Let It Loose

By Coistrel Wolf

Published on Jan 22, 1999


Let It Loose, Part 2

By Coistrel

When Daniel woke up, his first thought was: "I'm making a habit of waking up without the slightest idea where I am." At least he was on a bed this time. He propped himself up on his elbows on the small twin bed and looked around. It was morning, probably around 8AM. A warm breeze fluttered through the curtains of the open window, slanting rays of sunlight dappling the white comforter covering Daniel's still-naked body. The room was spare: hardwood floors, the simple bed, a pine dresser, square windows in two of the walls.

Daniel pushed the covers down and looked at his chest and abdomen. His body looked beaten. Small scratches covered his torso, random bruises here and there on his upper arms and chest. He remembered the bite and reached up to the left side of his neck. He felt a bandage there, a square of cotton held in place with gauze tape. He resisted the urge to finger the wound beneath, preferring to defer that unpleasantness for right now. Pushing the comforter off his body, he realized how sore he was. His legs, back, and shoulders felt pummelled. Lying naked on the bed, the increasingly warm sun caressing his tired form, he began to remember fragments of the previous night's experience. The still-visible impressions left by the restraints on his ankles and wrists, a sudden memory flash of the looming werewolf mounting him from behind as he writhed helplessly in his steel bonds. The hypnotic images in the mirror of the howling animal mercilessly pistoning that giant cock in and out of Daniel's ass, plunging forward with shocking suddenness to bite his neck, causing Daniel to ejaculate explosively before blacking out. Daniel couldn't think about these events all at once; the mixture of emotions was overwhelming. He decided to get up and size up his current situation.

He walked to one of the windows and looked out. He saw Brian's car parked below, and realized he was on the house's top floor, a small garret-like room he had noticed as they had gotten out of the car the night before. The sun on his body felt good. He checked the dresser for his clothes. Nothing. He stuck his head out the door and saw a short hallway, with a bathroom at the other end. His footfalls made the wooden floor creak as he walked toward the bathroom. Inside, a clawfoot tub and shower made him think how refreshing the water would feel. He hesitated, then turned it on and got in. As the water ran over his aching body, Daniel remembered more of the extraordinary experience of the night before. His cock stirred as he recalled the moment he realized that Brian's body was transforming into something animal, that brain-frying moment he'd never realized he'd been waiting his whole life for, and how Brian had pointedly made his desire for Daniel responsible for the transformation. A stinging pain interrupted this reverie as the water got under his bandage and into his open wound. Daniel turned the water off and pulled open the shower curtain. He saw a large towel hanging on a hook on the wall and used it to dry himself, then wrapped it around his waist. In the mirror attached to the back of the door, he saw the bandage on his neck, and his bruised, clawed upper body. He squeezed his dick through the cotton towel as his mind flashed images of the werewolf. I don't look so bad, he thought. My father said big things come in small packages. He smiled at this recollection, having always been secretly amused at his father's typically clueless unintended meaning. He remembered the way the werewolf had looked at his erection, which was bigger than you'd expect from a boy his size. He'd always felt ashamed of the way he'd admitted his feelings of inadequacy to his father, of being the runt, which was what'd prompted Dad's pep talk. His father didn't know he'd also begun to have sexual feelings for other boys. His father still didn't know, all these years later.

The werewolf knew everything about him, Daniel realized, and had given him a secret in return.

He opened the door and inched toward the stairs, listening for any sign that Brian was awake, or even in the house. He made his way slowly down, careful to avoid making the stairs creak. On the floor below, the second floor, an open door revealed some kind of office or study, dominated by a paper-strewn oak desk and another smaller desk holding a computer monitor and printer. An old stuffed chair and large fully-packed bookcase completed the small room's furnishings. He looked at some of the yellow adhesive notes surrounding the monitor screen and some of the papers on the desk, hoping for clues into Brian's activities. As far as he could make out, most of them seemed like notes for a writing project, but he was unable to discern a common theme to the disparate scribbled phrases and references. A sudden small sound behind him made him jump, and he spun around to see a small gray cat looking up at him from the doorway. He smiled in relief and picked the cat up, scratching it under the chin as he went back out into the hall. The cat had clearly come from the other room on the floor, as its door was now almost wide open rather than slightly ajar as it had been. He let the cat down and crept forward stealthily.

Within the room he saw Brian asleep on a large bed, facing away from the door on his side, his body covered up to the waist with only a white sheet. The sight of his muscular back and right arm made Daniel's cock twitch. In his mind he saw the howling, sex-crazed animal of the night before superimposed on this gently sleeping form. Daniel knew he could back slowly away, find his clothes, and get out of the house without waking Brian. But here he was, not moving. Brian hadn't locked him in the attic room, or made any obvious attempt to keep him from leaving. He stood there frozen, unsure what to do next. Why wasn't Brian afraid Daniel would drive a stake through his heart? Or was that for vampires? Finally, instinct led him into the room. As he quietly approached the bed, a small voice inside him wondered what the hell he thought he was doing. This man drugged you and imprisoned you. He transformed into a monster and raped you. (Or was it possible that the experience of the night before was a product of his drugged imagination? Had Brian planted some kind of post-hypnotic suggestion in his mind, with all that talk about wolves?).

More importantly, why was he still walking toward Brian and not running away from him?

As quietly as he could, he let the towel drop to the floor and slid under the sheet, as close to Brian as possible but not touching him. The warmth from his body made Daniel tingle. When Brian didn't immediately awaken, Daniel became more brave, and gingerly let his hand touch the smoothly muscled back. Looking down, Daniel could see most of Brian's gorgeous ass below the thin sheet. He let his hand wander down to Brian's waist, and then around to his tightly ridged abdomen. Brian's breathing was still deep and rhythmic. A siren in the distance made Daniel's hand flinch. He froze momentarily, but then relaxed when Brian didn't stir. Brian's flesh certainly felt human; he was now having trouble associating last night's supernatural visions with anything concrete.

Suddenly, Brian grabbed Daniel's wrist and moved it to his crotch, allowing it to rest on his fully erect cock. Daniel looked up to see Brian's eyes wide open. How long had he been awake? Daniel's hand encircled the tumescent organ, feeling the heat of it as it grew in his grip. Brian turned around quickly, and gracefully got on top of Daniel, straddling him. Daniel never let go of the throbbing meat, and looked up into Brian's eyes, still somewhat glazed from slumber. A sexy smile broke across Brian's sleepy face. "I'm glad you didn't run away, Daniel. I can't tell you how glad I am".

The look in his beautiful eyes was one Daniel would never forget, and one that he'd always feared he would never see in another person.

Brian looked down at Daniel's torso, at his own cock straining in the young man's fist. He lowered his head and kissed the boy, his tongue gaining entrance and exploring Daniel's mouth hungrily. Daniel let go of the cock and let both hands wander over Brian's body, the first chance he'd had to really feel it. Brian's hard body, his warm skin. When Brian dipped his head down to suck Daniel's left nipple, Daniel got a look at the muscular back and that fine ass, dappled by morning sun. The feeling of Brian's tongue on his nipple shot waves of pleasure through his tired body. He shuddered as Brian moved down his stomach and took his fully erect shaft into his mouth. Brian's head bobbed up and down on the glistening rod as Daniel writhed, his hands on either side of Brian's head. He was incredibly turned on by the sight of Brian's jaws straining to let just a little more of his cock down his throat. Brian's throat finally relaxed and Daniel was in to the hilt, his balls bouncing against Brian's chin with each thrust. Brian gagged occasionally, struggling for breath, but his increasing pace and the way his hands now roamed over Daniel's chest revealed his passion. The depth of his lust became apparent when he looked up at Daniel's face, Daniel's cock buried in his hungry throat. It was a glazed expression of primitive desire; beyond words, yet communicating a need so clear that Daniel could see, instinctively and suddenly, the connection between this Brian and the shocking animalistic apparition of the night before. The eyes again gave him away.

Just as this epiphany struck him, his hands on Brian's head felt a strange movement. Brian's ears were growing. He looked down and saw that black fur was appearing on Brian's shoulders. The muscles of his shoulders and upper arms looked chiselled as they popped and contorted. Brian's hands now resembled rough claws, which scratched Daniel's chest before settling on his hipbones, holding the boy down roughly. Brian's mouth suddenly came off Daniel's cock, he threw his head back as his eyes closed in concentration, and then as his face turned to the ceiling it pushed out into a muzzle in three violent thrusts. Once his head finished its contortions, Brian took Daniel's still-hard dick back into his mouth as the rest of the change continued. It was a miracle that Brian could keep from hurting Daniel's cock while undergoing such a transformation. The werewolf growled with pleasure as more fur sprouted in shifting patterns across his torso and back. The head Daniel now held in his trembling hands was that of a large wolf. He was afraid but didn't let go. He stroked the sensuous fur of the wolf's head as it swallowed his turgid pole; his vulnerable cock imprisoned in a cage of jagged carnivorous teeth. Only Brian's eyes retained a glimmer of the human being he had been just two minutes earlier.

The transformation of Brian's legs had been hidden from his view, but the sight of a waving tail above Brian's furry back made him look more closely. The legs were a strange combination of human and wolf, but definitely looked more at ease on all fours, as they now were, than the upright posture he had seen the previous night. Daniel felt on the verge of orgasm as the werewolf licked his shaft with that long wet tongue. He felt woozy, on the verge of losing control. He was mesmerized by the sight of the beast hungrily slobbering on his balls, and then further down until that obscene tongue probed into his asshole. Brian's wolfen tongue gained entrance, snaking into him, and seemed to get in impossibly far. Daniel came out of his reverie to see Brian's snout buried between his cheeks, growling noises escaping him as he tried to bury his tongue deeply into Daniel's ass. Just as he was about to explode, Brian lifted his beautiful lupine head, looked into Daniel's eyes, and quickly flipped him over onto his stomach, lifting his hips roughly so that Daniel settled onto his hands and knees. Daniel felt Brian's enormous wolfcock press against his ass. The animal hissed menacingly before shoving it in to the hilt. His claws held Daniel down as the poor impaled boy bucked and writhed in unbearably exquisite pain, his eyes rolling back as he became lost in searing erotic sensation.

Daniel felt the cum boiling in his balls, ready to shoot. He experienced that familiar pinprick of sensation, almost impossibly intense, which starts him on the rollercoaster toward orgasm. Something about it this time felt different, though. It was as if the feeling wasn't localized in his genitals: he felt it throughout his entire body. Every nerve ending seemed to come alive. He felt covered in tingling gooseflesh. Then, suddenly, he knew it. It was happening. His mind reeled when he realized that he was himself transforming. No I'm not ready. Don't let this happen now. As the wolf pounded mercilessly into his ass, Daniel looked down at his chest and arms and saw gray fur sprouting in rapidly shifting whorls. His rigid arms were cramped into musclebound stiffness, his hands flat on the bed developing dangerous-looking claws. The sensation of a thousand pinpricks on his naked skin mingled with the more wrenching upheavals in his gut and inside his chest. He found it increasingly difficult to think clearly; pure sensation was taking over his mind, outside linear time. He could stay lucid for short intervals with great concentration, but would then lapse back into an oceanic feeling of pure animal lust amid the wild contortions of his body. It was as if his body was responding to the beastlike nature of his desire, becoming in appearance what it knew his mind to be experiencing. The bloody bandage fell from his neck and landed on the bed between his outstretched arms. An agonized shriek escaped him as his legs buckled, the most difficult aspect of the shift causing his eyes to see nothing but white sheets of tortuous pain. After it subsided, he looked down and saw that he now possessed the muscular hindquarters of a dog. The hairless beginning of a tail was emerging from his backside, pushing against Brian's torso as it quickly sprouted fur. His once boyishly smooth chest and abdomen were now completely covered in gray fur, and his rockhard penis was now darker in color and at least two inches longer, thickly veined and threatening. His previously hairless balls were now covered in thick fur and hung low, swinging freely with every one of Brian's punishing thrusts.

As his new body took shape, Daniel felt increasingly comfortable, despite the physical pain. He finally felt at ease with himself; he was at long last in natural sync with the creature he felt himself to be. The disassociation he'd always felt, that almost ungraspable sense of disharmony with his own body and it's place in the world, was now gradually replaced with a feeling of rightness and belonging. He'd never suspected (consciously, at least) that a latent desire for a lycanthropic form was the missing ingredient, but now a hundred memory flashes (of dream fragments, idle fleeting thoughts, strange unsettling yearnings) bubbled up from deep in his now-hybrid mind. Everything inside was now outside. Daniel felt whole.

Brian's snarls became more halting; he was about to cum into Daniel's new wolfen form. Daniel's face burned; the final, defining part of the change was starting. He ran his tongue over his teeth and felt the new fangs; a world of sensation was opened to him by his new olfactory powers. He could smell the larger animal's lust and his own. Then he growled as his face jolted out into a muzzle. The excruciating erotic pain caused boiling cum to blast up his cock just as a tremendous howl emerged from his throat. At the same moment, Brian howled and delivered several explosions of animal spunk up his new mate's furry ass. The two werewolves climaxed their frenzied coupling in perfect unison, in the light of the morning sun.

(What will happen next? Send thoughts, comments, and criticism to coistrel@hotmail.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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