Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on May 17, 2001


Lone Ranger or Zorro

Lone Ranger or Zorro Copy right 2000

By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with out the permission of the author, with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get this story back on track. But here I am back on the scene. You might want to refresh your memories on this story by going over the last two enteries. Any feedback is welcomed at frnceso@yahoo.com

Chapter 11

I watched Tyler sulk for the better part of the day. The check from Roger was laying on the table. I had already picked out a new name for Tyler. "The Reluctant Millionaire" "Tyler?" I asked softly.

"What?" he barked at me.

"Don't yell at me!" I hurled back at him. "I'm not the one who left you six million dollars!"

"I'm sorry Kevin, I'm just mad is all. I mean what was he thinking? He knows the type of person I am. I don't like things handed to me on a silver platter." I got up and walked to him and pulled him in a reluctant hug. He tried to break free but I held on tighter. Finally he gave in and allowed me to hold him.

"He loved you Baby," I said softly as I ran my fingers through his hair. "He wanted to take care of you and this is how he is doing it." I could tell that Tyler was thinking about it. "I think that he would really be upset if you didn't accept it."

"What the hell am I going to do with Six Million dollars?" he asked running his fingers through his hair as he broke away from me. My arms ached to hold him again but I allowed him his space. "I've never had much money. I mean we were dirt poor when we were kids. And it only got worse when Dad died. Mom had to work two jobs and that was when I found this job. I worked my way through High School. I don't know what to do."

"I can help you," I spoke up. "I'm used to having money. I mean once you get used to it, it is kind of fun," I giggled out.

"It would be fun to spend it," Tyler said grinning as he picked up the check and looked at it. "It is allot of zeroes."

"And they are all yours baby," I said as I slid my arms around his waist and leaned forward and kissed his neck.

"I want to do something for Roger!" he exclaimed startling me. "Maybe I can start a foundation in his memory or something." Tyler was getting excited and it excited me to see him get all worked up. Roger had told me what it was like when he got this way. It made Roger light up whenever Tyler would get all riled up. Now I was on the receiving end of it and I liked it. I grinned widely as Tyler ran around the apartment like a mad man.

"Um Tyler," I asked laughing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for his journal," Tyler said as he picked up a pile of papers and threw them over his shoulder. I tried not to laugh as he dumped a pile of books over as he looked through them. "He has all of his favorite charities listed in his journal. Yess!" he exclaimed as he waved the black book in his hand. "Come on out to the kitchen we have work to do!"

From Tyler's Point of view.

I opened my eyes to see Kevin stretched out in the bed beside me. My heart gave a sudden jump when I saw just how gorgeous he really was. His eyes were closed so I assumed he was sleeping so I just laid there staring at this living and breathing Greek God before me.

"What are you doing?" the God asked. I jumped at the sudden noise. He opened up his emerald green eyes and smiled at me. I swatted him on his bare shoulder. "Ouch! That hurt!" he whined as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You were pretending to be asleep!" I accused him. I swung my feet off the side of the bed and stood. I heard Kevin whistle at me. I grinned at him and waggled my eyebrows. "Like what you see?" He licked his lips and nodded.

"Yummy!" he exclaimed making a grab for me. I giggled to myself and walked out of the room. I could hear him whining in the bedroom about not getting any this morning. I spent the next few hours that morning pouring over Roger's journal trying to find the perfect place for a major donation. Roger had so many concerns. Cancer was right at the top of them. Right below that was AIDS. I decided to make a donation to both of them. After getting showered and dressed I headed down to the stables to see Trevor. Even before I got to the door I could hear screaming. I had never heard him scream like that before. He was in pain. I sprinted to the door and swung it open in time to see the sub beating Trevor with a whip.

"What the fuck are you doing to Trevor?" I shouted in rage as I tackled the young man. I landed on top of him wrenching the whip out of his hands and throwing it across the barn. The little shit was strong and he threw me off of him. I landed a few feet from him on my shoulder. I groaned in pain. "You don't ever touch that horse again!" I shouted at him.

"Fuck off Faggot!" he shouted at me as he walked over to retrieve the whip. I didn't even give him a chance to reach it. I tackled him again with a flying leap. "Leave me alone fudge packer!" he shouted as he hit me in the jaw. I landed on my ass rubbing my jaw. "I have a job to do and I don't need you telling me what to do." I saw the door open and Kevin came running in.

"What is going on?" he demanded. By this time I had gotten up and went to Trevor. Anger raged through me as I spotted blood running down his shoulder. I quickly got the first aid kit and got out some gauze and gently touched Trevor's shoulder with it. He snorted and tried to bite me but I was quicker than he was.

"Easy there boy," I soothed him as I went about cleaning the wound. After I was done I turned on the young man. "What were you thinking?"

"He bit me!" he shouted at me. "He had to be taught a lesson."

"You didn't listen to the boss did you?" I asked. He looked down at his feet. "I thought so!" I sighed and turned back to Trevor and fed him an apple. He rewarded me with a light head but in the back. "Trevor is off limits! When I am on vacation only the boss takes care of him." I had forgotten that Kevin was standing there waiting for an answer to his first question.

"What just happened here?" he asked again.

"Trevor and new help just had a disagreement is all," I replied going up to Kevin and guiding him back out of the barn.

"But he hit you!" he retorted. "Let me beat him up for you!" I chocked back a laugh and he caught and glared at me.

"Yea but I tackled him first," I explainded.

"He had no right to hit you!" Kevin insisted.

"Kevin it will be all right," I soothed him. "Go into the house and get ready to go. We have some shopping to do and I have to plan a vacation!" He looked at me kinda funny but shrugged his shoulders and trotted up the stairs.

Two Hours later we are headed into town to some serious shopping. Kevin decided that I needed a new wardrobe so he made it his duty to take me to all of the clothing stores.

"Come on Kevin!" I whined as I modeled yet another outfit for him. "Do I have to try on everything in the store?"

"It's not that bad Baby," Kevin giggled as he admired me. I was wearing a tight pair of leather pants and black silk shirt. "You look fine!" I think he just wanted to see how many tight pairs of pants he could get me into. "Ok this outfit stays. Now we have to find you some comfort clothes." I let out a huge groan as I rolled my eyes and went back into the dressing room. Kevin just laughed as he followed me into the room. I promptly shoved him back out. This time it was his turn to moan. "I want to see!" he whined.

Finally after spending almost two hours at the various clothing stores we called it quits. Than we hit the music stores and the car dealership. I wanted to keep my 1987 ford thunderbird but Kevin said no way. So I resigned myself to being drug from dealership to dealership. I finally settled on a 2001 Cougar. I don't think that Kevin was too happy but hey he wasn't the one who had to drive it. Once he got to ride in it he was better about it. He wanted me to get a BMW Roadster but there was no way I was buying one of those especially when Roger was killed in one. Kevin understood.

At a Pizza Hut I looked over at Kevin as he played with his soda. I could tell that something was bothering him. I reached and took his hand quickly and gave it a quick squeeze. "You want to tell me what is bothering you sweetie?" I asked.

"I did something yesterday that I am not sure you are going to like," he stammered.

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that," I said smiling at him trying to put him at ease.

"I kinda called JC and asked if I could borrow his condo for the next two weeks so we can get away," he replied.

"Did he say yes?" I asked. To be honest I kinda liked the idea of spending a couple of weeks with him.

"You mean you're not mad at me?" he asked looking like a kid who just found out he wasn't going to be punished.

"How can I be mad at a face like that?" I said squeezing his hand again. "Of course I would love to spend a couple of weeks with you. So tell me did he say yes?"

"Of course he said yes," Kevin giggled. "So when do you want leave?"

"Tomorrow?" I pleaded. He nodded and reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone and in a few moments he had everything ready. We would be flying out first thing in the morning. After we were done eating we headed back to my place. I was real quiet on the way home. I was still missing Roger something awful. Kevin caught on because he pulled off on the side of the road and turned off the car.

"What is wrong Ty?" he asked laying his hand on my leg. It was simple gesture and normally it wouldn't have bothered me. But for some reason I was hit with the water works again. Than I got the Hicups and Kevin laughed softly as he pulled me close.

"I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Roger," I sobbed. "I mean I know he is dead and all but I can't help feeling this way."

"Tyler?" Kevin said softly. "It is perfectly normal for you to feel that way after a loved one passes away especially some like Roger whom you loved so deeply. But you need to understand that he would want you to be happy. He wouldn't want you to be alone for the rest of your life." I nodded and leaned over and kissed Kevin lightly on the lips. "Now how about we take you home so we can get you packed and we can leave on our get away?" I smiled and nodded. Kevin put the car in gear and drove the rest of the way home. When we pulled into the front gate and up the apartment I heard him take a sudden breath in. "Dammit to hell," he muttered out.

"What is it?" I asked him softly. He pointed at the man standing by the apartment door. "Who is that?" I asked.

"That would be my brother the Reverend Timothy Richardson!" grumbled Kevin as he got out of the car.

"Boy you have some explaining to do!" Rev. Richardson hollered out. "Now get your tail up here so we cant talk!"

"Mind your own business Tim!" Kevin shouted up at him.

"Saving your soul is my business!" Rev. Richardson shouted back down at him. I looked over at Kevin and saw that he was biting his lower lip. I could tell he was mad.

"I tell you what Kevin," I said laying a hand on his leg. "I'll take Travis for a ride. You go have a talk to your brother." Kevin nodded and I got out of the car and headed up the stairs. As I passed Rev Richardson he reached out and grabbed my arm.

"You and I need to talk too!" he said glaring at me.

"Take your hand off of me sir!" I ordered him. When he didn't I pulled it free and stomped into the apartment. I headed into the bedroom and through on my riding clothes and headed back into the living room. I never made it to the stables. Rev. Richardson was blasting away at Kevin. And I couldn't just stand there and let him bash him.

"You are living in sin Brother!" Tim shouted at Kevin. "You need to get home to your wife and take care of her!"

"Mind your own Business Tim!" Kevin shouted. "Kristin is fine with what I am doing!"

"But is the Lord fine with what you are doing?" he shouted at Kevin. "Is he ok with the fact that you are making a mockery of marriage? Marriage is a sacred vow! It is not to be played with. Why do you want to be with a man any way?" Rev Richardson shook his head and sat down on the couch.

"I love him Tim," Kevin sobbed out. "I can't help it. But when I see him standing there with his heart all broken and needing my love I can't help it."

"He is not a sick little puppy Kevin," Tim said shaking his head. "You always did want to help everyone who was sad or heartbroken or sick. But you are married and you have duty to be with your wife Tyler will be all right. He will move on with out you. Now get your things ready because I'm taking you back to your wife."

"No!" shouted Kevin. Smack! I jerked my head in the direction of the living room. Kevin was holding his cheek and it was red. He looked just like a little kid who got smacked for talking back to his parents. I got mad, real mad! I stomped across the room and walked up to Tim and pushed him back down in the chair. "Tyler don't" Kevin shouted at me.

"But he hit you!" I said drawing back my fist to hit Rev. Richardson.

"I talked back to him," Kevin said excusing his brother.

"You are not a child Kevin, and you are not in his house! You are in my house. And in my house you do not hit my boyfriend!" I shouted glaring at Rev. Richardson. "Now you heard Kevin, he is not going anywhere with you. So get your ass out of my house and leave us alone!"

"You are corrupting my brother and I can't have that!" Rev Richardson said as he stood up and took a couple steps toward me.

"You don't want to cross me Reverend!" I hurled at him. I assumed a fighting stance.

"And what are you going to about it?" he sneered at me.

"Enough!" Kevin shouted as he stepped in between us. "Now Tim, Tyler is right! This is my affair not yours. And this is his house. Now please leave."

"If you go this way we will have no choice but to disown you!" Tim shouted at him as he headed out the door.

"If that is how you are going to treat me than I am better off with out you!" Kevin shouted back at him slamming the door. I watched as he sank to the floor burying his head in his hands sobbing. I went to him and pulled him close only to have him push me away. "I need some time alone!" he hurled at me as he stood up and walked away. I stood up and left the apartment and made it half way down and than swore and turned around and headed back up the stairs and burst through the doors.

"Oh no you don't!" I shouted at him with tears streaming down my face. "Don't you dare push me away. It's is perfectly all right for you to comfort me and hold me when I need you but I can't do the same for you?" Kevin looked up at me with anger in his eyes. "You say you want this to work?" I shouted at him as I walked towards him. "Well it works both ways! If I hurt you say you hurt. If I see you hurting than dammit Kevin! I hurt too!" I stood inches away from him with my hands at my side aching to take him in my arms. He took a step towards me and I finished the trek. Grabbing him in my arms I pulled him close. He buried his head into my chest sobbing loudly. For the longest time I just held him while he cried his heart out. After a while he finally looked up. His eyes were still moist with tears.

"Thank you," he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I could taste the salt from his tears. His tongue slid into my mouth and started to dart around like he was a snake. I got weak in the knees from the kiss. I placed my hands on either side of his face cradling it like a precious piece of china. He moaned softly in my mouth as I slid my tongue into his mouth too. Soon we were gasping for breath as we broke apart. I stared into his eyes and threw caution to the wind. Grabbing his buttocks and pulled him close to me so that our crotches were grinding together. I pressed my lips to his again. I gently but firmly eased him down onto the sofa. Some how my hands found his button on his jeans and after a few tries I had them down around his ankles. I was going all the way and no one was going to stop me. "Tyler," he moaned out.

"Shut up and feel!" I ordered him as I slid my hands into his boxers and took hold of his cock. He moaned again. "Make love to me right now and right here!" I begged as I sank to my knees and pulled his boxers down exposing his cock to the night air. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head and removed his wife beater. My stud was standing before me in all of his naked glory. The sight was to much for me. I blushed a million shade of colors and groaned in anguish as I came right there in my pants. Tears came flowing as Kevin pulled me up and looked into my eyes.

"What is wrong baby," he asked softly as he kissed some of my tears away.

"I can't tell you," I mumbled still embarrassed. "You will think I am so dumb!"

"I promise you I won't think you are dumb," Kevin laughed softly.

"Well you were so good looking and you looked so hot standing there I couldn't help myself," I sobbed out. "I came in my pants!" I buried my head in his bare chest.

"Umm wow!" Kevin stuttered out. "I don't know what to say,"

"See I told you!" I sobbed out. "You think I'm a dumb little kid who can't control himself!" I broke away and ran into the bedroom and closed the door locking it and throwing myself on the bed. "God I am so stupid!" I shouted into the pillow. A few minutes went by and I heard the knocking on the door. "Go away!" I shouted at the door. I heard the lock click and the door opened. I picked up the pillow and placed it over my head. I felt the bed sink from the weight of him sitting down on it. Than I felt a pair of lips grace my bare shoulder.

"I don't think you are dumb Tyler," he breathed into my ear after removing the pillow from my hands. "I feel honored! I mean I've never had that affect on anyone before. I mean the sight of me sent you into an orgasm?" I nodded with my head buried in the other pillow. "Please baby," he whispered into my ear. "Let me make you cum again." I giggled into the pillow and turned over to see the smiling face of Kevin staring down at me. "I promise to make it last this time." He said as he pulled my pants down.

Chapter 12

"OOOOHHHH GOD!" I shouted as Kevin slid into me. He had my ankles on his shoulders so that I could see his face and he could see mine. He was considerably bigger than Roger was and the pain was intense. Tears were flowing down my face and my eyes were closed tight. I felt Kevin's weight settle on me and his lips graced mine.

"Open your eyes baby," he whispered to me. I opened my eyes and look deep into his. "Better?" he asked as he slid out of me and back in. This time the pain was replaced with pleasure. I moaned long and low. "See I told you I would make it last," he said as he kissed me again.

"Shut up and make love to me!" I ordered getting impatient. He laughed and started to thrust in and out of me.

A half hour later I was snuggled up to Kevin. My ass was still hurting but it was a good pain. Kevin was busy kissing my bare skin and stroking my cock. After I started to really moan and groan he bent down and took my cock into his mouth. The feel of his lips closing around my cock sent me over the edge and I emptied my seed into his mouth. He eagerly swallowed every drop. "Wow!" I breathed as I kissed his right shoulder. "That was great!"

"See?" he said seductively. "I told you I could make you cum again." I blushed and he laughed at me.

"Stop laughing at me," I pouted turning away and looking the other way. Kevin kept laughing only this time it was loud. "Meanie!" I grumbled. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear. The cool air gracing my shoulder tickled and I started to giggle. "Oh so my sweetie is ticklish?" I stopped laughing at once. "That answers my question," Kevin giggled as he swung out of bed and headed to the bathroom. "You coming?" He asked.

"Uh uh I already did that twice today," I laughed out.

"You are too much," Kevin sighed. "I meant are you going to join me for a shower?" The thought was tempting but I knew that if we both went in there at the same time we would never get out.

"You go ahead first. I'll follow you when you are done," I said. He looked disappointed but went in ahead of me anyway. I snuggled up with the pillow that Kevin was using and inhaled deeply. Roger's scent was fading and for some reason that made me sad. I started crying again and eventually cried myself to sleep.

From Kevin's POV

I moaned softly as the water hit my aching body. It felt so good to make love to a man again. It had been so long. Sure I had one night stands and all but they were empty and made you feel lonely. But with Tyler it was lovemaking. I took my time in washing down my sweaty body. The more I thought about Tyler the happier I got. I was in LOVE! I climbed out of the shower almost giddy with the feeling. Quickly drying off I walked back into the bedroom to see Tyler laying in bed asleep. I frowned at the tears on his sleeping face. I covered him up with a light sheet and headed out into the living room. Picking up the phone I dialed a number. "Hey JC!" I said happily.

"Hey Kev," JC replied. "You still want to use my condo?"

"Yea," I said. "I wanted to know when it is available."

"Well Justin and I are using right now," JC said. My heart fell when I heard that. "Kevin?" asked JC suddenly worried. "Are you still there?"

"Yea I'm still here," I sighed. "I was hoping to fly out tomorrow."

"Well go ahead. Justin and I would love the extra company," JC replied. "It gets kinda lonely out here. I mean I have to listen to Justin whine about his girlfriend troubles. Believe me it will be great no to have to listen to him whine. And besides I want to meet Tyler."

"Ok if you are sure that it won't be to much a problem," I said smiling at JC's thoughtfulness.

"Look forward to seeing you," JC said as he hung up.

Chapter 12

Odd Looks from Across the Table

I could tell that Tyler was scared. I reached over and patted his leg as I turned into the drive. We had arrived at the condo and were about ready to go in and meet JC and Justin.

"What if they don't like me?" Tyler asked with his eyes wide with fear. "I mean I'm just a stupid farm boy." Ok so here is where I got a little mad. I grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him towards me. He looked down in his lap not wanting to meet my gaze.

"Look at me!" I ordered. He looked up at me and my heart went out to him. He had that little boy lost look in his eyes. "They are not going to think you are dumb. They will love you just as much as I do." I said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I just don't want to disappoint you," he mumbled.

"You could never disappoint me sweetie," I said with a smile. "Now come on and let's go in. They are probably wondering where we are." He nodded and climbed out of the car. The wind blew across the beach and I marveled at how it blew his hair around. I smiled when I saw him inhale the sea air and close his eyes for a few seconds. "Come on sweetie, let's start your vacation." I took his hand and led him up the front walk and rang the door bell. The door popped open and Justin stuck his head out.

"Yo JC!" he shouted over his shoulder. "Kevin is here!" The next thing I knew he had grabbed Tyler's hand and started dragging him down the walk. "You must be Tyler, I'm Justin, let's go check out the beach!" Tyler looked at me terrified.

"You go ahead Tyler, you can meet up with me later," I said grinning. I knew it was mean but Justin was perfect for getting Tyler over his fear of meeting new people. I watched Tyler cringe when Justin put his arm around Tyler's shoulder. I was about to go after him when a hand landed on my shoulder. It was JC.

"Let them be," JC said. "I told him about Tyler and he thinks he can help."

"What did you tell him?" I asked worriedly.

"I told him that he had lost a very close friend and was having a rough time of it," I looked back and frowned when I saw Tyler standing there with his hands in his pocket while Justin was running towards the beach. "Justin is good with people. He has this natural gift that brings out the best in people. Trust me Kevin, he will be good for Tyler. Besides they are closer to their age groups."

"I just don't want him hurt," I mumbled. "I love him." I sighed with relief when Tyler trotted over to where Justin was pointing. I smiled when I saw the smile on Tyler's face. Maybe this trip was going to work out after all.

From Tyler's pov

"So you are Kevin's new lover?" asked Justin. I still didn't know what to think of this ball of energy running around the beach half naked. He was friendly and all but he had way to much energy for me. "Well come on dude spill the goods." He smiled at me with those perfect teeth of his. I couldn't help it I smiled back.

"Yea I guess I'm his new lover," I said kicking the sand.

"Wow he does talk after all," Justin said grinning as he slapped me on the shoulder. "Cool!" I followed Justin around the beach and boardwalk as he showed me all the neat spots to shop and eat.

"Is there a cameral shop around?" I asked.

"Yea, there a camera shop in the mall," he said pointing at the three story building. "Do you like to shop?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "You don't talk much do you?"

"I don't have to talk much, you do most of the talking for the both of us," I teased him. He jerked his head back at me with the cutest expression on his face that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Good," he said smiling. "You should laugh more often." I blushed and looked out over the sea.

"Roger would've liked it here," I mumbled.

"Was Roger your friend that was killed in an accident?" he asked putting his arm around my shoulder.

"He was my fiancé," I mumbled. "He always was bugging me to go with him to the beach. But no, I was too caught up with Trevor and my pictures to take time for a vacation." I angrily wiped some tears away from my face and turned and headed back to the condo.

"Who is Trevor?" Justin asked.

"None of that matters now," I grumbled. "The point is, that I should've taken Roger up on his offer back then. But no I was so fucking hung up on my selfish pride because I didn't want him spending a bunch of money on me. God how could I have been such an ass!"

"You're here now," Justin said as he caught up with me.

"A lot of good that does him," I retorted angrily. "He is dead in the grave."

"But he would want you to--," Justin started.

"Listen," I said interrupting him. "I know you mean well but I would really like to be alone right now." Justin looked hurt but he nodded and let me go off on my own. I walked to the water's edge and put my feet in the water. "Well Roger," I said with tears in my eyes. "I finally made it to the beach. I mean it is great but I really want you to be here with me to share it with me." I listened to the wind and waves slapping against the beach. I watched the sea gulls soaring out over the ocean. I inhaled the fresh sea air. It was nice but it didn't seem the same with out Roger. "Dammit Tyler!" I shouted to myself startling myself to hear my loud voice. "Roger is dead! Get over it and move on!"

Back at the house

From Kevin's pov

I heard the door slam shut and saw Justin walk in. His eyes were shinning with unshed tears and right away I thought of Tyler. "Justin?" I asked worried. "Where is Tyler?"

"He wanted some time alone," Justin said quickly as he headed into the living room.

"What happened?" I asked getting more worried.

"Nothing happened," Justin said wiping his eyes. "Tyler just isn't ready to open up all the way is all."

"What did you say to him?" I demanded.

"Nothing," Justin insisted. "I just made it clear that I was there for him and he isn't ready for that. He is still morning Roger."

"Did he say something to make you upset?" I demanded.

"I butted in where I shouldn't have and he just called me on it is all," Justin said with a small smile.

"Where is he?" I demanded. Justin pointed at the waters edge. I headed out to go to him. Once I reached the beach I could see him sitting on the beach with his knees pulled up to his chest. I quietly sat down and looked into his eyes. He wasn't crying but I could see the intense sadness in them. "Tyler?" I asked softly.

"He is really dead," Tyler said looking out into the water. "He is never coming back is he?"

"No baby, he isn't coming back," I said softly laying a hand on his shoulder. He leaned against me laying his head on my shoulder. "But I'm here and I love you and I won't ever let you be alone again." He didn't answer me but the silence told me all I needed to know. Tyler had accepted the loss. He had accepted the fact that Roger was dead and it was time to move on. "You want some more time alone?" I asked.

"No I've been alone enough. I would love some company," he said wrapping his arm around my waist. "I should apologies to poor Justin."

"Justin understands baby," I soothed him by kissing the top of his head. "Justin really likes you you know."

"I know and I was really rude to him," he muttered. He stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up and led me back to the condo. Once inside he went in search of Justin. We found him in the living room watching TV.

"Justin?" Tyler asked. Justin looked up at us and smiled. "I um wanted to apologies for earlier," Tyler said looking down at his feet. "You were trying to be a friend and I returned that kindness by being rude to you. I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" Justin stood up and pulled Tyler into a hug.

"You needed some time alone and I should've let you be instead of grabbing you first thing before you even got settled," Justin replied. "It's just that when I saw you I knew you were hurting and I just wanted to help make it better."

"Yea that's our Justin, always wanting to cure the world of it's problems," said a voice behind us. I turned and smiled at JC. He was standing at the door way with a pair of shorts button down shirt with a blue wife beater on. He looked hot standing there. I quickly looked back at Tyler who was wearing that scared look again. "You must be Tyler," JC said with a grin as he shook Tyler's hand. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Umm thanks," stuttered out Tyler. "This is a nice place you have here."

"Yea well consider it yours for as long as you need it," JC said grinning. "Justin and I were going to hit some of the night light. Would you two like to join us?" I almost laughed at the terrified look on poor Tyler's face. I stepped in to take pity on him.

"Thanks JC but I think Tyler and myself will enjoy a nice quiet evening at home, I said. Tyler breathed a huge sigh of relief and this time I couldn't help it as I chuckled softly.

"OK well the kitchen is stocked so make yourself at home," JC said. "Come on Curly time's a waisting!"

After JC and Justin left for their night on the town I went to the kitchen to see what I could find. After an hour I had a nice dinner on the table with Wine and candles and soft music playing in the back ground. After everything was in order I went in search of Tyler. I found him on the deck overlooking the ocean. True to form he had his camera in hand snapping pictures. He wore a look of pure concentration as he sized up his next shot. I didn't dare disturb his concentration so I leaned back on the railing to watch him take pictures of the sunset. I must've stood there for almost thirty minutes before I remembered that I had dinner on the table. I decided that I had better make my presence known. "Ty?" I asked softly He looked in my direction and my heart stood still. He was still wearing that same look of pure concentration and it made him look, well to put it in his terms, it was an orgasmic experience. Not quite as bad but almost. I swallowed hard and shook my head to clear my thoughts. This got a soft laugh out of him. "Umm dinner is on the table."

"Ok I'll be in right after I finish this shot," he said turning back to the camera. I litteraly tore myself from the scene infront of me and headed back into the condo to make sure the food was still hot. I had just finished putting the grilled chicken on the table when I heard the sliding glass door slid shut. I looked up to see him place the camera on the coffee table. "What's for dinner?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Just some chicken and pasta is all," I said blushing.

"It smells heavenly, and I'm starved," he said as he leaned in for a quick kiss. I relished the scent of fresh sea air that was clinging to his body.

"You smell heavenly too," I said waggling my eyebrows at him.

"You behave Mr. Richardson," he scolded as he took his seat.

"I can't help it if the sea agrees with you," I said grinning. "I love you here with me and the ocean." Tyler looked down at his plate and I could see tears flowing. Oh shit, I did it again. Sighing I got up and went around to his side of the table and knelt down and took his chin and turned it towards me. "I never met to hurt you baby," I said softly. "If me bringing you here has caused you pain I'm sorry and I can take you home if you want."

"No!" he exclaimed. "I love it here. It is just that Roger always wanted to take me here and I never let him. I'm just a little sad that I didn't let him take me is all. No reason to let it ruin our vacation." He said looking up and smiling at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked still worried.

"Of course I'm sure," he said picking up a wine glass and taking a sip. "Now let's eat." I nodded and went back to my seat and resumed eating. We ate the rest of our meal pretty much in silence which was nice. I enjoyed his company and I could tell he enjoyed mine. I was busy watching his every move. I never realized just how good looking he really was. His sandy brown hair was kinda shaggy which gave him a kinda wild and carefree look. He hadn't shaved in about a day so that gave him an unkept look that really turned me on.

"Kevin?" his voice startled me out of my musings.

"Yes Tyler?" I asked blushing and covering it up by taking a long drink of wine.

"Where were you just now," he asked grinning.

"I was admiring the view," I said reaching out and taking his hand in mine.

"Well did you like what you saw?" he asked winking at me.

"Delicious!" I replied licking my lips. Bingo! Beet red in three seconds. "You look so cute when you blush like that." He snatched his hand away and pouted for a few seconds. "I can't help it you are so beautiful."

"I'm gonna pop if you don't stop!" he grumbled.

"Well we wouldn't that now would we?" I chuckled as I resumed eating. All in all it was a great dinner. After dinner we went for a long walk on the beach. "So you and Justin have a nice talk?" I asked him.

"You know something?" he asked. I nodded for him to continue. "That is one strange ball of energy. I've never met anyone who was as forward as he is."

"Well Justin was always a people person. He loves to help too. You should give him a chance to be your friend," I said as I slid my arm around his slim waist.

"I've always been a loner," he mumbled. "I'm used to being pretty much alone. I mean Roger was the first person in my life for as long as I can remember."

"I thought as much," I said as I looked out over the ocean. The sun was sitting on the west coast of Florida and it promised to be a pretty sunset. "You don't have to be alone anymore Tyler." I reached down and picked up a pink colored shell and handed it too him. He took it from my hand and looked at it for a few seconds and tried to hand it back. "I want you to have it," I insisted as I closed his hand around it. He smiled and slipped it in his pocket.

"Maybe I don't know how to be anything else but a loner," he mumbled as he walked over to the water's edge and walked out until his ankles were covered in water. "For as long as I can remember my family has always looked out for ourselves. We never relied on anyone else for help. I guess that is why I had such a hard time taking Roger's money."

"I don't want you to change for me. But I want you to know that I love you and I want to be a part of your life," I said as I sat down and dug my feet into the sand.

"How can you promise me that Kevin?" he asked looking hard into my eyes. "I mean the fact is, you are a married man!"

"But it is--," I started only to interrupted.

"I know you say it is a business arrangement but I have to accept the fact that I will always take a second seat to Kristin," he said as he sat down next to me. "I mean I will never be able to walk you to the awards shows. I will never be photographed with you in public. Hell, we are taking a major chance right now. Kevin I want to shout to the world that I love Kevin Scott Richardson and it makes me so fucking angry that I can't!"

"I love you Tyler!" I hurled at him. "I know I'm legally married. But you have the biggest piece of my heart. The piece that counts."

"Do I?" he asked. "What happens if Kristin calls right now and says you are needed at home to make a press appearance?" I looked down not wanting to meet his glance. Because the truth of it was Tyler was right. If Kristin called right now I would have to run home and play the good husband. "You are in the public eye. And the public expects you to act like a married man. Because in their eyes you are married."

"Dammit Tyler!" I shouted at him. "I'm not going to give you up!"

"I'm not saying that Kevin," he sighed. "I'm just reminding myself that you are not mine."

"In my heart you are," I mumbled. "In my heart you are my life mate. I don't give a fuck what that piece of paper says. I know what you are doing Tyler, and I will be dammed if I am going to let you do it."

"And just what am I doing?" he asked glaring at me. Why is that we spend most of our time arguing with each other? I asked myself.

"You are trying to convince yourself that, all of this is just a waste of time so you can run back to your comfortable little apartment above the stables and go riding with Trevor and take pictures for the rest of your life when I know damn well that you hate that life! Well maybe not the Trevor part or the Picture taking part. You will be alone and by your self. Well I am not going to let you do that! I love you dammit! And I happen to believe that you are worth fighting for!" I think I surprised my self to find that I was sobbing. Tyler was too because he moved quickly to wrap his arms around me. He spent the next few minutes soothing me.

"I'm sorry Kevin," he whispered. "I'm sorry for trying to run from you. I love you."

"I love you too Tyler," I said wiping the tears from my face. "I don't want to loose you."

"You will not loose me Kevin," he said smiling down at me. He bent down and graced my lips with a gentle kiss. His tongue lightly tracing my lips as if asking permission to enter. I gratefully parted my lips to allow him access to my tongue. I moaned softly as his kiss turned more and more urgent. I got the impression that he was thirsty for them. "Oh God," he moaned into my mouth. "I want to make love to you right now!"

"Than why don't you baby?" I asked grinning. He looked at me shocked. "Do you see anyone around?" He shook his head no. "That is because this is a private beach. These condos happened to be own by our kind." He frowned for a few seconds before realizing what I had said. Than he smiled that little boys smile when he is getting ready to do something naughty. "Oh oh," I said as he pushed me into the sand.

Chapter 13

From Tyler's Point of view

It was late a night when JC and Justin came walking back into the condo.

"Shhhh!" shushed JC. "Kevin and Tyler are probably sleeping."

"Sorry," mumbled Justin. "Do you think they are settled in?"

"I hope so," mumbled JC as he turned on the kitchen light. "I'm worried about Tyler."

"Yea me too," Justin said. "I would hate to loose my fiancé like that."

"Well at least he has Kevin now," JC said as he made his way into the living room. "They do make a good couple."

"I wouldn't know about those things," Justin grinned as he turned on the lights. "You want to sit up and talk for a while?"

"Nah," JC replied slapping Justin on the shoulder. "I'm going to hit the hay." Justin watched as JC walked out of the room. Justin turned and walked through the sliding glass door and walked out onto the back deck overlooking the ocean.

"Nice night," I spoke up scaring Justin half to death.

"Jesus!" exclaimed a breathless Justin.

"No, not him," I giggled. "Just little old me." I waved Justin towards a seat which he took. "It is nice out here." The wind was blowing gently off of the ocean filling the night air with the fresh salty air. I inhaled deeply relishing the feeling.

"Why are you still up?" Justin asked.

"Don't want to sleep," I mumbled as I pulled my knees up to my chest. "To much to see out here."

"It is just the ocean," Justin laughed.

"No, grasshopper," I teased him. "There is many things to see out here." He busted up laughing at my lame attempt of a far eastern mystic. "Mostly I've been just enjoying the view. The stars look so much different when they are shining over the ocean."

"I guess I'm used to them," he said as he sat next to me. "Where is Kevin?"

"I wore him out so he is sleeping," I smiled.

"Way to much info dude," he laughed as he gently elbowed me in the side. "So who is Trevor? Another boyfriend?" This time it was my time to laugh. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing, sorry, I couldn't help it," I said as I struggled to get myself under control. "Trevor is probably my best friend in the world."

"He must be really special," Justin smiled.

"Yea he is, at least when he is not biting me," I giggled.

"Excuse me?" stuttered out Justin. "You must have some strange friends."

"Trevor is an Arabian Stallion," I explained to him. "He has been my friend from the first day he was born. I will never forget it. He lost his mother shortly after he was born. I spent the first three months of his life sleeping in the stall with him." So I spent the next half an hour telling Justin about Trevor and me. It wasn't until I heard I heard his soft snores did I realize that he had fallen to sleep. I jumped when I also heard the sliding of the sliding glass door. Inhaling deeply I picked up the scent of his cologne mixed with his sweat. It was an intoxicating scent, one that I enjoyed.

"You coming to bed sweetie?" he asked that deep and sexy voice. I looked up and smiled up at Kevin. He looked so cute standing there with his hair all messed up. I could tell he had just woken up to find that the bed was empty. "I missed you."

"I couldn't sleep," I said patting the seat beside me. Kevin sank down in the cushion beside me. I gently guided him so that he was laying in my lap. "I mean I think I got over my nervousness. I had to be outside to see the stars."

"Did you enjoy the view?" he mumbled sleepily. I ran my fingers through his long hair. I heard him moan softly at the touch. I was glad that I could cause that kind of reaction from him.

I bent down and graced his neck with my lips. I giggled softly to myself when I felt Kevin's entire body shudder at the simple touch. "Very much," I whispered into his ear. "But I'm enjoying this much more."

"Yea?" he asked grinning. "Well I'm cold and I want to cuddle with you in that nice warm bed that is waiting for us." Ok so he had a point. I stood up and held out my hand and he took it and together we walked in. By this time Justin had woken up and had wondered off to bed. We walked into the bedroom and Kevin went to the window and pulled open the blinds. JC was nice enough to give us the room that faced the ocean. Kevin grinned as he cracked open the window just enough to allow the soft lapping of the waves crashing against the beach. It was a soft sound that sang a soft song singing us both to sleep.

Next: Chapter 4: Lone Ranger or Zorro 13 14

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