Life as I Knew It

By Jake Austin

Published on May 15, 2012


Disclaimers: Yeah, these aren't fun, but I guess they're necessary. If you're under 18, or if hot gay sex offends you, or if it's illegal to be reading this where you are, you probably shouldn't be reading this. I guess. Or you can, you know, you don't have to listen to me, lol.

This is fiction, so yeah, people and the events that occur are all fake. I may use the names of real places, but other than that, this story is completely made up.

And also, I'd appreciate it of you DIDN'T take this story and post it somewhere else without my permission. That's called stealing, and it's not cool.

Note to readers: I'm so sorry this chapter is so late. It's getting near the end of the school year, and I'm trying to cram in as much studying as I possibly can for finals. I've only been able to write whenever I get an email hounding me, LOL. Not that I don't appreciate it, I do. I probably would take months to update if you guys didn't remind me, lol.

It's funny cause I always forget that I'm writing a story that needs to be updated in a reasonable schedule (x

Comments and questions are welcome at I love hearing from you guys! ^_^

Anyways, enough of my rambbbbliiiiinnnnn. Chapter 3 time! Woo.

Life As I Knew It

Chapter 3: Love Me Back

"If water was a kiss, I'd send you the sea. If a hug was a leaf, I'd send you a tree. If love was forever, I'd send you eternity."

Carter started the truck and pulled away from the school, driving down the rain-splattered roadway. Gabe was whistling along with The Smiths on the truck radio. He seemed to be handling the Aaron situation well. Carter, on the other hand, was giving Aaron side glances while he was driving. Having my brother just next to me and looking in my direction didn't stop me from rubbing my butt on Aaron's lap, though.

"So... Aaron, right? Where to?"

"Mmm..." Aaron groaned quietly, due to my soft gyrations.

One part of me was telling me to stop grinding against his lap. That this was the lowest point of my life, and that I should be ashamed of myself. But the other part, the courageous, lust-filled part deep within, was telling me to keep on going, to see how far I could go. I chose to listen to the lust-filled part. I knew that I had to stop. That I was becoming, essentially, nothing more than a piece of ass for Aaron to get enjoyment out of. And if he knew that I was doing this on purpose, I doubt he'd want to be friends with a pervert like me. A pervert who unashamedly rubs against someone he hardly knows. But I didn't care. If I could be this close to him and share this erotic experience with him, even if it was all one-sided on my part, I'd be content.

"Dude," Carter said louder this time. "Where are you headed?"

I felt Aaron tense up beneath me, like he was just awoken from a trance. "Oh, uh, sorry. I live down... uh, Rainwood Boulevard. You just keep going down this road, turn left like twice, and we'll be there in no time."

"All right," Carter muttered.

If Aaron could hear the slight bitterness in Carter's tone, he didn't show it. I could feel him still wriggling underneath me, and I could hear him taking short, forceful breaths. I think he was a little too preoccupied to think about anything else.

I gripped the sides of the car seat with both hands and wiggled myself even firmly into Aaron's lap, pretending that I was trying to get more comfortable. This earned an even louder moan from Aaron. This one was a lot louder this time, and I was afraid Carter or Gabe would hear it, but thankfully the truck's roaring engine masked the sound.

Suddenly, the truck hit a bump in the road, and I flew up into the air for a quick second. But when I landed, I ended up falling right on top of his bulge, squashing his tool right between my cheeks.

"Whoa!" I yelped.

Carter whirled his heads around towards us. Gabe kept on jamming to the radio.

"What? What happened? You okay, Lee?" Carter asked me, a bewildered look on his face.

I was blushing intensely at actually feeling Aaron's dick between my butt cheeks, so my extremely red face probably wasn't helping. I had to make up something fast, though.

"Oh, um, I just, uh... stubbed my toe is all." I said, laughing nervously. "Yep, I stubbed it real good. It is definitely stubbed. As stubbed as a toe can get. Stubbed. What a weird word, right? Here, say it out loud, stuuuuubbbbbbed. Right? Doesn't it sound weird?" I let out another laugh, this one sounded a little crazier.

Carter gave me a weird look. "Sure... I guess. I'll take a look at it when we get home later." Then he shrugged and went back to driving.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was safe. But it was way too close for comfort, I had to stop being so risky. I decided to just stay how I was seated, nestled into Aaron's surprisingly stiff penis. I felt it throb a little underneath me. Yeah, this was definitely good enough.

I tried to distract myself by looking out the window, and to my surprise, Carter was already pulling up in front of Aaron's house. The neighborhood looked really nice, but the house itself was really impressive. The house was huge, with a gigantic garden, and a white fence surrounding the impressive property. I could tell his parents were well off.

"Nice house," I said to him, forgetting my current position. "What do your parents do?"

Aaron seemed to calm down a bit too, because he sounded perfectly normal when he responded. "My parents are both doctors."

"Whoa," I said in awe, "That's so cool!"

He shrugged. "Not really. They have totally messed up work schedules, so I hardly ever get to see them."

"Oh..." was all I could respond with. It didn't seem like it bothered him too much, but I didn't want to pry into his business.

"So," Carter interrupted, "I guess this is your stop." I turned to face him and made sure he saw the glare I was giving him.

"Yeah, I guess." Aaron said sullenly. He sounded kind of sad that he had to leave, but in a weird way, it made me happy. Not that he was sad, but that he actually wanted to spend more time with me.

I stood up and sat down on Gabe's lap, who was still jamming along to the radio as if none of us even existed. Aaron then stepped out, and I saw his gorgeous body run past his fence, and up the steps to his porch. I saw him check his pockets for something, but it looked like he couldn't find what he was looking for. He knocked on the door, but no one seemed to answer. He pulled out his cell phone and called someone, but after a short while he hung up and just sat down on his porch step with a resigned look on his face.

"Why isn't he going inside?" I asked more to myself than to anyone else in the car, but Carter responded anyways.

"Who cares, Lee. C'mon, let's get you home." He started up the engine and started to pull off.

"Wait!" I yelled. "What if he's locked out? Pull over."

Carter was about to protest, but realizing that it was useless, he just sighed, "Whatever," and pulled back over. He probably knew now that he was never going to win a fight with me if it involved Aaron. I hope he didn't look into that too closely.

I rolled down the window and yelled out to Aaron. "Hey, Aaron! What's the matter?"

He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted something to me, but I couldn't hear what it was.

I still couldn't hear him, so I yelled out, "WHAT?" even louder, but I still couldn't hear his response. So I jumped out the truck, ignoring Carter's yelling, and ran up to Aaron. By the time I got to his porch, I was shivering and soaked once again.

"Aw, dude, you didn't have to come out here! You'll get a cold!"

I smiled and shivered at the same time. "It's f-fine. I was trying to ask w-why you were staying outside."

"My parents are both working the night shifts at the hospital tonight," He had an annoyed expression on his face, "And to top it off, I left my keys inside. So, I'm basically locked out till they get back, which is probably gonna be till at least ten o'clock."

I looked up at him in surprise. "Ten o'clock!? No, you cannot wait out here that long. Come home with me, instead! You can just wait there until your parents come home, or... If they're out later than that, you could, like, sleep over, maybe..." I involuntarily blushed, thoughts of Aaron sleeping in the same room as me crossing my mind. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling cold at all anymore. I felt warm all over. I felt a small smile tugging at my lips, and I started to think about what it would feel like to be alone with him. Really alone, just me and him. And I found that I liked the idea. A lot.

Aaron immediately put both his hands up in refusal. "No, Riley, dude, I can't do that. You were already so nice just by giving me a ride. And it's not like I'm gonna be wet, I'll be under the porch roof the whole time."

I rolled my eyes. "You said it yourself that they might not be back till ten. That's like six hours from now. You really want to wait out in the cold for six hours?"


"Good," I said, smiling. "Because I'm not taking `no' for an answer."

This got him smiling too, but then he got a worried look on his face. "Are you sure your parents won't mind? I mean, I don't want to get you in trouble or anything."

I laughed, "Stop worrying. It'll be fine. So, it's a `yes', right?"

He still looked doubtful, so I got up on my tip-toes and stared straight up at him. "RIGHT?"

He sighed and then chuckled. "Right."

"Yes!" I yelled. I grabbed him by the wrist and led him back to the truck. We jumped inside in the same position as we were in awhile ago with me on his lap. I was too excited about Aaron actually coming over to my house that I forgot all about the fact that my butt was once again on his lap, and the fact that we were both soaked to the skin.

I noticed that the truck still wasn't moving, so I turned to face Carter, who was giving me an annoyed look. "What're you waiting for? Let's go home!"

He huffed, "Not to sound rude, but what's he still doing here?"

Aaron let out an awkward chuckle, but I glared at Carter. "You do sound rude, and if you must know, his parents aren't getting back till late and he left his keys inside, so I invited him to stay over till they can pick him up. Now let's go."

Carter groaned loudly but started the truck anyways and pulled off from the road towards home.

"Lee, here, wipe yourself off. You'll catch a cold," Carter said, tossing both of us his towel. I grabbed it and started rubbing my face and hair dry. I remembered that Aaron was drenched too, so I offered him the towel afterwards. He looked at me and then at the towel, like he couldn't believe I was giving it to him. I was hoping that he wouldn't think it was gross to share the same towel, but luckily he took it with a hint of a smile on his face and began drying himself off. Aaron was taking his sweet time drying off his face. Actually, I thought I saw him maybe smelling it, but I quickly dismissed that idea. Why would he be smelling it?

I felt a little playful all of a sudden, so I turned around and started rubbing the towel on his face wildly with my hands. He started laughing and finally freed himself. Then he wrapped the towel around my head and started doing the same. I wrenched free from his grip after tickling him in the sides, and we were both left giggling like a bunch of Japanese school girls. At that moment, I just felt so content with life, like I'd found just what I've been looking for all this time. In a state of absolute bliss, I leaned back and rested the back of my head on Aaron's shoulder and sighed. Suddenly, I felt him slightly nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck and I was instantly snapped back to reality. I was gay. Aaron wasn't.

I quickly stood up straight and shook myself back to my senses. I had to stop putting myself in this position. He was straight, I was gay, and letting myself get swept off my feet would only leave me heartbroken; just like the day I met him three years ago, except infinitely more intense.That short-lived sense of contentedness I had was immediately replaced by this sense of sheer uselessness. It was useless for me to keep holding out hope that Aaron was gay. It was useless to hope that he thought of me as maybe more than a friend. It was useless to keep filling my thoughts with if-only's and what-if's. I seriously had to face the facts and just come to accept it, but for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. There was something inside me that didn't want to stop hoping for something more. That maybe it was all right to think unrealistically for once in my life, and to just be content in my fantasies.

"Lee!" I heard somebody's voice calling out to me. "Hey, Lee! We're home already, come on, get out." Carter gave me a gentle push to my shoulder, and I quickly regained my composure.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, forcing out a laugh. I turned to Aaron. "Come on, we can just hang out in my room," I smiled at him. However, he had a somewhat worried expression on his face. His eyes had concern written all over them, and I was afraid that he might've seen through the fake smile on my face.

Carter rolled down the window and called out to me, "I'm gonna drop Gabe off at his place and we might chill there for a bit. I'll be back before six!"

I waved to them and walked up to the house. I led him through the door and was making my way up the staircase until I noticed that there weren't any footsteps behind mine. I turned around to look and Aaron was still shyly standing just past the door frame.

"Hey, what's up? Aren't you coming?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I am," said Aaron, "But... are your parents home? Because I think it'd be rude if they were and I didn't greet them or anything."

I jogged back down the steps, grabbed his arm, and led him back up with me. "It's totally fine. They both work till it gets dark, so it's usually just me and Carter at home after school. Well, not today, I guess. Right now, it's just you and me."

"Oh. That's... cool." He said. I couldn't tell if he sounded nervous or was just feeling shy. I chose to interpret it as shyness, so I made sure to be as friendly as I could to try and get him out of his shell.

I pushed open the door to my bedroom and pulled us both inside, making a grandeur motion with my hand. "Here we are, Casa de Riley," I chuckled.

"Whoa," Aaron breathed out, "So many... books." His eyes traveled around the room, looking at my bookshelves upon bookshelves of books. From biographies, to sci-fi novels, to everything in between.

"Ah, yeah. Sorry about that," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. I hope he didn't think I was a holed-up hermit who spent all day reading books inside his room (which wouldn't really be too far from the truth).

"No, no!" He reassured me, "It's cool. I really like that... about you. I mean, like, when we first met, you seemed super sophisticated. I thought that was awesome." His eyes traveled to the floor, and I noticed a slight blush coming across his cheeks.

I smiled, "I'm glad it doesn't freak you out, then." I started pushing books around, making a path to my bed. I jumped onto one end of the bed, crossed my legs, and patted the spot in front of me. "C'mon, have a seat."

Aaron looked at me incredulously. "On your bed? Where you... sleep?"

I laughed, "No, where I tap dance. YES, where I sleep. Or you could sit on the desk chair if you want. Either one is fine."

Aaron quickly shook his head, "No, no, the bed is good." He toed his shoes off and gingerly stepped onto the mattress, and then squatted until he was sitting criss-crossed facing me. He looked concentrated, like one wrong misstep and the whole bed will shatter into pieces. He finally got settled in, and then put his chin on his palms and gave me that signature grin of his. "So, is this what you always do on your wild time alone?"

I huffed and made a hurt expression. "I'll have you know that I accomplish plenty of things in my spare time."

He smiled. "Like what?"

"Like... read."

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Gee, I never would've guessed. C'mon, tell me more."

I chuckled, "Um... I like to... sleep?"

This made him laugh even harder. "Whoa there, party animal," He joked.

I blushed and covered my face with my hands. "Geez, now you probably think I'm totally boring. I'll admit, I really don't do much with my time. It's either I'm reading or I hang out with Ethan and Isabella. But... Wow, do I feel embarrassed."

Aaron's voice took on a more gentle tone. "Aw, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just kidding. I think it's cool that you like to read so much. In fact, it's one of the things I... love about... you." He suddenly stopped, as if he'd said something that he shouldn't have.

I looked up at him questioningly. "Wait, huh?"

I saw him take a deep breath and then exhale. With his voice shaking he said, "I... I like you."

I didn't think I heard him correctly. I thought I heard Aaron say that he LIKED me, and it sounded like a more-than-in-a-friend-way kind of "like". But I knew that it probably was just-in-a-friend-way kind of "like" and I was just blowing things way out of proportion. "Oh, that's cool," I laughed, "I like you too. You're a really cool guy, and I'm glad we're friends. Hey, you want a drink or something?"

He looked at me questioningly. "Riley... Dude, I'm confessing my feelings to you here... I really, REALLY like you. Like, as more than friends."

I felt my breath catch in my throat. I tried to say something, but it was like someone reached into my throat, down to my voice box, and switched it off. All that came out was a strangled gasp. I stared at him wide-eyed, my mouth hanging open, trying to find the words to speak. Aaron must have noticed because his expression changed from one of nervousness to one of sheer terror.

"Oh god," Aaron muttered. "Oh, god. Oh, shit. You don't like guys, do you? Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I just-- I had a feeling that maybe you... liked me too. I'm so sorry. I'm just gonna go. I'm so sorry, dude. Forget this conversation ever happened." He jumped up from the bed, made his way towards the door, and knocked over a huge stack of books in the process. "Sorry," he said again, and I watched him run out my bedroom door.

"Wait," I croaked, and I realized that my voice was working again. "Wait!" I yelled, but his footsteps were already making their way down the stairs. I jumped off bed and ran out the door as well, knocking down a whole other stack of books in my haste. I really need to put those books in a different place.

I ran down the stairs and looked around, but Aaron wasn't in any of the family rooms. I then noticed that the front door was slightly open, so I ran out, and sure enough, I saw Aaron walking down the street in the pouring rain. I called out his name, but the sound of water falling on pavement drowned out my voice.

I decided that it was now or never; this could be my chance to tell Aaron that I felt the same way about him. Or, I could go on living a lie, all because I had feelings that other people would consider to be `abnormal'. But I was tired of living for other people. I wanted to live for myself, at least just this once. I slipped on my shoes and ran after him.

He was trudging through the pouring rain with his back slightly hunched over and his hands in his pockets. In just a few seconds, I'd closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around him, pressing my face against his back. I felt him tense up beneath me and then turn around to look at me.

"Riley!" Aaron yelled. "You're getting drenched! What're you doing?"

I just hugged him closer, leaned up to his ear and whispered. "I really like you too, Aaron. Ever since the day I met you, up till now."

He pulled back from me and gave me a wide-eyed look. "Seriously? You're not shitting-- I mean, joking with me? You like guys?"

I looked down to hide the inevitable blush that would show up on my face after I said, "Well... I've always thought guys were attractive, but I've only ever kind of liked... you."

Aaron gave me the biggest smile I'd ever seen before he lunged towards me and wrapped his wonderfully toned arms around my shoulders. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and I felt him inhale a deep breath and then sigh, his breath warming up that one spot. He pulled his head back just until his lips were right next to my ear. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered.

I shuddered at his words alone. I wanted so badly to just say yes and finally have his luscious lips connected to mine, but I was so afraid that my inexperience would put him off. That I would scare him away with how new I was to all of this.

"I've... I've never really kissed anyone before," I whispered.

"Really?" He said, obviously astonished.

I groaned and put my hands over my face, "Yes, okay? I've never kissed anyone before, not once."

"Hey, hey." Aaron started rubbing my back in soft, calming motions. "It's not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I think that's awesome. And adorable."

"You think so?" I asked, blushing intensely at his words.

"I do." He said, smiling. "So... would you mind if I asked if... I could be your first?"

I looked up at him and nodded, which made him smile even wider, if that were possible. I craned my neck up, shut my eyes, pursed my lips, and then waited. And waited. And waited. But nothing was happening, so I peeked out through one eye to see Aaron laughing. I snapped both eyes back open to see him covering his mouth with his hands, trying to suppress his giggles.

"Why're you laughing?" I yelled.

"Nothing, nothing." Aaron laughed some more. "It's just... you looked so cute, that's all."

I glared at him, "Well, if I looked so `cute,' then why are you--"

But I couldn't finish what I was going to say, because all I could think about was how Aaron's lips were making contact with my own, and how his forehead was touching mine. The kiss was innocent at first, with just our lips pressing against each other. But it quickly became more and more passionate with each passing second. His hands drifted from my back, down to my waist. I felt his lips part and his tongue nudge my own, which I took to mean that he wanted me to open my mouth also.

I hesitantly opened up, and his tongue immediately darted inside. The smooth pink flesh was wet and warm, and it immediately filled my mouth with a sense of heat. I felt it trace over my teeth, then over my tongue, and then tickle the roof of my mouth. His hands wandered from my waist, down to my butt. He seemed hesitant to touch it at first, but I grabbed his hands and placed it gently on my mounds. This earned a definite groan from him. He rotated between roughly kneading them like dough and running his hands over them smoothly. I felt him gently sway against me, his bulge rubbing against my hip; which had to be one of the most erotic things I've ever felt.

The kiss started to deepen, if that were possible. Our teeth were bumping, our noses were hitting each other's faces, and I could feel drool running down both of our chins. It was as passionate as two teenagers could get. I ran my arms up and down his, and I cold feel his smooth yet cold skin. It was soft, save for the goose bumps that the cold weather had caused. I brought my hands up behind him and clutched onto his shoulders and let the kiss continue.

The kiss went on for what seemed like hours, and I was enjoying every second of it. The problem was, I couldn't really breathe, and I desperately needed to come up for air. I tried pulling off gently, but Aaron kept pressing me closer and closer using one hand on my butt and the other on the back of my head, so I had to use my hands to forcefully push him away.

When I was finally free, I gasped and panted for breath, with Aaron apologizing in the background.

"I'm so sorry, Riley. I kind of got carried away." He said, panic written all over his face.

I looked up and laughed at his flushed, terrified expression. "It's okay, really. I liked it. Was it okay for you?"

"It was amazing!" Aaron quickly exclaimed. And at that moment, he looked more gorgeous than I'd ever seen him. Drops of rain slowly rolled down his tanned cheeks. His damp, black hair hung limply on his head. His velvety brown eyes were squinted as he grinned with his always-perfect smile.

I was about to say something as well, before I sneezed three times in rapid succession. It was then that I realized that we'd been standing in the pouring rain the entire time. The heat inside me suddenly dissolved into a miserable, chilling feeling that only standing in the rain could bring.

"Oh, shit!" Aaron yelled. "Dude, I kept you out in the rain. And now you have a cold! Here, put my jacket on!" He quickly stripped off his coat, wrapped it around my shoulders, and pulled the hood over my head. I was still cold, but just the fact that I was wearing Aaron's coat definitely helped.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. He grinned back and took my hand in his.

"Let's get back to your house," Aaron suggested, and I quickly agreed. We took off running, hand in hand, laughing wildly the entire way. By the time we got back, we were both drenched from head to toe while also catching our breath from the short sprint. We walked through the front door and were just taking off our mud-covered shoes, when Carter came barreling through the living room.

"Where the hell were you two?" He immediately shouted. "And what the FUCK were you guys doing out in the rain?"

Aaron was stammering, obviously trying to come up with something other than, "Oh, you know, I was just making out with your younger brother in the pouring rain while we confessed our mutual love for each other." He still couldn't come up with anything except for an, "Um, well..." so I decided to step in.

"We went to see Ethan," I said calmly, while also shooting Aaron a `Let me handle this' glance. "And it was only drizzling when we dropped by, so we didn't need an umbrella then, but by the time we walked back it was already raining really hard." I tried to sound as nonchalant as I could, hoping to everything good in the world that he would believe the complete lie I just told.

"Well," Carter stammered, obviously trying to look for something to be mad at Aaron for. "You should've... You should've called me first. I could've given you guys a ride."

I just stared at him. "He lives three houses down."

He opened his mouth to speak, closed it, and then growled. "Whatever. Just get changed and dried off before Mom and Dad get home." He stormed back into the living room and I heard him angrily snatch up the remote and start punching random buttons on it. Poor remote.

Aaron leaned in and whispered to me, "Are you and your brother always like this?"

I laughed and opened my mouth to answer, when the realization hit me. "Come to think of it, no. We'd only ever gotten into a fight a handful of times our entire lives. We actually get along really good, better than most siblings. But we HAVE been kind of at each other's throats today, haven't we?"

"Do you think it's because of me? I kind of get the feeling he doesn't like me very much." He had the most adorable worried expression on his face. I leaned in and gave him a quick hug, which seemed to make him feel better almost immediately.

"It's never because of you, silly. And I'm sure he'll warm up to you. He just gets a little overprotective of me. You don't know how long it took Ethan and Isabella to earn his trust. ESPECIALLY Isabella."

He smiled, "I can imagine. She seems... interesting."

"Interesting's right. Anyways, I don't want my parents to see us completely drenched and then barrage us with questions, so let's go up to my room and get out of these clothes."

Aaron's lightly tanned face suddenly turned a dark shade of pink. "Um," He stammered, "Sounds g-good to me."

I realized that what I said sounded more than a little provocative, so I quickly reassured him. "Oh, no! That's not... what I meant. I was just saying that my parents arriving to see us drenched and in a hypothermiatic condition would indubitably result in severe punishment on my part, partial banishment on yours, and--"

"Whoa," Aaron said, interrupting me, "Slow down, it's okay, it's okay! I was just being stupid."

"No!" I immediately shouted and then winced. "I mean, it's not your fault, it's mine, so, just... Um, can we just forget this conversation?"

He laughed, "Only if you want to. I, on the other hand, will replay your adorably wordy ramblings in my head every night before I sleep."

"Don't!" I yelled, but Aaron was already running up the stairs laughing loudly. I raced up the steps and into my room, but he wasn't there. All of a sudden, I felt Aaron sneak up behind me and wrap his arms around my stomach, while his head rested on my shoulder.

"Hi," He whispered.


We stayed like that for a minute, and the reality of the whole situation got to me, and I started laughing.

"What's so funny, smartypants?" Aaron asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.

"Nothing," I giggled. "It's just, we've kind of only known each other for like a day, and already we're kissing in the rain and professing our love for each other. It's all a little cliche, don't you think?"

He laughed as well. "That's true I guess, but technically, we've known each other for about three years now, so I think our cliche'd confessions of love are pretty well justified."

I smiled. "I suppose."

I wanted to stay like this forever. Feeling his warm breath on the nape of my neck, our skin pressed together, and us just casually talking. But my damp clothes were really starting to piss me off.

"I think we should really change. I have about ten extra pounds in water weight on my body, and I can barely feel my toes."

He chuckled. "Yeah, me too. But I'd still put up with it if it meant being able to hold you."

I almost squealed like a little girl when I heard that, but I quickly caught myself. I just laughed a little nervously, "Yeah, well..."

He looked around my room. "Got any clothes that could maybe fit me?"

"They'd look kind of tight on you, but..." I trailed off and tried picturing Aaron in my clothes. An evil part of me was telling me to give him one of my tightest shirts to wear and how awesome his body would look underneath it, but I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head.

"But...?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing!" I quickly answered. "Um, I'll just lend you some of Carter's stuff." Aaron just shrugged, and I quickly went into Carter's room and dug around for some old shorts and shirts. When I found some that seemed to be his size, I went back to my room and tossed it to him.

"Here, I think these will fit. You can... uh, change in the bathroom."

He smiled and when he walked by, he gave me a wink. I immediately shuddered and felt weak in the knees. I felt a twitch in my shorts and realized that I was almost sporting a full boner. I quickly stuffed my hands in my shorts, readjusted myself, and proceeded to look for some clothes to change into as well.

After digging in my closet, I finally settled on a pair of black shorts and a loose green t-shirt. I peeled off my wet shirt, flung my drenched shorts into the laundry basket, and stepped out of my completely-soaked-through boxer-briefs. I was bending over, with one foot stepping into my new pair of underwear and my other foot trying to keep myself balanced, when I heard the door swing open.

"Hey, I think these clothes fit me pretty--" and then I heard a loud gasp.

I immediately spun around to see Aaron staring at me slack-jawed. His eyes were glued to my junk, which was pretty much just out there in the open. I tried slipping on my underwear too fast, and I ended up falling flat on my back with my underwear between my knees and my legs up in the air.

"Dude, are you okay?" Aaron asked, quickly running up to me. He tried helping me up but I pushed him off, pulled up my underwear, and ran out the room and into the bathroom as quick as I could. I locked the door and paced around the bathroom, berating myself for being so humiliatingly stupid. Then I sat on the toilet, put my face on my hands, and cried.

So.... Yeah, really sorry about that late chapter ): I shall try harder next time, I swear! And I hope this chapter was to your guys' liking. It was a pretty big deal, and I just didn't know how to write it. Ugh, currently self-doubting.

And I'm even more sorry for my terrible ending, LOL. One of you guys should give me tips on how to end a chapter without being hated by everybody, lmao. Constructive criticism is definitely welcome, for this one especially!

Next: Chapter 6

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