Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Lesli's Story - Part 4

I talked with Eugene on the phone that night, explaining what had happened in the bathroom during study hall.

"From your description, that's Danny" Eugene explained. "He's a big jock on the football team, dates Cheryl, one of the cheerleaders. I'm not surprised he came on to you, I don't think Cheryl is putting out for him, at least not as much as he would like her to."

"Well, what am I supposed to do? He said he would beat me up if I didn't dress up and suck him tomorrow."

"He might just do that" Eugene replied "I think he's a pretty rough dude. Have you thought of a safe way to do it?"

"Yes. I can put the dress and heels in my book bag. I can slip out of study hall and go to my locker and bring the book bag to the bathroom and change in one of the stalls. They have doors on them."

"Yes, I know" Eugene said. From his tone I took it that he had used the stalls himself.

"Then I can change back into my school clothes and put the book bag back in my locker and go back to study hall. Mr Chassy won't even know I'm gone. He's pretty oblivious."

"Yes, his mind is pretty much on nothing at all" Eugene observed. He wished me luck, and made me promise to tell him all about it tomorrow night. We talked for an hour more before saying goodnight. I felt a special fondness for him, we were kindred spirits among the barbarians. We had shared a lot in the last few days and would share much more in the coming weeks and months.

The next morning I slipped my school clothes over my panties and bra, folded the yellow dress and packed it in my book bag, along with the white sandals I had stolen from my sister's room last night, and made my way to school. I was in a constant state of arousal the whole morning, and by the time I sat down to have lunch with Eugene, my panties were dripping wet. He wished me well. "You can do anything you want to do, as long as you want to do it." I wanted to do it, my mind was made up.

After math class, I skipped study hall completely, retreiving the book bag from my locker and hurrying to the bathroom before the bell rang. That way I wouldn't have to dodge the hall monitors who kept tabs on kids between classes. I slipped into the stall farthest from the entrance, and hung my book bag on the hook on the back of the door. Unzipping it, I pulled off my shoes, socks, jeans, and shirt and folded them neatly on the commode seat, taking care that they didn't fall into the water. Then I pulled out the dress and slipped it over my head, pulling it down and brushing out the wrinkles with my hands, before packing my school clothes in the bag. I then sat down on the commode and carefully slipped on the sandals and buckled the straps around my ankles. Standing again, I put the book bag safely behind the commode, out of sight. Not knowing what to do next, I sat down and waited for Danny.

The excitement of being in school, secretly dressed, was overpowering. I was hot with anticipation, and high on the danger of what could happen if I was discovered here. I had absolutely no fear. No self conciousness. If I was caught, I would be humiliated. Or would I? What if I was found here, dressed as a girl. I thought it would be, almost, better if I was. Wouldn't that give me the excuse to stay this way? To say to the world "here I am. A girl. Look at me."

I fantasized that the bell rang, classes changed, and a crowd of boys who came in to pee saw me. And thought I was attractive. And used me, one after the other, until I had satisfied all of them. And liked me.

My daydreaming was shattered by the sound of feet crossing the tile floor. As I sat up and peered thru the crack in the door, I saw Danny, peeking inside. I unlatched the door and opened it slightly. He threw it open and came inside, latching it behind himself.

"Good girl, I see you did what I told you to. Good thing for you." With that, he unzipped his fly and pulled his penis out. It was semi hard now, I knew he had been thinking about this almost as much as I had. That turned me on.

"Tell me what you want" he hissed, slowly stroking his penis in the direction of my face.

"I....uhhhhh.....you told me to.." I stammered.

"You want to suck my cock, right?" he interupted.

"Yes.....sure....uh" I went on.

"Then say it, bitch" he said, louder, his words punctuated by a sharp slap to my face. It didn't really hurt as much physically as it did mentally. I wanted to please him, that's why I had come here. OK, fear had played a part too, but basically I wanted to make Danny feel good, so he would like me. And the slap was an indication that I had done something wrong, something to displease him, and it served as a mental wake up call to correct my behavior.

"I want to suck your cock" I said firmly, starring up into his eyes. And with that, I took the initiative for the first time, reaching out and touching his cock head. He continued to stroke it, and moved forward, bringing the head to my open lips. I extended my tongue to it and licked it, poking into his piss slit and taking his pre cum in my mouth. It was delicious, sweet and sticky on my tongue. Not waiting, he thrust the head past my lips and into my waiting mouth. I gently closed my lips around it and my cheeks hollowed as I applied suction, my tongue lapping at the tender underneath of the head.

"Ohhhhhh" he moaned, and the sound of his voice told me that he enjoyed the feeling. I did too.

"Wait" he instructed, and pulled me up, his dick slipping from my mouth. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down past his knees. Then he sat on the commode and indicated that I should kneel on the floor in front or him. The floor was cold to the touch, and my knees were wet from the piss that remained there from who knows how many boys' bad aim. I didn't care, as a matter of fact it turned me on even more to be serving him this way.

He reached out and pulled my head down to his crotch, my lips closing around his penis again. He was big, and I had to strain to accept it all. But accept it I did, and soon I had taken at least half of it in my mouth, my right hand stroking the base. I bobbed up and down on it, letting it slide from my mouth, then opening wide and forcing my head down til most of it fit, the head sliding to the back of my mouth and then past it and into my throat. I used my tongue to lick the underneath side of his shaft as I continued to jack and suck, my left hand finding his balls and gently rubbing them. As he spread his legs wider to give me access, I opened my eyes and starred into the water.

Being like this, on my knees in piss, my head almost in the commode as I gobbled his cock down my throat, turned me on like nothing I had ever done before, and my dick was rock hard. I continued to suck and lick him as he let out a low moan. I had all of his delicious dick in my mouth now, my hand continuing to squeeze his swollen balls.

"You're a hungry little girl, aren't you?" he asked.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm" was all I could manage, my mouth full of cock.

"Then eat up, baby, and I'll give you a nice surprise if you do good."

Eat up I did, redboubling my sucking efforts as his cock, generously coated with my saliva, slid in and out more easily now. He moaned again, and his ballsack tightened perceptively in my hand.

"UMMMMM.....I'm going to cum in your pretty mouth" he exclaimed "you want that, don't you? You want me to give you my cum to eat don't you?"

"Ummmmmmm.......huhhhhhhhh" I managed as I bobbed up and down on him, faster and faster, my right hand clutching his shaft tightly.

I'm sure we made a strange sight, me on my knees in a dress, my feet sticking out of the stall behind me. Him sitting there on the commode, his legs spread with my head between them, cock deep in my throat as I strained to give him what he wanted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........." he gasped, and the first spurt of his hot cream shot into my mouth, followed by a heavy stream of thick jism that filled me quickly, some of which was forced out between my lips til it dripped into the water of the commode. The rest was trapped there by his pistoning cock and forced into my throat, where it mingled with my saliva and slid quickly down to my waiting stomach, only to be replaced in my mouth by the following spurts as I continued to vacumn his cock, attempting to empty every bid of semen from him.

He clutched my head to him tightly, and I swallowed his cock completely, the wet head lodging, again, in my throat. I could feel it twitching, and I could feel the last drops of his load as they dribbled out. I kept gently sucking as he softened there, and my fingers again played lightly across his ballsack. It was nice. I had made him cum, and I had eaten most of it just like he wanted. Kneeling there, with his soft cock in my mouth, I felt that I had done well. He liked me, liked what I had done, how I had done it. And now his hands played gently thru my hair as I continued to hold him in my mouth, taking what was left of him. I had been a good girl.

He let me suck him for a few more minutes before pulling away and zipping up. He gave me a soft slap on the cheek. It was a loving slap, not nasty.

"Good girl" he finally said, opening the door to leave. "You suck real good. I want you to be here every day, waiting for me. I'm going to feed you every day, you understand?"

"Yes" I whispered, knowing that I would do whatever he said.

And with that he was gone, the sound of his heels on the bathroom floor as he left. I stood there, trying to regain my composure. Alone now, my head swimming from the experience and the realization of what I had just done, I sat back down on the commode, trying to drink it all in my mind.

The toilet door swung open and broke my thought. Shit, I should have locked it behind Danny!

"What the hell is going on here?" It was Mr Kemp, the assistant principal. I had been caught! All I could do was sit there, looking up at him. It must have shocked him as much as it shocked me, the expression on his face was one of complete disbelief.

"Girls aren't supposed to be in here, missy" he exclaimed before taking a closer look and discovering his error.

"Leslie?" he gasped "what the hell.......? Get out of there." And with that he pulled me to my feet and propelled me from the toilet into the bathroom, where he starred at me for almost a full minute.

"Goddamn it" he yelled "what the hell are you doing, dressed like that in here?" I couldn't speak. I was mortified. Taking my silence as some sort of defiant attitude, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward the door.

"You're going to the office, young man. We're going to straighten this out." He said as he continued to pull me toward the door. I didn't offer resistance, I was completely overwhelmed by the situation now, and followed meekly, offering no resistance as he led me thru the door and out into the hallway. We were halfway up the hall when the class bell range and students started spilling out of class. Most stopped dead in their tracks, trying to determine what was going on. Mr Kemp pulled me faster, my sandals clicking on the hard floor. The hall started to fill up now, everyone in shock at what they saw.

"Jesus" someone exclaimed as we passed "that's Leslie?"

"Shut up" Mr Kemp yelled "shut up and get back in class" He was frantic now, trying to hurry me along and into the office before everyone saw the specticle. But it was too late. They had seen me, everyone recognized me. The rumors were true - Leslie dressed up like a girl. Leslie was a queer who liked to dress up like a girl.

We sped into the office, past the secretaries and students there, and into Mr Kemp's office. He slammed the door and called to the secretary over the intercom. "Get here, please, quickly."

He sat me in a chair in front of his desk. "What do you think you're doing young man?" he questioned, starring at me.

"I don't know" I replied, which must have pissed him off, because he was swearing again when the secretary came thru the door. She stopped, dead in her tracks, and starred at me. Her mouth was open, but no sound came out as she surveyed the scene in disbelief.

"Get his parents on the phone - now - and shut that door." he blurted. The secretary disappeared again, and I heard her dialing the phone.

"Uhhh....Mr.....uhhhh" I started to stammer, but he cut me off. "Shut up. Sit there and shut up." I did as I was told, sitting meekly in the chair, trying not to look at him. I was confused now.

I had been caught. Probably half the student body had seen me being pulled down the hall and into the office by Mr Kemp. Instinctively, I crossed my legs, pulling the hem of my dress down to cover as much of my legs as it's short length would.

"Where are your clothes, Leslie? I mean your normal clothes, I know you didn't come to school dressed like that today."

"In the bathroom" I explained "in my bookbag hidden behind the commode." He called one of the male faculty in and told him to retrieve my bookbag from the bathroom. When he returned with it, Mr Kemp ordered me to change while he turned his back. Meekly, I did as ordered, and by the time he turned around, I had the dress and sandals in the bookbag and was dressed in my jeans and shirt. I kept the panties and bra on under them.

"His mother will be here in 15 minutes" the secretary spoke over the intercom. Suddenly my sense of self confidence was shattered. What would I tell my mother? How could I explain being caught in the bathroom dressed in my sister's clothes? I spent the rest of the time remaining trying to think up a good story. By the time my mother arrived, I thought I had one.

Mr Kemp and my mother met in his office, while I sat outside. When they were finished, my mother, red faced, came out of the office and told me we were going home. I knew she was upset, but my strategy was not to say a thing, to let her initiate the conversation. It wasn't long in starting, only as soon as we were in the car.

"What on earth were you doing? How can you explain why you were in the bathroom, dressed in Nikki's clothes? What is going on?" She was mad, but I detected a note of concern in her voice. I decided to try the only story I could think of.

"I know it looks bad, but it was only a prank. I did it on a dare. It wasn't anything else."

"A prank?" she questioned "what sort of sick prank is that? Do you know the damage you have done?"

"Awh, I know Mr Kemp is mad, but really, no one else in school is. It was just that someone dared me to do something that would really get everyone's attention, and that's the wierdest thing I could think of."

"Do you know it's wrong, not only wrong, it's sick for a man to wear women's clothes?"

"Of course I do, but this had nothing to do with sick, I just did it as an outrageous stunt. I'm normal, mom, it was just a joke designed to shock."

"Well shock it did" she exclaimed, and I could detect she was more mad than worried now. "You've been suspended from school for a week."

"A week" I protested "just for a joke? Tell them it was just a prank. I didn't mean anything by it. Please."

"It's too late for that young man. You're suspended for a week. You'll have to learn your lesson, prank or not, dare or not, you could have gotten in real trouble pulling a stunt like that."

"Mom, I've learned my lesson, believe me. I'm not funny or anything, it was just a prank. And I've been embarassed enough never to pull a prank again."

"And your father musn't know a thing about this. And we must have Nikki's dress cleaned and she mustn't know a thing about it either. Your innocent prank needs to stay a secret. And you've got to stop pulling pranks. Understand."

Bingo. It had worked. A week out of school. I had convinced my mother I wasn't 'strange'.

Of course I would learn later, much later, that I had only postponed the shock by prolonging the deception. But that didn't seem to matter now. All that mattered was that I wasn't in too much trouble.

"You're the talk of the whole school" Eugene told me that night on the phone "everyone's talking about you dressed like a girl, Mr Kemp pulling you down the hall. Nobody knows what you were doing dressed like that, but the rumor is you do that all the time. Everyone who saw you couldn't believe how much you looked like a real girl. Even the girls."

"Well, it sure scared the shit out of me. Especially when my mom came to pick me up. But I came up with a good story, and she doesn't believe it was anything but an innocent prank. I got a week out of school by the way."

"Are you grounded?" he asked.

"No, mom thinks I'm sorry, and besides she doesn't want my dad to know about it, so she didn't ground me. She's just keeping an eye on me."

"Can you get out at night?"

"Sure, I just have to have an excuse, like a movie or something. Or I can slip out after they're asleep. I've done that before, no problem."

"My mom works at night" he explained "maybe you can come over sometime." Boy, could I. I didn't know what he had in mind, but I enjoyed being with him. We talked for over an hour each night now. My parents thought I was talking with girls, and I didn't let on any different.

"How about tonight? You can bring your dress if you want to. You can dress here without any problem."

"How about after my parents are asleep, say 10:30?"

"Fine, see you then."

I slipped into my sister's room while mom was making dinner. She was at college, so I had my pick of her wardrobe. I chose a black velvetine mini skirt and a white v-neck pullover. She would never miss them. Retrieving the black high heels from between my mattresses, I folded them carefully into my backpack and slid them under my bed. I still had on my panties and bra under my jeans. I had just finished putting everything away when she called me to dinner.

To be continued:


Next: Chapter 5

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