Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Lone Ranger or Zorro Copyright 2000

By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with out the permission of the author, with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

Comments welcome at frnceso@yahoo.com

Chapter 13

The next morning dawned as the sun light peeked into the window of our bedroom. I opened my eyes and peeked out from under the blankets. I felt a draft and I looked around for Kevin. I let out a pout when I discovered that he was not in bed. I snuggled deeper into the blankets and closed my eyes.

"PSSST!" hissed a voice. I growled and covered up my head.

"Go away!" I grumbled. A weight plopped down beside me.

"Wake up!" demanded a hyper Justin.

"You are having a dream, you are still asleep, now go back to your bed and let your house guest sleep in," I demanded trying not to laugh.

"Come on Tyler," Justin whined shaking my shoulder. "I want to go for a jog."

"I thought you were a major grouch in the morning," I grumbled.

"I've already had my cereal," Justin replied tugging at the blankets. "Come on Tyler, I want to go for a run."

"Well I'm not stopping you," I replied looking up at him.

"I want some company," Justin demanded. He started pulling on my arm until I was sitting up. "Good that is a good start," he jabbered as he stood up and tossed me a pair of sweat pants. They landed on my head and I didn't have the strength to remove them. Than a sweat shirt landed on my head too. "Come on hurry," he urged me. "I have to get my three miles in."

"Three miles?" I yelped. "There is no way I am running three miles." For some reason I had swung my legs over the edge of the bed and was pulling on the sweat pants. It wasn't until we were a mile into the run did I realize that I was actually doing this. "Hey!" I shouted at him. "Tell me again why I am doing this?"

"Because it is good for you," he smiled back at me. "And you like it."

"Yea right," I grumbled as I continued to jog along side with Justin.

An hour later I made my way back to the living room in time to spot Justin wolf down a egg mcmuffin. "Hey!" I demanded. "Where is mine?" He pointed at Kevin who was holding a McDonalds bag. "Where were you this morning?" I demanded when I took the bag he was offering me.

"JC wanted to talk to me about something," Kevin said munching on his food. "You all right? You look a little tired."

"Mr. I have to have my three mile run,' over there decided to drag me along," I grumbled pointing at Justin. He just smirked and kept right on eating. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know," Kevin said as he looked in vain for more food. I took pity on him and handed him my last hash brown. He grinned happily and snatched it away. "Why don't we go the stables and go riding along the beach?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I smiled up at him.

"Can we take JC and Justin," Kevin asked. I noticed that Justin got this scared look on his face. I grinned at him and he paled a little.

"Sure Kevin," I said putting my arm around Justin. "I'm sure that Justin would love to come horseback riding with us."

"Umm there is something you should know about Justin," piped up JC.

"Yes?" I asked already knowing full well what JC was going to say.

"Justin is not very comfortable with horses," JC replied.

"Well than he is in good hands," I smiled. "My main job is teach people how to act around horses and how to ride them. Don't worry about Justin, he will be in very good hands." I could tell that Justin was not very happy about the idea of going horseback riding. But I figured I owed him one. I shivered when I felt a pair of lips grace the back of my neck. "Behave," I said shying away.

"Don't want to," Kevin retorted as he continued his assault. He knew that one of my weak spots was the back part of my neck. I was getting aroused and he knew it by the naughty look in his eyes. I heard Justin snicker at my predicament and I stood up and made my way blushing out of the room. Kevin got up and followed me.

"That was mean!" I shot at him. "Now I'm all hard."

"Well I know one way we can take care of that," giggled Kevin as his hands found the waist band of my shorts. Pulling it away from my body he peeked into my shorts. "There he is!" he smiled. "He looks lonely all alone down there." I rolled my eyes and swatted Kevin's hands away. "But sweetie," Kevin whined as he pouted. "Jr. wants to play with me," he licked his lips and tried to get at me again. I finally gave up and allowed Kevin to have his way with me. Kevin slid off my shorts and boxers and gently took my cock into his hot hands and lowered his head so that his lips were in direct line with the head of my cock. I moaned softly in frustration when he made no move to do anything but stare at it. "Be patient!" he scolded me as he continued to inspect my cock. I had to admit it was an erotic picture of Kevin kneeling at my feet gazing at me.

"Are you about done?" I asked. He just smiled at me and stood up and embraced me in a hug. I decided that I should get rid of some of his clothes and in no time at all he was as naked as I was. "God," I breathed. "You are so beautiful!" This got an immediate blush from him. "Well it is true!" I noticed that he was edging me closer to the bed. "What do you think you are doing Mr. Richardson?" I asked teasing him.

"Umm I think I am going to make you cum, cum like you have never cum before," he said smirking at me as he reached down between my legs and took hold of my cock and gave it a couple of gentle strokes.

"You seem pretty confident Mr. Richardson," I smiled at him.

"That is because I know what I am doing," he said grinning. In one quick motion he had me falling in bed with him on top of me. He went wild as he attacked my body with his lips hands and crotch. In no time at all he had my cock down his throat. I threw my head back enjoying the sensation.

"OOOOHHH GOD!" I groaned out. Kevin just giggled softly as he pulled off of my cock. I whimpered from the loss and he just laughed again. "Not again," I whined as I raised myself on my elbows looking down at him as he gently kissed the inside of my thighs. I let out a sharp yelp when he inserted his finger up my ass.

"Relax baby," he said with that grin of his. "I'm going to try something that I know you will love." I could feel his finger move deeper into me and than it happened he touched me and I moaned and shivered at the same time. "Got it!" he said with glee as he lowered his mouth onto my cock. I felt another finger enter me and it too touched the "Spot" Both fingers gently rubbed and massaged my swollen prostrate gland. I almost passed out from the intense pleasure. It was like a continuous orgasm.

"What are you doing to me?" I breathed out staring down at him. Our eyes locked onto each other's and my heart jumped when I saw the look of pure love in his eyes.

"I'm taking you to heaven for just a little while," he smiled up at me as he continued to assault my cock. By now the sensation was so intense that I was in tears from pleasure. "Relax baby, in a few moments it will be all over," he said softly as he paused to look up at me.

"Please don't stop," I moaned out. I let out a scream of pleasure as his fingers gently massaged the gland. Than it happened. It started in my balls than quickly consumed my entire body. The orgasm shook my entire body until I blacked out.

"Baby?" asked a deep and sexy voice. "Baby? He asked again, only this time it was laced with worry.

"Wow," I breathed as I tried to open my eyes. "What just happened?" I tried to sit up but his hand gently pushed me back down.

"I told you I was going to take you to heaven didn't I? I nodded speechless to say anything. "Just lay here and relax for a while," Kevin whispered in my ear as his tongue lanced out and caught me on the back of my ear. I shuddered from the sensation. "Shhhh," he cooed in my ear. "Let me take care of you." He pulled the blankets up around me and than I heard him walk from the room. I could hear soft water running and it lulled me to sleep. I awoke when I felt him pick me up and carry me into the bathroom and gently lay me in the hot water. I opened my eyes to see him climb in behind me. I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me with a finger to my lips. "I want to take care of you." I finally gave up and allowed him to have his way.

"I love you Tyler," Kevin said as he slid his cock into me. I moaned and arched my back to meet his thrust. "You are so beautiful." He had been making love to me for what seemed like an eternity. After cumming three times already I was amazed that he was still going. His body was slick with the combination of sweat and water and soap suds. He looked so hot as he concentrated on making love to me. Ohh God!" he shuddered for the fourth time as he collapsed on top of me. I shuddered too when I felt his seed invade me for the fourth time.

An hour later we heard the pounding on the bedroom door. I growled at it and Kevin just chuckled and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled deeper into his arms. We were in bed wrapped in the soft comforters and I was sleeping very soundly when the pounding started. I was very comfortable and had no intentions of ever going anywhere again. The pounding on the door continued. "Go away!" I shouted at it. I could hear JC laughing on the other side.

"Come in!" shouted Kevin as he bent down and kissed me on the nose. He laughed again when I scrunched up my nose at the sensation. The door opened and JC peeked in.

"You guys going to come out any time soon?" He smiled. "Justin and I have been waiting to go horseback riding with you two." Justin stuck his head in and his mouth flew opened and he blushed and stuck his head back out in a hurry.

"I didn't need to see that!" he grumbled as walked back up the hall.

"We'll be out in a few," Kevin said. JC nodded and closed the door to give us some privacy. "Come on sleeping beauty."

"Don't want to," I pouted.

"But we promised to take them riding," Kevin insisted as he covered my bare shoulders with soft kisses. "I promise we will have a repeat performance tonight."

"Promise?" I asked grinning up at him. He nodded and I slid out of his arms and slid on a pair of boxer briefs. I turned to see him staring at me. "Well come on!" I urged him. "Let's go!" He busted up laughing as he slid out of bed and put on his clothes too.


"Justin," I shouted over at him.

"What?" he shouted back as he tried to hang on to the horse.

"Be one with the horse!" I shouted back. I could hear Kevin laughing his head off behind me. I pulled on the reigns to allow him to catch up with me. "What, pray tell is so funny?" I asked him.

"You sounded just like Captain Kirk in Star Trek V," Kevin giggled. I thought about it and had to laugh.

"Whoa dam you!" shouted Justin as he galloped by us. "Whoa Whoa!" he shouted in vain. The horse kept running until She came to the waters edge and than stopped and dumped poor Justin off and right into the water. I urged my horse faster until I was at the side of Justin's horse. Justin was floundering in the water swearing loudly. "Stupid, fucking, dumb ass horse!" I climbed down and walked to the horse she shied and snorted away from me.

"Easy there girl," I said soothingly. I reached up and took her by the reigns and led her out of the water. "What's wrong girl?" I asked as I looked her over. She was favoring her left rear leg. I gently picked it up and looked at the underside of the hoof. I saw the problem at once. I went to my horse and reached into the saddle bag and pulled out a first aid kit and took out a pair of pliers. Going back to the horse and picked up the hoof again. She snorted and tried to get away but by this time Kevin there holding here and calming her down. "She picked up a piece of glass," I said as I pulled it out. I wrapped the piece of glass in the piece of cloth and put it in the saddle bag. I went back to her and looked in her eyes. "All better now?" I asked softly. She snorted softly and started looking around me. I laughed softly and pulled out an apple and cut it into four pieces and in no time she had them gone. Justin came up behind us still soaked to the skin. "That was why she was throwing a fit and tossed you off." He nodded as he reached up and petted her. She nuzzled him as it to say she was sorry.

"I know you didn't mean too girl. I forgive you," he said to her softly as he kissed her lightly on the fore head. "Now what do we do?"

"Well we stop for lunch and we head back. You will have to ride with one of us. She is in no condition to take on a rider," I said as I started to unload the picnic we had packed.

"You were real good with her," he mumbled as he helped me set out the food.

"I've been around horses most of my life," I told him.

"What is it like?" he asked.

"What is what like?" I asked confused.

"Making love to a man?" he asked. I had just taken a drink from my water bottle and I promptly spit it back out. "Sorry," he giggled. "Umm you don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

"Why do you want to know?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders looking down.

"Just wondering is all. I heard you guys this morning and it sounded like you were really enjoying it," he stuttered out. I blushed and looked away. "I didn't mean to over hear but that place has really thin walls."

"It is wonderful," I smiled thinking back on this morning. "Kevin is great." I sighed looking out over the ocean. For some reason Roger came rushing back to me. The way he would make love to me brought tears back to me and I felt myself loosing it again. The sobs started and I felt a pair of arms surround me. They weren't Kevin's. But they were comforting just the same.

"I'm so sorry," Justin whispered into my ear. "I didn't mean to make you cry." I could tell he was crying too. I gently pulled away and pulled my legs up to my chest. "Please forgive me?" he pleaded with me.

"You did nothing wrong Justin," I said wiping the tears from my eyes. "I was just thinking about Roger is all."

"What was he like?" he asked scooting closer to me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet and showed him a picture of him. "Wow!" he gasped. "He is cute!" I raised my eye brows at him. He blushed and handed the picture back to me.

"Something you want to say?" I asked. He shook his head no and scooted away and pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his head on them and stared out to the ocean. "I promise I wont judge you," I said softly.

"You know I have a girlfriend right?" he asked looking at me. His face was so innocent and cute that I found myself staring at him. "Well I also have these feelings for guys too, I mean I feel a funny but good feeling whenever I am around a really cute guy like ummm well ummm you."

"Ohh," I mumbled. I really wasn't prepared to play nursemaid to a newly coming out of the closet gay. But I looked at him and saw a face full of trust and yearning. There was no way I could say no to him. Sighing I turned back to our lunch. After getting the rest of the food out I looked for Kevin and JC. Kevin caught me looking and headed over to us. Turning back to Justin I discovered that he was headed down to the water. From the way his head was bowed I knew he was not happy. "Fuck!" I muttered as I got up and followed him. "Justin," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "We need to talk." He glared at me and I looked away for a few seconds before turning back to him. "Listen, you took me by surprise is all. We will go out this evening to the club house and talk. I promise." He smiled and nodded. "Now come on let's go eat before JC and Kevin eat it all." We both laughed and headed back to the picnic. Kevin looked at me strangely for a few moments. "We'll talk later," I smiled and kissed him lightly on the nose. He grinned and tried to kiss me on the lips. "Behave yourself mister," I scolded him.

The rest of the afternoon was great. Justin convinced Kevin that he needed to ride with me. I was very happy with that as Kevin slid up onto the horse and I slid in behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his shoulder. "Comfortable?" he asked looking back at me smiling.

"Very," I giggled. Justin rode by us and winked at me. I was pleased to see that he was more comfortable with riding now. After a few hours of careful training and a lot of patients I had taught him the basics of riding horses. Enough for him to be comfortable with it.

"We ready to head back?" Kevin asked everyone. We all agreed to head back so we turned our horses back to the stables. In no time at all we were back at the condo. "What do we want to do for dinner?" Kevin asked us.

"Actually, you and JC are on your own for tonight," I spoke up. "It is Justin and my turn to have a little talk." I could tell that Kevin wasn't to happy about it. I walked over to him and gave him hug and long kiss.

"I don't want you to go," he grumbled looking down.

"Justin needs to talk to someone and for some reason he has chosen that person to be me," I said as I stroked the side of his face. Kevin moaned softly and leaned into my touch. "I'll try not to be to long."

"Ok," Kevin said with a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you too Kevin," I smiled back at him and kissed him lightly on the nose. I had to laugh at the little pout and kissed him properly on the lips.

"That is much better," Kevin said with a grin.

"You ready to go Justin?" I asked

"Can we have something in the back?" Justin asked the waiter politely.

"Of course, Mr. Timberlake," he smiled and led us to the back of the room. He seated us at a small intimate table. He went to take the candle away but Justin shook his head no. "I'll be back for your orders in a few moments." With that he left us alone. I looked at Justin and saw that he was looking at me with a strange look in his eyes. The gaze was so intense that I shied away from it. For first time that day I was very uncomfortable around him.

"Tyler?" he asked. "Umm I don't know where to begin."

"How long have you had these feelings?" I asked him.

"For a long time," Justin replied as he played with the ice in his drink. "I'm so confused. I mean the part of me that was raised Baptist tells me that it is wrong to feel these things and than there is the part of me that screams go for it!" I tried not to laugh at him but failed. Thankfully he giggled too. "It sounds dumb doesn't it?" I reached out and took his hand.

"No," I soothed him. "You don't sound dumb. In fact you sound just like I did a few years ago." I had to smile at my past. "You should've seen me when I came out. Not a pretty sight. I was confused I didn't know if I was coming or going. And than he came," I whispered looking down.

"Roger?" Justin asked softly. I nodded. "You were so lucky to have him."

"God he was so huge! I mean everything about him was great. His smile the way he smelled the way he walked the way he talked the way he danced. Everything about him was great. I fell in love with him and I fell hard," I blurted out. "He taught me everything I needed to know to survive in this world. He also opened up a new world for me."

"But what do I do?" Justin asked with a helpless tone in his voice. "I mean I'm a huge star! I can't just come out."

"You can come out to your friends if you want," I told him. My heart melted when I saw the scared look on his face. "But you have to do it in your own way and your own time."

"I'm scared Ty," he whispered. "I mean what if he doesn't accept me?"

"Who?" I asked.

"JC," he mumbled.

"Do you love him?" I asked. I mean who wouldn't? He was a hottie.

"Ewwwww!" Justin giggled. "That would be like loving my brother!" Ok so now I was confused. I guess it showed on my face because Justin busted up laughing. "I mean I love him like a brother because that is what he has been to me. I could never love him any other way."

"Do you have a crush?" I asked. He looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"Yes I do but he is already taken," he whispered his eyes filling with unshed tears.

"Ohhh Justin," I whispered. "Who is it?"

"You," he whispered so softly that I almost didn't hear it. But I had heard it and my universe came to a momentary pause.

Chapter 14

I watched the tears flow down Justin's angelic face. It pained me to see him in such pain. I reached over and wiped the tears from the left side of his face. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered. "I know I'm not supposed to feel this way about you but I can't help it." He got up to leave but I grabbed his arm and gently pulled him back down.

"You have done nothing wrong Justin," I said softly. "We don't chose who we fall in love with. It just happens."

"But what am I supposed to do?" he whined. "I have this major crush on you and you are already taken. How am I supposed to compete with Kevin?" I smiled softly at him.

"This is not a competition Justin," I said taking his hand. "You said you had a crush right?"

"Yea," he sniffled.

"You are not in love with me yet," I said slowly. "So we are just going to have find you another Boyfriend."

"I don't want another one, I want you," he whimpered.

"Justin, I'm in love with Kevin," I said looking into his eyes. He shied away from my glance but I wouldn't let him. I took him by the chin and brought his eyes up so that he was facing me. I had to admit he had great eyes. They were so blue that one could easily get lost in them. "You are so beautiful," I whispered. "But I am in love with Kevin, and I have come a long way since Roger died. I'm happy with Kevin. Please don't do anything to hurt that." I said sternly. He swallowed hard and nodded softly. He sighed and sat back.

"Now what?" he mumbled.

"Now comes the fun part!" I said smiling as I rubbed my hands together. He looked up at me with a scared look in his face.

"No more extreme sports!" he barked out. I had to laugh at his stern face. (Justin Timberlake can not do stern very well at well.)

"Horse back riding is not what I consider extreme sports!" I giggled out. He just glared at me. "Come on Justin, it wasn't that bad!"

"You weren't the one who ended up in the water," he grumbled.

"It wasn't her fault you know," he nodded. "Now the fun part I was talking about is finding you a boyfriend." I saw the waiter coming towards us. I had to admit he was very cute. "What about him?" I asked pointing to him. (Something you should know, I'm not very subtle.) Justin was kind enough to remind of that by kicking me under the table. "Ouch!" I yelped as I rubbed my leg. "That hurt you brat!" He just giggled and took a drink of his soda. The waiter gave us a strange look.

"Don't mind him," Justin said pointing at me. "We just let him out today, so he is not used to normal society yet." This time Justin was the one who got kicked. "Ouch!" he yelped glaring at me.

"Umm are you ready to order?" stammered the waiter.

"How is your shrimp alfredo?" I asked looking at the menu. I heard a gagging noise and glared at Justin. "Don't knock it until you tried it!" He snickered and tossed a breadstick at me.

"It is one of my favorite dishes," he commented trying not to laugh at us.

"Good I will have that," I said politely. "Oh and can I have a glass of white whine please."

"I will need to see some ID," he said formally. I provided him with the ID and he nodded. "Are you ready to order Mr. Timberlake?" Justin looked at me and smiled a naughty grin at me.

"I'll have the same, minus the wine," he said.

"Very good sirs, your meal will be here shortly," he said as he left. Just before he left he winked at me. I busted up laughing and quickly took a drink.

"What is so funny?" Justin demanded.

"Nothing," I giggled.

"Boy you had better tell me," he said waving a breadstick in the air.

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"Come on," he whined. "Tell me."

"He winked at me," I said blushing. Justin lost it laughing his head off. "He is not supposed to interested in me! He is supposed to be flirting with you!"

"Hey you said so yourself. You can't choose who you fall in love with." Justin giggled. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"It is going to be a long night," I grumbled.

Later that night.

"Justin!" I argued with him. "You have moving right!" Justin grunted and moved again. "No no that is all wrong! Ouch! There now push it in!"

"I'm trying but it is to tight!" Justin groaned out. "There! Got it!"

"Good," I said as I put the other lug nuts on the other lugs. In no time at all we had the tire replaced. "Now we can go home."

"Man they are going to be so pissed at us!" Justin giggled.

"Hey it's not our fault that that waiter invited us to play mini golf with him. But look at it this way. At least you got a number." Justin looked away not wanting to say anything. "You did get his number didn't you?" Justin shook his head no.

"Justin!" I whined at him. "He likes you!"

"I know, I know!" he yelled at me. "I'm just not good at that sort of thing." I looked at him standing there with that scared look on his face.

"That is ok," I giggled as I waved a piece of paper in the air. "I got it for you cause I knew you would chicken out."

"Thank you Tyler," Justin said grinning.

"What are friends for?" I asked as we got into the car and Justin sped away from the curb.

"Shhhh!" I whispered to Justin. Justin just giggled loudly. I elbowed him in the side.

"Ouch!" he yelped out. I put my hand over his mouth.

"Are you going to be quiet now?" I asked. He nodded and I was rewarded with Justin's tongue on my hand. "Ewwww!" I groaned as I wiped my hand off on his shirt. "Justin germs!"

"Ahem!" said a stern voice behind us. I turned and look to see both Kevin and JC standing there with their hands on their hips. "Where have you two been?" Kevin asked still wearing that mock glare.

"Umm we were playing," Justin said looking at his feet trying not to laugh. For some reason I was reminded of when I would come home late after curfew when I was a kid.

"At two in the morning?" asked JC. I could tell that they were enjoying this.

"Yea," I said. "We were playing minature golf." I could see Kevin's eyes twinkling with laughter. "We're sorry we were late." I said walking up to him. "Please don't ground us." Justin lost it laughing and soon we all joined in.

Later in bed snuggling with Kevin.

"You going to tell me what you and Justin had to talk about?" Kevin asked softly as he kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked so peaceful holding me in his arms. I wrapped my arms tighter around him and snuggled closer. "You are stalling Tyler," he scolded me lightly.

"He told me something today that might not make you happy," I said. Kevin stiffened slightly but still held me. "He told me he was gay."

"Is that all?" He asked. I shook my head. This time he did break his hold on me. "What else did he tell you?" he demanded. There was a hard edge to his voice.

"Please don't be mad at him," I said laying my hand on his chest. He pushed me away glaring at me.

"What did he tell you?" he demanded. I shook my head no. "God Dammit!" Kevin shouted. "Tell me what he said!"

"He said he had a crush on me," I whispered. Slap! I cringed from the blow holding my face. "You don't understand!" I said with tears in my eyes. Kevin sneered at me with such anger and hate in his eyes that I frightened me to the core. "I love you!" He laughed and slapped me again. I could taste blood as the inside of my cheek tore on my teeth.

"You fucking cheater!" he shouted at me. He drew back his fist to hit me again and I tried to get away but he was too fast. His fist caught me just under the eye. I fell to the floor. My first instinct was to hit back. But for some reason fear over took me. "Get out!" he shouted at me. I got up and left the room. I went to the living room to find it was empty. I walked through the room and out onto the deck. By now tears were flowing and my eye was really hurting. It was going to swell and I didn't care. I walked down to the beach and kept right on walking. As I walked I thought about everything that had happened to me in the last few days. The more I thought about it the madder I got. I started to run. I wasn't really worried about where I was running. At some point I realized that I was no longer running, I was swimming. It felt good to swim. The water was ice cold but comforting in some way. At some point I thought to myself that maybe I should turn around and head back. But I really didn't see the point. There was nothing for me back there anymore.

From Justin's point of view.

"Get out!" Kevin shouted at Tyler. I got up to go and see what was wrong but JC held me back.

"Don't get involved curly," JC ordered me. I shrugged him off and headed into the hall in time to see the door slam shut and Tyler walk out onto the deck. I pounded on Kevin's door.

"Open up! I shouted. The door was wrenched open and a fist came flying out. I grabbed and twisted it around his back and slammed him against the wall. "What the fuck did you do to him?" I demanded.

"I threw the slut out!" Kevin rasped. "I heard all about your little crush on him. Did you enjoy him?"

"You fucking asshole!" I screamed at him. "He loves you!" Kevin just glared at me. "Yes, I have a crush on him and he told me nothing was going to happen! Why? Because he loves you! I don't know why but he does!" I saw the bruise on his fist. "Oh no you didn't!"

"I fucking hit him so what!" shouted Kevin. "I'll hit him again for cheating on me too!"

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him. "Where is he?" Kevin shrugged his shoulders and I turned and headed outside. I could hear him swimming away from the shore. I panicked and ran back inside. "JC!" I shouted. "Tyler is in water!" I hit the switch to light up the back of the house. They were powerful spotlights that lit up the water too. I scanned the water and could make him out. I could tell he was getting tired. He could never make it back to the shore by himself. JC came running out along with Kevin.

"Tyler!" shouted Kevin. I saw Tyler pick up his speed and he was getting further and further away from the shore.

"Justin!" shouted JC. "The jet skis!" I nodded in agreement and took off running towards the dock. Jumping into the water I swam to the first jet ski and climbed aboard and started and tore off after him. I could hear JC behind me. In a few minutes I reached Tyler in time to see him go under.

"Tyler!" I shouted as I jumped off. I dived under the water but it was so dark I couldn't see. Diving deeper until my lungs were ready to burst. Swearing to myself I headed back up to the surface. Once there I filled my lungs with air and dived again. I saw JC was diving too and he had a underwater spot light. He pointed down and I saw him. I swam after him and grabbed his arm and started to swim up. He was getting heavy and I motioned to JC to help. He swam over and grabbed Tyler's other arm and together we made it to the surface. We could see a lot of people on the beach including an ambulance. I looked at Tyler and could see that he wasn't breathing. "JC!" I gasped out. "He isn't breathing!" By this time a rescue boat pulled up along side us. "He is not breathing!" I shouted to the emt. He nodded as dived into the water and swam up beside us.

"We've got him now," the emt said. "You two get back to shore!" I nodded and climbed back onto the ski and headed back to the shore. I could see Kevin standing there frantic. I ran the ski up the beach and jumped off onto him swinging as I went. I landed several blows when I was pulled off by JC.

"If he dies," I screamed at him. "It is your fault!" Kevin just sat on the beach sobbing into his hands. I saw the boat pull up onto the beach and the ambulance pull up to it. I stood up and headed towards it. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off.

"I'm coming with you," a voice said beside me. I looked to see it was the waiter from the club house. I looked confused for a second. "I live in the next condo." We got the boat in record time in time to see Tyler turn over coughing up water.

"Tyler!" I shouted at him. He turned towards me and I burst into tears. His whole side of the face was swollen. The emt moved aside to allow me in. He fell into my arms sobbing.

"He hates me!" he sobbed. "I tried to tell him that nothing happened but he wouldn't listen."

"Kevin is an ass," I said glaring over my shoulder. "I'm here Tyler."

"Sir?" spoke up an EMT. "We need to check him out."

"Don't leave," Tyler demanded. I took his hand and squeezed it.

"I'm not going anywhere Tyler," I said running my hand over his hair. He was shivering uncontrollably. "He is cold."

"We'll get him warm," the EMT said. "Please sir let us do our job."

"Justin," the waiter said behind me. "Come on, give them some room."

"He scared and hurting and I don't want to leave him alone," I hurled at him. I watched as they loaded him into the ambulance. I turned and headed towards the condo. Kevin tried to say something and I tried to hit him again but JC was there keeping us separated. "I hate you!" I shouted at Kevin. I sounded childish but I didn't care.

Later in the hospital.

I paced the length of the emergency room. JC was pacing right along beside me. "Justin," he pleaded. "Please sit down. You're making me tired."

"I'm worried about him," I sobbed. "I mean he can't die!"

"He isn't going to die Curly," JC said smiling at me.

"You don't understand JC," I whispered looking down as fresh tears flowed down my face. His fingers found my chin and he gently pulled my face back up. He stared into my eyes.

"Ohh my God," JC whispered. "You're in love with him." I nodded and sank to the floor. JC sank down with me resting his fore head on mine. "But you're not gay." I let out a strangled sob. "Or are you?" I nodded and fell into his arms. "Oh Curly," JC said as he stroked my hair. "What a pickle you've gotten yourself into."

"He is supposed to help me find a boyfriend," I sobbed into JC's shoulder. "We had it all planned out. We would find me a boyfriend and than we could double date. God I hate Kevin right now!"

"I'm so sorry Justin," Kevin said as he came up behind me. I looked back at him glaring at him. "I don't know what came over me. I should've known that Tyler would never cheat on me. And I know he was just being a friend to you."

"I'm not sure that he will forgive you Kevin," I hurled at him. "I'm not sure I want to forgive you either."

"Justiiinn," scolded JC. "You know you can't be that way."

"But he hurt Tyler!" I hurled at JC. "Did you see his face?" I heard Kevin choke back a sob and I threw a glare at him. JC just looked at me with that, "You know I'm right look." "OK," I grumbled. "But I don't have to like it!" I turned to Kevin. "I forgive you for hitting Tyler. But I'm not forgiving you for not trusting him!"

"Justiiinn," scolded JC again.

"No JC!" I shouted at him. "He hurt Tyler when he didn't trust him. I won't forgive him for that!"

"Is there a Justin Timberlake out here?" asked a male voice. I turned and saw a doctor standing in the doorway.

"I'm Justin," I said moving towards him.

"Mr. Jones is asking for you," he said as he held the door open for me. I walked through the door and saw Tyler laying in the bed. He was facing away from me.

"Tyler?" I asked softly. He turned over and looked at me. I was relieved to see that his face wasn't as swollen as I thought it was. His eye was black and swollen shut but that was the worst of it. "How are you feeling?" He shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

"He hates me," he sobbed.

"No he doesn't hate you Ty," I sighed. "Although I don't know why you shouldn't hate him." He looked at me like I was nuts. "I mean come on Tyler, he hit you not once but three times. Look what he did to your face."

"I love him," he whispered.

"I know you do," I said as I hugged him. "Do you want to see him?" He nodded and I swore quietly under my breath.

"I love him," he said again.

"Ok I'll get him but I'm not leaving him alone with you," I retorted.

"Thanks Justin," he smiled.

I went back out of the room and walked up to Kevin. "He is asking to see you."

"I can't see him!" Kevin blurted out. "He hates me!"

"I assure you he doesn't hate you Kevin," I hurled at him. "Now come on before I change my mind!" I grabbed his arm and pulled towards the room. Kevin reluctantly followed me into the room. I had to push him to Tyler's bed. "Here he is!" I muttered and walked to the other side of the room.

From Kevin's point of view.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was shaking like a leaf. He was facing the other side so I couldn't see his face. I reached out to touch him.

"Don't touch him!" shouted Justin. I jerked my hand back as if it had been shocked. "You lost that right when you hit him!"

"Kevin?" asked a small voice. I looked down and broke into tears. He was looking up at me with tears of his own. His left eye was swollen shut and his left cheek was swollen a little. "I'm sorry," he whimpered out. "I'm sorry I made you angry." It was to much for me. I gathered him up in my arms and held him close to me. I could feel his entire body sobbing against mine. "I'm sorry," he sobbed over and over again. I waited until he calmed down. When he was calm enough I took his chin in my hand and lifted his face to mine. I gently brushed his lips with mine. He tried to move his face away but I held it in place.

"You have done nothing to be sorry for baby," I sobbed out. "I'm the monster that didn't trust you. I'm the monster that raised a hand against you. I'm the monster that hurt you. And for that I'm sorry, and I know it isn't enough. I love you and I don't have the right to but I do. And when I saw you out in that ocean tonight almost drowning I almost died too. You scared me so bad when I saw you go under like that."

"I'm sorry Kevin," he said. "I didn't mean to scare you like that. But when you threw me out I had no where else to go. I wanted to die."

"But baby," I whispered as I laid my head against his. "You will always have me. I will never leave you." He pushed me away and glared at me with sudden anger. "I'm sorry."

"You left me tonight," he reminded me. "I almost died tonight. Why didn't you trust me?" He was getting angry and he had every right. "You threw me out!"

"I'm so sorry Tyler," I sobbed. "I was angry."

"You had no right to hit me!" he shouted at me.

"You go Tyler!" spoke up Justin. He quieted down real fast when Tyler glared at him.

"I have never let anyone hit me before in my life!" he shouted at me again. "Get out!" I backed up and turned and left the room. JC was standing outside the door.

"He threw me out," I sobbed. "He hates me."

"Well you did act like an ass tonight Kevin," JC spoke up. "Umm I think maybe you should stay somewhere else for the rest of the night."

I walked out of the hospital and into a cab and asked him to take me to the nearest hotel. I could feel Tyler drifting away from me and there was nothing I could do.

From Tyler's point of view.

"Is he gone?" I asked looking at the wall.

"Yes he is gone," Justin said quietly.

"I want to be alone," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Tyler, but I can't let you do that," Justin said as he sat on the side of the bed. I felt his arm land on my shoulder and he gently rubbed it. "You see, my friend is really hurting really bad and I can't leave him alone."

"He hit me!" I shouted. I could feel Justin jump. "He had no right!"

"I know he hit you Tyler, but he is really sorry," Justin said in Kevin's defense.

"Call the police Justin," I instructed him.

"What?" he stuttered out.

"Call the police!" I shouted at him. "I want to press charges."

"Tyler," Justin mumbled. "You don't want to do that."

"Don't tell me what I want and what I don't want!" I hurled at him.

"Answer me this one question," Justin demanded. I looked away from him. "I'm talking to you!" I turned over and faced the other way. "Do you love him?"

I thought about what he asked. I thought about the all the arguments we got into. I thought about all the kisses and the soft touches. I thought about all the talks and the lovemaking. Than I thought about the anger, and the pain when he hit me. I weighed all the good with that one bad.

"Well do you love him?" he asked again.

"Yes dammit I love him!" I shouted at him with tears flowing down my face.

"Than don't do this!" he pleaded with me. I wrapped my arms around myself hugging myself.

"I miss him," I sobbed out. "I miss his touch. I miss his arms when they hold me." Justin sat down and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. I let him hold me and it felt good and I wasn't ashamed to enjoy it. At some point I fell asleep in Justin's arms.

From Justin's point of view

I continued to hold Tyler in my arms while he slept. He was considerably smaller than I was so it was easy to hold him. I could've held him all night but I knew it wouldn't be comfortable. So I gently laid him down and pulled the blankets up around him. I heard the door open and I turned to see JC walk in.

"How is he doing?" he asked.

"He is hurting so bad," I said softly as I gently moved his hair from out of his eyes.

"Justin don't do this to yourself," JC said in a warning voice.

"Too late," I whispered as I ran my hand gently down the side of his face. I smiled when he grabbed my hand and tried to use it as a pillow. I gently removed it from him. "I've already fallen in love with him," I said turning towards him.

"Justin," JC pleaded. "He is in love with Kevin."

"Kevin hurt him," I hurled at him.

"But he still loves him," JC replied. "He is not going to forget him overnight. You heard the way they made love this morning."

"I know," I was forced to agree. "But I can't help hoping."

"Ohh Curly," JC said when he saw the tears in my eyes. "Some day you are going to find the man of your dreams."

"Until then I have to help him," I insisted. "He needs a friend right now."

"You should go home to get some rest," JC insisted.

"I don't want to leave him," I shot out stubbornly. "I can sleep on the couch."

"Ok but you have to promise me you will get some sleep," JC said pointing at me.

"Ok dad," I chuckled. "I promise to sleep." JC gave me a quick hug and left me alone with Tyler. I went to the couch and laid down.

"Justin?" asked a small voice. I looked up to see Tyler looking at me. "Umm will you hold me?"

"Sure I'll hold you," I said as I got up and climbed into bed with him and he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel him sobbing against me getting my shirt wet. But I didn't care, all that mattered was that I was holding him and comforting him.

"Please tell me what to say to make it better?" I asked.

"Make him love me?" he whimpered.

"He does love you," I reminded him.

"But I threw him out," he sobbed.

"Get some sleep Ty," I whispered in his ear. After an hour of restless tossing and turning he finally drifted off to sleep. I stayed up most of the night watching him sleep and chased the bad dreams away from him. For now at least he was sleeping peacefully.

The next morning.

From Tyler's point of view.

I had been awake for an hour now. Justin was still laying beside me sleeping soundly. I didn't have the heart to wake him. The door opened and Kevin came in. He glared at the sight of Justin sleeping next to me but didn't say anything. It was obvious to anyone that Justin and I didn't do anything. He was a gentleman all through the night sleeping on top of the blankets. Poor guy looked cold so I laid my blankets over him. "We need to talk," I stated breaking the silence. Kevin nodded and sat on the couch and patted the seat beside him. I choose instead to remain seated up in bed. "You didn't have to hit me," I stated. Kevin opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him. "I'm not done!" I barked at him. He lowered his head looking at his feet. "If you had waited a few more seconds you would've gotten the entire story. You would've known that I let him down gently and told him that I loved you and only you."

"I'm sorry," Kevin started. "I should've listen to you. I never met to hurt you. But when I saw how happy you were wit Justin and how good you to got along I got angry and came to the wrong conclusion."

"You don't have much faith in me do you?" I demanded. "You expect me to want to continue this realationship knowing that you do not trust me? How would you like if I didn't trust you? And believe me, I have reasons not to trust you!" Ok that got his attention.

"You don't trust me?" he asked hurt.

"If you would listen, instead of just hearing what you want to hear you would've heard what I said. I said I have reason not to trust you but I do trust you." Ok so he looked confused and I had to smile at his confused look on his face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he yelped out. I got up and went to his side and sat down next to him.

"It means that even though you are married and are always surrounded by good looking boys with your music I still trust you. I know in my heart that you would never cheat on me."

"Oh," he stuttered.

"Now we have to figure out where to go from here," I said looking into his eyes. "As much as I want to pack up my things and high tail it out of here I can't." I heard him breath a sigh of relief. "But we are no where near where we were before. Understand this, I will not be involved in an abusive relationship! Last night was a once and only thing. You raise your hand against me in anger and I will have your ass thrown in jail. Backstreet Boy or not!" Kevin nodded not saying anything. He looked so sad sitting there that I couldn't help it. I leaned forward and gently kissed him on his lips. His eyes popped open in surprise. I smiled at him and stood up and made my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I was done I headed back out to see Justin up and glaring at Kevin. Kevin was looking at the floor. "Justiiin," I scolded him lightly. "Your face is going to freeze like that." That did it, his face broke into a smile. "Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Very," he said blushing. I heard Kevin sigh heavily but I let it pass.

"We need to talk," I said as I nodded at the two of them. Both of them nodded but didn't say anything. "But not now because I need some time alone for now."

"But--," Justin started.

"No buts!" I ordered. "Give me some room!"

"I think that is wise for all of us," spoke a voice. I looked back and saw JC walk through the door. "Why don't the three of us go for breakfast and let Tyler have some time for himself." Justin did not look happy about leaving me alone and neither did Kevin. "This is not up for discussion!" JC barked. Justin sighed and stomped out of the room. Kevin came up to me and took me in his arms.

"I love you Tyler," he whispered as he bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I don't want to loose you."

"You haven't lost me Kevin, I just need a couple of hours to myself is all," I said. "No go eat some breakfast and don't fight with Justin, this is all new to him and he is scared and needs our support." Kevin didn't look convinced. "Kevin, please don't be hard on him. He didn't choose to have a crush on me it just happened." Kevin sighed and nodded. I gave him another kiss and pushed him gently towards the door. "Bring me back some real food."

An hour later they came back and Kevin looking much happier. Even Justin had a smile on his face. Maybe Kevin was able to work things out with Justin. Kevin was also carrying a container had real food in it. "You all right?" Kevin asked as he handed me the container.

"Food first than talk," I barked as I opened the container and started to eat. I had to put up with some teasing from the three of them but it was worth it. After I was done I patted the side of the bed for Kevin to sit next to me. He sat down and I wrapped my arms around is waist and snuggled closer to him. I wrinkled my nose at his smell. It was obvious he didn't shower this morning. "You didn't shower this morning dear," I scolded him.

"I couldn't sleep very well last night with out you," he mumbled. I looked up at Justin who was trying real hard not to appear upset.

"You are my friend," I said to him. "I love Kevin and nothing will change that." He nodded and looked out the window to hide the tears. "I want to help you find a boyfriend still. I think it will be fun."

"Your boyfriend is not very subtle," Justin giggled. "He pratically announced to the world that I was available."

"I did not!" I said in my defense. "All I did is get the phone number for you from that waiter." Kevin let out a giggle. "Well it is true!" I grumbled looking down pouting.

"I know you did sweetheart," he said lightly kissing me on the top of my head. "When do they let you out of here?"

"There are supposed let me go this morning. Than we can go home," I noticed when I said home JC looked down the floor. "Umm what is going on?"

"Well umm JC kinda threw me out last night," Kevin said softly. I looked at JC.

"I thought it was a good idea at first," JC said. "Kevin you can move back in if you want." Kevin nodded his thanks and went back to me.

"I want to go home!" I complained looking at the clock.

"I'll go see what the hold up is," Justin said stepping outside. When he was gone I turned to JC.

"He is really upset by this, you have to help him," I instructed JC.

"I don't know where to begin," JC stammered. "He wasn't really that supportive of me when I first came out."

"That was him, you are not him. He values your friendship more than anything. Please JC let him know that you are there for him," JC nodded and headed outside to see what was keeping Justin. When we were all alone I turned to Kevin. I noticed that he was staring at me. I could see the pain in his eye. He walked to me and gently laid his hand on the side of my face where my shiner was. It was still tender and I moaned softly when his hand came in contact with it. He choked back a sob when he heard me moan.

"I am so sorry," he sobbed out. "Tell me what to do to make the pain go away."

"Tell me that you love me," I asked.

"I love you Tyler," he sniffled. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Please forgive me for hurting you."

"Of course I forgive you," I smiled as I stole a quick kiss from him. (Here is a hint, I love to steal kisses.) Kevin smiled and kissed me again. "A few more million of those can always help." He laughed softly as he sat down. The door open and the Doctor came in.

"Well Tyler, are you ready to blow this joint?" he asked looking at my chart.

"You know I am," I said grinning.

"Well I'm going to let you out but you have to promise me you will take it easy for a few days. You inhaled a lot of sea water and you are weak from your ordeal. So I want you to get plenty of rest," the doctor said as he made some notes in my chart. When he was done he left me alone. I swung my legs out of bed to put on my clothes than I remembered that I didn't have any. They took them off when I got pulled out of the water. I turned to look at Kevin and he was standing there with a pair of sweats.

"I thought you might need these," he smiled. I took them from him and put them on. In no time we were ready to go. "Let's get you home where I can take care of you."

"Oh and just what do you have planned?" I asked grinning.

"Well when lovers have their first big fight there is usually a big make up scene," he said with a smile. "And I want to make up with you in a big way."

"Does this involve a lot of sex?" I asked.

"Well not for today," he said and I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. "The doctor wants you to rest. So I am making it my personal mission to baby you all day and make sure you get plenty of rest."

"As long as you are with me," I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm not going any where sweetie," he cooed as he kissed the top of my head.

Later that afternoon.

I woke up wrapped in comforters and wrapped in Kevin's arms. I was so comfortable that I didn't want to wake up. But some little brat kept kissing me on the neck. "So my sweetie is finally awake," he said in a deep and sexy voice.

"Don't want to wake up," I grumbled.

"I promise you can go back to sleep after you eat something," he said.

"Not hungry," I grumbled some more. "Just want to sleep with you all day." He chuckled softly and slid out of bed. I made a grab for him but missed.

"I'll be back with your lunch," he said as he slipped out of the room. I pouted while I waited for him to return. The door open and I smiled in anticipation of him. I was disappointed by a head of curly blonde hair.

"You are not Kevin," I pouted. He just grinned and sat next to me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. I yawned in his face and he laughed some. "Ok so you are tired."

"I'm feeling somewhat better," I said as I looked at the door longingly.

"He will be back after he brings you your lunch," Justin said in a sassy tone. I lightly slapped him on his arm. "I can't help feeling this way Tyler. He really hurt you last night and you are just going to forgive him?"

"I can't help how I feel," I retorted. "I love him. Now why did you really come in for?"

"Cory asked me out!" he said grinning with glee.

"Who is this Cory?" I asked confused.

"Hello?" demanded Justin. "Remember last night? Really cute waiter, you got me his number?"

"Ohhh him," I smiled back. "So what are you going to wear?" Justin's eyes popped open in pure panic. "Haven't thought of that did you?"

"Oh man!" whined Justin as he headed for the door. "I'm never going to find anything to wear in time. He ran out of the room almost running into Kevin. "Oops sorry, Kev," he shouted out.

"What is the big rush?" Kevin asked as he sat a tray down on the bed.

"Justin has a date," I giggled. Kevin's eyes shot up in surprise. "And he is throwing a fit because he doesn't have anything to wear." I busted up laughing when I heard Justin swearing in the other room. Kevin got up and closed the door so we could have some privacy.

"Now let's feed you," he grinned as he lifted the lid off of the tray. He had a bowl of chicken soup and grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of milk.

"I can't eat all of that," I complained.

"Yes you can," he insisted as he started to feed me lunch. I could tell that he wanted to spoil me so I let him. A half an hour later we could still hear Justin swearing in the other room. Kevin finally rolled his eyes. "I'm going to see what his problem is. I'll be right back." Kevin stood up and took the tray away and set it on the bedside stand and walked out of the room. In about five minutes later he came back in with a ticked off look on his face.

"What is wrong Kev?" I asked.

"His majesty wants me to take him shopping!" he grumbled. "JC took his car and he wants to go shopping."

"Why don't you go?" I asked rubbing his arm.

"I want to stay with you," he pouted. "I promised you I would take care of you all day."

"I'm going to go back to sleep and you will be back in no time and than you can join me," I said as I sat up and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Ok I'll go but I'm not happy about it!" he grumbled.

"This will be good time for you to make up with Justin," I reminded him.

"Do I have too?" he asked giving me a very good impression of a puppy dog face.

"Yes dear you do," I said with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Ok I will but only because it will make you happy," he smiled as he bent down and kissed me lightly on the nose. "Now go back to sleep!" he ordered me as he headed out. I sighed as I heard the car start up and it back out of the drive. Getting up I grabbed the comforter and Pillow and headed out into the living room. It was a nice day so I decided to go out onto the deck and lie down on one of the lounges. It was chilly so I covered my self up with the comforter and put the pillow behind my head. I laid back and enjoyed the sunshine and sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore. In no time the combination of the fresh air and the waves I was out like a light.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Oh oh oh Kevin!" exclaimed a hyper Justin. I rolled my eyes and turned around the looked over at Justin. He was pointing in the window of a pet store. I looked over his shoulder and my heart melted the instant I saw it. There standing on his wobbly legs was the scruffiest cutest little kitten I had ever laid eyes on. I watched as the sales clerk took the last of his brother or sister. I watched as the little guy wondered around the cage looking for his siblings. I watched as his mouth opened wide as he cried for attention. I made up my mind at that moment what I was going to do. I walked into the shop and went up the clerk.

"I want to buy that kitten in the window," I said.

"I must warn you he is the runt of the litter," the sales clerk stated.

"He needs a loving home and I can give him one. Now how much do you want for it?" I asked.

"Well the rest were going for 75 a piece so I guess I can let him go for 35 dollars," he bargained.

"I'll take him." A few minutes later I was the proud owner of a kitty. Justin looked at me like I was nuts. "I know who will love him," I smiled.

"Tyler?" Justin asked me. I nodded and Justin grinned and shook his head.

"What?" I asked.

"You and Tyler are big mushpots!" he giggled. I just grinned and kept walking. "Kevin?" he asked in a serious tone. I nodded for him to continue. "Why did you hit Tyler so hard?"

"Justin, can we not discuss this right now?" I pleaded with him.

"I care deeply for him and can't stand to see him hurt," Justin replied.

"You have my word that I will never intentionaly hurt him again," I promised him.

"What if you fly off the handle and hit him again?" demanded Justin.

"That is not going to happen!" I hissed through clenched teeth. "I love him to much and wouldn't do that to him again!" Justin seemed to buy that and choose not to say anything else. We climbed into the car and headed back to the beach house. The ride was pretty much silent the whole way with the occasional meow from the kitty. Justin made it his mission to keep the little fella occupied. I had to smile at his devotion. "Speaking of Mush pots," I giggled. Justin just grinned and held the kitten and waved it's paw at me. I just shook my head and pulled into the driveway of the beach house. I saw that JC had returned. I climbed out of the car and retrieved the little kitten from Justin while he got his many bags and we trudged up to the house. Once there I walked into the front door.

"Where is Tyler?" I asked JC. JC pointed to the back porch and I frowned and headed out. I opened the door and saw him stretched out on one of the lounges. Grinning I snuck up to him and laid the kitty on his chest. The little guy begin to snoop around Tyler. I had a hard time not laughing at the little guy when he lightly boxed Tyler's nose. Moved his head to the side to avoid the curious little guy. I sat down to watch the Kitty trying to wake up Tyler.

From Tyler's Point of view.

"Ok what is trying to take my nose off?" I thought to myself in my sleep. I could feel a furry little paw boxing my nose. I opened my eyes to see the cutest little face peering down at me. It was kitty! I heard the deep soft chuckling of Kevin off to the side. I sat up and picked up the little furball.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Squeak!" meowed the kitty. I busted up laughing.

"He squeaks when he meows!" I giggled.

"He is a runt of the litter," Kevin chuckled. "He was all alone and I couldn't just leave him there. So I got him for you." The kitten started to chew on my finger.

"Ohh poor little guy is hungry!" I cooed at him. He blinked his eyes at me and squeaked again. "Ok Squeaky," I laughed. "We'll get you something to eat."

"I will get him something to eat," Kevin said. "You and Squeaky stay here and get aquainted." Kevin headed into the house to get our new family member something to eat.

"Ok Squeaky want to tell me about yourself?" I asked. He just looked up at me and blinked his little eyes and curled up in my lap and promptly went to sleep. The door opened and Kevin stepped through and with a bowl of something. I held my finger to my lips and he knelt down and looked at Squeaky. "He is sleeping." I leaned over and kissed Kevin lightly on the nose. "Thank you for getting him."

"Justin was the one who found him first," Kevin told me. "He was so lonely standing there in that huge cage looking around for his siblings that I had to get him."

"Well he is a cutie," I smiled as I ran my fingers over his soft fur.

"How are you feeling?" Kevin asked me.

"I'm all slept out," I said looking up at him. He frowned looking at the shiner that I had. "I forgive you Kevin."

"I can't help it Tyler," he whispered. "I shouldn't have hit you like that."

"Let's go for a walk," I said as I got up.

"But should you be walking?" Kevin asked worried.

"I'm fine Kevin," I waved him off. "It is not like I'm going to run a marathon." I set Squeaky in his cage and took Kevin's hand and we headed down to the beach. "Do you have problem with people forgiving you?"

"No," Kevin said.

"Than why can't you accept the fact that I forgive you and move on?" I asked bluntly.

"Maybe I can't forgive myself," he mumbled. I could tell that something else was bothering him.

"You want to tell me what is going on?" I asked. "I promise I will understand."

"Kristin called me this afternoon," he mumbled as he kicked the sand.

"And?" I prodded him.

"She wants me to come home," he replied.

"When?" I asked trying not to let it show that my heart was breaking.

"Tonight," he said. "I have to be home for a photo shoot and an interview."

"When will you come back?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "I see." Turning on my heels I headed back to the house. I could hear him calling after me. My worst nightmare had come true. I was stuck in a relationship with a married man and it had come back to haunt me by slapping me in the face with it.


Next: Chapter 5: Lone Ranger or Zorro 15 16

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