By Johnathan Albertson

Published on Jan 14, 2004






Lisa Hamlin was now forced to admit it to herself. In the privacy of the shower and as she stood drying herself before the full length mirror seeing the welt marks on her tits and belly, she knew what she had become. She would do anything (last night she had done anything) just to get her addiction fed. Unlike her father who died of the craving for alcohol or her brother whose nose was rotting from cocaine, she was addicted to sensual ecstasy. The sensations of sex had her in a grip she could not break. The most discouraging part was that it had taken only 4 days, They had been days of sheer sensual pleasure. But now she could not stop.

Jack Mitchell who had addicted her had warned her against what was likely to happen. He told her point blank after the first wonderful night of sexual delights she had never even dreamed of that she was in danger of becoming hooked. He told her directly he would be the instrument of her ensnarement and that he would use her propensity to uncontrollable passion to make her submit to his desires and sublimate her own sense of limits to his animal nature.

She had laughed as he said it and simultaneously inserted his finger in her ass as he pinched her nipples with his free hand and rammed his tongue as far into her throat as possible. Within 3 days of their first all night sex games, she had found she was overwhelmed with the desire to have sex with him. She had been fucked in every opening, sucked over every part of her body, had a tongue inserted in her asshole and reciprocated with his. However, the methods he used to bring her to the brink of orgasm and then delay it for as long as an hour while she whined in pre-orgasmic ecstasy were amazing to her. Then, after she had begged for release, he used methods she had never even heard of to keep her in a wave of orgasms for what seemed like days but was in reality about an hour each time. Four times in the first three days she had simply fainted in the midst of uninterrupted orgasms.

On the fourth day at about noon he picked her up at her apartment and drove west to Lake Champlain. At the Mallett's Bay Marina they boarded a 40 foot yacht. The name on the bow was "PROLONGED MOMENTS". He immediately headed the craft to the middle of the lake and dropped anchor. He opened iced wine and served a prepared meal of oysters, caviar, trout and artichokes.

He tossed the remains of the meal and the paper plates into the galley refuse and lead her by the hand to the rear desk. He sat her down and kissed her deeply and long. However, during the passionate kiss he made no other contact with her body. Her nipples and body were aroused beyond anything she had previously experienced in anticipation of the certain sex to come. As she felt her groin dampen, he pulled away and drew a chair close to hers. When she reached out her hand, he withdrew his and said she must listen with great care and total concentration to what he must say. She must then decide what future, if any, the relationship would have. For an instant she envisioned he was to tell her of a wife or a disease that would soon kill him.

When he began to speak, the enormity of what he was saying struck her with full force.

He told her he was unmarried, age 34 and a multi billionaire. He told her he and she had become a sexual instant hit. He then took her hand, gazed into her eyes and told her, warned her in fact, that soon he would demand things she could not now imagine. He told he was in fact a sadistic sexual dominator. He advised her to go back to shore, leave him and never look back. He told her she would soon be so addicted to their sexual adventures that she could not leave and that he was incapable of not using this passion of hers to enslave, degrade and abuse her. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as he stood and told her she was at a cross roads. If she stayed he would enslave her, abuse her and degrade her beyond anything she could imagine. He told her to leave now or face extreme cruelty and become unable to resist, flee or escape. At that he arose, started the engines and headed back to shore without another word. She sat motionless for several minutes. Her tears abated and she stood and walked to his side. She removed all her clothes. She knelt before him and unzipped his fly and took his penis into her mouth. She sucked him dry and carefully swallowed all the cum before her reacted at all. Then he raised her up and took both nipples in his hands and using his nails, pinched them and cut the skin. Her eyes filled with tears, but she did not say a word. He inserted first his fingers then his whole hand into her vagina without a word. As the pain of his thrusting fist caused her to suck in her breath, he asked in a cold tone, "Are you certain you will submit to my every demand, and endure every pain and torture and, even die if I wish it?' She gather her breath, looked straight into his eyes and answered , "I am, I submit totally." He said in a level tone, "I accept . Understand that you may leave now but may never leave me alive again? If you stay now you will cease to exist as a person and be as furniture to me. Submit by following my command or ignore me and return to shore and freedom alone without me." He paused. Then said, " Now place your hands over your head and do not move or make any sound until I give you permission."

She did as directed and at once he placed wide leather bracelets around each wrist and by a set of matching rings on each, clipped her wrists tightly together. He then ordered her to place her ankles together and he placed a similar set of leather bands around each ankle and clip them firmly together. He then pressed her back so she was prone on the roof of the passageway to the lower deck. In that position he began to lick and suck her lower lips and clit. When she was on the edge of orgasm, he stopped abruptly and roughly shoved a large rubber dildo into her pulsating cunt. Slowly he began to cause it to vibrate as he sucked on each of her nipples in order, first right then left. Just as her spasm of release began., he stopped all stimulation and moved away from her. He removed all his clothes and as she gasped a plea for him to allow her to cum, he began slowly to masturbate while allowing her no stimulation at all. Then he moved toward her and came with a gigantic spurt of jism in her face, eyes and ear. He used his tongue, lips and mouth to gather most of it back into his mouth. He then seized her nose and forced her to open her mouth to breathe. When it was fully agape, he spit the total contents of his mouth into hers with considerable force, She gasped as her airway was briefly shut and she swallowed his full load of cum and spittle with one gulp. He then let go of her nose so she could breath and she gasped in the air frantically. As she did so, she felt the vibrator begin again its slow rhythmic movement in her twat. Simultaneously he raised her ass slightly and inserted another dildo up her shit shoot. He slowed and increased the speed of the two dildos as she began to respond and felt the beginnings of a gigantic orgasm overcome her. Suddenly all vibrations stopped and she cried out and begged to please cum. She felt him astride her and saw his ass suspended over her mouth. To her horror a turd was beginning to emerge from his ass hole. He placed it directly above her mouth and ordered her, "eat it hot from my bowels and you can cum as much as you want. Otherwise, no cum for you sweetie" She shuddered in disgust and yet she eagerly opened her mouth and swallowed every inch of a gigantic shit tube as it came from his ass. When he was finished he turned both vibrators to high and stood beside her sucking, stroking, pinching and biting her nipples as waves of orgasm and relief rolled over her. It was allowed to last what seemed like hours, but must have been several minutes until she was exhausted and fell into a trance like sleep still Cuming.

She awoke to the sound of voices and music and found herself, tied hand and foot in a bunk in a lower cabin. She lay there feeling the pulsation of the boat moving and remembering the ecstasy as she had fallen asleep. Soon a man in a white jacket whom she had not seen before cam into the cabin. He smiled and told her to stand. As she did so he quickly untied her and gave her a white see through caftan to put on. Saying nothing, he motioned her to go up the stairway toward the talk, laughter and music. As she rose toward the deck she became aware it was twilight and the warmth of the June day had given way to a slightly cooler, though not cold, evening.

As she reached the top of the stairs she saw that Jack had 4 guest on the boat. One was a handsome, slightly gray haired man of about 60 with muscular frame, wearing only a condom on his cock which flaccid she estimated was in excess of 8 inches. Standing with he and Jack was a gorgeous blond who had the bearing and the slight accent that indicated much wealth and an education at Smith or perhaps Vassar.

She wore only sandals.

When jack saw her he came to her side, gently took her elbow and steered her toward the bar where he and the two she first noticed were standing talking to him. He wore a condom as well but he was semi-erect and showing off his massive 10 inch cock.

The other two guests were female. One was diminutive and nude except for leather collars at her neck, wrists and ankles. Lisa noticed at once that her breasts were pierced and large rings dangled from each. It was clear that the piercing had been placed to be above the nipples and leave them protruding and available to anyone wishing to use them.

The other female was large, middle aged with gigantic, full bosoms. Her hair was cut in a crew cut and she wore a key around her neck on a small chain and nothing else. She was the most interesting person at a quick glance but seemed to have an air of authority and a hint of physical dominance about her. Lisa soon learned the gray hair man was Oliver, the blond was called Sam for Samantha. The large breasted woman was called Joe. She guessed it was for Josephine but she was not sure. The diminutive woman was not introduced by any name at all.

Sam chatted with Lisa as if they were old friends. They discussed college and soon confirmed that Lisa's guess was almost correct. The college was Bryn Mar. Sam was the daughter of one of the scions of a wealthy Larchmont New York family. She was Oliver's second wife. He was 60 and she was 30. In the 5 years of their marriage sex had become their mutual obsession and since Oliver and Jack had been classmates at Hotchkiss School and Yale, they spent much time together. She disliked Joe and made it very clear that "Dykes" as she called them were not her favorite folks. Sam said, "I like sex with men, women and an occasional animal, and if what jack says is accurate I suspect you and I will be panting over each other soon and often. But that one is a killer wanted for questioning in several countries for sex murders, and cannibalism. She specializes in burning her victims to death and eating parts of them" She said the other woman was a submissive lesbian whom Joe commanded, degraded and abused. She confessed she enjoyed dominating and being dominated but disliked this particular lesbian as too dangerous to be around.

After Jack brought her a strawberry daiquiri he suggested they should all relax and chat until dinner was served which would be about 15 minutes. Joe said, "Hell with that. Lets see your new humps tits or have her use her mouth for something better that drinking."

As Lisa tensed, she heard Sam say, "No No, lets see your humps tits. I see you have redone them since we mat last spring."

Joe gave the girl's tit ring a yank and caused her to gasp. As she did, Joe slapped her across the face hard enough to redden her cheek and bellowed, "Not a sound cunt or I'll whip your pussy 'till you bleed." She then pulled the girl upright by her tit rings and ordered her to twirl slowly so everyone could view her piercing. Joe explained that they had been placed through the breasts rather than the nipples to leave them free to be used as she wished without the rings interfering and also it hurt the victim much more as it was done and later when they were pulled. She then ordered the girl to spread her cunt lips. With great embarrassment and blushing the command was obeyed. She revealed a cunt from which the clit had been removed.

"You see I took out her joy button. Bit it off and chewed it actually"" said Joe.

"She can only come now from mental stimulation or pain. Masturbation is off her menu. I have all the fun, she suffers, I enjoy."

As she said that she seized the girls tit and twisted until tears ran down her cheeks. But no sound emerged. "She knows this pain is nothing to what she gets if I hear a sound" said Joe as she twisted even harder. Then she pressed the girls head between her huge tits and ordered her to suck with no biting. The girl obeyed and soon Joe began to furiously masturbate herself. She began to show that orgasm was arriving just as dinner was announced.

"Fuck you Jack I'm go'na cum now and eat after". "As you wish dear cousin", he replied slowly moving the others into an area covered with a canvas roof where lanterns caste a soft inviting glow. The dinner consisted of a chilled soup followed by oysters, fresh native salad, sweet corn and an Italian ice for desert. Copious amounts of wine of several types were served and freely imbibed.

Joe arrived covered in sweat and flushed. She sat down and the girl knelt beside her and served her food to her. Joe ate like a slob dripping soup, oyster fragments, butter intended for the corn and wine over her face and tits. As each drop or morsel fell the girls tongue quickly licked her mistress clean. In the process she got the only food she seemed to be going to get. After slurping her food ravenously she inquired if there was a very hot ear of corn left. On was found at the bottom of the platter, She grabbed it and snapped her fingers. At once the girl rose, turned and bent forward pushing her ass upward and exposing it totally. She reached behind herself and held her cheeks wide as Joe rapidly shoved the steaming cob up her shit shoot. She winced but made no sound. Joe rammed it in and out several times before yanking it out making an audible sound. Joe then covered it with butter and salt and snapped her fingers again. The girl returned to her previous position and Joe handed her the cob and commanded "eat slut".

As this had taken place all conversation had stopped. Jack spoke first, "My God Josephine, Uncle Arthur would not have approved of your table manners."

"He never approved of me while he lived. The only use dear old dad had for his daughter was to fuck her at 12 and send her off to boarding school with an old Les. In France where she was introduced to the joys of Sapphic sex. My revenge was to out live the bastard as his only heir and inherit his excessive ill gotten gain so I could buy trollops like this one to torture and abuse any way I liked. "

Jack replied that she certainly had a long history of that type of thing and was about to say more when she cut him off. She inquired if I was to remain dressed, however skimpily, or if I would be turned over to his only living cousin for a romp.

"If I agreed, tell us what you have in mind"

"Since your friends here are a bit on the squeamish side I can't do as I would like, but I would at the minimum suggest we all fuck her, have her eat out Missy here and then employ the whips until she passes out from the pain."

"I'll go along with that on condition you allow Missy here a night off and torment her no more"

"Cousin, you are a dickless wimp. I have an idea. Let Missy be the first one she eats and then let missy fuck her in the ass, since you wish to save Missy from suffering. She and I go to Amsterdam from here and she will suffer as much as I wish there,"

"Oh, my God" said Sam. "You really intend to do it again with this waif?"

"If you want to save her you better be prepared to buy her freedom you over educated Twat"

Oliver asked what she meant by that. Joe's eyes actually sparkled at the prospect of perhaps trading in human flesh. She used a napkin and actually wiped her face and chest clean for the first time that night. She sat up straight and smiled a vicious leer. After some contemplation she began the process of bargaining for advantage by asking Jack if he was in the bidding. He replied that he would not bid against Oliver but might offer something to increase his bid.

"OK. I'll make one offer, take it or leave it. No trading no discussion."

"I get eaten out to climax by Miss Bryn Mar while I fuck your new tender morsel up the ass, Jack. Then I tie her my way and use the whip on until I'm satisfied. You pussy lover, Oliver, pay me $100,000. cash and I leave her here when I depart tonight."

"I can get that from the safe, Oliver if you don't have it with you", Jack said

Lisa was appalled that use of her body at the hands of a vicious dyke was being discussed as if she were a hamburger, Then her new status dawned on her, She fought back tears and outrage. But remained quiet and outwardly calm.

Sam's face was reddening when she spoke, "I'd only have sex with you to save this girl from the death by slow torture I know you and the Dutch Dykes will inflict on her. But, Oliver, I'll do it if you agree."

"Of course he agrees. He is pussy whipped and if you even hint you want it, he'll do it. I should have asked for more."

"Oliver, do we do this or not? Dear Cousin Josephine has made her terms clear and I am willing to have her whip Lisa and advance the money if you and Sam want it to happen and will do your part."

Lisa felt Sam gently squeeze her knee and smile at her.

Oliver said "get this old bitch her blood money. Honey, lets get started"

Jack rose from the table and gently lead Lisa away. He embraced her and kissed her tenderly but deeply on the mouth. He removed her caftan and taking each of her hands in one of his he leaned away from her and looked at her naked beauty. When he spoke his voice was gentle and a deep base .

"Lisa, you have agreed to submit to my every wish. And I wish to dominate and torture you sexually. However, my cousin is a bit insane. She will brutalize you with the whips just to see me suffer. You may well be scared for life, If you wish to stop this I will release you and place you on a boat right now to return you to shore. If you proceed I will treasure you all the days of my life. However, you will never be able to go free again. Sam and Oliver are the best friends I have and they will become your friends. You will never see this insane relative of mine again. If you do as she asks that girl will be freed from a certain death by burning after days of unimaginable torment in Holland among some of the most depraved sadists on earth. I know what they do, because I have seen it done. The choice is yours. Either submit or go now free forever." She knelt before him, took his penis in her mouth a sucked him to a copious orgasm which she completely swallowed. After licking him clean, she rose looked him in the eyes and said in a firm voice "I belong to you. I will do as you ask."

He hugged her and left her while he went below and returned with an elegantly finished box of fine wood. He opened it to show her 6 whips of varying types. Two riding crops, and 4 whips some imbedded with metal and some with frayed ends.

He lead her forward, nodded to Josephine and delivered Lisa over to her for torture. Joe ordered Sam on her knees and positioned her to lick her cunt. She then placed a dildo of at least 12 inches in length and 4 or more inches in circumference on her pubic mound. She ordered Lisa to bend in front of her over Sam. As Sam began to lick, Joe shoved the dildo into Lisa without lubrication or warning. Lisa screamed in pain and at once felt Joe's hand seize her tit and squeeze. The dildo entered full length on the third shove and the pain felt as if she was ripped apart inside and entered to her stomach. The pain of the pulling and twisting on her tit produced another scream that echoed across the water. "Ball gag Jack NOW, before The Coast Guard arrives", commanded Joe. To her added horror, Lisa found her mouth forced open and a large rubber ball inserted which not only muffled her screams but forced her to breathe through her nose. The pain seemed unbearable. Then a strange sensation deep in her being began to build. She found herself involuntarily ridding in rhythm with the painful probing of her loins. Soon she felt herself, to her horror, she realized she was about to cum. Her tormentor sensed what was happening and shouted, "the whore likes it. She loves it up the ass deep and wide. Watch this one Jack, she will be too much for you." At that moment they both came in a sudden explosion and Lisa lost her footing and fell forward on top of Sam as Joe's dildo came out of her ass with a painful popping sound. As she fell, Lisa felt Sam hug her and kiss her face to lick away the tears that had flowed during her ordeal.

Joe seemed satiated for a moment and was sweating profusely. Her mammoth tits were swaying and glistening with body moisture as she pressed Sam suddenly to them and ordered her to lick and suck her dry. "No more love shit with that ass fucked twat. I am mistress for now. Suck me dry, twat or the deal is off."

.Sam glanced at Oliver who was furiously masturbating himself and shrugged as she went to work using her tongue as a face cloth on Joe's body. Lisa was satiated and still in some pain. The discomfort of the ball gag continued. She raised her eyes to find Jack for permission to remove it only to find he and Oliver in a mutual blow job of great zeal and fervor. As she watched they both erupted in twin orgasms and fell into semi-drowsy state.

At that moment Joe ordered her to stand with her hands over her head. She placed leather wrist cuffs on each wrist and then did the same to her ankles. Then she attached the wrists and ankle cuffs to wires that were connected to a cable device which allowed her to be raised, lowered and suspended in various ways. At once Joe pushed a series of buttons and Lisa was suspended parallel to the deck At first her face was toward the deck and her face and tits hung down. So rapidly that it made her dizzy for and instant, Joe pushed the controls and rotated her so that her face was toward the sky. After a few seconds she moved the buttons again and Lisa was upright hanging by her arms and her feet almost touching the floor.

In that position she saw Joe begin reviewing the available whips to select the instruments of her torment. In a few minutes she saw a long multi-tipped device removed from the box, Seconds later she heard a whirring sound and felt it strike her across both breasts and particularly felt a sharp sting in her left nipple. Then again and again it whirred, struck and ripped her sensitive skin. Soon she felt moisture on her tits and saw blood ooze from both nipples. On the right side she saw it drip in a small crimson puddle on the floor.

As suddenly as it began it stopped. Joe walked close and spit in her face and bellowed,

" No tears yet cunt. There will be before I finish."

With that she moved herself and the box to Lisa's rear and out of her sight. In the lull Lisa saw the others sitting around in front of her with lustful eyes and noted that the men each had full erections and that Sam's nipples were enlarged and that she was gently masturbating herself as she gazed on the humiliation and pain that Lisa was enduring.

Before Lisa had time to think of anything else, a sharp blow of a single object struck her ass cheeks causing excruciating pain. The blows from this single item continued to rain down on her ass, lower back, shoulders until she screamed into her ball gag. The tears Joe had predicted began to flow uncontrollably. They ran down her cheeks and neck and finally reached her sore, lacerated and cut breasts. The salt y tears produced sharp stinging sensations each time the lacerated flesh was touched by on of them.

As these sensations were ending she suddenly was pulled over so that her back was in line with the floor and her head hung down. The strain on her muscles caused great pain as her legs were pulled apart with great force and speed. When the maneuver ended she had done a split in mid air and her legs were forced to a position almost in a straight line from one ankle to the other. Her butt hung low and her cunt was totally open to anyone wishing access. The position put maximum strain on her body muscles and added to the intense pain she was undergoing. She thought briefly that she could not imagine nor indure any greater agony. That was before she felt the impact of a riding crop directly between the lips of her cunt. The shock of it produced a violent spasm of her body which enhanced her pain substantially. Then the same instrument was beating a rhythm of pain as it struck violently against the tender skin of her inner thighs. Mixed with frequent hits on her cunt lips, clit and the center of her twat itself it created extreme agony. This continued unabated for what seemed like an hour. Finally she began to her amazement to feel the rumble deep within herself of a swelling orgasm. She was appalled and ashamed that this suffering she was enduring could be arousing her sexually so profoundly. Now her moans were intermingled with her screams. At last she came in a crescendo of mixed agony and ecstasy. The beating continued, the orgasm rolled on. She passed out.

She awoke that morning in a large bed in a large cabin surrounded by mirrors on walls and ceiling. She painfully forced her body to obey her commands to get up and endure the sting of the hot water in the shower, It was then, as she gazed in the mirror, that she admitted what she now had become. As Sam entered the room and embraced her tenderly, Lisa accepted her new status and resigned herself to follow this new road wherever it lead.

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." Voltaire "NON IMPEDITI RATIONE COGITATONIS" Ite, Missa est. FROM THE DESKS OF THE BURGESS FAMILY

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