his drink. He watched Justin eating his sandwich. "Just as well you didn't order the foot long huh?" he asked.

Justin winked at him: "I've already got one actually."

"I'll make sure to check that," Logan replied, surprising himself.

He was never usually this forward, and considering he barely knew what to expect from this whole 'situation', he could hardly believe he'd just said that. He looked at Justin again, taking in his infamous hairstyle, his piercing eyes, and his soft features. Justin noticed him staring. "Hey, save it for later. Assuming there is a later...?"

"Sorry." Logan blushed, for the second time that day. "I uh...I guess there could be a 'later'. I don't really know what I'm doing. I've never, y'know..." Justin finished off the sub, then brushed some crumbs from his mouth. "I get it. But you're older than me, you should be more in control" he said, with a cheeky smile.


"Come on then man, we haven't got all day."

"Except that we have...?"

"You know what I mean - and if we spend too long here, we won't have any time for anything later, will we?" Justin hinted.

"Ah. Let's get going then." Logan said, another smile flashing across his face. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so smiley and cheerful. Must be something about Justin, he thought.

The two headed off to the movie theatre, and after a few minutes deliberation decided on seeing the newest Twilight. The ticket guy gave them an odd look as Justin paid for the movie, but neither noticed. Justin paid for the food as well, loading up on popcorn, soda and chocolate. They settled themselves down near the back of the mostly empty seats, so that they were placed, Logan noticed, where no one could see them without looking round. The seats didn't have armrests, which meant that you could straddle two chairs at once. Or get very close to whoever was sitting next to you. The ads were only just starting as the two boys had made themselves comfortable. "Looking forward to this then?" Justin inquired.

"Mmmm," Logan mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn. "It looks really good."

"You know, no-one's sitting near us." Justin said.

"I noticed. I hope you're not planning on anything..."

"We'll see what happens."

The movie started and the two boys lay back in their chairs. It probably wasn't coincidence that they gradually leaned in closer to one another. About ten minutes in, Justin's hand found Logan's leg. Logan's heart started to beat a little quicker, and his cock started to grow almost immediately. The hand made its way up his leg, slowly but surely. Logan had already lost his grip on what was happening on screen as his dick throbbed with excitement. He turned to look at Justin. Their eyes met, and they drew even closer. Justin rested his head on Logan's shoulder, nestling into the warmth of the other boy.

Logan could feel his heart beating at his ribcage, and felt his cheeks flush for the third time that day. He rested his head on top of Justin's.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, with Justin's hand just touching the edge of Logan's crotch. Just as the elder of the pair felt the heat in his trousers die down, Justin's fingers gained new ground. Beads of sweat were forming on Logan's forehead, and his chest felt like it was going to explode. He'd never had a feeling this intense before, he was sure of it.

He knew what the next step was, but he wasn't sure he could do it. This was all happening so fast. He breathed deeply, trying to calm down. He breathed in Justin's scent, and felt overcome.

He slowly moved his head upright, and shakily moved his hand over Justin's chest. The pop star twisted his head round slightly to look at Logan, at the same time as Logan's hand found Justin's chin, gently guiding it upwards. Their eyes locked as their faces moved nearer.

Justin's mouth edged closer to Logan's, the distance growing tantalisingly small. Their lips met for a brief few seconds. The doubts that Logan's mind had been throwing up were wiped away. He knew he wanted this. He came in for another kiss as Justin's hand reached his crotch. This time Logan's tongue found its way into Justin's mouth, a long and slow exploration ensuing. Justin's hand played with Logan's cock as they made out, teasing him. They eventually came up for breath, smiling at each other. Justin shifted closer to Logan, who reached an arm round and held him close. The two cuddled like this for a while, lazily watching the scenes in front of them. Justin's hand kept playing with Logan, tantalisingly playing with his treasure trail then dropping back down to his bulge.

Logan kissed the top of Justin's head, enjoying his touch and the warmth of his body against him. He fed Justin some popcorn, almost giggling as his fingers were licked clean of the popcorn. His head was still spinning slightly, lost in the moment. He certainly hadn't pictured his day panning out like this. The two stayed curled up with each other till the movie's end, only reluctantly extricating themselves from their embrace when the credits were rolling.

"Enjoy that?"

"Meh. I've had better." Logan said teasingly, laughing as Justin punched him playfully on the arm. They walked out of the theatre together, shivering slightly. The air was noticeably colder than when they went in, and it was turning dark.

"You wanna go home?" Justin asked.

"You don't live here though do you?"

"I know, but I'm staying in a house here for a while."

"I'm in a hotel. Wouldn't that be better...?"

"Your place it is then." They walked briskly along the streets to where Logan was staying, hands in their pockets and collars turned up at the cold. They arrived at the hotel, and Logan sauntered over to an empty elevator with Justin in tow.

Next: Chapter 2

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