Lifes Little Entanglements

By Jonathan Davis

Published on Jun 13, 1999


********** Life's Little Entanglements **********

by Jonathan Davis

This is my first attempt at a story. Please send me your comments, questions, concerns, etc.

This story contains homosexual activities including, but not limited to, romance, lust, love, sex, etc. If you are offended by any of these ideals or materials, please leave now. By continuing down this page, you also agree that you are of legal age in your locality to read this story. If you are not, it is sincerely advised that you leave now.

This story is completely fantasy, and is not to reflect upon the real lifestyles of any persons mentioned, realistic or fictional, in any way, shape or form. (How sad!) The author does not claim any knowledge of the sexuality of the characters in this story.

Recopying, redistribution, archiving, etc. of this story is freely permitted as long as original credit to the author is maintained and the body of the story is not changed in any way, shape, or form.

Thanks...and now, the story!

Chapter 1: The Working Life

My life hasn't been too bad, thus far. I've been emancipated from my parents, gotten my G.E.D., gone to college, and I am only 20. I left school a year early and got my G.E.D. the same year, so I guess I'm what some call lucky. I work as an associate manager for a recording label office in Orlando, Florida. The company I work for is small, but it provides a steady income that gives me a somewhat expanded lifestyle, but I am far from being rich. Work keeps me busy, but it has its definite advantages.

As one might expect, working for a recording company, you get some pretty interesting (and sometimes famous) people coming in your door. While the Orlando branch office of Magellan Records, Inc. is one of the larger operations of that company, we have more of the up-and-comers rather than the famous ones. It works out alright, though, because most of the managers at the office get invited to parties and we happen to meet someone famous, but it is a rare occasion.

It's not unusual to find myself right here, where I am now. Sitting on the phone, conversing with one of the field recruiters. They said they found someone incredible, that I just have to listen to. I told him to set up an appointment with my secretary and hung up the phone. Some of these recruiters were older, and needed replacement. They were too hung up on old-style music to be able to find something to attract todays younger crowd, which was why I had to sort through three hundred different recruits before I found one I wanted.

"Mr. Davis, incoming call from Mr. Andrews regarding the new artist we just signed," came the voice of my secretary over her intercom.

"Great, my boss," I muttered as I tapped the keys on my telephone and connected with the director of my office. "Hello, Mark...what can I do for you?" I asked, trying not to sound too intimidated.

"Jonathan, we've got a very big problem here...your new one-hit-wonder girl isn't hitting it. I want her dropped from the label," came the booming voice of my boss, Mark Andrews. He wasn't a nice fact, one of the meanest in the business. That's why I think this company is doing so poorly, because he never gives anyone a chance!

"Sir, we've already entered into her contract. It can't be violated for at least six months. You knew about this!" I said, trying not to scream in anger. He always had the perfect ways of pissing me off: always doubting my work.

"Dammit!" he screamed, causing my desk to vibrate slightly. "Listen here, brat boy...I've got to go out of town for a few weeks. You had better find some way to get her up and running, or I'll violate her contract anyway!" he screamed, hanging up on me. I was really pissed, but I proceeded to call my secretary into my office. She always could help me out in these situations.

She entered the office slowly, having heard the argument I had with Mark. "What can I do for you, Mr. Davis?" she asked politely, hoping she wasn't going to get screamed at.

"Sit down, Savannah. I need your advice," I said. She promptly sat down and smiled at me, knowing that her and I were the best of friends. We'd been through a lot. We went through high school together, through college together...and even dated once. It didn't work out though, because I had "discovered" I was gay...but we have stayed good friends ever since.

"What's up, boss?" she asked, starting to get a little cocky now that we were talking as friends, not as coworkers. Her change in mood, depending on the situation, always amazed me. She knew exactly how to act in every place, every time.

"Our new artist, Deborah, just isn't working. We need some way to boost her on the charts, or she'll get dropped when Mark comes back into town," I said, looking into her sweet blue eyes. She was a very pretty woman, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could kill from three miles, if given half a chance.

"Well, there are three simple ways to solve the problem, Jon. You can either drop her and risking losing millions in a lawsuit, keep her and hire better songwriters, or use her as an add-on," she said, smiling back.

"Well, obviously, dropping her is not an option. Not unless we get desperate. What songwriters do we have available under our influence?" I asked, not being able to pull many of the names off the top of my head. She, however, knew every single one of them.

"Deborah's using the best ones we've got right now, and we don't have any pending contracts or any recruiters going after songwriters. Too much money," she said, frowning. She looked through her notebook for a few moments and then looked up. "What about using her as an add-on...having her open for another, more well-known, performer?"

"We don't have anyone on the label that is willing to work with her. They say she is more for teenage boys' jerk-off fantasies than for music," I said, laughing and thinking there was no hope of saving this girl's career and making some money in the mean time.

"What about going off the label?" she said. The idea hadn't occurred to me before, and I knew it would be expensive, but like they always say, 'It takes money to make money.'

"Alright, but who?" I asked.

"Well, there are some popular bands out there that would integrate well with her. The options are limitless. 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, 5ive. They would all work," she said. Now I realized why she wasn't in the accounting department.

"You must be crazy! Names like those, we'll never afford it!" I said. I wasn't trying to be mean, but I assumed she wasn't finished. She knows her stuff, as far as music management goes.

"I know that, you idiot!" she smiled, punching me lightly in the arm. I loved kidding around with her. She was fun to be with, and could make me happy if my day at work was going bad. "But, I've got a few friends over at the management department for at least two of those bands," she said, grinning that irrepresible "thought-I-couldn't-do-it,-huh?" grin she had.

"What did you do, sleep with them?" I asked, knowing she would get irritated. I was just hoping she wouldn't smack me and walk out. She took the joke and just laughed.

"No, but I did date them," she smiled. "Would you like me to try and contact them?" she asked. I nodded, thinking maybe we weren't going to lose this one. She stood and walked towards my office door before I spoke up, and she turned around to look at me.

"By the way, which band or bands is it that you have friends with?" I asked, wanting to know just how nervous I'll have to be when I meet with that group's management.

"Well, I got really involved with one of 'N Sync's managers," she said. It was silent for a few moments, and then she spoke again. "And I also dated one of the Backstreet Boys' managers, and also..." she said, and I silenced her quickly.

"I don't want to hear an entire synopsis of your love life, dear....we could be here for another sixty years," I said, smiling at her. She laughed, threw her pen at me, and walked out the door. All I could do was wait and see what she could bring me in the way of a band for my artist, Deborah, to open for.

Chapter 2: Meeting with Management

Well, Savannah did better than I had expected. She had pulled me into meetings with three different management teams from three different groups. She always impressed me with her sociability and, unfortunately, I didn't have time for a social life. Not with work. All I could do was have meetings and such, which was starting to get tiring, even though I had only started the job just within the past year.

"Mr. Davis, I presume?" came a voice from behind me as I waited for a table at the restaurant where I was supposed to be meeting with some executives from 'N Sync. I turned to see a young man, about my age, standing behind me. He had blonde hair, green eyes, and I was definitely impressed. It took me a few moments before I realized that it was Lance of 'N Sync. I wondered what the hell he was doing here.

"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?" I asked. He had been one of my fantasies for the longest time, but it didn't seem to faze me any more. I guess work had been taking away from my potential romantic involvements as well.

"Well, we decided we were going to meet you here instead of our managers. We like to know who we might be working with," he said in a deep voice. It was incredible, but I kept my ground. I didn't know what to say. I hadn't expected to have met with the group until after a deal was esatablished, but what could I do? I followed him to a table where the four others were sitting, munching on some appetizers.

I sat down and placed my briefcase beside me on the floor. I looked up to the glares of five very good-looking gentlemen, but had to keep my mind on what I was there for. "Well, gentlemen. I am sorry if I am a little confused, but I didn't expect to meet with any of you until I reached an agreement with your managers," I said.

"Dude, that's alright," came Justin's voice. I turned my head towards him and he flashed me a smile. It was cute, but was closing my mind to anything sexual at that moment. "We usually meet with managers of the up and comers all the time. It's no biggie," he said. I smiled back and turned back to the entire group. I inhaled deeply and breathed out, ready to begin my spiel to try and convince them to sign my girl as an opener for a significant discount.

"The girl's name is Deborah. She's a new version of Spears, with a very different style. She writes some of her own music, but our songwriters have been doing a lot of her stuff recently. Her biggest single has been "Without You", which reached number twenty-two on the popular charts. We need some major marketing for this girl, and you guys are so reputable and well-known, we figured it would be the best way to go," I said.

"What's the catch?" asked Lance. I looked towards him, and saw him glaring deep into me. Apparently, he had every bit of business sense that I had heard he did. He knew that me, coming from a small recording label, had something that I wasn't going to offer in comparison to a bigger label. He was incredibly intelligent, and had gotten all of the guys to stop eating while they glared at me.

"Well, we can't exactly afford to fit the one and a half million dollar bill for you to sign her as an opener and still be able to pay for her equipment, costumes, hall rental, etc. and...," I said, but was cut off when JC spoke up.

"Just what can you afford?" asked JC, who I knew only as Josh, as he glared deep into me. I got a very odd feeling in the pit of my stomach and couldn't tell what it was. I knew I was attracted to these guys, but I couldn't let that get in the way of my negotiations for a contract for Deborah. I was representing her, not myself.

"We can only fit about one-sixth of that...two hundred and fifty thousand," I said, knowing it was going to be far below what they expected. I had intentionally dropped the price significantly below what we could really afford so that, if they did decide to accept the offer, I had saved the company large amounts of money in the long run.

"You must be crazy...that is too low. Nothing less than one million," said Lance. It was a major drop in price, but was realistically out of the range of the company.

"Hey now, we were struggling at first too, and thought we weren't going to make it. Shouldn't we help out and give this girl an opportunity to prove her stuff to us and everyone else?" asked Joey, defending me. I appreciated the gesture, but hadn't intended on starting a fight. It was silent for a few moments, and then I spoke up again.

"We can do a half million," I said, looking into Lance's eyes. Direct eye contact was the best way to get your point across, but I could barely tolerate looking into those eyes and not break down and ask him for a date!

"We hear her music. If we like it, we'll go at one half million. Acceptable?" asked Lance. I smiled at him and he returned it. I felt a spark, or at least I thought I did, fly between us as I sat contemplating the offer for a second. Suddenly, my cellular phone rang and I excused myself from the conversation as I pressed a few buttons and began speaking.

"Jonathan Davis here. What's up?" I asked, giving a very immature welcome. I knew exactly who it was, so I knew I could be friendly with her.

"Jon, it's me, Savannah. I wanted to know how the meeting with 'N Sync's managers went!" she asked, very excited. I think she was more excited at seeing her ex-boyfriend than she was at hearing how the meeting went. If I went traveling for a contract, she always came with me and, if luck preceeds itself, and Deborah were to get signed, I would travel with the groups for the first three months of tour to see that things were working out.

"One problem, dear...I didn't meet with them," I said. A brief silence was present before she asked the next logical question.

"Who, then?" came her voice over the phone. Thankfully, we were in downtown Orlando, otherwise my cellular phone would have been on the verge of dying from lack of signal.

"The boys themselves. They decided they wanted the meeting with me instead of their managers," I said. I could hear her laughing and screaming at the same time. She would always be a teenaged girl at heart.

"So, what's going on!?!?!?!?!?!?" she pleaded, wanting to know more details than I was willing to give over the telephone.

"They want to hear Deborah. Give her a call and have her meet us at the recording center in one hour, understood?" I asked her. The guys were all looking at me, seeing that I had initiative and wanted to get things done quickly, but done well at the same time.

"Aye, Captain!" said Savannah as she hung up the telephone. I put mine back in my pocket and turned back towards the guys. "Well, shall we get going, then?" I asked. They all nodded and rose from their seats. We began walking towards the doors together when I was pulled back by Joey.

"You're gay, aren't you?" I looked kind of shocked. I had never been asked the question, but people in general knew. They were alright with it, at least my coworkers were. It didn't bother me telling anyone, either. I was of the opinion that if someone doesn't want to work with me because of it that is their problem, not mine.

"Umm...yeah, why?" I asked softly.

"Because, I saw the way you were glaring at some of the guys, and it is unmistakeable," he said. I hadn't realized I had been staring at all...but now that I go over the conversation in my mind, I realize that I had been staring nearly the entire time.

"Oh, that...well...," I said, fading off. Just because I was open about my sexuality didn't mean I was very comfortable talking to a potential contract about it.

"Don't're not the only one," said Joey as he walked off beyond me and towards the vehicle the group had come in. I was dazed and confused...what was that supposed to mean? Was is a pass? Other group members? Oh God....I cleared my mind of all these thoughts running through my head and headed out to my Buick and headed for the recording center. The guys already knew where it was.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2: Lifes Little Entanglements 3 4

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