Like a Daddy to Me

By Sub Boy

Published on Nov 29, 2020




It was late at night and the house was still. I could hear the breathing of my best friend Zach beside me in his bed, sound asleep. I lay there in my sleeping bag, replaying the events of the day in my head. It had been a good day, one for the books.

We spent a sunny day out on the lake with his family. I caught a few fish and got a decent tan, neither of which were very common occurrences in my regular routine. And then there was that nagging sensation in the back of my mind that cropped up several times during the day. It was a feeling similar to when you visit your grandparents over the summer, or when you're grounded at home on the night of the school dance. Something similar to the fear of missing out. While I had a great time chilling with Zach, his brothers and cousins, I couldn't help but feel intrigued by what the adults were doing over there in their social circle: Zach's parents, uncles, and their friends.

Perhaps I was beginning to feel too old to be a part of the kid's group. After all, I was 15 now. I was a full year older than Zach. We had been friends since we were little, but the truth was I was growing up faster than he was. As much fun as I had fishing that day, if I were being fully honest with myself, the most exciting point of the day was when Zach's father placed a sizzling hamburger patty on my plate during lunch. "Fresh off the grill, big guy!", he had said, with a little wink. Maybe I imagined the wink? It was the strangest thing but that one little interaction had strangely left my heart beating a little bit faster. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it was something in the way he said it to me, and to no one else. In my head I kept envisioning the grin on his face as he said the words "big guy". My mind kept honing in on the twinkle in his eye.

What a man, Zach's father was. I had always looked up to him. I took my desire to be liked by him as a sign of my respect for him. I'd known him for years. I had to admit though, this was the first time I could remember my heart beating faster because of something he did. On the ride home, I actually fumbled over my words when his dad asked me if I'd had a good time. What the hell was that? I hadn't fumbled over my words since I asked Sabrina to homecoming last year.

And now here I was replaying these moments over and over again, wide awake when I should be sound asleep. I turned the backlight on my wrist watch on and sighed: 1:15 am. I'd be paying the price in the morning for staying up. I decided I should probably take a leak, and quietly crept toward the bedroom door. I definitely didn't want to disturb anyone in the house, so I was especially quiet in making my way down the hallway, toward the bathroom. I looked over the balcony at the first floor below: pitch black, except for the street lights coming through the windows. I rounded the corner to the bathroom, and saw a light under the door across from the bathroom. Zach's father's office. He was working at this hour?

Not wanting to draw any attention to myself, I tiptoed into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, slowly letting go of the handle so as to minimize the noise I was making. There was enough light from the night light in the wall that I didn't need to turn the overhead lights on. I sat down on the seat so the sound of me taking a piss wouldn't be overheard. I just wanted to get in and out without being detected. At home, I'd definitely get scolded for being awake still. Not that I thought Zach's parents would really care, but old habits die hard I guess.

I flushed and washed with a minimal amount of water streaming from the faucet. Dried my hands on my boxer shorts as I quietly crept back into the hallway. I stood for an instant in the hallway and glanced at the light under the door, wondering what Zach's dad might be doing at this very moment. I couldn't hear typing of keys or the clicking of a mouse. In fact I couldn't hear anyth- oh wait. As I strained my ears I could hear something almost like yelling. Barely audible but then again, I was literally right outside the door. It sounded as though Zach's dad was watching a movie through headphones. My curiosity piqued, I knelt down by the crack in the door to see if I could tell what he was watching. My ear pressed to the floor, I could almost make out a word here and there. After about 10 seconds in this position, it dawned on me that my friend's father wasn't watching a movie at all. He was watching porn.

As I knelt there, I felt my heart beating rapidly again, the same as it had today at lunch. What was wrong with me? I should be in Zach's room in my sleeping bag, not crouching on the floor, spying on his dad. Why was I not repulsed? I suddenly realized how hard a time I'd have explaining this if someone were to catch me in this position. As if my thoughts were audible, I suddenly heard the headphone sounds stop, and the very loud creaking of an office chair as Zach's dad clearly was getting up. Shit! I thought, and scrambled to my feet. If I thought my heart was beating fast before, that was nothing. It felt so loud it was a wonder it didn't wake up everyone else in the house.

It all happened so fast. The office door swung open, I froze and turned around, having not had time to clear the turn in the hallway. "Bryan?", his dad said quietly, a note of worry in his voice. "Whatcha doin' buddy?", his gaze surprisingly clear in the darkness of the hallway. "Uh, I uh, sorry...couldn't sleep. Uh...bathroom break," I let out, ashamed at how guilty I sounded. To my surprise, a faint grin spread across his dad's face, and he seemed as carefree as he had today on the lake. "Nothing to be sorry for, man, we all have urges, " he replied, and walked straight into the bathroom without another word, shutting the door behind him. It was at that exact moment I felt a draft and looked down. My erect penis was poking out through the hole in my shorts.

Next: Chapter 2

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