Lifes Little Entanglements

By Jonathan Davis

Published on Jun 18, 1999


********** Life's Little Entanglements **********

by Jonathan Davis

This is my first attempt at a story. Please send me your comments, questions, concerns, etc.

This story contains homosexual activities including, but not limited to, romance, lust, love, sex, etc. If you are offended by any of these ideals or materials, please leave now. By continuing down this page, you also agree that you are of legal age in your locality to read this story. If you are not, it is sincerely advised that you leave now.

This story is completely fantasy, and is not to reflect upon the real lifestyles of any persons mentioned, realistic or fictional, in any way, shape or form. (How sad!) The author does not claim any knowledge of the sexuality of the characters in this story.

Recopying, redistribution, archiving, etc. of this story is freely permitted as long as original credit to the author is maintained and the body of the story is not changed in any way, shape, or form.

Thanks...and now, the story!

Chapter 5: Meeting With Lance

I was extremely nervous on the way back to the office. I didn't know what to expect, but when I got there, I was greeted by a smiling blonde boy, Lance, and a missing secretary. She was in on something here, and I didn't know what. Savannah never left the office before closing before, and usually stayed later than I did. This whole situation was getting under my skin.

"Jonathan, we need to talk," said Lance as I walked into my own office. We sat down and I took him in. His presence was amazing, his voice making me quiver. I couldn't tolerate him having so much control over me...especially considering the fact that Justin and I, hopefully, were about to enter a steady relationship, but I didn't know what to do.

"What's up? Find an error in my paperwork?" I asked, smiling at him. He shot me a glance and I melted, realizing that he could have done anything, asked anything, and I would do whatever he told me. I knew it was childish, but he was so attractive, and those eyes...those amazing green eyes. I couldn't get over them.

" has nothing to do with the deal. I was just wondering if you were interested in meeting with me, so we could get to know each other better. I mean, we will be working together and all...," he faded off as I became amazed at how things were going. Not only did I have a budding relationship with Justin, but now Lance was coming after me...but I couldn't assume. He could just want to talk business, and that was fine...but I didn't know if I could handle a whole night with him without kissing him or something!

"Well, thanks to the new contract, I have a crapload of paperwork to finish before I get out of here tonight. I'll probably get done around nine or so, if you'd like to meet up after that," I said, maintaining a composure that even surprised me. I wanted to spend time with him, but I knew that I would be extremely busy tomorrow and wouldn't be available. And then Saturday, I had that date...I mean meeting...with Justin.

"Sounds like a lot of fun. Well, I'll see you, then. Got to get to the mall for an autograph session. See ya," he said and went bouncing out my door. Now I was extremely confused. Justin was going to do mixing but Lance was going to an autograph session. Something wasn't right here. Just as I started working on the paperwork, Savannah walked in, grinning.

"So, what's up?" she asked. I growled at her slightly but invited her in for a seat. I didn't know how to talk to her, whether I could trust her or not. I got this odd feeling she was conspiring with the guys about something.

"What's going on here, Savannah?" I asked bluntly. I didn't like being kept in the dark about anything, particularly by her. "Why did you leave the office before close. You never leave," I said. I didn't know what else to ask.

"Umm...I went out for a late lunch with some girlfriends. We went to a cafe in the 'burbs," she said. I knew she was lying. First, she stuttered which, since she was a girl, was a sure sign that she was lying. The second sign was that she hated cafes, but went to one anyways. I doubt her girlfriends could con her into going to one, considering how obstinate she was.

"Oh...well, can you help me with this paperwork?" I asked. She glared at me but turned her chair so she could look at all of the work with me, and we began going over all of the particulars. She was excited to be travelling with 'N Sync, just like any other woman with her attitude would, but I knew there was something more behind her excitement. Maybe she was getting back together with that 'N Sync manager she had told me about.

Chapter 6: Dinner With Lance

It had taken less time than I had expected to get all of the work done, thanks to Savannah's help. She had left shortly before I did, running off to some date or another. I didn't really pay attention. Lance had arrived at the office shortly ahead of time so we left together, in my car, and went driving around town, looking for somewhere to stop and eat.

"I know what Joey told you the other day," Lance said. I just kept my mouth shut and acted like I hadn't heard him. The openness between these guys was incredible and, not only did I not want to get in the way of it, but I wasn't nearly as open as they were.

"He wasn't lying...and neither was Justin," he said, and he turned towards me and smiled. I had lost interest in finding a place to eat.

"What is going on with you guys, anyways? I feel like I am being kept in the dark about something," I said, very curious as to what was happening with everyone where I wasn't included.

"Well, as you know, Chris and Joey are both straight. They've been hiding the fact that they're interested in Savannah, and were afraid you'd get upset," he said, frowning. All of these secrets, for this? I had known Savannah since she was a little girl, and I guess I had been defending her all these years, but I know that she's grown and can create her own life.

So, it was going to be relationship time for me and Savannah. This was excellent news, but I still wanted to know one thing. "Is that why you asked me out...I mean, asked to meet with me, Lance?" I asked, having pulled the car off to the side of the road to concentrate on the conversation.

"No...I don't know, it's just that you're really intelligent and, from what Justin has said, you're really cool. I was hoping would could get to know each other better," he said. He was avoiding answering my question.

"Your only intent in getting to know me better is for business, though, right?" I asked.

"Well...umm...not really," he said, looking down at his lap. I was surprised, to say the least. Shocked, more like it. It was amazing, that I had two 'N Sync guys who were at least somewhat interested in me. I couldn't believe it.

I put my hand on the far side of his face and turned him to face me. "Don't worry, Lance. I like you, too," I said. I was thinking about telling him about Justin and I, but I didn't want to say anything. If Justin was willing to lie to Lance, supposedly his best bud, in order to protect himself, would he be willing to lie to me just the same? I had to find out for myself what Justin had told Lance about our lunch date today.

We got back in the car and started driving again and my stomach growled, so we started anxiously looking for a place to eat. We drove around for a while, not finding anything to terribly interesting, so we decided to stop at one of Orlando's smaller restaurants, where the crowd wouldn't be likely to recognize Lance.

The meal was uneventful, but the conversation was good. I was getting hints about what Justin had told Lance, and what he hadn't. Why did Justin feel the need to hide our relationship? Was he not as open as I thought he had been. Maybe Justin just didn't feel the need to tell anyone yet...or maybe he was hiding something from me? I was so confused.

"I'd really like to meet with you again," he said as we got into my car and began driving him home. He gave me that smile again and I almost cried.

"I want that too, Lance. You're really great to me," I said, and I couldn't hold the tears back. I never cried when Justin was the same way to me...did that mean I like Lance more? What was going on with me!!!!!!

"Well, how about Saturday, around five?" he asked. I immediately jumped at the opportunity and said yes. We continued driving and I dropped him off. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left, and I told him I would call him tomorrow. He shot me that grin once more before he left and I did something I would never regret...I grabbed ahold of him, brought him close, and kissed him like I had never kissed anyone before. I couldn't resist the temptation.

"Thanks...I needed that," was all he could say as he walked towards his house. He was humming and skipping like a little girl, an ultimate sign of how happy he was. I felt like doing the exact same thing, I was so happy. As I pulled away, I remembered something..."OH SHIT!" I thought. I have a date with Justin on Saturday, only an hour before I meet with Lance! What will I do!?!?!?!?!?!?

To Be Continued...

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