Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jun 28, 2001


Lone Ranger or Zorro Copy right 2000

By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with out the permission of the author, with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

Comments welcome at frnceso@yahoo.com

Special Warning: Read!!!

This Installment contains a rape scene. If this bothers you might want to skip those areas of the story.

I made it to the first step leading up to the deck when I felt the touch of his hand on my arm. I tried to shrug it off but he wouldn't let go. "Let go," I ordered him.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," Kevin replied. "Not until we talk this out." I sighed and sat down on the step. Kevin sat down next to me and put his arm around me. "I love you." I nodded not saying anything. "You know I have to do this."

"I know you do," I grumbled. "But I don't have to like it."

"Just remember this," he said as he looked into my eyes. I was struck by how intense his eyes were. "You will be the one I am thinking about when I am with her."

"Will you be sharing her bed?" I asked immediately regretting that I asked that.

"No," Kevin said flatly. "We have separate rooms." It took me a while to accept the fact that I did know what I was getting myself into. Kevin did warn me that days would come up like this. "Come with me?" I looked at him like he was nuts. "I love you and I don't want to be without you."

"You know that is impossible Kevin," I muttered. I could hear Squeaky meowing in the background. He had woken from his nap and was ready for more attention. "How would it look if an openly gay man came to your house. People would ask questions." Kevin swore quietly under his breath.

"I don't care what they think or what questions they ask. I want you at my side!" He was getting angry again and the same fear that I experienced last night was coming back to haunt me. "So will you come with me?" I looked into his eyes and saw that underneath the anger was love and yearning. I knew I was going to regret this but I knew it was best for both of us. I took his hands in mine and brought them up to my lips and graced them with a kiss.

"No," I said gently. Kevin tried to pull away but I firmly held him in place. I guess all those years wrestling with horses paid off. "I'll let you go when you understand why I am doing this." Kevin nodded but his eyes were flashing with anger. I could tell that he wasn't in the mood to listen to me. I leaned forward and cradled his cheeks and pressed my lips to his. After a few seconds of some intense kissing on my part Kevin finally responded. When we broke apart he had his eyes closed with a dreamy look on his face. When he opened them the anger was gone. "There much better," I smiled as I got up from the back steps and went to Squeaky's cage and reached in and took him out. I than sat on the porch swing and patted the seat beside me. Kevin sat down and Squeaky decided that he wanted to explore Kevin's lap. So he made his way over to Kevin and started to climb up Kevin's arm. The expression of Kevin's face was priceless. I laughed as I gently removed Squeaky from Kevin's arm. "I think you will like it better right here in daddy's lap," I said to the little fur ball. He just looked up and squeaked again and curled up in my lap. Sighing I turned to Kevin and saw him looking out over the ocean. "Kevin?" I asked softly. No answer. "Kev?" I prodded again. This time he turned and looked at me. "You are a famous person. And you are married. People are going to look at me and be able to tell at once that I am head over heels in love with you. There is no hiding it from anyone. I'm an open book when it comes to showing how I feel. I don't want to put you or the group at risk. I won't do that."

"But this was supposed to be your vacation," he replied. "I feel terrible that I have to cut out on you like this."

"I'll be fine. I'm sure that Justin and JC will make sure that I enjoy myself," I comforted Kevin.

"That is what I'm afraid of," he mumbled. "I have to admit that I'm not too comfortable with leaving you hear alone with Justin."

"Kevin," I sighed. "Look at me." Kevin turned his head towards me. "I can take care of Justin. And I don't think we have to worry about him anyway. He is hung up on Cory any way."

"Tell me about it," Kevin grumbled. "And I thought I shopped like crazy. That boy has me beat by a long shot." The sliding glass door opened and we looked back to see who it was.

"WOW!" I exclaimed. "You look hot!" Justin blushed and looked down at his feet. "So you ready for your date?"

"Ummm I guess so," he stammered. He reached for Squeaky and I handed him over to Justin. I don't think that Squeaky was too happy about being handed over to someone else. But after a few seconds he was purring loudly. "What if he doesn't like me?"

"We already know that he does like you. So what are you worried about?" I asked.

"Umm what if he wants to have um well you know," he stammered looking very uncomfortable.

"Sex?" I asked grinning. Justin cringed at the word. "What?" I asked grinning.

"Do you have to say that word?" he asked blushing until I thought his head would pop.

"What is wrong with the word SEX?" I asked. I could feel Kevin shaking with laughter. "Kevin?" I asked innocently. "Is Sex a bad word?"

"No Tyler honey," he snickered. "There is nothing wrong with the word SEX!" Justin let out a groan.

"Come on you two," he grumbled.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You two are used to having sex and well I'm ummm," he stammered looking out over into the ocean. I could sense that Kevin was about to tease him some more but I stopped him with a look. Getting up I put my arms around Justin. He jerked away walking over to the railing.

"There is nothing wrong with being a virgin Justin," I said softly. "What you have is a gift. And you shouldn't just give it away like it is nothing."

"Tyler is right Justin," Kevin spoke up. "I made that mistake a long time ago. I still regret doing it. But most of all I regret taking someone else's virginity when I had no right. Don't ever feel pressured to have sex. No boyfriend is worth having if he doesn't respect you and your virginity."

"But what if we both want to do it?" he asked. I could tell that we were confusing Justin. It was obvious that he wanted to be accepted by Cory. And I could tell that he was ready to do anything to get Cory's acceptance. "I mean he is very good looking."

"Yes Cory is very good looking guy but, you have to be ready," I replied.

"How will I know?" he asked scrunching up his nose.

"Trust me Justin, you will know when it is right for you. In the mean time just have fun getting to know each other. I can tell the Cory likes you for Justin Timberlake the person. He isn't going to take advantage of your fame," I tried to sooth him. "Take your time, enjoy the dating process. Sex is great and it the greatest expression of love. Don't cheapen by casting it away as a play thing. Cory will understand if you need to wait."

"Thank you Tyler," Justin smiled as he gave me a quick hug. We heard the door open and out stepped Cory. I almost laughed at his very nervous expression. It was obvious that he was just in as bad as shape as Justin was. "Wow!" exclaimed Justin. "You look great!" That seemed to ease Cory's mind a little.

"Ummm yea umm so do you," he stammered. "Umm you ready to go?"

"Yea I guess, umm where are we going?" Justin asked.

"I thought we go to dinner and a movie," Cory replied as his lips turned up in a small grin when Justin turned over Squeaky to me. "He is a cute little guy."

"Thank you," I replied as I cradled Squeaky in my arms. "Kevin gave him to me."

"Well Justin is the one who found him," Kevin spoke up. "He looked so lonely that I couldn't resist getting him."

"Well it looks like he has a good home," Cory said as he gently scratched behind Squeaky's ear. Squeaky immediately started to purr loudly.

"Umm we should get going," Justin stammered.

"OK," Cory smiled as he stepped to Justin's side.

"You guys have fun," I smiled. "Don't stay out to late."

"Tyler dear," Kevin teased me. "You sound like a parent." This sent Justin and Cory into a fit of laughter. "Have fun you two. We have to go in now." Kevin gently but firmly guided me into the house. "I want to say good bye to you properly," he whispered in my ear.

"Ewww!" I grinned. "I like the sound of that!"

"You will have to excuse those two," Justin giggled. "They've been like that since they got here." Finally Kevin and I were inside and I found myself being gently dragged to our room. I also found my clothes being removed.

Chapter 16

"OOHHHH KEVIN!" I moaned loudly as he eased into me for the second time today. My body was covered in sweat and cum. Kevin was covered in sweat too. "God Kevin!" I groaned again as he pulled out and slammed into me. He reached into between my legs and took my cock in his hands. It was still tender from the last two orgasms and I whimpered from the sensitive touch.

"You like that?" he grinned at me as he continued to ride me. "Let me make you cum again?" he pleaded looking deep into my eyes. The lust was so powerful that it shook me to the core. I reached up and ran my fingers over his slick chest marveling at how tight and hard his pecs were.

"God you are so beautiful," I breathed as he smiled down at me. "I could lie in your arms forever." I could feel him shuddering as the orgasm overtook him. I gathered him into my arms holding him close as his body was overcome with the orgasm. I was so intent on taking care of him that I didn't even realize that I had cum too. It was only after he broke away from me did I realize that I had cum too. "Wow!" I breathed as I tried to catch my breath. "That was great." Kevin bent down and captured my lips in a gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. After kissing for a few moments we broke apart.

"Let's get cleaned up shall we?" Kevin asked as he kissed me lightly on the nose. Together we got up and made our way to the shower.

Later that evening from Kevin's point of view.

"I don't want to go," I pouted as Tyler held me in his arms. "I want to stay here with you all night long."

"But your wife and the rest of the group is expecting you," Tyler reminded and smiled down at me. "You promised me you will call every day right?" I nodded not trusting myself to comment further. "Oh yea and ask Nick to give me a call. I want to know how Travis is doing."

"Any more instructions dear?" I asked grinning up at him. He pouted down at me when I started teasing him.

"I can't help it," he grumbled. "I miss that horse!" I giggled at his defensive comment.

"I know you do sweetie," I whispered as I played with his chest. I could tell that I was getting him excited again. Giggling softly I scooted down so that I was face to face with his cock. "Hmmm," I giggled. "Looks like he wants to play some more." I very quickly grabbed the head with my lips and sucked the rest of him into my mouth. I closed my eyes with joy when I heard the soft whimper from Tyler as I continued my assault on his already tired Cock.

After he came in my mouth I cleaned him up and pulled to blankets up around him. I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Goodbye my love," I whispered. I looked one last time at him curled up in bed sleeping. I had to laugh softly when I saw a yellow little fur ball making his way to Tyler's pillow. Closing the door to the bedroom I headed out into the living room and saw JC sitting in the bay window looking out over the ocean. "I'm leaving now," I said softly. "He is asleep for now."

"We'll take care of him for you," JC smiled at me. "Umm he will have the house alone to himself tonight because I'm going out to discuss some business." I nodded and gave him a quick hug and left. Some thing in the back of my head was yelling stay!!! But I had a job to do and the sooner I did it the sooner I could get home to Tyler. Starting the engine I backed out of the drive and drove up the road to the airport.

Chapter 16

Much later the from Tyler's point of view.

I woke up and opened my eyes only to find out that I couldn't see. Panic raged through my body as I struggled to sit only to find that I was tied to the bed.

"I wouldn't try that again if you know what is good for you," snickered a voice. "Oh and don't try screaming for help because no one will hear you."

"Who are you?" I demanded. My head was in a fog and I couldn't get my bearings. "Why are you doing this?" It was only at that time did I realize that my voice was slurred. I was drugged, that much my foggy brain was able to decipher. I struggled against the bounds only to be punched in the face. Pain raged through my face and I could taste blood.

"Don't struggle!" he shouted. I felt a weight on my chest and smelt the unmistakable scent of male scent. I felt the head of a cock trying to get access to my mouth. I clenched my teeth shut only to get punched again. "You are going to fucking suck my cock cause if you don't I'm gonna continue to beat the shit out of you! And no biting!" I opened my mouth only to have his cock ram roughly into my mouth. Immediately he started to ram in and out of it. Each time he rammed in his pubic hair would smash against my nose. I tried to breath but had a hard time. "You like that don't you?" he rasped. "You like being fucked like a pig don't you?" He continued to fuck my face like some common street whore. "Oh yea!" he growled. "You think you are so hot with your big shot boyfriend. You think you are so great! Well I'm going to show you just what kind of trash you really are!" By now he had my hair in his hands and he was thrusting harder and harder. I could feel his cock swelling and I knew that he was going to shoot soon. I didn't want to swallow his load but was afraid of what he would do if I didn't. Than it happened. The first blast hit me in the back of the throat. I gagged and tried to spit it out but his fists came smashing into my face. "Fucking swallow faggot!" he screamed as he continued to shoot down my throat. I continued to gag and he continued to hit me. At some point I blacked out.

I came to later to find that I was still on my back with my ankles up in the air. I was still blindfolded but I could think clearer. "Help" I shouted and struggled to get free.

"Hold him down!" he shouted.

"Oh God!" I thought to myself. "He has friends." I winced as I felt the hot point of the needle jab in my arm.

"Can't have him coming too now can we," he sneered.

"Yea!" laughed one of his goons. "Not when the fun is just getting started. Fuck him man!" I could feel them slapping their cocks against my face. I could even the feel the splash of cum hitting me in the face as they jacked off in it. "Come on man!" leered one of them. "Bite im!" I groaned in pain as the lead rapist sank his teeth into my shoulder. I screamed again as they continued to bite into my flesh. "Come on! Make him squeal like a fucking pig. Shove that cock up his ass!" I screamed in pain as he rammed his cock into my ass. I could feel my rectum tearing with each plunge. I lost count how many times I screamed. I screamed until my voice was hoarse. "Shut up!" shouted one of his friends. "Here shove it in his mouth, that will shut him up!" A fist roughly shoved a pair of boxers in my mouth gagging me but also shutting me up. The rape session went on for what seemed like hours. After one would finish raping me the other would jump in and take over. The only thought that came to mind was Kevin. I wanted and needed him so bad. The pain was so bad that I just wanted to end. Retreating back to my child hood I remembered a trick I used to play to get my way. I stopped breathing, refusing to take a breath until my lungs were ready to burst. I could tell by the silence in the room that they realized that something was wrong. "Ohh fuck!" shouted one of them. "He stopped breathing!" In their panic one of them tore off the blindfold. The lead rapist's face swam into view. I saw his face and I knew who he was. Hurt and anger raged through my tortured body. He saw the confusion on my face from my drug induced state. I wondered if it was the drugs that was playing tricks on my mind.

"Why!" I screamed in my head. "Why?" I demanded again in silence. One of the rapists hit me in the head with something. It was at that point that I blacked out.

From Justin's point of view.

"I had a good time," I said to Cory as we walked up the drive. I looked into the windows and saw that it was dark.

"I had a good time too Justin," Cory said looking down at his feet. "Umm can I um," he stopped talking and looked up at me with a pleading look in his face.

"Yes?" I asked smiling at him. He looked down as if gathering up his nerve to say something.

"Can I kiss you?" He blurted out. I almost laughed but didn't, instead I nodded quietly. He leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips against mine. The minute his lips touched mine I was hooked. IT was an innocent kiss very light and gentle. No tongue or anything. In a second it was over. I was standing there with my eyes closed and he started to giggle. "Umm I'm done."

"Do it again?" I pleaded. He chuckled and I found his lips against mine again. This time I took some of the control from him as I brought my hands up to his face and gently cradled it. It was at that point that I heard it. A soft whimper coming from the house. It started so soft and quiet that I almost didn't hear it. Than it grew to a primal howl. I broke away and looked at the condo. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "That is Tyler." I grabbed Cory's hand and pulled him up on the porch and jammed the key into the lock and wrenched the door open and ran through the house. The cries were coming from the guest bedroom. I opened the door and walked in. Tyler was curled up in a fetal position screaming at the top of his lungs. His face was all bruised and swollen. There were bite marks and marks all over his body. He was naked and that was when it hit me. He had been raped. I ran over to him and touched him on the shoulder.

"Get away from me!" he screamed at me as he cowered to the corner of the bed. I tried to touch him again only this time Cory stopped me.

"Let me!" he ordered as he sat down on the bed. "Tyler?" he asked in a gentle voice. "We are not going to hurt you. We are here to help you." Tyler continued to whimper quietly but he was a lot calmer.

"Kevin?" he asked softly.

"Kevin is out of town," I said. "Will you let us help you?"

"Justin?" He asked in a small voice.

"Yea buddy, it's me," I replied as I crawled in beside him. "I'm here, will you let us help you?"

"They raped me," He sobbed out. "They wouldn't stop!" He was sobbing again as he looked around. Both of his eyes were swollen shut. My heart gave out and tears started to flow. I notice that Cory was on his cell phone. I gently put my arms around Tyler holding him and talking softly too him.

"I'm here, and no one is going to hurt you," I whispered in his ear. "I'm so sorry this happened." By now he had stopped crying and was just quiet staring blankly at the wall. I heard a squeaking and looked down to see Squeaky sitting on the floor looking up at me. "Squeaky is here, do you want to hold him?" I asked. He nodded but not saying anything. I picked up Squeaky and placed him in his arms.

"I've called the police and ambulance," Cory said as he placed a light sheet over Tyler's shivering body. "The police says not to let him take a shower. They will need to collect evidence."

"NO!" Tyler screamed. "I don't want anyone touching me!"

"Tyler baby," I said softly. "You've been raped. They have to check you out and collect evidence. If they don't catch the bastard then he will do it again."

"I want Kevin!" he wailed out. I reached for my phone and dialed Kevin's cell but got his voice mail. I left a message telling him to call as soon as he got this message. I could hear the police and ambulance sirens screaming towards the condo. Tyler heard it too and struggled to get out my arms. I held him tight. "Let me go!" he demanded.

"No!" I shouted at him. "You are going to the hospital!"

"I don't want anyone to see me like this," he sobbed out. I looked over at Cory for help. He walked to the other side of Tyler and pulled him into his arms.

"Tyler?" he asked in a soft voice. "Look at me please?" Tyler slowly looked into Cory's eyes and I could see the love and concern in Cory's eyes. "Justin and I will be with you every step of the way. You will never be alone and no one is going to hurt you. Will you let us take you to the hospital?"

"Kevin?" he pleaded again. Tears flowed down my face. I took Cory's place.

"Tyler?" I asked softly. "Kevin isn't answering his phone right now. But I promise you I will keep on trying." The door opened and the paramedics came in with a stretcher. Cory got up and quietly told them what had happened. I could tell that Tyler was frightened. One of the paramedics who was a female came up to him.

"Tyler?" she asked softly. "We have to check you over and access your injuries. Will you let us do that?" Tyler looked over at me with fear in his eyes. "Justin can stay with you for the entire thing. We will not let you be alone." He nodded and closed his eyes as they poked and prodded him. The male paramedic checked his rectum and when he gently pulled the cheeks apart I head him gasp and turn to throw up in the waste basket. I looked at Tyler and saw the tears flowing down his face. I used my thumb to gently wipe them free.

"Kevin," he sobbed again. Sighing I got up and dialed the number again. Again I got the voice mail. I looked back at Tyler and shook my head no. He just nodded and retreated to silence as the paramedics continued to check him out. About fifteen minutes later we were on the way to the hospital. Tyler insisted on me riding with him in the ambulance. Cory, being a sweetheart followed in the car.

An hour later I walked into the hospital room they had for Tyler. He had been cleaned up, his wounds dressed and he looked a little better. He wasn't talking, he was just sitting in bed looking down at his fingers. I touched his shoulder and he moved away. I heard the phone ring and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Justin?" asked Kevin's voice. "What is wrong?"

"It is Tyler, you need to get here as soon as you can," I answered him.

"What happened? He demanded again with force. I could hear the stress in his voice. I closed my eyes tight and shook my head.

"Kevin?" asked Tyler again.

"Justin!" Kevin spoke loudly. "Give the phone to Tyler!" I handed the receiver to Tyler.

"Kevin?" Tyler asked in a small voice. I could see his shoulders trembling with agony. "I'm so sorry Kevin," he sobbed out.

"Tyler honey," Kevin said softly. "What is wrong?"

"Come home please?" Tyler begged.

"I'll be there as soon as possible baby, but you need to tell me what is wrong," Kevin insisted.

"I feel so dirty," Tyler sobbed out. "I couldn't get them to stop. They had me tied down and they kept doing it." Tyler was sobbing loudly now and you could barely understand what he was saying. I took the phone from him and held it to my ear.

"Ohh God Tyler," Kevin sobbed. "What did they do to you?"

"Kevin," I said. "You need to wrap up what you are doing and get back here as soon as possible. Tyler's been ganged raped." I could hear the strangled sob from Kevin and I heard him drop the phone. I waited patiently for him to pick it back up. I could hear him gagging in the background and than a voice came back on the line.

"Justin?" It was Nick. "What is going on? Kevin is hysterical and puking his guts out."

"Can you fly out with Kevin?" I asked.

"Yea, I think I can get away. Kevin and I were first for the shoot so I guess we are free," Nick replied. "Justin what happened."

"Just get here as soon as possible. We are Key West General," I replied. "Don't let Kevin travel alone."

"Ok Justin, I won't let him travel alone. But I really need to know what is going on," Nick insisted.

"Tyler has been raped," I said softly. I could hear Nick gasp in shock.

"Is he hurt?" He asked in a strained voice.

"He was beaten up pretty bad but I'm to worried about the physical aspects of the attack. I'm more worried about the emotional ones. Please Nick, he has been begging for Kevin ever since I found him." I looked over at Tyler and was pleased to see him sleeping.

"Justin," Kevin spoke up. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was still very upset. "Let me talk to Tyler."

"He just fell asleep," I told Kevin.

"Just hold the phone up to his ear," Kevin requested. I put the phone up to his ear. I could hear what Kevin was saying. "Tyler baby," he sobbed out. "I'm on my way baby, I promise I will be there in three hours. Hang on baby." I heard the phone click and I looked down at Tyler and saw the relief and tension ease from his face. I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. He moaned Kevin's name and turned over and continued to sleep. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned and looked into Cory's eyes. I fell into his arms and let him hold me. The door opened and we heard JC cry out.

"OH my God!" he exclaimed. "What happened?"

"Tyler's been raped JC," I whispered finally allowing the tears to fall. Cory held me in his arms and let me cry.

"How? Why? Who?" JC stuttered out as he walked to the side of the bed and ran his hand along the side of Tyler's face. I shook my head not knowing how to answer his questions for I had no answers to give him. Tyler jerked away in his sleep. "Does Kevin know?" I nodded and gently broke away and sat down next to JC.

"He is on his way with Nick," I said.

"Why is Nick coming?" JC asked.

"Kevin is a wreck and he shouldn't be traveling alone," I explained as I broke into a huge yawn.

"Justin, you should go home and get some rest," JC encouraged me. I shook my head no. "You've been through hell Curly, go home and get some sleep. I'll stay here with him."

"JC is right Justin," Cory's sweet voice spoke up. "I'll drive you home." I nodded quietly and kissed Tyler on the forehead and took Cory's hand.

"Take care of him JC," I ordered him. He nodded quietly and sat down on the sofa next to the bed. "Call me if he gets upset."

It is early in the morning when a lone cab pulls up to the hospital main entrance. Two figures get out and rush into the building.

From Kevin's point of view.

Standing outside Tyler's room I pause and look down. Just beyond that door my baby was in there hurting and in so much pain. I almost turned and took off but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. "He needs you Kev," spoke Nick. "Don't you even think of running."

"I wouldn't do that Nick!" I retorted and grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. JC was sitting quietly at Tyler's bedside. Tyler was asleep but I could still feel the pain in his eyes. My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw the bruises on his face. Both eyes were swollen shut. His left cheek was swollen really bad. I guess I let out a sob because JC jumped and looked up at me. "Ohh God," I sobbed as I made my way to his bedside. Who did this to you?"

"They don't have any leads yet. The cops have been taking apart the condo all night. Justin is spending the night at the hotel. God Kevin, I'm so sorry that this happened. If only I had canceled the meeting," JC said with tears in his eyes.

"Who ever did this to Tyler is going to pay!" I hissed through my teeth. Again the comforting hand was laid on my shoulder.

"He doesn't need your anger right now Kevin," Nick said softly. "He needs you to love and support him. There will be time for anger later."

"I know Nick," I replied. "Thank you for reminding me of what is really important right now." I walked to the side of the bed and knelt down and took his hand and held it to my lips. "I should've never left you," I sobbed out. "Well that is never going to happen again."

The next morning From Tyler's point of view.

"Ohhh God I feel like shit," I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. The white light was forcing it's way in and tears stung my eyes as I forced them open and it hit me. I was in the hospital because I had been raped. I groaned again and tried to sit up. I made it half way up when a huge wave of dizziness racked my body.

"Easy there sweetie," said the voice I longed to hear. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw him kneeling at my bedside.

"Kevin," I sobbed out falling into his arms. His strong and comforting arms surrounded my smaller frame. It felt so good to be in his arms and I let it all out. I told him everything. Not that he could understand me very well because I was crying so hard that I couldn't even understand myself. But Kevin just held me and stroked my back and listened to me patiently. "I'm so sorry Kevin," I sobbed out after I was finished. "God I feel so dirty."

"You are not dirty and you have done nothing to be sorry for baby," he sobbed as he tried to comfort me. "I was so scared for you. I tried to get here as fast as I could but the plane wouldn't go faster and Nick kept telling me to be patient but I didn't want to be. I just wanted to get here for you. I'm so sorry that I couldn't get here faster."

"You are here now and that is all that matters Kevin," I said wiping his tears from his eyes.

"You really scared us buddy," spoke a voice. I looked over and saw a shaggy haired Nick standing at the foot of my bed.

"Nick!" I exclaimed smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I had to come because you are my friend and I was worried about you," he smiled his trade mark smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit!" I groaned. "Where is Justin?"

"I assume he is home. I sent JC home when I got here," Kevin spoke up.

"I want to get out of here," I grumbled.

"You will go home when the doctor says it is ok for you to do," Kevin spoke up softly. "You've been through a lot." I looked up at him and saw the pain in his eyes. "God they really did a number on you didn't they?" I shied away from his gaze. I felt his lips grace my cheek where it was swollen. I moaned softly from the touch. "I hate to see you in pain," he whispered as his lips moved to my swollen lip. "I just want to take you in my arms and protect you for the rest of your life." By now I could feel his tears falling on my face. "Fucking Bastards!" he screamed as he stood up and walked away. "I could kill them!"

"Kevin calm down," Nick ordered softly.

"Like hell I will!" Kevin shouted back. "I want those bastards to pay!"

"Good and I agree with you!" Nick shouted back. "But you are upsetting Tyler and he doesn't need it!" That seemed to calm him down a little. The door opened and Justin's head peaked in. "Hey Justin come on in!" Justin stepped in with a back pack on.

"Morning Tyler," He said as he looked me over. "How are you feeling?" I was about to answer when I heard a squeak from his back pack. I giggled as I reached into the pack pack and pulled out Squeaky. I held him to me and cuddled with him for a few seconds. "That little guy was so upset that he kept crying all night so I brought him along with me." I watched as Kevin walked up to Justin and pulled him in a tight hug. I could tell that he was crying.

"Thank you," he sobbed. "Thank you for being there for Tyler and taking care of him." Justin nodded obviously overcome with emotions to trust himself with his voice. I let them have their time alone as I introduced Squeaky to Nick. Nick took him out of my arms and held him up and cooed at him. I could tell that Squeaky really wanted to be back in my arms. And Nick figured it out too and gave him back.

"He is a cutie," he smiled. Squeaky curled up in my lap and drifted off to sleep. "Oh and Travis says hi." I looked up at the sound of Travis's name.

"How did you and him get along?" I asked.

"Well he found out real fast that I bite back!" Nick said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"He didn't!" I exclaimed. Nick pulled his shirt over his head to reveal a nasty bruise from Travis had nipped him.

"Well he won't be biting me any longer," he said looking down at Squeaky napping in my lap. "He and I have come to an agreement. I won't bite him as long as he doesn't bite me." It was at that point that my stomach decided to let the world know that it was hungry. Nick busted up laughing and I glared at him.

"What is so funny guys?" Kevin asked as he took my hand.

"Tyler's stomach just announced that it is time for breakfast," Nick giggled. Kevin and Justin laughed at me and at my growling stomach. I picked up a pillow and tossed it at them. Both of them ducked and the pillow landed square in the face of an Officer just coming through the door. He looked at me with a scolding look.

"Umm sorry Officer," I mumbled.

"I will need to ask you some questions," the officer stated. "If Tyler and I could have some privacy?" Kevin nodded and reached out and grabbed Nick's elbow and pulled him out into the hall.

"What can you tell me about the attackers?" the officer asked me.

"Umm I think there were three of them. One of them was the leader and called all the shots," I started. The officer calmly wrote down the notes. "I couldn't see because they had me blindfolded and I'm pretty sure that they drugged me too. Because my mind was in a fog. I couldn't really focus at all."

"Did the blind fold ever come off at any time?" the officer asked.

"No I don't think so," I answered honestly. If it did come off I didn't remember it. "Like I said they had me tied up and drugged pretty good."

"OK well I got just about all I can get now. I do have to let you know that we gone over the condo that you are staying in. There is no sign of forced entry at all. Is it possible that you let them in and didn't remember?" the Officer asked looking confused.

"No," I insisted. "I do remember very clearly falling to sleep and waking up. That much I am certain of."

"Well we are going to have get blood hair and seaman samples from all of the occupants," the officer stated.

"Than if that is the case than you need to know that Kevin Richardson and I are involved in a relationship." The officer nodded and jotted down the information I gave him.

"By being involved does that mean that you are both sexually active?" he asked. I nodded blushing and looked down. I noticed that Squeaky was awake and was snooping around the bed. I also noticed by the way he looked with his tail twitching and his ears laid back that he was getting naughty and was thinking about pouncing on the officer so I caught him before he could react. "Well Tyler, I have gotten just about all the information I can get. I would recommend getting come help. A rape can be a very traumatic thing to go through. I can give you some names." I nodded my thanks and took the card he offered me. "I hope that Kevin takes good care of you," he said softly. I grew uncomfortable as I realized that the officer was gay and was starting to get a little touchy feely.

"Umm will there be anything else Officer?" I asked nervously.

"No I think that I am done here," the officer said as he got up and left. I looked down at Squeaky who by now was looking all innocently up at me.

"Don't you act all innocent with me young man. You do not pounce on policemen," I giggled. He just blinked his eyes at me and started to chew on my finger. The door popped open and Kevin stuck his head in. "Come on in and you can help me scold our son," I giggled as Squeaky continued to chew on my finger. By the way his eyes looked it was obvious that he was planning on chewing and playing for a little while. Thankfully Kevin took over and kept Squeaky occupied for a while. Justin and Nick came back in with bags of McDonalds. "Food!" I exclaimed holding my hands out. I was rewarded with a bacon and egg bisquit and hash browns and oj. Needless to say they were gone in about a minute. Kevin just shook his head when I swiped on of his hashbrowns.

"You doing all right?" He asked looking concern.

"I'll be fine Kevin," I whispered. The memory of the rape was coming back. I could almost see the face of the leader but it alluded me. "Dammit!" I grumbled.

"What is it sweetie?" he asked as he took a drink of his coffee. Squeaky was busy playing with the empty bag and he was making quite a lot of racket.

"I can almost see the face," I replied.

"But I thought you had a blindfold on," Kevin said as he scooted closer to me and put his arm around me. I snuggled closer to him thankful for him.

"My mind was in drug induced fog Kevin, it is possible that the blindfold did come off. I'm starting to see flashes of faces. Nothing concrete though," I replied sighing heavily. Nick busted up laughing when Squeaky fell off the bed while he was inside a McDonalds bag. Nick picked him up and inspected him to see if he was injured. Squeaky at once begin to play with Nick's hand. Once I was sure that he was ok I turned my attention back to Kevin. "I do know this, the person who was leading the attack was some very close to me." I heard Kevin take a sudden breath in. "I just wish I could see the face again." I was silent for a while as I thought about the night before.

"When can you come home?" Kevin asked.

"I'm not going back to the condo," I said flatly.

"I understand," Kevin replied. "Where do you want to go?" I shrugged my shoulders. "If you want to go home I will understand."

"Will you come with me?" I asked looking up at him.

"Of course I'll come with you baby," he smiled at me as he kissed my nose. The door open and JC walked in and it was obvious from the look on his face that he wasn't happy. He glared at me for a few seconds before sitting down. I could feel Kevin tense up. "You better have a good reason for glaring at my lover like that!"

"Well because of your lover we are all suspects in his rape case. I just got summoned to submit to blood and hair and seamen testing. Justin got one too," he hurled at Kevin as he handed the paper to Justin. "Oh yea and so did you! Thanks a lot Tyler, I really need this right now!"

"Now just a fucking minute!" Kevin hurled back. "It is not his fault!" JC slumped down in a chair glaring at Kevin for a few minutes. "You know I'm right!"

"I know Kevin, and I'm sorry Tyler," he said sighing heavily. "I just don't like the idea of turning over bodily fluids like that."

"I'm sorry you all got dragged into this," I apologiesed to them.

"Hey," Kevin soothed me. "You don't have to be sorry for this. This is none of your fault!" He was quiet for a while and than he looked into my eyes. "We won't be able to go home just yet. The police will want to keep us in town for a while."

"I don't want to go back to the condo," I said softly. "Too many bad memories."

"Than we will spoil you at some fancy hotel," Kevin sugested. "We'll rent a whole pen house suite and camp out in luxory for a week or so."

"What about squeaky?" I asked when I saw Nick wincing in pain as Squeaky was biting his hand. I gently took Squeaky from him. Squeaky decided that my hand was much tastier than Nick's.

"We'll sneak him in," Kevin said grinning as he scratched behind Squeaky's ear. Soon Squeaky was purring loudly. The door opened and in walked the doctor. Kevin very quickly slipped Squeaky back into the back pack and handed it off to Justin. Justin headed out to make the hotel arrangements.

"Good Morning Tyler," the Doctor said as he looked over at my chart. "I will need some privacy while I take a look at Tyler's injuries."

"I want Kevin to stay," I demanded. I wasn't comfortable with me having my clothes off in front of strangers. The doctor nodded and started looking me over. When I took off my shirt for him I could hear Kevin sobbing as he looked at the bite barks and bruises on my back and chest.

"I still want you to be tested for any and all known Sexually transmitted diseases. And I would recommend not having sexual relations until your three HIV Tests come back negative," he explained. I didn't like that idea much and I guess it showed because Kevin was right beside me holding me.

"There are more ways to make love sweetie," he cooed in my ear. Just hearing his voice and feeling beside me seemed to make it better. "When can he go home?" Kevin asked.

"I'm ordering his release this morning. After he signs his release forms he may leave," the Doctor said as he finished his inspection. I was glad when it was over. I quickly slipped my shirt back on to hide the bite marks. I could tell that they upset Kevin something terrible.

"I had Justin bring you some clothes," Kevin commented as he handed me a back pack. I peaked in and spotted Kevin's sweats in them. I took a breath and discovered that they were sprayed with Kevin's cologne. "I thought you would like that." I grinned at him and quickly slipped them on. I was glad to be rid of the hospital gown. I noticed that Kevin was talking on the phone with Justin.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he hung up the phone. I nodded and we headed out of the room. After signing all the release forms we were on our way to the hotel. Kevin was really quiet on the way home and I just let him think. Sometimes it helps to leave him alone so he can think. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." I looked over at him and saw his face wet with tears. "I'm never leaving you alone again. I don't care what people say about it. And I'm asking Kristin for a seperation." Ok so there are things in this world that can be said that can bring the world to a screeching halt. And that was one of them. The rest of the ride was in silence. I didn't trust myself to talk right now. Kevin had just announced that he was going to separate from Kristin. That was a hug step and I didn't quite know how to take it. "Baby?" he asked softly. "You're really quiet," he commented as he put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"Were you really serious about leaving Kristin?" I asked softly.

"Yes I was," Kevin replied. "I am living a lie and I won't do that any more. And your happiness and safety are too important to me. I'm so sorry that you getting raped made me realize just how much I loved you. When I heard that you were raped I wanted to die." His eyes were brimming with tears as he looked down at me.

"You're not going to come out are you?" I asked scared of his answer.

"I don't know Tyler," he replied. "I'm just tired of pretending to be something I'm not."

"But what about your career?" I asked.

"Fuck my career!" he hurled at me. "If I can't be happy with who I am because of my career than maybe it is time to change it!"


Ok any comments on this story? Is anyone even reading it? If so let me know what you think!!!!

e-mail me at frnceso@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6: Lone Ranger or Zorro 17 18

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