Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Nov 15, 2000


Lone Ranger or Zorro

Lone Ranger or Zorro Copy right 2000 By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

Chapter 6

Another Door Opens!!

The smell of bacon fills the air and it tickles my senses awake. I open one eye first and suddenly realize that I have the neck ache to end all neck aches. I reluctantly open the other eye and look around. I am not in my comfortable bed in my bedroom. Instead I am lying on the couch. I groan loudly as I sit up and try to work the ache out of my neck. The smell of bacon fills my nostrils again and I remember why I woke up in the first place. My stomach was growling and telling me it is time to be fed.

"Ok OK," I scold my stomach. "I'm going to feed you in a minute!" I stand up and stumble into the kitchen and run into a half naked Greek god. So what do I do? I stand there and gawk at him as he works at the stove. I had heard he had worked out and had a good body. Hell I had even sneaked a peak at him on the Internet. But here he was in person. WOW!! He turned at me and grinned and poured me a cup of coffee. As he approached me I got a good smell of him. He smelled good too.

"Good morning Tyler!" said a smiling Kevin as he handed me a cup of steaming coffee.

"UUGGHH!" I grunt out as I take a sip of coffee promptly burning my tongue and roof of my mouth. "Fuck!" I shout. Kevin laughed at me and turned his attention back to the food cooking on the stove.

"Not much of a morning person are you?" he said smiling at me. I wanted to punch him in the nose but held my temper. "I fixed you breakfast."

"Why are you so cheerful?" I scowled at him. "I thought you were NOT a morning person!"

"Usually I am not, but this morning I am in a good mood," he said cheerfully.

"I don't know why!" I grumbled at him. "Today is the day we bury Roger." I heard a glass drop and shattered on the floor. I look up and see Kevin staring blankly at the wall. "Kevin?" I asked with concern. "Are you all right?" I saw that he had a piece of glass in his hand and it had cut him and blood was dripping on the floor. I sprung into action and grabbed a towel and gently removed the piece of glass from his hand and wrapped the bleeding hand in the towel. By this time he had come back around.

"God Tyler!" he said as he let me lead him to the sink. I turned on the water and held his cut hand under the running water. "I am such an ass!" I looked up to see tears running down his face. "I am so sorry, I completely forgot about Roger." I could tell he was really upset. I hurried and dressed the cut. And led him to a chair and sat him down. I than got him a plate of food and me one too. When he was seated and ready to eat than I sat down.

"Kevin, don't be so hard on yourself. It is not your fault that Roger is dead," I stated as I took his hand and held it in mine. "Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold." He nodded and picked up his fork and started eating. Several times throughout the meal I tried to engage him in some sort of conversation. I finally gave up all together. After I finished eating I set the dishes in the dishwasher and headed out side to take care of the horses. Once in side I could hear Trevor carrying on something terrible.

"Ok ok grouch!" I grumbled. "Man you are so impatient!" He stopped making noise when he heard my voice. I rounded the corner to see him looking at me. "Good morning to you, your majesty!" I said sarcastically bowing low at the waist. Trevor's response was a snort and stomping of his feet. I busted up laughing and went to work. When I was half way finish I heard the door slide open. I quickly exited Lancer's stall to see who it was. It was my boss. "Good morning Sir," I said as I walked up to him.

"Tyler, what am I going to have to do to get you to call me by my first name?" he said in his usual scolding voice.

"I'm sorry sir but that wouldn't be proper," I responded as I accepted his outstretched hand.

"Um Tyler?" my boss asked. I could tell he was upset about something.

"Yes sir?" I asked calmly.

"Why are you at work?" he asked bluntly. "I mean you just lost your fiancé a little over 24 hours ago." He stood there looking at Trevor before reaching into his pocket and handing him a carrot. Trevor of course snatched it up in a hurry. "I want you to take the next two weeks off."

"But sir there is so much work to be done and I need the pay," I argued.

"The rest of the boys can handle it for you. And in the last 8 years I don't think you have ever taken a vacation. So I am forcing you to take a vacation with pay. And when you get back I want to talk to you about something," the boss said as he pulled me into a tight hug. When he broke apart he smiled at me. "I have always thought of you as a son. I don't claim to understand the gay thing but I could see that you were very happy with Roger and I can see how much you are hurting now. So please take the time you need to heal your wounds and come back better." I watched the boss walk out the door and I was quiet just standing there. I was rudely interrupted when Trevor decided that he needed more attention. He did so by nipping at my shoulder. He had a strange habit of doing that when one does not pay attention to him. It can be very annoying not to mention very painful.

"OUCH!" I shouted. "That fucking hurt you little brat!" I grumbled rubbing my shoulder. Now I was going to have a bruise. "No more apples for you for a week!" I scolded him. Of course I didn't mean it. Trevor and I were way to close for me to stay angry with him forever. He hung his head and retreated to the corner of the stall. I felt sorry for him, the big baby. "Oh come here you big lug!" Trevor came walking over and put his head on my shoulder. "I'm all alone now buddy," I softly said into his ear. "With Roger gone it is just you and I." Trevor shook his head and snorted. "Kevin?" I asked. He nodded his head up and down. Some times I think that he actually understood me. "Kevin is married Trev, I don't stand a chance with him." Trevor snorted again and nipped at my shoulder again. This time I was smart enough to move away. "No Trevor, if I get involved with Kevin I'll just get my heart broken and I can't afford that."

"He would never do that intentionally," said a voice. I was so engrossed in talking with Trevor that somewhere in the back of my mind I thought that it was him that answered.

"Auuugghh!" I screamed. "Trevor you talked!" I heard laughing behind me so I turned and saw Brian standing there at the doorway. I glared at him as I reached up and patted Trevor on the side of the neck. Walking away I heard him neigh and stomp his feet. "Uh uh mister!" I scolded. "No apple for you today. You bit me remember?" He snorted again and turned his back to me. "Fine!" I hurled at him laughing at the same time. "Be that way stuck up!" By this time Brian was laughing his head off. "And who asked you to comment?" I hurled at him. You see I have a problem with people sneaking up on me uninvited. He cringed at me.

"Sorry about sneaking up on you like that," he apologized. "Kevin called and asked me to bring the limo and his suit by for the funeral." I nodded and walked passed him and into the yard. "Tyler," he started. I turned around and waited patiently for him to continue. "About Kevin, he is a really great guy and he would never hurt you."

"I know that Brian. But he is married you know. I can't fall for a married man," I stated loudly.

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?" Brian asked bluntly. I looked at the eastern sky it was a beautiful shade of pink with orange mixed in. It was going to be a great day.

"Can we not talk about this right now?" I pleaded with him. There was no way I was going to tell him that I had already fallen for his cousin. "I need to concentrate on getting through today. Than I can concentrate on my love life."

"You've fallen for him haven't you?" he asked.

"Please Brian, not now!" I said loudly. "I don't have time to discus this properly nor do I wish to discus this." Brian nodded quietly but I could tell that he wasn't happy about dropping the subject. I tried to change the subject by inviting him for breakfast. "Why don't you come in for breakfast, that is of course if Kevin hasn't eaten it all."

"Did you two sleep together last night?" He asked.

"Jesus Christ!" I shouted. "What part of, 'I don't want to discus this!' do you not understand?" I was starting to get pissed. I walked faster so I could get away from this gossip columnist.

"It's just a question Tyler," He pushed. "Did you or didn't you sleep with him?" By this time I had reached the front door. I wrenched it open and stormed in.

"If you want to know if I slept with your cousin why don't you ask him?" I hurled at him. "I'm sure he will appreciate the fact that his cousin is digging around in his business!" I made my way to the bedroom and quickly grabbed my clean boxers and wife beater and stormed into the bathroom. Big mistake, because climbing out of the shower at that moment in all of his glory was Kevin. I must of blushed a million shades of red and quickly covered my eyes. "Oh God Kevin," I stuttered out. "I'm so sorry, I'll leave so you can get ready." I reached for the door only to find that Kevin's hand reached the handle before I did and held it close.

"Tyler?" he asked softly. I uncovered my eyes and found him staring into my eyes. I couldn't help it I allowed my eyes to travel down his body and I blushed with excitement. He would definitely put the Greek Gods to shame.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled looking away. Kevin touched my chin with his hand and I looked into his eyes.

"I'm not sorry Tyler," Kevin whispered. "And you did nothing to be sorry for."

"I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like this," I said looking into his eyes. 'Kiss me!' I demanded of him silently. It must've shown in my eyes because the next thing I new I felt the gentle pressure of his lips on mine.

He slid his arm around my waist and pulled me close. His other hand found my chin and turned my head slightly to the side as his kiss intensified. My eyes closed as I parted my lips to allow his tongue entrance into my mouth. I could feel his rock hard body pressed against mine. I raised my eyebrows when I felt him grind his erection into my crotch. My hand found it's way to his cock and it wrapped itself around it. Kevin let out a deep moan. At that moment I would sell my soul for one night with him. Than it happened, Roger. I could see his face glaring down at me. I gently but firmly broke away. "I'm sorry Kevin," I sobbed. "I can't do this." I reached for the door handle and opened it and went quickly to the bedroom. Once in the privacy of my room I laid down on the bed.

"Oh Roger," I sobbed. "I'm so sorry!"

"So you've fallen for him," stated Brian. I opened my eyes to see him standing at the door. I turned away from him staring at the opposite wall. "Damn him!" Brian swore. "I told him to leave you alone!" I sat up staring at him. "I knew this was going to happen!"

"Brian wait," I spoke up. "Kevin didn't do anything." I patted the side of the bed and he came over and sat down. "Kevin has been a perfect gentleman.

He can't help it he is so good looking that no one can resist him. I fell for him not because of anything he did. I fell for him because he is a terrific guy. The only thing he has going against him is that married thing."

"Marriage is beautiful gift!" Brian hurled at me. I laid my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Marriage is a beautiful gift Brian. When both people love each other. Kevin and his wife don't have that. (Authors note: Once again let me remind you that I don't know Kevin or any of the Backstreet boys. I am very happy for Kevin and his wife. I hope that he is very happy and very much in love with his bride. This is fiction. I don't mean to imply anything in regards to Kevin's sexuality. But one can always dream right? Now on with the Story.) He told me all about the arrangement," I said rubbing Brian's back.

"In case you haven't noticed your cousin is not happy, and if I can bring him some happiness than so be it."

"What about you?" Brian asked. "Don't you deserve to be happy too?"

"I was happy, very happy with Roger," I said chocking back the tears. "A love like that comes around only once in a lifetime."

"So what do you want with Kevin?" Brian asked confused. "Do you have feelings for him or not?"

"It has been only a day since I lost Roger, I don't know what I feel for Kevin yet. But I enjoy his company and if he is willing to explore this thing than so am I," I was surprised to hear this coming from my mouth.

"But what about Roger?" Brian asked. I knew he was hitting below the belt. He knew it too.

I thought about it for while before answering the question. I took so long in answering it that Brian had stood up and left the room. "Roger is dead," I said loudly. "And I deserve to be happy too!" I looked around shocked that Brian was gone. I debated getting up and following him out. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost twelve. The funeral was at 2:00. I got back up and showered and dressed.

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked over at Brian who was staring out the window. I could tell he was pissed at me. 'Oh well,' I said to myself. 'Might as well get this over with.' "Ok cousin spit it out! What is bothering you?"

"He is in love with you!" he hurled at me. "He is in love with you and it your fault!"

"And why does this bother you?" I asked getting pissed myself.

"You are married!" Brian shouted at me.

"And your point would be?" I asked again.

"Don't take that tone with me! You know damn well what I mean!" he hurled at me.

"We have an agreement!" I said loudly. "A business arrangement!"

"You are going to break his heart!" Brian shouted. "But than that is what you do best isn't it? Break their hearts and go and fix them. That way you have them wrapped around your little finger."

"Brian, you are never going to understand this so why bother to explain it to you?" I shouted back. "Tyler may have feelings for me but we have along way before we are close to what he and Roger shared. I'm not blind. I still see the way he loves him. But I will tell you this. I am going to stand with him and help him through this. It is what Roger would have wanted."

"How in hell do you know what Roger wanted?" Brian hurled at me.

"Because Roger asked me to watch over Tyler," I replied calmly.

"That is a load of bull and you know it!" Brian shouted at me.

"You're right it is a load of bull. All I want to do is rip his pants off and rape the shit out of him!" I hurled back at him. "Don't ask to explain it Brian. But just as Roger died I felt his presence. And I knew in my heart that I was supposed to take care of him."

"Kevin, you know this cannot work. You are married," Brian insisted.

"Would everyone stop reminding me what the hell I all ready know!" I shouted. "Do me a favor and mind your own business and stay the hell out of mine!"

"You slept with him didn't you?" Brian demanded with his hands on his hips. I swear if he shakes his finger at me I am going to deck him! "Well did you?"

"Fuck you Brian!" I shouted at him. I pointed to the couch. It still had the comforter and pillow on it. "I held him last night and fell asleep in his bed and he spent the night on the couch. I would never do that to him."

"What about Jake?" Brian hurled at me. Not a pretty moment in my past.

"He was a prostitute Brian. He knew what he was getting into. I can't help he fell in love with me," Brian just shook his head and stormed out of the apartment. "Fuck him!" I shouted at the door and retrieved my suit and headed into the bedroom to change.

From Tyler's point of view.

I heard the entire conversation between Kevin and Brian. I was angry with Brian for attacking Kevin like that even though he was looking after my interest. The bedroom door flew open and Kevin came storming in.

"Do you think I am only after your body?" he asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked. I don't know what my expression was but Kevin thought it was funny because he busted up laughing. "What the hell is so funny?" I demanded.

"You are," he giggled as he pulled me into a hug and kissed me quickly on the lips. I blushed and he laughed again. I pouted and went back to getting dressed. "You know Roger is right," he stated. I jerked my head around and looked at him. "You are adorable when you blush." I flipped him off. "When?" he asked.

"You wish!" I hurled at him. "And no." Now it was Kevin's turn to be confused. "Do I think you are after my body? No I don't think that." I slipped on my suit coat and walked out of the room.

"YEESSSS!" whispered Kevin. I busted up laughing and headed into the living room. Brian was sitting on the couch. I went into the kitchen and got him a plate of food and pointed to it. He shrugged and got up and sat down at the table and started to eat.

"You are an ass!" I said to Brian. He looked up at me with shock in his eyes. "How dare you treat your cousin like that!"

Chapter 7

Deal with it!

"He is only out to hurt you!" Brian shouted back at me. "If you think for one moment that you and him are going to have what you and Roger had think again. And don't think that Kevin is all innocent. Because he isn't. I can tell you stories that will haunt you to your dying day!"

"I am not under any delusions of how Kevin feels for me. I know that the love Roger and I had will never compare to anything that that Kevin and I could ever want. Roger was once in a life time," I hurled back at him. "Roger is dead! And damn it I deserve to be happy. So I have three words for you Brian, Deal with it!" Brian just sat there and sulked for a few moments refusing to look at me or talk. I heard the door open and saw Kevin walk into the living room.

"Are we ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and headed for the door and Brian followed us.

The Limo pulled up to the funeral home and the driver stopped the limo and stepped out and opened the door for me. Kevin got out first and held out his hand to me. I shook my head no and got on my own power. Kevin looked disappointed when I didn't accept his hand. Brian smirked at him and Walked passed him and on into the funeral home. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands into his pockets and followed us in. I entered the funeral parlor and stopped at the door. There it was, a cherry finished coffin that held the body of my baby. I took a deep breath and walked up the aisle. I ignored the people staring at me as I made my approach. Once there I sank to my knees and laid my forehead on the cool wooden surface. Tears flowed down my face as it all came rushing back to me. The smile on his face, the way he held me, the way he made love to me everything about him came rushing back to me. My senses were flooded beyond my control. "Roger," I sobbed out. "I need you baby!" I could hear people mumbling behind me but I didn't care. "I don't care about them. I love you and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Why did you leave me?" I remained kneeling at the head of his coffin with my forehead pressed against the cool wooden surface for the longest time.

"Tyler?" asked a soft voice. I looked up and saw Kevin's worried face staring down at me. "They are ready to start the service." He offered me his hand and this time he wasn't taking no for an answer. I followed him to a bench and sat down. I caught the scent of a woman's perfume and I looked to my right. A very beautiful blonde was seated right beside me. She wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder and leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

"I am so sorry for you loss," she whispered into my ear. I nodded my thanks and looked at Kevin.

"Tyler, I would like you to meet Kristin, my wife," Kevin said formerly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," I struggled out as I took her outstretched hand.

"Kevin has told me so much about you that I feel that I know you already," she smiled at me. I liked her already. I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder and I looked up and caught a shaggy haired teen looking down at me.

I had a feeling that I had just met Nick.

"I'm sorry for your loss man," he said with a soft grin. "Roger was a great guy, he was lucky to have you." I nodded my thanks and than I met AJ and Howie too. Needless to say I felt a little nervous. Kevin came to my rescue though.

"Come on guys let him breath a little," he lightly scolded them. They backed off. "Don't worry about them. You get used to them," Kevin said with a small smile. The congregation quieted down when a balding minister stood at the front of the coffin. I can't say I remembered anything about the service. A lot of people got up and talked about Roger and how great he was. Most of them spoke of his gentleness and kindness. The Backstreet Boys got and sang a song for him. Than it was time to bury him. I stood for the entire service at the gravesite. When it was all said and done Roger was buried and a major door of my life closed on my forever. I had to move on, like it or not I had to move on. I looked over the cemetery and the surrounding view. The mountains were really starting to show their colors. I wiped a tear from my eyes and I looked back down at the coffin. I pressed my fingers to my lips and than placed them lovingly on the cool surface of the coffin.

"Well baby," I said with a smile. "The leaves have turned out to see you off. I just wish I was going with you." I sat down beside the coffin and laid my head against the cool surface content to sit there in peace and quiet. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. The hand wouldn't go away, it just stayed there comforting me.

"Tyler?" asked a voice. I looked up to see Nick standing over me. "The limo is ready to leave." I nodded and walked towards the limo and got in. Kevin was sitting beside his wife and I got stuck beside Brian. Brian leaned over to me.

"See I told you!" he whispered. "Kevin isn't going to leave his wife for you." I shrugged my shoulder and leaned back against the headrest and closed my eyes. In no time I was asleep.

From Kevin's point of view.

I watched Tyler sleeping on the other side of the limo. He looked so tired and it killed me to know that I couldn't do anything for him right now. I felt a hand squeeze mine. I looked over at Kristin. She smiled at me. "Go ahead and comfort him," she whispered. "I know you want to and we are free from the public." I kissed her lightly on the lips and slid over next to Tyler and laid him down in my lap. He moaned softly and wrapped his arms around my waist. I lightly stroked the side of his face brushing the hair form his eyes. I stared at his face for the longest time. Over the last 48 hours I had fallen head over heels in love with him. There was no denying it. Only problem was, he was fighting it tooth and nail. He was stubborn and maybe that was one of the reasons I fell so hard. I felt a package land on my other leg. I looked over at Nick.

"The ghost who walks," he grinned at me.

"Thanks Nick," I said as I picked up the package. I looked outside the window and saw that we were pulling into the airport. I looked at them surprised.

"We need to get back to Orlando," Kristin said. "We are taking Brian along too." Brian was going to argue but was elbowed in the ribs by Nick. "You need to take care of Tyler right now."

"Kristin--," I started. I was stopped by a finger on my lips.

"I understood from the first day of this marriage where you stood. I understand Kevin," Kristin said as she kissed me on the cheek. "Now take care of him." The limo dropped off the rest of the guys and soon Tyler and I were headed back to his apartment.

From Tyler's point of view.

"Tyler?" asked Kevin. I squeezed my eyes shut harder. He laughed softly at me. "Come on sleepy head, you need to get up cause we are home." I sat up and looked around.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked sleepily.

"They had to go back to Orlando," Kevin said as he helped me out of the Limo.

"Why are you still here?" I asked confused.

"Because you need me here with you," he said smiling at me. My heart fluttered a little at the smile. He was so cute when he did that. "If you think I was going to leave you all alone after you buried Roger you have a another thing a coming."

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked as I stretched. "The boss put me on a vacation for the next two weeks." I could see the wheels turning in Kevin's head. "What are you thinking?"

"Hush!" he giggled. "I'm working on a plan." I laughed as I grabbed his hand and dragged up the stairs that led to my apartment. Once there I stripped off my suit jacket and shirt. Kevin gawked at my chest and looked at my shoulder. I saw a look of concern cross his face. "God Tyler," he whispered as he touched my shoulder. I winced at the touch. "What the hell happened to you?" I shied away from him.

"It was nothing," I said. "Trevor just bit me is all when he thought I wasn't giving him enough attention." I had turned my back on him and didn't see him come up behind me. I jumped when he put his arms around me. I than felt his warm lips brush up against the bruise.

"All better?" he asked softly in my ear. I nodded as he continued to cover my shoulders with soft kisses. I let out a moan and turned around to see that he was still dressed. I reached up and took hold of his jacket collar.

"Well why don't you join me?" I asked him. He blushed but took off his jacket and shirt too. I sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside me. He sat down and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I laid my head on his shoulder and took my hand and started to gently rub over his chest.

"That tickles," he giggled. I stopped doing it and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I needed the contact of another man. I needed my flesh to be in contact with flesh. Kevin sensed it too cause he gently laid me down on the couch and laid down on top of me pressing his body close to mine. The closeness was over whelming for me. I started sobbing again. He just held me and wiped the tears from my face. "Let it all out Baby," he soothed. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere." Eventually I fell asleep with Kevin holding me.

Chapter 8

Comfort Food

I awoke to find my self surrounded in comforters. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and discovered that I was in my bed. I swung my legs over the edge and stood up and headed out into the living room. Kevin was watching TV. He looked up and smiled at me. "Sleep well?" he asked. I nodded as I sat down next to him. I still didn't have a shirt on. I shivered slightly because of the slight chill. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Any time Tyler," he said as he brushed my hair away from my eyes. He frowned as he tried to get my hair to stay down. "You have a bad case of bed head," he giggled out. He kept running his hands through my hair and it was having an affect on me. I was getting horny. I moaned softly as he continued to massage my scalp. "Feel good?" he chuckled softly.

"Mmmm hmmm," I moaned out. He stopped and I pouted. "Why did you stop?" I asked looking up into those green eyes of his.

"I didn't want you to fall asleep on me again," he said ruffling my hair. He stood up and headed out into the kitchen. I followed him to the kitchen to see what he was up to. "Uh uh!" he scolded turning me back around and pushing me back into the living room. "I'm fixing dinner." I laughed softly as I headed out onto the deck. I looked to the west and saw that it was painted with reds and pink. I loved sunsets so I was happy to see that tonight was a good one. I turned to holler at Roger but than I realized that Roger wasn't here anymore.

"Well Roger," I said sadly, "you're missing a good one." A chill ran through me and I shivered. I walked back into the house and to the bedroom and threw on a sweat suit. Than I headed back out onto the deck. Sitting down in a lounge chair I leaned back to enjoy God's handy work. I allowed my mind to withdraw to a happier time.

Flash back.

I threw back my head and let out a groan as I blasted my load down Roger's throat. He swallowed my entire load before letting my cock out of his mouth. He stood back up and pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the lips.

"Thanks sweetie," I said as I laid my head on his shoulder. "That was great!" He picked me up and laid me on the chase lounge and lay on top of me. The pink glow that the setting sun shined on him making him look much hotter than I thought possible. I enjoyed the sensation of him holding me as he gently thrust his hips against mine. I could tell that he was getting hard. I gently but firmly turned him over so that I was straddling him. I started on his lips and worked my way down to his rock hard stomach. He groaned my name as I planted a kiss right on his crotch. I giggled as I took his boxers in my teeth and began the task of removing them. Growling a little I tore them off exposing his rock hard cock. It was standing tall and proud. I licked my lips in anticipation and guided the head of his cock past my lips.

"Tyler?" asked a voice.

"MMMM Roger, " I moaned out. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and glared at the face that was staring down at me.

Back to present.

"Tyler?" asked Kevin. "Are you all right?"

"Hell no I'm not all right!" I hurled at him as I stood up and walked to the railing. "I just buried my fiancé this afternoon and on top of that you just interrupted a perfectly good fantasy!" Kevin winced as I shouted at him. "I'm sorry Kevin, I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"It's all right Tyler," Kevin smiled. "I'm used to being yelled at. Remember I raised Nick since he was 13." I had to bust up laughing. "I'm glad you think it is funny!" He pouted for a few minutes before turning back to me. "You are so hard to figure out!" I looked confused. "One minute you are this great wonderful person who is bubbling over with joy. And the next minute you are a grouch! I just can't figure you out!"

"Well let's see you loose as much as I did in the last 72 hours and remain a happy go lucky guy!" I hurled back at him. "God!" I shouted. "Why did I even fall in love with you?" I let it out before I could stop it. Kevin took a couple of steps back in shock.

"What did you say?" he asked quietly.

"Nothing! Just forget I said anything," I said shortly.

"Like hell I will!" he shouted at me grabbing my arms and turning me towards him.

"Kevin you're hurting me!" I said trying to wrench myself from his tight grip. He let loose at once. I pushed past him and stormed inside.

"Tyler!" he yelled at me. "I am so tired of being used as your emotional punching bag! Now tell me what you said!"

I sat on the couch glaring a hole in the floor. He sat next to me and when I tried to scoot away he scooted with me. I kept glaring at the floor. He finally swore quietly and got up and left the room only to return a few minutes later. He plopped down on the other side and opened a package and took out some comic books. I couldn't help it I peaked at them. My eyes bugged out when I saw them. "The Phantom?" I asked. He tossed me one and I snatched it up and opened it up. "You read comic books?" I giggled. He glared at me over the page and went back to reading. "I love you," I whispered out. I heard the book being laid aside. "I can't help it!" I whimpered out. "I know I shouldn't love you cause you are married and all and I still love Roger but I can't help the way I feel!" By this time I was sobbing barely able to get the words out. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He gently stroked my hair as I continued to cry in his arms.

"God I hate this!" I said harshly as I wiped the tears away from my face. "I never use to cry like this." I looked down not wanting to look into Kevin's eyes.

"Tyler?" he asked softly. "Please look at me," I shook my head no and tried to get up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "Not this time mister!" He growled at me. "You are not going to drop this bomb on me and than leave. We are going to talk this through and we are going to do this right now!"

"I don't want to!" I hurled at him childishly. He just smiled at me and leaned forward and kissed me on the lips lightly. "Well since you put it that way I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk." I giggled as I kissed him back.

"When did you decide that you love me?" he asked looking into my eyes. "I mean you and I argue more than we get along. Correct me if I am wrong but that is no way to start a relationship."

"I knew I loved you when you saw the bruise on my shoulder. I saw the pain in your eyes when you saw that I was in pain. Roger did the same thing. He couldn't stand the fact that I got bit by Trevor." I laughed as I remembered the last time that Trevor bit me in the presence of Roger.

"Want to let me in on the joke?" Kevin asked with his eyes twinkling.

"Well about a year ago Trevor was mad at me cause I forgot his apple and he nipped me on the shoulder. Roger was there and he punched Trevor in the nose," I said laughing at the memory. "Gave him bloody nose. I of course had to come to Trevor's rescue and rescued him from the big bad Roger. From that day on Trevor has hated Roger with a passion." I leaned back against Kevin and he wrapped his arm around me pulling me close. I sighed as I grabbed his hand and held it close to my chest. "I don't know where this is going to lead but I want to try and see where this thing leads us."

"How far do you want this to go?" Kevin asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "That is not an answer Tyler," he giggled messing up my hair.

"I'm not ready for sex yet," I said bluntly. He sat me up and positioned himself so that he was looking at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Is that what you think I want?" he asked. I looked down and away from him.

"Look at me!" he ordered sharply. I looked at him. "I am not that way! I am not going to jump your bones the minute I get horny! I want to date you first. I want to kiss you first. I want to keep you safe first. And than when you are ready and only when you are ready than we might take that next step!" He wiped a tear from his face and looked away. "I can't believe that you would say that about me!"

"Kevin I didn't mean it that way. I was talking about me. Whenever you touch me I want to rip your clothes off and rape you! You are so hot and good looking that I can hardly help myself. I said that because I needed to tell myself that I wasn't ready for sex yet. When we have sex I want it to be the BOMB!" Kevin looked at me for a few seconds and than pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned softly and slid my tongue into his mouth. I ran my tongue over every inch of his teeth. Than I ran my tongue over his roof of his mouth. After making sure that I went over every inch of his mouth I broke apart and looked into his eyes. They were closed! "Hey open up!" I demanded. He opened one than the other. "That is better!" I giggled as I attacked his chin. He laughed softly and joined in on the necking session. Fifteen minutes later he stopped. "Why did you stop?" I asked laying my head on his chest.

"Because I am hungry!" he said grinning as he got up and headed into kitchen. I watched him move about the small kitchen with ease. Apparently he knew his way around the kitchen too. The phone rang and I glared at it willing it to shut up. No such luck. It kept ringing.

"This had better be an incredibly good looking stud on the other end of this phone!" I shouted.

"Well it all depends on what you consider good looking," giggled a voice. I scrunched up my nose in confusion.

"Who is this?" I demanded. Kevin was standing in the hallway looking at me.

"It's Nick!" giggled Nick. "I wanted to chat for a minute." I stood up and walked into the bedroom closing the door and lay down on the bed.

"OK talk!" I demanded. I had a feeling that I was going to like Nick. He was cool.

"How are you doing?" he asked shyly. "I mean you were a sleep when we left and didn't get a chance to say good bye."

"I'm doing fine, and thank you for asking Nick," I smiled at his concern.

"You loved him didn't you?" he asked. I closed my eyes as pain raged through my heart. "I'm sorry," Nick apologized. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"No Nick it's all right, I do need to talk about him," I said quickly. "And yes in answer to your question, I did love him very much. He was everything to me."

"I knew him only as a dancer, but he always had nice things to say to me. And he talked about you all the time. It was always Tyler this and Tyler that. He was so lonely with out you," Tears streamed down my face when I discovered that my baby was lonely with out me. I couldn't stand the fact that he was lonely.

"Was it bad Nick?" I asked. I heard Nick sigh heavily in the background. "Please Nick, I need to know if he was happy or not."

"It was pretty bad, at times. There was a time when he stopped talking to anyone. But than Kevin stepped in." My ears perked up when I heard Kevin's name.

"So Kevin was able to help him?" I asked.

"Kevin spent a weekend with him alone in a hotel room talking things out. For a while Brian thought that Kevin was doing something with Roger but as it turned out Kevin wasn't doing anything to him. Roger and Kevin became real close friends after that," Nick said. I was relieved that Kevin was there for my baby. "So I hear that you and Brian locked horns with each other."

"He is just being overprotective of his cousin and me," I said.

"He can also be an ass too!" Nick said harshly. "He has this holier than though attitude about homosexuals." I was starting to wonder if maybe Nick was going through the same thing that Kevin and I were going through. So I pushed caution to the wind.

"Want to elaborate on that?" I asked softly.

"Not really," Nick mumbled. "I'm just venting is all." I nodded and decided to give Nick his privacy. If he wanted to talk he would. "So when are you headed this way?"

"Well I'm on a forced vacation for the next two weeks. I haven't really decided what to do yet," I looked up to see Kevin standing in the door. "Hey Nick, Kevin is at the door waiting for me. Can I call you back later?"

"Yea sure Tyler," Nick said. "I know that you and Kevin need your time so catch you later." After hanging up with Nick I followed Kevin out of the bedroom and into the kitchen/dinning area. My eyes bugged out when I saw the room. The lights were turned down low and he had candles lit on the table. He had soft music playing on the stereo. He held out his hand and I took it and he led me to my chair. After seating me he sat across from me. I looked down and saw what he had prepared for me. I busted up laughing. It was cheeseburgers and fries and soda. Kevin's look was priceless.

"What?" he asked shocked. "I was told that you love cheeseburgers."

"I do, but I've never had them presented to me in a candlelight setting before. I like it!" I picked up my cheeseburger and took a bite savoring the flavor. Before I could do anything Kevin reached over with a napkin and wiped my mouth.

"Um, you have some ketchup on your chin," Kevin grinned shyly.

"Thank you," I replied softly. We both continued to eat quietly. It was perfect. The conversation that we did have was quiet and soft. I got a chance to really study Kevin. I loved everything about him. I loved every thing about him. The way he licked his lips after taking a drink. The way he closed his eyes when he took a bite out of his burger. Every thing. It was clear to me that I was falling for him big time.

"Tyler?" Kevin asked shocking me back into the real world.

"Yes?" I asked back picking up my glass and taking a drink.

"Where were you just now?" he asked reaching across the table and taking my hand. I noticed that his hand was a little larger than mine. I shuddered at his touch. "I'm sorry," he said as he tried to take his hand away. I quickly grabbed it before he withdrew it. He looked up at me confused. "I thought that I was upsetting you."

"No Kevin, you didn't upset me," I said grinning at his consideration. "I was just watching you is all."

"Watching me?" he replied as he took another drink. "Should I be worried?" His eyes were twinkling with laughter. I shot him a mock glare.

"No you don't have anything to be worried about. I just like looking at you is all. You are a very attractive man," He blushed immediately. I busted up laughing and this time it was his turn to glare at me. "Made you blush!" I giggled.

"Hey! That is my line," he replied grinning. "What did Nick have to say?" I raised my eyebrows at the sudden change of subject.

"He just called to see if I was all right," I replied. "He is a great kid."

"You only know one side of him," Kevin answered me.

"Kevin, is Nick gay?" I asked. The response was immediate. I was promptly showered with coke. I picked up my napkin and dried myself off. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Sorry about that," Kevin said as he was cleaning himself off too. "Why do you ask?"

"He made a comment about Brian not liking gays to much," I grumbled. Kevin frowned when I made that comment. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Kevin put down his napkin and stood and held out his hand and I took it. He led me into the living room and sad down on the couch and I sat down next to him.

"Brian has never really been close to me. I wasn't to excited about the idea of him coming to join the Backstreet boys but Lou insisted upon it. I against my better judgment I asked him to join. Turns out that Brian does have some hang-ups on Gays," Kevin started and than paused. I could tell that this was painful for him.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to," I said as I slid my arm around his waist. He bent down and planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

"I need to tell you this. Brian really is a great guy and he has come a long way. Any way, Nick was actually the first to come out. He told Brian that he was attracted to him. Brian went nuts and beat the shit out of poor Nick. He was only 14 when it happened. Broke poor Nick's heart. I was shocked out of my mind and resolved never to tell Brian that his cousin was gay too. One Backstreet boy being gay and out to the group was enough. As the years went buy Brian came to grips to Nick being Gay and even developed a very close friendship with him. They started spending all of their off time together. For a time we actually thought that maybe something was going on between them. Turns out there was something going on. Brian was using Nick for sex. Forcing him to go down on him in order to keep quiet and not out Nick to his family. I walked in them about a year ago. You should've seen poor Nick. I thought he was going to kill himself," Kevin got real quiet for a few minutes. I could tell that this was not an easy thing for him to say.

"Do you want to stop?" I asked. He shook his head no.

"Please Tyler I need to finish this. You need to know the whole truth if you're going to be a part of my life. For you see Brian isn't the only monster either," Kevin struggled out. "You may not want anything to do with me after you hear this." A cold chill ran down my spine when Kevin said those words to me.

Chapter 9

The Mask Comes Off

"God Kevin," I breathed. "What are you going to tell me?"

"When I walked in on Brian and Nick he had Nick on his knees and he was banging away down Nick's throat. I remember the look on Nick's face as he saw me standing there. Tears were streaming down his face and Brian of course didn't see me. I saw red and grabbed Brian and threw him off of Nick. Brian was surprised at first and didn't do anything but stare at me."

Flash Back (Kevin's point of view)

"What the hell are doing to Nick?" I shouted at Brian. Brian started to glare at me before speaking.

"What does it look like Kevin?" he shouted back at me. "I'm fucking his brains out!"

"Did he ask for this?" I asked. Brian stood up shoving his cock back into his pants. "Well Brian, did he ask for it?" Brian tried to walk past me but I grabbed him and threw him against the wall. "Answer me!"

"Hell no he didn't ask me for it. I fuck him to keep quiet. We don't want his family to know about this no do we?" I took a couple of steps back in shock.

"You've been raping him?" I asked getting sick to my stomach. Brian looked away and I looked back at Nick. He was curled up in a ball sobbing uncontrollably. I really don't know what happened to me at that point but something snapped. "Take off your clothes Brian!" I hurled at him. "I'm going to show you what it is like to be used like a piece of meat."

Back to present. Tyler's point of view.

"Oh my God Kevin," I breathed. "You raped your own Cousin?" Kevin shook his head no and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Than what happened?"

"Well Brian was pretty much scared shitless and did what I asked him to do. I am a lot stronger than Brian is so he pretty much did what I told him to do. I turned Nick loose on him." Kevin was sobbing now but I couldn't bring myself to comfort him just yet. "After it was said and done Brian never bothered Nick again. I finally told him that I was gay too. If he has a problem with it he has never come out and said so." Kevin looked over at me and saw me staring into space. "Please say something?" he pleaded with me. I stood up and walked to the sliding glass door and slid it open. I stepped onto the deck and looked out.

"I'm not sure what to say Kevin," I whispered. "I need some time alone. You can stay in the guest room. We will talk in the morning." I heard him choke back a sob and than I heard the guest door close. I sank into a lounge chair and looked up at the full moon. "Roger," I pleaded. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

After about an hour of some quiet time I got back up and went into the house. I picked up the phone and dialed a number.

In Orlando a cell phone rings.

"Hello?" asked a soft voice with just a hint of a southern accent.

"Brian?" I asked. "I need to ask you some things. And I need you to honest with me."

"Ok I'll try to be honest with you," he replied.

"Did you have sex with Nick so that you would keep his secret?" I asked. There was a long silence on the other end. "Well Brian, I'm waiting for an answer."

"That was a long time ago," Brian said harshly. "Why the hell did he have to bring it up now?"

"He insisted on telling me everything," I said.

"Did he tell you what he had Nick do to me?" Brian hurled at me. "Did he tell you what he made me do to Nick? God Tyler he made me have sex with him. I had to suck his fucking dick!"

"Yes Brian I know the whole story," I replied. "And in some small way I can't blame him. You needed to be taught a lesson. My question is this. Is the Kevin that I am in love with the same person that forced Nick to have sex with you as a punishment or is he a different person?"

"Like I said Tyler, that was along time ago. We have all moved on. I've accepted Nick's sexuality and Kevin's too. Kevin would never dream of treating you the same way he treated me." I closed my eyes and said a small prayer of thanks. "Tyler, I can tell that Kevin loves you very much. He would go to the end of the earth for you."

"Thank Brian," I replied. "Now I have to go and talk to Kevin." I pushed the power button and walked back into the living room and set the phone down and made my way into the guest room. I looked at the bed and saw Kevin laying on the bed. The pillow case was wet with his tears and he was asleep. It broke my heart when I saw him in pain. "Kevin?" I spoke quietly. He moaned softly and turned over facing the other way. "Kevin!" I said louder. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I almost laughed at him.

He had a bad case of bed head and he looked so adorable just laying there looking up at me. "Can I sleep with you?" He scooted over and patted the bed beside him. I slipped out of my t-shirt and sweat pants and slid under the covers. "Why Mr. Richardson!" I gasped. "You are naked!" He grinned and blushed at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I guess I should've warned you that I sleep in the nude. Does that bother you?" he asked concerned. I snuggled closer to him and pulled his arms around so that he was holding me close. "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier," I said softly. "I just needed some time to think is all."

"What did you decide?" he asked hopefully.

"I still think what you did was wrong," I started. "But I talked to Brian about it and decided that he had it coming."

"And?" he asked as he ran his hand along my arm.

"But you are just too cute to break up with," I replied as I reached out and stroked his stomach.

"So we are a couple?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I could feel his erection pressing against my crotch.

"I would like to be a couple," I said as I peeked under the covers down at his cock. He giggled softly. "I see some one is very excited." I giggled. It looked really inviting and it took all of my will power not to rape him right than and there.

"Tyler," Kevin said softly. "I don't want to rush you into anything." He was so loving and considerate that my eyes filled with tears. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for that," I said softly as I laid my head on his chest. "Good Night Kevin."

"Good night Tyler," Kevin said as he snuggled closer to me. For the first time in three nights I drifted off in a peaceful slumber.

Chapter 10

Succumb to temptation?

Damn dog was licking me in the face. I swatted him away and heard the smack. Wait a minute I didn't own a dog. That could mean only one thing. "Ouch!" shouted a voice. My eyes popped open and I saw Kevin sitting back on the bed holding his eye.

"Oh God Kevin!" I exclaimed. "I am so sorry!" I reached out and took his hand and moved it away from his eye. I had just slapped it and it was turning red. I leaned forward and kissed it lightly. "All better?" I asked grinning up at him.

"Yea," he said looking into my eyes. "Good morning sexy!" I blushed and looked away. Kevin was still naked and it was obvious that he was excited. The next thing I knew I was tossed against the pillows and Kevin was on top of my pressing his lips against me and grinding his erection against mine.

I was so tempted to subcumb to his advances but I stopped myself. Yea yea I know sue me. "Kevin?" I pleaded. Kevin was attacking my neck trying to give me a hickey. "Kevin please," I begged. He reluctantly removed his lips from my neck.

"Sorry Tyler, I guess I just go a little excited," Kevin said as he sat up and slipped on a pair of boxer briefs. I watched him as he stood and walked to the bathroom. I looked down at Jr. and swore silently at him. Kevin had the ability to excite me too. I plopped back into the soft confines of the comforters.

(From Kevin's point of view.)

I walked to the shower and turned it on full blast. I decided not to use hot water this time. I climbed in and yelled when the cold water hit me. I glared at the door when I heard Tyler bust up laughing. After about ten minutes I finished showering and I climbed out of the shower. I had work to do. One thing I had to do was convince Tyler that he needed some time away from here. I had some phone calls to make. Wrapping a towel around my waist I left the bathroom. I heard Tyler whistle at me and I grinned at him and closed the door leaving him alone to sleep some more. Walking into the living room I picked up the phone and dialed a number. I waited until the phone was answered.

"This had better really really good," grumbled a voice.

"Oh come on JC!" I laughed. "You sleep way to much! I need some help."

"Hey Kev," JC said. "What are you doing calling me at 6:00 in the morning?"

I almost laughed at him. But than again he had a point. Like him I did tend to sleep a lot.

"Ok Ok," I conceded. "Point taken. I need a faver from you." I heard JC sigh on the other end of the phone. "Come on JC I really need you!" I said with a little whine in my voice.

"Why Mr. Richardson!" giggled JC. "I didn't know you were the type." I knew he was giving me hard time so I decided to let him have his fun. "Ok I'm sorry, what can I do for you?"

"You still have that condo in Florida?" I asked crossing my fingers.

"Yea, why do you want to borrow it?" JC asked.

"If it is not to much trouble," I replied.

"No, no trouble at all," JC replied back. "When do you need it?"

"Well I have to convince him first," I said looking at the bedroom door to make sure that Tyler was still sleeping.

"Him?" yelped JC. "Kevin what the hell are you doing?"

"Come on JC!" I hurled at him. "You know full well what Kristin and I have arranged."

"Yea, I do, and I can't say that I agree with you!" JC scolded me. "But I won't judge. So who is he? When do I meet him? And is he cute?"

"You remember Roger?" I asked.

"Hell yea I remember Roger, God what a hottie!" JC exclaimed.

"Well he was killed in a car accident a few nights ago. I'm bringing his fiancé down for some R&R." I explained.

"Kevin," JC said scolding me. "What are you doing?"

"He needs me right now and dammit I need to be happy too!" I shouted at him.

"What about the rest of the guys? Are they ok with this?" JC asked.

"Everyone but Brian," I replied. "Even Kristin is supportive of me."

"Brian will come around. I mean look at Justin, it took him a year to get used to me being gay but he is great now. Our friendship is better than before," I could tell that he was still upset about something.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

"It's not going to change anything Kev," JC sighed. "He is not gay and he will never love me the way I need him too."

"You'll find someone JC," I said confident. "I mean you may be skinny but you are a hottie!" I giggled at the growl at the other end.

"I am not skinny!" he retorted. "Ok maybe just a little. But the Gay boys like that and hey I have to look good for them." Ok now he was getting a swelled head.

"I'm going to leave you alone with your ego Josh," I laughed. "I hear Tyler moving around in the bedroom so I have to go."

"Ok see you later Kevin, and Kevin?" JC asked.

"Yea Josh?" I asked back.

"Take care of yourself," he replied. I heard the soft clicking of the phone as it was disconnected. Sighing I placed the phone on the coffee table and headed back into the bedroom. I could hear the water running in the shower.

I slipped off the towel and grabbed some clothes and slipped them on. Padding down the stairs I headed into the barn and was greeted by Trevor's neighing. "Good morning Trevor," I laughed as I grabbed an apple and cut it up in four pieces and handed them to him. He eagerly lapped up the four pieces and in about two seconds they were history. He head butted me for some more. "Uh uh mister, that is all for now." He bared his teeth and tried to bite. I grabbed him by the forelock and pulled him close. "You bite me and I bite back! Got it?" I asked him glaring at him hard. He snorted and stamped his feet. I reached up and patted him on the side of the neck. "We kissed last night!" I said in a soft voice as if I was telling him a secret. Trevor's ears perked up right away. "Man what a kisser!" Snort, stamp head but. "You don't give up do you?" I looked around the barn and spotted some carrots so I took a couple and fed them to him. "I am in love with him." The words actually scared me a little. "But how can I compete with Roger?" I shook my head and look into the eyes of Trevor. "I mean he was so in love with him. I don't stand a chance with him." Tears were starting to flow again. I was angry at first for crying in front of Trevor. "Besides what right do I have barging into his life like this? God what was I thinking?" I angrily wiped the tears away and headed out of the barn. Heading to the stairs I noticed that a Jaguar had pulled up to the barn. The door opened and out stepped a suited man. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm looking for Tyler Jones," the man said.

"He is up in the apartment. You're welcome to follow me up stairs if you want," I headed up the stairs and heard him following me. Once inside I called out Tyler's name.

"Yea Kev?" asked Tyler. He was calling from the kitchen.

"Someone here to see you," I hollered back. I pointed to the kitchen and the suited man headed into the kitchen. I on the other hand headed out onto the deck with the packages of comics that Nick had left me. I had some catch up reading to do. I sat down in one of the lounge chairs and opened the first comic book that I picked up. Soon I was deeply involved in an adventure with the ghost who walks.

(From Tyler's Point of view.)

"Mr. Jones?" asked the suited man.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked pointing to a chair. He sat down and placed a brief case on the table and opened and took out a package and an envelope.

"I'm Mr. Rutherford, Roger's attorney and I have some business to conclude with him," Mr. Rutherford said.

"Roger was killed in a car accident," I explained with a confused look on my face.

"I'm aware of that," Mr. Rutherford stated. "You are named in his will. Infact you are only one mentioned. You see Mr. Jones you are now a very wealthy man."

"But Roger didn't have any money," I stammered.

"He might not have had money while he was alive but you see he took out a three million dollar life insurance policy. And since his death was an accident the death benefit doubles." He handed me the envelope. I dropped it like it was on fire.

"Why?" I demanded. "Why would he do that?" I was screaming now. Kevin must have heard it cause he came into the apartment. "Get out!" I screamed at the poor attorney. He stammered around for a few seconds and I threw up my hands and stomped out of the room. Once in the safety of the bedroom I picked up the first thing I saw and threw it. The crystal vase slammed up against the wall shattering in a million pieces. Glaring at the picture of Roger anger built up in me. "I hate you!" I shouted at him. "Do you think money is going to make it all better? I wanted you not your fucking money!"

I wanted to cry but for some reason the tears wouldn't come. "I hate you!" I screamed over and over again.

(From Kevin's point of view.)

I sat on the couch listening to Tyler screaming at his dead lover in the bedroom. He was mad. I have never in my life heard anyone so angry at anyone before. Especially a dead guy. I noticed that the attorney had left a package on the table so I picked it up and headed towards the bedroom. I also picked up the envelope and laid it on the table. Lightly knocking on the bedroom door. "Tyler?" I asked.

"What?" shouted Tyler. I winced at the response. It would appear that all the work I had put into this realationship was falling apart.

"Can I come on?" I asked.

"It's a free country!" he hurled through the door. I opened the door to find him sitting in a chair staring out the window. "What a jack ass!" he shouted pointing at the picture of Roger. "He actually thinks that money will solve everything!"

"Six Million dollars is a hell of a lot of money," I started.

"You want it?" Tyler asked me. "Cause I sure the hell don't want it! I don't want his money I want him!" The tears finally came in gut wrenching sobs. I closed the distance between him and me. He fell into my arms. "I don't want money! I want him!" I just held him while he cried his heart out. After about ten minutes he looked up at me and sniffled. "He's not coming back is he?"

"I'm sorry Baby," I sobbed out. "I'm so sorry."

"I loved him," Tyler sobbed again. "I've always loved him. Why did he leave me?"

"I don't know Baby, I don't know," I said looking over at Roger's picture. He was smiling at us with his usual good looking and charming features. "You have really made a mess of things haven't you Roger?"

Ok Ok that is it for this installment. I really don't know when the next one will be out. So please bear with me as I try to get it out as soon as possible.

In the mean time feel free to E-mail me at frnceso@hotmail.com

Wow!!! I can't believe it. I've been on Nifty for over a year now. And what a year it has been. I've gone through so many things since that time. Let's see, first I wrote the Twist and Turn series. Than I continued it by Writing Rude Awakening and Begin Anew. Moving Forward came next and I am still working on that one so please be patiant. Now I have started work on Lone Ranger or Zorro. I have been honored by having my work posted on the Archives and I thank David for all of his hard work. I have also made some lasting friendships on the Archives. Nate! I am so happy for you now that you are in lllllllloooooooovvvveeeeeeeeeee!!!! Tony I am so happy that you have decided to continue to write. You have way to much talent to stop. Andy (Bad Andy Good Pizza) James and I will always love as the dear and close friend that you are. YULIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wasss up?????????

I haven't heard from you in like forever. I hope you are happy and write me and let me know how you are doing.

Next: Chapter 3: Lone Ranger or Zorro 11 12

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