Life Anew

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Life Anew Chapter 12B

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Life Anew

Cody Can't Keep

Chapter 12 - Part B

Around 10:00 PM, Cody gets a text from Andrew:

"Cody, I'm at our park. If you want to talk, meet me there. I'll give you ten minutes, and then I am headed home. If you don't show up, it's all good. I'll just figure things out."

Andrew knows his text sounds harsh. He also forgets that Cody has Chase to think of and can't just leave the house to seek out a boyfriend. Cody isn't sure what to think of the text. He can't believe that his boyfriend would be that selfish. If he were to leave his son alone in the house, he would lose his son, which isn't happening for any guy. He is sure that he loves Andrew, and this is testing that love. He is trying to decide if he wants to message him or not. With everything else that has happened today, Cody decides to not respond in detail. Then as he passes by his son's room, he changes his mind again.

"Andrew, did you forget about Chase? Sorry, but I can't just leave the house."

Andrew saw the text and decided that since Cody wouldn't be coming, he would just go home and spend the night playing video games. Cody expected to hear from Andrew, but nothing came. Cody is angry. He needs to figure things out. The best person to figure things out with is his sister.


He hopes Mia will say something that will hit him and make him feel better about Andrew. He texts first to make sure that his sister is still awake.

"Cody, you know that I am still awake. Call me!"

A few seconds later, Cody did just that. In seconds, he and his sister are speaking on the phone.

"So Mia, Andrew, and I are struggling pretty badly. Right now, He's basically ignoring me at work and overdoing things regarding professionalism. He called me at 10:00 o'clock to meet him at a park tonight. I mean, come on, Mia, he knows about my kiddo, and he should know that I can't just walk away from the house just because he wants to speak with me. Things are just a mess."

Mia can hear some pain in her brother's voice. She knows that her brother cares for this guy. He must really be hurting if he is calling at this hour. She isn't even sure what to say to him. Maybe, she can get him to figure this out on his own. Over the years, she has mastered their mother's technique.

"So, did you respond to him tonight?"

He immediately responds.

"Yes, I did. I asked him if he had forgotten about Chase and told him I couldn't leave the house."

Andrew might have attempted to text, call, or stop by to talk. He's done none of these things, which has Cody on edge.

"If it was so important, he could have called, texted, or driven to the house to talk. I could have sat on the porch to speak with him."

Now, she needs to say something to take Cody's thoughts away from whatever he is feeling and focus on his guy.

"Do you think he may be hurting too?"

It's not out of the question that Andrew's heart is breaking. Cody thinks back over the meeting and his talk with Andrew. Yeah, his guy might be hurting. Maybe, he needs to give him a chance to calm down.

"Yeah, I can see where maybe he is hurting a bit. I'll try calling him after we hang up."

He can't let this slip by him. Emotions, if left alone, tend to fester.

"I hope you guys get a chance a talk. I don't want to see you and Chase in pain again. Go call your man!"

She ends the call leaving Cody to call Andrew.


Cody decides to get as far away from his son's room as possible. He doesn't want Chase to hear him talking with Andrew if things go bad. He heads outside on the deck and sits on one of the chairs. Looking at his phone, he looks up into the night sky and pleads for Andrew to answer. He's giving the guy a chance to talk, so hopefully, he accepts the opportunity. He pushes the phone icon next to Andrew's name. The phone begins to ring and ring, but the nurse never picks up. Instead, it goes into voice mail.

"Andrew, I'm sorry if you're hurting, but I wanted to talk. I just couldn't leave my house. I call me, and we can talk."

Andrew was given a chance to speak with his boyfriend. Andrew saw the texts come in and promptly ignored the texts. Cody is a little sad. He just wishes that his nurse would answer, but it never happened. The guys are in a rough spot right now, it would seem. Cody is done with it, so he goes back inside the house.


It is the very next day. Andrew has the day off, so he won't be in the office today. Cody has checked his phone at least half a million times today. He's hoping for a response to last night's text to his boyfriend. At his lunchtime, he rechecks his phone. This time, Jennifer walks into his office.

"Cody, has he called or texted?"

He looks up from a book he was reading to look at her.

"No, and I don't know what to think. Maybe, I was wrong to introduce him to Chase. Now, there are going to be two guys in the household that are going to be depressed. I hate this part of relationships. Maybe, I'll have a better relationship with the next guy."

She frowns at the words that came out of her boss's mouth. Jennifer needs to relax the situation a bit.

"Let me call him. Andrew might pick up for me. I think that he's scared and upset. I hope he's taking time to think."

Cody hopes that she can make contact with Andrew.


Jennifer is on her break and enters Cody's office to make her call. She hits the icon next to Andrew's name and places the call. His phone rang and rang. Andrew again saw who calling and didn't pick up. He knows why she is calling, and she has no business talking to him about this issue.

"Andrew, I know you and Cody are having an issue. If you don't want to be with him anymore, break up with him. Remember, there are two guys whose hearts you're breaking."

Who knows what Andrew will think when he hears her message. Chase will be sad should his father and nurse break up. Jenn hopes the guys won't break up and their relationship can be saved. She doesn't want to lose them. Andrew will either switch to Doctor Hartman or leave the clinic if they break up. It has been great to have him here. Now, what does she say to Cody? She heads off to find her boss. Cody is finishing up with a patient and leaves the room. He sees Jennifer in the hallway, and she just frowns at him. It's all he needs to know. He'll have to make arrangements to stop by the house. Jennifer talks to Lisa, who quickly picks up the phone and calls Cody's mom so she knows that her son will be coming home late. When Cody comes into the office to say goodnight, the ladies smile at him.

"You can head straight to Andrew's house. Your mom already knows that you're going to be late."

Cody nods his head, smiles, and grabs his things before heading out the door.


The doctor leaves the clinic and drives straight to Andrew's house. Once he gets there, he briefly relaxes before leaving his car. He's hoping he's not wasting his time driving out here. They need to get whatever is going on out in the open. There is no doubt that something is going to happen. It could be that Andrew is struggling with something from his past. It could be a combination of the past and the current relationship coming together. Whatever happens, it's time to face it or call it quits. He needs to hear it from Andrew.


Cody walks up to the front door and knocks. He thinks he hears Andrew's footsteps approaching the door.

"Andrew, I know that you're there. Can we please talk?"

Andrew isn't sure that he wants to open up the door. Opening the door gives him access to Andrew's heart. His thoughts over the last 24 hours have not been good. Just like Cody needs to hear something from Andrew, Andrew needs to hear something from Cody. Andrew can be heard at the door, and then it opens. Andrew steps out onto the porch and sits down. He doesn't want to invite his boyfriend into the house since he doesn't know where their conversation will lead.

"Hey, I missed you at work."

The doctor tells his guy. Andrew wants to cuddle with Cody and just forget about this mess.

"I...I...missed you and our lunch routine."

Usually, they would have lunch together, including speaking with Chase as Cody speaks with him. They do end up hugging. For Andrew being in Cody's arms, it just feels so right. What happens next surprises, Cody.


Cody isn't sure what's happening but can see some emotion in his boyfriend's eyes. Andrew looks at Cody and takes a deep breath.

"Cody, why do you want me? You could have anyone, and you want me."

It's not normal for him to question why. Still, if it's something that he wants to hear, then Cody needs to tell him.

"I want to be with you because I think you are the most handsome, sweet, caring guy I've ever met. Of course, it helps that my son likes you too. Most guys would have walked away from us by now, and you haven't. I don't want to lose you. I need you to believe me."

Both guys want to know that everything is good between them. The guys want nothing more than to be in each other's arms. The problem is they don't want to scare the other guy.

"Cody, I'm sorry for ignoring your call and your text. I just wasn't in a good place. I needed to think."

Cody knows that Jennifer was right. Andrew didn't feel safe the other day. He didn't know what would happen in the meeting, and maybe he felt like Cody was trying to get rid of him. Now, he feels good and doesn't want to forget how he feels.

"It's okay, but I need you to always remember how you feel right now. I love you, Andrew, and I always will. Do me a favor before you go to bed tonight; look in the mirror and see how hot you are."

Cody needs to kiss him, but does Andrew want a kiss.

"Andrew, can I kiss you?"

Andrew doesn't wait for Cody to kiss him. He leans in and kisses Cody for the world to see.

`Wow...that feels incredible!'

The younger guy is in heaven right now. He is feeling so good right now. Cody wants to know what's going in in that guy's mind. They have to open up a bit more.


Cody is sure Andrew isn't happy with something, but he won't speak up. Maybe, he's afraid of him, and he's holding back because of that.

"Andrew, is there something you want from me?"

Andrew looks at his boyfriend and hugs him again. He just wants Cody to know that he loves him.

"I...need to know that you love me and that you aren't going to leave me like he did. That's what I've been feeling lately. I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this."

Cody takes Andrew in his arms, and Andrew rests his head on one of Cody's pecs. They sit there for a few seconds.

"Listen to me, Andrew; I will not leave you. Chase doesn't want me to leave you. We've discussed this before; I am not that creep, Ethan. I know that meeting was maybe a little scary for you. Especially since you wouldn't know the results of the meeting."

Andrew begins to tear up. He wants to go home with Cody tonight; however, he's sure that he wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't want Chase to see him there. Andrew isn't done yet.

"Cody, I want to go home with you, but I know that isn't going to happen, at least not now. Sometimes, I wish Chase could spend the night with your mom overnight."

Cody lifts up his head and looks at him.

"Andrew, I want you to come home too. I just can't yet; I promise you'll spend the night with me eventually."

There is something else that Cody wants to tell him something.


Cody needs to tell his boyfriend something right now. It's important too.

"Andrew, I don't know how to do it, but do you remember what we were like when we first met. I want to go back to what we were when we first met. I also want you to know everything we've discussed until now is true and will stay between us. Let's just be us. No more worrying about where you will work or where I will work. I want us to just be happy."

Andrew is happy right now. Heck, for that matter, Cody is happy. Everything will be fine if things continue as both men picture going in their heads. If, however, Andrew decides to go away and leave him, Cody will have to find a way to survive, and he'll also have to comfort Chase. No one is planning on breaking up. It's a good thing for both guys in general. Andrew looks at Cody and smiles, and he agrees with his boyfriend. He wants to restart their relationship, well maybe not restart, but a chance to just be themselves.

"I want that too."

Andrew says as he studies Cody's face. Cody has one more thing to say to the younger guy. He wants to get his thoughts out so that Andrew understands what Cody will put up with and what he won't.


The big thing that Cody wants to get of off is the emotional roller coaster. Cody is tired of it. Andrew has been putting him through some serious ups and downs.

"One last thing, Andrew, and it's important. I can't go through this emotional roller coaster. I need us, and I need to know what you expect from me?"

Andrew isn't put off by the request from his boyfriend. He agrees there have been some hills and valleys in their relationship as of late.

"I agree, Cody, and I want to just be happy."

Andrew wants to kiss him again. They hug again and relax in each other's arms. Neither guy is worried about the neighbors seeing them. They have blocked out everything around them.


Andrew decides he is done fighting himself. He looks into his babe's eyes and then kisses Cody's lips. He doesn't just kiss him. He gives Cody a bit of tongue as well. Cody isn't shy either, and soon, they are kissing and using his language. Cody manages to pull himself from his boyfriend's arms.

"Andrew, I am sorry, Babe. I don't want to be too late coming home. I should get going."

Andrew doesn't want him to go, but he does understand why Cody needs to go.

"I love you, Cody!"

Cody leans in and kisses him gently on the lips.

"Love you too!"

Cody heads off to his car. Cody's boyfriend watches from his steps and doesn't go inside until Cody's car has disappeared from sight.


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One more thing, you may notice that chapters are smaller, I am breaking chapters up into two pieces, so I am not sitting at the computer as long. I hope you like them. Thanks for reading!!

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