Life with Scottie

By h m

Published on Jun 12, 2011


All people noted are over 18. If under 18 or illegal where you live please do not read.

Life with Scottie, Continued

One thing that really gets me off about having Scottie around is the power that comes with using him. I don't think I'll ever figure out exactly why but knowing that at any time I can point to another man and order him to his knees to degrade himself, to swallow the man's cum, and he'll do it without question blows my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I care for him. I think it's just being raised differently. I was taught to always have a plan. Always have some way to provide for yourself, never rely on anyone and if you have to rely on someone make sure they are paid back faster than immediately. Scottie is more of a moment to moment person. LOL, he's more of a focus on the cock you're sucking now and worry about how you're going to get the next cock later. Anyway, whatever works, it takes all kinds I guess.

And speaking of the cock he's got in his mouth right now. Fuckin A, what the fuck did I do? At the moment the son of my neighbor is relaxing on the sofa. Cigarette in one hand and Scottie's hair in the other. Bobbing him up and down on that fat hog he's got like he was usin a fleshlight. He's working on feeding the slut for the THIRD time today. I must be old as fuck. After two shots I need a damn nap. I'm sure Scottie won't be any worse off for it, he's been servicing this young man for several weeks now.

Rick is 18 and, like many 18 year olds, not hard to look at. He's straight, unfortunately, or I might have had to put some moves on him myself. Where the fuck these 18 yr olds get these big red puffy lips is beyond me. I'm so focused on how bad I want to fuck him that every time he talks I just hear white noise. Just over 6 feet tall and a hard tight body with buzzed blond hair. And, of course, he's got me beat by a mile in the dick department. Asshole.

Anyway, a few weeks back Scottie and I were in the back yard by the pool. Something about spending the day by the water gets me horny. Well, pretty much anything gets me horny but the water for some reason does more than most.

I threw a rod and told Scottie to come suck me off. Standing with my back to the gated privacy fence and using his ears like handles. I wasn't really concerned when Scottie started beating on my legs trying to make me let him go. I let go of his ears, grabbed him by the hair with one hand and whacked him on the side of the head with the other and told him to shut the fuck up and keep sucking. Hey, whattdya want from me? I was gettin close.

What I didn't realize at the time was that young Rick, my neighbor's son, was standing at the now half open gate with his jaw down to the ground. Stunned in silence.

After being cuffed on the head Scottie wasn't too concerned anymore with pointing out to me that we had an audience. His little way of being a smart ass. I can hear it now "Well you TOLD me to shut the fuck up, and I ALWAYS do what I'm told!". Fucking Cunt.

So I finished in the slut's mouth and, of course with more theatrics since he had an audience, he gargled the cum and noisily swallowed after I gave him permission.

I turn around to sit at the patio table to finish my beer and soak up the afterglow and there he is. Fuck.

Scottie knows his ass is grass and heads in to the house for me to deal with the kid.

Then I thought what the fuck! It's MY god damn house and MY god damn yard. If I want to use MY whore's throat in the back yard to clean out the pipes it's none of his damn business. Besides, the whole neighborhood knows we're gay already.

"Hey Rick, how's it goin".

"Um, good".

"Well I'm doing much better now but I guess you can understand that".

"Um...sure. I'm real sorry, I knocked and rang the bell and when no one answered I thought I'd check If ya'll were back here".

"Whacha need buddy, everything alright with the folks?".


This was going nowhere fast.

"Scottie!" I yelled towards the house. "Bring Rick a coke".

Scottie poked his head out of the sliding door. "Yes Sir". "Rick, what would you like?".

" Dr Pepper I guess, gotta keep the weight off for wrestlin".

Rick and I took a seat and he explained he was selling raffle tickets for his graduating class before he embarks on his college wrestling career. All the celebrations were pretty much done and paid for but his class was still working on their gift to the school.

As I was digging the cash out of my wallet I decided it would be best to acknowledge what he walked in on earlier.

"Rick, about what you saw earlier...We consider what happens here to be our business"

"Naw, Jeff, that was my fault for bardgin in like that. Is Scottie OK though?"

He was surprised at my laugh so I explained to him that Scottie enjoyed the submissive role and he very much enjoys pleasing men.

"You mean he does that for more than just you?!?!?".

Fuck, how'd that slip out?

With the cat out of the bag I had the talk with Rick that, yes, sometimes I allow other guys to use Scottie. It's not that difficult to relate to the mind of an 18 yr old healthy male that lots of guys need a convenient and private way to get off without using the rosy palm. Again, it's our business and no one is getting hurt.

"Damn, what a, he sure is gay I guess"

"It's ok Rick, you can say it. I'm gay but Scottie IS a faggot, and he likes to be treated like one"

"Can I have a turn?" His comfort level was obviously improving.

"No problem Rick, we'll call it a graduation gift", I said with a smile. "Scottie! Get your ass out here!"

With Scottie on his way over I told Rick that if he would prefer some privacy I could have Scottie take him inside and service him.

"Hell Jeff, I seen you feed him, I guess we're passed bein shy, huh?"

Scottie arrived and I was so fuckin happy. This little cunt that thought he was so clever with his little gargling trick and showing off earlier. Now I get the upper hand! Scottie mumbled a tentative "Yes Sir?"

"I told Rick what a fag you are for cock, not that he needed any explanation after seeing me using you like a $2 whore. I just realized I forgot to get him a graduation present. Hit your knees and suck out a load from him, and he had BETTER tell me when it's over that it's the best head he's ever had."

Defeated but also excited (whore!), Scottie moved to where Rick was now grinning his face off and knelt before him and slowly reached for his zipper.

"Holy fuck I can't believe he does that just cuz you tell him to! What a sorry ass fag!"

Rick was laughing his ass off until his pride and joy hit daylight, and quickly thereafter hit the back of Scottie's throat.

I hadn't really thought that maybe, due to his age, Rick hadn't gotten the pleasure of receiving head from an accomplished cocksucker. LOL, he looked like someone just tazed him.

Being raised in the south it wasn't difficult to see that Rick had been taught that being a fag was about as low as you could get. This normally polite young man turned in to a redneck quicker than shit! Faggot, cocksucker, bitch whore, slut, ahhh, music to my ears. I just sipped my beer and enjoyed the show.

The show, I might add, lasted all of about 8 minutes. I guess at 18 the first one is a hair trigger. Rick had a fistful of hair holding Scottie in place until he was satisfied that he was finished unloading. Scottie treated him to the same service everyone else received. The new master was shown his cum before being given permission to swallow and I dismissed him back into the house.

Rick and I talked for a bit afterwards and, to Scottie's credit, he did tell me that it was the best blow he's ever gotten, not that he had a lot to compare it to. Just a few steamy sessions here and there with some of the female wrestling groupies.

Such a fine young man and seemed to have his shit together. Graduating high school, off to college, supporting his class with the raffle. All this, plus the fact that it fuckin got me hot as hell to see him in action prompted me to extend him an invitation.

"Rick, I know you're off to college in the fall. You'll have a lot going on between now and then trying to get ready for your first NCAA wrestling season, training, preparing for classes, all that stuff. I want you to know you're welcome to use my fag any time you need a quick release to stay focused. Even when I'm at the office, consider this an open invitation to use the slut when you feel the need. Just keep this to yourself, I don't want any pre-frat parties in my living room."

A bigger grin I've never seen. We shook hands and I beckoned Scottie from the house again to give him the news. Before he arrived, I couldn't resist. Look, I just couldn't fucking resist! I leaned in and muttered to Rick what any straight 18 year old jock from the south would have no problem with and he nodded.

After telling the cocksucker he was to be on call, Rick spit in Scottie's face, smiled, and said "Be seein ya real soon faggot!".

Fuckin priceless.

Which brings me where we are today. I didn't realize when I extended the invitation that Rick was going to set up house in Scottie's throat. More and more chores aren't getting done by the time I get home and usually when I walk through the door all I hear is that faggot trying to gag down Rick's 9 inch monster.

I'll need to set up some more strict house rules, but in the meantime, sounds like there's a pretty good show I need to go watch!

Would you like to hear more? Let me know if I should continue.

Next: Chapter 4

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