Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jul 25, 2001


Lone Ranger or Zorro Copy right 2000

By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with out the permission of the author, with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

Comments welcome at frnceso@yahoo.com

Lone Ranger or Zorro

Chapter 17

"Kevin Richardson and Tyler Jones," Kevin told the clerk at the front desk.

"Yes sir," the clerk said. "You will be staying in Penthouse Suite number 4. It is the very top one and our best one sir. Enjoy your stay." I cringed when I saw the clerk look at me closely. I could tell that the sight of my face all swollen up upset him. "If you need anything don't hesitate to call.

"Umm we will be expecting law enforcement people to be showing up here to ask questions. They are a part of an ongoing investigation. Please send them right up to our suite without any questions," Kevin instructed. "All other visitors are to be cleared through me."

"I understand sir," the clerk replied. Soon we were in the elevator on our way to our suite. I noticed that Kevin was quiet again. After the announcement that he was going to separate from Kristin he was very quiet. I allowed his time alone. I figured that when he was ready to talk he would. When the elevator stopped the door open and we walked into our suite. It was huge and very elaborate. I spent the next few minutes snooping around. I could hear squeaky somewhere in the suite. I could also hear Justin calling for him. I looked back at Kevin and saw that he was staring hard at me. Finally he shook his head and turned and headed into another part of the suite. Sighing I gingerly sat down in the soft confines of the leather couch. I heard a loud squeak and I got up to see that I had sat on him and Squeaky was glaring up at me.

"Justin!" I shouted. "I found Squeaky!" I picked up the little guy and sat back down. Justin walked through the door and held open his arms.

"Can I pick them or what?" he asked grinning his trademark grin.

"What about the cat?" I asked him. "How did you slip him by?"

"Didn't have too. They have a pet policy," Justin said as he plopped down beside me and reached over to pet Squeaky I almost laughed when Squeaky swatted his little paw at him. Justin withdrew his hand and stuck his tongue at the little fur ball. This time I did laugh. He laughed too and pulled me into a small hug.

"Thank you Justin," I said softly looking down.

"Hey," he replied softly. "I care about you. I want you to be safe." I don't know what it was; maybe everything was catching up to me. Because I started to cry and when I started I couldn't stop. I welcomed Justin's arms as he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry," he whispered to me. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"I can't make love to Kevin," I sobbed out.

"Is that what has you so upset?" Justin asked. I nodded and sniffled loudly. "There are other ways to make love Tyler," He said softly as he wiped some tears from my face.

"But it is not the same," I sobbed out. "I want to be able to give myself fully to him and now I can't!" I was starting to get angry and I guess Squeaky figured he had better scat and he did by running under the couch. The more I thought about it the madder I got. I lashed out and kicked the coffee table over. The loud crash got Justin's attention.

"Tyler, please calm down," he pleaded.

"Calm down?" I demanded. "Why the fuck should I do that? I just got raped by a bunch of assholes and you want me to calm down?"

"Ok maybe you should vent a little," Justin, replied sheepishly. I got up and walked to the French doors and stepped out onto the balcony. I looked down over the city. I missed being on the beach. And the fact that I couldn't go there right now made me angry too.

"Fuck!" I screamed loudly. "Why?" I screamed again. I heard the door open and felt two arms around me. I tried to get loose by they only held on tighter. "Let me go!" I seethed.

"I can't do that Tyler," Kevin said softly but firmly. "Your hurting and I won't leave you alone. I won't let you go through this alone."

"I was raped," I sobbed. "Those bastards raped me and I want them to pay!" I was getting dizzy from the emotions I was experiencing. "Why?" I sobbed. "Why is this happening to me?" My knees gave out and I fell forward only to be caught by Kevin's arms. He picked me up and carried me into the penthouse suite and passed Justin. Justin's eyes were bright with unshed tears.

"I'm going to put him to bed Justin," Kevin said softly as he cradled my head to his chest. "See if you can find some lunch and a mild sedative."

"No!" I sobbed with my eyes wide with fear. "No drugs!"

"But Tyler," Kevin started.

"No!" I screamed struggling in his arms. "I won't be drugged ever again!"

"Ok sweetie," Kevin quickly replied to calm me. "No drugs I promise." I calmed down when I heard Kevin promise. He carried me into the room and laid me on the bed and started to take off my clothes. I shied away from his touch. I felt dirty and used and unworthy of his love. Kevin paused what he was doing and sat down beside me. I shivered when he pressed his lips to my bare shoulder. "You are so beautiful," he breathed.

"I'm ugly," I retorted as I scooted away from him. I heard him sigh and felt his hands on my shoulders and he gently but firmly turned me towards him. I looked into his eyes and saw the tears streaming down his face. His eyes traveled down my chest. His and reached out and traced a bite mark on my shoulder. His eyes squeezed shut and a sob escaped his mouth.

"God," he sobbed. "Why did they do that to you baby?" I took his head and laid it on my other shoulder and let him cry his heart out. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you Tyler." I realized that I wasn't the only one hurting. Kevin was broken up over this too. "I swear I will spend the rest of my life protecting you." After he got himself under control he continued to undress me. He winced again at the sight of the bruises. He stood up and held out his hand and I looked up at him confused. "I want to give you a nice hot bath." I smiled and took his hand and let him lead me into the bathroom. I found that he had already filled the tub with steaming hot water that was overflowing with bubbles. I raised my eyebrows at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, can I help it if I want to spoil my sweetie?" At some point I realized that he was naked too. I watched him step into the tub and reach for my hand. I gave it to him and stepped into the tub too. After lying down in the tub he gently guided me down so that he was cradling me. His strong and safe arms were surrounding me. I moaned softly as his hand started to gently massage my shoulders. "Does that feel good sweetie?" he asked in his deep bedroom voice, the one he uses right before he gets ready to make love to me. I moaned again and nodded. "Ok," he chuckled. "I guess I can take that as a yes." We spent the next hour soaking in the tub. During that time I allowed him to wash every inch of my body. He busted up sobbing again when he saw what had happened to my rectum. I hated to see him in so much pain but I let him deal with his emotions and was they're holding him and supporting him. After he helped me out of the tub I noticed that he was erect and it hit me. He couldn't make love to me with out putting himself in danger. My throat choked up as I thought about everything he had done to make me feel better. I took off running into the room and threw myself onto the bed face in the pillow. Kevin sat down next to me and rubbed my shoulders. "It is all right Tyler," he said softly. "We will get through this."

"But your all excited and I can't help you," I sniffled out. To my shock he giggled softly. "I'm glad you think it is funny!" I hurled at him as I pouted.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you Tyler," Kevin said in a very controlled voice. "But you are not ready to do any thing sexual to me. I mean look at what you went through? I don't expect anything from you that you are not ready for."

"Yea but what are you going to do about jr?" I asked looking down at his now limp cock. Even in it's limp state it was a beautiful work of art. I couldn't help licking my lips.

"Uh uh," Kevin lightly scolded me. "You are taking a nice long nap." I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. "That is not going to work. Now let's get you under the blankets." Kevin held the blankets up and I slid under the silk sheets. To my pleasant surprise he slid in with me. I snuggled up to him as close as I could get. I did feel a little scared when his cock touched my but cheek. The old fear of the rape came back but I pushed it out of my head. Kevin's lips gently pressed down on mine. "Sleep baby," he whispered in my ear as he lightly nibbled on my ear sending erotic shivers through me.

"Squeak?" meowed Squeaky. Kevin looked up and saw that scruffy Kitty climbing his way over.

"Oh so you want to take a nap too?" Kevin chuckled as he picked Squeaky up and laid him beside me. "Now you two let's get some sleep."

Chapter 18

From Kevin's point of view.

I was sleeping soundly but I could hear someone screaming in the background. I struggled to wake up. After forcing my eyes open I discovered that Tyler was curled up in a tight ball screaming his lungs out.

"Stop!" he screamed. "Why?" His body was covered in sweat and he was trembling. The sobs that were coming from his body rocked me to my very soul. I touched his shoulder and he lurched away from me screaming.

"Tyler!" I said with force. "Wake up!" I shook his shoulder with force causing him to jerk up sitting up in bed. He continued to scream even though his eyes were open and he looked frantically around the room.

"Noooo!" he wailed out. "Nooooooo," he wailed again. "Kevin!" he pleaded. I grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at me.

"Tyler wake up!" I shouted at him. He tried to struggle out of my arms. I had never realized just how strong he was. His eyes were wide with fright as he struggled to get away from my grip. Finally as a last resort I slapped him hard across his face. The force of the blow shocked him awake.

"What the fuck was that for?" he demanded rubbing his cheek.

"You were having a nightmare," I told him as I gathered him in my arms. I could still feel him trembling from the fright of it. "I couldn't get you awake baby," I sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I hit but I couldn't figure out how to wake you." I could tell that he was calming down.

"I'm sorry I scared you Kev," he whispered in my ear as he kissed me on the cheek. I broke away and looked at him. He was slick with sweat and his hair was all wild. "God what a nightmare!" he breathed.

"Do you remember any of it?" I asked rubbing his shoulder. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head in frustration.

"Bits and pieces," he muttered. "I see parts of faces but the memory just isn't there. Just when I'm almost there than it eludes me. Dammit Kevin!" he shouted in anger. "Why can't I remember?"

"We have to give it time baby," I soothed him. "Can you remember anything at all?"

"I just have this strong feeling that it was someone I am close to," he said looking into my eyes. "Someone I know and someone who I thought was my friend did this." The fact that someone close to my sweetie was responsible for the rape sent cold shivers up my spine. I heard a knocking at the door.

"Come in," I called out. The door open and JC stuck his head in. I could see concern written all over his face.

"Is everything all right?" he asked. It was an innocent enough questions but it enraged me for some reason.

"No JC!" I shouted in anger. "Everything is not all right! My lover just got raped and the shit beaten out of him. How the hell do you expect anything to ever be all right again?" JC cringed and started to step back out of the room. "Wait JC," I sighed looking over at Tyler who was wearing a scolding look on his face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. This is none of your fault and I had no right to unload on you like that."

"Hey," JC soothed as he sat next me and put his arm around me. "This has gotta be hard on you. I mean I don't know what I would do if I was in your shoes. So if you want to vent all over me than feel free." Turning to Tyler. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine as fine as I can be," he muttered.

"Do you remember anything?" JC asked looking concerned.

"Not yet," Tyler replied. "I'm close though. Every time I can see his face but I just can't remember it."

"Well don't try and force it man," JC said with a sympathetic smile. "Just let it come to you."

"Yea but the night mares," Tyler whispered shaking. "I don't know how much longer I can deal with them."

"As painful as the nightmares might be they just might be the key to your recovery," JC replied.

"Yea but in the mean time that animal goes free!" Tyler seethed.

"Weren't there three of them?" JC blurted out. I looked hard at JC.

"How the hell do you know how many there were?" I hurled at him.

"It is in the report," JC said quickly. "The police think that there were three rapists. Oh and by the way I'm no longer a suspect. They got the results back."

"That has got to be a relief for you JC," Tyler smiled at him. "And for me too. It's not comfortable thinking that maybe a good friend was responsible for something as horrible as committing rape."

"Yea it is a relief," JC sighed. "I'm selling the condo."

"But you loved that place," Tyler spoke up.

"Not anymore," JC mumbled. "There is an evil shroud that covers that place now."

"I'm so sorry," Tyler said looking down. "I feel like this is all my fault."

"Hey," JC said softly laying his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "This is none of your fault. Whoever did this to you is the one to blame. Stop thinking that this is your fault because it is not!" Tyler nodded and looked away. "Well I leave you too alone for a while. Do you all want dinner anytime soon?"

"Yea JC," I said smiling at him. "We'll be out in a few minutes." Turning back to Tyler I had to smile. It seems that Squeaky decided that he wanted to play. Tyler had the little guy on his back and he was tickling him on this belly and Squeaky was kicking with his hind feet and chewing on Tyler's hand. His ears were laid back and his little eyes were as black as can be. "Having fun you two?" I asked. Tyler let Squeaky up and the little guy let out a small hiss and took off. I had to laugh at him as he bounded out of the room. I laughed harder as I heard JC yelp.

"Hey leave my feet alone you little fur ball!" JC yelled at him. I looked back at Tyler when I heard him snort with laughter.

"Come on sweetie," I said to him softly. "Let's get you in the shower."

As the warm water fell over us I busied myself with the task of cleaning my sweetie. I noticed that the swelling in his face had gone down a lot. "You look a lot better sweetie," I said to him as I planted a kiss on his shoulder. I jerked when I felt a hand on my cock. "Hey!" I yelped as I looked down. I heard Tyler giggle. I gently took his hand and moved it away.

"Please?" Tyler pleaded with me with his eyes bright with unshed tears. "I need to make you feel good."

"I don't want to push you into anything that you are not ready for," I said as I ran my hand through his hair. Tyler nodded and went back to taking his shower. He was quiet for the rest of the shower. When he got out he shrugged me off and started to dry himself off. "Please Tyler," I said with my voice chocking up.

"No, I understand," Tyler said softly. "I wouldn't want to be with someone who had been used and abused like me."

"Oh no Tyler," I sobbed out as I made my way over to him. I gathered him in my arms. He tried to get free but this time I didn't let him go. "NO!" I shouted at him. He cringed at my outburst. "You need to understand what I am going through first." He nodded and stopped and struggling. I guided him to the bed and sat him down. "I love you and your happiness and your mental well being comes first." Tyler looked up at me with tears flowing down his face. I used my thumb to wipe the tears away from his angelic face. "You have been through a horrible thing. A rape is horrible crime and it takes time to get over. And I don't think you are used and abused. I don't think you are ugly or disgusting. I love you and I care for you. I want to make love to you too. But you need time to heal first. And we have to make sure you are clean too."

"But what about you?" Tyler asked laying his head on my chest. "You need to be loved too. And I know you can't make love to me like you used but there are things I can do for you."

"And I will take you up on that offer I'm sure. But you need to take some time and get over the rape first. I would die if I pushed you into anything that you were not ready for." Tyler nodded and kissed me on my nipple. "Now let's put some clothes on and join the world of the living."

"Yea I'm sure that Squeaky is really picking on poor JC by now," Tyler giggled. I picked up a box and handed it to him.

"Here put these on," I smiled at him. He took the box and took out a pair of silk pajama bottoms and silk robe and a pair of silk boxers too. They were black his favorite color. He grinned and quickly slipped them on. I got dressed in a matching set only mine was royal blue.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "You look hot!" I blushed and looked down. "Well you do!" he giggled as he took my hand and led me out of the room.

"Well look who finally joined the land of living," spoke up cheerful Nick. I laughed when I heard Tyler's stomach growl loudly. There was a reason for it too. I spotted a food service cart and I had to admit that the aroma of the food was getting to me too. I smiled as I watched as Tyler started serving up two plates. I quickly went to his side and took the plates from him.

"You go and sit down and let me get that for you," I said to him. He looked like he was going to argue with me. "Uh uh," I said putting my finger to his lips. "I promised that I would spoil you and I meant it. This is your vacation and you deserve some pampering." He nodded and sat down at the table and waited for me to finish serving up our plates. I placed the plate in front of him and sat down across from him.

"So did you two have a good nap?" Justin asked as he sat down at the table to.

"Yes it was nice until I had a nightmare," Tyler said shuddering from the memory.

"I'm sorry that you couldn't sleep as well as you wanted to," Justin said laying his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"Thanks Justin, I'm glad that Kevin was there to help me," Tyler said grinning.

"Tyler?" I asked softly. Tyler looked at me. "You going to eat your dinner?"

"Yes dear," Tyler said grinning. We sat quietly through the rest of the meal enjoying each other company. It was almost as if we were the only ones in the room. I just enjoyed looking into his eyes and he looked like he enjoyed looking into mine. "You have something on your chin," He whispered as he reached across the table with a napkin and wiped my chin off. "Got it," he smiled.

"Thank you," I said smiling at him. "So what do you want to do after dinner?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I um have an um ideal." He raised his eyebrows at my stammering.

"And that would be?" he asked with his eyes twinkling with laughter and his lips turned up in that lopsided grin that drove me wild.

"Well umm I was wondering if you wanted to umm maybe sit by the fireplace and have some wine and maybe umm dance with me?" I looked down at my plate and found myself moving my food around the plate. I blushed furiously at my shyness.

"Well Mr. Richardson," he said batting his eyebrows at me. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Umm yea kinda?" I replied. 'OH God why the floor just swallow me whole?' I pleaded to myself. "You free tonight?"

"Well I'll have to check with my boyfriend," he chuckled.

Later that night the lights were turned down and there were candles surrounding us casting a soft light on us. I looked down at Tyler. The silk that he was wearing was shimmering in the soft natural light making him look even hotter than before. He was staring into the fireplace and his left hand was resting on my leg and his right hand was gently petting Squeaky, who was purring very loudly with his eyes closed. Justin and Nick had spent an hour getting the living room ready. They had lit almost 30 candles and had arranged the large soft cushions around the fireplace. They had quietly left the suite so that we could be alone. JC on the other hand was still in the suite in his room asleep. So we had the suite pretty much to ourselves. Soft music was playing in the background. I was startled awake when I felt the sharp claws of Squeaky as he made his way up my arm.

"Hey there little guy," I smiled down at him. He just blinked his eyes up at me and continued to investigate his other master.

"He wants to get to know you," Tyler said in a sleepy voice.

"You enjoying yourself?" I asked looking down at him.

"This is very relaxing," he sighed looking back into the soft crackling fireplace. "Thank you."

"For?" I asked.

"For being the greatest boyfriend I could have," he said as he leaned in and kissed me on my chest. I moaned softly as his lips found my abs. "I want to make you feel so good."

"Baby, I don't want--," but he stopped me by pressing his lips to mine.

"Shhh," he ordered me. "I need to do this." He smiled at me as he pulled on my string that held my robe together. Very slowly he removed the robe from me. "You are so incredibly sexy," he breathed as his lips attacked my shoulder. I moaned again as his teeth gently bit my shoulder. I watched in amazement as his lips traveled down my chest and abs. His lips were like liquid fire blazing down to my crotch. His hands gently grabbed the waistband and slid them down. He smiled widely and licked his lips as his hand wrapped around my shaft.

"Oooh God Tyler," I moaned.

"Shhhh," he ordered me.

'Yea right,' I thought to myself. I watched in amazement as his lips found my cock. His tongue traced the head of my cock stopping to rest on the slit. "Please Tyler," I pleaded.

"Please what?" he looked up at me with love filled eyes. "Tell me what you want."

"I want your mouth around my cock," I pleaded.

"You mean like this?" he asked as he slid the entire length of my cock down his throat.

"OOOOHHHH GOD YES!" I groaned loudly. I watched in amazement as my lover made love to me with his mouth. His eyes were closed and his face wore the expression of pure happiness. I laid back and gently ran my hand through his hair gently massaging his scalp. I couldn't help but hear the slurping noises that were coming from his lips as he continued to suck my cock. I was getting closer to orgasm. "Tyler?" I asked in a strained voice. "I'm getting close baby." This only served him to move faster. I could tell that he wanted me to cum in his mouth. I was scared to do it because of the rape. Tears filled my eyes as I approached my orgasm. Finally I couldn't hold it back any more. I exploded into his mouth and he swallowed every drop. The tears started to fall and I started to sob. I fell back onto the cushions covering my face with my hands. I could hear Tyler calling to me but I didn't look at him. I couldn't look at him.

From Tyler's point of view.

"Kevin," I pleaded. "Please talk to my baby." He got up and took off running into the bedroom. I quickly followed him. I heard the bathroom door slam. I knocked on it. "Kevin open up!" I demanded. "Don't make me break this door down. I heard the lock unlock and he walked out. "Please tell me what is wrong."

"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I shouldn't have made you do that." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

"You didn't make me do anything love," I said to him softly.

"But it is too soon," he wailed.

"No it wasn't!" I insisted. "I made love to you with my mouth because I wanted to. And you needed to know that I loved you!"

"Are you sure?" he asked with tears still in his eyes.

"Yes I'm sure," I assured him. "I love you and I needed to show you that I loved you."

"Can we have that dance now?" he asked smiling at me.

"Of course we can have that dance," I smiled at him. I let him take me in his arms and lead me back out in the living room and we danced until the late hours of the night.


"I love you Tyler," Kevin said in my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back. I heard a squeak and look up to see our child making his way over to us. "Look who has joined us?"

"You want to sleep with us?" Kevin asked Squeaky.

"Squeak!" meowed Squeaky as he lay down beside me.

"Good Night my little family," whispered Kevin as he wrapped his arms around me.


Next: Chapter 7: Squeakys Story

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