Life Anew

Published on Oct 26, 2018


Life Anew - Backstory

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Copyright © 2018

Characters in Life Anew – Back Story

Andrew Brock – age 25 – Ex to Ethan, Future B/F to Cody Gaines

Riley Bishop – ( See Love Me )

Caden Bishop – ( See Love Me )

Ethan – ( See Love Me)

Cody Gaines – 29 – Ex to Emma Reed, Dad to Chase Gaines, main character

Emma Reed – 29 mother to Chase Gaines, Ex to Cody Gaines

Chase Gaines – 4 – Son to Cody Gaines and Emma Reed

Life Anew

Prologue – Back Story

Andrew Brock was born and raised in Lake View, Indiana. He is 25 at the start of our story. He has one older brother and one younger story. His parents are great. Growing up friends were great to have over, but he couldn't have boyfriends over at the point. Andrew was forced out of the closet by his father when he checked his browsing history after Andrew had been at his computer. Dad immediately called parents and son meeting to find out what was going on with their son. From there, he decided to just come out to everyone else around the same time. Sadly, Andrew was bullied in high school because of it, but that bullying helped motivate him to get buff as he called it. The end result, the bully, got a bloody nose, and there was no more bullying. Andrew saw other guys who were gay, and they had boyfriends, so why couldn't he. He tried discussing it with his parents but to no avail. He would be in the dumps throughout most of high school. After high school, Andrew went straight into college.


After going through college and working in Lake View, he saved up his money so he could get a job and an apartment in Tylerville. He found a nice one bedroom apartment and was able to make things work by sticking to a budget. Still, life in this new city is quite amazing. He found in his niche in the new city. He has his registered nursing degree. He started working at St. Mark's Hospital in Tylerville. He loved it there. The staff is friendly, there is a good ration between nurses and patients, and he even manages to make some friends there as well. He's still a little lonely because he doesn't have a boyfriend. One day changes everything though.


It was a day like pretty much any day. There had been an admittance to the hospital just happened to fall into Andrew's rooms, a teenager boy. His name was Riley, and he had gone through surgery and was in recovery but was stuck in a coma. Even though Riley was stuck in his coma, Andrew knew that the kid was unique. Not long after his arrival, a man in his mid-twenties came into the room, Andrew's gaydar went off, and he introduced himself to the guy, he learned was the big brother. A little while later a second guy showed up at the room. Andrew's gaydar went off again, but he tried to ignore the guys. He finished his routines in the room and said goodbye to Riley. As he was leaving the room, he caught the other guy staring at him. Andrew gets a strange feeling through his body. This guy was checking him out. A little later, Andrew goes on break, and he manages to run into the stranger. The man, he learns is named Ethan and the other guy in the room is named Caden. It ends up that Caden is Riley's older brother. More importantly, Caden is Ethan's worthless boyfriend and a low life cheater. He went behind Ethan's back and found a side guy. Still, he feels for Caden because of what happened to his little brother. It took a few weeks for Ethan and Andrew to fall into each other's arms. Andrew saw himself as a rescuer, not as someone destroying a relationship. Ultimately, he didn't destroy it. He gave Ethan a way out. Eventually, Ethan did leave Caden. He ended up moving in with Andrew. Life changed as Andrew knew it that day. It was like day and night. Before moving in, Ethan was kind and wanted to be seen with him, but afterward Ethan wanted him home by a certain time, was judgemental, and it took more than a few months for trouble to start. One day, Ethan showed up at the hospital where Andrew was speaking or as Ethan saw it "flirting" with a "sexy" doctor. The doctor could see that Andrew was unhappy and asked that Ethan leave the hospital. Andrew also asked him to go home. In the end, Ethan was escorted off the property by security. Andrew left that day totally embarrassed by Ethan's actions. At home, Ethan and Andrew got into a fight over the incident. Ethan struck Andrew, and he was told to get out. Ethan packed up under the supervision of a police officer and left the apartment. Throughout the next four days, Ethan continued to text and call Andrew. Enough is enough, Andrew was done and decided to make a bold move.


After going into the work, he gave his notice, packed up his apartment, and with the help of his family moved home. In the first 24 hours, he got a new phone, got a new number, and got his address changed for all his bills and cards. Living with Mom and Dad was rough, but they managed. He's living in Lake View hoping for the perfect house and the perfect job to fit into his life. Then it happened, something good finally entered Andrew's life.


One year later, and he has his own house and a new job. He's working in a local doctor's office. The house is a few miles away from work, which is perfect for him. The truth is, he's excited about this job. The doctor who did his interview was amazing. It isn't the fact that the doctor is very handsome, but he's smart and funny. Life is good.


Cody was born and raised in Lake View. Cody's immediate family consists of Mom, Dad, two sisters, and one brother. There are also one niece and one nephew. Growing up, Cody was always close to his family, and he loves everyone in his family. Cody struggled a bit with his identity, he knew that he liked girls, but he also liked guys.


Cody was unsure of his sexuality until the age of 16 when he decided to come out as bisexual. His family continued to love him, and that is what really mattered to him. At school, he was slightly more nervous, so he didn't come out as there. Cody would continue to have girlfriends throughout high school. College though would change his life. It was his junior year, Cody by this time figured out that liked guys and even dated a few. It was a nursing student that stole his heart. Sorry, it's not a guy. Her name is Emma Reed, and she has finally found her doctor. It's all she wanted her entire college career. Things were good at least on the outside. One night with Emma led to the birth of their son. Chase was perfect, and Cody knew it. Chase always seemed to favor his daddy and that sort of bothered Emma.


School and being a dad kept Cody busy. Emma was growing tired of her man's focus on school work. She dreamed of bigger wallets and resented the fact they were not earning a doctor's wages. Family and friends started to warn Cody about the signs surrounding Emma. Cody brushed them aside and continued studying and living.


Cody would eventually become aware of her dreams of freedom, but it would be too late. Emma had her note written months ago and decided that now was a good time as any to leave. In the middle of the night, she left their tiny apartment leaving Cody and Chase alone. Cody was devastated. Friends and family jumped right in helping wherever they could. He's had to readjust his life, wherever he could to make up for Emma's absence. Chase was 2 and half years old at the time.


A few years have passed since Emma left, and Cody and Chase have come a long way. Cody's late uncle left him a position at his clinic, so he had a job upon completing med school. He's going to be hiring a new nurse. He saw many people coming to drop off resumes, but only fifteen made it to the first round of interviews and then only 2 were eventually hired. Cody from just based on resumes that Andrew would be a good fit for the clinic. Time will tell if he's right.


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Next: Chapter 2

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