Lisa's Triumph F/f subtle mind control


Published on Feb 25, 2000



The characters in the story below are fictionist and are by no means to be construed actual people. They are directly based on Characters from an earlier story line "Carries Seduction" and "Carries Mother."

Lisa's Triumph

Lisa couldn't get the events of last night out of her mind. She had set out almost 2 months ago with plans for Carries mom and the results of her well laid out scheme were finally released. Terry had reacted perfectly to her carefully thought out approach and the results surprised even herself. Yes she had perfected the acts of seduction with Carrie and a couple of others she had baby sitted for, but this was completely new ground for her. Not only was Terry the first older person she had been intimate with since her cousin, her senior of two years, had introduced her to the world of sexual awareness those couple years ago. But she was nearly 16 years older then her at 32. Not only that, but she was not your average women by far. She was a highly accomplished professional and a single mother who didn't show the slightest strain of the difficulties that such a life could bear. She was confident of her position in life and fairly attractive too. After the death of her husband 6 years ago she had been content to spend her time and attention towards her daughter Carrie and her career. Lisa respected her, she in fact she hoped to emulate Terry someday, but now things were different. After her success, no her triumph of last night her perspectives have changed slightly. She still had troubled believing how well her plan had worked. First she wanted to develop a trust with Terry, this was easily achieved with their almost nightly calculus tutoring sessions. Sessions, which Lisa didn't necessarily need, since she was a very bright student, but used to her own, purpose. Second, establish a bond with an intimate secret or confession. And lastly the final seduction itself. And her plan was flawless. Terry seemed almost eager to get stoned with her, after that intimate confession of Lisa's and her lack of "experience" for lack of a better term made her like putty in Lisa's hands. It was almost painfully simple at that point for Lisa to start the dominoes falling. Before long they were in Terry's bedroom, and from that point it was virtually impossible for her to escape the web the younger girl had spun. Lisa felt the satisfaction of victory, but also something more. Beside the orgasmic bliss she felt she had been overwhelmed with a feeling of power. Power over someone she had formally held above herself. Someone she had respected and hoped to be like someday, but now felt like she could own her. Yes, that was it. She had effectively taken ownership of her last night, but figured she would have to press her advantage if she was to make it a lasting ownership.

Terry slowly woke from a UN restful sleep. The fog from the weed she had smoked hovered over her as she struggled to get her bearings. Lisa was here, we were working on her calculus when. Oh my God, Lisa! Her, and me last night! Bolting upright in her bed caused the sheet to fall down to her waist exposing her naked chest. Quickly pulling the sheet back up she noticed the well used condition of the bed. Not the usual well kept look she was accustomed to. And the smell, it still permeated the air. The unmistakable smell of feminine arousal. That, the physical evidence in the bed and on the sheets, along with her expanding recollection on what transpired last night crashed through any haze that remained and triggered a fear within her. "Oh my God how could I have? She is just a child practically." Yes mature and trustworthy, traits that attracted her to Lisa to entrust her with babysitting her daughter Carrie, made her seem sometimes older then her years. "How could I have taken advantage of her like that? What would posses me to corrupt, or did I? She, no how could I think that?" The haze was just enough to keep her from formulating what actually transpired. This young girl, and all I did to her. The memory caused her body to slightly betray her. Nipples tightened and tissue swelled. She pulled her legs up slightly and rubbed her thighs together. The resulting friction along with the residing high that clung to her caused her to fall back in her bed exhaling. Her hand slide down to her inner thigh until the guilt came crashing back. "I haven't had sex in years and never with another girl. Could my libido have been that strong as to make me seduce poor Lisa. That poor girl, and how did she leave? Did she sneak out after I passed out? After raping her, if I hurt her I could never forgive myself. That poor child I'd better call her, and make sure she's ok." After she pulled herself from bed and semi entered the plane of the living thanks to a long warm shower she gathered her courage and called Lisa's. Lisa's younger brother and said she was out. Out at the library he thought. Terry thought that that was a good sign and maybe with some fast thinking and talking she could at least stave off any long-term emotional damage to her. Perhaps she was too stoned to realize the existent of what happened, ridiculous she thought, but I can hope. Just the same she called her young daughter, who was visiting Terry's sister in Vancouver just to ground herself. Lisa walked in and saw the note her brother left. Mrs. Reynolds called 11:50am. Perfect she thought, she either called because she wants to see more of me, or she wants to explain. Either way I get to see her again and that should be all I need. Lisa had decided that she wanted to pursue this to an end. She had so enjoyed herself, Terry was every bit worth the effort she had put forth. The sex was beyond compare, the perks of a muture woman and what the did to her already over active libido, but that overall feeling of power she felt while she was with her was she wasn't ready to let go of. She intended to push her advantage, if she could and pursue this out to as far as possible. To that extent that is why she went to the library. To think and plan what next with her and how to do it. The first step was to initiate contact as soon as possible. So a quick phone call later and she was in business. She told Terry that she had a problem, careful not to say exactly what, but she acted both casual and conserved enough to keep her off balanced. Terry was quite and unmistakably uptight. Lisa just hoped she hadn't come down and become freaked over what happened, but she concluded that the lack of a direct refusal to meet her was a good sign. A very good start to plan B indeed. That evening Lisa washed and dressed very carefully. She wore a casual cotton pull overskirt with loose cotton sleeveless. Short sox and tennis sneakers completed the look of normalcy she craved for the first part of her plan. The look, her mannerisms, and her charms would hopefully come into play if given the chance. As she got near Terry's a sudden fear gripped her. What if she's angry with what I did to her, how I manipulated her and the situation. She is after all very bright, but everything went so smoothly. No complaints, no real hesitations on her part once we were upstairs. Her fears grew the closer she got until she felt them screaming at her while she knocked. The door opened and there she was. A pair of light pink sweats and a tee shirt. Lisa had never seen her dressed as such. Her hair tied back she was pretty without makeup. Lisa's fear ebbed when she sensed Terry's confusion. Smiling she walked past her and sat at the small table there in the kitchen, her calc book in front of her. "Terry, I've been trying to figure out this problem all day," she said as she opened the book. "But I can't get the answer and it's driving me nuts!" Terry's expression betrayed her mental state and Lisa grinned to herself. "You mean your "problem" is with your calculus? Terry stammered as she sat down across from her. "Yes, it has been driving me just crazy", Lisa added. Terry was relieved and shaken at the same time. "Lets have a look", she said as she reached across for the book. Lisa was disappointed but told her self-patients had gotten her this far and would be well served again. After a few minutes Terry located an inverted sign and pointed it out. Lisa's feigned excitement grew as she plugged through the rest of the problem. "Yes", she shouted as she finished. Pushing the notebook towards Terry. She got up and stood next to the sitting women, her hand on her shoulder. "Everything looks perfect to me", Terry replied as surveyed the work on the paper. "Finally, thanks to you", Lisa said as she kissed Terry on the cheek while simultaneously hugging her. The gesture was obviously a sign of joy, a simple expression of simply getting over an obstacle. But it fired off warning bells that couldn't be ignored by Terry. How could she not be affected by last night's events? Why hadn't Lisa acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired between the two of them? Terry reacted to the peck on her cheek by pulling away and getting up and walking across the kitchen to the sink. Lisa felt like she was losing control of the situation rapidly and had to do something quickly before everything became unraveled. "Terry, is something the matter, did I do something wrong?" Lisa asked as her tutor stared out of window behind the sink. "Lisa, about last night. We have to talk about what happened. I don't know what came over me and why I did what I did. Perhaps it was the marijuana or the fact that I hadn't used it since my college days, but I'm sorry. And I hope you can forgive me." Lisa was now standing behind her and figured it was now or never. Things had rapidly gone in a direction that was not in compliance with her plans, and she had to do something fast if was to salvage them. Given the situation she figured she would throw caution to the wind and switch to a more physical approach. Wrapping her arms around the older woman's waist she brought her lips to the side of her neck. "Oh Terry, last night was wonderful for me. Didn't it mean anything to you?" Terry was shocked by the sudden contact from behind. She felt her stomach drop as if she was falling. Lisa's warm breath on her neck and ear stroked a fire deep within and cause a momentary lapse in concentration. She found herself leaning into the soft contact before her reason snapped her back. "Lisa, what happened was wrong, and never should have happened. I never meant to.." But before Terry could finish Lisa's hands traveling up to and started caressing her bosoms through her shirt interrupting her train of thought. "Terry, didn't you enjoy what happened last night? Didn't you feel the energy of the moment, the shear spontaneous and natural attraction of the night? I know you liked it. I could tell." "Lisa, Terry's hands grabbed the ones over her chest pulling them down. We were stoned but good last night. There is no way we could understand where we were headed and how at what point it got out of hand and led to what it did. But you have to understand that it was wrong and should have never happened. "Terry", Lisa said causing the older woman to stop and turn. Lisa was standing in the middle of the kitchen, her shirt off chest bear except her plain white cotton bra. The sight causes Terry to catch her breath her eyes widened as they locked on her. "Lets finish this conversation in your room." And with that she turned and walked to Terry's bedroom without turning back.

Terry was flustered to say the least. She had stood there paralyzed at the sight of the young girl and her shirt off, but now she had snapped out of it and was angry. Obviously Lisa had misunderstood last evening and needed to be put right. "I have to go straight in there and put an end to this once and for all", she thought to herself. She could feel her own pulse racing through her ears as she approached her own bedroom. What she saw as he entered stopped her right in her tract. Lisa, her back to Terry was facing the bed, her skirt removed along with her bra leaving her whole skin exposed except the small light cotton panties. Terry was shocked, horrified, and aroused beyond compare. Her anger quickly drowned out by these stronger feelings and left her transfixed on the sight of her daughter's babysitter. The teenager that she had befriended. The intelligent child she had helped through the last month with her mathematics. The woman who brought her to the most powerful orgasms she had ever experienced. The last thought caused her body to tighten with expectation just as it also served to snap her out of her quasi trance. "Lisa", she spoke sternly. "You can't. Lisa turned facing her, her hands cupping her breasts head slightly tilted eyes shut as if she was in another place far from there. Terry's sentence was stopped in the middle; her mind struggled to comprehend the mixed thoughts and emotions that flooded her. Lisa's left hand dropped down to her mid waist, fingers pushing in against her abdomen as they slid under the elastic top of her panties. A shiver passed through Terry as she watched that hand push lower until it settled over the girls mons. It settled there momentarily before pulling up slightly. Terry could unmistakable see through the tight material that the middle finger had slid inside her. Lisa's head tilted back slightly more, her mouth hung slightly open as her tongue slowly dragged along the top of her mouth up till the tip covered her lips. Her hand slowly pulled up as she simultaneously returned to the presence of the room. "Terry, come here please", Lisa purred in a voice Terry had never heard from her before. It was the voice of a woman rather then that of a teen, a sexually charged woman, a woman with a sense of control, a woman who was in charge.

She felt herself slowly walking up to her; everything seemed to be moving in slow motion to her. Small elegant hands turned her at the hips and lifted her shirt up over her head and off. Her bra snapped free and was gently pushed over her shoulders and down her arms until it fell freely to the floor. A hand slid over her right breast as another slid up over her chin. "Terry, last night happened because I wanted it to." She could feel the warmth of the smaller body pressing up against her back. "You were powerless to resist because I wanted you, wanted you to want me. Powerless because of how I made you feel. Powerless because you had never felt such intense pleasure before." The hand on her chin rose, fingers lightly tickling her lips until stopping to rest under her nose. Terry recognized the strangely familiar heady scent; it caused her to inhale more sharply as a moan escaped from her. She was doing it again. This young girl half her age was playing her like a fine instrument. Manipulating her reactions quite beyond her control. Last night Terry was handicapped by the effect of the pot, but tonight she had no such excuse. Besides the fact that she felt any chance of her self-control rapidly slipping away, she was powerless at this point from stopping the events from transpiring just like last night, just the way Lisa wished. Hands gently worked over her breasts skillfully avoiding the most sensitive areas, but supplying enough stimulation to keep the older woman off balance. "Terry, last night, was it special for you?" Lisa breathed into her ear. "Yesss", Terry replied barely audibly. "And why was that?" Lisa continued, "Was it the fact that you were high, or something more?" Terry's mind searched desperately for an answer. She had never thought about that aspect of what happened last night. She was too caught up in the guilt of the situation to have taken the time to analyze exactly what had transpired. It was hard to think. Lisa's hands, the feelings and reactions that they were invoking within her body were competing with her minds ability to think clearly. " Terry, answer my question." Lisa said more sternly. "Why was last night special?" Terry struggled, she knew the answer but was apprehensive to say it out loud. "Lisa, please don't make me do this." A warm hand slid down to Terry's bare abdomen and rested there. Slow deliberate pressure alternating with her labored breathing served to accent and make apparent her present condition.

"Terry, tell me", Lisa said as she started to apply little sucking kisses to the older woman's side of her neck. "It was you", Terry mumbled again barely audible. "What was that Terry, say it louder? Say it out loud so I can hear you", Lisa demanded. The hand on her abdomen lowered until it cupped her through her sweats applying just the right amount of pressure to her already swollen mons. "You made it special Lisa", Terry said louder. "And how did I do that", Lisa pushed. "By what you did, by how you made love to me", Terry finished. Lisa pulled back against Terry forcing both of them to fall onto the bed exactly the way she did yesterday. "Yes, that's right. I did make you feel that way. Has anyone else ever made you feel that way?" "No, only you", Terry answered her legs moving as if she were trying to crawl away while on her back as Lisa continued to assault her neck.

Terry's head was spinning from the barrage of sensations. A hand gently played her sensitive breasts, hot lips seared at her neck while another and deftly played below as it alternately was pushing her pants from her. Terry involuntarily lifted her bottom as her own hands pushed the material down, her legs finished the job kicking the material away. She and felt her hand being guided over her damp undergarment. "Terry, do you want to go there again?" Lisa whispered. "Yes", Terry answered without hesitation, her own hand applying pressure below guided by the other. Lisa could tell Terry was very close to going over the edge, so she pulled her hand away with hers. "Not yet, my precious", Lisa said. Terry was now quivering above her. Lisa brought her smallish legs around hooking her heels on Terry's inner thighs just above her knees and forced them open. This caused the older woman to push her pelvis upward applying more weight on Lisa with her upper body. Lisa thought to herself, "not yet", as her own limbic circuits threaten to light up. "If I play this right there will be plenty of time for me." Terry moaned as her body pushed upwards against her hand which had returned to the wet spot on her panties. Suddenly she felt a hand return to the place under her nose. It was wet with Lisa's pungent scent and it waffled up and cascaded through Terry's senses. "Smell me Terry", Lisa exhaled. " Let it draw you to me, let it make you want me more than you have wanted anything in the world." Lisa's words were starting to intoxicate Terry as much as her actions. Her nostrils flared as her body strained for release from the sexual tensions that was building. Again the younger girl pulled the older woman's hand away while directing her in familiar words. "Slow, slow down nice and easy. That's it make it build. I'm going to take you to new heights tonight", Lisa moaned in a whisper. Just as Terry was becoming more under-control another swipe of a coated finger made its mark under her nostrils causing her to breath in a series of grunts. "That's it Terry, breath me into you. Let it take control, let me take control, you want me so much. Tell me, tell me how much you want this." "Oh, yes I want this." "What is it you want Terry, tell me", Lisa said as she pulled up from under the sprawling body. "I want you, to make love." Terry replied as she allowed her hands to be moved up her sensitive breasts. Lisa now straddling Terry's hips with her knees leaned forward until she was able to nibble at her chin. "Yes Terry, Lisa quizzed. "I want you to make love to me", and with that a barrier was broken. Lisa pressed her advantage further, "say it again Terry, let me here you say it over and over again." "Oh, I want you to make love to me, make love to me Lisa, please I want it. I want you", Terry pleaded. Lisa dropped her body down over the older woman sliding it downward dragging against her sweat-covered body. Terry continued with her pleas, "Oh God Lisa, I want this. I want this so badly. God why are you doing this to me? "But even as she pleaded she was raising her hips allowing Lisa to easily remove her now soaked garment. Lisa started to nibble the upper part of Terry's inner thigh with her lips over her teeth. "Oh yes my Lisa, yes oh my God yes." Two fingers roughly wiped up under Terry's nose forcing the thick residue up into the area just inside her nostrils. Lisa brought here lips down and slowly sucked Terry's swollen labia in as she pulled her head back. Terry exhaled sharply as the stimulus on her thick lips along with the renewed essence finally pushed her over the edge of her first orgasm of this night.

Lisa fought to keep her own control as she pushed her tongue around and between Terry's swollen guardians. "Ohhhhhhh," Terry cried as her body shook with tiny tremors. "Oh Terry yes, ride it out as you inhale my aroma. It is your trigger, the one thing you crave more than anything. The one thing that accompanies these wonderful feelings that you can only feel with me." Another barrier was shattered. Terry's already fragile psyche was being expertly molded to suit Lisa's desires. "Tell me now Terry was there ever any doubt on your feelings towards me? You love this Terry, love the way only I can make you feel." "Yes, Lisa, Terry whispered. Only you., only you, only you", she repeated. Now Lisa told herself. She is reacting perfectly; if I can only succeed in my next step she will be totally mine. She shuddered in ecstasy at the thought of controlling this older woman, dominating her as if their rolls, their ages, were reversed. When in fact as far as sexual knowledge was concerned Lisa was her natural and experienced superior. Lisa gave her one last lick flattening her tongue and slowly running it from her area between her anus up to and over her clitoris and its hood. Terry's hands came down to grip her head, but Lisa would give her no room to dictate, not at this stage anyway. Strong fingers gripped though hands and guided them to her own legs above her knees. "Terry, pull your knees up. Yes and hold them like that." Lisa ordered as she swung her own legs over the top of her resting her knees. Thinking to her self, "this is it", she proceeded with the final phase of her scheme. "Terry, what is it you want? Lisa said as she kissed her inner thighs." " I want you to make love to me Lisa" "Yes of course, but what is it YOU want, what you crave more than life itself." Terry hesitated as if confused by the question. She had said what she thought Lisa had wanted to hear, but sensed it wasn't completely what she or Lisa really wanted. She opened her eyes and could see Lisa plainly over her from the hallway light. Lisa's nibbling had reached the apex at the point her legs met; it seemed to focus her thoughts momentarily. That smell, she wanted more. Looking up she centered on the young girls sex. It was every bit as developed as her own, full spread labia swollen with arousal. Moisture shined on its darkened surface from the limited light from the hall. Small triangle of soft pubic stretching just out of her sight. And that smell, the fragrance that Lisa had been programming her to want, that was it. "I want you, I want to make love to you. I want to taste you!" An emphasis on the word "you" was in her voice and set a chill through Lisa. "Almost, she thought. We're almost there." "Yes Terry of course you do, she said as if stating the obvious, but if you do this do you understand it will be your way of saying, "I'm am yours forever. A way of binding you to me, a way of admitting to my dominance over you, forever?"

Terry was shaken over the word "forever" and hesitated for a moment. Lisa realizing this moment was critical for her plan and decided this was it. She decided to help her along. "You will give yourself to me willingly", she asked in the same sexy voice she had used earlier when Terry was by the bedroom entrance. At the same time she pushed herself backwards planting her warm moist pussy lips over the bridge of Terry's nose. Tilting her pelvis slightly she impaled herself on the tip of Terry's nose. Terry moaned and tilted her head back trying to get to Lisa but she deftly pulled out of her reach. "Well, Terry what is it? It's your decision, what do you want?" "Oh, Lisa I want you, I want it so bad. I'll do anything, please". Finally for the first time that night, with her objectives met, Lisa could relax and let her feelings out. Drawing her knees up she settled her lithe body over Terry's into a compact classic 69 positions. Terry, having her inhibitions shattered and freely accepting Lisa as both her lover and perhaps more, was pushed over the orgasmic edge simultaneously as Lisa settled her sex over her. Wave after wave pulsed through her making the heights of last evenings seem insignificant. Lisa herself was finding it hard to maintain consistent contact with Terry's pudenda due to her own climaxes, which were probably more of product of Terry's acknowledgment of her place of things and Lisa's dominance then her awkward ministration. After a while the both fell into a gentle rhythm, the intense extremes of their initial release giving way to milder tremors that would alternately flow through their bodies. Terry was content to work Lisa's sex as long as she could now that she had affirmed both to herself and her new lover that that was what she wanted. She was reveling that fact that Lisa's sweet juices were flowing for her. And Lisa definitely flowed. Corporal amounts of her nectar covered Terry's face as she had produced more than the woman below her could swallow.

She was almost lost in her own reality as she experimentally worked the sweet flesh, or perhaps worshipped would be a more accurate term. Her tongue alternating in an out as it swirled around, her head occasionally nodding downward as her hands guided the hips above her back, allowing her to plunge her nose into the thick of Lisa. She was openly disappointed when Lisa pulled herself from her and laid herself on the bed. "Terry, lick me. Use your tongue on me", Lisa ordered testing her newly won authority. Terry responded without hesitating rolling over and pushing her downward over her newly found obsession. Lisa gave the older woman specific instructions and found that she learned very quickly, and the more she used her authority the more Terry accepted it.

Later that night as they slept tightly entwined Lisa woke. Waking Terry she told her some of what to expect from now on. "We're connected now, I expect you to be available when ever I want you. Do you understand?" "Yes", Terry replied sealing her affirmation with a kiss to Lisa's forehead. "Oh, Terry! I am going to teach you such things. Such pleasures you can not imagine." And Terry knew what Lisa was saying was true. Who was this little creature she had given herself to body and soul. Why had she chosen her? What was the origin of these feelings she felt for her? Terry knew even Lisa did not know the true scope of her desire or just how powerful her hold on her actual was. Even Terry wasn't sure how far she would go for her, "Lisa", but she was to find out sooner then either of them could think.

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