Life as I Knew It

By Jake Austin

Published on Mar 8, 2012


Disclaimers: Yeah, these aren't fun, but I guess they're necessary. If you're under 18, or if hot gay sex offends you, or if it's illegal to be reading this where you are, you probably shouldn't be reading this. I guess. Or you can, you know, you don't have to listen to me, lol.

This is fiction, so yeah, people and the events that occur are all fake. I may use the names of real places, but other than that, this story is completely made up.

And also, I'd appreciate it of you DIDN'T take this story and post it somewhere else without my permission. That's called stealing, and it's not cool.

Note to Readers: Hey there! So, this is my first ever story. I've been inspired by tons of people here on Nifty, so I decided to write up a little story of my own. Thanks to all the authors for being so cool!

A little about me: My name's Jake. I'm 20 years old. And uh... I'm in college right now. So I'm not making any promises on when I'm gonna be able to get chapters out, but I'll try!

I like anime, blogging, reading, and writing. So if you have those things in common with me, then.... cool! lol.

Oh and one more thing. Please send questions, comments, or a simple "Hello!" at

And yes, I'm well aware that I misspelled "turtle" in my email ): But yeah, send me stuff there! :D

Whelp, off to the story! Enjoy!

Life As I Knew It

Prologue: Three Years Ago

"First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity." -George Bernard Shaw

I stood there, nervously staring at the floor, while my first period teacher introduced me to my new sixth grade class.

"Class," Mr. Woodrift said, "This is Riley Monroe. Normally, I wouldn't introduce new students, but this is a special case. Riley, here, is the first student to have skipped the fifth grade in Redmont Elementary's history. His reading scores ranked much higher than any of yours, and his other subjects are on par as well. He is a model figure of what dedication and hard work can get you, especially at a young age. I trust you will all work to make him feel welcome at Cedar Valley Middle School. You have all had a few weeks to adjust to this new atmosphere, but Riley hasn't. Help him out."

Where there would normally be applause was instead filled with boys and girls snickering to themselves. Mr. Woodrift simply nodded his head and pointed to a desk at the front of the class.

I shuffled over, plopped down, and kept my head low to avoid having to speak to anybody. I was embarrassed enough over Mr. Woodrift's introduction. I didn't have to make a fool of myself to individual people as well. Sadly, things just haven't been going as smoothly as I thought they were going to, because the kid sitting next to me tapped me on the shoulder.

"Psst," He whispered, "Hey, new kid."

I cautiously turned to face him. He was a chubby kid, with a round face, red hair, and plump features. He looked like he was on the heavier side, but it seemed to be just baby fat. The boy was also grinning ear to ear.

"Hi," I said.

He was still grinning. "Hey. So, I heard you're really smart. Well, obviously, since you skipped a grade and all." He laughed to himself. "But yeah, I just wanted to say welcome to the school. Oh, and I hope you and me can help each other out with school and stuff. And when I say that, I mean you helping me out. I'm hopeless in everything school-related," He chuckled.

I smiled, "Sure thing," and then turned my focus back to the front.

"Psst," the kid whispered once again, "Hey."

"Uh, yeah?"

"I forgot to tell you, my name's Ethan. Ethan Pierce." He said.

"Oh, um, nice to meet you. My name's Riley."

He snorted, "Yeah. I already knew that, silly."

I blushed as I remembered Mr. Woodrift introducing me to the class just minutes before.

Ethan continued, "You have your schedule already, right?"

I nodded.

"Sweet, okay, so I'll show you around to your classes and stuff. The teachers here are mostly easy-going on the tardies if the kid is showing a new student around, so it's fine with me."

"Thank you," I said with gratitude.

I already knew that I wasn't good with keeping up conversation, but talking to Ethan made it pretty obvious as to how bad I really was. However, he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed happy that I didn't talk as much as he did. It left him more room to speak.

He nodded his head eagerly. "So yeah, where are you--"

Mr. Woodrift loudly interrupted whatever Ethan was going to say. "Mr. Pierce, I appreciate your enthusiasm in welcoming our newest student, but I would appreciate it further if you'd wait till the end of class to begin barraging Mr. Monroe with your questions. Understood?"

Ethan sniggered, "Sure thing, Mr. Woodrift."

He turned to me, winked, and then faced the board.

Since Mr. Woodrift was the math teacher, he immediately jumped into the lesson. He listed out terms, examples, and problems out onto the board for us to copy down. I did it all out of obligation. I was good at all my subjects, but I especially loved language arts. I had an affinity for writing, and I loved to read.

Thankfully, after not too long, the bell rang and everyone rushed to the door. I followed Ethan out into the hall and he showed me to my second period class. Luckily, the teacher for this science class didn't feel the need to introduce me. She smiled and pointed me to a seat, where I was left to my thoughts as she rambled on about material I already knew.

The middle school experience was definitely an enormous change for me. The bell, the classes, the different periods, and all the students milling around were all pretty scary to me. It was a huge transition from the safety of the fourth grade, and I didn't know if I could ever get used to middle school. I almost wished I didn't skip a grade to begin with, but I really wanted to go to the same school as my big brother, Carter.

Carter was an eighth grader in middle school right now, and I loved him more than anything in the world. Ever since I could remember, we would play together. We got along just like brothers should. He was the perfect big brother, and I was lucky to have him. That's why, when my fourth grade teacher talked to me about skipping the fifth grade, I jumped at the chance to be able to go to the same school as Carter again.

But to my surprise, he wasn't too thrilled at the idea of me skipping a grade at all. One night, after dinner, I overheard him complaining to Mom about it. I hid next to the dining room door, and sat down in the hallway to listen.

"They'll all make fun of me!" He insisted. "I don't want to be known as the kid with the weird nerd for a brother!"

My mom's voice grew louder than I'd ever heard her. "Don't you dare talk about your brother like that. He loves you. That's why he agreed to take the advancement test in the first place. Don't you want to go to school with your little brother again?"

Without hesitating, Carter said, "No! I mean, I don't want people knowing that we're related. Look at him! He'll ruin my reputation."

I looked down at what I was wearing. Converse, cargo pants, and a striped polo shirt. I didn't see anything too bad about my appearance. Sure, I wasn't the most stylish kid, but the other kids in my class were dressed just the same way, if not worse.

I chanced a glance at the long-mirror in front of me to see if I could find out what was so bad about how I looked. I was met by a kid with ruffled brown hair, green eyes, and overall boyish features. What took the attention away from all of that was my round-rimmed glasses, or "Harry Potter" glasses, as Carter jokingly called them. No way was I going to change my glasses, though. I loved them.

The voices in the dining room were getting louder, so I turned my attention back to their conversation.

My mom sounded even angrier than before. "You know what? For a big brother that Riley looks up to, you're sure not acting like it at all. In fact, sometimes I think he's more mature than you are. Now, you listen to me. He WILL be going to your school, and I expect you to guide him and take care of him. Because I swear, if you don't, there'll be hell to pay. Am I understood?"

"Yeah." He grumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, ma'am!" He said louder.

"Good, now finish your homework." She sighed, "I wish you'd take your studies as seriously as Riley did. For God's sake, he's three years younger than you!"

I heard Carter start to say something but I knew he bit his tongue, because I soon heard footsteps stomping quickly into the hallway. I scrambled to get up but it was too late. He'd already seen me.

"H-hey, Carter." I said with embarrassment.

"Were you listening to me and Mom?" He asked, his face flushed with anger and a hint of embarrassment.

I nervously looked down. "Y-yeah, uh, sorry. I just heard you talking and--"

"Whatever. Just get out of my way, you nosy little runt," He shoved past me and stormed into his room.

That was the first time Carter had ever said something mean to me. After that night, Carter stopped talking to me. He didn't want to play games anymore, and he walked around like I wasn't there. The instances where he DID talk to me were usually just insults. To say that I was depressed at this new treatment from my big brother would be an understatement. I was devastated. However, it's been a few weeks already and I was more or less getting used to the mean Carter. It didn't mean that I stopped hoping that he would soon change, though.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell. I gathered my things and wandered into the hallway. I glanced at my schedule and looked around, trying to get a good view past the flood of students passing by. I had to stand on my tippy toes to even see anything. I was about to head into the office to ask for help, when I spotted Carter and his friends walking in my direction.

I pushed past a few students in eagerness till I caught up to him. "Hey, Carter!" I waved.

One of the guys pointed to me, and the rest of the group followed, dragging Carter along against his will.

"Hey, Carter! It's your little bro! I hear he got all the brains in the family. Too bad he didn't leave you any." One of the guys teased, making the rest of the group laugh. All of them except for Carter, of course.

The guys continued to joke between themselves while Carter quickly walked towards me.

"What do you want?" He whispered harshly.

I wasn't smiling anymore. Looks like mean Carter was here to stay. "N-nothing. Just wanted to say 'hi' is all."

He grunted, "If that's it, then I'm going."

Not wanting the longest conversation we've had in weeks to end, I quickly said, "Oh yeah! I can't seem to find my, um, third period class. Can you show me where it is? I have my schedule right here."

He almost looked like he would relent, if it weren't for one of his friends opening his big mouth. "Yeah, Carter! Show your little bro to his class. Who knows? Maybe you guys are on the same level," the boy jibed, with the rest of the group laughing as well.

Carter looked infuriated. He turned to me and seethed, "Didn't I tell you not to talk to me when I'm in school? God, you're so embarrassing. Just stay AWAY from me!" He then pushed past me and walked into the sea of students, his friends trying to catch up while still snickering to themselves.

I sighed, "That went well."

Suddenly, someone poked me in my sides and I yelped. I turned around and was faced with a grinning Ethan.

"Hey, Riley! Where were you? I couldn't find you in Mrs. Valenzuela's class. She said you left already."

"Oh, sorry," I replied. "I was just talking to my brother."

He shrugged. "That's fine, just let me know next time, huh? Well, let's get you to your third period class. P.E, right?"

I nodded.

"Okay, so then after that, I'll meet up with you and we can head to lunch."

"Sounds good," I smiled faintly. My mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of Carter. Ethan seemed to notice my sadness, because he put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to my next class.

When we got there, he patted me on the back, gave me a grin, and then he was gone. I stood there for a minute watching him leave. I realized right then that it didn't matter if Carter didn't want to talk to me anymore. If I made nice friends like Ethan, I wouldn't have to cling to him all the time.

I smiled a little to myself and headed into P.E class. There were kids heading into the locker room to change. I didn't bring any P.E clothes, so I walked over to the office with 'Coach Nelson' written on the door and I knocked.

"Come in!" a gruff voice boomed.

I awkwardly shuffled inside and stood in front of the Coach's desk. He was a short guy, but he was also really built. Normally, seeing such a short man with a big, muscular body would've been funny to me, but the penetrating look in his eyes shot that bird dead to the ground.

"Whaddya want, kid?" He asked, shuffling around with some papers.

I nervously stuttered, "Um, I'm uh, new here, so I didn't think to bring any P.E clothes."

Coach Nelson glanced up from his papers and gave me a watchful stare. "Are you sure you're in the right school? You look more like an elementary schooler to me."

I was sweating profusely by now. "Yes, sir. I, um, skipped the fifth grade... sir."

"Sir, huh? I like that..." He cracked a smile. "All right, I'm gonna give you your locker number and combination. You're responsible for making sure all of your valuables are stashed in there. It's not my fault if you lose anything."

I quickly nodded and he continued. "Hmm. You're also wearing shorts right now, so I don't see why you can't participate in a few things for today."

"Yes, sir."

He smiled again when I said that, so I got the feeling that he didn't hear it too often. He then gave me the slip of paper with my locker number and combination on it, and told me to just stuff my things in the locker and meet the rest of the class in the gym.

"Thank you, sir." I said, and walked out of his office and into the locker room.

When I got there, I was met with about twenty boys in different stages of dressing. I hurried off to my locker and tried hard not to stare. I couldn't help it, however, and snuck more than a couple of peeks at the other guys.

I've been having more and more feelings towards guys within the last few months. When I noticed how other guys my age were starting to like girls, I realized that I started to find some of the guys more attractive. I never acted on those feelings, though, because I already knew my thoughts weren't normal. At least, not normal in the eyes of others. Instead, I made sure to keep quiet about my desires and to hide it from everyone. I'd seen the teasing and ridicule shown towards guys who liked to play with girls at recess, or who talked or acted differently than normal boys. I never wanted to face that humiliation, ever.

I finally found my locker and began to stuff my belongings inside. By now, almost all of the other guys had already left, and I was relieved that I wasn't so tempted anymore. I knew that it was going to be hard to keep my curious, lustful eyes to myself. But I reminded myself that I had to, that getting caught wasn't an option.

Just then, another boy ran in, muttering to himself. He went straight to his locker, which happened to be right next to mine.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," He kept repeating, and I gasped at his swearing. I almost never heard cussing of any kind before, except for the few times Carter had let it slip. And I knew that it was a bad thing to do, because Mom always made him wash his mouth out with soap if she ever heard him.

The boy turned to look at me and gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. I'm late for class and Coach always makes us run, like, a billion laps whenever we're tardy." He sighed, "He's gonna have my ass..."

I laughed, which surprised him and made him laugh as well. He then looked at me and said, "Oh wait, how come you aren't worried? Aren't you late, too?"

"I'm, uh, new here. I just transferred from Redmont Elementary School. I forgot to bring a pair of P.E clothes, so Coach told me to put my stuff away and just run in this."

He gave me a puzzled look. "Elementary school? You skipped a grade?"

I looked at the floor, embarrassed, and nodded.

"Dude," He said whispered, "That is so cool!"

I glanced at him curiously. "Really?"

"Yeah!" He vigorously nodded. "Whoa, you must be really smart. How many grades did you skip?"

"Just the fifth," I said quietly. I was blushing really hard right now, and you couldn't wipe the pleased smile off my face if you tried. No one but my mom and maybe Ethan had complimented me on my accomplishment. I didn't like to brag, but I let myself be proud at that moment.

"Wicked," He breathed, "I wish I was as smart as you."

"Aw, don't do that to yourself," I insisted, "I'm sure you're really smart."

"Oh, please. You don't know that," He scoffed.

"I can tell." I assured him, "You seem really nice, and from what I've learned, it takes quite an emotionally and intellectually stable mind to be able to approach others as comfortably as you just did."

My eyes suddenly popped open, and I regretted what I said instantly. I sounded so nerdy.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, "I wasn't trying to show off. I just talk like that sometimes when I try to explain something..."

However, he didn't look as put off as I thought. Actually, he was looking at me with a sort of admiration.

"No worries," He smiled at me, "I think it's great that you're smart. If anything, I'm just a little jealous."

I found myself smiling at his words. Just simple words, and yet they were piercing right through me. His sexy voice rumbling through my pre-teen ears. His eyes were staring straight into mine as well. They were more or less a normal-colored brown, but for some reason I couldn't help seeing something else hidden behind them. Emotions of all sorts just jumbled together: hope, fear, love, joy, and even a slight sense of pain. For a boy this perfect in every way, I couldn't imagine what thoughts could possibly cause such a troubled look.

The warning bell rang, and we were snapped out of our conversation. Well, HE was the one conversing with ME. I simply smiled and nodded, not really hearing anything. But instead, trying to find out what it was about him that I found myself being drawn to.

He looked panicked, "Oh sh-- I mean, crap. We'd better hurry or we'll be late!"

I hesitantly agreed, and I continued to put my stuff away in my locker so that they wouldn't bounce around in my pocket while I ran. I was reaching to put my wallet inside, when I saw a flash of skin out of the corner of my eye. I peeked to the side and saw the boy pulling his shirt off. I stopped what I was doing and found myself staring at him while he changed.

He tossed his shirt inside his locker and left me with a great view of his smooth, toned chest. He then proceeded to take off his shorts. He slipped them off and I was met with a lightly tanned body in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. They hugged him tightly, and accentuated his round, juicy butt. I found myself consumed with every aspect of his body. From his jet black hair, all the way down to his sparsely hairy legs. His smooth chest, topped off with two succulent brown nipples. The beginnings of a six-pack that were forming on his abs. I found myself drawn to everything about him. What was most interesting to me, however, was the impressive bulge at the front. I could see the outline of his dick, which was pushed to one side for his comfort.

I shivered violently at all the new sensations my body was experiencing. I felt a tingling in my shorts, and I softly gasped at the nice feeling it brought me. I was sweating a lot at this point, and when I tried to put my wallet inside my locker, my hands fumbled and it fell to the ground. I cursed my clumsiness and bent down to pick it up. I grabbed it and was straightening back up when the worst (and at the same time, the best) thing happened.

While I was bringing my head back up, my forehead actually brushed against his penis. I jumped back instantly and looked at him with large eyes.

Sorry for the weird cut-off. I'm using this weird program to type this story up, and I can't send more than 100 KB of memory through email. This seemed like the best place to stop anyways, while holding back some suspense. Or whatever. lol. I'll try to send in part 2 of the Prologue soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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