Lone Ranger or Zorro

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jul 25, 2001


Squeaky's story.

By Frnceos all rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduce in any way with out the permission of the author, with the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the REAL Backstreet Boys. This is a fictional story about five talented young men and their love of music. Aspects of this story may contain strong Homosexual acts committed between two consenting adults. If you are under the age of 18 please vacate this story. The author takes no responsibility for underage readers. Last warning. If underage scat! If you are legal than enjoy.

Comments welcome at frnceso@yahoo.com

This takes place the next morning after Chapters 17&18

From Squeaky's point of view.

"Ok where is the strange smelling one? You know the one with the wild hair? I feel the need to chase feet and he is the most likely candidate." I look up at my master demanding an answer. He just looks down at me and smiles. But I can see the sadness in his eyes. "Why are you so sad?" I asked him. He chuckles and leans down and picks me up. "Whoa there!" I shout at him. "I'm not a dog you know! We kitties have to be treated with kid gloves you know!"

"When are you going to start meowing like normal kitties?" he asked me as he rubbed noses with me.

"Hey what's wrong with the way I meow?" I demanded and I try to chew on his nose. He just giggles and puts me down on his lap. "Ohh goodie!" I purr. "I love sitting in his lap. My own personal throne." The really tall one walks in. I could feel my master getting exited. It is a happy excitement so I am happy too. I stand up and put my front paws on Tall ones leg and look up. "Pet me now!" I demand. The hand comes down and reaches around my head and starts scratching my ears. "OOOOHHHH YEA!" I moan. "That's the spot. Hey!" I glare up at him. "I did not give you permission to stop! Continue to pet me."

"Good morning love," Tall one said to my master. Leaning down he presses his lips to him. I could tell by the growing hill in my master's lap that he liked whatever it was tall one was doing to him. Tall one started to moan and than started to sit in his lap.

"HEY!" I meowed loudly. "I'm still here!" I jumped off and headed into the other room.

"Hey Squeak!" exclaimed Justin. I walked up to him and sat down and looked up at him. "How's it hangin?"

"Hanging?" I meowed at him. "What do you mean?" He reached down and picked me up and sat me on his shoulders. I love sitting on his shoulder. He is really tall and I can see the world. I hear a door open and spot my prey. "PHFFFFFFFT!" I hiss at him. I don't like JC. He gives off a mean feeling. He glares at me and I glare back digging my claws into Justin's shoulder.

"Hey easy with the claws there," Justin giggles as he reaches up and pats me.

"Sorry about that, but I don't like him. Make him go away!" I growl at Justin glaring at JC.

"What you don't like JC?" Justin asked.

"NO!" I meow louder. "Make him go away!"

"You know that furball gets on my nerves," JC hurles at Justin.

"PHFFFFFT!" I hiss again. "Put me down Justin!" I meow at him. "Let me at his feet! I'll teach him!" Justin took me off of his shoulder and cradled me in his arms and carried me into the kitchen. I love Justin. He was the one who first saw me and rescued me from that mean old warehouse of animals. The dogs were always barking. I did like the fish and birds they looked tasty. But they never let me out of the cage to eat them. I watched as Justin got out a box of food and poured it in a bowl and poured white stuff in it and than he sat down and used this shiny thing and started to eat. "No! No that is not how you eat!" I scolded him. "Here let me show you." I stuck my head in his bowl and started to lick up the milky stuff. "Hey this stuff is really good."

"Hey!" yelped Justin as he picked me up and set me down on the floor. "You have your own food!" I heard my master laugh behind me. I turned and ran up to him.

"Pick me up!" I ordered him. "I want to be petted. Oh and if you put me in JC's room I can use the bathroom in his shoe!" He sat me down beside to bowls. One had clear liquid in it. Water I think is what they called it. I stuck my tongue in it and licked some of it up. "YUCK," I looked up at my master. "I'm not eating that! Give me something good. Give me what Justin has. Now that is some good stuff." I watched him pour something out of a bag and the aroma hit my nose. "Yummy!" I meowed loudly and stuck my head in the bowl and started chowing down.

"Easy there Squeaky," my Master laughed at me. "If you eat to fast you will get sick."

"Hah!" I resumed eating. "Humans! what do they know?" As I continued to eat my breakfast I could hear my Master and Tall One talking.

"So what are we doing today?" asked my master.

"What ever you want to do Tyler," Tall One asnwered. I could hear them making smacking noises. I turned and look at them and saw that the tall one named Kevin had his lips attached to my master's lips. From the expression of my Master's face he was enjoying himself.

"Hey!" I meowed at them. "Kitty here eating do you mind?" They just continued sucking eachothers lips. I rolled my eyes and gave up and went back to eating. I heard Justin bust up laughing as he pointed to me.

"He just rolled his eyes at you two!" Justin giggled as he got up and put his bowl in the sink.

"That is impossible Justin," JC said as he glared at me. "Cats do not roll there eyes."

"PHFFFFFFT!" I hissed at him. "Watched out smelly one! Or I'm gonna make lunch out of your toes." To let him know I was serious I pounced on his feet and wrapped my legs around his feet and started to chew on his toe.

"Ouch!" shouted JC as he tried to shake me free. "This little monster is trying to eat my feet!" I could hear Kevin laugh and I felt his hand wrap around me and pick me up. He swung me up and around so that I was staring down at his face. I decided that I liked Kevin. He had kind eyes. And beside my master thought he tasted good so that had to mean something. I blinked my eyes at him and started to chew on his finger.

"What's wrong Squeaky?" Kevin asked with a laughing voice. "That bad JC picking on you?"

"Yea Kevin!" I meowed at him. "Make him go away!" He cradled me in his arm and made his way to a glass pot on a heated pad and poured the dark brown liquid from it and into a cup. I sniffed at it. "Hmmmm smells good," I thought to myself and I promptly stuck my nose in it.

"Squeaky no!" Kevin shouted but it was to late. The scalding hot liquid hit my nose. I hissed loudly at it and swatted at it with my paw. By now everyone was laughing at me.

"Oh you guys stop laughing at him," Crazy blonde one said named Nick. He took me from Kevin and put me on his shoulder. I rubbed my nose with my paw to try to make the pain go away. "You want some ice for that?" Nick said he went to the big white box and opened it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "This is new. Cold but new. This needs to be investigated." I hopped off of his shoulder and into the white box and started to walk around sniffing things. I put my nose to the big bag of frozen fish and smelled. Only problem was my nose got stuck. "Here let me help." Nick said laughing at me. He gently pulled my nose off the fish and removed me from the white box. I shivered when I was brought out into the warm air.

"Here," my Master said. "He is going to use up all of nine lives before lunch." He took me in his arms and carried me out of the room and put me in the bedroom and on the bed. "Now you stay here and out of trouble." I walked up to his pillow and climbed up on it and curled up and closed my eyes. I inhaled deeply enjoying his smell. I liked the way my master smelled. He had a happy smell to him. Except for the bad night he had a bad smell to him. He was hurt and so sad and his smell said that he was hurt and sad. I didn't like that smell. I heard the door close and I went to sleep.

"I don't care what you have to do," JC shouted. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was really quiet in the room. I climbed down the bed and onto the floor and walked out into the living room. "I'm not paying you good money to keep your mouth shut for nothing!"

"What is money?" I meowed at him.

"Fuck off Cat!" he glared at me.

"PHHFFFFT!" I spit at him. He went to kick me and I took off. A shoe slammed up against the wall just missing me by inches.

"Your days are number you stupid cat!" JC hurled at me. I turned and hissed at him again slinked off into the kitchen and got a drink of that clear stuff called water. It wasn't to bad. But I really liked that white stuff that Justin was eating. I walked around the rest of my kingdom looking for my master meowing loudly as I looked around. "He is not here to protect you!" JC hurled at me. He grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I tried to get away but he just held me infront of his face. I was scared of that look. It was really mean. "It is just you and me shit head!" He shoved me in my cage and slammed the door and sat me on top of the counter top.

"Hey Let me out!" I demanded. He just laughed at me and headed out the door. I continued to meow hoping that someone would hear me. After what seemed like hours the door open and my master and Kevin came in. Kevin was laughing and pointing at my Master. "Hey help!" I meowed loudly. My master looked over at me and opened the cage and took me out. I clung to him like no tomorrow. "JC was really bad. He told me to fuck off and called me stupid and a shit head and than he locked me up and and," I rattled on.

"Oh I know," my master cooed at me. "Life is just so hard for a kitty. But you don't have to worry anymore. Daddy is home to protect you."

"You're going to make him go away right?" I asked my master.

"Yes sweetie, daddy is home," my master cooed again.

"EEEEEW why isn't anyone listening to me?" I demanded. I bit his finger to make my point.

"Hey no biting!" my master scolded me. I quickly licked his finger to let him know that I was sorry. I started purring really loud to let him know I was really sorry. "OK I forgive you."

"Hey Tyler?" asked Kevin. "Leave Squeaky alone and pay attention to me."

"Ok dear," Tyler said grinning. "I'm just going to feed him and I will join you in the living room."

It is late at night. My tummy is full and my master is being held by Kevin. I'm laying on a soft pillow looking into the fireplace. I was happy. I had a great master. Kevin was really cool and I was so happy that he loved my master. Justin was cool too. He was always nice to me. He let me ride on his shoulder all the time. Tonight he took me outside and let me look out over the city. I was so happy to be able to see the world outside. Than there was Nick. He has a very kind heart. Some times I think that he can understand me. He looks at me with those big blues eyes and I get lost in them. I see great sadness in them, kind of like my master's eyes. I don't ever want to leave my life. The only thing I would change is the way JC treats me. I don't like him because he is mean. I can see it in his eyes.

"You tired?" Kevin asked my master in a soft voice.

"A little," my master asked.

"You ready for bed?" Kevin asked him. I heard a moan and than I felt myself being lifted up. "Come on little family," Kevin said softly. "Lets go to bed."

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