Lifes Little Entanglements

By Jonathan Davis

Published on Jun 16, 1999


********** Life's Little Entanglements **********

by Jonathan Davis

This is my first attempt at a story. Please send me your comments, questions, concerns, etc.

This story contains homosexual activities including, but not limited to, romance, lust, love, sex, etc. If you are offended by any of these ideals or materials, please leave now. By continuing down this page, you also agree that you are of legal age in your locality to read this story. If you are not, it is sincerely advised that you leave now.

This story is completely fantasy, and is not to reflect upon the real lifestyles of any persons mentioned, realistic or fictional, in any way, shape or form. (How sad!) The author does not claim any knowledge of the sexuality of the characters in this story.

Recopying, redistribution, archiving, etc. of this story is freely permitted as long as original credit to the author is maintained and the body of the story is not changed in any way, shape, or form.

Thanks...and now, the story!

Chapter 3: Cutting A Deal

I had followed 'N Sync to the recording center with many thoughts flowing through my mind. I wondered what Joey had been talking about, and his words had been extremely exciting to me. Sure, I knew the chances of a date with anyone from 'N Sync was rare, even if I did know them now, but I thought maybe he was being funny...or maybe he was being serious? I was so confused, but I just shut things out of my mind as I entered the recording studio to see my girl, Deborah, waiting to sing for 'N Sync.

Deborah was very calm when the boys came in, as she knew how to conduct herself when it came to business. I sat before the control board and began looking through back records for her single "Without You," which I thought the guys would like most. I could have sworn they were all staring at me while I was working, but tried to ignore it. I tried to concentrate the best I could on mixing the song as Deborah began singing.

After the song's music died down, the boys seemed impressed. They even applauded a little. Deborah and I smiled and she exited the recording booth and we both turned towards the guys, hoping for the best of news. "Well, we obviously don't need to think it over. Deborah, welcome to our tour," said Lance. Deborah and I both celebrated down in our hearts, and it was hard to not jump through the roof, but we kept our cool.

"Well then, gentlemen...shall we go into the office and negotiate the particulars?" I asked. The boys all grinned at me, and I wondered what was up. They agreed with me and Deborah gave me a big hug and thanked me before walking off. As the guys and I walked towards the office, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell they were planning. I was just hoping they weren't going to cancel the contract because of what I had told Joey.

"So, we hear you're a fag," said Justin as soon as I closed the office door after we all had walked in. I merely shot him a strong glare and began shaking slightly, afraid of what was going to happen. They obviously could see my nervousness, because they all just laughed slightly. It was all I could do to keep from running from that room right then and there.

"Umm...yeah," I said, trying to sound as calm as possible. It didn't work.

"Don't worry. We aren't going to beat the shit out of you," said Chris, smiling. I was even more nervous now. I didn't want to think about what was going on, so I just sat down behind the desk and opened by briefcase, looking for the opener's contract I had already written up.

"We're set for one-half million then, yes?" I said, still shaking. I had managed to get a handle on my voice, but it was still very evident from my body language that I was scared as hell of all of them, not knowing what to expect.

"Yes," came a unison response from all of them. I proceeded to make a few notes in my business journal and turned the contract towards them. I explained it to them and apparently they agreed, because they affixed their signatures to the bottom of the page. I turned the paper back towards myself and glanced it over, and signed it as a representative of Magellan Records. I couldn't help but smile at what, what Deborah, had achieved.

We stood and shook hands and I pulled my phone from my pocket, preparing to call Savannah so she could hear the good news and arrange for travel, when Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me into a secluded area of the hallway, while the rest of the guys kept on walking.

"You want to go for something to eat? I am starving!" he said. I was surprised by this, and tried to lighten up as best as I could.

"I thought, guys didn't like me," I said, not knowing what else to say. I guess that while the idea of having lunch with Justin was great, my mind just wasn't ready for the shock.

"Shit, seem cool. A little too uptight, though," he said, and we both laughed. I had always been told I was too uptight but, in my line of work, you really can't prevent it. "As far as that whole gay thing goes, don't fret. Lance, JC, and I are as well," he said, and I was completely shocked.

"You're kidding? Do you guys ever...?" and I trailed off, hoping he would be able to figure out the rest of the question on his own.

"No, we're too much like brothers. However, I would like to get to know you better," he said, and I smiled. I didn't know what to say. I really wanted to have lunch with him, but I didn't know if he was still joking with me or if he was being serious.

"Umm...well, I guess we can. My car?" I asked, knowing that I didn't leave my Buick anywhere by itself for too long. I've had two cars stolen in the last three months, and just threw a fortune into security features for my new one. I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

"Sure," he said, and we walked out of the studio together. The 'N Sync limo had already left...what the hell was going on? What were these guys planning on?

"Where to eat?" I asked as we got into the car and put on our safety belts.

"I don't know. You pick!" he said, smiling. His smile was so irresistable, but I didn't want to mix business with pleasure...but it seemed as though maybe we could have a relationship, but I am thinking too far ahead. Oh, how confusing life is!

"Pizza," I said, and we both grinned as I started the car and we drove off, I not knowing what was going to happen next. I had never been so frightened, yet happy, ever before in my life.

Chapter 4: Lunch With Justin

We got to a pizza place just inside Orlando at about 4:30 in the afternoon, so it was just starting to get crowded. I had been there many times before, and I asked for a seperated section of the restaurant. My request was granted, of course, and Justin and I went to sit down where nobody else could bother us.

"So, are you going to be coming with us on tour?" asked Justin.

"Yes. It is company policy that the manager who organized the agreement has to accompany the bands for three months, just to make sure things are working out," I said. He looked at me oddly for a second, and then I felt a hand brush against my knee. I jumped from my seat slightly, but all he could do was smile.

The odd moment was broken with the arrival of the pizza. I sighed out of relief and began eating, Justin grabbing three pieces at a time. Apparently, he was extremely hungry. I wondered about the other guys, though...where did they go without him? Was something going on here that I didn't know about? I was totally unnerved by the situation.

Two large pizzas and a two-liter bottle of pop later, Justin and I stopped eating and started talking again. It was small talk now, nothing serious. We talked about our home lives and our work lives and how we both regret not getting a lot of personal time to ourselves. It was hard not to fall in love with him, but I felt very comfortable around him. He was very easy to talk to.

"I am so full!" I stated, after finishing my last glass of pop. I had never been comfortable about eating a lot in front of other people, but with Justin, it seemed like nothing at all. "What else do you want to do today?" I asked, taking some initiative. If this was going to be the opportunity to start my love life over, I was going to take full advantage of it. I didn't want just sex, though. I needed someone special. He might just be that someone.

Justin looked down at his watch. "Well, I have to get to the studios to work on some mixing and stuff right now, but how about we meet on Saturday, say around four? We could go out for dinner and catch a movie or something?" he said, showing the first signs of a timid side that I had ever seen or heard from him. I think he was nervous about the idea of going out with me, if that's what you could call it.

"That sounds like fun...but can't you sit and talk for a few more minutes?" I asked him, practically begging him to stay a while longer.

"I suppose," he said, grinning. The smile he gave me was unforgettable, and I couldn't resist the temptation. I moved towards him slowly and he knew what I was doing. He came towards me as well and, as our lips contacted, I felt like I had just been hit by lightning.

"I am so sorry, Justin. I didn't want to...," and I quit talking, afraid of embarrassing myself some more. I knew it was unmoral to be involved with him, but I just felt very different around him, and couldn't control how my heart felt inside.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't have let you if I didn't want you to do it," he said, and we smiled and joined hands. It was very comforting, knowing he liked me. I always had poor self-esteem, but today I felt like the happiest man in the entire world, and the luckiest!

"Well, I do have to get going. See you Saturday?" he asked. I frowned at him, and nodded. "Don't forget, at the studios. I'll see you later," he said and he gave me another kiss before he left. It was hard not to faint. I ran out the door and headed to my car and grabbed my cell and dialed Savannah, knowing she'd pick up as soon as she saw it was me.

"How'd things go?" she asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"He kissed me!!!!" I screamed, unable to control how I felt. I knew it wasn't good to share how I felt just yet but, when it came to Savannah, secrecy and friendship were sacred to her and I more than anything else in the world.

"Who!? Who!?" Savannah said. I just laughed and realized that I was starting to act just like her when I had told her who I met with. I regained my composure and turned the car around a corner and headed back towards the office.

"Justin!" I said. The gasp she made was so audible I had to pull the phone from my ear.

"No way! You're fibbin'!" she said. I could hear her laughing at me, and it made me angry.

"Fine...don't believe me, you snot! I know what happened!" I hollered. She knew I was being serious when I said that, and she turned back towards adult conversation.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Magical!" I said, breathing heavily as I relived that one moment over and over again.

"You lucky bastard. So, when are you seeing him again?" she asked. She knew exactly how I moved when it came to romance, and I was very predictable. I couldn't help but grin.

"Saturday at four," he said. I heard her say something to someone in the office, and I asked who it was she was talking to.

"Lance Bass is here in the office, looking for you," she said. I became even more shocked and couldn't think. We had made the deal, so why was he in my office?

"Why?" I asked.

"He won't tell me. He says that it is very important," she said. I wondered if he was interested in me too? I dropped that thought from my mind immediately and turned onto the freeway. I was still about a half-hour away, so that would give me time to think. I told her to keep him there, and increased speed to get there before he had to go and meet with the guys for mixing those tracks..."Why?" was my only question.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 3: Lifes Little Entanglements 5 6

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